HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12229 P 649 ~ L I )d,~~ P foLfo; lo3-Lf-'fO '. OO:""SUL T YOCR LAWYER IEFORE Sllo....ING TIllS 11IS'I1WMII\"T.TIlIS ~'STRlJ)IlI\"T SHOIILD IE USED IV I.AWYERS o."lU. RECORDING REQUESTED BY: LAW FIRM Of MARK S. EGHRARI AND ASSOCIATES PLLC WREN RECORDED MAD. TO JOSEPH M. METZNER and JUNE S. METZNER PO Box 157 eUII:bog~, New York 11935 TAX MAP NO. 103.4-40 THIS INDENTURE. made Novcmbcr 06. 2002. BETWEEN JOSEPH M. METLNER and JUNE S. METZNER residing at 65 Emory Road, Cutrboguc, New York 11935 partyoflbc Wstpart. and JOSEPH M. METZNER and JUNE S. METLNER. Trustees, or tbcit sutceSSOlS in ltuSl, UDder the METZNER LIVING TRUST, dall:d Novcmber 06. 2002 and any amendmcnls Ihctcto 65 Emory Road, CUtcbogue, New York 11935 party ofthc liecoad part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the fust part, in considcraliOll oflen dollm paid by the patty of the second patt, docs hm:by Remise, Reinlie and Quitrlaim unto the pany of the liecond part. the heirs or succcsaon and assigns of the party oflhe IiCCond part fOlCYCl, AI.L that certain plot, piece or parcel of IaDd. wilh the buildings and itqlrovements thereon erected, si\Uatc, lying and being ill the enunly of Suffolk. SIBle of Ncw York SEE LEGAL DIiSCJUPTlON ON EXHIBIT A, ATTACHED HERETO. Said property known sa: 6S Emory Road, Clltchoguc, New York 11935 TOGETHER with aD ri&f1t. titIc and inn:est, if any. oflhc party of the lint pan in and to any sltccIs and toads lbutting!be above dc:sc:n"bcd premises to !be c:cnler IiIlC$ thctcof; TOGE1lfER wilh the apputtc_s and all the cslllle and rigbls ofthc pany oflhc fIrSt part in and to said pmoiscs; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein gnmtcd unto !be party of the SCCOlId pan, the heirs or IIICCCSSOI'S and assips oftbe party of the IiCCond part fOlCVet. AND the party ofthc fint part, in compliance with Seclion 13 of !be Lien Law, bcrcby covenants that the party ofthc first part will receive !be considctaliOll for Ibis COJIvcyance and will hold the right to tcecive such c:onsidmtion sa a !lust fiIlld to be applicd tint for the purpcISC of paying the cost ofimprovcmcnt and will Dpplytbc same fim to thc payment oftbc cost of!be improvcmcat before using any part ofthc to1IIl ofthc same fot any other JllIIP05e. The ...'Old "pattyft shaD be CDDSlrucd as if it n:ad upanicsft wbcncvet the sense of Ibis iodcntutc so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party oftbc fU'St part has duly execulCd Ibis deed tbc day and year fIrSt above written. ~~:90~-' -~>~ STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS On No\'ClIIbct 06, 2002. before me, the IIIIdc:nigncd. ptlSODDlly appeared JOSEPH M. METZNER and JUNE S. METZNER, personally known to me or proved to me 011 the basis of satisfhctory evidence to be the individuals whosc names an: subscn"bcd to the within illSltWllellt and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacities and that by IiIcir signatures on the inslrWneDt, the individuals, Dr Ihc pcnons upon behalf of whicb thc individuals aclCd, CllCCUted the insttumcnl. ~~~~,.1iL. -Signature ofNDtaty Public SUSAN RIBUUA Notary Public, Slate 01 New YlIIk No. 01 RI6019246 Qualified in Sullolk County "\.... '\"';). Commission Expires February I,CIUJ ...J '. Exhibit A 65 Emory Road, Cutehogue, New York 11935 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at East CUlChogue, in the Town of South old, County ofSufTolk and State of New York. known and designated as Lot 17 on a certain map entitled, "Map of SUMY Shon:s at East Cutchogue" and filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on August 30, 1960 as Map Number 3231. BEING and intended to be the same premises described on a certain deed dated March 24, 1983 and n:c:on:led in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 30, 1983 in Libel 9334 Page 435, .oj I . ~2 ] Number of pllSC'S TORRENS ~ RECORIJE~ 2003 Jon 10 11.00.33 ilIl Edward P.Romain~ CLERK OF SUfFtUC COUNTY L D00012229 P 649 l>Tl02-2Z700 smolN CertirKule II PriOl" Of. N Deed I Mortpge In.ltument Deed I Monlllge To. Slanlp FEES RecORling I Filing Stamps 4 Page I Filing Fee q 6 5 Mortpge Ami. Handling TP-S84 I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Total EA-52 17 (County) __ Sub Total . ,;11 RP.T.5.A 5 /J6 ~ - C....ified Copy Reg. Copy Other /6 Sub Totol SpecJAssi.. 0. Spec. lAde!. TOT. MTG" TAX Dual Town_I"'o. Cwnty_ field for Apponionmenl ~ l'mnsfer l"ax VL---, Mansion Tox _ The property covered by this lIIUf1pgo is OJ" will be improved by a one or two ran.ily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate:' IDX c~ page /I _arthis inSlrumcnl. EA-52 17 (Slate) Conun. of Ed. S~ Affidavil GRAND TOTAl. l Real Property Tax Service AgellC). Vermeation Dist. Seelion B loc:k Lot 6 Communit I'rcscrvalion F nd Consideration Amount S Stamp 1000 10300 0400 040000 CJ>>F "'-ax Due . S Date Improved Initials Vacant Land 3 Satisfactions/Discharges/Relea...s List Property Owners Mailing Add.... RECORD .. RETURN TO: It) ~ Go C'Jcrj. 167 ~IM1 \\C\"~7 TO TO TO 9 Suffolk COUll 8 Title Company Information Co. Name ~ Tillctl e lhis page forms JlIIrI of the atlachcd ~~'~d" ~'D .,. ~Lr-"" (SPEaI'Y TYPE OF INl"RUMENT ) made: b)': TO .Ihe pn...ruscs herein is situak.'d in SUFFOLK COUNIY. NEW YORK. In the ".ownship of ~ ~ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET uf ~Y"w\~a~.r g,.-D6. ~LA .l"M.Lr~ .~1_1 OOXES 5 lllRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRlNrED IN BlACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. COVER) 111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ II1I1II1III1IIII1I 1111111111111111111111111 SOPPOLlt COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICI RECORDING PAGB Type of InstJ:lDllllDt I DIBDS/DDD NUmber of Pagesl 3 TRAHSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 02-22700 Recorded: At: LIBBR: PAGB: 01/10/2003 11100133 AM D00012229 649 District I 1000 Section: B10ckl 103.00 04.00 UAMINBD .A!lI) CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 LotI 040.000 Deed ImDw:Itl Received the Po11o.ing Pees Page/Piling COB D- C"1'Y TP-5B4 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 por Above Instrument hAlllpt NO Handling NO NYS SORCBG NO D-STATB NO Cert.Copies NO SCTM NO COIID.. Pres Pees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $99.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSPBR TAX NUMB!RI 02-22700 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP THE INSTRtlHDIT Idward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County