HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12415 P 385 ) 63-Y-373 Li l.lfl5: . ~ . , f3R5 I BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAIJ1101l, nus .....,.".....E.'\IT SIlOULD BE PREPAIIED BY AN ATI'OIINF.Y M"D IlKVIIlWIlD BY ATI'OIINEYlI FOR Ku.EIl AND I'lJRalA8ERIIEFORIl SIGIQNG. THIS INDENTURE, made tbe _2304_ day of _September... two thousand and _five-, betwee.a FOTINI SANTAFIANOS, AS SURVIVING TENANT BYTHB BNTIRBTY OF ANDREAS SANTAFlANOS, residing 11300 Wcst2J6'l' Street, Bronx, New York 10463 pany of the fil'5t pari, and FOTINI SANTAFlANOS AND MICHAEL SANT AFlANOS, rcaidin. at 300 West '136" Streel, Bronx, New York 10463 pany of the scc:ond part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in coDSldcratlon of lcII dollars,lawfullllOney of the United StaleS, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby IIBnt and release unto the party of the IClXlnd part, the heirs or SU<<CSSO'5 and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvcmcnls thereon ercc:tcd, situate, lying and being in the See Schedule A attached bcn:to and made a part hereof. Andreas Santafl8l1OS died a resident of the County of Bronx on Dec:ember 31, 2001. Being and inlcllded to be the same premises clesc:ribed in the deed 10 the parties of the fust part dated 1/31/1986 and Recorded 21611986 in Ubcr 9974 at Page 334. Premises being more commonly known u 287S Beebe Drive, Cutc:bogue, New York 11935. Bloc:k: 04.00. Lot: 037.003. TOGETHER with all right. title and interest, if any, DC the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abulting the above deacribed premi&es 10 the cenier lines thereof. TOGE77IER with the appuncnances and all the eslate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HA. VE AND TO HOW the premises herein IIBntcd unlD the party of the second part, the heirs or slICe c SSWl and assigns of the pany of the second part forever. NY5IIA PRACJ1CE I'OIlMS:w:l aEl1l67.16 I - . . . . Titleworks Abstract Tide No. os.. TW A-28876-S SCHEDULE A All that eertain plol, piece or plll'CCl of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate. lying and being at East Cutchogue, Town of South old, County ofSutTolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 12 on a eertain map entitled "Map of Sunny Shores at East Culchogue, Town of South old, Suffolk County. New York" prepan:d by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son from surveys completed 06109/1960 and filed in the Offiee of the Clerk of Suffolk County on 0813011960 as Map No. 3231. For Informational Purposes Only: Said Premises being known as 2875 Beebe Drive, Cutchogue, New York. The policy to be Issued a....er tbls report ..OIlosu", the tllle 10 sucb buUdiDp .Dd improvcmeols crecled oa lbe pnmlsn ..blcb by I... coostltulc real property. TOGETHI!:R wltb .u tbe right, title .nd Interesl of tbe party of tbe Dnt p.rt, of, la ..... to tbe I.nd l)'Inlln tbe Itreet In fronl of .nd .dJoInlul said p",mlNI. 18 ~'.ln1ow Slnet . Ha.lllpoa. NY 11743 PII_ (631) 54!1-7JOO. Fu (631) 4Z5-1264 '.. ,. AND the party of the fint part. covenants that the party of the fint part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said prcmiSCII have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforcaid. AND the party of the fint part, in c:ompliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the fint part will receive the considcnltion for this conveyance and will hold the right to l'IlCCive such consideration as a trust fund \0 be applied flnt for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same fintlO the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of lhe tOlal of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever lhe sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the flnt part has duly executed this deed the day and year fint above written. Ft5t&.J' ,<7/N"'f i;;(l~ Fotini SanlafJaDOS . IN PRESENCE OF: .I ..pl l\' C'" --~'-1I -,=-prr; -""'iJf l!Ilr'---"--= 1Uml67.J6 2 NYSR.\ PIlJI(:rlCIl ttJRMS Ml.1 '. Stale of _N~ York_ ) ) 85.: County of _SUFFOLK_ ) On Ihe 1.5 day of "><J~ in Ihe ycu ~ before me. the undersigned, personally appeared Fotini Santafianos personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basis of aatisfKlory evidence 10 be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed 10 the wilhin instrument and acknowledged 10 me that hc:/shellhey ellecuted the same in hi&lher/their capacity(ies), and thai by hislher ~~:Ure(I) on the instrument, the individua1(I}, or the person upon behalf of which the i - ~' ellecuted \he instrulllllnt. (si8Jlllture and office I taking acknowledgment) ANTHONY J. U'tIENA NoIaIy 1'ullIIc. SIalIt 01 NIW'lllIk No.ltI~ .t7 CuIIIId in lluIaIk 00wIIy U '" c.....mlssioI. ElopiI8I Sept. 18. 20_ Record and Return: Address: Fotini Santafianos 300 West2361h Street Bronll, NY 10463 ~ ~..::<,,<<>,)-.... "'-' ~rwnlll":'.~~ l' ". -" ~... "'. ~ -, " p;::J1'iwJb'" ..... NYSIlA PRACTICB FORMS 3m R1ml67.16 3 . i . -" .- ." NumbcrofJIIIBe& TORRENS ~ .. Serillll Cenificate II Prior Of. II . Deed . Mona. InslrUmeDt Deed , Monalp Tu. Stamp fEES 3 Pap , Falina Fee Handlina TP.SB4 5. .m.. Notarion EA-S217 (County) EA-S217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total ro.::: Comm. of Ed. 5. ..QlL Affidavit Cenified Copy Reg.Copy Other 'SubTota1 Grand Total \~~ RECORDED 2005 lkt 19 12: 14:55 PI! EMrd P.ROINine lURK (F 5l.FF0lK COUNTY L 000012415 P 385 DTI 05-11541 ReconIina' FIIIa& SUmp. ^\Il MOItpJe AmL -::- 11' I. BuIe Tu. 2. Additional Tu. Sub Total Spec. , AlliL or Spec. , Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment_ TransferTu. 0-- _ Mansion Tu. The property covmd b)' this IIIOlpBe Is or will be ImplOVed by 1 ODe or two famil)' cIweIIina only. YES or NO It' NO. .. appropriate tu. clause on ~ I JlIIae II of this instrument. (' 5 Communi PresemdIoa Fuad .03 ConsideraIion Amount S I CPFTu. Due S 7 nOe Com latormatlaa Co. Name TITI.EWORKS ABSTRACT INC ntlell Ie -TItJA - _~ & Endorsement Pa e - ----_..' - - - -- . 6 SatisfwionlDischlll'llesIReie:ue US! Propeny Ownen Mllllns Address RECORD" RETURN TO: .:rp Ho(~ ~se... ~(l,W\~ 1000o OIille ~ ~Ol'\r~e.) LA ;1;)01 . , 8 Suffolk County Recordin 1k (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRVMEN:n The premisis hctein is sillllled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of 3oc.,., ,",olS In !be VIlLAGE (uf-J. ()~~ BOXES .. nmOUOH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR PILING (over) 'This JIIIBe forms pan of the IllIChed . 1iJ.;v.; SJ...(;.-. TO _~i ~~"1lO"a t-tdaJ w.Ji..,.~ or HAMLBT of Improved Vacant Land _ TD TD TD IIlIIIe by: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COtJN'l'Y CLERK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of Xn.trument: DBEDS/DDD Humber of Page.: 5 Receipt Humber : 05-0109769 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-11541 Recorded: At: 10/19/2005 12:14:55 PH LIBBR: PAGE: D00012415 385 Deed Amcw1t: Section: 103.00 DUlJ:NBD AND $0.00 Block: 04.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 037.003 District: 1000 FOLLOWS Received the Pollowing Pee. Por Above Xn.trument B7""'!pt Bxempt Page/Piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO ZA- CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pre. $0.00 NO 0 Pee. Paid $155.00 TRANSPBR TAX NCKBBR: 05-11541 THIS PAGB XS A PART 01' THE XHSTRUMIDlT THXS XS NOT A BXLL Bd.ard P.RoIIIaine County Clerk, Suffolk County C1. SWIS c.- l~l7. '1. g.9rl 1 P.n y- * cz.____ I ~ I/Z ca. _ , /:~. v. /. .JTt4. ..... . PROPERTY INFORMATION ,._, !!J97<) ~L....JiffIdr_" I a..q.~4-cl-.^5lJL ~.l._ C"II"'I\O~ '&AI ,~ S'CU\J...+',' t.I. rI "'.. LAIT__'~ ~'re.8" i)r,vL ....- FWlI~III't' 2.- - REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAR OF NEW_ STA1I8OAIID OF REAL -.rry 8EIIVlCU RP - 5217 -.s!IJ .."., IL~~1 d ,UWJ -- 3. T.. ____"""IOT..IIIII...IoIlo_ I ..... -__ buior _.. _ 0I1ormI . AddNII ..... NMI!,COWMf fIIIIrNMl'i I ....... ...... AND I1IlIET NMlI c;nv D1111MN .. ....... .... ...... GI ... lIIliI 0 () J 0 w....- ............. on....._ I . . I, of "'reol. ClII Port 010 ...... L::::..., I - .4:~ 10111 Ixl .~.. HIDNT ....1 ...... ..- - ~..~,. ~.. .'l' aU,. _CIDUI: 1OoIy. "'" 010 _ _.....,....... M. ........ .... wIIh e........ lID. AuIhctfty ExiIIa 0 ...lloilMl'___RoqUrodIorT_ D c._AIIlIl"* lor Su_ -Mop- D IAIT ....,CDIPMV fNTIWiIi 7. CMcI&'" .... ~ ..... .... MIUI'...,............. ... at.. ...,...., .t .......... eI ... 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