HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12412 P 297 . .' L1J412 f 2q7 103- 7 --)~ CONlIULT YOUR LAWYER II!PORI! lIIGNNG TH18I\1ITRUIIENT.ltIll_TRUIIENT IHOUI.D BE UIED BY LAWYERS ONLY THI8INDENTURE. made the .:.:x2nO day of ~~ 2005 BETWEEN KVW LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, clo KATHERINE V. WINES, 46 Halsey Street, Southampton, New York 11968 DlI1tvoftheftrstlllllland CARLA A. VARISANO, residing: at 11 Willow Court, Sh6reham, New York 1.1786 party of the aac:ond part, ., WlTNE882TH, that the party or Ills first part, In CClIlIidlllatlon of TEN & NO 11 00 ( $ 1 0 . 00 ) ----------------------------------~~----------~~~!_-------------~~ paid by the party of the -.cf part. doH hereby gJ'IInt Md IlIIlIaIe unto Ills party of the I8CClnd part, the heirw or au:' 1 -_ Ind alligna 01 Ills party of the I8CClnd part forever, ALL that oerteln plot, p1_ or pan:eI of land, with Ills building. end Improvemenla tIweon erected, aiIua", Iylngandbelnglnllll Town of Southold, at Cutchogue, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described on Schedule "A" annexed hereto and made a part hereof. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed from KATHERINE V. WINES dated September 4, 2003 recorded October 3, 2003 in Liber 12275 page 938. TOGETHER with In right, lilIe and intelat, If any, of Ills party of the first part in and III MY ItrIeIII and road. abutting Ills above delcribecl preml_ III the oenl8I' linll thereaf: TOGETHER with Ills appurlen8noel and a. the.... and rlghll of Ills party d Ills first part In end III ...d premiln; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the preml_ henlin granlld unlll the party or the MCOlld part, the hllinl or .ua;a.._ and lllign. of the party d lIla MCOlld part foraver. AND the party of lIla first part c:oveMRIa that Ills party ollila first part ha. not done or autrered Inylhing wheraby lIla laid premi_ have been encumblrad in sny way whatever, _pi a.aforllalcl. AND the party or Ills lirst part, in complianoe willi Section 1301 the LIen Law, _aRIa that the party of the Ilrat part will receive lIla conaidll'lltion for Ill. conveyanoe and will hold the right III receive .uell CXlI1.ideration a. a lruIt fund III be applied lint for lIla purpou of paying 1Il1 COIl d lIla improvement and wiD apply the 11IIII first III the payment d the COIl of the lm~ment befora uBing any part d Ills lIlWl ollila _ for any other purpou. The word .party" Ihall be COI'II1rullCI .. If it lUll .parlla.. when _ Ills IInll of 1Il1. indenture 10 requlnll. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lhIi party d the lirwl part he. duly IllICUIId !hI. deed the day and year first above wriIIen. IN PRESENCE OF: KVW LIMITED PARTNER~HIP ~... 1J. IA},~ KATHERINE V. WINES __ N.Y.a.T.U. Form BOO2. a.p;nallll_ Dud, _cave..nlagat...G........ _-Uniform Adcnowlaclll"_ Fonn 3280-3 1 , . . 5-9769 OE5CRIPTIO~ ALL that cenain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of 50uthold, at Cutchogue, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGJlI.'NING at a monument on the northeasterly side of Pequash Avenue. said point being distant 165 feet soumeasrerly from me comer fonned by me intersection of the southeasterly side of First Street and the northeasterly side ofPeqU3lih Avenue: RlP.\'NING THENCE from said point of beginning north 44 degrees 51' 30" east, 200.13 feel to a monument; RU~N1NG THENCE south 45 degrees 32' 20" east, 75.00 feet; RUNNING THE..'l/CE south 44 degrees 5 I' 30" west, 100.20 feet to the northeasterly side ofPequasb Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along the northeasterly side ofPequasb Avenue, north 45 degrees 29' 00" west 75.00 feet to the point or place ofBEG]l\jNING. .. . .....~...~ "t"-~.......---: ............ .....7"".......... -~.,.,......-::..........:"!t~.~:'~:r~...'..:.._...............7..":"'";..~ :":._.....:~::::...:..~......... ,"" .... ......,.?~~:.~.':'......"\"":'.?O.:-.: ........Y;t"N. 10 BE UaED ONLY WMRf TMI!! ACKUIWUI ant.:IllIENT IS MAD!! .. NEW YORK ATATE ," '. . 8l8IlIalNewYork, Countyal Suffolk N: OntraJ2."(l~a1~l1the)'lllU 2005 Ile!lll8 tile ~;\.- ~ eel KAT~INE V. WINES -~ peIW!ll ~ InMn III me or pIOWld III /1111 on tile IIlIIII aI ~7 lIVidIllCIlll bIIlhe lndivicluBI(a, wlloIe l18M(a) Ia (_) aubIIcrIbIIcIllltlle wiIIdn InIIrurnMl and ':lcllcr<lllllllJed III me Ih8l IwIahlIIlhey tIll8CIll8d tile _ In hIaIheIllhlIIr capec:IIy(..), and lhIl by I1iIIIW1IMir 1I(plIIln(1) an tile InItrurneN, tile lndMduaI(a), or tile per.on upan bIIhalf aI which ~~~J;Jr~~..II~'_.) MICHELLE KISS-FORBES Nolary Mile, Slale Of New York No. 01 Kl506S407 Qualified In Suffollc ~u.!!!ll..... \ CommIaaion ExJll'"-11:::::t 0.0 10 BE U.~ ONLY WHEN TN! ~ 1Inr.tIlENT..MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORk STATE S-. a11Mw York, County aI II: On lhe d8y aI In the )'lIIU beIont me,the UIlCIIn9*I. ~ ~p 1~1Id plII'IOIldy InMn III /1111 or pIOWld III /1111 an the bIIaia aI W1lOl1o.do..y "~1CI1ll blithe incIvIdU8l(a) wlloIe lWlII(a) Ia (_) aublcriblld III the wIIhIn InIlIumMl n .acnowlllllJed III /1111 hit IwIahlIIlhey -- tile _ In ~ C8I*lY(..), and Ih8l by hiIIhIrIIhII, ~a) an the ~ the ~a), or tile per.on upan bIIhalf aI whIdl lhe ncIvIdulII(a,IICted, -....lhe ~ ("""'1Ild oIIIce a1lndMdua1lD1ng lICIa~.IIlI__~) 8l8IlI (or DiIlric:l 01 CoIumbI8. TlIII'IIllry, or "-'on Caunlry) aI II: On the d8y0l in lhe )'lIIU befant /1111, lhe undenIIgned, penoIlIIly ~ ..........Iy hnMn III /1111 or pIOWld III /1111 on lhe bIIaIa aI ~. ....... III bIIlhe IncIvIdulII(a) wlloIe Mll'll(a) II (_) IUbIIcrIbed fa the wltIWllrSurnenI Md -..<lW1ldged III me lIlellllillllllllley -.... tile _In hIaIIw1lh8II ~..), and thal by I1Ia/henlhelr lIign8b.n(a) an the IIlIlruII1IIrC, the indlvlcilld(a), or the pnan upon bIIhalf 01 which lhe 1ncIhkUI(1) 1ICted, -.... ttie IIlIlRrII1IIn, IIIld lhel auc:h IndMduII made IUllh .... .1IlII beIontlll8 ..._1iQtIId In IIIlt In (and "-I" SlIIlI orCcullry or 0lhIr place" acIcno IllllJlIlII\l_ taIIIn) ("-I" CIty or 0lhIr palllcal aubdIviIIon) (1IQnaIIn and _ rillndIvIduII taIdnlIlICIa~ .lllllJlMlll) T1tIe No. KVW LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS BARGAIN AND SALE DeED WITH COVINANT AGAINST 0RANT0R'lI ACTS TO CARLA A. VARISANO RecanIed at Raquut 01 Seat4 9lt.u, tlAJlmtt. 9& RETURN BY IoWL TO: STANIlAIlD RlIW OF NEW 'I'llII< _ OF 1IT1.E UNlEIlWRIIaI8 DIalrIlulIId by Seut4 !ikuJ. a&ttwAet. 9", KATHLEEN F. SCHWARTZ, ESQ. 1 49 HAMPTON ROAD SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ~...831_7215 Fax...............831-283-7815 25 _lIquIn Saul_I...... NY 11168 I I fl . I I I I RECORDED 2005 Sep 30 12136128 PIt Edward P.RoIIaine a.ERK OF SUFfW( COOHTY L DiXlOI2412 P 297 DTI 05-09086 Number uf pages TORRENS t Serial # Ccnifica/c # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Moogage In.<trument Deed / Mongage Tall Stamp Fr:.r:s RcconIing / Filing Stumps J Comm. of lid. S. 00 Moogage Amt. J. Ba.1ic Tall 2. AdditiODal Tax Sub Total Spec:JAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Thwn _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Transfer /5 ~. r.;" _ Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5. 00 Notation EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub ToIaI ~-=?{)C() Section 1 03 Block 07 Lot 024 The ny covered by Ihis mor\gIIgI! is or ill be improved by a one or 1111'0 ily dwelling (mly. YES or NO O. see appropriale IllX clause on of this instrumenl. . Z:'Z. rntioD hDd ount ~.u:::> s4~.c:D Affidavit Cenified Copy NYS Surcharge Other IS...!!!L Sub Total GrandTotal~ ~ Rl:al Propcny Tax Service Agency Verification ~~ 1000 ~;; 10300 0700 024000 CPF Tax Due Improved VlIClInl Land 6 SalisfllCliun.'llDischargeslRelcases List Propeny Owners Mailing AddreluI RECORD &; RETURN TO: KATHLEEN F. SCHWARTZ, ESQ. 149 HAMPTON ROAD SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 TOllX)O TO TO I J 7 Title Com n Information Co. Name SOUTH BAY ABSTRACT INC. ntle /I S-9769 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of the llltached DEED made by: (SPr,CIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) KVW LIMITED PARTNERSHIP The pl\:mises herein is situated in SUi'l'OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES" THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO CARLA A. VARISANO (over) 111111111111 UIIIIIII 0111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUJ'I'OLK com......z CLBlUt RBCORDS OI'l'J:CB RBCORDDfIG PACD '1'ype of :E1l.t~t I mumS/DDD llulllber of pag.. I 4& Receipt NambBZ' I 05-010304&6 TRAIIsna 'fAX 1IUII8BR.: 05-09086 lleCOZ'decJ1 Atl 09/30/2005 12136128 I'll LIBBR: PAGB: D00012412 297 Di.trictl 1000 Bectionl Bloclu 103.00 07.00 ,.,."Ktlllm MID CIIAJlGBJ) AS FOLLOWS $390.000.00 Loti 024&.000 Ileac! A1DcNIlt I Received the !'ollowiDQ' ..... !'or Above DlBt=-t --wt 110 110 110 110 110 Il10 page/l'iliDQ' COB BA.-CTY '1'1'-584 RP'1' Tran.fer t8X $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1.560.00 1laD41iDg HB SRCIIG BA.-BTATB C.rt.COpie. SC'1'II Ccaa. pres 1'... pai4 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $'.800.00 $6.512.00 --.pt 110 110 110 110 110 110 TRANBI'I!:R TAX IRJIIBBRI 05-09086 'l'B:EB PMB IS A I'AR'1' 01' TBB D'SfttlllBlll'1' 'l'B:EB :EB ROT A B:ELL II4waz'4 1'. RoIIIaiDe COUIlty Clerk. Sv.ffolk County . PlEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.u80rPHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 4 CI. ~ ~ 14. 1 ~ t,6. II !it REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT a /' STAlEOf_YOIIII cz.'-IlMd"-.,dod 1-, I ~GI~: I I ." STAlE_OfREAL_..8EIMCEII C3. _ I /. &? '-1, J,~ I CA. "- Llf.1f. 1. ." RP ...;" ~~17 PROPERTY INFORMATlON "~I ~ 835 ......- CUTCHOGUE C1R'mlIUlIIIIIIl PEQUASH AVENUE 1lllIIT_ ..- -- VARISANO ...... CARLA A. I 11935 ...... UlIoI u.. ICDMNIfY FIIIT..,..;; UlIIr__,~ ,.,.~ 3. T.. lndIcarI....burlTu:BiIII_lObI..... I _ _____101_01...... - I.IlIIT lWeI CIDMMN't -- ITIIID ...... NoD ITIIU1' ,... 4. .......... ........ 01 ... ...... 1IaI_ ._......... 011...._ cnYClI!'CNN .1 1,.,_ OR D ...nol......., sr",. ..COllI 5. :::..., I - _PH' Ixl ..... IORI ..... . -,._oI.__.....,oppIv: 4A."""*,,,__"~_~~ 0 .Subd'_~_""""1or1_ 0 C._Al>PnMdIorSU__....._ 0 ..- ....... KVW LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1AlP'___,t:I:1II/IMIrt ..,...... LASTNMlI/_....N'f _r_ A~ Ono Famlly_1oI B 2 Of 3 Flmlly RIll...... C _ v..... Land D Nanr II II;.IVlClnll.Ind I SALE INFORMATION I "._-- E~ ~ I ~ Commlollv- "c:ommo.:IoI J InduoIrio' G _ K PubIIo_ H Emorlo_'_ L _ -...---....,oppIv: I. 0wn0nhIp 1ypolo Condam/nIum I.__..v_~ ,M. "'-"'..- _ ....._, DIIIricl -~_._--.a lIIoI Iho _10 In............_ o o o o 7. ChIcII.... _I*DW which.............., ~...................., _I tha...... III uI8: 8 I ..... o.r 1 {2005 I .... 11. a-II...... __ III... 001....._ _...................r.r: ___or__ __ _Componiooor"".....,"__ Ono 01 Iho IIuyoq io _.-. ..,. or SlIer II Ou .......... Agency or LMdng InIdMIon Dood Typo ... W.,,_ or Borp;n ... Solo lSpooIft _I _of_lor _ thon'" '- C8pocIfv_ SIg_ Cho.....1n Plopor\V _ r...1IIo _... Sola DoIu _01_10_10__ Odlor u..-I F_-, __lSpooIft_ NOM '''_01_/1_ 9 I t2. t2005 I ManII QIr v.. ',......__ ., , , . IF.U_PrIooIoIho....,_..poidforlho_'ncIud1na__. This ~ ml'j' be in'" farm of caIh. am. P'OI*1Y ar goodI. 01 the IllUmpllon aI rnortpgeI III' DIhIr ~ . IILI P'-- round to rht ,....., wIIOIII ."., It'nOUnt '''_'''_01'''- I ,0 ,0.0 I __In"'_ . ASSESSMENlINFORMA1l0N -lloIa Ihauld reftootlhll _ FIn.I_m.n, RoII.nd Tox BI. '''1_01' .-lioii-12005 I 17.T__V_IoI.._In_1 ....... .........dL. .... ; , ,4 1 0 .01 , . 11."-_ 12, 1,OI_U '1.___1 SOUTHOLD 1O.1..__'__flf___._____1 ,1000-103-07-024 ......- 631 -- 287-2800 ,-- 9-u-a-- .... NEW YORK STATE COPY