HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12404 P 863 " . , . ' J()3~ 1-.,23 . L-l ;Z Lt~Y- f <l~3 Slandlld N.Y.B.T .u. Fonn 8002-Bargaln lIIId Sale Deed w"" CovlInanl8l1l18ft1t GrlInlol'8 Ads-Unlfonn Al:knawledgmenl Form 3280 . . CONSULT YOtlR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOlAD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONI. Y THIS INDENTURE, made this"" day of July, In the year ~ BETWEEN JlIIDlTH A. HANSON, 38 Usler CiR:Ie, Fort Selonga, NY 11768 party of the firsl part, and JOHN WALLACE and EilEEN WALLACE, his wife, both 1'll81c11ng at q L.u..1rt'C- ; party of the second pari, ~/IU ,>>1IVN'J wmIESSETH, thai the party of the fim pari, In c:onalclerauon of Isn dollars, paid by tha party of the 88COnd part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the 88COnd part. the heirs or lIUCCe8SIIIl&'lII'Idl_lDDt~ party of the 88COndparl~ ~~~~~ , ISr.e/l&:Olll.olf '(IdlJD:> ...::!cK III Wl!!uO ALL thai certain plol, piece or parcel of land, with the bullcllngl and 1/npI'ovfIIDIIS1I!1heriIDn~:.IIuIil8.~ and being al Fleel's Neck near Culchogue, In the Town of Soulhold, County of SUffolk and Slats of New York. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING et a point on the northeastsrty aide of Pequash Avenue, dlalant 340.00 f8at 80UlheaIlsIIy from the comer formed by the Inlarsection of the northllllllelly IIkIe of PequaIh AVWlUB with the southeastsrty side of Fi1Il Street; RUNNING THENCE along the northlllllllalty IIde of Plllluash AVWllle, South 45 degrees 22 minutell East, 60.00 feel; THENCE North 45 degrees 05 minutell East, 200.00 feel: THENCE North 45 degrees 22 minutell West, 80.00 feet; THENCE South 45 degrees 05 mlnul8l Welt, 200.00 feet to the northlllllllalty alde of Plllluash Avenue, at the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same prem_ conveyed to the party of the flrsl pari by deed dated 10-15-99 . and ~ In the Suffolk County Clerk'l oIIIce on 1lJ.29..89ln Uber 11997, page 988. / TOGETHER with all righi, title and interest. If any. of the party of the first partin and to any slreels ancYroads abutIIng the above desc:ribed premises to the center line thereof; TOGETHER with the appUr1anance8 and aU the aslBIII and righls of the party of the fiIBl parlin and to salcI pnlll'1lsall; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premisa8 herein gnJ/lted unto the party of the second pari, the hen or IUCC8tIICll8 and 888!gns of the party of the II8COIld pari forever. . . : . 'I . AND the party of the first pari covenants that the party of the first pari has not done or suffered anything whereby the IBid premlsal have been encumbered In any way whal8ver. except 81 aforasalcl. AND the party of the fnl pari, in c:ompllance wllh SecIIon 13 of the Usn LR, covenants that the party of the first pan wi! rec:elve the COI1Iiderellon for this c:onveyance and wi holcIthe right to receive luch c:onalderetlon es a lru8l fund to be applied flf8l fO( the purpose of paying the c:ost of the jrnpnlvement and wUI apply the same fiIBl to the payment of the cosl of the Improvement before U8Ing any part of the tollll of the _ far any other purpose. The word "party" shall be c:onatrued as If to read "parties" whenever the sanae of this Indenture 10 ~ulres. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ihe party of tha fim pari has duly executed this deed the day and year first abjMl~_ IN PRESENCE OF -,~ , ~tfk~ - . . TO BE USED ONt. Y WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York, County of Suffolk &e.: . SIaIe of New York, CoUnty of as.: On the 7"' day of July , In the year 2005 before ms, Ihe WlClerslgned. personally appe&I8d, JUDITH A. HANSON person8lly ~ to me or proved 10 me on the basis of IIlIlIslaclory lIVidlllOlllll be !he indivIdual(a) whose lIlIIII8(a) Is (ara) sublc:ribed III lhewilhin Insll'Ument and ~18dged III ms th8t h8IsI18ItII8y 8UCUI8d lba same In hlsnl8r1lh8lr capecity(les), and lhet by .h~lr aignatura(a) on the Insll'Um8nt, IhB ~ or Ih8 peIIOR upon behalf of which lhB lndIvIdual(a) . I8d IhBInTI. . ~ ..., ~ (s1gnBlUnt -..a~kIng the IICknowl8dgment) ...,...... ..... arMft'lllllt: Me. 01016111121 'C' .~EACKNOWI pnGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slate (or DIlIrk:t of Columbia. Terri\llry, or ForeilJl Country) of On th8 day of in th8 year beI'ont me, the WlClerslgned. personally appaared pIIISOIIIIlly known to ms or proved to me on the basIa of I8lIsf8c:lory avkIanc:e to be the lndIvIcIu8l(a) whose 1l8IIIlI(1) III (rn)sub8crlbad to thewllhln InIIrum8ntand IICknowII1Iged to me th8t halsh8IIhay lWICUtlId IhB _ In hl8lharllhelr. CIjl8GIIyCIas). and hit by tIIIIIleIM8Ir 1Igna1llra(1) on lhB In8Irument, lhBlndlvldu8l(a) or lhB person upon bIh8II of whIGh . lhBlndlvldual(a)8l:I8d. lWICUtlId the InslIumenL (slgna\unland ofIIca of Ind1v1dua1I8klng lhBlIOilrlaWI8ClGment On lhe clay of personally appeared In lhe year ,I b8fore ma. lhe undarllgned, pll/'llllfllllly known to ma or proved to ma on lhe besll of 8llIlIfaGtory ~BnQl to be \halndividUIII(s) whoSlI namll(l) II (1U1l) sublGribed to the wi\hin instrumant and 8CknowIaclgad to me lhlII hal8ha/thay executed lhe 88ma In hlllharlthalr capaclty(illI) and \hat by hislherllhBir lignatura(l) on thalnslrUmant,lhe IndIvldUIII(s) or person upon behalf of which the Indlvldual(s) acted, executed \he Instrument, and lhat such Individual maclalUCh appeanJlIC8 before \he underslgnacl In the In (Ind _.. s.... or CaunIry or_ pIIIca" ............dg_ _......) 1In-Iu. CIlr or _ poIibloubdlvlllon) (I/gnalIn MIl .... oI_uallaIdng 1CIlrlllIIledlI1) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANTS AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. SECTION 103 BLOCK 07 LOT 023 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk STREET ADDRESS 805 Pequallh Avenue TO RETURN BY MAIL TO: FeldmM. Knuner & Monaco, PC 33Cl VlIIIderlIIlt Motor Pukway Hauppmlllll. NY tJ711 I\~' 1>>-4 O..w,.. ~"_""__-l .... - , ., ... . Number uf pagcs TORR' S REalRDED 2005 !lug 19 04:14141 PIt Edward p, RoIaine ClERK IF SlFfOlX COlNTY L ??oo12404 P 863 DTt 05-03141 Serial II Certificate# __ ___ l'rioretf.# Dt.'Cd , Mongagc Instrumenl Dc.:d , Mortgagc Tax SllImp I 'I!I!S Rca,rding , Piling SlalllJlli 3 EA-S2 17 (Cuumy) Sub 1,11111 MnngugcAIlIt. _._ ._ _ I. Busic Tux 2. Additional'lax _ _..'_ _ Sub Tolal SpceJAssil. ur S(1CC. 'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX I~dgc 'Filing Fcc lIaadling '1'1'-584 5. ...!!!!... Nntutitlll "A-5217 (SUIIC) R.I':I:S.A. CUIIIIII,ufEd. 5. 00 Duol'I,.wn _._ Dual CoulOly _ Held for ApJlOinlll\C~;;rn- TrunsfcrTax Jt-+f1JL- - -- MansiulI Tax -~ -.::- Allidovil Certifi~-d Copy NYS Surcharge Olhcr 15. ..QO_ Subnllal__ _ Grand 1.'101__ /!1.L The prupel1y co\'cred by Ihis murtg:'gc is or will he impRlved hy a one ur IWu f&lmily dwclling only. YE"~ ur NO 1000 4 Dlsl. W-/ c&1).COO Wi I f NO, sec appmprialc lax clause un page II uf Ihis inslrument. 5 CommUDity PrellllrvatloD Fund . '. Conslderalion Amoullt $ Real Property. Tax Scrvif.~ Agell"Y Verificalion ~OS:~~ 1000 F\tMA A 1 10300 0700 023000 CP'" Tax Due S 6 SIIlisfuclianslDisclwrgcsIRclcascs I.iSlI'roperty Owners Mailing Addn:5lI RECORD" R....,.URN 1'0: f-t.\~IM', ~ I Mo~.to) &Stt') . \Xu\ ~~~O t ~Sof. 33D ~itt Motor flw.Jlf ~fPWf I t>i ,nit' 7 Co. NUl "nIlc II Recordin & Endorsement Pa e ~uJ.. (SPECifY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENTI The prcmiRes herein is si~l~ in SUl'fOLK COUNTY, NtiW YORKe, n-7/_ e('()VHIY~ IlIlhcTownsllipof ~J &. In llle VILLAGE _ lIludel'y: 8 Suffolk Count '11';5 page rorm5 ('un of IlIe ..lIached __ .~~~.~ ~O() TO J ~'(\ \,.) I.l\\ cu,L J- -8 i\ U^ \,N1.l J\J.0..tc... or IIAMUlT of .. BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST liE TYPED OK PKINTEI) IN 8LACK INK ONLY PKIOR 1'0 RECOK lovcr" IIIIIIIIIIIII~III~ 1111111111111111111111111111111 III~IIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIII SOPI'OLIC COmrl'Y CLBRIC RBCORDS OI'I'J:CB RBCORDJ:NG PAGB Type of l:DstrumeJ1t I DBlmS/DDD NUmber of Page.. 3 Receipt Number I 05-0087400 TRAHSI'BR TAX HUMBER: 05-03141 Recorc1ed. At. 08/19/2005 04.14.41 PH LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012404 863 Di.trict. SectiODI Block. Lot. 1000 103.00 07.00 023.000 R'lI''\XIHBD AND CHJ!.ROBD AS I'OLLOWS Deed AmouDt. $430,000.00 Received tbe 1'o11owiDg 1'... I'or Above ID.tZ'UIII8Dt Bx""'lpt ......"lpt Page/l'iliD!l $i.OO NO BaDdliDg $5.00 11/0 COB $5.00 NO IIIYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RP'.l' $30.00 NO SC'1'N $0.00 NO TrBDBfer tax $1,720.00 NO CCIIIIal.Pr.. $5,600.00 NO I'ee. Paid $7,469.00 TRANSI'ER TAX NUMBER. 05-03141 THl:S PAGE l:S A PART 01' '.E'HB l:NSTRllHEIIIT THl:S l:S NOT A BILL Bdward P.RoIIIa1De County Clerk, Suffolk County I~. 1 :3, C. K. '11 C:Z.Dmeo.-_ I !( I I ~ I~ __II DIV v_ el. _ I I. 01. 'f. t9 . '1.J C4. ,...1 t'. b..3. lit REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT C'. S_ Codo &TATE llF _ YORIl IITATlIOARD" REAL rnwrsn."f 8EIMCE8 RP . 5217 1lNl1'''' J/III PROPERlY INFORMATION "=1 90S -- PequBah Avenue ............ Southold glYaI raMI Fleet 'a Neck - 1A.W z. _ 1 Wallace ,..... LASl ...-,CIIIINNY JOM ,., .... I Wallace LAIn' NMII,CGII'MY s. T.. hIIcIIIwMN M&n fa" ..10 bI ... , ..... W_"nbu'jOl'_c._al_. -- Eileen ....,... L61""'...../~ -- "11M __ AND.-n.... aTYaR IIlW't . aT4It lIrCODl L ::::.., I - fllGllTFIP lX' ..... IDRI . . """" _ 2. 7 I 1OnIy."" 01 0 _ _.....,..." ~""""'_d___ 0 ... """,,-......- - RoquiIod'" T_ 0 4C._......-.....~"'\..._....._ 0 .. ........... ........ of a ._ RoD........-...1M _ 1 I .00Po.001I DR D Po"aI.Po.... L_ NIl.... Hanaon &.AI......., .. Judith A -- LAP_/CXIlINNf ,.- ..... A~ Ono FomoIy_ B 2.. 3 Fomlly _..I C _V_mLond D NonoD-" Iild"-al...nd I SALE INFORMATION I n.___ Ii ~ AlIriC.I"".1 I' c:anu-cIol O_ II EnllrtlinrMnt I Amu....m I ~ CoIMu1iIy_ J 1...._ K __ L _ -..--.....,..." ..~".,.II~I.... .. New CanIIlucdan on v..... Lind 'M. "'-'" ~ dill III _ DiIIrict 1lII.Buvor_'__~ ......._ioin....-,roI_ o o o o 7. ChtcIl: '1M .... ...... whIah nIDII .... -1ll4 ............. ... at tile property n .... IIm8 of alE 04 ..... I 28 ... I OS y- 'L CIIedI: _.. ..... 01__ _........ _.........10 'INnIIIr: --_.._- __Ro_~.._ln__ OlIo 01... ...... _ 0 SaIlor Buvor or 101.. io ___ ~ or LoncIng IIIIIIll<kln 1lIIod"'" __"Illy orllugoln.... _ _ _, _oIF_ora-...."..___ "'1fIco..~ In "-rtv _ T_..... ond _ '- _01__._"'__ U..-_AlIooIInlI ____ N... ,a._oI_/~ 07 I 07 ..... ... 105 - . 4.3 ,0 . o. 0, 0,0.0 I , , . IFuII_Prlcoio.....IoI._mpo;dlu'......-_InlI_I_. TtII1 pevment m-w' be ill the farm 01 aM. aIher proporty or goodI. Of It.. aeumptlon 01 mo_or_obIigoliono.l __..",.____ ,..-...-..,..- I , ~ , 0 I __1111110_ 0 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. OIto sho.ld _tho _ Fi...I_. Roll .nd Tox IIIU ,.. FuI .... ...... 'LY_oI. -.......-10 .4 1'7.T....__IoI..._1II_1 _~I...........- , , .4 .9 .0 .0 , ,..-- 12 .1 .0 I-U ,..___1 lfattituck-CuthoRue-Laurel 2lI. T..__'...._III.....__._____ 1000-103-07-023 I I CERTlFlCA1l0N I I CIIdI'1I1a1l. "'... ... '" _..- ... ............. _.-I _110'" bolt "'.-y ............. boUoII o0li I" . 1.Dd _.......... "'__ __ "'_,........................... _,,,,- "'tile ...... _. ....-...o0li ....."'__ - 1lUYER'S ATTORNEY DeRDBBO ....- Daniel -- 631 ...- 231 - 1450 -- ve..- 35 r BI.!i!! ~l_zl()Ak.lUH1 riiJ/7 A'5 NEW YORK STATE COpy "