HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthold Town Hall Industrial Hygiene Investigation - 2005 . Southold Town Hall Industrial Hygiene Investigation . October 5, 2005 Town of Southold Southold, New York . Enviroscience Consultants, Inc. 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, New York 11779 Phone: 631-580-3191 Fax: 631-580-3195 www.Envirohealth.org . ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC. 2150 SMITHTOWN AVENUE RONKONKOMA, NEW YORK 11779-7348 PHONE: (631) 580-3191 · FACSIMILE (631) 580-3195 PRINCI~ALB J. DRISCOLL B.GALLAGHER T.KLUENDI!R G. NEUBCHWI!NDIlR October 21,2005 P. DERMODY E.DI!.TWEILII:IIl a.FEELEY E .IVANS R.KLUI!NDI!:R L.MII!:AD G.MI!NII:GIO J. S"ILLETT T. WALL . Elizabeth Neville Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-4602 Re: Town Hall Industrial Hygiene Investigation Dear Ms. Neville: On Wednesday, October 5, 2005 Enviroscience Consultants, Inc. conducted an industrial hygiene investigation at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. The objective of the industrial hygiene investigation was to identify conditions in the building that may affect indoor air quality. 1. Methods The industrial hygiene investigation focused on mold and the potential for the development of mold in the town hall building. A site inspection was conducted to visually identify moisture intrusion, water damage, and mold. Temperature and relative humidity were measured and evaluated. A moisture content meter was used to measure the moisture content of building materials and to identify areas of moisture intrusion. A fiber optic borescope was used to inspect the wall cavity beneath the windows of the Town Attorney's Office. . Air samples for mold were collected throughout Town Hall using Air-O-Cell sampling cassettes to identify indoor airborne mold concentrations. Surface samples for mold were collected with Bio-tape sampling media from surfaces in Town Hall suspected of being contaminated with mold. Air and surface samples for mold were analyzed at Pure Earth Environmental Laboratories, Inc. (AlHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747), a facility independent of Enviroscience Consultants. 2. Findings 2.1 Mold Growth Visible mold growth was identified on pipe insulation in the Mechanical Room and Maintenance Room and above the drop ceiling throughout the finished areas of the . ENVIRONMENTAL & INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE CONSULTANTS WWW.ENVIROHEALTH.ORG . basement. Visible mold growth was also identified on several water-damaged ceiling tiles. Visible mold growth was identified on several dockets and records books in the Records Storage Room of the basement. Dockets and record books contaminated with mold were of older style bindings, constructed of leather or canvas-like material. Visible mold growth was identified on wall paneling of the northwest comer of the Data Processing Room of the basement. Mold was identified on the unit ventilators of the Wood Shop and Wood Shop Storage Room. Mold was identified on wallboard of the Computer Room. Visible mold growth was identified behind vinyl wallpaper in the main entrance vestibule of the building. . 2.2 Moisture The majority of the pipe insulation in the Mechanical Room and Maintenance Room and above the drop ceiling throughout the finished areas of the basement was stained from water, most likely due to condensate. Many ceiling tiles of the basement were also stained from water. Overall the building had a damp feeling to it. Relative humidity was measured throughout the basement and ground floor levels. Temperature was measured as well. Measurements are presented in Table 1 below. . Table 1: Temperature & Relative Humidity Levels, Soutbold Town Hall, October 5, 2005 Sample Location Temperature (OF) Relative Humidity (% ) Data ProcessinQ 70 67 Comnuter Closet 72 60 Vault 70 52 Records StoraQe 65 45 Suoervisor's Office 73 67 Town Attorney's Office 74 64 Town Clerk Office 73 59 Records Management 75 55 Tax Assessor Department 75 65 Outside Ambient (West Side of BuildinQ) 75 75 Outside Ambient (Northeast Parking Lot) 72 84 Comnuter Training 70 73 Wood Shon Storape Room 68 82 The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommends the following relative humidity and temperature guidelines in Standard 55-1992: 1. Acceptable indoor relative humidity ranges 30% to 60%. 2. Acceptable indoor temperatures during the winter season range 680P to 740P. . Enviroscience Consultants, Inc. 2 . 3. Acceptable indoor temperatures during the summer season range 730F to 790F. Relative humidity in most areas of the building exceeded 60%. Relative humidity levels in the Vault and Records Storage Room, areas where the air is conditioned, were less than 60%. A number of conditions were noted during the site inspection that are most likely contributing to the moisture load of the building: . . Several roof drains in the attic are not insulated, which could result in the formation of condensate in the attic during the winter months. . The sprinkler system in the front of the building directs water directly at the building's fa.;;ade, windows, and foundation. . Many of the downspouts from the roof gutters drain into suspected drywells directly next to the foundation of the building. . Other downspouts are situated so that they drain rainwater against the foundation of the building. . A storm water drain at the bottom of the exterior stairway to the Wood Shop is clogged with dirt in the debris. . Portions of the parking lot appear to be pitched towards the rear of the building, which may allow rainwater to drain towards the building. The frame of the window of the Data Processing Room was wet during the investigation, most likely the result of the outdoor sprinkler system. Water stains on the floor and wall next to a crack in the foundation wall in the Records Storage Room was evidence of water intrusion. There were water stains in the attic of the building, suggesting a roof leak. An exterior door in the Mechanical Room was sealed shut with corrosion. . 2.3 Air Samples Outside ambient air samples for mold were collected as controls in addition to the samples collected inside Town Hall. Currently there are no regulatory guidelines outlining "safe" or "unsafe" levels of airborne mold. To evaluate air sample results we compared mold levels of the samples collected inside the building with those of the samples collected outside the building in ambient air. Air sample results are presented in Table 2 below. Laboratory data sheets are also provided for review with this report. . Enviroscience Consultants, Inc. 3 . . Table 2: Airborne Mold Sample Results, Southold Town Hall, October 5, 2005 Sample Sample Total Mold Mold Type and Count (CTS/m') Ideutification Location Counts (CTS/m') A 1/495723 Maintenance 2,688 AspergilluslPenicillium like spores 1,904 Room Cladosporium 168 Basidiospores 112 Chaetomium 28 Stachybotrys 364 Ascospores 112 A2/495724 Data 2,044 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 1,988 Processing Cladosporium 28 Stachybotrys 28 A3/495725 Computer 280 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 280 Room A4/495726 Vault 56 CladosDorium 56 A5/495727 Records 168 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 140 Storage AscosDores 28 A6/495728 Supervisor's 6,384 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 5,264 Office Cladosporium 420 Basidiospores 280 Ulocladium 84 Ascosoores 336 A7/495729 Supervisor 2464 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 1,540 Office (Main Cladosporium 644 Area) Alternaria 56 Basidiospores 84 Stachybotrys 28 AscosDores 112 A8/495730 Town 2,072 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 1,428 Attorney's Cladosporium 252 Office Basidiospores 140 Curvularia 28 Stachybotrys 28 Ascosoores 196 A9/495731 Town Clerk 1,428 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 140 Office (Main Cladosporium 1,232 Area) Ulocladium 56 A 10/495732 Town Clerk's 392 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 168 Office Cladosporium 140 Basidiospores 56 AscosDores 28 A11/495733 Records 336 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 140 Management Cladosporium 28 Basidiospores 28 Stachybotrys 56 Ascospores 56 Hyphae 28 . . Enviroscience Consultants, Inc. 4 . . Table 2: Airborne Mold Samnle Results, Southold Town Hall, October 5, 2005 (cont.) Sample Sample Total Mold Mold Type and Count (CTS/m3) Identification Location Counts (CTS/m3) A 12/495734 Outside 1,680 Cladosporium 924 Ambient Basidiospores 476 (West Side of Ulocladium 56 Building) Ascospores 196 Hyphae 28 A 13/495735 Tax Assessor 1,036 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 672 Department Basidiospores 224 Ulocladium 28 Ascospores 112 A 14/495736 Tax Assessor 616 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 420 Office Cladosporium 56 Basidiospores 84 Stachybotrys 28 Ascospores 28 A 15/495737 Computer 6,888 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 6,748 Training Cladosporium 56 Ascospores 56 Other/Unidentified 28 A 16/495738 Wood Shop 560 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 448 Storage Room Ulocladium 56 Ascospores 56 A 171495739 Outside 1,008 Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores 224 Ambient Cladospori urn 364 (Northeast Basidiospores 252 Parking Lot) Ascosoores 168 . Total mold counts in the outside ambient samples are 1,680 CTS/m3 and 1,008 crS/m3. Many of the air samples collected inside the building have total mold counts that are higher than the outside ambient samples. Total mold counts in the samples collected from the Supervisor's Office and the main area of the Supervisor Office on the ground floor and from the maintenance room and computer training room of the basement were significantly higher than the outside ambient samples. Stachybotrys was identified in minor amounts in the air samples collected from the Maintenance Room, the Data Processing Room, the main area of the Supervisor Office, the Town Attorney's Office, the Records Management Room, and the Tax Assessor Office. Stachybotrys was not identified in the outside ambient samples. It is unusual to see Stachybotrys in air samples, as Stachybotrys typically are not airborne. Stachybotrys are amongst the type of mold believed to be capable of causing serious health affects. There have been suggestive links between exposure to Stachybotrys chartarum, a specific species, and pulmonary hemorrhaging in infants, although evidence supporting this theory is inconclusive. However, Stachybotrys, like all molds, are considered allergens and should not be present in large quantities in indoor environments. . Enviroscience Consultants, Inc. 5 . 2.4 Surface Samples Surface samples for mold were collected from three locations in Town Hall. Currently there are no regulatory guidelines outlining "safe" or "unsafe" levels of mold in surface samples. Samples are collected to very the presence and type of mold. Sample results are presented in Table 3 below. Laboratory data sheets are also provided for review with this report. Table 3: Surface Mold Sample Results, Southold Town Hall, October 5, 2005 Sample Sample Location Mold Type and Count (Spores) Identification S 1/495740 Data Processing Room, Stachybotrys - Too Numerous to Count Northwest Comer Wall S2/495741 Maintenance Room, Stachybotrys - Too Numerous to Count Overhead Pipe Chaetomium - 6-10 Spores S3/495742 Records Storage, Civil Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores - 6-10 Spores Justice Docket . Stachybotrys was identified in the surface samples collected from the northwest comer wall of the Data Processing Room and from pipe insulation in the Maintenance Room. 4. Recommendations 4.1 Moisture The development of indoor mold growth is always the result of a moisture problem within the building. Provisions should be made reduce the moisture load of Town Hall. Enviroscience Consultants makes the following recommendations: . . Insulate all roof drains in the attic to eliminate the potential for condensate to form during the winter months. Redirect the sprinkler system in the front of the building so that is does not direct water at the building's fa<;ade, windows, and foundation. Reconfigure downspouts from roof gutters so that they drain rainwater well away from the foundation of the building rather than right next to it. Clear the storm water drain at the bottom of the exterior stairway to the Wood Shop of dirt and debris so that it drains properly. Re-grade portions of the parking lot that appear to be pitched towards the rear of the building or install additional drywells that will capture water from the parking lot that may be draining towards the building. Condition the entire space of the basement so that humidity levels are controlled. . . . . . 4.2 Mold Building materials in Town Hall that are contaminated with visible mold growth should be addressed. Enviroscience Consultants makes the following recommendations: . Pipe insulation in the Mechanical Room and Maintenance Room and above the drop ceiling throughout the finished areas of the basement . Enviroscience Consultants, Inc. 6 . . should be removed and replaced with new material. Some pipe insulation may contain asbestos and should be handled in accordance with State regulations. . Ceiling tiles in the basement with visible mold growth should be removed and replaced with new materials. . Dockets and record books in the Records Storage Room contaminated with mold should be cleaned to remove the mold. It is recommended that a document restoration company perform the cleaning to ensure the physical integrity of these items. . Wall paneling of the northwest corner of the Data Processing Room contaminated with visible mold growth should be removed and replaced with new material. . Unit ventilators of the Wood Shop and Wood Shop Storage Room contaminated with visible mold growth should be thoroughly cleaned. . Wallboard of the Computer Room and behind the vinyl wallpaper of the main entrance vestibule contaminated with visible mold growth should be removed and replaced with new material. It is imperative mold remediation be conducted in a manner that prevents the spread of mold and mold-contaminated materials to unaffected portions of the building. It is recommended workers experienced in mold remediation be used to perform remedial work. 5. Conclusions Results of the air samples show levels of mold inside Town Hall that are generally higher than those outside. The sample data suggest that exposure to mold inside the building could be greater than exposure outside the building in ambient air. . As with any air quality tests, the results of Enviroscience Consultants' sampling are relevant to the sampling period and the parameters tested for and are only indicators of overall conditions in the area of sampling. Standardized measurements and biological markers of exposure to mold are largely unknown. Because of this it is not possible to determine "safe" or "unsafe" levels of exposure for people in general. An individual's reaction to mold ultimately depends upon that individual's sensitivity and allergies and should be taken into account when accessing indoor air quality. An important consideration in any area that may be subject to water intrusion or leakage is the issue of mold. The possibility that mold has grown and accumulated in areas that cannot be seen, including areas behind walls, behind wall coverings, above ceilings, and under floor coverings is present in any location, but is greater when increased moisture or humidity is present. It is possible for water-stained material and soft or rotted wood to have an elevated mold content. While molds are present in all buildings, elevated amounts can cause health problems for some individuals. . Enviroscience Consultants, Inc. 7 . Remedial activities for Town Hall should be carried out in a timely manner. Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions or concerns. Sincerely, !l7jGal~g:1 L Principal ~~ 't,L Brian Feeley v -- - d Industrial Hygiene Technician . . . Enviroscience Consultants, Inc. 8 I- - .. .' I , Jf ,; LI'- 17 r ~l .. . I SOli/hold Town 1/011 Industria/Hygiene Investigation October 5,2005 ,- ~.' . Ii' "" \ \ .. ~ .. Air sampling for mold was conducted in the Data Processing Room. ~ - ;':":" ~ - En,"iroscience Consultants. Inc. - . . SOli/hold Town l/a/1 Indllstrial Hygiene In~'estigatioll October 5, 2005 . -- --- --- ----.; ---- ----.:.:. :::::----::" ~ _.~-:- ~~ -- ~~ :;= ~ ~ -..:: L A dehumidifier was operating in the kitchen of the Data Processing Room. . Ceiling tiles in the kitchen of the Data Processing Room were missing or damaged from condensate attributed to heating/air conditioning water pipes in the ceiling plenum. . En"iroscience Consultants. Inc. . I. SOil/hold Town /loll llldlls/rial/lygielle lll",,/iga/ion October 5,2005 Mold was growing on pipe insulation in the ceiling plenum above the kitchen of the Data Processing Room. - . ~ft.i; ,:i< ~ A ceiling tile in the Storage Room (Ladies Room) of the basement was damaged from condensate and had mold growing on it. Plastic sheeting had been used to shield phone equipment from the condensate. En,"iroscience ConsuJtants~ Inc. . . SOllthold Town 11011 Indllstrialllygiene Im'estigation October 5,2005 '. Air sampling for mold was conducted in the Records Storage Room. . L " The Records Storage Room is climate-controlled with an HV AC unit dedicated solely to the room. . En\'iroseience Consultants. Inc. . . Southold Towu /lall Industrial/lygiene Investigation October 5,2005 , & . # . , A crack in the foundation wall allows water to enter the Records Storage Room. . -"""'..- ~~,...\\:,~ ~~ ....-;."'~. ~~ --..... ...... .~ ...... Mold was present on the outer bindings of town record books stored in the Records Storage Room. Record books affected with mold were older style bindings from the early 1900's. En\'iroscience Consultants4 Inc. . . I. SO/IIIwld Town Hall IndllstrialHygiene Investigatioll October 5,2005 Mold is growing on the outer edge of a records book stored in the Records Storage Room. . The Vault is climate-controlled with an HV AC unit dedicated solely to the room. En,'iroscicnce Consultants. Inc. . . SOlltl1old Towill/ail Indllstrialllygiene In~'estigat;on October 5, 2005 . II " o n I ~ J ~ . .~'>. Plastic sheeting had been used to shield files stored in the Vault from water from an overhead pi pe. . ;r _J '......... Mold is present on pipe insulation in the ceiling plenum of the Vault. The pipe had recenlly been n:paired to stop a leak. En\'iroscienee Consultants. Inc. . . . SOIl/ho/d Town I/atl Indlls/ria/Hygiene In..estiga/ion October 5. 2005 <. ~ ~ ~L..t , Mold is present on pipe insulation throughout the Mechanical Room. I " , .... . --_ _..31 0;.. A dehumidifier was operating in the Mechanical Room. Plastic sheeting had been used to shield it from dripping condensate from overhead pipes. En\'iroscience Consultants. Inc. . . . Sout/w/d Town /lall Industria//lygiene Investigation October 5,2005 An overhead sprinkler system pipe in the Mechanical Room is badly rusted. . Portions of mold-contaminated pipe insulation in the Maintenance Room and throughout the building are suspected of being asbestos-containing material. En\'iroscience Consultants. Inc. . . .';~.~ ~ - QI rr>"~ ~ r 1.... '. . Soullwld Town 1101/ Indllstrial Hygiene Investigation OClober 5, 2005 Air sampling for mold was conducted in the Town Supervisor's Office. I I I ,r-~ . . ,'~ The wall cavity beneath the window of the Town Attorney's Office was inspected for mold by creating inspection holes and using a fiber optic borescope. No mold was observed in wall cavity. . Enliroscience Consultants, Inc. . SOllthold Town Hall Indllstrial Hygiene Im'estigation Ortober 5,2005 . Visible mold growth was present behind the vinyl wall covering of the vestibule, . I I I ~ l!J . ~ - " ~ . ~ . - ~ Air sampling for mold was conducted in the comer office of the Tax Assessor Department. En,-iroscience Consultants. Inc. . . SOli/hold Town /101/ 'ndllstrialllj'giene llu'estigatioll October 5,2005 . lr_ -/.- ~ - e Air sampling for mold was conducted in the Town Clerk Office. . n ~ it, ,lJ; ~~. . ~ Visible mold growth was present on wallboard of the Computer Training Room. En\'iroscience Consultants. Inc. . . SO/lIllOld Town /I all Industria/llygiene Investigation October 5, 2005 . Condensate was dripping from plumbing in the Storage Room of the basement. . Air sampling for mold was conducted in the Wood Shop Storage Room. . En\'iroscience Consultants. Ine. . SOlltllOld TowlIllall 'ndrlStrialllJ'giene Investigation October 5, 2005 . Visible mold growth was present on the HV AC units of the Wood Shop Storage Room. ....., . . "'-I,'; . ,11/ f It 11 ~ 'f f ,. ,! " R. \ ~ :~-7-~ r- 1 u . '. . If' The storm water drain at the bottom of the exterior stairway to the Wood Shop was clogged with dirt and debris. . En,'iroscience Consultants. Inc. . '. Sout/wld Town lIall Industrialllygiene Investigation October 5,2005 ...r . . 10- - .,.. .<'IF ~ Water stains in the attic suggest roof leaks. The stains were dry at the time of inspection so it was not possible to determine if the stains are from active roof leaks. . """'" .~,.. - ; . J Ji . I i [\ .., I , -' .. - _I Several roof drains in the attic were not insulated, which could result in the formation of condensate during cold weather. . Enl'iroscience Consultants. Inc. . SOllthold Town Ilall Indllstrialllygiene Investigation October 5,2005 . (~~ '. ~., , " . .-- \" . . ." . , .. .L' . " The asphalt-shingled roof is weathered and most likely will need replacing in the near future, . Many of the downspouts from the roof gutters drain into suspected drywells next the foundation of the building, which may be causing water to enter through cracks in the foundation, . En,'iroscience Consultants. Inc. . SOli/hold Town 1/011 Indlls/rial1/ygiene Investiga/ion October 5, 2005 . , ~. ., '., .,.... . If' '. . II Water from an air conditioning unit condensate drain line drains water against the foundation of the building. . - L __ , J - ---.. . . - ~~ - -~ ~~..~tl' . /. - ;.-' '-'-~ I o ~ I Several downspouts drain /Unoff water from the roof against the foundation of the building. . En\'iroscience Consultants. Inc. . Soo//wld Town 11011 / ndos/rial lIygielle I m'esliga/iol/ October 5,2005 . Portions of the parking lot appear to be pitched towards the building, which may allow rainwater to drain towards the building, I .; \ ~~~, . I I ~ ----- j I I I I J /! -, i- ;. r -~ . > Sprinkler heads direct water at the front wall and windows of the building. . En,'irosciencc Consultants. Inc. . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 68 6 4 1 13 4 96 10 Light Page: 1 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495723 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A1/MAINTENANCE RM 1 6 RESULT UNITS LITERS 1904 CTS/m^3 168 CTS/m^3 112 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 364 CTS/m^3 112 CTS/m^3 2688 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 168 CTS/m^3 280 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 ,,". /' , . , . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 71 1 1 73 10 Light Page: 2 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495724 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A2/DATA PROCESSING RESULT UNITS LITERS 1988 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 2044 CTS/m^3 280 CTS/m^^3 28 CTS/m^3 -.C,...) L-,-,~:,;o < ..-'1; ,~ ,(";l'~A . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 10 10 Light Page: 3 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495725 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A3/COMPUTER RM RESULT UNITS LITERS 280 CTS/m^3 280 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 /'" ,. '.' '~~~"--;_. "..J ':~)r . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 2 2 Light Page: of: 20 4 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495726 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL M/VAULT RESULT UNITS LITERS 56 CTS/m~3 56 CTS/m~3 5 140 CTS/m~3 28 CTS/m~3 / ~..".., ...-',).' Ld)O,':jL";':j i)p .':"c',(jr . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 5 1 10 Light Page: 5 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495727 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL AS/RECORDS STORAGE RESULT UNITS LITERS 140 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 6 168 CTS/m^3 280 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 /. , / ; Fu..-........... / L>t>. ll)! . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486 -11 77 FAX: (856) 486-0005 Page: of: 20 6 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495728 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A6/SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS RESULT UNITS 150 3.5 188 15 LITERS 10 5264 CTS/m^3 420 CTS/m^3 280 CTS/m^3 3 84 CTS/m^3 12 336 CTS/m^3 228 6384 CTS/m^3 2 56 CTS/m^3 15 420 CTS/m^3 75 2100 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 Light /;,'1 1'"~L4 " Lc.:.::;,orc.<tc j'- L);! d:1; . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486 -1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 Page: of: 20 7 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AlHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495729 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A7/SUPERVISOR OFFICE COUNTS RESULT UNITS LITERS 1540 CTS/m^3 644 CTS/m^3 56 CTS/m^3 84 CTS/m^3 150 3.5 55 23 2 3 1 28 CTS/m^3 4 112 CTS/m^3 88 2464 CTS/m^3 3 84 CTS/m^3 14 392 CTS/m^3 80 2240 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 Light / " .~.._' / . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 51 9 5 1 1 7 74 10 39 Light Page: 8 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495730 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A8/TOWN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 1 RESULT UNITS LITERS 1428 CTS/m^3 252 CTS/m^3 140 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 196 CTS/m^3 2072 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 280 CTS/m^3 1092 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 "' " ,1'...,~/~-u . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 5 44 2 51 12 75 Light Page: 9 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495731 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A9/TOWN CLERK OFFICE RESULT UNITS LITERS 140 CTS/m^3 1232 CTS/m^3 56 CTS/m^3 3 1428 CTS/m^3 84 CTS/m^3 336 CTS/m^3 2100 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 , , ,,~, .....,.. . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486 -11 77 FAX: (856) 486-0005 Page: 10 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495732 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A10/TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE COUNTS RESULT UNITS 150 3.5 6 5 LITERS 2 168 CTS/m^3 140 CTS/m^3 56 CTS/m^3 1 28 CTS/m^3 14 392 CTS/m^3 2 56 CTS/m^3 2 56 CTS/m^3 8 224 CTS/m^3 65 1820 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 Light ,.:.-.." . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 5 1 1 2 2 1 12 240 Light Page: 11 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495733 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL All/RECORDS MGMT RESULT UNITS LITERS 140 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 5 56 CTS/m^3 56 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 336 CTS/m^3 140 CTS/m^3 6720 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 ; I ../r, "...) . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 Page: 12 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epi thelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495734 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A12/0/S WEST SIDE COUNTS RESULT UNITS 150 3.5 LITERS 33 924 CTS/m^3 476 CTS/m^3 17 2 56 CTS/m^3 7 196 CTS/m^3 1 28 CTS/m^3 60 1680 CTS/m^3 2 56 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 Light / ,..... L:_ r . '~'l _ .!(/ . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 Page: 13 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495735 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A13/TAX ASSESSOR DEPT. LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS RESULT UNITS 150 3.5 24 LITERS 672 CTS/m^3 8 224 CTS/m^3 1 28 CTS/m^3 4 112 CTS/m^3 37 1036 CTS/m^3 2 56 CTS/m^3 3 84 CTS/m^3 100 2800 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 Light . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND ------------------------ AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 15 2 3 22 10 50 Light Page: 14 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495736 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A14/TAX ASSESSOR OFFICE RESULT UNITS LITERS 420 CTS/m^3 56 CTS/m^3 84 CTS/m^3 1 28 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 1 616 CTS/m^3 280 CTS/m^3 1400 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 I L, '..r, '~'.;' '.'," . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 241 2 2 1 246 52 Light Page: 15 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495737 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A15/COMPUTER TRAINING RESULT UNITS LITERS 6748 CTS/m^3 56 CTS/m^3 56 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 6888 CTS/m^3 6 168 CTS/m^3 1456 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 ,';, i 'r U:',:':.;~ . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND ------------------------ AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 16 2 2 20 Light Page: 16 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495738 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A16/WOOD SHOP STORE RM RESULT UNITS LITERS 448 CTS/m^3 56 CTS/m^3 56 CTS/m^3 560 CTS/m^3 3 84 CTS/m^3 28 CTS/m^3 . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486 -1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . AIR-O-CELL STANDARD TOTAL AIR VOLUME: FIELD DIAMETER: Asp/Pen like spores Cladosporium Alternaria Basidiospores Bipolaris/Drechslera Curvularia Chaetomium Stachybotrys Ulocladium Ascospores Other/Unidentified Hyphae TOTAL COUNTS . Pollens Fibrous glass Other fibers Insect fragments Epithelial cells MINIMUM DETECTION LIMIT BACKGROUND AIHA-IAQ EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS 150 3.5 8 13 9 6 36 27 Light Page: 17 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495739 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL A17/0/S NE PARKING LOT RESULT UNITS LITERS 224 CTS/mA3 364 CTS/mA3 252 CTS/mA3 168 CTS/mA3 1008 CTS/mA3 756 CTS/mA3 28 CTS/mA3 ill / /"W,'" l C""C",' . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . COUNTS TAPE PREP-FUNGI ID SCOTCH TAPE PREP FUNGAL IDENTIFICATION Stachybotrys sp. Loaded . QUANTIFICATION/40X Rare: 1-5 spores Few: 6-10 spores Moderate: 11-50 spores Many: >50 spores Loaded: *TNTC spores * (too numerous to count) AIHA, EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . Page: 18 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495740 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL Sl/DATA PROCESSING NW CORNER W UNITS /;X~__.L.." , , 1..._". ,-, L.L',:xc:, . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486 -1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . COUNTS TAPE PREP-FUNGI ID SCOTCH TAPE PREP FUNGAL IDENTIFICATION Stachybotrys sp. Chaetomium sp. Loaded Few . QUANTIFICATION/40X Rare: 1-5 spores Few: 6-10 spores Moderate: 11-50 spores Many: >50 spores Loaded: *TNTC spores *(too numerous to count) AIHA, EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . Page: 19 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495741 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL S2/MAINTENANCE RM OVERHEAD PIP UNITS /;: / /',.z.,......<......." ,< )."-,,, . PURE EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL LAB., INC. 7184 North Park Drive Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Phone: (856) 486-1177 FAX: (856) 486-0005 LAB 0 RAT 0 R Y ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC 2150 Smithtown Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 580-3191 . TAPE PREP-FUNGI ID SCOTCH TAPE PREP FUNGAL IDENTIFICATION Aspergillus/Penicillium like spores . QUANTIFICATION/40X Rare: 1-5 spores Few: 6-10 spores Moderate: 11-50 spores Many: >50 spores Loaded: *TNTC spores * (too numerous to count) AIHA, EMLAP #102747 Report Date/Time 10/08/05 10:14:55 . COUNTS Few Page: 20 of: 20 T.J. Passon JR., PH.D. LABORATORY DIRECTOR R E P 0 R T Job Number: 051030950 Accession No.: 495742 Date Collected: 10/05/05 Date Received: 10/07/05 Date Analyzed: 10/07/05 SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL S3/RECORDS STORAGE CIVIL JUSTI UNITS //' I ," /,<..,;~,.....-.... )/ ~....- ~,' /.......- / ' . L:3t'')(8~/~~'/ [)i~-(:~r:::tor - - - TOWN HAll Main Road 61-1-9.3 ~_. - - ~ . . . . . . -- - - -- ~- . . . . . ENVIROSCIENCE CONSULTANTS, INC. 2150 SMITHTOWN AVENUE RONKONKOMA, NEW YORK 1 1779 (631) 580-3191 WWW.ENVIROHEALTH.ORG .