HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 230 .f '. ~. \ qq-4 -CJ.1 ; . . ___IloocI. """ 0cMI..... __AIU-JJldMdU&lQl'o...~ .- (lIIDCIo-l Ul11/~/ . r.. '77 ^ ^,)\..' THIS INDBNTUBE, made the aDd. dq of November, two thou8and and 11ve B1l!l.'WBBN LYNN C. KAUFFJIAN, as Trustee of the HOWAlID M. PETEB8ElIT IBBBVOCABLE TRUBT, and as Trustee of the EDITH PETEB8ElIT mBEVOCABLB TRUST, reB1d1ng at c/o 38 Quaker Path, Stony Brook, lITew York party of the first part, and LEOllTAlID BEBSA, re..M1"'1l at 161 Estate Court, Bo8J;yn Hs1ghte, lITew York party of the second part, W.l:J.'.J.t/1!/Eil:IE.l"J:I., that the partyofthe1irst part, In ClClIIIIlde1'at ofTen Dollars and otherv&J.uable cons1der&t1On p&1d. by the party otthe lI8ClOnd part, doe.!! 1\~~ ~'r&nd~-releBae unto the party of the second -.... the helrs or S"OONS01'll and as..1gr>.t'of.the:...:......;0l' tli'e"lieailIl.".\le.rt forever --, 7~,r.a"'!4' ALlithe.t lot _ or eel. of land e1t v1..,,:'l:.;.;;;.;;....;~91.r~~l,at lIatt1tuck Town cert8ilnP ,pi par .~._~,.1J~~..,I..-......I..~'... . of Bcmt'hnld, County of Bufrollt and Btate of1few J:ork, bounded' iDd Q8scii1bed 8B follows: 1!HJl G~B here1n 1& the same person as the grantee in a oerts.1n deed recorded in Libel' 12371 op 623 and Liber 12235 op ~06. mllI 1000 ~ 099.00 ~ 04.00 LQI pic 009.000 TOfJB'.l:t:LJS.il, with all right, title and mterest. if s.n;v, of the party of the ftr~ part In and to ~ streets and roads abuttlDg the &bov8 dBsor1bed JIl"""'t...., to the aentel' I1ne8 thereof; TOfJE.l".l:l.l6.Bwu.h the appurtenanose and all the eetste and rights of the party of the 1irst part 1Il and to said pl'eIJ11se8; ro HA VJ!/ AND ro HO.LDthe prem1ses herein granted unto the party of the 8900"" part. thE he1rS or BUCOevvors and &8R1gr>R of the pa.rty of the lIeClOT'll part forevllr. AND the party of the fI1'llt part llOV"'nant.s that the pa.rty of the fI1'llt part he.II not doJIe or su1fereci ~whel'ebythe said prem1selI h&v8been enoumberedlns.n;yW1li1w'hat.ev81', ezoept &8 a.fore8&1d ANDthe pa.rty ofthe1irst part In oompl.taDlle with Beot1on 13 of the LI.en I&w,llOV8Il&I1t8 that thE pa.rty of the ftrst part wUl reoe1ve the cons1dBret1on for this OOim."aJlOll and wUl hold the r1gbt tc l'8Oll1v8 such OOIUdderat1on &8 a trust fUnd to be appll.ed fI1'llt for the purpose ofps,y1ng the l108t of thE Improvement and wUlapply the samefl1'llttothe pe.vment of the cost of the lmprogeID8nt before UB~ s.n,y part of the total of the same for s.n,y other purpose. The work "party" shall be cxmstrusd &8 if 1t read ~' whenever the sense of this tnll....ture BC requ1res. IN" W.l:J.:J.i1!l88 W1IJIB1l0p, the party of the 1irst part he.II dul,y llXllcuted this deed the dq am year fI1'llt &bov8 written. ~7~_:- BY: c. lULU.lfE , ~~:: BY: I J , RIGHT OF WAY TO SESSA PART OF TAX LOT NUMBER 9 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, situate. lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold. County ofSutTolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly line orland of JoW. Chambers which point of beginning is north 39 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds cast 20.85 feet from the point formed by the intersection of the northerly line of Naugles Drive with the northwesterly line of the land of JoW. Chambers: and RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning northerly, northeasterly and southeasterly along other lands formerly of Genevieve t\augles Robinson the following courses and distances: North 18 degrees 40 minutes 10 !lCeonds west 35.38 feet; North 39 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds east 264.63 leet; South 50 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds east 30.00 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of the land ofJ.W. Chambers; THENCE south 39 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds west along the land of J.W. Chambers, 283.38 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Grantor hereby releases to Grantee, their successors and assigns. any right. title or interest to go on. in or over the above described parcel. PARCEL II (BULKHEAD TO SESSA) PART OF 009.000 ALL that certain plot, piece or paItel of land with the improvements thereon erected, I}ing, situate and being at Maltituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly end of a Right of Way distant the following courses and distances from the intersection of the northwesterlv line of J W Chambers \\ith the northerly side of Naugles Drive: North 39 degrees 19 minutes 50 lK.'COnds East 20.85 feet; North 18 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds West 35.38 feet; North 38 degrees 19 minUtes 50 seconds East 264.63 teet to the true point or place: ofbcginning. RUNNING THENCE from said true point or place: of beginning: South 39 degrees 19 minutcs 50 seconds West 3036 feet; North 51 degrees 44 minutes 38 seconds West 18.61 fect; North 37 degrees 47 minutes 34 seconds wt 38.39 feet: TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part, in and to the land I)ing in the street in front of and adjoining said premises. " North 60 degrees 37 minUleS 40 S'-'Conds East 6.03 fect; South 39 degrees 19 minutes SO seconds West40.:!8 feet: South SO degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds East 17.44 feet to the point or place of beginning. ~~ 'UI~ 'iiLf,.-=- .q \ ""'~01.1... - ....-..J'I fJ3Ji,i,:J - ., _.~~ . -,. ,.. TOGETHER \\ith aJl right, title and interest urthe pan)' of the first part, in and to the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said premises. ' S'lAD OP NEW YORK, COtmTY OP lIu.FJlULX 88.: On the 2"" day of November, 8005, before me, the undersigned, a Notary PuhUo In and for 8&Id Ilta&e, personally appsared LYNNe. KAUPPMAN, pel'lIO]]81I,y known to me or plvvad to me on the baBI8 of stt'ef'Alot.ory IIV1denae to be the lnd1v1dual(s) whoBB name(s) 18(are) subsarlbed to the within lnBt1'uDI8nt and acImowl""rt to me that helBhlllthey8DClUtlld the B&Il1B In h1sIher/th8I1' capaclty(1BB), and that by b1Bo'her/thetr B1gDature(s) on the InBtrUmBnt, the lnd1v1dual(s), or the person upon beheJ!ofwh1ah the lnd1v1dual(s) acted, exeauted the InBtrUmBnt. (7~-'f'~ R.CUDD'I SlIIIe 01 New "" No. .72225 QudIIed .. 8uflo11c CounIY CommIIIIon EllpINI o-mbIr 11,1Q5. 8T~ OP NEW YORK, COmrrY OP SS.: On the day of , before me pereonalJy 0Bmll to me known, who be1ng by me dul3' sworn, did depose and B8iY that he resides at No. ; that he 18 the of the oorparat1on descr1bed In and wb1ch BDCUted the forego1ng InIItrument: that he knowB the seal of satd corporat1on; that the seal affl""'" to B&1d InlItrum8DIi 18 BUCh corporate seal; that it W&II eo atlIxed by order of the board of dlreators of satd oot'JI01'lIt1On, and that he e1gned. h name thereto by l1ke order. notary 'RA1UUT1\T AND 8ALl!l DBED LYNN C. KAUPPKAlIJ, 88 Trustee of the HOWABD K. PBTEBBBN nmEVOCABLB mUB'r, and as TruIItee of the EDITH PETERSEN IRBBVOCABLE mUST 'l'O LEONABD SESSA, , .. 8'lATE OP :NEW YOU, COmrrY OP 88.: On the day of . before me, the un4erB1gDed, a Notary PuhUo In and for B&1d State, pel'IIOlI&Iq appeared , ~known to me orpraved to me on the bas1s of eet-t---711V1denae to be the lnd1v14ual(s) whose name(s) 18(are) subear1bed to the W1thIn InBtrUmIl11l and aaknowlBdged to me that helBhe,1they~ the lI&JII8 In h1BIherJthetr capaait,y(1eB), and that ~ hlBIher/thelr eJ.gnature(s) on the lnBtruJDeDIi, the lnd1v14ual(s), or the person upon beheJ! ofwb1ah the 1nd1v1dua1(s) eotecl, exeoutecl the InBtl'UmBnt. notary STATE OP NEW ~BK, COmrrY OJ' .. 88.: On the day of , before ml pereonaJJy aaDl8 the BUbBal'lblng w1tneIIB to the forego1nj lDstrument, with whom I am pereonaJJy lIIlll',aiY'f:4OI' who be1ng by me duJ;r sworn, did depose and B8iY tbaI he res1dBB at No. : that he knowB to be the lnd1v1dual desar1bed In and whc exeoutecl the foregoing tnmument: that he,B&1c subBar1blDg wltnBIB, W&II pI! --~ and B&W IlZlllIUte the same: and that he, B&1c w1tnees, at the B&Il1B t1mII eubBorl.bed h name 81 w1tnees thereto. notary BIOTIO. 099.00 IILOOIl: 04.00 un pia 009.000 COli1m' OBro1fJI 8OUTHOLD BETUlUT BY MAIL TO: CHARLES Bo. CUDDY, ESQUIBB 446 GBIPPINGAVENUE B.IVEBHEAD, NY 11901 , ~. rOo" 2 5 J Number of Jlll&e5 TORRENS Prior Or. " RECORDED 2005 Hov 02 04:53:2';1 PM Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012418 P 230 I>TI 05-13715 Serial" Certificate /I Deed' Mortgage Instrument Deed' Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording' Filing Stamps 4 Page' Filing Fee Mortgage Ami. Handling TP-SB4 I. Basie Tax 2. Addilional Tax Nlllation Sub Total EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (State) Sub Total Spec.' Assil. Or Spec. ,Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Apportionmcot ~ Transfer Tax ~ _ Sub Total RP.T.S.A. ~- Comm. of Ed. s<m- Affidavit ~ Reg. Copy !,.g{/ Other GRAND TOTAL s Lot Slamp "1 1000 09900 0400 009002 . CI>F Tax Due Dale Initials ~laCllonSlulSChargeslKeleases List 1'n.1perty Uwners Mallmg Addres ...:J __u_ . RECORD &: RETURN TO: C),A.r4 ~ c?~~ &;t ./5~? ( ~n~ A('j'. lf1'r;oJ TO TO TO 8 Title Company Information CD. Name Title # 9 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns part of the attached ./l-d made b) fi",,I,"~ At.. ~~~.7~""If'-.q. ~FYTYPEOFINSIR\.JMElIIT) f I'.1. ,'H ~t...~",.........ry_g_...L~ ~premiscshcrcinissiluatedin y 7''''- e~IiA"&7M-V;hY~61- SUFFOLKCOUNIY,NEWYORK. TO In the To\\nship of S:~J.J L",N'4.J .G~,_ In the VILLAGE . or HAML~T of /1?JI-AtCJ4 c--f' OOXES S UIRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR I'RlNIED IN BlACK INK ONLY PRIOR m RECORDING OR l'll.lNU. , . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFI:CE RECORDI:NG PAGE Type of Instrument; DEEDS/ODD Number of Pages: 5 Receipt NUmber : 05-0115648 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-13715 Record.ed.: At: 11/02/2005 04:53:29 PI LI:BER: PAGE: D00012418 230 Deed. Amount: Section: 099.00 BXAJUNBD AND $0.00 Block: 04.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 009.002 District: 1000 FOLLOWS Received. the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bxempt Exe Page/Filing $15.00 NO Hand.ling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO :&:A-CTY $5.00 NO :&:A-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $6.25 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.pre. $0.00 NO Fees Paid. $251.25 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-13715 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTROMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward. P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County Cl.SWIS~ I r,/7, ~,9. 9:1'1 I 11/ q.f / 9.:-' /,~C4.P.pl I;; I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CZ. Debt o.d R_ STATE OF Nl:W YlJIU( STATE SOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES CI, Book I /..:J I ef, PROPERTY INFORMATION "=1 :rl~ RP - 5217 lU"-51nllrt'J/n m&T_ Naugles Drive ....., - Southold Mattituck I 11576 ZlPCDDi ClT'f on TOWN ....... 2.""'" - Sessa Leonard -,- LAI1' HAIlE I aJIIPAIIV lM'~'OQ/IIINIItY RRlTIMMi 3. TI. ~ whim fuIurII Ta Bill... fa blllnt Slllinl ~__ ....,..__lor_ 0I1onnl1 Add_ lAST NMIl , COIU'AN" .....- to Indle.. 1M number of .......... Roll p.rall 1........... on the dead Cl'TYOIITQWN ./1 'of_ OR D Portof.Pon:ol . .r_11 .aI"CODi ITMP-.."Sgc(T ,..,yt I. ~pony I Sill ,..,. fEET Ixl ..... 10111 'ACJIWI' _ 65 10000.P......____....... 4A. Planning _ _ Subdivlllon --. ExiIlI 0 ... luIldi.Ioion~_""-IorT_ 0 <<:. Pa.... ~ lor __ willi Mop ProvkIod 0 10 &.I1.r Nom. ILynn C. Kauffman, TRustee of the Howard Hi Petersen Irrevocable Trust LAlTNAMEICIOIW"oVA' foN''''. ILynn C. Kauffman, Trustee of the Edith Pe~ersen Irrevocable Trust LAlIT ~, COIII'IIltoy FNf..,.. A~Ono_IIy_ B 2...'_II,_1a1 C _v.....~ D X _- '. 'IioIV'Ont..... I SAlE INFORMATION ~ II. So" Controcl Doto E ~ Agrloulwr.1 I ~ Cammunll, Service F Cam_t J Ind_1 o Aponmorn K Publlo_ H E_lnmont I AmUlOmonl L _ -...----"""": & 0w'*Ihlp T_1a Condomlnlum .. NIW ConIlrucdon on VKllnI L..nd IGA. "'-" ~ wIIhIn on Asr-- IClll.Iluyor_._ro_-.e II1II1110..- . kI on AgrfcuIluroI_ '0 o o o 7. Ch8cIr. '1M box below which mOIl -__. __rl_thl .... aI the III'OI*tY ... thl tlm. of ala: 11. CbIcII _ or more of _ _ --. ,4.. .. - .. Ie......-: 5 ...... / 4 "'" I 20051 .... 12. Doto......' T....,., " ...... 1# Do, /2005 I v.... A R C D E F o H I J Solo Botwaan R.IaIMo... __ _ .... __ _ COtnponloo... PorInon In Buoln_ OlIo of the Buyoro 10 oIao . Sollol' Buyer... SaIIar 10 Govammont Agoncy ... Londing Inoll.UlIan Dud Typo _ W....nty or Borvoin ond Sole ISlIocify BoIawI Solo aI f._ ... Lou Ihon Faa IntaraIllSpoclfy Balow, Significant CI1.,. in "'-"' __ TIlCIIbI. S..... .nd SoIl Sele of Bulinau illncIuded in lWe Price 0Ibar Unuoull F....... _Ins Sole _1SpociIy BaIowI Nano 13.FuII__ , . /~.1l1 , , . IFullSoIa Prlca 10 Iho ..... ....... poicIlar 110. property including _I property. 1hIo poymont moy bo In the form ""-" ..har praparty ... gaadI, ...Il1o -"'" of maI1gIgI1 or other ob/1gItionI.) .... round 10 III. ncMCSt"" doIIM MIOUIJt 14._1ho......""~ I . II. II I propony InaIudod In ... _ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DoIOIhauIel refIoc:t th. 1.1.11 Fin.1 _nt Roll .00 Tox Bill 'I.Yural&11 _ARoU'rom I -~.............- 1,7.T__V.....10I..,.,..k1_1 j j 1& "'-" au. I~././I_~ ,..___1 j /JJ/lJ///tla . ZOo TOIMopl_IaI/RaU_llIltI__taur.__wllh__11I1 1000; 099.00; 04.00; 017.000 I I CERTIFICATION I I ...,.,. ..... oU at IIw ...... .. fI..,. 1IIDfuI false .....~D1 .... 1nIe............. C" lIIe_at my _......_1IoIIIf) ....._..... lholllllklna IlII\JI<l me III the anMIIMI at.... _ low ...Iodve 10 the makIDa ODd lUIog at IlaIso ...........IL / BUVER'S ATTORNEY Cuddy """ ..... Charles R. ....,- 161 . I 111U!!T_ Estate Court ~"l1AM1!IAP'T1!"1AL!I 631 .....- 369-8200 ...........- 11576 ",COlIo Petersen ruBt NEW YORK STATE COI'Y