HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 228 ";. .. ...... Ll21t1~ f ,22~ q'q- L/-/7 NY Q2S - Euc....... Do<d -lDdiYiduo1 orC"""""15iDl1c SIwo') l~ IIOfl5I CO:'lSlILT ,'on LAWl'F.R BFIORE S1GlIo'\lllC nos r.iSl1lW!ENT . TIllS ISSTIIWIEHT SIIOIJlD lIE UIlED BY L\ WYERS OlIoU' THIS INDF.J\o"fURE. made \he 31 day of October . in rhe year 2005 BETWEEN BARBARA SW AHN, resldlng.t 2]00 Park Avenue, M.~tuck, lIiew York 'Irt. ~; . f as ~. yexeeutor... (excculr1x1 ) 0 GENEVIEVE R:OiiniiSONJl:l."', :.,q '(1.....(;1/1 ,",1~,lf'" (.... ~.ugles D~l ~~~tJI.~ ~m !t,lJ:k~1O party of rhe.firStpart'. .iId:I,II",,,..:.:~ 1II1..llloi~~" rhe last will and teSll\mCnt of. ,Iau: of . dccca.o;cd. LEONARD SESSA, resldlng.t 161 Est.te Court, Roslyn Heights, New York I (S 77 party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of rhe fll'lit pan. by virtue of rhe power and aurhority given in and bJ said lasl.~i11 and ICStamenl, and in considcralion of ". IA/ I 0 dollan. paid by the party of the second pan. doL-s hc!dly gIlInI and n:lease unlO rhe party oflhc second pari, the heirs or SIlCCe5SOI'S and aWgas oflhc party of the second part fOl'Cver, ALL that eertain plot. piece or parcel ofland. wirh \he building.~ and improvements \hereon en:ctcd. situate, lying and being in rhe SEE AN~EXED DESCRIPTIO~ TOGETHER wirh all right. title and interest. if any. of the party of \he Ii".t part in and 10 any streets and roads abutting Ihe llbove dcsc:ribt:d premises 10 lhc eenter lines lhcreof: TOGETHER wirh the appurtenanees, and also all the eslate whieh rhe said decedent had atrhe time of dcccdcnt's dearh in 118id premises. and also tbe estate \hen:in. which \he party of rhe first part has or h:ls power 10 eunvey or disro~ of. whetln.... individually. or by virtue of said will or OIm,rwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grunted unlO rhe party of the second pall. \he heirs or succe5.~ors and assigns of rhe pany of me second part forever. AND the party oflhe first purt cuvenants thallhc pany of the first pall ha.~ nOl. done or suffered anything whc:n:by lhc said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever. o:"~'Cpl as aforesaid. AND \he pally of the first part. in eompliWICC with s..'Clion 13 (lfthe Lien Law. covenanL~ that lhc party oflhc firsl part will receive ihe considcl'lllion for rhis eonvcyllllCl: and will hold me right 10 receive such eOR-~ideration Wi a Uw.-l fund 10 be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply \he - first to the payment of the eost of lhc improvement before using any part of the IOtal of the same for any olhcr purpose. The word Hparty" shall be COR-,trUed 8.' if il n:ad HpartiesH whenever me sense of rhis indenture so n:quires. IN WITNESS WHI-:RF.oF,lhe party uflbe first part ha.~ duly execuled this deed theday and yeartirst above wrillCD. IN I'RESL,\;CE OF: c /~~~2--~ B.rbar. Swabn, E utrls ~ !.i. . .... Parcel II (pIa Tax Lot 017.000) ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point fo~d by the intersection of the northerly line of Naugles Drive with.the northwesterly line of land now or formerly of William M. Chambers; and . RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning South 71 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West 56.51 feet; THENCE northerly, northeasterly and southerly along other land of Genevieve Robinson the following courses and distances: 1) North 18 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds West 30.00 feet; 2) North S8 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds East 76.09 feet; 31 South 18 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds Bast 35.58 feet to a point in the northwesterly line of land of Chambers; THENCE South 39 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West along the said land of Chambers 20.85 feet to the point or place of BBGIHNING. USEM:VIOW/.t:DGIIHNTRlltllBIiU)WWfI7IINNp.YtMlCSTAJEO.YLY: SIaIe ofNcw York, CounlJIII Suffolk 1 III.: On Iho 31day of October in Ihe yearZOOS bcf'on: me. die lIIIlIersigued. pmonaIly appean:d BARBARASWAHN . JII'I5OII:IlIy klMMlllO me or JlIO'ICd 10 me on !he ba.~ of UJisflll:Ull)' evidena: 10 be Ihe individuaI!s) whose IIIlIIICls).. lan:l...bocribed 10 Ihe wilhin i_ and adtnowlediF 10 me IhaI he/shdlhey cxcc:uIl!d die same in bisIhcdIheir CQJlIICiIy(ics~ and Ihat by hislhcrllheir si~s) on dr insuulllClll, the individuaJ(s~ << Ibe penon upon behalf of wbicb Ihc individual(slllClCd, cxccub:d Ibe illS\l'UlllClll. . Q~c..~~ ACKNOWUiDCME.vt FODI FOIl US/! WmUiV NI!W YtMlCSJ'A TII ONI.Y: I-Y""'.... .....W"_uAt_W,_~1 SlaleofNew Yark, CCJUDly III I...' On lhc d:ly of in !he year bcf'ore me. Ihc uadersigncd. pcnona1lyappcad . Ihc subscribing ..'i1nCSS 10 lhc foregoing insINmcnI. willi whom I am peISllIIOIIy ~ who. being by me duly swcwn. did dopoor and say Ihal hcI!IhcIlhcy JeSidc(S) in Ii/1M p/uct ofnloidencr Is In Q rir)l Include 1M _I and _I rJIIIIIber. if any. IheTPOfr. Ihal helsheIIhey knaw(sl 10 be lhc individual dcsaibed in IUId who execul&d Ibe foregoing in<UulllClll: Ihat said subscribillll ..ibleSS WWl prcICnl and ...w lIIid e_ Ihe same; and IhoI said willlClll allhc same time su/l.<<:rihcd hislhcrlthcir numelsl as a ..ill1aS 1hell!1O. ExEc\ITOII'S DEEP ba\'lDU.\LDlCmroaA'I1ON Tm.E No. BARBARA SW AHN, As Executrix or the ESTATE OF GENEVIEVE ROBINSON TO LEONARD SESSA '0.. . l' USBAClfNOWI.EDGM/!/IfTFOIIM 8I1IDWW11lI1NNI!W YtMlCSTAnrONLr, SlaleofNew York, CowIIy III ISI.: On Ihe day or in Ihe year before me. Ihe uadasigned, penooally appcanxI pasonaIly known 10 me or JlIO'ICd 10 me em Ihe IIaIiis of SlIIisfllCuxY evideal:e 10 be the individualls)..iIasc aamc(s).. (Iu~l subscribed 10 Iho wiIhin inslrumcn1111l111Cknow1ndged 10 me IhaI htIlIheIlh<y exe:uJed Ihe same in hisIhcdIheir c:apacily(icsJ, and IhaI by hisIbcdIhcir sigaalure(s) on !he inslrumcaI. Ihe individull(s). Dr Ihe penon upon bchaIf or ..1Iich Ihe individuallS) acted. ~cc:uu:d Iho insuumenL PATRICIA A. CLARK NClllllY PublIC. StIle 01 NeW YClIlI No.6711ClO5 aual=~20,Slb AC1f1iOttJi:nGJIHNT FOIlM FOIl USE 0_ NI!W YOIIK STAnrONLY: 10lIl01_.' F_'~. _ AtUuwW,..... CntI/I<oIIl ................. .. . ..... . . . ........ ............. .ISI.: rc...".,. r_...._. c:.....,. _.,..MIIIIi<IpoIiqI On Ihc d:ly of in the year befOn! me. Ihe undersigned. pen;oaaIly appcan:d pmonaIIy klMMlllO me or proved 10 me on Ibe basi. or salislllClOry rvidence 10 be Ihe iDdividual(sl whose IlIlIIlC\.sl is (an:) subsl:ribed 10 tho: willlin illSlrl/menI and adaIowledged 10 me Ibal he/shdIhey executal Ihc lII/IIC in hi5/hcdlheir capocilyfl/lSl.lbal by bisIho:ri lheir signlllUJC(s) on Ihe illSll'lUDel1~ the iadividual(s~ or Ihc penon upon bchalf of wbicb Ihc individuaIIs) uclOd, cxecul&d Ihe insIrwnenI.lIIlIf Ihalsuch individual made such opjJeamnce before Ihe undersigned in lhc tI_n 1M dry "r nther pn/1lit:a1 subdivlsitlll QN/ lhe .<ttIl. nrct>lUllry '" llllter pIoa 1M udnuwlrJglfll!lII ...ar ruken~ DlSTJllcr SEC110N BLOCK 1m COUlIITY OR ToWN Ru:oRDEDATREQUesrOF .1deI1ty NldIoaII 'I1IIe Insunmce c-JIIIIIY RETURN BY MAIL m I o I I ~ 11/ !!l II: Ii! 11/ I I I '1 ~2 1 ~ . ." r .P'EC'ORCoE[. ZOOS Ho') 02 04:53:2':1 Pl'I Edward P .I\O!131 n~ ClERK OF SUFFOlK COUNTY L D00012418 P 228 DTI 05-13713 Number of pages TORRENS Serial N Certilicaie /I Prior Ctf. Ii Deed I Mongage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES ~ording I FilinS Stamps 4 Page I Filing Fee ~ ~ S- ~ Mongage AmI. Handlinf. TP.SS4 \. Basic Ta.x 2, Additional Tax Notation R.P.T.SA ~ S~T.. /~ - 20- Sub Total EA-~2 17 t County) EA-~~ 17 (Slale) Olher ~. /~- . Sub Total SpecJAssit, Or Spec, I Add, TOT, MTG, TAX Dual Town Dual Counl)' _ Held for Apportionment _ Transfer Tax -&' Mansion Tax _ The property covered b)'this mongage will be improved by a one or two I dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause en I of this instrumenl. .' Comm.ofEd. 5 C22..-. Aflida,.;t ~edCOO~) Reg. Copy S./ ORAND TOTAL 5 Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification DisL Section. . B lock I Slamp 1000 09900 0400 Lot 6 Community Preservation FI Consideration Amount $__ ." OOCPF Tax Due $ Dale ~~~! , '-;rSajisfaciiollslDischargesiReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address ..:J --.. RECORD & RETURN TO: Improved _ Vacant Land Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue PO Box 1547 Riverhead, NY. J1901 TO TO TO .. 9 Suffolk Coun 8 Title Company Information Co, Name Title # Recordin & Endorsement Pa e llus page f0I1115 part of the attached ~ , 1 _. Deed _lIIill (SPEClFYTYPE OF lNSlRUMENT) BARBARA SWAHN. as Executrix t' L__" 'tuated' of the ESTATE OF GENEVIEVE ROBINSO prenuscs""-,,,IDIS Sl III UFFOLK COUl\llY. NEW YORK. SOUTHOLD TO LEONARD SESSA In the T0\\115hip of In the VILlAGE or HAMLET of MATTITUCK 1111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Pagesl 4 Receipt Humber : 05-011564B TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-13713 Recorded: At: 11/02/2005 04:53 :29 PI LIBER: PAGE: D00012418 228 District: 1000 Section: Block: 099.00 04.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 017.000 Deed Amount: Received the Pol1owing Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt bE Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO mB SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA.-STATE $165.00 NO TP-5B4 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $247.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-13713 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ," PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ONFORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:/I www.orps.51ale.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY C1, SWIS Code }f?, ,?,st",ff ,rl .il' ,((iL I t:;r-I C4. PIl"I , .;z,;;2 J! I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORl C2. Dill DHd lI-.Md STATE OF NEW YOIlIl STATE SOARD OF RU.L PIIOPElITY SERVICES C3. Book PROPERlYINFOR~nON 1'=1 RP - 5217 u.JZ17 ... JrI7 IiT"EET NUMIEIl Naugles DRive 51.. NAMt 2. ...,.. - Mattituck QIY OR'OWl! Sessa LQT NAIl! ICDMMNV - Leonard 119521 OPCllllI! .......- LUT...-,COIIIN6'fY .... ,.,.. 3. T.. IndicaIe where""'" Tallo""" to be lent lining u_......~_.._ollonnll Addr... 'QT~/aJIIIWft' .....- SIIIIIT _I_a...., NMIlr. .. india... 1M ........... _ ..-4 RoD p..... ~...,..... on 1M .... ""'00_ . a'Io15 "'CllOI! I. DI'" . I Proporly . 1 X I Size PRONI' PUT ..,m tORI 'AC.RfI' . COnly I Pori oil ........ _ ..1Iloy opply; 4A. Planning Baerd WIllI C......O!~iIiOn Autboricy Ex1ItI 0 41. SubdM.IOIl~_~"'T_ 0 CC.1'IIn:01 AppfovocIIor_ - Mop - 0 . 1 I , 01 P....I. OR D P.rt oil PorcoI 8. IoU. NIIIlI Barbara Swahn, as Executrix of ~he Estate of Genevieve Robinson LAST"""""""" ......~ LAIr NAMkJ~ FJIlITIiIAM: A~ Ono Flmily Retidentllll R 2 or Homily_I C _ill v...nt Lone! I) No.._ntlal V_ Lind I SALE INFORMATION I 11.8110__ Il ~ Agrlcuhurol I ~ CarMounI\y Sorvlcu F Common:iII J__ G Apor\monl K r.- SorvIco H EIIlIItIiMlOlll1 A/nuIOMfn, L Fo_ _tho _ _..Ihoy oppIy: 8. OwnolIIllp Typo is Condominium .. New ConItruc;tIon an VK8I1t LMncI lOA. "-'" ~ _ OIl AgrIcuIIuroIlliolrIc:l I. Buyor""'" 1__........ lhollho _10 In OIl AgrIcuhurol IlIoIricI o o o o J. a.II: 1M bo. b.low which 11IOII accurateIr dIIcrIbM tM .... of U. "..rty 811M 111M of ..Ia: I 05 VII' 1&. a..ck one or morI of tt.- eaR R' ... _ ~ .. to trInIftr. 511" BMwMn ReIAtiYall or Former Relativel Solo _ _ ~Ioo or .......... in BuoI.... Ono 01 tho Buyoro II..... I SoIIo1 Buyer or SoIIo1Io _ Agoncv 0' LoIlding 1_ Doad Typo nOl W...- or IIorgIin ond Solo lSpodfy _, Solo of FroCllonal or Lou thon Foo 1_1Spad1y _ Significant Chanyo in Propreny Between TlXlbIe StmUl and Sal Solo 01_ II Includod In Solo Prico 0111II U.......I F...... A111Cling Solo Price ISpocIly IloIowI NOIlI 12. Dill 01 Solo 1 T_ ~ I~\ 10 I '3\ - ... I 05 v_ 13. Full &.1. Price , ,.0,0, III , I I IFull Solo Price is IhO _.mount poid 10' lho proporlY Including poroonaI p_ny. Thil PIYIftIII1: m., be In III. form of cuh. om.. property or good.. or the luumpdon of mortglgft or ocher obIlpIiDM._ ,."... round to ",.,...., who" dol,., amount ~""''''''''A,.....ft'dLn n~:..::t,n 14._........01...- I ' 0,0,0 I __Inlho_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. o.to ohould ..noel tho laIOII Final _minI Roll Ind TIIlC Bill 18. :"01 ~,.....i.:':':: from I t:l ~ I 17. T_ _ Valullol ......-. _,I 1..........CIooo I~. I./I-l.a '8.___ I ; ; ; Mattitnck-Cut.chnqI1A 2/1. T.. Mop _, RoD _11IIoI......_10",. _ ____01' 1000-099.00-04.00- plo 017.000 I I CERTIFICATION I I mlll)' IIlIII 011 0111Io Demo 01...,_ 01"" wiIIl'uIlloIloe _ oI....eriaI BU .... trut one! ....... (10 11Io ..... 01 "'1 _.. ..... IIoIl<fl ... I' . ~ - 11Io llIIIIoIaI 11Io _lsic_ 0111Io ..... 10.. _.. 10 Ibe .u.ID& one! IIIIatl 01_ ......- BUYEIrS AnoRNEY Cuddy .... .... Charles R -.... 161 I mw_. Estate Court .,"", NAIll W1Dt IMD 631 369-8200 ....CllllI! ........- Rosyln Heightsl ~y 11577 STAT! IIPCODI! atV OIL lOWN . SEUER NEW YORK STATE COPY ~ .4_ ~/'.'" " ,.J....\......