HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 233 \ (1Cf - 4- J ~1 COJIIIUIIf ~ LAwnB lIDUU IIllIIIIIIO mIB 1IIImI_ DIB'llI1lJIIIft lIIIlI1ILD D UlIIIlIIT r..uru. ClllLT D Lf2LfJf i7 "s '7 vI-v) THIS IBDBNTUBH, made tbe 2"" day of November, t;wo thoua&nd and five BBPW1l1lN LYNN C, KAUJ'1!'MAN, as Trustee of the HOWAlloD M. PETERSEN mBEVOCABLE TRUST; and as Trustee of the EDITH PETEBSEN mBEVQnA'RT.1I! TRUST, l'E'Edtll"ll at C/o 38 Quaker Path, Stony Brook, New York party of the first part, and LEONAlm.JUlAAAare..1tl1nt at 161 Estate Court, Roslyn He1ghts. New York partyofthe.~: .- . '1'"_ ' :Ai ____~f~.ftI~ ~~,.tP&tIthl! ~ oftbe nm part, in oons1deratton often dollars and otbsr valuable OODB1derat1on paI.d by tbe party of tbe seoontl part, does hereby NIII1B8. relelI8e and quU;n'alm unto the party of tbe lIecond part, tbe l!II1rs' or IlUCCllllBOl'II and lIIIII1Bn8 of tbe part;;v of the IIElO()T1d part f01'8Vll1' , ALLtbat oertatn plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, J;v1ng and beU1g at IIatt1tuck, Town of Bouthold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and delKl1'lbed as follows: BJl(JINN1N(Jat a point formed by the intersect10n of ths Northerly Une of Naugles Drive With the Northwesterly Une of land now or 1'orm81'ly of Wt11lam M. rn.amhAPs; BURRIN'fJ !I'1l11N01l from satd point of beglnn1"g, South 71 degrees 19 m1nutes 60 seconds West, 56.51 feet; BU'NNlN'G THJlN(J1l Northerly, Northeasterly and Bouthsrly along othsr land 01 Genev1sve Robinson, the followtng courses and. d1stance8: {1} North 18 degrees 40 m1nutes 10 secontl.. West, 30.00 feet; {2} North 68 degrees 61 m1nutes 30 seconds East, 76.09 feet; {3} South 18 degrees 40 m1nutes 10 seconds East, 35.58 fest to a point 1n the Northwesterly Une of land of Oham""",,; BU'NNlN'G !I'1l11N01lBouth 39 degrees 19 m1nutes 50 seconds West, along ths satd land of OhamhA1'II 20.86 fest to ths point or pl&ce of D(JINN1N(J. TOGJI".I.".I1JSB with sll rl.ght, t1tle and 1Dtel'est, U an;y, of ths party of ths ~st part in and to ~ streets and 1'OIId8 abutttnS ths above desarIbed pl"'mtA'3S to ths ClIIItll1' i1JleB thereof; TOGJ!iJ.".l:UUl with the appurtenanlWA and sll tbe 1llltat11 and rlghtB of ths party of tbe fIl'st part. in and to sa1d pl"'mIA'3B; 1.'0 HA V11.AND 1.'0 HOLDths prem1Bll8 hel'llIn granted unto ths part;;v oftbe 88ClOIlCl part., the heirs or 1IUOll88S0rs and lJ1IA'llJ"A of the party of ths seoond part. fo1'eV81'. .ANDthe party of ths f11'st part;, in oampllRnnA with Bsot1OI\ 13 of the Lten Law,llClVIlD&IIts tbat the part;;v of the f11'st part; w1ll reoelve ths ClDIllI1de1'e.l for th1s uuuv...,a.DOll and w1ll hold tbe 1'1ght tc reoeI.ve such 00IlIIl.d.e1'lI1I8 a trust fund to be appUed 1l.1'st for the purpose of ps,y1nI ths OO8t oj the Imp1'ClVelD8r1t and w1ll apply the IIII.DI8 flrBt to the pIIiJDI8J1t of ths ClOSt of the Imp1'ClVelD8r1t before UB1ng an;y part; of tbe tot&l of ths sa.me for an;y oths1' purpose. Thll word "party" Ih&Il be oonst1'Uell as Uit read "ps.rt1es" wb8D8v81' ths sense ofth1e m"A~ure so requ1res. IN W1!I'N1l88 W H ~R.710P, ths party of ths f11'st part; has dul\Y ezeouted th1e d8ed tbe day and year nm above Wl'ltten. IN PBBBlDNOE Ol!': ~~:::-- BY DN C. , Trustee ~g..;- '. S18nd8rd N.V.B.T.U. Form SOO4 - QuIlclaIm Deecl- Unlfann Acko~._ ('*'DIe eheeI) Form 2218 TO!E ~S~D ~N~!.~~~.~.-~~~~LEI:!GMI:U'I' IS ~E IN N~ !OR~ STATE State or New York, CountJ' or IIullbIIt 88: On the S- cIa.y or NllVIIDlber, In U1lI 18lIZ' aooB, before me, tile under81gDed, perllOn&II,y appe&I'tIcI. LYNN C. KAunKAN, perIIOn&II,y!mown to me or proved to me on the buI8 or ............-<11'7 IIV1clenae to be the 1JId1vldual(e) who8e DIIDUl(8) 18 (are) 8Ub8orlbed. to U1lI wtthIn 1n8trumen, and 8lllmoWl8dgsd to m8 that. helshR/thlIY _,.... U1lI 8&m8 In hlIlIh8r/th8I1" OBPfO'W(I88), and that. tv' blWb8P/tb8Il' 8ljpWUre(e) on U1lI1nlItrumlInli, tile lJIdMdU&l(e), Or th8 per80n upon bohBJforwhlah thelnd1v1dua1(8) 1IIlIAld~,~ted tile ~ .J (elllJ18tll1'8 and oIDCllI or Ind1vldual ~ aaItnowl......"II"') IItate of New York, CountJ' or n: , . ......:..--.... -- or - .7_..' . .l:'1I~4.... i .....:~. On tile cIa.y of In the Jll&1' before me, the \IJIdsr8IllD8d. pereonaD.Y appeared ps1'8OnaIl,y known to m8 or pI'OV1Id to me on the buI8 or .M'.l'ant.o17 8YIcIAtnlIe to be tile 1nd1v1dU&l(8) whaeB name(e) 18 (are) 8ubear1bed to tile wt\hln lnIt.rulr.m' and lIIlluIawJedCed to me that. he/lIheIthe;y a:8ClUted U1lI _e In b1e/heI'IUleIr lIIIpo"'tJ'(I88), and that. tv' h1lrIb8'MIeU' ldgII8tll1'8(e) on the \J1et.rWIlem, the 1nd!vIdU&l(e), or U1lI pel'lIClI1 upon behalf orwhlah the lnd1v1dual(e) lIa' Jd, 8DlIIIted the~. ." ' ....,'. I' , " (rr!gnatUre and omae orlnd1v1d.ual WJUn&~) '1'0 BB UBBD aBLY 1IBlIlf TBlI ,lInn,t\WT,'\IDGV1I1I'P IS KADlI nft'1'll1'n'l 1lIBW YDBK II'rATB Btete (or DlstrlCl\ of ColumbI&. TePr1tory, or 70reICD Country) or 88: On the dIIiY or perIIOn&II,y appeared In the y.- before me, U1lI underellJ18d, pereonall,y known to me or proved to me on the buI8 or ""."""'^"J' ev1danae to be the lnd1v1dU&l(e) wholIe 11&1Ile(8) 18 (are) subeorlbed to Lh8 w1thIn inlVUmGm and &lIknowl8d&8d to me thal.lul/shR/thlIY a:8ClUted the -- In hI8/h81'Ith81I' oep&lllW(188), and thal. tv' h1I/II8r/thlllr ldgII8ture(8) on the 1n8trumen', the 1nd1v1dU&l(8), or the pereon upon behalf of which the lnd1v1dua1(8) aotBd, o:uau1ed the ln8t1'WIlIIIU. and thal. IIWlh tnd1v14U&l nuuI8 IIWlh appesr&1lO8 bBl'ore th8 uncle1'8IllDed In th8 QUITCLAIM DEED LYNN C. KAUFnuN, as TrulI_ of U1lI HOWAJI,D X. PETEBSBN JJmBVIXlABLB TBUII'r, and.. 'r1'wI'8e ort.he BDrrH PETEBIlElIl nmBVOOABLE TBUII'r SBCTION 099.00" BLOCK 04.00 LOT 017.000 COUNTY' OB TOWN KAT'l'ITUCX Becorded at Bequest of FIDIILlTY lIlMI01ll'AL Tl'rLI!I INIIURAlTOB COlIl'AJII' TIUe No. SUFF 2501656 TO LBOJIlABD SESSA Charles ~. Bsqu1re 446 Gr1mnS Avenue Rlverhe&d. NY U90l ST__ Of' IEWlOIIK IIClARD Of' nn.E Uh____'..... Olstribull!ldby [ilz Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Hov 02 04: 53: 29 PM Edward P.Ramaine CLERK OF SlIFFOLK COUNTY L 000012418 p:m DTll 0:1-1371$ Serial # Certificate # Prior Of. # Deed I Mongage InslrUmenl Deed / Mongage Tax Stamp FEES Recording I Filing Stamps 3 GrandTolaI ~3~ ~ '4) Mongage AmI. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinunent ~. ~ TransferThx .~ Mansion Tax _ The property covered by this mortgage or will be improved by a one or 11 family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrumenl. Page / Filing Fee Handling S. ..QQ...- TP-584 Notation EA-5:! l7 (COUIlIY) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total !:OInm. of Ed. 5. ..Q!L iV- Affidavil Ccnificd Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. J1Q..... Sub Total 4 n. RI\_, - _.- ., "17.000 09900 0400 017000 5 Community Preservation FuJI Real Prop' TQX Servi\ AgcncYj Verificatic Consideration Amount $ n CPF Tax Due s o .--. .----..- Improved Vacant Land ---L 6 SatisfactionslDi5CbargeslReleases Lisl Propeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD" RETURN TO: TO 10- Charles R.. Cuddy. Esquire TO 445 GdffiDg AveDlU! P.O. am. 1547 TO R.iverhesd. III 11901 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name S'IG ....sodates Title # Sun' 2501656 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached llavard M. Petersen Irrevocable Trust " Edith Petersen I:rrevoc:able Trust by Lyan C. Itauffmau. Trustee Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) IIIlIIIe b The premises herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of In the VIu.AGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN aLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FJLJNG. TO Soutbold Leonard Sessa Matt:l.tuc:1r. . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SOFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICI RECORDING PAGB Type of Znstrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Humber : 05-0115648 TRANSFBR TAX HUMBBR: 05-13718 Recorded: At: 11/02/2005 04:53:29 PI! LJ:BBR: PAGB: D00012418 233 Deed Amount: Section: 099.00 EXAMINED AND $0.00 Block: 04.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 017.000 District: 1000 FOLLOWS Received the po11owing Fees For Above Znstrument BT"""lpt Bxe Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO BYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $239.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-13718 'l'HZS PAGE ZS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THZS ZS NOT A BZLL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . CI. SWIS Codl $of~, ~,f? ft'. 71 cz. o.1e DMd Rocordod I.it. J ~f J <?~-; c3.II.....1 ./~.v. /, ~C4.PIIII . .;2,.3,31 PROPERTVINFORMATION REAL PROPERTY mANSFER REPORl ITATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPuTV SERVICES RP - 5217 1IJ".J3I'....W7 I. I'ropioty I '--Ian Raugles Drive ..........-. S11l[ET __ Southold cnvOllIOMl Mattituck 119S2 ..""" -- Z. luyer Noma Sessa LMI' NMIE ICCIIMN't Leouard ......- LASl'IiIIAIIIE/COMPAN'r FNT NMIi I. Toa _whon lulu.. r.. 11IIII... 10 be _ I ..... ~ _ INn buyer 11I_ 11I- '" Ionnl - LAIT NAMI' , t;QMIWft' -- 111".' NUMBt.. A"G I'Rl!T....... C11'YQR ,,,,,,,,H STAT! ..""" t. _ I Proporty - ............ Ixl ...," lOR' ~ . 10."1 Port "'.__........ """'" u.. PlMnlng Board wllh Stll:ldMlian Authority ExiIts 0 ... _...Ion AppravII_ RlqulIIlIIar r_ 0 Co PIIaI App.-Io<_ -.....- 0 ..__.... number "'_ _........b.-...tIlI_ I , 01 P..col. OR D Part 01 a ....... .. .....r - Bovard K. Petersen Irrevocable Trust LMT NA..:, tQIIPANV rlQf trIAW IkUth Petersen Irrevocable 'trust LAIr NAIII/CCIIIMIft' ....- A~ One Fornlly_ B 2or3FornIIy_1 C _nlill V....und D Non-IIeIidanIlaI v.....,1.Ind I SALE INFORMAnON I "._-- E ~ Auricul..rat I ~ CammuniIV Sarvico I' Com_ J-- (l Apanman! K PIdlIic: - H EnlarIlIInrna."_ L FoltIII -... -............... apply: .. 0wnIrIhip Typo to ~Ium .. _ CanIIruclIan ... V_nlland lOA. Praparty LocoI8d -. ..~"'0IIDIc:l 11& Buyer'- a dIIcIosunI_~ 1IlIl...._rlY Is In.. AgrtcuII....DiIlriot o o o o 7. CMck 1M box ~ which molt ecana.Ir ~ th. u.. aI the property d 1M 11m. of ....: 1" CheDk _ ar men fII.... DOI"....... . _ .WIA........ to nr.r.: S ..- J 4 ..., J 2005 I y- A R C D Il F G H I J SIII_ _or Former - SaIo 80_ _ ~loIor _in__ One '" .... Iluyoro 10 aIoa a Sallor Bu... or _I. _'" Auancv or L.ondIng InIIiMIon Dood Type no! W.f11IIlIy or s.ga;n and - (SpodIy - Solo 01 FrllClional or I.Iu thon """ 1_ (SpodIy BIIowl SIgnif_~ 1."_ _. r_ _....51 Solo 0'_ ill_I. _ Prica Olhor Unu.." FIGlG" AI!1x:tIng SIll Prica lSpecify Balowl No... 13. Full _ PricI II J 2 /2005 UonIb DeJ v.... -e-: . , ,.. , ,0, 0 I , , . a (fun $ile Price i. lhe unI ....un1 paid for the propeftY WlduOIftD ptrIONll property. TM paymanl ""'V bo In tho form "'...... othIIr properlY or u...... or.... ..umpllon 01 mortglgl. or alhar obIlg1lion1.1 "... tDUtHJ kJ rM ,..."., whoIo doIW amount. 12.00" "_/T_ I.,I_........~ I . ..0,0 I ...-_In...._ , a 'SSfSSMENT INFORMAnDN - Data should ..floel the 1_ Finol Asaeasmonl Roll IncI TI. Bill ,.. =....L:::.:-:.:: I\'am 1)4 , 051 17. T_ _ VaIUlI"''' ~ In - I , I""-CIau ~-U I.._OlllrictNa':"" /"1~";-J:fe../-!< ; ; 20. r.. Mop _._111 RaU _II mora "'.. _._ _ - 0__1 . 1000; 099.00; 04.00; pIa 017.000 I I CERnFICATION , I mdI)' _ .. "'tbe _ '" "".......... ......... II .... _ "'" \nIO ..... _ 110 tbe _ "'..y ............. ..... boIIoI\ ..... I _lhoI.... - "'111)' wIIIfuI_ _"'~ fII<Ibmm1Om IUbJod d...... ....- of.... -.... _..................IIIIIIa"'....- !mB BUYEJrS ATTOIINEY ~ !k.,v- 1M /' -~nN~~:O~~r V} . 161 ....,- 1 CharI". .....- CUddy ...... ..... Estate Court S1VI'T....... WI'" MIlt 631 369~2oo I ....""" 'ILlJItIONl ,...... . -. . . -. Roslyn Heights ClTY"'_ NY I llS76 IIAll ZlP'COOl NEW YORK STATE COpy Ie 'trus!: