HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 229 " q9-Lf-2Lj L120/ &'" f2Jq Proceedir.g 9992 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRO~M~NTAL CONSERVATION Towr. of Southold WA SUfFOLK 87.5 DEE D This deed, made the ,,!1! L day of \ft fiUOrvl/oU-u in the year ~ 200 ~, between LEONARD SESSA, residi~g at 161 EstaLe Court, Rosly~ Heights, New York 11577, Grantor, ar.d THE PEOPLB OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, acting by and through the Commiss~oner of E~vironnental Conservation of the State of New York, who has an office at 6~5 Broadway, A~bany, New York 12233-4256, Grantees. WITNESSETH, thaL the Gra~tor, in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) law[~l money of the U~ited SLates, paid by the Grantees, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim Lo the GranLees, their successors and assig~s forever, ALL RIGHT, TITLf. AN~ INTEREST, if any, of t~e Grantor in and to any roads, driveways ar.d riqhts of way located withi~ Lhe bounds of a parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Hamlet of Mattit~ck, Town of Southold, Co~r.ty of Suffolk, SLate of New York, described in a deed granted by Ly~~ C. Ka~ffman, as Trustee, to the Grantees herei~, to be recorded immediately prior to the record~ng of this deed ir. the Suf~olk County Clerk's Office, which lands are more particu:arly described as follows: BEGINN:~G at a point wi~ch is following courses and distances from a point formed by the intersection of the r.ortherl~.line of Naugles Drive with the northwesterly lir.e of land of la~ds now or formerly of J.W. Chambers (L 2464 cp 14): , 1) North 390 19' 50" East, 20.85 feet; 2) North 180 40' 10" West, 35.38 feet; 3) North 390 19' 50" East, 35.00 feet; and RUNNING THENCE, from said POINT OF BEGINNING, northwesterly, northerly and westerly along land now or formerly of Leonard Sessa (Liber 12346 Cp 524), the following courses and distances: 1) North 870 34' 10" West, 31. 81 feet; 2) North 180 40' 10" West, 161.72 feet; 3) South 710 19' 50" West, 125.00 feet to lands now or formerly of Gianoukakis (L 11255 cp 305): THENCE, North 340 58' 10" West, along said Gianoukakis lands and lands of the Grantees (Liber 12170 cp 397), 193.43 feet to a point on the southerly line of a 30-foot-wide strip of land; THENCE, running southeasterly, northeasterly and northwesterly along said 30-foot-wide strip and along said lands of the Grantees (Liber 12170 cp 397) the following courses and distances: 1) 2) 3) South 640 49' 00" West, 273.13 feet; , North 210 33' 18" West 30.06 feet; North 640 49' 00" East 250.50 feet to other lands of the Grantees (Liber 12339 cp 948); THENCE, continuing along the line of said lands of the Grantees and along the north line of said 30-foot wide strip of land, North 640 49' 00" Eas~, 80 feet to a concrete monument at the southeast corner of lands of the Grantees (liber 12339 Cp 948); THENCE, North 150 51' 50" West, along said lands of the Grantees (Liber 12339 Cp 948), 260 feet more or less, to Mattituck Inlet; THENCE along Mattituck Inlet, measured along the following tie-line courses and distances: 1) North 880 32' 20" East, 76.47 feet:; 2) South 600 09' 10" East, 70.33 feet; 3) South 470 58' 00" East, 451.03 feet; and II) South 530 44' 06" East, 34.91 feet, to lands now or formerly of Leonard Sessa (Liber 12346 Cp 524); ~HENCE rup.nip.g alo~g lands now or formerly of L~onard Sessa the following four (4) courses and distances: 1) South 60" 37' 40" West, 6.03 feet to an existing wood bulkhead wall; 2) South 37" 47' 34" West, 38.39 feet, along the outside of said wal:; 3) South 51" 44' 38" East, 18.61 feet to a point on the outside of said wall; and 4) South 39" 19' 50" West 226.27 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING a portion of lands depicted as Tax Map Lot 9, and all of Tax Map Lot 24 (2005). TOGETHER WITH the appurtenances and all the estate, rights and interest of the Grantor in and to premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted premises unto the Grantees, their successors and assigns forever. That this conveyance is made subject to the trust fund proviS,ions of Section Thirteen of the Lien Law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this deed the day and year first above written. ~s.v.. ~,p ':"e~L' , .. ~ ,.,... / WI 7EONARD SES~ STATE OF NEW YORK ) L ././ ./~ ) ss.: COUNTY O~/"--"'If~ ) On the J- rJ!1 day of 7t~ in the yea;lAJoS , before ~~, the und~s}.sneg, personally appeared ~), f. '1 ~(!",-~. , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of sa~ctory evidence to be the individual Is) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument'and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacitylies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instr~ent, the i~dividualls), or the person upon behalf of which the individual Is) acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public, State of New York RECORD AND RETURN TO: ANDREA RIVE Notary Public. Stall 01 New YOlk No.01RI4768970 Qualified In SUlloIk County _ . Commi&lion Expires 1113Cl12Q.J.UZ. Ms. Heather Amster Superviso~ of Real Property Region 1 Headquarters Department of Environmental Building 40 State University of New York Stony Brook, NY 11790 Conservation -4- ~2 J . Number of pages TORRENS . ~ RECORllEL' 2005 Nov 02 04: 53: 29 PIl Edward P.II:Qtllaine eLEPK OF SUFFOLK COUHT'I L 000012418 P 229 DTI 05-13714 Serial/l Certificate II l'riorClf./I Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortglge Tax Slimp FEES. ReconJinll/ Filing Slamps 4 .. Handling TP-584 /- .:3 Mortgage Amt. I. Dosie Tax Page / Filing Fee , I' - 2. Additional Tax Nolalion EA-52 17 (County) EA-52 11 (State) ,," . "L.- Sub Total , ...' , . ". - . ~) Sub Total .... Sped AssiL Or Spec./Add. R.P.T.SA -L~_ . COI1\I1L of Ed. S <llL. TOT. MTG:TAX !)ual Town l>ual Counly Held for Apportionment Trmlsrcr Tax o AffidaviL_ ~;'~c00 :...--' Reg. Copy Other ,----.// I . s Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Dis\. Section Block Lot Mansion Tax The property covered by Ihis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page II ,.- oflhis instrument. '/1_ d - D. 6 Community Prcs~rvalion Fund Consideration Amount S 0 ..0 CPF Tax Due $ ..- ,: .p,t , , ... i' I .:;~ :.. . -----._~ /' GRAND TOTAl. ~.i !;. Sub Total Initials Og900 0400 009001 Og900 0400 024000 Stamp DaIc Improved 7 SatisfaclionSt"'....II...~..""'"OIb,,. L,a,-rlupcny uwner>> IVllllllng I\OOf RECORD'" RETURN TO: vA-f~. Htt.lfllW" ~.~r SI4~VV1'::'llr 1- 14a.i..f,al~I'.1~..\ '~''bc...yJ / ...ueao{'f(tt..e.l."~ 11.,..., . '" &I z.~. (l0l'l.'U n..rq. h tih-I ~ 711U\.1:S J I IJ\ fU-r.:."Ht. UIl...2JrW< ca ~. .:::.l ~ ~ J ..N "J 111':)0 Title# Su folk Count Recordin '. Vacant Land ^ ItJ TO TO TO 8 Title Co. Name 'Ibis page forms pIIrt of the attached ~~~ -0 & Endorsement Pa 9 made by: (SPECIFY 'lYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~ The premises hen:in is silllllled in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. In lhcTownshipof. ~ In the VILLAGE t.- or Hi\MLE;fof ~.lu.t./v IUlY~" 'I1..IUlroul'crrn\1. ~. I, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICB RBCORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 5 Receipt Humber : 05-0115648 TRAN'SP'BR TAX NUMBER: 05-13714 Recorded: At: 11/02/2005 04:53:29 PI LIBER: PAGE: D00012418 229 D.ed Amount: Section: 099.00 TnraJUNBD' AND $0.00 Block: 04.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 009.001 District: 1000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees Por Above Instrument Exempt BxI! Page/Piling $0.00 YES Handling $0.00 YES COB $0.00 YES NYS SRCHG $0.00 YBS EA-CTY $0.00 DS BA-STATB $0.00 YES TP-584 $0.00 DS Cert.Copies $0.00 YBS RPT $0.00 YES SCTM $0.00 DS Transfer tax $0.00 YES CQIIIIIl.Pres $0.00 YES Fees Paid $0.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-13714 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward p.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ,;l,,;J. ,71 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORl 11,'1.1 ,f! ,~,rl CZ. DIll. Dud Roao_ I J J I p.Jy I OJ-I dofni ~ VN' C3. Book I /'..2.., V, / , ~c..P.gol PROPERTY INFORMATION STAn: OF NEW YOIl/l STAn: BOARD OF lEAL PIIUI'EIII' SERVICES RP - 5217 kP-5J17 In JWJ "=1 1397 mur ..... Southold O":"f'OIIIOWN 1~~2.jles Road 2.~ N..... The People of the State of New -,- I Hamlet of Mattituck y....... ork/DEpt of Environmental Conserva 111952 m't.QI)t ....,- FIAIT NAME I.AlTNMI'I!:/COIII'NfY' 3. Tu Indic:8 WIIer8 future Tu B1Us Ire 10 bD III'Il SUllng If _ dlon lIu'jIr _ Cat bolIam 01 ianni I Addrae LAlT~/COMl"ANY F.' MIlk Cf1'YOIlTOWIlI I'ATI ".- InlIIl ........ AIel 5lIIEIT NAMI! 4. Indiaata 1M ......... 01 A_ ____ RoD parak ..........d _ 1M ... O 1OnIy'-""-~.""''''''''' . 2 I . 01 P....1a OR P... 01. Po.... 0 CA. Planning ____bills .. _ A/JpnlYII_lloqund lor T.._ 0 10RI 3 3 9 0 'IOU' .. .c. PI"" ApproYlell.. _ _ Mop Providod Leonard I.::...., I - """,.... Ixl """" &. Sell., - Sessa LQT ""'" aJMrMY 'IUTNMIE LAIr MAlA ICINPM'f' '.TNAME A~ 0.. Flmlly__ II 2 01 3 FIIIIiIy Rg;donliaI C' Ra___ VICMI Lend D X _ n ... 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Full Solo PrIoo , ,,0 ,0,0 I , , 0 (full Solo PrIco II .... ,.... amoun' ooid 10' tho pruporty Including poracnol ,"0_. TbIo IJIYI1*1I may be In .... form of cash. _ _ .. goodI, or .he .uumpclon ", maftgIOII or ather abIIgIdions.l ,.,..,. round to 1M""" __ doU.r .mount Quitclaim Interest in Roads and wallf ,4._the.-",-* I ,0.0,01 __Inthe_ 0 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DalI .....uld re'loctlho 11'011 Flnol AsIosoment Roll Ind TI' Bill ,1. V_oI_1IoIIIrom I which InIo_"'" I 17. ToIoI_ Vol.. 101 on p.....1n _II ; ; ; ,..~ao. I 4,4, 81-U ,.._a_Nomoi \{'Y\ (1'(\ }. -\n. f" 'c zo. To. Mop _orill1 ""U Id_o~oIlI more _..... _ _ wIIh __ _loll 1000-099.00-04.00-009.000 I 1000-099.00-04.00-024.000 I CERTIFICATION I I ~.... 011 ",..... _ vllnl'......Iil.................. r_............. ........,....... bait vlTDJ -......... ~ lIDd I _1boI....1IIOIdnl ""011)' wIIIUI_.-....... or __ ..... ........ wID lIIbJld m. wlhr ....._",.Ihr ..nil 10.. - to... __ -.....",.- ................ BUVER.S AnoRNEY ation VTCKREY .... ..... TEXANNE -,- 625 Broadway I1MIr NMa W,t.. SIWoI 518 474-8125 I1lUT hUMMII .... celli tlLI......_ .,.,. N~ 12233 . Albany CflYCO_ -- HLIiIl NEW YORK STATE COPY ') rC> n 17/_ .i'd.nJ