HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12416 P 820 ;. " ,.f " ',~. 0q~4-.2t " L 12 41 ~ I PQrJ, iJ ,z c! N" 018, QuiI<IIim llNd-I.w........ <<l'OIJlOWion,S1nsJo SIl<<II.N'l'B'llJ IlOIIII l'O~o;ul.T ,'OUR LA 'WER BUtIRE Sll;"'IS(. ll11S I~TRU)IDoT, mL~ Il\I!oTRIJ)II!.'T SIIOIIIJI R~ USfJI BY LA W"'ER.~ ll:o.l. Y " THIS IIIo'DENTUKE, m"'" the 23rd lIoyof': l\ugust . in the y.... 2005 Bt:rWt:F.N PETER SWAHN and BARBARA SWAHN. his wife. Individually and as Eucutrl:l oflhe EstRt!! of GeDevleve Nauglcs alkJa Genevieve Robinson, both residing at 2100 Park Avenue. Mattltuck, New York, party "f lhl"fi"I"(llIll. ODd ': ' .. _ , ' UONAR!j'SESSA;residllig RI16ftstatc Court. R051):n,HcfliliS1;jije.1!'~~i!n . 0''''" ",011 ,erN \,oi.; . '/ parly of the second pari. WITNESSETII.th.t!he P"l"l)' uftho li"'l pari, in ennsidemlil.. "fT.n o.~lurs and .>thor .aluabl. ''OII.idomtion poid by Ihe party ur the :oICL"Ond pan. lk1C~ hcm.-hy remiM:. n:lcase and quildaim unlu the pany nf the 5L"C:C'Ind p:m..lhe heirs or 5UC~trli und ...i~n.ufthe party oflhe .......'\II1d pon f"","cr. ALL Ih.. cert.in pllll. pi... or parcel of 1000, wilh the building.< and impm,..m.nlO lh."",n om:tod. .iluale. lying ..d being in the SEE SCHEDULES ANNEXED TOGETHEK wilh.n righl.lillc and inlc",sL if any,uflbe pony ofthe li..l pari of. in and 10"y S1re....1IJld ,,,adl; ahulling the ......o-<Io!ocribcd promiJos It. the ,..nlor Ii... the"",f: TOOETHER wilh the appun....... and all the ....'" and righl' of ...., rorty ..fthe li..., pari in and ID...id rremi...; TO HA VEANDTO 1I0U) Ibe promi""" h.rein .:ranlo.'lI un'o"'" parly "flho 1<<ond (XlR. lhr heilll ur ~UC~'L"sM)rs and a.lOSi.nll "fthe party \If lh&: N:l.....md part fOI'Cver. AND Ihepan)' nfthe fiBt part. in "."nmpliancc wilh Sc,-..ion 1~ urchc LiL"fI Law.t:l'v.:naIlL'i lhallhc: party oflhe fintt pan will recci~ 1M lr."m5idenuinn for thi.. clJJ1\'eyunL'C' and will ht"ld the righllO I'C\.-eivc !IIuc:h L"Uuidenatiun Wi illl1l5l fund hl be appli,,-d fll'5l for lhe purp.... of poyilll1lhe C051 of the iml'f\".....nl and will .pply !he ..mo li..l It, lhe poym<'IIl ..f lhe ",,'" ..f "'" imprm.'emenl bcrnre ulIing,:my pan "I tbt- IMaJ or.he same far any other purprt5C. The word ""poRY- shall be: clm,;trucd alt if it read '"paJ1it'li" wht:nc\'C'r Ihe ltCMe' oflhis indentun: Stt requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOt",lhc parly of the Ii..l pari ha., duly "''<Uled Ibis deed !he d.y and year Ii""....".. wri,..n, ~, --~. lNrRfo::SI~C:I~C.W: ~ ~ Pet~r Swahn ~_.A'~(75)w:-~ ar ara Swahn;)-i1lv1dua. ,~ a ara Swabn.J' ceulrl,. 0 the ESl8te of Genevieve Nauqles a/k/a Genevieve ReeinsElR ' Schedule A Description (A1~E.1\lDED 1011512005) TAX LOT 24 ALL thaI ccnain plot piece or pan:el of land situate, lying IIIId being at or near Mattituck Inlet, north of the Village of Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk IIIId SlaIe of New York being more particularly bounded IIIId described as follows: BEGINNING al a concrete monumenl sel in the northerly side of a righl of way at the southeasl comer of lands conveyed to the People of the State ofNcw York in Libcr 12339 al Page 948 and; RUNNING THENCE south 64 degrees 49 minules 00 seconds wesl 330.50 feet by and with other1llllds conveyed to the People of the State of New York in Liber 12170 at Page 397; THENCE still along said lands conveyed in Libcr 12170 at Page 397: South 21 degrees 33 minutes 18 seconds cast, 30.06 feel; North 64 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds cast, 332.41 feet; THENCE north 25 dcgrccs II minutes 00 seconds wesl 30.00 feet to lhe monument, the point or place ofBEGlNNING. TOGETHER with all right, title and intereSl of the party of the fU"S1 part, in IIIId to the IIIIId lying in the Strcel in front of IIIId adjoining said premises. '. TAX LOT 26 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, situate, lying and being at MatlilUck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point fonned by the intersection of the northerly line of Naugles Drive with the westerly line of lands conveyed 10 People of the State of New Yark in Uber 12170 at Page 397; RUNNING THENCE liom said point of beginning north 21 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds welo1 along the land now orfolmcrly People ofthc State of New York by Uber 12170 at Page 397, 229.21 feet 10 a point in the southerly line ofa right of way 30.06 feet in width running in an easterly and westerly direction; THENCE south 64 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds west along the southerly line of the aforesaid right of way 10 a point, a dislancc of 30.06 feet; THENCE south 21 dcgrees 33 minutes 00 seconds east 212.36 fcellO the northerly line of Naugles Drive; THENCE easterly along the northerly line of Naugles Drive 33.S I feet to the point or plac:e of BEGINNING. TOGETIiER with all right, title and interest ofthc party of the first part, in and 10 the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said premises. ~ .~ . . TAX LOT 28 ALL that eertain plot, piece or parcel of land lying, situate and being at or near Mattituclr. Inlet, north of the Village of Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York being more particularly bounded and deseribed as follows: BEGh'lNING at a point on the southeast corner of the premises described hc:n:in, a right of way, at the intersection of the southerly side of said right of way with the westerly side of lands conv~ to the People of the State of New York in Liber 12170 at Page 397, said point being distant north 21 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds weSl229.21 feetliom the intersection of the westerly line of said lands conv~ in Liber 12170 at Page 397 with the northerly side of Naugles Drive and tiom said point or place of BEGINNING. RUNNING THENCE north 64 degrees 49 minutes west I 00 feet to lands now or fonnerly Philomena Lizza. THENCE along said lands now or fonnerly Lizza: North 21 degrees 33 minutes west 30 feel; South 64 degrees 49 minutes east 100 feet to lands conveyed to People of the Stale of New York in Liber 12170 at Page 397; THENCE south 21 degrees 33 minutes east 30.00 feet along said lands now or fonncrly People of the Stale of New York 10 the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part, in and 10 the land lying in the street in liont of and adjoining said premises. U.'iF.ACK.WIWlDXiMEIVT FORJI v:mlr M'rrHIN Nt...... )'llBK.\'TATIi(J.\1.I': SlaIonl'Nrw\'nrk,Counlyol'Suffulk ,...: On !he~) doy or ~.4)..... ~ ff """nlhc year 2005 ber"", mo. "'" uode " por.:on:lIly lIflIlO'UOd PETER W AnN . 1"",.""ly kllO",n 10 me or "",,'Cd 10 .., m !he ha5i. or so.illroc'ory eville..... k' he the indi'idua1(.'.....""" """""., is ,an:. ",,""-Tibed Inlhe within in.'UUnL'I1l:uul ""k.....lcdgcd 10 me thai hcllohcIth..'Y c"","",,1 the ...... in hi_ir ..pocily(iL"'~ .00 th:J1 by hi.<lhorlihcir sigoallll'cU) ClII Ihe illlollUnL'RI, the individual!s.. or !he ponoon uplln behalf nr which Ihe indi\'idual(s' a<:ted. e.cc:utcd the insuumcnt. ~~~ ACK.\'Oll'U:Vli IN",I Slaleol'New York. Counlynl' 0..,.1': ,,...: On the wy "r in thc YC:Jl' berore m., "'" undcn;igncd. pc.....uly appcan:d the subst.1ihing Wilne1i.5 tn IIle rore''Iling iMlru~nL ",'ith 'A'horn I om personally ""'luuinlcd. wIll\ heinG by .., duly ""1111. did dcpo... and ...y lha, hclsh<Itho.')' ....idcI..) in Ii/Ilk' plUcY ff,,!~iJcnc.,. i, in" ,';1\', i,,,:IIIfk,he ."n.'r!lc.IIH/ .flfWllU""htor. If al~'. ,III",,{): thai hcI"""'hL'Y kl>lW\" 10 be the individual described in wuJ whn ....u,ed the r....ni'" insuumcnl; I~ said subscribing wilnes.\ Wa5 prc1oC'nl umJ .saw Jaid e....... the '0"":; and thai ..... ll'illlOO' at lhe ...... Ii.., subscrih:d hlVherllhcir rwncc~) U5 u wj~ lhcn.1n. QUITClAIM DWI TlTUi NO. PETER SWAnN and BARBARA SWAHN TO LEONARD SESSA F1DF.I.ITY NATIONAl. TITI.F. e1i'lSIJN'\l'ic:F. COMPAN\' , ,,,'u"'''#c''7I'1I '11;:& '"c.:.w_Al.Fidlllily ~-w' ",...r.....n...s-'-'IMA___ i i a ~ II! ~ !! .~ IU U ~ ! i . .;, i .. U.OiACK.\YIWI.FJKa/E/oTFIlR."RF.lJlW1l1l711.o;NF.Vo' YIIUST.4T1iO.W.I': SlaItofNfll'York,Couuly..I Suffolk I...: On ~~ day of .JaW. A--,.~r- in the Yc:II' 2005 bel"", me. the undcn;iJlncd, pcr.;On.h~ appcan:d BARBARA SW,\IIN , pl""lIUIIly knc>Wn In me or pnwcd 10 III" on "'" balJs lit SlIIisrllCl\lIy L~'idcnL"k' bo the individuall'l whooc 11lII"'~'J i.,,,,,,, IIUboLTibcd tnthe wilhin illMlUmenl and ...i<..,wlcdgcd 10 ... thai hcI_'Y ....U'N the ..... in hWltcdthcir capocil)1ic... .00 thai by hislhcrlthcir .ign:uure(.l on the in.'uumcn~ the indi'iduak.), or lhe pmlm uplm bchalrOrW~;P~~~lIMIUmcnL CHARLES R, CUDDY ~ NDlIiI)' Public, SIal. DI New York No. 15872225 ""'-.....~~ecIln Suflolk County .....,.....on Exp/r8a Decembet 3"1, ~ ACK.VOWUIlIGME.\T FINIAl t'lnI /J.'iF.0IIrsiDE NEW YOIIK ll'TATI!O,VI.I': lOw I1/SI.ft", Ftwf'lp rlftl~I'IJIIvVtn..W,... C'mijfctll'/ ..................................................1...' re,""I''''' \',.,.,.. wull SIlw. CttMlry. I'rrn"I"..t'",. """'idplll.',>) On !he OOy of in the )'L'III' heron: me, the IIIldcrsis...'<l. pL....lIUIIly .ppcarod J'Cl5OI1lI!ly Ju"",n '" me or pmvcd 10 me on the 110..... ('t/' ..u.rocrory C\'idcna: 10 be "'" individual!.1 wno.c nantL~sJ i. (""J ""b<.,ribcd kl the "ithin ill>llUmcnI ond acknowlalscd '" mc thai """"""^" .....'U1L'd the """'" in h,"""'rllheir L'DpOCityt....~ ,hat by hi.....rt their .i~lIr'l>J "" ,he inslrun",nL Ihc indi,'idual(sl. or the p.....m upan behalr Ilr wh..... lhe indi,'idual(.) lI<lC.'d. e....'UICd the in.<lN1l1CIlL and ,hat........ individual made such "I'JlL'IIIllIICC ber... Ihe undc..igncd in the (Ins~" 1M c:it)' tW'"M, pc,fi,it'lll suMillir;"" cmd ,,.. ~1cI/C' ur ''fNIII'I)' fl' (Ima pI&I'~ d" uc"hw"'inlJ:Illt!nI "'d( hlAm,. DIS1RICT SECI'ION BI.OCK Lor COU~'TY OR TOWN RECOIU>>:JJAT REQUEST (I". FIdcIIty Nalional n.........1'IIIlCe CaIIIpany BATIIRN BY MAIL TO I L ~2 " 3 "N~~ber o~pages "W TORRENS " \ i RECORDED , 2005' Oct 26 04: 00: 43 PH Edward P. ROIlaine CLERK OF 5lFF(t.K COUIffi' L 000012416 P S20 on 05-12645 I 'I Serial H Certificate II Prior Clf. II Deed I Mortgage InsllUmenl Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recordilig I Filing Stamps 4 Page t Filing Fee Handling TP-SS4 /- ~~ fV\1i Mortgage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notalion EA-52 17lCowny) ~- Sub Total EA-5:!17(Sta~ ---r!i'~ . R.P.T.S.A. ~ ':1(2...:::::. Sub Tolal Olher -r5" = SubTotal GRAND TOTAL , SpecJAssil. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property coyered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or Iwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause 011 page 1# _oelhi, inSllUn1C11t Comm. of Ed, 5 QQ........ ;~J.' ~3= Reg. COP)' l Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Diot. Se<:Iion . B lock LoI Conununily Prcscl'vatio Ideration Amount $ s Slamp 0400 024000 0400 026000 0400 02BOOO Dale CHARLES R. CUDDY, ESQ. 445 GRIFFING AVENUE P.O. 80) 1547 RIVERHEi\D, NY 11901 I mproyed Vacant LandX Initials , ~raClionslOiSChargesiRelcases List Property Owners M~iling Addres ..;:J __u. R~CORD & RETURN TO: TO J 0 TO TO 9 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Title # Suffolk COUll Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns part of the attached Mtclaim Deed (SPEaFY'Il'PE OF INSlRUMENT) made by: PF.'I'F.R SWAHII'.. and Bl\RIlARA SWAIIN The premises herein is situaled in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. TO. ,lntheTownshipof In !he VILLAGE or HAMLET of SWlBlID T.Rr'NA.'Dn s~ Mll.'1'.l'ITUCK lIUXES 5 THRU 9 Ml 1ST RFT\'PJ::nnD PDn..rn::l'I ",,'nr .,..." """ ~ ~ .""".__ __ __ _ . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111111111111111 1111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of IDstrumeDt: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 6 Receipt Number : 05-0112811 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-12645 Recorded. At: 10/26/2005 04.00.43 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012416 820 District: 1000 BectioD: Block: 099.00 04.00 E7.AMINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 LotI 028.000 Deed AmoUDtl Received the Fo11owiDg Fee. Por Above IDstrlllll8Dt Exempt Bxempt Page/Filing $18.00 NO HaDdliDg $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RPT $70.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO TraDsfer tax $0.00 NO CODIID.Pre8 $0.00 NO Pees Paid $293.00 TRANSFER TAX NCMBBR. 05-12645 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRtDIDlT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.RomaiDe COUDty Clerk, Suffolk COUDty PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON"FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5t81473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Codl l<t,??,~,!!.rl * L(( I ~ I~!: I ._' ", " _~ CUI" I , fI..:1. 0 I .. .. REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT ca. Dllte DeN Ilooardod STATE Of _ YOIIIl STATE BOARD Of REAL PIIDI'EIITY RIMCES C3,_ PROPERTYINFOR~TKJN "'-' Loco_ ' RP - 5217 ""211'" "" Nauqles Drive 11..,,"'.....11 "1....1.._ Mattituck em' OIl TOWN V~liL 111952 '"'- 2. IIuyor Nom. Sessa I..UI' ""* , COW'ItNV ILeonard ....1........ WINAMll'~Y """hAW! LT_ IncIClfltwftolwfUl:WlJTIJIBPlllItIlGbCllOnI: , .... if alher thin buyer Idd... (II bollOlTt 01 form) . Add... LMINMiIIi,CO'lll'llrh .... - l'IlUT....... A.1tD STIUT kAYE 4.1ndIoMe'lta. nurrm. of ~1nI ........-__ on...._ CI1YOIITOWt. ITAT[ "COllI! 5. =..., , - FRONT f'[['J lx' "<P" I OR I '~to' .ti 10000I,ort..._ICIlocll__1llPIY: 4A. Pilnlung IIoIrd willi au_ Aulhorky E.- 0 ...au_AppnMl__fa<T_ 0 4C. Pln:ol Approvod" --- - Mop -- 0 ,3 , ,.fPM:oIo OR D Pan.l.p.n:al II. 80S.. Nomo Sl.rahn LAlT NAw: I C'OMWwY Peter and Barbara ,...""'" LMT...... ltoYIWP "'a'''''' 7. Chid: the bow below whlGh mDIt ........, ....... the ... 01.. properly . thIIllme of ..Ie: 11. Ful Solo Pric. . . t'Si" , . (Full 81. Price Is the lUll! amourw: peid for the property inc:luding pM'.,nol proporty. Thl. peyrnent may be In tM farm Df elM. Olh.r pIOpItIy or CIOOdI. or the auumptlan of morlulll_ Of olhe, obIIptiona.1 PfNIO round to lIJo ~ wIIoItI doIIM amnunt. o . ,0.0 I ~""----oppIr: I. Owncnhlp Typo II Condominium I ~ CommunilV Serviee .. Naw CoRllnll:tion on VIana LlncI J -. 'M."""", ~w1l111n In AwJcuIlu,. DiIlrIet II: ...- SorvIco laB......_. _.. _ 1--." I. Fallll1 IhII dw pruparly II," In AorkUtural DfIInct: '" ChIck _........ 01__ "'110.......... 'lID ~ A Solo 80......, _U_ or ___ R s.Ie e.twMn ReI.. Componlel or Plnners In BuliI'l8ll C One or It. Bu.,.. . .Im . s.Bor D Ilu"jIl' or Sollor 10 Govom..n AQoocy or LoodIng _utian Ii Dood Typo .... WI...... or 8orgoIn .nd Sola ISpacIIy Bolowl F Sala or FrlCllONll OIUu tMn Fee IrDrIIt (SpecIfy &.k:Nw) G Slgnlllconl Cho.....I. ""'- _ T_ sr.tuo.nd Solo 0.- M Solo of S_IoI_ln Sola Prico I Othur U....... F...... A_og Solo PIiea ISpocIty IloIowI J Nano ~r\c.\",,_ ~C"~ o o o o ^~ 0.. F.mlly __. B 2"or 3 Family Roaidentlll C _oolIol V..... Loud D Non-FtBldentll1l VUCIIN Land I SALE INFORMATION I l1,__1Iolo Ii ~ Agri"-" t: Commercill G ADo....... H Ente....inment I Am....,.nt L..Jf I :i;" 105 v.., 12. DIte 01..../ r....... O'al ~ 105 ~.... Dey v... ,4. _II........ ..,...... I 0 0 0 I __11I"'_ ' ' .. . ASSESSMENT INFOIIMAnON - Dall sho.ld "noel tho I_I Finl' AollllSlMOl Roll Ind TI' Bill ,.. =..or ~=....lOH.J 11. Total AI.....:I v..... cat ... ,....In ........,.1 ~-LJ lI,s._D1_Nom. I Matti tuck-Cut~ , ; ~DO , ,I. ....._CIooo 20. T..M..._ol/__lIlm........._.___.___.1I 1000-99.00-04.00-024.000 1000-99.00-04.00-026.000 I I CER'TlFICATlON ~ , ,,~ IhuI oD "'.... ...... or of____or 1000-99.00-04.00-028.000 , Cia IhiM IRma ... true ADd colTft1 (to the bcwt or ., kno_1tdIt and btllen .... ] IIIldmIUaId ..... th.: .....lar. IIIhjod me..... ...,....... of.... _ law _.. .. ....l1UlIdnII.... ..... or__ BUYER" A1TOIINEY F.AT;!ItA rn.n+ ~NAMlWIVl.IW.LJ ~::~ tool -- I C\-.o.r\~ .....- 1~1 srllllli IIUM11tJ1 ~bq-nOO 1UE1'fIOIol!:~1I Rcslyn Heights NY 11577 I COY 00 ...... ",A" ,.,.am BEWR /1 i -~L~-L,.. ~L'tl",)~... IW.IIIIIDNA~ / 010... ~ SWahn Barbara SWahn NEW YORK STATE COPY