HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12405 P 451 '. . .. LI2Y-DS r I{SI DISTRICT 1000 sscrIOH 101.00 BLOCIt 002.00 LOT 017.000 . . fOr=2~17--_n i'orm BOO2 (9199) . 20M IIoJpiIlIllll Sale Deod. willi eo....... ...... 0....,... A<lIladlYidual or CotponIIioJL (Ii.'-l CClNBULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE _ING THlIHI1IWIIENT - THIIINITRUIIENT SIlOUI.D BE UIED BY LAWYERS ONLY. " . '. THIS INDENTURE,madethe 12th dayof August, 2005 BETWEEN BARNEY V. OVISINAK, a/k/a Barney V. Oates and DOROTHY A. OVISlNAK, a/k/a Dorothy A. Oates, his wife, residing at 5800 Alvah's Lane, CUtchogue, NY 11935 party of the firsl pan, aod MARK V. BOZUHOSKI, residing at 65 Meadowoods Lane, Apt. 10, Morichss, NY 11955 party of the _oDd part, WIINESSElH, tbalthe party of the IiIlIt part, in considemion of lCIl doJlm iDd other valuable consideration paid by the party of the aecODd part, does hereby .....t aod release UDlD tbe paRy of the lec:ood part, tho heirs or IUCcessOrs aod assigns oftbe party of me second pan forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described in Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof. BEING and intended to be the same premises conveyed to parties of the first part by deed dated September 4, 1974 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on september 15, 1974 at Liber 7707 page 219. TOGETHER with all rigbt.title IDd intereot, if any. of the party of the first pan, iD and lD any ItJeClS and roads abulliDll the above-desc:ribed premisea 10 the center lines thoreof; TOGETHER with the appurtelllDCel and all the estsIe aod riablS of the party of the fint pari in and lD said premisea; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premisea herein 11l8l\led WIlD the pany of the aeccmd pari, the heirs or ....ceaaora and uaips of the party of the accoRd pan forever. AND the party of the fiIlIl pari coYClllllll tbaI tbo party of the fint pari bill DOt done or luffered anythinll whereby the said premisea have been eDCumbered in any way whatever, except II aforesaid. AND the party of the flllt part, in compliance with Section 13 of the LillD Law, coveJIIJlllthat the party of the finst part will receive the c:cmaidenation for tbia CODVO)'lUlCO and will bold the ri&ht to receive IIlICh COIIlIic1or-. alion II a InIItlilnd lD be applied fint for the purpose of payiq the COlt of the improvement and will apply the lamo first to the payment of the COlt of the improvement before usi. laY pan of the tolal of the lime for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed II if it read "parties" wbenev.... the IOIIIC of tbia indenture 10 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the fU'llt part has duly executed this deed the day and YO'" first above wnllen. " 1)/ pmit'CIi OF' (j~....._ 11 Oh"~'~""/"" .t< ~~.. """''''''' "'I}A .8.... ". 'A '".5 ~ . ~a,/Jfl~~ . OVISINAK.,}." /'I D e1JTHf" ~ ,OATES . . SCBJm1JLB A ALL 'that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Middle Road (North Road) (C.R. 48) at the easterly end of the arc of a circular curve (radius 72 feet, arc length 117.25 feet) connecting said southerly side of Middle Road with the easterly side of Alvah's Lane, as both streets now exist and are presently laid out, and from said point of BEGINNING: RUNNING THENCE easterly along said southerly side of Middle Road, along an arc of circular curve (radius 11,519.16 feet) a distance of 82.65 feet to land now or formerly of Castello di Borghese, L.L.C.; THENCE South 36 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East along the westerly line of said land a distance of 140.55 feet to other land now or formerly of Joel Braverman; THENCE South 56 degrees 28 minutes 20 seconds West along the northerly line of said land. a distance of 165.82 feet to the easterly side of Alvah's Lane; THENCE North 33 degrees 31 minutes 40 seconds West along the easterly side of Alvah's Lane, a distance of 72.96 feet to point of circular curve first described herein; THENCE along said circular curve (radius 72 feet) bearing to the right in a northerly to northeasterly direction, a distance of 117.25 feet to the southerly side of Middle Road, at the point or place of BEGINNING. For Information Only: District 1000 Section 101.00 Block 02.00 Lot 017.000 . . ~C~IUl.dll8lRlntllkln In Nlw York 811tl S,,!18'of New York, cOunty of AcknowlldlllllMntllklft In New York 811tl , ..: SIal8 of New YOlk, County or . u: On lh8 _ day 01 . In lh8 year 200 belore me, the undersigned, personally appeered personally known to me or proved to me on the besls of saDsfaCtory evkIence to be the Individual whosa name Ie subacribed to lh8 within Instrument end ecknowl8dgsd to me that she axacuted tha same In her capacity and that by har a1gnature on tha Instrumant, tha Individual or the person upon behelf of which tha Individual acted. exacutedthe Instrumenl. Notary Stamp Notary Public IIy CCIIIIll...l.cm upl.".s / I Acknowledglmlnt by 8ublcrlblnll Wltnl..llnn In NI. York SIIII SIal8 of New York. County of On lhs day of . In the year lhB undBrslgnsd, personally sppeanad lhB sub8clRllng wllneA to lh8 fonlgoIng Inalrument, with whom I am pel'llOnally aGqualnlsd, who being by ml duly awom, did depose and 118Y, that halshellhey I88id8(s) In Illat hallhalthay know(l) 10 be 1111 individual dalClibed In and who lxaculld tIIa foregoing Inltrumlnt; Ihat Aid lublcribing Mini.. WII preHn! and IIW IIId executa the sama; and that said w1tnaaa at the same Urne subecrlbsd hll/herllhelr name(.).. a witnallhereto. . before me. DAl"SAm AHb Sale Dc@ TlUe No.: OVISlNAK TO BOZUHOSKI Distributed by Chicago Title Insurance Company On tha day or ,In the year lh8 undenlgnsd, pel80nally appeared I before m., perlOnally known to me or proved to me on the bes's of . ullsfactoly evldanoe to be lhs Indlvidual(.) who.. narn8(s) 18 (ant) sublcrlbsd to the within Inlllnlment and acknowlsdg8d to me that he/ahe/they executed tha same In hlslher/thelr caP8cJty(les), and that by hlslharllhelr slgnature(s) 0", the Instrument. lhs Indlvlduel(s) or the p&I8On upon bshaIf of which Illslndivldua~l) Ictsd,lX8CUI8d Illslnllrumln!. !~: ,..: Acl!nowlldll8mantllnn outelda N.. Yo~ . SIal8 of FLORIDA , County of . (or InlllKt Di8tricl of Columbia, Territory, PosIeBllon or FOntig~ 5"'-! I On the llayof~.L g .lnthayaar2005 before me, !he undenlgned, penonally Ippelntd DRIIBr V. OVISlllAIt and DOROTHY A. OVISIIlAIt personally known to me or proved to me on tha basis of uUafsclDry evidence to be the Indivlduale who.. names are subscrlbad 10 the within Instrument end acknowladged to me that they executed the eame In their capacllIee, thst by their s1g..turee on the In.trument, the Individuals or the person upon behalf of which the Individuals acted, execuled lh8 Inlllnlment, and that such Individual. made such 81!pearence before the undersigned 71n the J.;.. .e.h iC3 h . Florida (add the city or poIlUcaI end lh8 1ItII18 or country or other pBe the l8ken)' NOIaIy Public My commission tlXJliqe {)q 1a.!lJ~ I Fl.- bY ~ (' 0.. eoJlc.v SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAIL TO: MARK V. BOZOHOSKI P.O. Box 75 CUtchogue. NY 11935 I '" I l!I ~ !l .. E . .. .' . . IlECORDED 2005 Rug 24 10:31:24 All EdlJard P. Rooaill9 CLERK OF SUFFOLk COUHTV L 000012405 P 451 Oll 05-03624 Number of pages TORRENS t.j' Serial II CenifiC:lle II Prior CIf. 1/ Deed . MOIt88F InsbUment Deed I Mortpse Tal Siamp FEES ReconIiIllI Filing Stamps 3 I. I Page I Fililll Fee , .. Handlilll TP-S84 NDlIIion EA-S217 (County) EA-S217 (StIle) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other I , /~ Sub 'IbtaI Mortpse AmL I.BlI5ic:TaI 2. Additional Tax Sub 'IbtaI Spec. I AssiL or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX 'Dual Town _ Dual County_ He~for inb1lellt Transfi / :J '" (p ::::.. M Tal _ property covered by this IIIOIpge is r will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see apprupriare tax clause on page , of d1is inslnlmenL ~ ~ ,;>-0 ~ l11J... ~ 7< ?D- Sub Tolal S.11J... Grand 'IbtaI . . 02.00 017.000 Block Lot 10100 0200 017000 .- "' Communi Preservallon Fund C nsideration Amount S 340, 000 . 00 S 3,800.00 Improved X ~ SlItisfaclionlDiscbarg List Property Owners Mai1ing AddIeu RECORD a: RE11.JRN TO; Vacant Land _ TD /0 TD Mark V. Bozuhoski P.O. Box 75 Cutchoque, NY 11935 TO 7 TIlle Company Infonnatlon Co.NameDecision 2000 Real Estate Services Title II 05-08-4995 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e. This page fonDS pan of the anached Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRlJME!IrI) made by: The: premisis berein is silulled in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In die TOWDIhip of Sou tho1d In lhe VILLAOE BOZUHOSKI or HAMLET of CutchoQ"ue BOXP..5 6 THROUOH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTIID IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINO OR FILING (over) OVISINAK TO "\ ( 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OPFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Znstrument. DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0088683 TRANSPER TAX NUMBER: 05-03624 Recorded. At. 08/24/2005 10.31.24 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012405 451 District. 1000 Section. Block. 101.00 02.00 II!Y~IUNBD AND CHARGED AS POLLONS $340.000.00 Lot. 017.000 Deed Amount. Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Znstrument b'""lpt -'""Ipt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'II $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1.360.00 NO CCl:IIIIII.Pres $3.800.00 NO Fees Paid $5.312.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR. 05-03624 THZS PAGE ZS A PART 01' THE mSTRmo:NT THZS ZS NOT A BZLL Edward P.Rcmaine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE "TYPE OR" PRESS FIRML V WHEN WRITING ON FORM INS",:RUCTIONS: http:// www.olpS.stale.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C" SWIS CacIe 1,4, 7. 3, t. t. 91 /' C2,1IIW'0ud_ I ,.t "ci('-I,tJo I Mon&h u.v v_ C3.B_ I J. c? '-t, ~, .51 CA. p.". 8,.j, I ' PROPERlY INFORMATION ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE Of NEW YORK 8TAB BOARD Of REAL.........." SER\/ICES RP - 5217 lPoQI7 """ JIW "=1 5800 SlUT_II Alvah's Lane ....- Southo1d Cutchoque 11935 <IlYOO.- ...- "CllOl z.&uy. Homo BOZUHOSKI LAIT JWIt I COIIIWft' Mark V. -- " LAIl MAW I COIIPMY -- J. Tax IncIic*wMrafuturllT....lIItU)bo.... I ..... W__buyor_laI_oIlonnl - I.AIT -..:,l:OIIPMY ......... .,...-r......",.,lr~r...... g.yCIR"JUfWl .TATI "" coot .. ........ ... ......... aI ~-T T mut Roll...... _ on..._ 1 I . 01 "";1. OR D P.rI 01 . P..... I. =:..., I - -..-".,. Ixl ....... IORI '""", O. 5 2 1OnIr' Port... _ _.1hay oppIy: 4A.1'lanoInG _ willi Slobd"_ Aafhaolly E*a 0 __AppavaI_RaqukodIarT_r 0 C._~IarSubd__MtjI_1dad 0 1.- Homo OVISINAK l.AIT..... lCOWANW Barney V. ....- OVISINAK Dorothy A. I.Mr ....,COIIMIft' ..1...... 'Z.Dolo"_tT_ _....__..1hay- .. Ownnhip Typo ~ Condominium F.~ All-oJ I ~ CamIllWlllY _ .. _ConaInIction on_lMld F eom..n:IoI J _I _ "'- L..- _.. AgricuIbnIl);o1rict G Apa...... K Public Sorvlea ,....._. _.. _ ~ II E............tAm_ L F_ ...1ho_lain..AgricuIIural_ ,1.__"'_..__............._ A ___"'__ R SoIa__~"'_In_ C 0.. 01.... ...... Ia .... . Sol... D ...... or _10 _.... A;oncy ",I.oftdlnolrotilullcn E ~ Typo.... W..._",lIorgain .nd Salol CSpor:IIy _ F _ oIF._I", ~lhIon Foro ........ISpociIy_ G SIgnIfioI.. Chango In "'- _ T_ SIaIua and _ Da... H _"_irl_.._Priolo I 0Iher U......I F_.. -1ltI Salo PrIca ISpocify_1 J X None o o o o 7. ca.d& .... boa .... which moR MCUNIaIy......... ... UN vA'" pnaperty .1 the ...... III ....: ^~ Dna Family_ R 2"'3__1 C An_I V...m Land D Non f'.,.....,_ ~ und I SALE INFORMATION I ",--- 2 - I 5 "'" I 05 I Yo. 8 - , 12, 05 I "'" - ;. .3,4, , , . fFull SlI. Pra lithe loUlllmount Plid fat me property lnducling personal ptOPIItV. ThIs paymenI m., be In the tonn of cnII. other pIClpIfty or QOOdI. ar IMlllUmption or _flU or _ obHgatianLl _ _",1M __ __........ ,4._...-...,..- I - 0 - 1 __......_ . ..., ~U,U ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Doll o/IOuld "floel the 10I0Il FinolAluament Roll end Tn Bill '3. FuI Solo _ '''=~=''''''I 0.4 I 17.T....__IaI...,......tr_1 ; , .4 . 8. 0,0 , ,..,,-a.. 12,1, Ol-U '.._1";""_1 Mattituck School 2lI. T..__tRol_..OI.....__,_____1 1000-101.00-02.00-017.000 1 t CERTIFICATION l I mt/f)' _.. ..........."'__... .....r_.... __.......11.... _"01)' _.........lIoIiIIllllld 1_....... -lbelllOldolll ., IlIIY ,,1II'uI_ _ or _Illct ....... .. MII\IId _ lolbe __., lbe __ ............ 10 lbe............ ....., _........... !!!!l!l BUYER'S ATTORNEY 8/12/05 ..... ---:J..~,' /' ~'2-~ .......- P.O. Box 75 I1MIT __ wrWllIAUI ~.L -u.l~ ~11b rllUl'HONI. ...... Cutchoque <IlYOO_ 1 NY ..." I 11935 ..Clll& r ~ - .- ."'/ ..fj.~ 'J... 1 ~- ,~--: &,,-4""- A.. 1>>... NEW YORK STATE COPY