HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 744 ". . -~. " i 1 123q) I ~14l.f I t 1fJ .'(. r. c93UCo'lsv 1{J)-:2 -5,2 SI.Indanl N.Y.a. l.U. Farm BOO2 - BaIllUlIlld Bale Deed. willi eovenont ogaInl' GfIIIllll'l AaI- Unllann Ad,,-.lgllllnt Fonn 3_ c:oN8UL T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INlTRUIIENT.T1U8 IIIITRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYER$ ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 2511 day of May, 2005 BElWEEN YONG CHAUL PAl< AND THERESA PAl<, hi. wife, reaiding at 13380 County Road 48, Cutchogue, New York 11935, the party of the first part, and o. ". . T +cnQf\'" "";;... ~Sn'l!. " c;.....d :SClr~c. ,",cd,., "lvez. 'Ho JO'('l o.........rv.,\Ic.TSh.,fi' B.\6iLIO SANTIAGO, residing at 5 Andrea Court, Riverhead, New York 11901. the party of the second part, WITNESSETH. that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN and 001100 ($10.00) dollars, and other 900d and valuable con&kleratlon paid by the party of the second pari, does heraby 9rant and raIeese unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and I186lgns of the party of the second part forever. All that certain plot. piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erectad. situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, In the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set of the southerly line of Middle Road at the easterly line of a 25 foot lIttip of land of County of Suffolk said monument being about 900 feet easterly of Elijah's Lane; RUNNING THENCE along said southerly line of Middle Road, North 49 degrees 29 minutes 15 seconds East, 150.00 feet to a monument; THENCE along other land now or fonnerly of the party of the first part, two courses: 1. South 40 degrees 30 minutes 45 seconds East 266.67 feet to a monument; THENCE (2) South 49 degrees 29 minutes 15 seconds West, 150.00 feet to a monument and said land of County of Suffolk; THENCE along said land North 40 degrees 30 minutes 45 seconds West, 266.67 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 12/11n6, recorded 12/15n6 in Liber 8158 page 211, the grsntors herein being the same persons as the grentees in deed recordad in Liber 8158 page 211. TOGETHER with all right, liUe and interest, if any. of the party of the first parlin and to any streela and roads abutting the abova described premises to the center lines thersof; TOGETHER with the appurlllnanoe& and all the aslata end rights of the party of the first pari in and to said prsmi_: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pramises herein granlad unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SUCC8SS01B end I186lgns of the party of the second part foravar. AND the party of the first part covenents that the party of the first part hill not done or suffered anything whereby the said pramlses have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. In compliance with Sectlon 13 of the lien Law. covenants thetthe party of the first part will racelve the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such con&kleratlon as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first 10 the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the tolel of the same for any other purpose, The word "party" shall be construed 88 if it rsad "parties" when evar the sense of this Indenlurs 80 raqulras. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written, IN PRESENCE OF: ~r~J/~, Yo Chaul Pak \ I ~ P#I/-L Theresa Pal< . fdfflJ/1 ....' -, . TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Stele of New York. County of Nassau ..: On ~ day 01 May in the year 2005. before me, 1he underaigned, personally appeared YONG CHAUL PAl< AND THERESA PAK personally known to me or proved to me on the baIia 01 "utisfactory evidence to be the ir1cividual(s) whose name(s) Is (ara) subscribed to !he wilhln InslNment and acknowIeclgecl to me thai heIIheIIhay execuIed the seme In hislherllhelr capaclly("18S), and that by h1a1herllhalr a1gnalura(s) on the Instrument. the indivldual(s), or the par8OI1 upon behaff of which the Indlvld ( clad. ax the instrumen!, Stele of New York, County of Sullolk as: On the day of . in the year befora me, the undersigned, personally appeared peraonaly known to me or proved to me on the basis of aatiaI8ctory evidenca to be tha indlvidual(s) whose nama(s) Is (ara) subtlcrlbed to the within inatrumant and ~1.dgad to me that halshallhey execuIed the _ in hlalherllhair cepacity(lea), and thai by hiaIharllhalr a1gnalure(s) on the instrument, the indlvidual(s). or lha person upon behaff of which the indivldual(a) ac:lad, execuIed the insbuIrw1I. olli'ltf!IW!HI\!!~m~nowledgmanl) . (aig",,!lure and ofIIce of Individual taking acknowledgment) NoIary :>u~l:o. SIB'" ~ No . A~ A. WlCItttAM " ~IG s;;.4p,'is'n"YoIIr NollllYPubhc. StalaofN_Yorll I . O~~;fiei:o in ~';U'(;~;lk Cellll .No. ~2.4642871 . ! : Com"'."",n E.:>,,~~ 5;111, 30 't Q~.ldled .n .suffolk ~Q~,...~ :. Stall..l!!!: District of Columbia, TarrItoty. Or ~oiIIIlnc:ell1'lll~'lli EJepue. So;:. 3~_ ..--...--...--..... -..--..- On the day of December. "j;"," the year -'-~-rM~ihe und";;gmMt. personally appeared personally known 10 me or proved to me on the beais of setisfaclOly evidence to be lha indvldual(s) whose name(s) is (81'8) subscribed to the within instrument and ac:knowIadged to me thai halshallhey execuIed the _ in hislharllhalr capacilyCI8S), and that by hlalherllhair aignalura(s) on lha instrument, the individual(s). or tha person upon behaff of which the Indivldual(s) ectad, el<llCU1ed the instrument. and thai such Individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the In ' (inaIlI!he City or other political subdivision) (and I_ lha S_ or Counlry or other place the ac:kn.....llgr"enl waalakan) (s1gnalura and oIIic:a or individuallllking acknowIadgamanl) Notary Pubbc . --.-..- -~..__.__.__... YONG CHAUL PAl( AND THERESA PAl( TO BACllIO SANTIAGO ;;).. 1m? SECTION1,'P I BLOCK LOT l$'. 2.. COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS 'I BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TItle No. -g, Z"3ttfr1t/ Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY t"l 1),'''Nl''''J:ALnl L..,u.,u.n IIJ'.IK.WK'\~CI: (,'U\IP."'Y ST__OF_YllIlKIIONlDOFmu_ IliIlIIIlIMdby o Common~~~~~~""...".v I li! ; ~ i!; ~ ! .. I f I . G~ 2 3 Prior Of, " , ; REcmDED 2005 Jun 10 11147:30 AM Edward P. Romaine ClERI: OF SUFFOLK COUHTV L ??oo12391 P 744 DTI 04-442% Numbor.nf pag... TmU~ENS . Serial'" Cortilicale'lI Deed I Mqrtgage IlIslnllllelll Dee~ I, Merlw. Tax SlamI' Rowrdillg I Filing Slampo 4 Pag." Fillllg 1'00 Fllns Han~lillg TP-584 " I Mortgage Ami. , I. Uasic'l'lIJt ~. 2. Addilional TlIJl NUlaliulI ~ = SubTulal 5' Sub Total 'M-52 17 (Cuullly) M-5217 (Slele) R.P:I:S.A. ColML of !!d. 5 Q.(L SpccJAs5il. Ur "Srec./Add. l Reall'rupcrly Tnx Service Agency Verilicnlion Dm!. Secliun U luck . - '- 10100 0200 003002 ~05:~1:57 1000 RcMA A UN .l.. TOT. MTO. TA.,'( Dual Town__ Dual COUllly __. Hold for App,'rU.o,nnelll --,.- .,,-- 1"l1lnaferTa./ /5~i1 MWlSioll J' '__ 'l1ie 11'" firty cover'" by U,ls '"nrlguge i. ur ' willlo illlprov.~ by a ulle or lwo family dwel IIg ollly. YRS orNO_ V If O. s.e "pplOpri.t. I~CI 0011 pag8 II of Ibis illslnllllClll. .........t- ,A /' . ~ c.,.c ~I-UO 6 OIrLl1lllflity Prcse,valioll FUJlcI Co sitlornU,," Amollnt ~ C~ "f-a." Due sJ.f1f) cr . IlIIp~Ved _~ Amdavil Cc'1ilied Copy . Reg: Copy , 01111" ./ /-<- Sub ToIal' 1.01 G'RAND TOTAl. ,SIOlIlII ic' 7 SatisfacliollslQiscliargc.'lIl{clellsC8 I.iall'rnpcrly Uwnors Malllllg J\U~rCSl; , IlKCOlll) & IUCTUllJli TO: . , , . Vac~lII i..~'lr-. TD LJ/__ TO TO Dol. IniUnl. , " '~\ \l\ SllttiiOcj6' a.Ni :r O(~<.. ~crlJi~UL't.. I~ &urn-'\ "'oo.d. 4~ (Jistc:nOJ.-LL N'I, \ \ C\~ , 9 Suffolk Count 8 Tille CUllllll1l1Y Illful'llIutioll Co, Namo , SERV TitiaN tV , & Endorsement: Pa e onus poge forms part oflhe olluclll-d mod. by: s (SI'EO F',( TYPE OF IN::''lRUM~NT) ~~ \t1L , '0 111e premises hcn~in is situnled in 'SUFFOLK COUNT'!';' NEW YORK., ,TO Illlhe TOV\1lSbip ~r ~ ~\d... IlIlhe VILLAGE or HAMUIT of ~o BOXES 51HRU 9 MUSf DE WPED OR PRINTl3D IN BLACK INK ONI. Y YRIORTO RECORDJNG OR FlUNG. IOVFRl 111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111111 11111 lUll 1111 1111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFJ:CB RBCORDJ:NG PAGE Type of :Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number I 05-0062197 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-44296 Recorded, Atl 06/10/2005 11.47.30 AX LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012391 744 District. 1000 Section I 101. 00 EXAJaNBD AND $385.000.00 Block I 02.00 CHAJlGBD AS Loti 003.002 FOLLOWS Deed AmoUllt, Received the Following Fees For Above :Instrument B:r'""lpt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Kandl1ng $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO mes SRCBG $15.00 NO BA- C'1'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax.. $1.540.00 NO Camm..Pre. $4.700.00 NO Fee. Paid $6.389.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NDKBBRI 04-44296 TH:IS PAGB :IS A PART OJ' THE :INSTRUKEHT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bclward P. Romain. COUllty Clerk. Suffolk COUllty ~ ~- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I 'J/.?, 1 g ,~ ~ I c:z.o.18__ I ~L / /0 1t7.s-1 ~ .u;; 9"'_ 0._1 /,.;2,~, 9,/1c....... PIlOPERlY INFORMATION STAlE OF NEW YQRIC STATIi IIOARD OF REAl. NIlIPEIITY IIRV1CE8 RP - 5217 ItP-Dll .... WI ,. _I 13380 LocItIon UIftT ,.,...,. Southold C1IYOHIOWIlI County Road 48 IllIillrNNK Cutehoaue -- 1L 935 ""call: I."yer ....... Santiago LMr NIIIIIIIIlQMPMY ...~~V<~ Baiilio .....,1tAI& - ~~(. 3. T.. ~wheflf.....Tu:BIII...tobllDl'lt I -.. .__buvor_IIl-'''_. -- \AST...../CIIMMN'I' ....- ITIIHT ........ AND RJlUT NoIoIII: alYOIIIOW'll ";'Ii IJI'''''' 4........ ... ......... of _"", .... - ...- .-................... 11 .ofl'll<ll. OR D PlItlol.'_ (Only 1 ,.,... _ ChIIIl .. dIIy apply: M.PlMnlngllolrdwilhQ,.L"'".iIionAulhoriryExilll 0 ..1l:'....,LItIIonApprcMI____IorT....... 0 c._~...s.__...._ 0 t. :::..,., 1 511I .._.1 NorM rRQtffflill Ixl ...... I 0111 i ((~.Qu'"" . Pak IQTNAYt/c;llNlW'ft' Yona Chaul -..... Pak l..&I1'NMlt/~ Thereea FNT UIIt A~ One Family R.-...rt.! II 2 or 3 Family RHId1n1l1t C ......nIIIl Y.....LInd D Non n.dlmill VIOIIlt LInd I SALE INFORMAnON I "._-- r,~AtIr1oultu'" I' Com....... G Apa_ H E............./_ I ~ CommunIIy Slrvlco J _rio. 1\ __ I. _ - 1M _ _ IIdIIy apply: I. o.....h.. T..... CondomInIum I. Haw ean.t.UClIon on V.... land ,M. -.. LocaIId _ .._11_ ,.--.---. """"_.InIll~.I_ o o o o 7. ChIcle tM box below..... molt -- 8Wy deecrtbn tM 11M of 1M propIIrtV I' thIItlme at ....; 12. Dde of .... , Tr.... 5 / 25 / - DIr 05 I v.. w.. CMaIr. _ .. ...... at..... _.-...... ........ to"""-: _ _ __01__ 5* IItMM IWIIId CamPi_ or PwbwI in Bull.... Ono of tho ......11..... _ Buyer QI' SeIer iI GooMnment Agency or Lending IftllilutiaI'I _ TYPI not w.._ or....n .nd _lSpacIly_ _ 01 Fr_ 01 t.. "'"" FoIIn_ ,SpIcIly 11I'-1 _Ill ChInIII in PIopIrty _ T_ SIoIuI.nd _llIIoI Set. of ~ illndudId In &lie Price 011..- U...... F-. AIIIcIing _ Prlco _,.,_ NoM 4/ 1 MclnIb DrIJI / 05 I v_ ,3.8,5,0,0,0.0.01 , , . IFull Silo PrIcI lllha Iotll amount pMI far the property indvding PlI'IOI\II property. lbll piyment rIllY bIIln the fonn of UIh. och" propMy Of ~ 01 tht .uumpdon of monpg. Of GthIr obligltion... ,.,..., round ro rlllllIiIrItMI' wIIolaJ doIIM ImGUftt. ,..==== I 1"-10,01 ASSESSMENT INFORMAnON - D11llhould noIIICI lholll... Anll _ Roll .nd Tn Bill ,I. FuI _ PrIoI '1.=~=-04/05 II7.T__V.....I.....,...-Io_1 , , 4 6 0 01 I ,I. _CIuI 12.1 ,0 I-U '1.___1 Mattituek-Cutehogue .,...__/IIIII_lIllmo"__._____1I1 1000-101-2-3.2 I I CERTlFICAnON , J cmIIY 1Ilul. or 1M ....... or ............. ....ond aD ... farm ... ,.... .... ....-I to> .... ..... of my .......... tlIId IIoUdIlIId I __ _ ....1lIIIdItj! 01., wIII'uI......1IIlIImwtlll fA........ Dad ... wIU ..bjed 11M! au Ibe Drm..... of die DI!IIIII iii. nrIUI... III ... ...... and IIIIIlK uf.... .....runIfIILl5, !!!!!!i!! BUYER"S ATTORNEY !'iih._ , ~O -=so~ "~.{..;sI.J.> .s:. eS .OS Bal!.'l'l~"A'rntiagO -::io.~ ~cd"''i:<'''"l.. I .s Aulae.4- <!-I I1RII!T M.-R 111IU'I'...... W"tP IAUJ Killorian Christian LMTNAIII! NIITNIIII 631 325-1605 AlPCIClDf 1IlD'IIClhI~ f,\)Qil.bJ cnv.._ I ~r I 11901- 5tlC' If" ZIP COGl BELLER ~~ ~h.5'\o~ ~"tIli\'l1 Pa Theresa Pak.... NEW YORK STATE COpy