HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12414 P 470 ~ f "'-- I.' ",'. L \ 21..1 iLf' () 410'FORM 26133-BSD (8Ill5) PAGE 1 OF 2 r , J\arpiD IIld SoIc Dc<d Mill C"'..... apiDSl 0nIIlllr'. ""IS IadJvidual or ('.......'ion (5;.... 5_1 CO,,"'SULT YOUR LAWYER B!!:FoIIE SIGl\o"INll nlls L'\iST1lUMFJIl"T - mill INSTIlIllIEl\o"T S1101lLD BE USED BY I.A WYERS ONLY 10 i - J - ;-; THIS INDENTURE. made w.M day of September, in the year Two Thousand and Five BETWEEN ~ ~Am1CHOCH and ROS~CHOCH. residing at 16495 County Road 48, Cutchogue. New York 11935 party of the first part, and HARRY LEWIS. residing at 600 Main Street, Greenport, New York 11944-1432 party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of Ihe first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable eonsidemtion paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and rclellSC unto the piuty of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, See Schedule A allached Pn:mises beins cnnvcyed.... lhe SAme as the prcmiocs des.:ribed in lhe deed 10 Ihe@l1llllOrrecurdedin Liber 11804 p:IBC S74. TOGETHER wilh all right. lille and interesl. if any. of the p:Iny of the first pan of. in and to any 51rCCIs and roads ahulling the above-describcd premises to the cenlcr lines thereof. TOGI!.'THER with lhe appurlCllllnees and alllhe eSlalC and righls of the party of IIie first pan in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein gr~nled unto the pany of the second pan. the heirs or successors and assigns of the pany of the second part forever. AND the pany of the firsl pan covenanlS tIlatthe pany of the firsl part has nOl done or suffered anytl1ing whereby lhe said premises have been incumbered in any W'~y whalever. except as aforesaid. AND lhe party oflhe firsl part. in compliance with Seelion 13 of the Lien Law. covcnanls that the party oflhe first pan will recei\'C lhe consider~tion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consider~lion as a trust fund 10 be applied first for the purpose: of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply tI1c same firslto the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the 100al of Ihe same for any olher purpose. The word "pany" shall be oonslrued as if it read "panics' whenever the sense of Ihis indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHER.Xn', tile party of the first pan has duly executed this deed lhe day and year first above wrinen. s;LL Title No: RH05303834 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Middle Road at the southwesterly comer of land now or formerly of Holly C. &. Steve C. Cavalier and the southeasterly comer of the premises herein described; said point being also distant westerly 70,4S feet from the extreme southwesterly end of the curve that connects the westerly side of Alvah's Lane and the northerly side of Middle Road; RUNNING THENCE South 61 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West along said northerly side of Middle Road, 100.00 feet to land now Dr formerly of Michael S. a Mary Ann Baken; THENCE North 31 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds West along said land, 1B6.79 feet to land now Dr formerly of Donna Hagzan; THENCE North 61 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds East along said land, 100.00 feet to land now Dr formerly of Holly C. a Steve C. Cavalier; THENCE South 31 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds East, alon9 said land, 1B6.79 feet to the northerly side of Middle Road and the point Dr place of BEGINNING. ,~ '. ......... &'--L'l'- """"', ";-1_ ,.. .. , _~,. W~...I.'l ~ ........- ...;; - -- .':1151'.11 - certificate of n~e ,,' ," PAGE20F2 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY m' STATE m' N":W YORK, COUNTY OF }SS.: ,S;L(ff{)J..J( ISS.: On the .tJ. day of Septembo:r. in the ycar 2lXlS On thc day of in the )'ClIr before bo:fon: me. the undcnigncd. personally appeared me. the undersigned. personally appeared !Aut ,IJ. SC)lfll:N liNt> ~SE III, SC'N{)cH . personally known to me or proved to IlIIl on the basis of satisfactory evidence 10 be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged 10 me lhat hcJshclthey execuled the same in hislher/their capacity(ics). that by hislhcrhheir signature(s) on the instrument. the individual(s). or tho: person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted. executed the instrument. and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the . (inscn the city or other political subdivision and the slalC or country or other place the acknowledgement was taken) (Signature and office of individual laking acknowledgment. ) . personally known 10 me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whosc name(s) is (are) subscribo:d to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thai hcIslu:lthey execoted the same in hislher/their capucity(ies), and that by hislherhhcir signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s). or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted. cxecuted the instrument. (Signature and office of individual laking acknowledgment.) fd.t.U, ~ ~ ,JiM..., PATRICIA L. FAU.ON NaIary Public, State Of New York No. 01FM850148 OulllllllClln Sullolk CountY 4_ commlssion Explrll April 24, -. 7 OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF STATE ISS.: On the day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared . Ihe subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument. with whom I am personally acquainted, who. being by me duly sworn. did depose and say that helshelthey reside(s) in (if the place of residence is in a city. include the street and street number, if any. then:of); that helshchhey know(s) to be the individual described in and who executed lhe foregoing instrument; that said subscribing witness was prescnt and saw said cx......ule the same; and that Said wilness at the same time subscribed hislher/their name(s) as a witness therelO. (Signature and om.... of individual laking pnlOf.) PAUL SCHOCH and ROSE SCHOCH TO HARRY LEWIS RETURN STATE m" NEW YORK, COUNTY OF }SS.: On tho: day of in the year before me, the undersigned. personally appeared . the subscribing witness to lhe foregoing instrument. with whom I am personally acquainted, who. being by me duly sworn. did depose and say that helshe resides in (If the place of residence is in achy. include the slrcet and street number. if any. thereof); lhat helshe knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument: that said subscribing witness was presenl and saw said Execute the same; lhat said witness at the same time subscribed his/her name as a wilness thereto: und Ihat said subscribing witness made such appearolncc before the undersigned in (Insert the city or other political subdivision and the stale or country or other place in which the proof was taken. (SignallUC and office of individuall:lking proof.. DISTRICT: SECTION: BLOCK LOT 1000 101 01 017 COUNTY OR TOWN BY M A I L Suffolk Jennifer Gould Esq. 210 Main Street, P.O. BOll 177 Grccnpon. New York 11944 T 0: '. RECORDEli 2005 Oct 14 08: 14:22 II'! ~rd P.Romaine CI.ERJ( OF SUFFOLK COlJHTy L 000012414 P470 Dr. 05-10799 Nwnberofpages L\ TORRENS Suia1#1 Certificate #I Prior Clf. II Deed / Mortgage Inslnuncul Deed / Mortgage 1lIx Stamp PEBS RecunliDg / Filing Slampi 3 Comm. of Ed. Affidavil 01L:- 5. 00 ' Mortgage AmL I. Buic 1lIx -' -2. Addilional1llx Sub 'IOtal Spec:J Assil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Thwn _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appolnllllenl Tmnsfer1hx .J3ao, MansionTu The property covered by this mortgage is or wiD be improved by a ODe or Iwo family dwelling only. . YES or NO If NO. see approprillle laX clulIIle 011 page #I of this insll1lmenl. Page / Filing Fee Handling 11>-584 5. 00 NolaliOll SA-52 17 (COUnly) SA-S217 (SlaIc:) R.P.T.S.A. Sub ThIaI Certiliecl Copy NYS Surcharge Other 1 IS. 00 Sub Tolal GIlIIId Tollll ~5a - cf ,. \ < . . .. . -', -- - . Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification ~OS:~9~60 1000 10100 0100 017000 RewA A .()CT 5 Comm1llllty Prell81'VBtI,OD Faad Consideration Amount $ 5u. 671. 1M CPF Tax Due $ .J I, f17. (1l) Improved ./ Vacanl Land 6 SaliSfuClionSID!scllargc:R/Re1euCs List 'Property Owners Mailing Address , RECORD & RETURN TO: .JE-tJNIFE"e B. 6muu; ESQ. OlIO mil"" SV: fJ. o. Box 177 (;1!.eeA/,I)I)f(T', 1\1'1 119/j.y 7, Title Com . Name e,"'h'k'N. TIlle' W, S' m m ID loConnatioD 8 Suffolk. Coon ,Recordin & Endorsement Pa e tL ~ S~J.lOClI AIIID SIE . ~ou, AAR6AIN AAtA . SALE lJF:l9I (SPECIFY 'fYPB OF INSTRUMENT) made hy: l11.is pale forms part of the abebed The premises berein is shoaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the 1bwnship of . ~U7"HO LII In the VIlLAGE or HAMLET of &"7Y'lW:d~ lU)XF.S II TIlRlJ II MlIST BE TY,pp,n I)P rRINTED IN RLACK '~"{ ONI.Y rRIOR m RI?r:nRDlNO OR "1UN(l TO HIJR/N LEwiS ..--.....-.-- -----....--.. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111I1111 1111111111111111111111111 SUJ'I'OLK COtJRTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DIm !lumber of Pages. .. Receipt HUmber . 05-0107876 TRANSFER TAX NtJMBER: 05-10799 Recorded. At. 10/14/2005 08.14.22 AM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012414 470 District. 1000 Section. Block. 101.00 01.00 EXAMINED AlII) CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $330,000.00 Lot. 017.000 Deed Amount. Received the FOllowing Pees For Above Instrument .....-..pt Ex"""lPt page/Piling $12.00 NO IIlmdling $5.00 Ro COB $5.00 NO RYS 8RCJIG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO TrlUlsfer tax $1,320.00 NO COIIII\.Pres $3,600.00 NO Fees Paid. $5,072.00 TItAllJSI'ER TAX mJMBER. 05-10799 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE DlSTRUKBR'1' THIS IS ROT A BILL Ed.ward. P. RcmIaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;J/www.orps.stote.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C3. Book ~ JIlL REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT . C1.SWISCod. I ~?'; 1,/?,,?,91 , C2. Dolo --- e I I'.t I ~:I STATE OF NEW YORK STATE IIllARIl 01' REAL _R'TY SER\IICiS RP - 5217 .r-s:.., .... JWI PROPERTY INFORMATION "_1 1(,,/95 I 6Juory t..Oflb ~r ....-. ~;ifi06-u.b ....n..... tkw /~JeIL YOIlT 2."'" Uw/S Name \All .,..., CClIIIWft' ,lb 5:A.~IJ.... 7!:t1f,c,y """- I 1//'35 I ..... FNT"INII I.AlTNAMI!/~ 3. T.. IlKIc:IIII wh...ld... TIX 811111'0 10 bI.-It I ...... ~_""nbuyerldd"'lIl_allarml. Ad&Ir.- LAIoT ........,CClWAHY ....T.... , srREET_"MDITIIIIIUIII! ClIYQIIllMN . SrAIl! ,.- "=.,.I - ~,..... Ixl DO..... IORI COnIyI,.,"'._ ......-...,.....,. M._...__llo'~~_~~ 0 " ..__..".,....__ndIorTr_ 0 , /) ..,. ..3' I c......' Approved for - '"" .... - 0 ""'" ?IHI...L -- "RiJ<;.G .. ...... the n....... DI "-men' I D Ro.__....._ I f).I). 1'01_ OR p.n.I.Parc:ol .. ..... Homo se..Hce./'I l.A5T"""~ .5 t ffo "II """- -4 Ii. l.MI'NMIIl!/COMP.wt A~ Dna F.mlly_ B 2.. 3 F...1y _""I C ReIIdInU.1 V_nlltnd D Non._"""I_ Lond I SALE INFORMATION I ... --..... E ~ Ag<k:ullural I ~ Communn'....... F COmmercill J InduIIrtIl G ApI...... K Publlc_ H Ena.rtalnment I AmUltfneflt L Foret&: ......... -- - -...,.....,. .. ~ Typo 10 CandomInhlm .. New ConIIrucIIon on V-u.lMId lOA._....._In..~_ lG&__.__I~ ........._IoIn..IIG__ o o o o 7. ca.c. the bu below wNdIl'IIDM: ICCUf8tIIt' ...... the .... or.. ......., .. ill. II.... at ....: 'I&. a..I& _... ...... of.... ......._ _........ .. -.r.r. 12. _ '" .... I T...... , .:J I 1 I 2..~ , ~ I 1-'> I 051 IIanU'I Der v.. A II C D E F G H I J SIll a.w.n Relatlva Of' Fornw AeIItIvee ~ .......... ...... c:arnp.r,a. or PMnen in Buaino.- One<llIho_Io_._ Buyer Dr SefIIr It CavemmlIII /IqIItCy or Lending rr.&/luUDn DIed Typo not w....nIY' or IIrgll" end Se'-1SpKfty BeIowI .. 01 F_.. ~...... Faa _ CSpacifY 110'-1 Slgnlllco" Olanga .. _ _ T_.......nd ... 0.. Silo of Buti..- illn::ludod in SlIe JIrieI 0Ih0r UnuIUOi _ AIIacIIng _ Prlca CSpacifY _ NoN ,3.7,0, QO,O.O,OI , , . CFul1 SIIe PrIce Illhe tOClllmOUnt plid for die property including perMn&I property. Thll PIYfM"l may be In lh. fQnn of CIIh. 01"" property or goods. or lht --"PIlon af rnong_..-obIlgaIIonI.l --.....---- '..1_......."'..- I 0 0 0 I __In...._ . ~. ASSESSMENT INFORMATlON - Dol. .hould roO... '...1....' RM. A.........m Roll .nd Tox Bill '''=~:=''''I(J''''~I ",T__V_C"'''_In_' ,a. Fa. .... Prb ~ ; . 'I s. "' .0 , ,..-- I J.,I ,Ol-U ____ I StJI.I71h1tJ 2ll. T.._-a1 1__a1 Pf.....__._____a1J P,STlIY 10fX> I "8/oc.K tJJ.DO I CERTIFICATION I I mlIl) _.. "'.......... "'.....lIon..- on........ "'" _.......- Cia.... bolO "'III!' _......1IIId boItll...., .....,....... ................. ",,,,_.__"'___"'~"Iolbt _"'............... _10....-.._....."'......_ Il!B!! BUYER'S ATTllRNEY sc;en oJJ J 0 I. ()t) 1J>1 017. O()D &owb , denmlat I.AIT ~ AMTNMII 43/ ~71 8~()7 NIlACODI ~,.,.... C l.ttr ~WL. I t-;i CllYCIlTOWll II' ~>I.~ ~ 1l~~L I ~/z)~) .seJf,!t!1T''j'',tu t AYJJ 5eHVCJ!, ~~ NEW YORK STATE COPY