HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12205 P 876 . ;;,dcJ.~JIIA.TftllllIl~ _ .c..l...,._..__...........................___V '. 'MIlNIllEJmJRE. rnefB lie 8th _01 July . 2002 "I~ DOlf1tLl) Dh~ .ml PHUCIA n'R1nIXOSU L ' - 5045 Blijah's Lane I dL~OS b~dt=uck, New York 11952 100 - Lf _ if P'67lf ,.., ollie 11II1 put,. ROBERT B. COB and MARY A1!I1fI COB ,,++.5 lJIHFC 10 Mohegan Avenue I "T\ Port W..hihg~on, Raw York IOSv ,.., 0I118.-ul p8I'l. .-" WllNllll:nl.lhIllIe party 01 lie h"", ""CllIlIIIIIIrlII ell . , .... , .... _ '" 118"" 011 llelllOQlld pitt. cIlMlI ~ flIWll and.,rll. _ till PII\' 0I-.1IIQIlIld _1M I'IIIIIa "... "'... artIf....llf lie P8I'lV llf till 8ICIllIlf pM foNNf. ALL 1IIa'I oertUIllIOl..m- Of pelC81llf IlUld. wiIh till. ~'. ~lliI,f1,""'Ju[1Cl4. tIIuIiIIt', lma'MlllMlngtllPtllllC".at Mat~1,~!1PIt, 'town of Soit:h014. SUq Of .... Yon I:IoGtlU4 end a:ea<:rlbed as followSI Vl.!r ,.~e BEGINNIIIG at: a IIIOIlUllHlnt Bet: on tile _BUrly ll_ ofBUj-.h'. r.a.. whi~ IIIlOJU1IIlent .is the following courses e4 41stuCleS fJ:CllltJ2e ~'terly , termilllUI of an arC' of a C::l.lrvlt con13l1cUn9 tbe nort.bed.y line of, ti4cU. Jtoed with the _atli1rly line of Bllj6b',8 LlIJllU . 1. On 1I curva ,to the left w.tth... rU.t.u15 oJ, 53 :501eet for.. 4bteAceof ,9,2;;02ft :I. lfo:rth 2fi deqreeB 18 lIIiDllt.. SO aec::onda ...~, lS03.l5:J.feet, 3. North':!6 degrees 02 1II1nutea 40 aecond. Meat, 437~tt feet, an4 RlOOfI,1fG 'l'HENCI frOlll sdd poin1: of befJIM11ng SoutJ2 fj3 detJ1:'... n ,1I1mltul0 aeconda '!fe.t dOllg otJ2er lane! now orfoa.dy of Pe~Dllerkoald.. and .eib 2>euko15U, 389.07 feet: to a lIIlDnUllen1: and 111II4 of Wl1U&.. H. MI4 htberlne Hlld.as, ~ nor1:.herly /ifad eaaterly dong tJ2e lU14 opel Wl111_ B. lIJl4 ~~Ilrbia,e Hains the followinq eour... IlI:1d dill'l:ll1l;e.., 1. ~r:th 26 ~reea 05 mnuus "st. 150.0'0 feet to. llIO"l,.....t;,; 2. North Ii) degree. 43 lllinutu 10 aecotJOa hat. 31'.17 f..t:to .lIIlDn...... ..e on the _.ter1:y line of Bl1j~' aLaI., . 'flIBNCI SOllth,,26 degrees 02 IlIlnute. 40 seconds 3aIIt:.&1.oDftbe _t8d1' line of Ellje!s. Lane,ISO.OO teet to. the point: OX'P~Of 8llGIRlJIDG. BBl.d 'UP'i'lrtdiiStt":lcf'!l8 the .... prea1... conveye4to t1:Ie fllrtY o~ ~f1J'.t: pu~ be deed claud 5/21/97. and filed in the OUietl of tbIIi Clax"_ of SuUolk COunty on 6/2191 in L1her 11833 at: pag. 441 TOQ'ETHEfI willi till! rww. .. lltId iIl8nIIt. I q. oIll1e JllIIty llf.. tnt pIII't h..IIlf.1Ily ....11lIdlt ~ IIIIllKM deIcllbed 1lfllfIl11" la till 0IIlII8r'" uw.ot,1OGI!THIFl. _.....181I all ._ III ... Md ,._ of III PI'lY llf 1M llrM plIIt fIl Md la _pllftllml TO ~ANO 10 HClU)" IIltlll~..lwII'lmgranl8cl unIl:lllle PlIdYClf III ~ piII'I, IlIh11ln1" Itl'" 111_ .....llfI..1!8IlV llf "1rIlCOIIII put ""-r. . AND Ills PIIlYllf tIa lIrIt plIIt ___ bit ... PlItt 011 .. tIIIlpilll __ rd danul' ..... Wlhlng wIi~'" &aid pNnlllln IIIIYlI been --..cI1n enr....,\ilIhIIIIl.w. .......Ao n~ ANDN PI'lY Clf.. tnI: plIIt, In 0011'" will SilIGlIlN' 1$ oI...Ulnluf,'Q4.lillllllill_tIlI= llfItIlI lIrIt plIIt ..... ..."... COiolllllllill.$n for .. OCIII~ _ ......ho1clll8.liIt "al~. .... _ t I .. tnIICflnllO 1lI_l8cIllrM .tIlIJllIPlIlIiIl" pI)'Ing...clllItaflle___....,IhI- IDlID 118 ~ 011 1M __ 011118 /mpllMf1lR llIlIIn"'" ..., put 011 ilia ......llf...... .liJIyolhlf p.IplIIIIJ. The..u'''pIlttf .... be 0IIlIlIlMd . . . nIId ......... 1iIiIlIIn .. .. ..... " 1hiI....... 80 ......... IN wmtIU WHUlEOF. 118 pIIty llf..1III1 pm baa cUf <<:ItCll......1IIId __ _ .....1bM _. 'I" ' ~ ~ ~\ixJI 411'.JtjpjA_ ~. PA'1'RI~ DIUXOI11. . TO AllRED ONLY'WHIN THE AI'I4lQrIaIII' -.wi.....,. ........ .......w..:.... INPfIE!SENCE OF: _11W.N.YAT,U.fom>8l1llll......._...~_c: . 1.....0 I, ..._-~_ . r ""I.:u~ 1'omI_ '. ...........,-,CcluI\IlrOf .lJutlOLX _ ".NllwYall, c:-ttrlll .: On..s1l\rw. .n:aJlt ". lnlllll~ 2002 QlIIIIl .,111 In_l''lIf ........., ~ 1*' .J I ....... ""_"~plJj...!lIiIy~ Dcmal~ __kOJtkl aNt 'atricia DearkOaki \Alo.......~.._,_.... to .. 011" ~ '" ll<I>olo........ Iln_ II) me 01 JIfawd to 1M 0II1111l bull 01 1" . r .'.11. nO ...... ~ .... '.liefllll '*. m y t1UuJOo. III lie 1IIll1n-"""" whMe ...., II <<-).lIi...\I...lIIiII*........,.. _..~~. _1IIbIIcIIIIII!l.lIIIl....~ _ICI"-'.~I d II) lilt "'''t~~ ... ..., 1111 lIIime III ............ lilt IIlll ~ III11I:llll1d l1li __ In NdI.11'1\11it I ~-"'lIW' *".,.. ~ 11l1l/'I) -... ~.. """ _ by IllliII....M... ~ on .. ............ ,. ,tII-. ...IlIIIIIIIIlpIIIl...... Of wtIIah ~ I _ 1l1li" 1IIll...........~ II!' IIIIlPMllll upGrIlIIIIId "'..... "-;JL~?~~~ 1IIll~___~~IIIIl~ ~..---......._~.....,;Jil~l/11~...~ ~ T&i'...atIoItal.~IIlIIfnQ....IIJ.._...d1 .. ur-=- ~~ TDU- .....~..... ~ ~ 1INI".''''aurIIDI!!Nl!WYCM MATI! .. (lIlr 1:lIl!.lfIlUI'..... .. .T...." erl"clMlgn CauIIIly) Of o..lIiI . *ItA JI! .... f111i11D1d ...1!l.J..... ................. l1li OIl..... Of ....=...11.d lD.r... ~ l1IhHlI ~ ".. ~.._IIilIIInInllnntnl_adula ..iIJlIdlD_1IIIIt .,~~.._III~~_ -. ....,..,.. iI'll.... ..........1............. ".lld,..ter" JIIIIOlI upon bIIlIII '" __ IIIIlIndll/lll -'1*)__ _ _ ." dlll'~ 11.liI, 8IIII_1IIIIh.............fIIIPMIIIIlIa....UIlderIlIQIltdln.. '" ....._ ..1Ii~..d.~ (IIlMdIllllCllJ'OI"" ml~n "lJlIJh'J .. , (Ind t-.t.... <<COIdIyatllltw....._ ulIIi4IL" 'I .. _....... ~"OIbuflnl.."...il1.llirJv"" . 1:.._01) ..'u........co.. LU: _.1 lI1Iki\il' ...... \'1:; II. ....~ __'S&.I!DEED wmt GOVIIWrtM....lIIUII1anI ACr8 . SECTION 100.00 BLOCK O. . 00 LOT 00'.000 COUNt'YOFITOWN of Boutbold SfAt.J:JADCAESS !iOU Elijah's Lane. MIIt.tituck. Jilew York 11952 ...........,u,. T 'S"/r1... S-dL .DCllW.tt DBbJtOftt AD >>AftletA DBBUouI TO ROnR'r :to coa'MJ)MAAY ARNS COB RIIoclrdId at Aequett Of OO~lHLANDTm.Ell\iISIJRAHaE CONfI'Nf'( 1IrHlIIJJIl....1lf ...WllIIt"'''''IIl!.I\'"- llI' 11 .... o ...~Itll1Il1I1L~_,_ --_......... ."'t"~ -~ ....... lmGALS " KIRRO 300 Gar4e~ Cl~y Pla~ Suite '50 Garden City. NElv York At:t:n: Josepb Meqlllle i..1MIi...._~.al 1111... ~ '. . . . ;.. ,~ . ~~ ",... .... U=z J . SeriIl . lEOOIlllQ) ~ ~ 27CMIOkS6M _rei ,....lnit . t'l.ElIIt... tllFFU QlMY t .Da12ZllS P816 0Ti~ I '. w-.....r f"lII'Il Z> TORRENS Ccnllblc , t\'IorCtl'. , oem I Mad... InIInnal DoecII ~TII!l"" FEES RIlJJd"i~I'" Stlrmpf ~ """,I,..'. tlIDtlliq TP-'''' ~- .5 S .....f. _ AmI. - W_lllll EA-:S2 17(~) r"'.:S211 (SlII.) flP.T.S.A. CIllIlm. ofEllL Arrlllavlt .5 _ $ubI_ OLL{ I....TM 1 Mdllio...ll '1M MTfQJ 1pecJ_. Ch' ....IML - .::.lS _ ~- , !XL- CmlIIed Copy llcc.CIlfI:'l" Oflm' ~ _ SubTOlIII OUNl) toTAl 75 91 1'OT.M1'O. TIi~ _ ... TOInI LMl~ 'lcIdfilt^~ n-twTu LjID MIlIII_ TIll n..PR+Ij~ ~brdlll....... ::t~.1Jt ullUrt"....U, . YIfS ..NO IrMa..."" ....iadt 1Ill"'-1Il flIP' at... ......... SlImp 02030119 1000 10000 0..00 OOllOOO =:. ~ 1 SatiJfactbL - -- ..--o~RF.COiD-a-RuiJ-iNn;; n._... u_.~ . ') CPFTiLlI; .. . s Real PlOlIiliIt)' Ta SII!rviee Di& ScelIM Vailbllon B~ .... IIIIpIIIM / .... MEGALE .. MlI:itR01:, Attorn.y. at Law 300 Garden City Plaza, ~tll 4S0 Gar4en City, Ifew rodt 11530 A.ttn: JOlileph Me9ale TO 1'0 TD . Suffolk Coon . Tide Co.M_ nile. lDt'onuadoa 11is l*F l'onns put oflbe liU&:I...J BarG'a:i.n aDd S.~e Deed lsm:::JFYTVfEOf 1NSJ1U.NJa') ~\It: :Donald Deer:to&ki and Patr1c1a DeerkoBk1 1M pmriscsJxgeinia liWlIoIlia SlIfFOLKa::lUNrY. NEWlaUC. lIubeTOWIIIbipol' Ioatho14 Ill.. VIU.AOE orHl\MLEfof TO JlObert B. Co. and Mary Mne coe ....tU.UicJc UlJXl:'SS now 9 MUST OOTYPED(RPRItfl'ED IN BLACK_ CH..Y l'KfOl\:'IOIU:ORDiNOORfU.JN:l: IOI/EIQ 11111111111111111111 1I1111mUII Su.lOS C\:MIIlrf cr..... RBCORDS OJ'I"lCB RBCORDDtQ PMm DM4 ~t. hct1l:lll., 810011;1 100.00 H.OO ......"lift1lll'll!n 1\IID ....~,...., M .roLLOII8 '''!J5,OOO.oo PMm, root:. Oel,.ClOO 01/2'1/2002 HJOlhJ4 .. >>00012205 .,. Type of ZflIItnllll8ll,t I DImDSJDm) ~:r of Page.' :I TRUSna TAX mDlBBR: 02-04201 IlHoI:,cI.b Ala LIlt_ill Di.t::rlot., 1000 l'llpJ/l'iU..g COB U-C'rlr TP-584 RP'r TramtCoZ' ~ $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1.980.00 r_. J'OIC' Above lIWb:'UlIIiIJat:: Jllxl ..It JIfO :II...... H.. JIfO 1mI BDICIICl JfO U-ITA'ta NO c.1;.COpt_ .NO 8C'1'X NO ~.PN. ....l'dd '5.00 $15.00 $21.00 $0.00 '0.00 ",JOO.OO "."'.40 It.n It. NO 110 110 110 .. .. a.c.i v.cl tb8! 1'o1lowiq TlWIrSFD 'l'U 1I010lJDh 02-0.201 THIS p~ %S A PU'l' OI'l'D_.'tMliIlull", :Idvard If ....:lDe ComIty C'.lult, Bu!!01Jr. Cliauat:y . .. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 .. USE ONLY CI. SWIS Code {/? '7 (9 ,? q I 7 I 1......JJ c...' I~./ I ," I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I' C2. Date Deed Recorded I 'J?/;9? / ('/-< Month. Day Year C3. Book I ~ ~, ;?, (J, ,)'TC4. Pagel ,El, '?,b I PROPERTY INFORMATION STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev 3m I. P,ope.rtv 15045 Location STREET NUMBER Eli2ah's Lane STR ETNAME ISouthold CITY OR TOWN M~+-r ~ "t.~lf"'k VilLAGE ,;&"".,1 211'"'1: E' ~. 2. Buve, I COE Name LAST NAME I COMPANY ROBf;:U B_ FIRST NAME ICOE LAST NAME I COMPANY MARY i\NNI-: FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address . ,~,~.,.. LAST NAME! COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND srnEET NAME CITY OR TOWN ST~TE ZIPCOOE 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed 11 # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property Size Ixl DEPTH lOR I 'ACRES' i. -7. ---II (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided o o o FRONT FEET 6. Seller Name IDEERKOSKI LAST NAME I COMPANY DONALD FIRST.NAME IDEERKOSKI LAST NAME! COMPANY PATHICIA FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A ~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land E ~ Ag,;,"It"", I ~ F Commercial J G Apartment K H Entertainment I Amusement L Community Service Industrial Public Service Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: o o o o Forest SALE INFORMATION 11. Sale Contract Date 4 / 23 / 02 I Month Day Year 7 / 8 / 02 Month Day Year A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below.lt., Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) '..... Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Da\e:' Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) _ -None * 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 13. Full Sal.P,;.. ,4 9 5 ,0 ,0 , 0,0 , 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate the value of personal Ie, , ~. 0 I 0 I property included in the sale, , . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should ,eflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill I 18. Property Class I /-., ; l-1-u 19. Sohoo' D;st,ict Name I t1A'fTITUCI<-CU'fCHOGUER ; ,.--" (i. c .r , (J./ 16. Year of Assessment Roll from I () II 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) I which information taken 20. Tax Map Identifierls) I Rollldentifierlsl (If more than four, attach sheet with additional identifier(a)) 1000-100.00-04.00-009.000 I %BBB*%%SXBB*X%BBB*B.~HB* I tf) -Lf-~ I I C.RTIFICATlO1\j I certify that all of the items of infonnation entered on this fonn are tme and correct (to the best of my knowledge and be6ef) and I understand that the making of any willful raIse statement of material fa& herein will subject me to the orovisions of the periallaw relative to the making and filing of false instruments. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~ ;f'Ji-t! ~ f 16't!~~"B. COE 5045 Elijah's Aane 7/8/02 MEGALE LAST NAME JOSEPH DATE FIRST NAME 516 739-6000 STREET NUMBER STREET NAME IAFTER SALE) AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER Mattituck NY 11952 CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE SELLER \'~- \ \ Q--.J\. OONJl.!::f)""l:>EERKOSKI CITY rrOWN ASSESSOR COPY 7/8i02 OATE