HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12396 P 990 'I l!J.-sqh P110 '-~ b,,1- 1000 S'c IbO,OO 61k 63,." t. 01- ." -'. I 06'~ ?'~/I. ') . . )i9-'1'iI')-S~ .... BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 t., IUTION. THIS ACiKEE.\If."'T SIlOULO BE PREPAKHD IIY AN ATTORNEY AND REVIEWED IIY ATTORNE\'S FOR SEIJ.HK AND PlIRC'HAliHK IIEFORE SIONING, TillS INDENTURE, made Ihe ~ day of May, 2005, betwetn Nonnan Ratx.'I1 and Lila Leigh Raben, his wife, both having an address of 930 Sebastians Cow Road. Mallitllek. New York 11952 pany of the first pan, and , Ie eo r . 4''''' ..:A.~".'''..: fo -I-'c ""........;I'II:,..~ 7"-". ;ftJ.r....st,...s /#....fr,,.. CO"''''On Jeremy PUlloc!s.and Sarah GiII~vinll an address of ISO Colombus Ave, Apt. 7B, New York, New Yori<, 10023 and 165 West 66" Street, ApI. 22J, New York, New Yori< 10023, respectively pany ofthe second pan. WITNESSF.TH, lhattho pany of the first pan. docs hereby grant and release unlo Ihe party oflhe SC\.'Ond pan, t~e heirs or successors and assigns of the party oflhe &ee:ond pan forever, ALL that c:crtain plol. piece or parcel ofland. with Ihe buildings and improvements thereon cn.-cled, siluate, lyinlland being in the Town OfSoulhhoJd, County of Suffolk. Stale ofNcw York, as more particularly described in Sohedule A annexed herelo and made a part hereof. Ileing and intended 10 be same premises conveyed \0 the grantor(s) hen: by d,...'lI daled 9nJO I, and recorded 9/1710 in Libcr 12141, of deed at page 881, in the Cleri<'s Office ofSufTolk Counly, Said premises are known and dCl,ignalcd lIS Section 100.00, Block 3.00, Lot 11.005. TOGI-:THER wilh all righi, title and inlerest, if any, ofthe pany oflhc firsl part in and 10 any stu'Cts and roads abulling Ihe abo\'e described premises to Ihe CCnl~r lines Ihereof. TOGETHF.R wilh the appunenances Bnd alllho estale and rights oflhc party of the first part in and to said p...'mi,,'S, TO IIA liE AND TO 1I0LD Ihe premises herein granled unto Ihe pany of the second pan, Ihe heirs or SUecL'SSOrs and assigns oflho party oflhe SCI.'Ond part forever, AND Ihe party oflhe first pan. covenants thai the puny oflhe first pan has nOI done or suffered anything DII,'6~ whereby the said premisL'S have been encumbcn:d in any way whatever, except as aforesaid, AND Ihe party oflhe first pan, in compliance wilh S''Ction 13 oflhe Lien I.aw, covenants that the party oflhe ~rst part will receive Ihe consideration for Ihis conveyance and will hold the right to reociv~ such consideration as a trust fund \0 be applied first for !he purpose of paying Ihe COSI oflhe improvement and will apply the same first to Ihe paymenl of the cost oflhe improvement before using any pan of the totul oflhe same for any other purpose. The word "pany" shall be eonstru,'(\ as if it read "panics" whenever the seD-'ll: of this indcnlwe so reql.li~i. IN WITNESS WIIERF.OF, the pany oflhe first pan has duly executed Ihis deed Ihe day and year first abov~ v'l"itten, INa~ ~~4f~'d'/ NORMAN RABEN ... ~~ ~~~ ~ LILA LEIGH RABEN f"' N\.~D^ Eh.,.i.knti;alltc:ill EI~ FCII111I 00 UutDuc:a;. (9iOcJ) Cap)'riahl C'_n'I""~lopmcnl .1. '- .....J.... - . Aekno...i~~'fI1ent by a Person Wilhin New York Slate (RPL ~ 309-a) .' ST.... Tlo OF NEW YORK eaCHY OF S'"FF.lk ) ) SS.: ) On the _ .2 Go day of /J1. '1 in the year 2005 before nle, the undersib'lled, personally appear..d NORMAN RABnN known 10 me or proved 10 me on the hllSis of Slltisfaclory evidencc to be the indiviC ual whu."" name is subscribed to Ihe within instrurm.:nl and acknowledged 10 me that he executed !be same in his I.pacil)', and that by his sigrnuurc(sl on the in.~trumcnt, the individual(s), or the person uIX'" beh.lf of which :he individual(~ acted, execuled Ihe in menl. t B1LYN CAGCEUEtRE NllIAR't' PilBllC. SI.,. of ~IW 'al NO. OICAlal6S35, SulkA CU~ Term EJpiriS rlovaa1bor JO, 2~ Acknowledgment by a Person Wilhin New York Slate (RPI. ~ 3U9-l11 STArE 01' NnW YORK COUNTYOF SO/Fro.11< ) ) lIS.: ) On !be -. (, day of M 4'1 in the year 2005 befon: me, the undersib'lled. pelSO\Ullly appcan:d LILA I.EIGH RARI'N knO\\lllO me or provL'l1to me on the basis of Slltisfaclory e\'idcnce 10 be the individ~al whose name is subscribed 10 the within instrument and lICknowlL'l1ged to me that she executed Ihe same in her (apacity. .nd thai hy her sillnature(sl on !be instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which I he indlvidual(s) acted, execu~ !be inslrumc CAHCEIlIIIlE IlOlARY Pilauc. SlIII of IlIw Yolk NO. OICA4816535. SullaII.CUuIllJ Term EJpiIts llavamllol 30. 20'11 Bal'1laln IInd Sale Ileed WiO Covenllnt Alllllnst Grantor's Acts to Seclion: 100.00 Block 3.00 lollS) 11.005 Norman Raben & Lila Leigh Ruben Jeremy Pultock and Sarah Gill Return B)' :\11111 To: Ellen B. Portman, Esq. One Waler Street, 3n1 Floor "'f. ':8rk. New York 10601 ;4c.",.;... K 'lIahm~o&z:eo.A'T1""JlroMunIUo\Oml wpoI N"SIH, RL')hlcna.:al ke-.d E..Uc FPI'ms (In .IIClLI>tacs' ,tMJO) C"P!nVJ '._n' o...lopmcnl .,2. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY .1' -. File Nb. SA-99111-SX .. SCHEDULE A ALL lhal certain Plol. piece or parcel of land, siluale, I)'ing and being in the Town of Soulhold, al Maltituck, Counl)' ofSulTolk and Stale of New York, known and designaled as Lot IIg as shown and designaled on a certain map entilled, "Map of Sebastians Cove, Section 2", filed in the Office of the Clcrk of the County of Suffolk on Novcmber 30, 1984 as Map No. 7807, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING 81 8 poinl on the Easterly side of Sebastians Cove Road distalll the following 5 courses and distances measured along Ihe Easterly side of Sebastians Cove Road from the Northerly end of Ihe curve connecling Ihe Northerly side of Mill Road with the Eal,1erly side of Sebaslians Cove Road; I) . Northerly alon8 a curve to Ihe right having a radius of396.07 feel a dislance of 146.40 feel; 2) Nonh \7 degrees 44 minules 40 seconds Eas1200.67 feel; 3) Northerly alollg Hcurve 10 Ihe righl having 8 radius of319.\] feet a distance of 166.\4 feet; 4) North] 2 dcgrees 05 minules ] 0 seconds WeSI 368.74 feel; 5) Nonherly along a curve 10 Ihe righl having a radius of 70 feel, 8 dislance of 63.42 fed to the lrUe point or place of beginning; RUNNING THENCE !,/ortherly and Northweslerly along the Easlerly side of Seba.~lians Cove Road along a cUl;Ve,lo Ihe left having a radius of 84.00 fect a dislance of 208.05 feet; THENCE Nonh \2 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds West, 125.17f..I; THENCE North 77 degrees 41 minules 20 sceonds Easl, 225.00 fCd; THENCE South 12 degrees 05 minules 10 seconds Easl, 276.17 fcot; THENCE Soulh 77 degrees 54 minules 50 seconds Wesl 173.19 feet to the Easterly side of Sebastians Cove Road nllhe point or place of BEGINNING. . . Tille Report 2 L E G A L D E S C R I p T I o N ,.. . ,- EXlDBIT "A" TO BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANTS AGAINST GRANTORS ACTS Whereas, the Pany of the SCCODd pari in the qreement 10 which this Exhibit is IlIIIIllXed qree 10 hold title as follows: Sarah Gill as 10 a 15" undivided inrerest IIDII Jeremy Puaoc:k at 10 a 25" undivided iDlerest, together as Teoams in Common. Whereas, in the event Sarah Gill, ber bein, IlICCeSSOfI and 8S$ips may wish 10 tratISfer litIe 10 her 75" undivided illlOl'eSt 10 a Ihird party, sbe mUll filii obtain a IIOIarizcd waiw:r of rigbt of fll'll 1llfusa1 from Jeremy Puuoc:k waiving his right 10 purcbase bel 75" undivided i_ and a c:onscm 10 !be transfer of her imerest 10 a lhird party. AJJy transfer witbout said waiver and consent sba11 be deemed invalid IIDII void in its entirety. Whereas. in the event Jeremy Puuoc:k, his hein. successors and 8S$ips may wish 10 transfer title 10 his 25." undivided interest 10 a third party, he must lint obtain a IIDIarized waiw:r of right of flnt 1llfusa1 from Sarah Gill waiving her right 10 purchase his 25" undivided interest and a CODSeIIIIO the transCer oC his interest 10 a IhinI psrty. Any transfer without said waiver and consent shall be deemed invalid and void in its entirety. This AgIllemenl shall hereby become a part DC the Deed 10 which it is lllllexed as Exhibit A and shall remain in Cull Coree and effect Cor as long as either party, their hein, IIUCCeSSOO and usiJIIS shall own Ihe propeny as Tenants in Common. Dated: May 26, 2005 _._~~.. SARAH GILL " . 0 , ,;.', ".- . - /I;ulllbo:r of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Jlll 11 03: 34: ~ PM Edward P.ROII.i~ a..ERK OF SIJFFOLY. COUNTY L 000012396 P 990 OIl 04-48441 Seri31# CerlificalC # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mongage Instrument Deed I Monguge Tax Stamp Rec:ording / Filing SL:lIllp" 3 FEES POdse I Filing Fcc Hundling 5. .Q!L Mong3ge Amt. \. Busic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpeclAssit. TP-584 Notalion or fA-52 17 (County) EA-52 17 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total Grund Total 155' :!J... Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Caullly _ Held for Appoinlment Tl1lII5ferTlUI. ~..:::..... Mansion Tax ~ -=:..... covered by this mong3ge is improved by a one or two IIing only. or NO 3ppropriale llUI. clause (In of this instrument. ~[j) Camm. of Ed. 5. J!!L Affi<luvit Cenified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15..Q!L Sub Total 4 Disl./(j(JO Renl Properly Tax Service Agcncy Verification I.ololl.(Jt>S 5 10000 0300 011005 CPF Tax Due - Improved )( 6 SalisraclionsIDisc:lwgeslReleases List Properly Owne~ Mailing AddlC5ll RECORD'" RETURN TO: ~II~,., ,Pdte-h......., E.'s,-, / wo...k.e.. S"' 1-, 3,.10 r/oGtC {)Js.;-!e 1!1A,;'oS/ )Jy' lo~o/ 7 Vacant Land TO --' 0 TO TO 8 Suffolk Count .,<1, Recordin & Endorsement Pa e P p.-Ph (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) , This page forms pan of the allached made by: Nb... I'h "" '" "R G. b.." .... The premises herein is situated in .L: 1* k iJ 1. /?... b 11''''.1 ".: so ~ ;k SUFrOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. . TO In the Township of 'So u -I-R 0/ J J"e"c"'1 1..#....I<,.....t... .. ::l.r'%;~ '/'_:1 In the VILLAGE S......J.. G;II,.~ J.. a 7r-'Jl. ;.../bc.rf- ""-S' or HAMLET of 1t14.~c.k ~~..r.t ,.... co........, BOX"ES 6 TIlRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Cover) -\ . . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 5 Receipt Number . 05-0071767 TRANSPBR TAX HUMBBR: 04-48441 Recorded: At. 07/11/2005 03.34.22 PM LJ:BER: PAGB: D00012396 990 District: Section. Block. Lot. 1000 100.00 03.00 011.005 I2YI\MINBD AND CKARGBD AS POLLOWS Deed Amount. $1,240,000.00 Received. the Pollowing pees Por Above Instrument B7-.pt Exlllllpt page/Piling $15.00 RO Handling $5.00 RO COB $5.00 RO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 RO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 RO SCTII $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $4,960.00 RO Mansion Tax $12.400.00 RO COIIIIII.Pre. $21.800.00 NO Pees Paid $39.315.00 TRANSFBR TAX NtDIBBR. 04-48441 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INBTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P . Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County . . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHENWRmr~~n'NcFORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.ltate.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY C1. BWIS Code -_._~ , 1. ",/)1 * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 1 $',?, ~.J?f!,"'1 C2. D.I.. Dood _dod I e,'7J (t 1 t:? rr v_ ca. _ W.. ?,." -'f cu.... I PROPERTYINFORW~nON &TAlE OF _ YClRIC &TAlE IIOAIID OF IIDL I'RONRTY IEIMCE8 RP - 5217 ICNiII'J ....JI'n "-1 ~ .I"'~ -lIB Cb.e RBi .....- S-OoJ~..1J tt114.#if.. ..k ...... 1 1 Wi. Md-Hhrlc arv..._ 2._ ...... RII:Uk LASI tWiII,COWM'r .kaQr .....- ~1l IAIT NAMl/taMl'l'NY SD:ah ,.,.. a. T.. 1ndIc:a..... fuIunt Tax BlIII welD be.... "'ing w____IoI_oIfonn11 -- 1 II'1l11i1.f,.... ANDI'PIUT'" LAS1' ~ lCOIII'MY F"TNAIII!! CIl"<OO_ STAll! ZIP"" 8.=-1 - rllONTHI!r Ixl .....H IORI 'liIR'i 1 . 1 .8 I IOnIy . ....... . - ~ - dloy oppIy: ............. - _~_-"'blIII 0 ... - .-.-_Roqoirod rar_ 0 4C. Polall Ap,.- "" __ _ .... Provided 0 4. IndIuIIi 1M IIUIIIber of ~ _.......__ on__ 1 I '01_ OR D Portof.P..... loI_ N.... I Rlta1 . ""'-i::Ai,7 NAME. I COWM.'Y IbmI1 .....- ~~/_ ~~m 7. ChMIII the bu Mlaw which molt .......,........ thII ute of 1M property .. 1M tIrM of uI-= ChIct: th8 .... bIbv _..., IppIr: I. 000n0IwIMp Typo Is ~I... L New Construction on Vlelrd und E~Agricul'""" " ConunoIdII G ___ H ErQrIIinmenIl "'"'-mcInt I ~ Community....... J 11Id......, K Pullllo_ L For.. .... _~ _onAgriduIaJ_ .01...... _.__ "*-ing 1hollho_"ln....-.._ o o o o A~ OnoFomlly_ll.t1 8 20,3F_IIoti_ C _nlill VlCIIlIlond I) Non.IIoti_ V.....1Ind I SALE INFORMAnON l ..._-- 12. o.a. of .... I Tr....... 5 - 1 :26/05 .... v_ 'll.CMcIl_.......af_.. .. 1lI...........-......r. ^ ___orFonno,_ 8 _ _ _ ""-'* or P.......ln BuoI_ e OlIo of Iho ...... io _ . _ I) Buywor SeIIM . Co.4. 1..000ll Agency or Lending lnIdIutian F. 0lI0d T.... not W."_ or _n ond _ cs.-r. 110....' I' _oI_orL.-IhonFol........I__ Cl S;U..- ChIngo In "'- _ T_ 5........ _ llao II Solo of BuoI_ 10 Included ~ Solo PriI:a I Othor Un_oJ F_ _'''11 _ Prlcl (Spoc;fy _ J _ 4 - 1J!1f13 v_ 1,2,4,0.0,0,0,0,01 , , . IFull Sill Price It the uulunount paid for mo property indudlng PI..,.I property. Thi. IY'ImMI may be In the farm of call, 0lheI' propert, or gooda. or tht -.mplJOft of mortgIIgIs or OIhGr obI5pdons.1 ,.,.,. round to the ,.".. whoM ..,. MMJUIU. 14._.........._ I .0,0,0 I __In"'_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMAOON - Dill nuld ronoel the 1._ Flnll_mont Rolllnd T.. Bill 13. Full .... Price ,.. Year" ATv---.." Hal from I O. 5 I 17. T... ___ V"'" 101... _In tranIIerIl --- . , . I 3. ,. O. 01 , ,e. Pr_ a.o I 2 ,1 .0 I-U ... _ _ _ I 473812 S:lJI:iD1d ... T......._../R.._oJl......thon_._____.1I nlaI-1'"'Ir+ 1fXn ~""1m_m I Rlrrlc 3.00 Id: lUXl5 I CERTIFICATION I I......,........ fIIllIo....... "'_ -....... ddv...... 11ft........ _......... fillOJ' _... uuI __llIIIlk,' ........-.... "'011)"""" -- fII.-"'" .......................... __flllIIo........... _.. "'~ood liIIoI"'-- BUYER BUYER'B ATTORNEY ~ I r'pt,loS 1l.M'''........IUfl blots SmiI Gill ~3D I ~eaas-!L~ Crwe ~ '&::--fucld "."-~Rv OTVOIl1lMN ST"U JlPCCIClI! RriIrHn .....- Wll~ .....- 914 --- 949-ilBI TW__ SELlER ~1kh ,P IbmIn R<ltR1 ~j,r./ oJ DA1I , NEW YORK STATE COI'Y . ,.