HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 232 , --} A.' \...-,~ \ ,/ .. ~\ C " f,- , . > ~" ,J ,.I~~-- \.- v- " /::\ 1 J /'- ./ , I Proceeding 9992 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WA SUFFOLK 87.5 DEE D This deed, made the l~ day of Jli1I1tNK/;u.~ , 200t1 , between LYNH C. XAUFPMAH, as Trustee of the K01fA1U) II. PBTBRSBN IRItBVOCABLB TRUST, and as 'l'rustee of the BDI'l'H PBTBRBBN IRRBVOCABLB TRUST, residing at 2836 Hurst Terrace, NW, Washington, DC 20016, Grantor, and TIIB PBOPLE or TIIB STATB or NBW YOU:, acting by and through the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, who has an office at 625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12233-4256, Grantees. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, in consideration of TWO MILLION TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND and NO/100 DOLLARS ($2,250,000.001, lawful money of the United States paid by the Grantees, does hereby grant and release to the Grantees, their successors and assigns forever, ALL THOSE CERTAIN PLOTS, PIECES OR PARCELS OF LAND, together with buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: PARCEL OW: BEGINNING at a point which is following courses and distances from a point formed by the intersection of the northerly line of Naugles Drive with the northwesterly line of land of lands now or formerly of J.W. Chambers (L 2464 cp 14): 1) North 390 19' 50" East, 20.8~ feet; 2) North 180 40' 10" West, 35.38 feet; 3) North 390 19' 50" East, 35.00 feet; and RUNNING 'ftiENCE, from said POINT OF BEGINNING, northwesterly, northerly and westerly along land now or formerly of Leonard Sessa (Liber 12346 Cp 524) (formerly of Swahn, Liber 11769 Cp 640), the following courses and distances: 1) North 870 34' 10" West, 31.81 feet; 2) North 180 40' 10. West, 161.72 feet; 3) South 710 19' 50. West, 125.00 feet to lands now or formerly of Gianoukakis (L 11255'cp 305): THENCB, North 34" 58' 10" West, 'along said Gianoukakis lands and lands of the Grantees (Liber 12170 cp 397), 193.43 feet to a point in the lands of the Grantor, being on the southerly line of a portion of the Grantor's lands described as a 30-foot-wide strip of land; THENCE, running southeasterly, northeasterly and northwesterly along said 30-foot-wide strip of the Grantor's lands and along said lands of the Grantees (Liber 12170 cp 397) the following courses and distances: 1) South 640 49' 00. West, 273.13 feet; 2) North 21" 33' 18" West 30.06 feet; 3) North 640 49' 00" Bast 250.50 feet to other lands of the Grantees (Liber 12339 cp 948); THBNCE, continuing along the line of said lands of the Grantees and along the north line of said 30-foot wide strip of Grantor's lands, North 640 49' 00. East, 80 feet to a concrete monument at the southeast corner of lands of the Grantees (Liber 12339 Cp 948); THENCE, North 150 51' 50" West, along said lands of the Grantees (Liber 12339 Cp 948), 260 feet more or less, to Mattituck Inlet; -2- THENCE along Mattituck Inlet, measured along the following tie-line courses and distances: 1) North 880 32' 20. East, 76.47 feet; 2) South 600 09' 10. East, 70.33 feet; 3) South 47" 58' 00" East, 451.03 feet; and 4) South 53" 44' 06" East, 34.91 feet, to lands now or formerly of Leonard Sessa (Liber 12346 Cp 524), THENCE running along lands now or formerly of Leonard Sessa, the following four (4) courses and distances: 1) South 600 37' 40. West, 6.03 feet to an existing wood bulkhead wall; 2) South 37" 47' 34" West, 38.39 feet, along the outside of said wall; 3) South 510 44' 38. East, 18.61 feet to a point on the outside of said wall; and 4) South '390 19' 50. West 226.27 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING a portion of lands depicted as Tax, r4.aR,Lot ~ and all of Tax Map Lo~,= 24 (2005). PARCEL '1WO BEGINNING at a point formed by the intersection of the northerly line of Naugles Drive with the westerly line of lands of che Grantees (Liber 12170 Cp 397); and RUNNING THENCE, from said POINT OF BEGINNING, North 210 33' 00" West, along said lands of the Grantees, 229.21 feet to a point in the southerly line of a right-of-way parcel, 30.06 feet in width, running in an easterly and westerly direction (said right-of-way parcel being other lands of the Grantor described in Parcel Three below); THENCE, South 64" 49' 00" West, along the southerly line of the afores~id right-of-way parcel, 30.06 feet to a point; THENCE, South 210 33' 00. East, 212.36 feet to the northerly line of Naugles Drive; THENCE, Easterly along the northerly line of Naugles Drive, 33.51 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING lands depicted as T~~.~~~ Lot 26 (2005). -3- PARCEL 'lRREE: BEGINNING at a point on the southeast corner of the premises described herein, a right of way, at the intersection of the southerly side of said right of way with the westerly side of lands conveyed to the People of. the State of New York in Liber 12170 at Page 397, said point being distant North 21" 33' 00. West, 229.21 feet from the intersection of the westerly line of said lands conveyed in Liber 12170 at Page 397 with the northerly side of Naugles Drive and from said point or place of BEGINNING; RUJlNING THENCE South 64" 49' West, 100 feet to lands now or formerly Philomena Lizza; rHENCE along said lands now or formerly Lizza: 1) North 21" 33' West, 30 feet; 2) North 64" 49' East, 100 feet to lands conveyed to the People of the State of New York in Liber 12170 at Page 397; THENCE South 21" 33' East 30.00 feet along said lands now or formerly of the People of the State .of New York, to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING lands depicted as Ta:lC Mil~._L~t_~ (2005)_ TOGETHER with all right; title and interest of the Grantor, if any, in and to a right-of-way in common with other users, thirty feet in width, extending from Parcel One herein conveyed, in a generally westerly direction to Luther's Road. BEING and intending to convey a portion of the same premise conveyed to the Grantor herein by two deeds, each granting a one- half (~) interest therein, from Howard Petersen and Edith Petersen dated November 21, 2002, the first to Lynn C. Kauffman, as Trustee of The Howard M. Petersen Irrevocable Trust, recorded in Suffolk County on February 19, 2003 in Liber 12235 at page 90B; and the second to Lynn C. Kauffman, as Trustee of the Edith Petersen Irrevocable Trust, recorded in Suffolk County on February IS, 2005 in Liber 12371 of deeds at page 623. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the Grantor in and to any strips and gores between the above described parcels and adjoining owners. -4- TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the Grantor in and to all streets, lanes, roads and rights of way traversing or adjoining the premises herein above described, and the ponds, marshes, rivers, lakes, creeks, waters, and lands under water located in, upon or adjoining the above described premises, and all littoral, riparian and shore rights in any wise pertaining or belonging thereto. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate, rights and interest of the Grantor in and to the premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted premises unto the Grantees, their successors and assigns forever. The Grantor covenants that she has not done or suffered anything whereby the premises have been incumbered in any way, and That this conveyance is made subject to the trust fund proviSions of Section Thirteen of the Lien Law. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, the Grantor has executed this deed the day and year first above written. L C. KAUFFMAN, a USTEE of th HOWARD M. PETERSEN IRREVOCABLE TRUST and as TRUSTEE of the EDITH PETERSEN IRREVOCABLE TRUST -5- --..--.--.-------- I I I II STATE OF NEW YOHK COUllt\' of Sul'l'olk 55.. I. EDWARD P. RO:v!Ai!\'E. Clerk oft/Ie COWlt)' of Suffolk. and Clerk of the Supreme Coun ol'tlle Slale orNe\\' York III and for said County (said Coun being a Coun of Record) DO HEREBY CERTIFY tllOt I have compared lhc annexed cor" of A I /' Deed liher )...L{(~ at Page z,'67- Recorded J.Y.O 'J 2-, "'W1>.D alld th'lI it is a JUSI "nj true cop" of such original Deed ,,":1 or the whole thereof IN TESTIMO:~Y WHEREOF. ""d Court t)1IO 4~ I have hereunto set 01,' hand and affixed the seaJ of said COWHy day of 'f)e.v 2 C C ",- ~ ~ ~~<~~- . Clerk Form l'<o. I U~ , " ANDREA RIVE Notary Public. Stale of New YOlk No, 01 R14768970 Qualified in SUffolk Counlyl\ ,_ Commission Expires 1113O/2O~ RECORD AND RETURN TO: Ms. Heather Amster Supervisor of Real Property Region 1 Headquarters Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 State University of New York Stony Brook, NY 11790 -6- ~ IIUIII 1111 II 011111111111111111111111 "IIOn~11I11111 Sl11I'J'OLlt COmrrY CLBRlt RECORDS OFJ'ICE RECORD:mG PAGE Type of Inatruaent 1 DBBDS/DDD Humber of Pages 1 7 Receipt NUmber . 05-0115648 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 05-13717 Recorded. At: 11/02/2005 04153129 PI( LJ:BBR: PAGE: D00012418 232 District 1 Sectioxu Block 1 Lot: 1000 099.00 04.00 009.001 'll!Y~ AHD CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount. $2,250,000.00 Received the Following Feea For Above ID8t~t Bzempt Exempt Page/Filing $0.00 YES Handling $0.00 YES COB $0.00 YES RYS SRCHG $0.00 YES BA-CTY $0.00 YES BA-STATB $0.00 YES TP-584 $0.00 YES Cert.Copiea $0.00 YES RPT $0.00 YES SC'J.'I( $0.00 YES Transfer tax $0.00 DS Coma.Pre8 $0.00 YES l'e88 Paid $0.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBRI 05-13717 TRI:S PAGE IS A PART 01' THE D1'8TRmIEH'l' TRI:S IS NOT A BI:LL Bdward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County .- N"umber of JHl8C1 TORRENS Serial II C.niflClllo II Prior Of. II Deed I Mongagc InMImOllI Deed I MOItp&c Tu SllImp FEES 3 Pagol Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5. J1lL Nolation !!A-52 17 (County) !!A-52 17 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. p>mm. of Ed. Sub TOIaI 10~ 5. J!2.- Afflda"it Ccnifiod Copy NYS SwdulIJIC O'hc:c J' 15. 00 Sub TolaI 61fiJtt~ Grand Tocal :J~ Real Property Tu Savicc Agency VcriflC\lbOD r 05043619 1000 'oiiiio"'"o400 ooiOOl : G ~~ 1000 OiiOO 0400 026000 ! ~ 1000 09iOO 0400 028000 I ....--.-} 6 Soti,llI<Ii~......s Lis' Property Owncn Mailing~.. JlECORD & RE'rtJJL'I TO: Te_ 'lea.." I8qu1re Ilev York s.- At......" GeDeralJo Olflce s.a1 'roper~ ...r.... TI>a Capi~l AlbaDJ', II'f 12224 7 REClIlOEI) 2OIl5 """ 02 04:5;3.29 PIt E_rd P.llOIIai.. CURl( IF S\.FFl1K ClIUIIY l 000012418 P 232 orl 05-13717 ReoordiDS I Filiag Stamps M.orlpJIC AmL \. Basio1lu< 2. AddItIoaa1 Tax Sub Thlal SpecJA..i'. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town --'-- Dual COUDIy _ Held lor Appointment TrIlnsfct Tax MaDs10n Tax The properly coveml by this mortgage i. or will be improvccl by a ODC or two family dwc1IiD, only. YES or NO ;5 Community PnioenatioA I'wld Consideration AmOWlt $2.250.00II.00 CPF Tax Due o. $ ImJll'O'<d VOCllIlt Land -!-... TO TO TO ntle Com an Information Suffolk Coun Co. ame St:~t Title IuuTaace Ca.pao:y nllo II 2S-1H1268 Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pago fo..... psrt 01 lb. auachod Deec1 (SPECIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENT) made by: Petersen Trust: The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COU~TY. NEW YORK. 1U lIev York SUte Dopt. of. 8Ilv:I.ro_atal In Iho TOWMhip m In the Vll.l.AGE or HAMLET of Conservation SouthaM X.~tlt.uc:t BOXES 6 THRU S MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1U RECORDING OR FllJNG. (OV<I")