HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12202 P 864 D . l1ar1lllmt:llM! :l.~ Oi.'l.'.l. ''''It..C':l\''!~ll 1e.1inR lir.ntor'" Ai::t'J - bh~..~ or l'~ co~sm,' \'01>" ,\w"l:R !lO;>'O"f, "J{;"NG mll\ 1I'L<iTII''''-''T.1'UI!!lI!olsntIXE1iTIllIIRUlIIII: usma" ,AWl'_UI<I,Y, THIS INDF.lliTUtf:. made Ihe 31 F.t day of July HI thl: yea:r 2002 BETWEEN L I ;;o.OC}- P 8(Pt[ pany Oflhc fir~l paf1, and TIlOmllS A, Fladcr and Debm N, Rader. husbW'lD llIld wife, residing ul 605 Sallairo Way, MaUiwd;" NY 11952 / O{) -1- / q R iduml Nathan Katich llIld Mary y, Moho, hU$b.md llIld wife. residing at 225 .e.t 95th Street, Apt 2E, New Yone, NY 10128 " piUty of the $("~.QmJ par1. ,., " " ,~ ,....:~ . ,,~.~. _-_ .,n:-T WITNESSF:TIi,lhalll1Je party oftne !irst pan, in cOOsidcral,ion often dOllars, paid by me part)' oftb.e seoondpan, dlJC-5 hereby gnml and. release unto Ihe pliJ'ly of Ihe lIllCond pm, the.bdrs or succc:aon and assisns of lhe :second party fon:v(.'r, ALL TIIA T CEKr A1.N PLOT, piece or ~el of land, with the buildiqulld il'l'l~ thereon erected, situale, lying ;ll1li bcinJ.l tn the See Schedule "A" attadaed bento. Being IlIld intend.ed to be the same pl'Clllisl:S lIlI described in tile deed dated July 22, 1981 .and recorded Augustl3. 1987 in 1he office of the Suffolk County Clerk in tibet (0391 PlIF 79. Said premises are mMe <:Otlltllonly known u 605Sallllirc Way, Mmiluek, NY 11952. Tu Map Th:stgnation. DismCl 1000. Seclion 100.00.81,," 01.oo,lol 019.000 TOGETUER WHh all right, litle and inlerest. if any, of !be party of 1l1c Jim pen in and 1.0 my SlreclIi aIld roads anu tting lh.c above de!iClibed pl'Cl'l'lises to the c:<lI1ler lroes thereof, TOOl. l'uR with the ap})iJ:rtCIIIlIlCCS and all the es:tatc and righLS of the party of the first pm in .and 10 said pnmiaes; TO ""Vi: AND TO 1I0tO Ihe premises Mrcrin gnmled lmlo dill party of the JeWlad part.1hc beir!l or SUCCCSiOl"5 and assigns of the par'ly of the second part forever: AND lhe pari:, u ( the fi rSI pan CQvclIlUllS tnatlhe plIJ'Iy of the tint pm has 001 done or sulTc:red anything whereby the said pn::mis;es have been encumbered in any way whatever, ClIJ:qII uafonlaaid, ANI) the part)' of the flrSl pm, in compliance with Section 13 of the l.icn Law,c:overunu that the puty of thc fil'Sl paTi will rc(;civi: the consideration for tbis conveyance llIld will bold the ripllo ~ve such ool1sideralion as a trusl fund to be applied ftrst for tM pmpose of payin& !be cost of !be improvemcnl and will3jlply Ine ""me nrsl to th.e paymenl oflhe C'OSl of the improveme:m bofore using 1Ul)' part oflhl: lOUt! of the same for allY olher J'U1)lO$C, The word "patty. shall be cmmrued u it il read "partics' whcncvcrthc ~nse oflhis i!lllcl1tu~ so requires. IN WITNESS Wllf.R~Of'. the party oflhc fint part hu duly excaned this dcccIlhI: clay a.nG year lim above wrmen _m.~~ ~( '- 4/p-'- ....0. 0.- ~__, '~ ;:1 .~ " .- ,- 'j ..I , .; SCIlf.ntJI.f ....1 (~l ALL ,ho' ce:Mi. 1'101, pi""" or p;1r'etl (if land.. litUiMC. lying. mdbcins in tllc Tnwn (If Soa\blllll, COllIIly of Suffolk lIIId St41c orNew Yort, kOOWH and dniG";rtcd "" Lo4 :!2 011 n I:l:l1Il'lfl map l.'3ll:illcd,. "SuWWitinll t.top of llIllllllC EslIlIC$,-1IIId I1lcd in 1 he Offi,,, of Il, c Clerk of rhe Counly of Suffolk 0/'1 AuSUSI 3. 19r.6 IS MlIl" No. 4682 boImdcd and deseribed. follows: BEGfNNJNG .1 . pomt on I"" 5<lUlhweszeny sid<' of Saltlin: Ws)' wl1m: me SlIme I. 1nu.&eaCd by Illc divilicm _ n.:1WCCl LoIS 21 tltld n on the ~fOte$lid map. s:aid point or ~ of bq&ltmina belns allo distan( $11.1$ feat nooll_.''',I)' '" m<1rSured 11onC1h.e wcst<<ly side of Sal.lJJire Way fmm lhe nardterly end of acunrc llavina a1llL'lilq of 25.00 f~ ft leng!h ,Df J9,27 fed ,",It! curve conneclingt"" AMooly side orWa~ I..Mewilh lhc5lllllh~lidebf Slla;,.., WllY: RUNNING THENCE (tOm Sllidpoimor plac( of betinnlng along lhe division line ~ loll 211111d 22 SoIICJI n <:leg""'" l)O mimllc, )0 S<<OFul,s Wesl 215jlO feel 10 !.he div;,;"," Iw: btt_ lots 10 andU; THENCE along SJld I"", mentioned division line Nott'" 16 de~ 59 minute$ 30 ~ _1100.00 fRc; THENCE Nonh 7 J degre... 00 minolC$ ]0 SC<:oOO$ &51 225.00 fec110 lhe S<lUlltwmi:liy side ofSlltlIre Wsy, THENCE ..Ion& Ihe JOlilhweslerly side of Snll*ire W.y SOrnh Hi des- SlImin..ld 30 MOGOntb Bul 100.00 fed II) the point en- 1'[- "r BEGINNING. Tl1F. "(lUCY TO l! E JSSU En .rwin tlii.! Commit_II' wllf Itu_ tItiJ Ihl. '" StICh 1niJIJt,,# IINI..... <l __ "",. pnlffflSa wNcb f1y laM' comlr/n/t! /'Vl'fl lU't'fhI!NV FOR CONVEYANClNG ONLY: T~ willi alllhrrlr'", 1/11, ondMHsIqflM"..",qftltttjlnlptNt I!flttondlO,IitIlMdlyme m the Slf'tt"l Irt ITOJ'lJ ol afld lHfp,iJlturg wid prc.WfJJn. '>CHtDtlUi ,/.j Irx,...."",-,i , . .. STATEOFNEWYORIC,. ) ) .. COIJNTY OF SUII'JlOLI( ) On tbIl JIlt day of' July,. in die )'I:Ir 2G02. bdn mo. tbIl.-pCllDd. -.-a.II,J Il~ I.l,.......... Ai Flader IIId Debra N. Fl_, penonII.'Y IaM:lwn II>> .. ell' pra1ll:d to _.. ,......., ~I~gf)l OY~"'1o be Ihc iadiYiduafs wboIe UlllClII8I1kriIlod to thII ~"""_."4IIll'''~d to.. IhIl they ellClC'IileI:l the ... in 1hllir ~. ... by.1beIr JlflJl'l!'IUrII.aIbi.J I.D4J..... individals,. ortbc pmIlIIII ODbebalrotwfdcJl 011 mcHYidwdtIllkd. tRWtOII".J'~r.....-L '--.J\ ~'--- . - NOTARVPVBLIC MARY Ka.AKOWSI(J HaIaIy ~_ot." No. OUCOlll7l1011'ul1a1l car. CamIII. E:lq;llo-......I.IOOI ...... ad Sale Deal.... C.'ftIInIA...O'....... Aefa 11dt If..... 02..J704.43I*'8unr (IIIdeI"" ....... nOt) 'l1Iomas A. Flader and Debra N. FIIder DiIIricI: 10lIO TO Ricbud NIIhan KaKc:h and Mill)' V. Moao SccIIoa~ BIocIc:: 10(: CcwatyIJ'OWII: SINaI AddJaI: tClO.QO DUO GlJ.flOO ......1lrISolllWd -SI1DIinlWtY MlUltJoot~ NY 1,. JJ~AJlfD 1lE'r8N1O: . , . , . J S..Ul OIrtilicllc . .;'-.r.... 2llD>1Iut ~'''''CIJ'. ..... ,;1GlIItn. ' , , . Q.aic> $I' 5llI'fIQC."'t L.... "tH eq GCH111$4 Huml:IIr .,....... TOItItII'fS I'riar Of. I Dnd'''''", I. .......... 0Ied '......... ... ...... I'tiES ~IU jl...,'...... 4 _, fifiAI F'ft . ........... I., .....,.. 2.AMtr-rTu tuII ,..... - .1111111111 Tl"-5I4 ~ ~ 171C:-Y) EA~17 (Sbnt ltP.r.sA. c- Gflld. . - _ Sub~ - K.. ~ Sub1\llll ORAND TOTAL I^~tf frai"'- Or -". 1O'J'. NtG.TAX ..,... ....... ,...... , I. .-., < ..... .'''~''''_.~_Ilf wliII "..,."'....~_.., .... ' '" .NO .......,. , ---- CfllI'IId COpy Rea-("apy 00. - "," '. p;::...-.~~~,~.:- . ,,0'r!".:';;'< ....';.1\. ". _. 'i,'tt""1t . _ i~"')'_: 'i;-1 I ~ 1" 'r / .., . ,'1.,' ~.;< ~:'t~ ('. "':4' ~. . < ".oft' -_~ "". ,.' - ~- t QI;L CuIl'~ ~ AI'IidWll s ReII 1M Scrwlce"'" YcrJ..... flBI. _ Sectioa , 8 "** . LaI 02028114 lOGO lOOC1O 0100 OUlOOO ' . ~~ t LItt ttmDeItY o.m.r. RECORD" RI11l1tN 10: 1>> 1"0 'fI) ;j- SUmp ... llIidars I G,4~( r. <.0)~L~ ES,3. :p Co l~ D>.. -;;. 0 <c C~u....:::. , \lp'~ AJ d- 1 J Cl""3 3,- I ....,....;. '- 9 CG. N.... 'l1lle I Recordi &. Endotsement 1bisJlllC forms pII'l urllr......... ~...... ....11,: , (SPB:II'Yl'YI'ea: 1NliJ1UJMENf) ~O_ .A~ ~'t.-lbIJ'1....1 ....~.....-'".~In ~Q... N. e::::r.,..,... Uf'CU.(X)l.tnV.NEWmut ro tathl:T~of ~G~..L_ -=::JCi'~~- Ah.,+J...", kNicf1..+ llulcVll.J.A(jE . . """'..~ V. fit . ~ . Q (I' HAMLErol IlC..OO':.') SlHRU 9MUSTBElYP1!DOR PR1NIED IN III.ACK lNICQt4Ly P1UQIt. '1'O~Q1UIUNG. . .. -,-..--- PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 / " ,. Property I Location (pO,!;; I ~a.I-rCl.. re. STFlEET NUMBER STREET NAME ,vtu~-4-;~u.c-k. ,---""""::;? CITY OR TOWN VILLAGE WCL~ . ,..v ro., ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NE1(II YOfll( STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP.5217 Rev 3/97 \> , i . '~. " ( I I lief S"2.j ZlPCODE L 2. Buyer Name ~ (,,-:h LAST N E f COMPANY i?; c l.1urd. FIRST NAME , \/ ." - M. (yf- +0 LAST NA E f COMPANY ~(.lr::J FIST NAME' 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing jf other than buyer address lat bottom of form) Address f\) i ~ lAST NANE I COMPANY FIRST NAME , ,D.S, II ACRES /'(lA Om Cl S FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STflEET NAME CITY OR TOWN 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed LJ # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property Size I X I lOR I FRQNTFEET D'PTH 6. Seller Name LAST NAt:t~N~e << vi a. ciR (( LAST NAME I COMPANY STATE ZIP CODE (Only if Part of a Parcell Check as they apP'v: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided o o o f\ ~/2Je b r?i..- FIRST NAME i~ i ,\1 . , 7. Check the box below which mostaccuratety describes the use of the property at the time of sale: E ~ Agricultural I ~ Community Service F Commercial J Industrial G Apartment K Public Service H Entertainment I Amusement L . Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District o o o o / C)"""2"1 Year 15. Check one or more. of these concltlons a8 applicable .to transfer: 5/'31 Month Day A B C D E F G H I J 11. $ale Contract Date 12. Date of Sale' Transfer '::t / ~ I / 0""2.1 Month Day . Year 13. Full Sala Price ,?J ,~5, 0,0 ,0, 0 , 0 I ,. . , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate ~e value ~ personal I I I I D I 0 J 0 I property Included In the sale, , . l~(lIt~_~~._It!l\llt:$d~M!' Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Belowl Sale of Fractional or less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price er Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 16. Vearof Assessment Roll from I n J I 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transferll which information taken 18. Property Class I"'b: \ ,0 I-U 19. School DI....1cl Name 1 ! , ~ ."" 20. Tax Map ldentifter(sll Rollldentifierls) eN more than four, attach sheet with additional identifier(sll 10DO - 100,00- Ol.oO-DI'1. 0001 ; S-, 7,0,01 , 'f ; 1<: 100- 1- 1'1 I --- I certify that aD of1he itellL'J of infonnation entered on this fOml are tme and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of ~rial fact herein will subject me to tbeprovisions of the penal law .relative to the making and filingof' false instrmnents. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~.~/V~f:C~ ~ l1!s~TUf)wif- (po~ 7/")./6 J. OAT!' . f LAST NAME STllEETNUMBER c?Ci I ftl, r e LJ':] STllEET NAME (AFTER SAlE) . ---~ / AREACOOE tv{ 4.,fl; 4 (,(( It- CITV 0fI TOWN It'1';;-z.... l>';A';t ZIPCOOE ~" DAn -! ~:;:' "\'"1 (:'\/'-' , -, / FIRST NAME /] ,(I I :5 ,- I TELEPHONE NUMBER , . ~ - rllllll_11 1111111 ......0. CIClv'* &', ll'r.-a ICIC':OIIJI8 .....1C:II -- . ......1 l'.. (' ~.. oI'~*ir--..'" . -..-....... , ~ 'DZ ...... 02..017.. DLllUlcta 11100 -.ctiaD. 100.00 .~~. 01.00 .11IIl.."" .-. "",l "liT. -... f.ot" ou..., OIlU/"" 0....... _ DOOOO#02 1M ....-. --- aE .....~ U pw~"~ DiM4 ~ " ..tit '375,,000.00 ....,.llilrg ~ D.-Cft' .......... Jtft 'lITIUIIIr. t::aa RI all'" ~ I"011awiDtr .... ... J.IlU.6 ~~ rt ~I L II) - III I.,. II) ... ..._ ID "'.1__ ID c:.t::.~.. ID IIC'III ID cc...ft'eII .... h.U ':1.2.00 $S.OO $S.OO $S.OO '30.00 U.500.00 ..... $1...... ....a. "~ao 'O..DI ~IO'... ",foOl.D.1 1/ _t IIa 1!10 1!10 1!10 110 lID ....~.._ ax -..alh Oa-017M 'I8U .. II .. J" or .. ~nll!i:!l.wr "II .1 .... P.T: t._ Cla ';r- ~1dI, 8I&ftoUc ""...~;t