HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12399 P 823 q1- Z -iI . . ( Fann s002 (9JIl91 _ 26M _ Barpia and Sale Docd. will> eo....II11 api... Cr.."..... AcI>-Illdividwll or COfI'OlIliClll. lsinilr ,I1rtO _LT TOUR ~_ _ ..iuulllI.....IIIft'IIU-T---- MOULD 1111"" IIY LMrYUllOIILY. L l~ '/!? f 82-> THIS INDENTURE. made the .;l. " BETWEEN . day of JUly. 2005 . ... FRANCO PUR ITA residing at 199~5 Soundvlev Avenue. Southold. Nev York 11971 pany olthelirstpart, and FREDERICK G. SEIFERT. JOHN G. SEIFERT and PETER SAWICKE. A oJ ....,-,;: oJA rJr" II) CO ,........,J iEA_ 'T'C> 'h :r&nEtLlrsr residing at 285 Meadov Beach Lane. Mattltuck. Nev York 11952 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, lb:Il the parly of the lir51 purl. in considcnilion of ten dollars and o.ber Vllluable .~5ideralion paid by rhe pany of the second part, does hereby granl and release umo lhe pony of the second pan. lbe be.rs or SUCc:e5S0rs and lI5SiBftS of the parly of the second part fOrel'Of. . ALL thaI certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvemenlS the_a erecled. situate. lying and being iIrIbr::at. East Cutchogue. Town of Southold. Count.y of Suffolk and St.at.e of Nev York. bounded an~ described as follows. BEGINNING at a point 929.36 feet soutbeast.erly along the northeast.erly Eugene's Road from the Int.ersection of the eoutherly sid8 of Main easterly side of Eugene's Roadl from said point of beginning, line Of e RUNNING along land of Ahlers. nort.h 26 degrees 48 minut.e to land or Doroski Estate; east 159.35 feet THENCE along ssld land of Doroskl 100.03 feet.; minutes 00 seconds east. THENCE along land west. 161.61 feet.; Of Mullen., south 26 dQgrees 48 minutes 40 seconds of Eugene's Road. north 63 degrees.llimlnutee 20 seconds point or place of BEGINNING. being knovn as 875 Eugenes Road. Clltchogue. NY DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 097.00 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 0~9.000 AID PREMISES BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same' premises conveyed to tbe grant.or erein by deed dated February 9. 2005. recorded March 7. 2005 In the Suffolk County lerk's Office at Llber D00012375 Page 167. S"e6' &C4-I~r..e: ;.=to. /rm4 c.I-Ie:'?> TOGETHER with all rigbl. lille and interesl. if anf. of the party of lhe firsl parI. in and 10 any 51reels and roads abulling l.\1e above.described premises 10 lhe cenler lines Ihereof; TOGETHER Wilh Ihe appunenanc:es and alllhe eSlale a'l!l:fighlS.!ltih~,pDn)'.qf.lJ.le_f},~I.!lart in and La said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted I\"td.!~ p~r!Y .of the seccin!!.p~rt-~~ilieirs or successors and assigns of Ihe party of the second part forever. AND the pany of the lirsl pan covcl\~..\$lhat th. pAny of Ihe firsl pan hAS nol done or suffered anylhing whereby the "aid premises hQ\'e been enc:umbered in any way whatever. except as afore!Oaid. AND Ihe party of the firsl pAn. In compliance wilh Section 13 of Ihe Lien Law. covenan.. Ihallbe pAny of lhe firs! pan will receive Ibe considerolion for this conveYAnce and will hold th. rilhl 10 receive such consider- ilion as a lrust fund 10 be Applied firsl for the purpose of paying Ibe COSI of Ihe improvemenl and will apply Ihe same firsllo the paymenl of Ihe COSl of Ihe improvement before using any pArt of lb. 10lal of Ihe same for Any olher purpose. The word "parly" shllll be conslrucd as if il read "parties" whenever the sense of Ihis inuenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the firsl pari has daly ..eeuled this deed Ihe day and year lirsl above wriuen. IN 'RBSENea 0': ~~ Franco P ta . I AcImOWleclgemlHlt taken In New York StlItlI . ss: I Stale 01 New York. County of On Ihe ,;;l.o day of JUly . In the year 200,5l)elore me. I the undersigned. personally appeared I FRANCO PUR ITA I personally known' 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihe basis of perlonally known 10 me or proved to me on the basis 01 satislactory 8YIdence to be the Indlvldual(1) whOM nameOl) i~ I sattslactory evidence to be the IndivklUel(e) whoae name(e)II ;0) su~ribed to the within Instrument and acknOWleclged ~I (are) su~ribed to the wllhin Instrl.ment and acknowledged to me that he/~ executed the lame In hll,1lM.l(l(U 'I me that he/lhelthey executed the lame in hislherlthelr capacity(II/!o1f, and that by hls1ll'1~lI- elgnature(iJ on tho . capaclty(lss). and that by hi./herltheir Ilgnature(s) on the Inlln8ll8llt the indlvidual~ or the person upon behall of which ' Il'S\nIment the lndIvIdual(s) or tn. perlflll upon behall of which tile indlvidual(~8Cled. axecuted the inltrUment. :he Indlvidusl(s) acted. SX8CU\8d th~ Instrument Acknowledgement taken In New York StatIt Slate 01 New York, County 01 NASSAU o . Notarf"::b!g.../.-f PETER E. SCHAAF, SIt NOTARY PUBUQ~!llate of New 'IbltI No. 01 SC6055uu, Sullolk CountY - Qlmmlllllon Elcplrn February 5. 2001 AcIcnOwledgaman\ i'Y SUbacrlblng Wltnaaatakan In New York Sta1lt State or New York, County of .8S: I On the day 01 . In the year . belore me. I Ihe undersigned. personally appeared I ths subscribing witness to the Ioregolng InltrUment. wlth whorr. I I am personally 8C('uainted, who being by me duly ewom, did I dspose end say. thaI halshellhey I88lda{s) In that helshelthey Icnow(s) to be the individual deSCribed In and who executed the foregoing Instrument: that said subscnblng wllness was I preHnt and saw said axecute the lame; and that laid wltnela at ths same \lrrs 8Ub8crlbed htslhsrllhslr name(s) as a witness thsre1O. I I Tille No.: L2531343 FRANCO PURITA TO FREDERICK G. seifert, john g. seifert and PETER SAWICKI Distributed by Chicago TItle Insurance Company ill II' ~ ~ ~ i I 'W 18S: \'. On ths day 01 . .n the year the undersigned. personally sp~lirecl " . bslore me, Acknowledgement lIIkan outslds NlIW York SlIIlII . Slate 01 , County of . IS: . (or Inssrt DllItrict of Columbia, Terrilory. Possession or Foreign Country) " . belore ms. On the day of . In \he year the undersigned, personally ePP'lared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis 01 satisfactory 8YIdance to be the Indlviduales) whose name(l) Is (a..) subscribed to tha within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelthey executed the same In hlllherlthelr capacity(les). thai by hls/h,u/thalr slgnature,", on lhe lnltrUmanl, the IndIYldueI(s) or 1M person upon bIha" 01 which the IndlYfdual(s) aOled. eltBCU\e:.' Ihe Inllrument and thet luch Individual mads such appeal8""") bafol8 the undersigned In the (add the city or political subd~.',.. "' and the stale or country or :thlr place the acknowledgell'p.I'! . 18 laken). DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 097.00 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 019.000 COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN :tV IIAII. TO: DAVID B. PROKOP, ESQ. 131 Route 25A. Suite 2 Rocky Point, N.Y. 11778 Zip No. , -., . \ TitleNo.: L2531343 SCHEDULE .L ALL tbat certain plot, piece or parcel of Jand, silull8, I)oina .md bei!ql at Cutchosue, in the Town OfSoll'h""1pton. County ofSufIbJk IDd State of New Yll!k, beiog bounded IDd dellC11"bed as follows: BEGINNlNG at a poilu on the Dortheaterly lido oCE1q(el1Cl', Road distant 929.36 feet southeasterly 1tom the comer funned by the illtarleclioa o:~the aou1bcrly side of Main Road (N. Y.S. Route 25) IDd the lIlIIthcutcrly Iide otEuaenc'. Road; RUNNING THENCE a1q IIlld IIllW or fonnerIy IIf A &; 1 Nicoliui, lOtmerIy of Ahlers, North 26 dear- 48 minutes <40 seconds East, 159.35 feet 1"0 I.nd now or tormerly ofG.R. & P. Walson, f"ormerI.y land ofDoroski &tate; THENCE along lIIIid land of Watson, formerly land ofDoroUi Estate, SoU1h 64 depes 29 minnbls 00 seconda East, 100.03 teet to land now or t'ormeIly ofL &: R. Slrimbau. formerly MuUca; mENCE along aid land IIllW or tbrmcrly otStrimbllll, .lbnncrly Mullen, SoWh 26 dcsrees 48 minutes 40 s~"1Il,l, WCllt, 161.61 feel to the ~Iy aide ot!!upae's Road; TaENCE i10ns lIIIid DDrtIu:ulerly line ofEuacae'. :!toad, North 63 desRes 11 minutes 20 ser:onds West, 100.00 .feet to the point or pJsce ofBEGlNNlNG. AMENDED .-, ha-" .-..-=bt' 01111'. cr...... wIIb 011 rIabt, lIt1e 1DlI_:IIIt (,I. ilIl11ld "'Illy _ UJd ze iDl:_ l:O lie "-r04. {11I.....blllllqtllor....delCtib<ocI~lDllIe_lilIllbenaf. CatI_IIld....oflll1o. Now v... Number of page.~ TORRENS RECORDED 200; Jul 26 02:44.29 PM Edward P. Roaaine CLE1lr.. OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L ??oo12399 P823 DTII 04-50751 Scrial# Certific.1lc # Prior Ctr. II Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp I'I!I!S Recording / Filing Stamps 3 4 ~ MortglIgcAmL 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Toral SpccJAssiL or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual To..'D _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax I ., J1' Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by n one or two fomily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate IlIX clause on pnge 1# of tbis instrument. Page / Filing Fee Hnndling TP-584 S. ..Q!L NOL~tion 1!t\-S2 17 (County) Sub Total EA-S217 (SllIle) R.P.T.S.^. ~ m Certified Copy NYS SurchllQ;e Other 15. J!!L Sub Total Grand Total /S".;2... Lot Ol-? 5 Com:m1lDl.ty Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $Ljy' 5"00> 0 Real Property Tnx Service Agency VcrifiC3lion 0200 019000 CPF Tax Due S~ 6 SaLisfnctioDlllDischnrgeslRe1enllCS List Property Ownen Mailing Address RF.cORD & RETURN TO: l>Avl~ Rzo It!'''oP / JIlt" .,.1.....q eOc.K't A'4"r /-J."I. //77' 7 Co. Nnme TIlle # 8 Suffolk Count R'J IlrrA Recordin & Endorsement Pa e Ve~ "made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) This page fonns pnn of the all8chcd The premises herein is silUnted in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ~=E~ :~=~l BOXES (j TIiRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FU.JNG. TO S(;", t:"~ i"-r- - J"oAu I e....E' (over) " 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 StJPlPOLIC COmITY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DOD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0077464 TRANSFBR TAX NOMBBR: 04-50751 Recorded. At. 07/26/2005 02.44.29 PH LIBBR: PAGE: D00012399 823 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 097.00 02.00 019.000 II'Y>>aJ:1IBD AND CHARGED AS IrOLLOWS Deed AIIIount. $445,000.00 Received the Pollowing Pees For Ahove Instrument Bx8lllpt Bx8lllpt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHS $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.s $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO TrlU1sfer tax $1,780.00 NO C~.Pres $5,900.00 NO Pees Paid $7,832.00 TRAHSI'BR TAX HUMBBR. 04-50751 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Ramaine County Clerk. Suffolk County 11<7- ~_1f,f1,rl * e?~'q[l " ", _: cu.", I , g.;z., 3J . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CI. SWIS CodlI C2. 1lo1.1lNd _ STAlE OF NEW YOIIIl STAlE BOARD OF REAL -.nv SERVICES C3._ PROPERTYINFORMATH)N RP - 5217 1P-f:11 ... JIf'I ,. Prepor\y I .......... EUGENE'S ROAD A71i """"'_. SOUTHOLD .......- gn DlllOWN CUTCROGUE ........ FREDERICK G. l1V~G . I..!.a.l~ I SEIFERT z. Buy... . _ B \!;IltiiIl,~ I ~ ~/L.,..., IU-iR....Il'D 3. Ta lnI:IIcIW.......twnT..8iIII..lDbllIfIt I IIIIIng W____IoI_oIfarml - LAlTNAlll./~ NtlTNIoMI I1II!!T NUMIl!!I AND """ "'i cnVOllTOMI IrATI "'- I. :::... I - Approx 100', X I ~.... 1~ 'OR' ...." . lOIlIW...."'.__......,oppIy: 4A.1'Ionnlng ___ AulhoriIyE_ 0 41. c. L ....IIIDA AppnMI_ Required for ,,..,., 0 <<:.__101'__....._ 0 ..~....lIUIIIbIrof~--1)ll'--.nI 0 n e 0 RoD ~ ................. _ I I 101 _ OR PIIn ale P..... ..- - PURITA FRANCO ..., -- LAP__/CCJIiIII.wY lAlJTlMMl/COlIIlI'ANV -- A~OnIIF.MIIy_1 n Z ar 3 ,...., RllklentlaI C _ntIol V.... Lind D Non..a.kltntlal V..... LIInd t SALE INFORMATlON I n..... __ E ~ Aarlcuku,oI I ~ ComMUnity So.... F CamnwClol J _,..I G ___ K Publio_ II En1Inolnmont , Am........ I. Fa.... -................. - oppIy: .. o...-Mlp Typo" COndomlnklm .. NM ConItruc:Iian on V... Ln 'lIA. "-'" LaclI1lld wIIIlI... Aa-. D;oIrIct ,..__.__Ind...... "'"'tho __ "'.. .iou...._ o o o o 7. C'-k the .... IMIow which moet ........ .......... UN of eM property _1M tin-.. DI ....: 1.. CI-* _ or.... 01_ 4lOll ..- _ _..............-: .!1 , "\ , 05 "" y", 07 'V, nl\ - ... v_ A B C \) E F G H I J 5010__..__ Sole _ _""'-'100 or PII.....,._ One at tha 8uyo!o ._ . Sol... _.. lloIlat . GcMlnlmont _ .. Llndlng .......1Ian DoId Type not W....nay Dr BargaIn .net s.a. (SpecIfy BeIowI _.,_..'-.....Feo_tspadlyllalawl S/gnl-" Chongo in "'-'v -. T_ _ ond _Do.. -.,-._"'-- Othat U_ _ Anoai"" SOle _ CSpooIIy IlaIawI Nono ,I. ..... '" ....,...._ , 4. 4 . 5 ,0 Q 0, . 0 . 0 I , , . IFulI SOle _ IItha _ .........Idfar tho _ includ;"g ........,_. . 11110............ bo I..". 101m of...... _ _.._or tho _... of I11OI'1pgCI Dr anr obIlQ1t1on1.) "..., tOUttd to ".,..,.,.... doIW amount ,4._.........,--'" I N/A. 0 ,01 --.....- '. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0.1e ""'uld .._the 111811 Fi...IAsH.......t Rail .nd T.. Bill ,.. FuI .... ...... ,1. Y... oI_RolI from ,04, 0517 T...._V... 1aI....... In_I I wIIich 1nforIn.-..1IIbn . ; ; ,4 '? o. 0 I 'I.ProperIyCIMI 12.1.0 I-U ,t.SchooIIMIatd,......1 MATTTrrnt'rr "rTl'f'I('un~ni llVRil. 2ll.T_...............Ill/Ro1_U1m...__._____1 , DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 097.00 BLOCK ~2,00 LOT 019.000 I I CERTIfiCATION I J mdI) lbot 011 ., tbo IImu '" _ _ ...1hIo ..... OR......... curnct 11o"'1loot '" ID) ~ .... bdIdl.... J _ dull.... ........ "''''' dII'uI......_"'_llId....... ..II........ _..... __ "'tho...... .... _.....--.... ....."'__ BUVER BUVER'S ATTORNEY , ' ~ A': d IJ G. fA "', July . 20 5 ~ ~~I~ ~.... ' ~-~ C4+r~<Xl~ I ~3S OITCMNV ., Z1PCIClOI '--- BY&!! ~ ~ ,JUlY . 2005 f~~' DA" PROKOP .....- 631 DAVID -...- 821 1314 -- -- NEW YORK STATE COpy