HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12534 P 251'l'lll$1NI)F~TURE, ntndulhe ]~,'~ dayof liovember .intheyc~ 2007 IIETWEEN MARGARET N. GLEESON, residin9 at 1520 Paradise Shores Road, Souchold, New York 11971, aa Trustee of the GLEESON LIVING. TRUST dated the 11'~ day of March, 2005, pu~tyn£thefirsl pun, and NA~GARET M. GLKESON, residing ac 1520 Paradise Shores Road, Southold, New York 11971, as Trustee of the Fa~41y Trust of the GLEBSON LIVING TRUST dated the 11tb day of March, 2005, with respect to a one-half interest AND MARgAReT M. GLBESON, residing at 1520 Paradise Shores Road, Southold, New York 11971, Trustee GE =he Su~ivor T~S~ Of ~he ~EESON LIVI~ TRUST da~ed ~hm 11z~ day of ~rch, 2005, w~th respe0~ ~o a one-~lt puny ~ Ihs ~'~ld WITKF.~F. TII. dst ~e puny .f t~ fi~l ~n, in ~m~i~thm .f'~n ~11~ ~nd other valuablu comk~r~iun pui~ by ~e ~ay .f Ihs ~cm~ ~n. ~ ~1~ ~unl and ~lua~c nnt. t~ puny o( t~ ~cm~d ~n. ~e hei~ or ~ucce~-~ m~d a~i~n~ of Ihe party of Ihe ~ond pa~ f~vec A~lh~t~ai~p~pi¢¢e~rpurc¢h~hmd~wi~hth¢~i~dings~ndimPmvemenlst~:mmecl~s~mu~.~vi~g~ ~ingin~c Town of Southold, County of Su,folk, New York, bounded and described as ffoJ.ows: BROINNINOa= a point at the northeasterly corner of the premises herein described and which point is the northwesterly corner of lot 30, Block C as shown on a certain map entitled, 'Map of Raydon Shores, Bay View, ~ong Island, N.Y." and filed Ln the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk; RUNNING T~ENCE in a general southerly direction South 20 degrees 11 minu~es 20 seconds West a distance of 80 feet; THENCE in a general westerly direction North 89 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds Went a d~stance of ~38.38 feet to the easterly linc of a certain 20 foot wide r4ght-of-way; THERCE in a general northerly direction along the easterly s~de of said 2~ fOG: right-of-way, North 19 degrees 06 m~nu=es 50 seconds East a distance of 80.01 ~ee= to the lands now or ~ormerly of Emil Massarella; THENCE in a general easterly direction along the lands now or formerl~ of Emil Nassarella South 69 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds East a Dis:ante o~ 139.88 feet ~o the poin~ or place of BEGINNING. TOOBTNZR with a right-of-way over the said existing 20 foot rlght-of-wa¥, or road, from Bay View Road to Peconic Bay. BAXD premises being known as la20 Paradise Shores Road, Southold, New York 11971. BBINO AND XNTSND~D TO BE THE same premises conveyed to the party of ~he first Dart and Joseph G. Gleeson, deceased, by deed dated NoYea~er 30, 2005, ?'ecorded in 51ber 12426 page 265 in the Office of =he Clerk of the County of Suffolk on December 19, 2005. TOGETHER with all right, title and inlere.q, if any, of thc puny of the fir~ pan of, in and to sty 5treels and road~ ubuuing the abovc-descdhed premises tn lite center lines thereof; 'FO(;ETH ER with lite appunenmtccs and all the ~slalc and rights of the ~ar~y c,£ the tirol pan in und t. ~id pn:mi~m TO IIAVK AND TO IIOI.D the prumi~s her~in groined uJm, thc puny ufthe ~:cund pan. thc heirs or succc~.~ors and ussigns ~,Y the parly of thc sgctmd pun. fi,rover. AND Ihs party of the fir~ pun uovananL*: that the puny of the firsl part h~.~ m,t done or su fi'ez~d anything whereby the said AND the party of the firsl pan. in etmtpliance with Sc¢liorl 13 o1' thc I.ien Law. cx~a:nants tirol thc party uf the first po.n will IN wrI'NESS WIIEREOF the party ufthe first pun hut duly exc,. atcd this deed the day and year first alxwe written. Maq P~Mic, State d NewYod~ Qualified In S~k ~m~L~ )IC~Y)WI~K;,IIF~' ~.~l ]tale(~New YorL Cuun~'or ) die ~y of in t~' y~r ~]y ~m~. wh~. ~ixl~ ~y. da,~; dim ~/~ ~ thc imfivi~l ~ in ~d who cx~wule~ ~]~ f~ill~ in~mc~: tha~ ~dd ~9 I]Y,E. ACIGVOttY. AZIC~IF~T FOIO4 ~;I. OW I$?TIII,%' NEw YoRJ~.~TA'I~. ~ ),VI~: Stale of New York, Coumy of i~s.: C~ ~he day of in the )'ear b~fi,m m~', flu: undcr~ignc, tL p~urudly appmu~d pe~onully known to mc or pn)m~(i to n~ on the ba.,,Lq of sati~facto~' e,.'idcnc~ to be thc ind{vidLral(s) wh~,e name(s) i~ (an~) f,'ub~:H~,d ut the w{thin iasbumcnt and acknuwh.'dged ltl mu thai he/she/~hcy executed the same iu hiMv.'t/fhch' cap~cityiies), and thai by hbi/hetAheir si~aamre(.~) on Lh~ in~uumcnt, the iadividualis), m thc person upo~ tehalf of which thc individually) a~cd, executed dte instmmenL A ~.K~YIIIT. EIX;.UF. NT Foil{! FOR U,~ 0~' A'EW Y~A' ST, t ~' UNY.)? On thc day of in ~ y'e;tr ~)nally k~wn to ~ ~ ~ lO lite ~ ~'iden~ tu ~ ~e i~iv~l{sJ w~ na~(s] aw ~me ~ hi~h~r ~y(k~X ~ by hi.r/ on the i~qm~ ~ indiv~(s), ~ ~ ~m uF,n ~{f · e b~di~u](s) a~d. ex~ul~ t~ ink.meat, a~ t~t ~ch imJ{~d~ m~e such ap~ ~[o~ ~ u~c~ig~d in (bLuer! Ih~ city ar ,*~her political subdivision and the ,'tat(. or ct)italy. ,r odJer /,l~e d~e aclah'~wlcJ~mem ssus tttken). 7Trl.~No. llaF~mzet Il. cm-eemon, aa TFustee of the Oleeoon Living Trunt ~t~ the llth ~y of ~rch, 2005 TO ~r~ret M. Olee~, ~ ~etee o~ of tb Cle~ Lt~ ~st dat~ the llth ~y of ~rch, 2~5, ~th reopect ~ a one-half ~ter~t FIl~EI.r~' N,'rlo~M, TITLE C(JMPANY OF NEW YORK Su~ L~r T~t of C~ GXe~on ~v4n~ dnted the llth day of htch, 2005, ~th teapot to a I)IS'I~tlCT 1000 S~Cl't~%' 080.00 I{I~X'K 01.00 Lor 021.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk R£CO~DFJ) A T R£OUF,.ST OF Fidelity National 'lltle Imurnnce Company or New York RETUR# FlY MAll. TO Davidow Davldow Siegel & Stern, LLP One Suffolk Square - Suite 330 1601 Veterans Memorial Highway Islandia, New York ! 1749 DB Number of pages This document will be public record. Please rembve all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page/Filing Fee '~ Handling 5. O0 TP-584 '~ Notation EA-S2 17 [County) EA-5217 (StateJ R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NY5 Surcharge 15. 00 Other Sub Total Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Sub Total Grand Total ~'~ ~/~ 4 Dist. 07036583 1OOO O8OOO O100 021000 Real Prop, ~ Tax Servic Agency Ved§cati, 6 ,O0 Satisfactlons/Dischmges/Releases List Property Ownen Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO:. Davidow Davidow Sicgcl & Stcro, LLP Doc Suffolk Square - Suit= 330 1601 Veterans Memorial Highway Islandia, New York 11749 Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name www.suffolkcou ntyny.gov/clerk 'title RECOR~D 2007 Dec 19 10:10:51 Judi?,h iq. Pascale CLERK Ge SUFFOLK COUNTV L DOOO12'534 P 251 DTI~ 07-I ~'992 Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appointment ~ Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be Improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO if NO, see appropriate tax clause on 5 [ Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ -0- CPF Tax Due S -o- Improved Vacant Land TD /(--) TD Title Company Information Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part ~ the attached by: F. atearet !~. Gleeeo~, aa Trustee of the Gleeson Lt~nE ~st dated the llth ~y O~ ~rch, Z~ TO (SPECIFY TYPE OF Ih The premises herr SUFFOLK COUN'r~ made In the TOWN o~ In the VILLAGE or HAM LET of ~UMEN~ ssituatedin ~VYORE ~outhold OOXESeTHRU8 MUSTBETYPEDORP~NTEDINBLACKINKONLYPRIORTO RECORDINGORFILING. Ymr&atet M. gleeson, aa Trustee o£ the Survivor Ttuet o[ the OleeaonLtv~.E Tnmt dated the llthday of March, 2005, trlth reelect to a Dee-ball intereut tover~ SUFFOLK COONTY CLERK RECORDS O~',,'rcE RECORD'rNG PA~E ~ of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~--hoz of Pages: 3 ReceiptNumbe= : 07-0117289 TP~NSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-13992 District: 1000 Deecl~mount: aeoorded: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 080.00 01.00 BX]tI~'~F~DAHD CHAR~.DAB FOLLOWS $0.00 Received tho Following Foes For A~ove Znstrument Pogo/Filing $9.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB TP-SS4 $5.00 NO Notation Cert. Co~ios $0.00 NO RPT Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co~.P=es Foes Paid T~ANSFF~ T~X N~MBER: 07-13992 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TBE INSTR~MEI~ THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Paocale County Clerk, Suffolk County 12/19/2007 10:10:51 AM D00012534 251 Lot: 021. 000 Hxempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 No $30.00 NO $0.00 NO $149.00 - PLEASE T¥'PE OR PRES~ EIRML¥ WHEN WRITING ON---"~-~- · . . INSTRUCTIONS: http://www, orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUN'FY USE ONLY -- _ I m. swkt Coda ~ ] REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 1520 I Paradlse Shores Road I souOmla I [ 11971 J. SEE ATTA(~i*n RXDKR 1 I I # of Par(eh OR H Part of a Parcel p,-p.,~ [ JxJ IORI . . .2 .5 I I i aacFalret N. Gleeoun, as TFustee of thelOleeeon L~v~fi~ ~Fusc B W 2 or 3 Family RMide~hal F [~J Commercial C ~ R#ldemial VsCaflZ Imnd G Lm~ ~qT~r~rt~l[ DI I Non-Rer;ds~ol racom Lind Ill I ~:nmr~b~mem I~B, Buyer ~lved a diKlosum n~,im ~n~k'in~ ~ ~. s,,- co,m~ Dm I #/A / / I l?..DatlMSalelTrans~r I 11 / I~ / 07 I .... O,o. Ol 13, FuJI Bade I~rlee J t , ~ ~ · 14. ktdeamthevatueofpemonal j , O, 0 , ID J I A~c~.MENT INFORMATION - Date should reflect the latest Final A~e~sment Roll and Tax Biff I i J 17. Tram M~d Yabo (M MI pa~DMI M I~MI~M) J , l&PmllJ~Cklla I 2, 1,0 l.] I 10. SchodOlstrJmName I Sour_hold Co=veytaR into a Tnmt . ½ . , ~ . , 5,7 ,0 ,0 I ! I 1000-080.00-01.00-021.000 I L I I I I I I C..T,FIC TIO. I BUYER 1520 j Patad:[se ShoFea Road Southold I mi I 11971 SELLER ~/~*°~C'~X. elaenou, aJS Trustee'~u BUYER'S ATTORNEY I Kazl:tn S. (63~) t 234-:30:30 I NEW YORK STATE. COPY