HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12534 P 860WCB-" ~dniform ack. I XZ~ i~)EH~ .~4e ~m ~ day o! ovembez' in the year Two Thousand Seven B~TW~4 ESTATE OF WALTER C. HILSENBECK by Walter J. .qilsenbeck, ~x., residing at 570 Critten's Lane, Southold, N.Y., Suffolk Co., par~ ofthefilt~mnd GARY LEIBLEIN and ~ LBIBLEIN, his wi[e, residing at 74 C~apel Avenue, Patchogue, N. Y. 11772 party o! the _~-_:~d la% ~ that the may of the tint part, in consideration of Ten Dqlmre and ~r v~ua~e, consi~e~fi.on paid by the party o! t~ second pa, does hereby grant an~ rdease unto the party et me secona pti, me hats or sue~__e~ and um~s of the party of the ~ part torever, · H . .?~X, that ~rtai~ ~, piece ~ ~ of land, ~ the b~Min~s and im~ovemanu theremi m-ected, ~tm~ [×~~~ at Pine Neck, near Southold, in =he Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, known and designaKed as Lot #24 on a certain map entitled "Map of Southwood, Lo~s Nos. 1-53 inclusive" made from an acKural (sic) survey completed October ~, !953, by Otto W. -Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors, Greenport, N.Y., and which said map was filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November 24, 1953, as Map ~2!41 ~bstract #2249, said lot being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Critten's Lane where the dividing line between Lots 24 and 25 intersect the easterly side of Cri~ten's Lane; RUNNING THENCE along said dividing line North 66 de~rees 14 minutes 23 seconds East, 115.14 feet; tHENCE alon~ the dividing line between Lot 24 and lands now or formerly of Robert Ealdas, Philip Goldman and Joseph Muro, South 87 ~egrees 46 minuKes 10 seconds ~ast, 315.27 feet; ~HENCE along the dividin~ line between Lots 24 and 23, South 64 ~de~rees 20 minutes 00 seconds West, 351.57 feet to Khe easterly side of Critten's Lane; THENCE along the easterly side of Critten's Lane the fo!lowin~ two (2) courses and distances: !) alon~ the arc of a curve bearing to the left, having a radius of 230.67 feet and a length of 62.50 feet; 2) along the arc of a .curve bearing ~o the right, havin~ a radius of 284.81 feet, and a length of 93.04 feet, to the point of place of BEGINNING'. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as described in the deed to'the parties of the first part herein dated November 6, 1968, January 13, 19~9, at Libor 6487, Pa~e 473, et seq. P~T$~S,know~ as ~0 C~itten.~s Lap~, SourCe!d, New York 11971. iu~m~ ws~ mn r~ght, t~oe an~ ~erest, st any. o/t~ ~y el the [rst/mrt in a~ ~ any st~s mad rna,ls ahuttmg ~e a~ve ~sc~d p~nis~ ~ the ~nt~ li,~ ~reof: TOGETHER w~h t~ a~urten~ces n~ all the estate n~ rights of the ~y of t~ [r~ pa~ in and ~ mi4 premiss: TO ]{AVE AND TO HOLD I~ premis~ herein g~t~ unto ~e ~y o! ~e second port, the h~rs or s,¢_-~__~r~ m~ ~ssigns of ~ party ~ the second part f~even ,.A.~D,th~..party..of the.first~ pa~,.~.o..ve~..n~.n.~ t?at t.h.e.mr,,ty...'..~'me. nrst ~ ~ not done o.r suffered anything v, nareoy ins sam ~premzses nave oec=n..enctunnere.a.mVany way whatever, except as ~[orese d. ' AND the part,b.ot the. first part, t.n com. phance w~th Sec'tm~ 1,3 of the Lien Law, covenants thit the party of the .first part wdl ?c?ve .the co.n. sid. eratmn for this conveyance ?nd will hold the right to receive such consid- e~tmn as a trust ~una to De appnco first for ~e purpose of paying the cost of the ~mprovement and will apply the same first to the Imyment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be con.~nled as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. ~lq WITNESS WE~F, the party of thc first part hs duly executed this deed the day and yenr first above written. STATE OF NEW YORK) * STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOL~ COUNTY OF · Nov 07 un~rsisned, p~on{lly ~pe'ared ' ,, !~son~lly kno~m M rne or p~oved {o zrg nn ~ hmsis ~viden~ m be ~h~i~immmgmm~ds~) ~$ (~) sub~th~ m hi~.~heir si~atu~s) ~.the ~t, ~e in, ~ual(s), ~ the ~n u~n ~lrofwhich the i~ivid~fs) ~t~, e~ ~e For ackno~l~gmen~ taken In N~ Yo~ ~td~m~ ~m~ u~, ~-- On the__ dayof, in the yuar before me, the undersigned, personally appeared pe~sonally known to me o1' prowd to me on the basis of'.q~tisfactory ' evidmce to be the individual(s) w~se narne(~ is Cal~ smbseribnd 40 exeecard fie stone in his/her/their enp~s), ua~ thet by hisA~er~leir signature(s) on the instn.nen{, the individual(s), oF the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the ins~JfnenL Signature and. OH]ce of tadlvlduel taking me 'knowledgmret ** Stmte, District of Columbia, Terrltoi~, Poueulon, or Foreign Country On the__ day of. in the year beForc me, the undeTsigrted, potsonally appoared personally known to me or proved to me on thc basis of satisfactory evidonre to he the indivtdueifs) whose nnme(s) is (nrc) subscTihed to the within instalment and acknowledged to me tlut he/shc/the~ executed the stme in his/her/their capacity(les), thil by his/her/their signature(s) on thc insmm~ent, the individual(s), or the poison upon behalfofwhich the ibdividunlfs) acted, executed the insmJmenl, and that such ~1~ individual made such appearance before the Imdersisned in the . (Insert thc city or other political subdivision nnd the state or countTy or other place the acknowledgm,.'nt was taken), For teknowledgments taken outside of New York State. Signature tad omre of individual taking ackno~Aledgment ESTATE OF WALTER C. HILSENBECK GARY LEIBLEIN and LORI LEIBLEIN, U.¥. HARVEY A. EYSMAN · 70 13 SUFFOLK COUN~O~TOWN 570 Critten's Lane Recorded At Request of Pint Amed~n Title Imm~nee Compnny d* New Yo~k IIIITUaN IT mi1 TO:. Z,,. Number of pages · Serial # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # Deed / Mortgage l~strament heed / Montage Tax Stamp 3 Page / Filing Fee · Handling '1~P~$84 Notation ~-$2 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.RT.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 4 Dist.' 07037238 ~ooo R~al Pwp~ Tax Servic Agency Verificatic o0S.bTOta, Grand Total /qq ~. 07000 x2oo o~aooo "' %L..%? I Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: RECOROEO. .. 2007 Dec 24 10:~9:~0 lqH Sudit~ ~. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOLK C~a. INT¥ L l)00012~4 P860 0T# 07-1446! Recording/..Filing St~mps Mortgage Amt. 1, Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec. 1Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Due! Town Duel Count)' Held for Appointmen~l.~::/.~__ : M~mion Tax. ' ' ' Thc property covered by this mortgage i or will be improved by e one or tw, family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on :age # of this in~lru~enL_ 5 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Am, ount$ CPF Tax Due S ~ Vacant Land TD TD 7co. INeme Title Company Information .,. 81 Suffolk County Recordi gccaL& Endorsement Page This page fo~s pan of the attached made by: {SPECIFY TYPE OF INS~UM~ ~~ The p~mises herein is situated in SU~OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK, In the VILLAGE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Tl~e of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD N,,-~er o£ Pages: 3 Receipt ~,m~er : 07-0118588 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-14461 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Blook: 070.00 12.00 EX~MIN~D AND CHAR~u AS FOLLOW~ $465,000.00 12/24/2007 10:39:30 AM D00012534 860 Lot: 013.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CT~ $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cart. Copies $0.00 NO RPT Tzansfer ~ax $1,860.00 NO Co~n. Pres Fees Paid TRANS~J~K TAX N~ER: 07-14461 THIS PAG~ IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Exemp~ $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $30.00 NO $6,300.00 NO $8,309.00 Judith A. Pascala County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE .'~.PI~, OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM - INSTRUCTI .O. NS~ hep://www.orp$.s?te.ny.us or.PHONE (518) 473-7222 ! FOR COUNTY USE ONLY -- · · ~ . (~,("1 ~(:~:~' q. I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT · . ~ __ M~m Ua'/ yeer -- ' -~-"' "- - --17 j r.EIBLEIN [ Bilng if c~er th~n buwr add.ss (at b(xtom of ~orm) S. Oeed 1 0 1 4B. Subdlvbtoa Aplxoval w~s Ratuked for Tramhr [] ~ I Ixl [o~1 . . · , I 4C. parcelA,~mo~dforSab(~YLdonw~thMapPmMded [] WALTER C. HILSENBECK 465-0 O0 13, F,dl hi. PriG. I [ , . . . , , 0 , 0 [ 14,1.dMtlthiv~eM'pe~M111Fr~inylndudedlatMi~ I i ...... ! · o, 9 I ~ A~.',Et,~;,;r.[,~ INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latKt Final Asussment Roll and Tax Bill ] 2 1 0 i SOUTHOLD 18. Pn~Mny Cbl~ L, [-I [ 19. Sdmd D~ Name [ Sale Between Related Companies or Pannar~ in 8uiness O(~e of the Buyees m also s Seller None 57 00 ~ , } ½ , , I I 29. Tu Map IdmlWlee(ll I Roll IdeMJSMIII Iff mom ~an four, Ittach Ih#t wll~ Idditioall klentJflids)) SEC: 70; BLOCK 12; LOT [3 I [ I I I I I J C=.[.-iCATION J I (~flJf,/Ihel all or ~ Item M' inremmlkm mle~,d aa ~ imm m'e b-ue and euem~ (to the b~t ,i m.v lUlm*ledi~., ired bdk. fl nd I lindt,[.dland Iht the meldnll .qUYER 74 i(~J~Pj~r- AVEWITB E. PATCHOGUE ~Y [11772 BUYER'S ATFORNEY I NEW YORK STATE COPY