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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12535 P 74Dis~. 1000 063.00 Blk. 07.00 Lot 003.000 day of ~ I/E~)~C'~ 2007 THIS INDENTURE, made the BETWEEN CHRISTOPHER R. VENE, residing at 326 Sound Beach Blvd.. Sound Beach, New Ymk ! 1789 party or the first ;)aft, and 1035 OAKLAWN AVENUE LLC, whose olrlcas ere located at 1035 Oakiewn Avenue, Southold, New YO~ 1 lg71 party of the second paft, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first paft, in consideration of '~en Dollar,= an(:] 00/100 ($1o.oo) dollam paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second paft, the hahae or successors and assigns of the paW of the second pat forever, ALL that certain plol, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, sl~uato, lying and being in the Town of Southolcl, County of SuffoLk and State of New Yo~, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the eastody stele of Oaklswn Avance distant 175 feet South of the asuthedy poundsry line of the cemetery lends of the Flret Church, Congregation of Society in Southold; RUNNING THENCE North 73 degrees 06' 40" East, 208 feet to s point; THENCE ,South 23 degrees 23' 50' East, 1 On feet tO a point; THENCE along land now or Iormedy of Waif,,, South 73 degrees 06' 40' Weal 20~ feel to the easterly sJffo of Oak.lawn Avenue; THENCE along the seatedy side o~ Oakiewn Avenue North 23 degrees 23' 50' Wasl', 100.00 feel to the point or piece of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the asme premJasa as conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated June 20, 2007 and retort;Jarl In the Office of the CIm'k of the County of Suffolk on July 16, 2007 in Llher 12513 page 648. TOGETHER with all right, flue and interest, If any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above deechhad premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and al the estate and dghta of the party of the rust part in and to seicl premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the hairs or successors and seslgns of the party of the sanend pa~l forever. AND the pmty of the first paft covenants that the paW of the first part has not done or suffered anything w~emby the said promises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as afon~=~d. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, cevenams that the party o; t~ first pad will receive ~he considemffon for thLe conveyance and wtll hold the right to receive such considemffon as a trust fund to be applied rust for the poq~ose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before u~ng any part of the ~otal of the same for any other purpose, The word "party' ~hafl be construed as if it reed 'pa;has" when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNEGB WHEREOF, the party of the flint paft has duly executed ;NPRESENCE OF: Stgedard N.Y.B.T.U. Form 6002 - Bargain ged Elam Dasd. with Covenant against Gmntgx'$ Act~- Uniform AcAnov/,~Jgmgel Form 32g0 Stall of New York, County of Suffolk as: Stall of New York, County of ss: On the ~T//day af/~ t/g~,~ in the year 2007 Onthe dayof in the year before mo, the undamigned; personally appeared before me. ~e undersigned, personally sppeored CHRISTOPHER R, VENE personally known ~ ma or paved to me on the he~ll of pemonafly known to ma or prayed to me on the basis of setlsllcto;y evidence to be the Individual(s) whose name(&) la sefJsra,:ton/evldor~e to be the individual(s) whcee name(s) is (ars) cubacdbed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to (am) subaoribad to the w~ln Instrument und acknowlldged to ma that be/she/they executed the same in his/bar/their me that he/she/they executed the same In his/her/their cupactty(ie~), arid that by his/her/their signature(s) on the cebe~ity(Isa), end that by h~/herlthelr &~gnatum(s) on the instrument,~e Ind..j,~iuel(s), or the paean upon bebelf o,' which instrument, the individual(s), or the persun upo~ behalf of wtdch the i~cted, executed ~e instrumanL the ind~vklual(s) acted, executed the in~trumanl. ~algrlatu~f individual taking acknowledgment) (signature end office of individual taking acknowledgment) TO BE U~ED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOtM ;n~z~lT IS MADE OUTStDI; NEW YORK S'I'ATr Stall (or DIstdc~ ef Columbia, Tordllry, or Foreign Country) of ss: On the day of In the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or paved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) aubsc~thed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ahe~ey executed the same in hlUher/thelr capacity(les), and that by hfs/her~'the~r signature(s) on the Instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) scald. executed the instrument, and that such individual made sunh appearance before the undersigned In the in (Inset the City or ~et pditical m.~f~llmt ) (m~d inselt the SM or CeunW or ot~r ~ the s,'~'nowledgmant wsa isken) (si~l&tum and office ~ r~cflvldual taking acknov/ledgmem) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Title No. CHRISTOPHER R. VENE TO 1035 OAK[AWN AVENUE LLC Fk~ Ammlcmt 11tis Ir~amn~e Company d* New yak THIRD AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10017 212.e".~-~77 * 600-437-1234 DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 063.00 BLOCK 07.00 LOT 003.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk STREET ADDRESS Recg~ded at Request of First American TI~a rnaUrance Company of New York RETURN BY MAIL TO: .AW OFFICE OF PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. 616 Roanoke Avenue, Box 779 Riverhead, NY 11901 UJ Number of pn§cs This doGdment will be public record,"Please.i'emove all" Social SecurRy Number~ prier to recording. Deed I Mo~i~egc Insmtment 3 Pnge / Filing Fcc Handling TF-584 Notation EA-52 17 (Count)' BA-5217 (State) R.P.T.$.A. Comm. orEd. · Affidavit 2007 I)ec 26' 0'2156:42 PPi Sudit. h R. P~scale CLEI~ OF · SUFFOLK COUNTY L P 0?4 ': D~# 07-14616 / Mortgag6 .T~x'Stainp , ' ='' ' Certified Copy NY'S Surchsrn!e 15:00 ~ Real Pmpe~y Tax Service Agcncy Vcri~cgtion 6 Sallsfnctions~ischarg~lcas~ List Pmpe~y Owne~ M~ling'Add~ ~CO~ & I~TU~ TOt 6~6 Roanoke Rvenue~ Box 779 R~verhead~ ~ ~9~ Mail to: Judith A, .Pascale, Suffolk County. Clerk Title , 310 Center Drive,, NY i 1901 ,. Name www. su f folkcoun.lyny;gov/clei, k Title # I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax', : .'. ~ ,, · S~5:T~I"" ";' '. ' :':' '. ':. SpecY~it... ...'.. or Spca. 1Add. - TOT. MTO...TAX · Dun['Town ' D~al'County ~ · Held for Appo/nm~e~t ~ · Transfer Tax .' .' ( J Mansi6n Tax ' .' - . . Thc property coveted:by. . Uns mortgagc or will bc imprm;ed by a.onc or ts .family dwelllng only. . . ,YE$ . ' or.N0'..' page # ' · '; 8 Reco] Suffolk. This pagc forms pan of thc attached Oeed · ~PF Tax Due 'Endo] a.,Amount $/,. 0 $ o Improved X Vacant.Land._ 'Information made b3 TO In the TOWN of. Southold ' 3.035 Oak.l.a~n Avenue LL¢ In the VILLAGE o'r HAMLET of ' Southold ' ' BOXES._ t THRU 8 MUST. DE TYPED OR PRINTED. IN BLACK INK ONLY.... PRIOR TO RBCORDINO. OR FILING.'. .... SUFFOLK COUNT~ CLERK RECORDS RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD N,,--~er of Pages: 3 P~oeipt N-m~r : 07-0119098 TP~NSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-14616 Distriot: 1000 Deed ~mount: Recorded: At: Re~ei~d ~e Following F~s For ~ove Xnstrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA- STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO No~ation Cert. Copies $ 0.00 NO RPT Transfer tax $0.00 NO Com~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-14616 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS ZS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pas~le County Clerk, Suf£olk County 12/26/2007 02:56:42 ~:~ D00012535 074 Lot: 003. 000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $30.00 NO $0.0o NO $149.00 PL~A'SI~ TYPE OR PRESS FIF~MLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: ht~p:// or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I C1. SWIS Code ~ ~","7 ,C~ ~ ,~ ,c~ I ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ....,...,,..,,. ,a /07 . 1035 I Oaklawn Avenue } $outhold I Southold I 11971 Buyer { 1035 Oa~ AV~E tLC I n.,.,., I Ixl Io.,I 4 7 r ,. M~w I VBN~ IOnlv If h~ d a PlnMl ChK* # th~ Gi'.;.¥ 4~. Plannin9 BMrd wilh SubCivisfan AulMdly Em [] 48, Su~divlsian AplX~l w~ RKlubKI ~or Tmnm~r [] 4C. F~r=el A~l~d far 5(~Jivi~ion W~l M~p Rodded [] CHRISTOPHER R. L // /6~,/o?I CMd[ tho boxm peknv ~ thly ipp#: la. Pmlnn'y Loated within an ~ticu#urd I~arict One of the Buy~s is also a Seller Ddlnd Type nmi Warnmly or Bm~ni~ and ~ (S~e,~fy Below) Sale al FractB~al o~ ~ Ih~n Fee Interest (~lxcify 8IkT, N) 13. Full~lePrfae I , , , , , , , , ~.0, 0 r (~ I ! ! · 14. mdicat~thevBlueMl~mmt~l I , , ,0 , 0 Q I ~ A~.:~B:b~MENT INFORMATION - Oa~ ~ould ~ t~ b;~ Final ~sment Roll ~ Tax ~]1 ~ · . . , 8,7 ,0 ,0 I w. Pmmm'v c,--- I 2,1 , 0 I-I I tg. ~1 i~ ~ I S~thold I ~O. Tix Mq) Idiltlfilf~) I Rd Idl~illifls} (11 more tiaa fm~r..Ite, h dim ~/ah ~ditla~l IdentifiM~all I1000-063.00-07.00-003.000 II I · ._..~/ BUYER I lO35 o I I I I I I CERllFICA~qON I BUYER'8 ATTORNEy [ P.O. Box 56 Danowski, Jr. Peter S. I ~/ , 7~7- ~q&9 I NEW YORK STATE COPY