HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12532 P 828To Be Rec~xded By ~ inter-Count/N)st~c~ Cor~. II 199 Jer~'to Turnpike I[ Floral Par'c, NY 11001 ~/ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAIrrION: Tills AGR EEM'~'Yr SHOULD BE PREPARED BY AN AI'TORNEY AND REVI£WEI) B%* AI'TORNEyS FOR SELLER AND PURCIIASER BEFORE SIGNING. THI$IND£NTI]R£, made the ~ 2/*'~ay of November, two thousand and seven, between Thomas MacKenzie, residing at 985 Park Lane, Frank]in Square, New York 11010 party of the first part, and Lynne M. Biggar, residing at 22 West 26~h Street, Apt. 10G, New York, New York 10010 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of one dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Orient, in the Town of Southhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, said point being located the following two (2) courses and distances from the comer formed by the intersection of the northeasterly side Platt Road and the southerly line of Main Street; Southeasterly along the northeasterly side of Platt Road.a distance of 1837.20 feet; North 49 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds east a distance of 345.92 to the truce point or place of BEGINNING. RUNNING THENCE north 32 degrees 45 minutes 40 seconds west a distance of 260.14 feet to a point; RUNNING THENCE north 49 degx~s ~4 minutes 40 seconds east a distance of 6.96 feet to a point; RUNNING THENCE south 32 degrees 45 minutes 40 seconds east, a distance of 260.14 feet to a point; RUNNING THENCE south 49 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds west a distance of 6.96 to the point or place of BEGINNING. Being a part of the premises described in Deed from RAM Realty to Thomas MacKenzie, dated December 1, 2005, recorded February 8, 2006 in Liber 12435 Page 212 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. The purpose of this Deed is to confirm grantee's title and inte~st in that portion of the property designated as District: 1000; Section: 18.00; Block:.06.00; Lot: 26.017, which entire lot is being transferred to grantee by a contemporaneous deed from Marbee Realty, LLC to be recorded simultaneously herewith. This deed is being executed pursuant to a Power of Attorney currently in full force and effect and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 12380 Page 636 on April 2005. N¥SBA PRAC'I1CE FORMS 16/99 RE067.16 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appur~nances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part, covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purl)me of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York State (RPL .~ 309-al ~A~ OF NEW YO~ ) ~lnt~-~ ~ ~.~ ~ 19g~Tum~ke ) ss.: ~ F~IPa~.NY ~00] /~ COU~ OF N~AU ) ~ t~ ~ day of Nov~ in the y~r 2~7 ~fom me, ~e ~demi~, p~lly ap~ '.~A~ [-. ~a~pe~lly ~own to me or proved ~ me on the ~b of ~fi~ac~ evide~ ~'~ the ~dividu~ who~ ~me is sub~d to the wi~n ~nt and ac~owledged ~ me that he ~uted the ~me in his ~paci~, and ~t by ~ si~ on the ~ment, the ~dividual, or the pemon upon ~ of which the individu~ a~, ex~u~d ~ms~. ~ [Sl~.~a O~lCe q~ In~Vld~i taking acKnowl~efi~mm,~,~ E~,~ Mmch 26. ~ ~ Bargain & Sale Deed wrm covENm, rr ^GAINST GRAUTOR'S Acrs Thomas MacKenzie SECTION: 18 BLOCK: 6 LOT: 26.017 COUI~rI'Y: SUFFOLK STREET ADDRESS: 1799 PLA'rr ROAD ORIENT, NEW YORK Lynne M. Biggar RE~rURN BY MAIL TO: John A. Matthews. Jr. Gallagher & Mntthcws, Esqs. 55 Maple Avenue, St¢. 208 Roek'ville Centre. NY I 1570 Number ut' paaes ~ i'UKKL~ ...... · Serial # Certificate # Prim' Cfi: # ........... De~d/~Mortgage htslmmem Fat~a / Filing Flee TP.-58~I ...... £A-52 I? (Count).) Sub Total EA-52 i 7.(State)' R.P.T.S.A. com~n, or Ed.. Affidavit" · Certified Copy Reg. Cop)': Other Stamp Date Iqjtials D~cd/'l~longage 'Fax Stamp FEES · ' ~ul~ Total Real Property Tax Service Ase~]cy Verificatie~t --Dist''-I-' Sec'i°n I Block I 070341180 ~ooo o~8oo neon o~6ox? '_ )0?'Dec 0~, 02:36:24 PM CLERK 01: SUFFOLK COUUTV L D000125,'~ :. P 828' · PT# 07=12876 Recordin8 / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Total Six:c./Assit. Or Spec. 1Add· TOT. NITG. TAX Dual Town.~ Dual Coulll)'__ T I'i,:lsdfe~.;nAxPP °r t i °n m~l-~ I~t'~ns ion Tax The pmpcny coy?red by thi;~ will be improved by a one or Iwo dwelling only. YE5 or NO _.~oet.¢ appropriale lax clause on. this instrument/_ 'C~fl~munily Prcservatiot.~ F · Consideration AnlouJlt $_---~ CPF Tax ~ue j Satis£actions/Discharges/Keleaxes List Properly Uwners ivialillig addrcs~ · .. u '. R£CORD & RETURN TO: "?'~'1" Su,[folk 'County cording & Endorsement.._ Page ~is rage Bm~ ~ or~ attac~ _ __ ~ " (SPECIFY ~'PE OF ~m~l' ) SUFFOLK COUN'D.', NEW YORK. or lot In the VILLAGE or i IAMLET of $ Improved V~,cam. La~dQ 'Fi::, / TD TD BOXES 5 THRU .MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BL4.CK INK ONLY PRIORTO RECORDING OR. FILIN SUFFOLK COUNTY CLEl~ RECORDS OFFICE RECORD'rNG P~GE N-~ez o£ Pages: 3 ReceSp~t~-~,,~= : 07-0113280 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 07-12876 1000 Deed Amoun2: Roeo~docl: At: LZBER: PAGE: Se~t~on: 018.00 06.00 $o.oo 12/06/2007 02:36:24 PM D00012532 828 Lot~: 026.017 Rooe~.vod 'cite FolXow4ng Fees Fo]: Above Xnatz3~mont Page/F£1ing $9.00 H~ HancU. ing cee $5.00 ~O HYS SRCHG EA-CTZ $5.00 ~0 FA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 HO Notation Ce=t. Cop~es $0.00 HO I~T ~=ana£e= tax $0.00 HO Conn.~res Foes P&~d TIUtNS~, TAX HUMBER: 07-12876 THZ8 PAGE ZS A PART OF THE ZNSTRU~NT THZ~ ZS HOT A BILl, $5.00 815.00 $165.0o $o.oo $30.00 $o.oo $239.00 F. xmel:r~ NO NO NO NO NO NO Jud/~h A. Pas~ale Count~ Clark, Suffolk Count~ PLEASE 'FYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.state, ny.us or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 INFORMATION I 1799 I Platt B~ad Southold I Orient I 11957 I I ix[ Joel . O. 11 i I i I AJ~] one FJmi,¥ RNid~miM ~"1~ Agfi~ltural I ~ ~mmun~ c~n~t~l V~m ~ a ~ ~t K~ ~bl~ J S~E INFORMATION J C F J ~ At,EleMENT INFORMA~N - Data ~ld r~ the ~tmt Final ~..~ent Roll and T~ Biff , I ~:: 18 ~].k: 6 Z~:~: 26.017 I L J Mac G.,.e.,,-s I ~ A. 516 J 678-6500 NEW YORK STATE J COPY