HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12533 P 809 Tax Map Desismdon Diet ].000 Sec. 17.00 au= 3.00 Lo~l~) 2.00' NYO0~ - hrpb nd bls Deed w~,~, Counts spb~ Oanu's ,qm IMi~lud o' Corpomtioa (Sin~e Slet) (NYlJTU 1002) CONSULT. YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUM~ -- THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULB BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THISINDENTURF.,mmtetbe 29th dayof October ,intheycer2007, BETWEEN LEONARD JEIJI,ER, as Executor of the Estate of. JAY KENNEDY (a/k/a/JAY NALCOLN ICEI~EDY) ,_c/~_R~_e_d__S_m~.t_h LLP_~ 599 Lextngton..&venue, New .York,_New_York_L0022 ......... party of the first part, and LZSA YUSKAVAGE and Z~ATVEY LEVENSTEIN, as tenant8 by the entirety, restdtn8 at 330 Naple Lane, Orj.ent, New York party of the second pan. T~o NJ. il/on Six ;Hundred Thoudand ($ 2,600,000) WITNESSETH, that the parly of tbs first pan, in consid-ration o fTW,~olhrs and other valuable con~daratJon paid by thc party of thc second prat, docs bercby gnmt and releese unto thc psrt~ of the second p~t, the heirs or successors and BEaigns of thc party of the second pan forever, ALL that certain plog piece orparcel oflan~ with the buil~nss and impiovemen~ thereon etcetnd, ai~. l~ng and beingitrth¢ at 0rj.ent, ~.n the Town off Southho~d, County of Su~f.oj.k and State of NewLYork, bs~nS more partj.cu~ar~y bounded and desc£~bed as set forth on ScheduLe A hereto. The premises herein conveyed ~s a slngle-f.amj.ly dwellj.ng. TOGETHER with all right, title and in~eFect, il'any, of the party of thc first per of, in and m any suants and roads abutting the above-described premises to the canter lines thereof; TOGETHER with the apputtanances and all the estate and rights of the pan'y of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thc premises herein granted unto the patty of the second part, the heirs or successor~ and assigns of the par,:y of the second part forever. AND the party of thc fn~t part covcnants that the party of the fwst part has not done or suffered anything whea'eby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except ,~ aforesaid. AND the pray of the fa'st park in compliance with Section 13 of thc Lien Law, covmEDls thru the party of thc first pan will ~eceive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the fight to receive such comidonldon ns e eust fund to be applied first For the purpose of'paying the eos~ of'the improvement nd will apply the same f'ust to thc l~ymem of' the cost of the improvement before using any pan of*the total of' the same for any other pm12ose. The wont "party' shall be consuued ~. Lf. it:~ ,nd.~,'p.~i e,s: ,w...b..e~...xc{~ sense of' thi~ indenture so requirs~. 0',t s~,;;'" ;r ' ' C:.Or.~q,% . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pafly o,f..,t~e,first part has ,..du, ly executed ~ ,4e~4 thc day and year first above I;~." .*..-' '**.'.:' .!'1 ESTATE OF JAY KENNEDY Title: Executor Stewart Title Insurance Company Title No.: MTANY-040336 SCHEDULE A CONTINUED LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain Lot, piece or parcel of land, with thc buildings and improvements thereon erected, siluate, lying and being at Orient. Town of Southold, Count:,' ot'Suffolk and State of New Yo~k, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side ofa right-of-w~' (situate betwcen lands now or formetly of Parlton and lands or formerly of Mahaffy) distant 164.50 feet easterly from the comer Ibrmod by the intersection of said southerly side of the right-of-way and the easterly side ot'a right..o f-way known as Maple I.ane and the easterly side ora fight-of-way known as Birds~'e Road. which last mentioned right-of-way mm southerly into the Main Road from Gn.'t'nport m Orient; RUNNING THENCE easterly from said point ofbegirming along the said southerly side of sold right, of-way south 8.3 degrees .59 minutes 40 seconds east 280.00 feet to a monument at the northeastorly corner of the premises herein described and adjoining land nov.' or formerly of Parlton; THENCE in a southerly direct/on, south 03 degrees 43 minutes 40 seconds west, 166.00 feet along lands now or formc, rly of Parlton to a monument at the southeasterly comer of the premises herein described: THENCE in a westerly direction, north 83 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds west. 281.45 feet along lands now or formerly of Welles and lands now or formerly of Schrievet. to a monument at the southwe.,aetly corner of the premises hereindeseribed; and THENCE in a northerly direction, along lands now or fomterly of Mahaffy, the following thn:e coumes and distances: North 04 degrees 20 minutos 00 seconds east, 96.85 feet: Noah 04 deg~es 02 minutes 00 seconds east, 2.00 feet: Noah 04 &wees 00 minutes 00 seconds east, 64.75 to the point or place of BEGINNING. FOR CONVEYANCE ONLY: Together with all the right, title and interest ortho pony of the first pm-t in and to the right of way on the north adjoining said premises m the center line thereof, and with a free and uninterrupl~:d righl of way over the rnmainder thereof in a westerly direction along the northerly line of land now or late of Albert Erdman and thence southerly to the main highway and also a free and uninterrupted right of way over the remainder thereof in an easterly direction along the northerly line of land now or late of John Millet and thence southerly to the main highway. 'rogethet with all of the right, title and interest of the party of the first pan, in common with others, of ingress and egress over the right-of-way upon which the above described premises abut to and from the premises described herein over said right-of-way to the right-of-way known as Birdseye Road to the Main Road. and also over the fight-of-way upon which the premises abut to and from the premises described herein over said rlght..of-way to anmber fight-of-way to the east of the premises bemin described and across said other right-of-way to the Main Road. NOTE: Being District 1000, Section 017.00, Block(s) 03.00, Lot(s) 002.000, Tax Map of thc Town of Southold, County of Suffolk. NOTE: Lot and Block shown for infommtional proposes only. l.~s'ued by: Madison Title Agency, LLC 1125 Oenan Avenue, Lakens'ood, NJ 08701 Telephone: 212-808-9400 Fax: 212-808-9420 $1~ofN~wYorl~Coumyof Ney York }~: ~~ October) 2007 LEO~ J~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~m Not~ Public ~ ~yof . ~y ~ w~, ~n8 ~ m~ ~ly S~ ~d ~. ~: ~ ~ey~(s) .i~ ~ aid n~ins w~ wu p~t md nw sam ~te b ~e; ~ ~az said w~ at ~e s~e t~e sub~fibed hi~r ~s) u a wi~ ~. State of New York, County of } ~. pascm~y ~nown m me or paMd to n~ m the tmb of misae:axy (Insert ~ cry or a:ber place the acJcnowlw~,men: BARGA]N & SALE DEED LEONARD J~ERs aa Executor of ESTA~ OF JAY LISA ~S~VAGE and ~EY LEVENSTEIN FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE O,f.juiCOM~ANY OF NEW YORK DIsrIuc'T 1000 SECTION 17.00 BLOC~ 3. O0 LOT 2. O0 eotnew~-TOSflq Southhold COUNTY OF Suffolk · .E'CO~D£D 4r~u~'roF Fidelity NmtionM Titk Insurance C0mpm~' of New York Robert J. Gumenick, Esq. .Law office of Robert J. Gkunenick, P.~ 160 Broadway) Suite 1100 New York, New York.10038 Number of pages " TORRENS Serial # Certificate it Prior CIf. it Deed / Morlgage Inslmmenl :3 Deed I Mortgage lhx Stamp Page / Filing Fee. Handling TP-$84 5. O0 .... f Nolation EA-52 {7 (Cou,dy) EA-5217 (State) R.I).T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Afl]davit Ce,iii]ed Copy Nys Surcharge Other " .Real Pmpel1¥ 'lhx Scrvicc · Agency Vedficatio.n [Section Sub Tolal 15. 00 .Sub Total Grand Total {Block 07034259 1000 01700 0300 002000 RECOROI~ 2007 Dec 14 02:22:3~ PH Judith fl. Pamcale CLEI~J( OF SUFFOLK COUHW L D00012533 P 809 DT# 0?-13644 Recording / Filing S,un,ps Salisfactiotl..JDischarges/Rclci:ses List P~opcrty. ~wncrs Mailiug Address Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page t' I. 2. ^ddilio,t-'d Sub 'iblal Spcc.lAssit.. Spec./Add. 3'O'1: MTG. 'FAX I)Llal 'rowil Dual C(Jullty I{o{d for A{)pi,{nlmenl 'l'ral, srcr Tax I O, ~O0/' The pl':lpcRy covelcd by ,his morlgagc is or wit{ be illlpfovcd by a cult or f:,,nily dwelling only. YES __ or NO_ Iff NO. sue npl)foprinlc tax el;aisc nil I page # __ ~. o£ lifts }nslrucnc,tl. c. l $ ICommunlty PresewatJon Fund VRCRIII L.l.ld __._ 'rD nadp. I)y: TO ', Ill lite'liiwllshJll (d' - ..... O] ~' ............. 2- ',_~, '~,~c..r~a.~. In thc VILI.AGI~ BOX~ 6TIIRU 8 MUST BE 'i'YI)ED OR I'RIN'I'IiD IN BLACK INK ONLY i'RIOR T(.) REC(JRDIN .i OR FILING. (re, cF ).A~/,)~ .,~c~..t". o,,'- ~ 'llv.'.p~mises herein is silua!e,d iii This page forms part of the attached (SPEC{FY TYI'F. OF {NSTRUM L"NT) SUFFOLK COUNT~ CLERK P~CORD S OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Tl~e of Instrument: D~S/DDD N-~r of Pages: 4 Receipt ~,-~r : 07-0116027 TRANSlinK TAX NUMBER: 07-13644 DisT..riot: 1000 Deed ~mount: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Blo~k: 017.00 03.00 EXAMINED AI~DCHARQEDAS FOLLOWS $2,600,000.00 12/14/2007 02:22:33 PM D00012533 809 Lot: 002.000 the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt P&ge/Filing $12.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO N~S SRCHG EA-CTZ $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cezt.Copies $0.00 NO RPT Transfer tax $10,400.00 NO Mansion Tax Comm. Pres $49,000.00 NO Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NU~ER: 07-13644 THIS PAGE IS A PA~T OF THE INSTRUmeNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $30.00 NO $26,000.00 NO $85,552.00 Juc~th A. P&soale County Clerk, Suffolk County ' '- PI'EASE :r:YPE OR PRE$~ FiRM~-Y WHEN 'WRITING ON' ~)~K4-- ............... INSTRUCTIONS; hEp'J/www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Ir. OR COUNTY USE ONLY . ~ I ( J "N ,'") o,~' ~ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT c~. s~s cod, I m. Dm Dend Ih,corded · ~.. ~, ,--- .-. , wmm,m,,i ..-I~1) . 5217 I .. ..... ..~. [ , ..?-, 6,0,0. O, 0.0, o, o[ INFORMATION - Dam should rdlec~ the 18te~t Fin.I A&smment Roll and 'Tax Bill I I I I I CERTIFICATION id' nny v, ifll'ul lobe dnmntt~t ut' material fnd hm~4n ',* ill ~bJed me tn the orovtdom d the ~m~ IGv/n4atiq,~. ;o die makinK and taint (if. tw illgtGL~. ·  BUYER'S ATrORNEY I NEW YORK STATE COPY