HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-07/05/1983BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES July 5, 1983 REGULAR MEETING 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees was held on Tuesday, July 5, 1983 at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Present: Absent: Vice-President Frank Kujawski Trustee Henry Smith Trustee John Bednoski Trustee John DiVello Bay Constable Tom Czelatka Clerk Ilene P£i££erling Trustee Paul Stoutenburgh Vice-President Frank Kujawski called the meeting to order. On motion made by John Bednoski seconded by John DiVello and carried, the minutes of the June 7, 1983 meeting were approved. On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski and carried, the minutes of the June 14, 1983 meeting were approved. On motion made by Frank Kujawski seconded by Henry Smith and carried, the date for the next regular Trustee meeting will be held on August 9th. A work session will be held at 7:00 P.M. The regular meeting will resume at 7:30 P.M. On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski and carried, the mooring renewal permits, for the month of August were approved. INGEBORG G. MUELLER On motion made by John DiVello seconded by Henry Smith it was RESOLVED to approve the application o£ Ingeborg G. Mueller to amend a previous permit for a dock in Mattituck Creek. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski LUDWIG FIEDLER On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Ludwig Fiedler to place an offshore stake with pulley ~line to onshore stake in Narrow River, with the provision that the boat does not swing into any other boat or impede navigation. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski PETER MCDONNELL On motion made by John Bednoski seconded by John DiVello ii was RESOLVED to approve the application of Peter McDonnell to place an offshore mooting (100 lb.) in Town Creek, Southold, with the provision that the boat does not swing into any other boat or impede navigation. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ Messrs. Kujawski~ Smith, Bednoski, DiVello LILLIAN M. FRIEMANN On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Lillian M. Friemann to amend her previous permit for a dock in Little Creek, Cutchogue. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski RICHARD HILTZ On motion made by John DiVello seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Richard Hiltz to construct a bulkhead 25~ and to dredge in a dug canal at Harbor Lights, Southold. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski RICHARD HILTZ - WETLAND APPLICATION #146 On motion made by John DiVello seconded by John Bedno~ki it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the Wetland Application 2146 for Richard Hiltz to construct a bulk- head 25' and to dredge in a dug canal at Harbor Lights, Southold. Vote of Board~ Ayes; Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski ANTHONY FOROSICH On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to approve the application o£ Anthony Forosich To construct a bulkhead consisting of a 25' section connected 5' landward of corner of existing bulkhead extending southward and a 5' section in E-W direction~ Bulkhead will be landward of MHW. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski ANTHONY FOROSICH - WETLAND APPLICATION ~147 On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the Wetland Application #147 for Anthony Forosich to construct a bulkhead consisting of a 25' section connected 5' landward of corner of existing bulkhead extending southward and a 5' section in E-W direction. Bulkhead will be landward of MHW. Vote of Board; Ayes~ Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski GEORGE KOCH On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to approve the application of George Koch to construct a timber bulkhead as follows: 25' section, 57' section, 19' section, westerly section is to connect to proposed bulkhead of Forosich. Easterly to connect to proposed bulkhead of Hiltz. Bulkhea~ will be above MHW. Construction of a Timber dock consisting of 3- 4' x 18' floats arranged in a "V" shape secured by (4) 8 x 20' pilings, in a dug canal at Harbor Lights, Southold. Vote o~ Board: Ayes: Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski GEORGE KOCH - WETLAND APPLICATION #148 On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by JOhn DiVello it was RESOLVED zo recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the Wetland Application #148 for George Koch to construct a J timber bulkhead; as per application. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Kujawski, DiVello, Smith, Bednoski GUSTAVE KIMMINS On motion made by Henry Sm'~th seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to approve the application for Gustave Kimmins to place a mooring off of a float in Mattituck Creek. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski PENELOPE J. SMITH On motion made by John Bednoski seconded by Henry Smith it was RESOLVED to approve the application'for Penelope J. Smith to place an offshore mooring (100 lb.) in Little Creek, with the provision that the boat does not swing into the channel or interferewith any other boat. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski ALEXANDER KAMINSKI On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Alexander Kaminski to place an offshore mooring (200 lb.) in Goose Creek, with the provision that the.boat does not swing into the channel or interfere with any other boat. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Kujawski, Smith, DiVello, Bednoski SCOTT RUDOLPH On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Scott Rudolph to place an offshore mooring (150 lb.) in James Creek, with the provision that the boat does not swing into the channel or interfere with any other boat. If this becomes a problem, he will be asked to secure the stern. Voze of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, DiVello, Kujawski, Bednoski FRED J. CARCICH On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Fred J. Carcich to amend a previous permit for a dock in Eugene's Creek, Cutchogue. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski FRED J. CARCICH - WETLAND APPLICATION ~149 On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the Wetland Application #149 for Fred J. Carcich to amend a previous permit for a dock in Eugene's.Creek, Cutchogue. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski, Smith SY & FRIEDA STAHL On motion made by John Bednoski seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Sy & Frieda Stahl to replace ll5' of deteriorated bulkhead with new wood bulkhead not to exceed 18" in front of existing one, with approximately 100 yds. of clean backfill to be trucked in. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski BROADWATERS COVE ASSOCIATION On motion made by John Bednoski seconded by Henry Smith it was RESOLVED to approve the application of the Broadwaters Cove - - Association to repair three eight foot sections of deteriorated bulkhead, in Broadwaters Cove, Cutchogue. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski ROBERT PATCHELL On motion made by Frank Kujawski seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Robert Patchell to construct lO0' of timber bulkhead and a 23' return above MHW line. Construction of a 4' x 70' fixed dock will lead to a 3' x 15' ramp and a 6' x 18' float secured by two 6" spiles, in Mattituck Creek, with the provision that the fixed dock will be a 4' x 50' and there will be 2- 6' x 18' floats and that the bulkhead will be kept in line with the exhisting bulkheads. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski ROBERT PATCHELL - WETLAND APPLICATION ~150 On motion made by Frank Kujawski seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Robert Patchell to construct 100' of timber bulkhead and a 23' return above MHW line. Construction of a 4' x 70 fixed dock will lead to a 3' x 15' ramp and a 6' x 18' float secured by two 6" spiles, in Mattituck Creek, with the provision that the fixed dock will be a 4' x 50' and there will be 2- 6' x 18' floats and that the bulkhead will be kept in line with the exhisting bulkheads. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski DOUGLAS WASHBURN On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVEDto approve the application of Douglas Washburn to place an offshore stake with pulley line to onshore stake in Narrow River, Orient with the provision that the boat does not swing into any other obat, or impede navigation. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski DONALD PASSUDETTI On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Donald Passudetti to place an offshore mooring (loo lb.) in Gull Pond, with the provision that the boat does not swing into any other boat or impede navigation. Location is off Koch & Honings Dock. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, K~jawski, DiVello, Bednoski HARRY G. FARRELL On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Harry G. Farrell to place an offshore stake with pulley line to onshore stake in Gull Pond, his location will be between the Pell and Tuthill area. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski EUGENE KESSLER On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Eugene Kessler to place an offshore mooring (400 lb.) in Gull Pond. His location will be off the Town Ramp, making sure that he does not block the ramp or swing into any other boat. As soon as his number is posted, the trustees asked that he notify them or the Bay Constable. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski ROSEMARY R. RAMO On motion made by Henry Smtih seconded by John Bednoski it~ was RESOLVED to approve the application of Rosemary R. Ramo to place an offshore mooring (400 lb.) in Gull Pond. Her location will be off the Town Ramp. This permit is given with the provision that the boat does no~ swing into any other boat or impede navigation. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski WILLIAM & CAROLINE HESS On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of William & Caroline Hess ~o place an offshore mooring (100 lbl) in Gull Pond, with the provision that the boat does not swing into any other boat or impede navigation. Location will be off the Town Ramp. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski ANTHONY CENSOPLANO On motion made by Frank Kujawski seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Anthony Censoplano to place a mooring in Mattituck Creek. The Trustees requested that Mr. Censoplano place permit no. 184 on his dock, seeing that a permit was found for that structure, under a previous owners name. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski ROBERT J. SKINNER On motion made by John DiVello seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED ~o approve the application of Robert J. Skinner to secure a permit number for a bulkhead 120' in Mattituck Creek~ under the Grandfather Clause. Vote of Board; Ayes~ Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski EMILY JENSEN On motion made by John DiVello seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED ~o approve the application of Emily Jensen to secure a permit number for a floating dock consisting of 2- 5' x 20' floats in Eugene's Creek, under the Grandfather Clause. Vote of Board~ Ayes~ M~s~ys~ ~mith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski J. R. HOLMES On motion made by John DiVello seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of J. R. Holmes to secure a permit number for a bulkhead 25' and a dock in Mattituck Creek, under the Grandfather Clause. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski SAMANTHA NAGEL On motion made by John DiVello seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Samantha Nagel to secure a permit number for a bulkhead and dock in Mattituck Creek, under the Grandfather Clause. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski MATTITUCK FISHING STATION On motion made by John DiVello seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED zo approve the application of the Mattituck Fishing Station to secure a permit number for a bulkhead and docks in Mattituck Creek, under the Grandfather Clause. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski ELIZABETH V. FOX On motion made by John DiVello seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Elizabeth V. Fox to secure a permit number for a dock in Mattituck Creek, under zhe Grandfather Clause. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski RAYMOND J. KENNEY On motion made by John DiVello seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Raymond J. Kenney to secure a permit number for a retaining wall 150' with two revurns and to repair a catwalk and the addition of a 4' x 12' dock with 4 pilings, in East Creek, under the Grandfather Clause. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVetlo, B~dnoski GUSTAVE KIMMINS On motion made by Henry Smith seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to table the application of Gustave Kimmins to secure a permit number for a bulkhead in Mattituck Creek, until the TrusTees go down and look at the structure. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski The Trustees decided that the mooring space in Gull Pond is filled to capacity. There will be no additional moorings given out until a cancellation becomes available, or when another survey is made of the area and room is found for additional moorings. Trustee Kujawski advised that an assistant for Miss Lori Brooks has been hired, she is Debbie Shalvey, together they are working on this years creek survey. On motion made by John DiVello seconded by Henry Smith and carried the meeting was adjourned at 9:I0 P.M., there being no further business To come before the board.