HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-06/14/1983-SBOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES June 14, 1983 SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting o£ the Board of Southold Town Trustees was held on Tuesday, June 14, 1983 at the Town Halls Main Road, Southold, New York. Present were~ Absent was~ President Paul Stoutenburgh Vice-President Frank Kujawski Trustee Henry Smith Trustee John Bednoski Bay Constable Tom Czelatka Clerk Ilene Pfifferling Trustee John DiVello President Stoutenburgh called the meeting to order. Trustee Smith read the application of Gustave J. Wade, in which he is requesting an easement at the end of East Road, Cutchogue, New York. President Sto~tenburgh took the liberty of giving a brief history of the area, seeing that he has lived there mos~ of his younger years and is very familiar with the location. He explained that the area was a marsh. It was filled and in doing so, trustee land was filled in. Since then there has been much litigi_t.ion. The Trustees and Mr. Glover went to court. Mr. Glover was awarded an island. A boundary line was established, Mr. Glover, Fleets Neck Property Owners Associations amd the Trustees agreed to the boundaries that were drawn up in the agreement. Secretarys Ilene Pfifferling read a letter from Mr. Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent of Highways in which it was stated ~hat~ "The Town. Highway known as East Road, from the guardrail easterly from the high-water mark into former Eugene's Creek, is deemed to be a public highway and upon examination of all the facts it has been determined no~ to have been abandoned." President Stoutenburgh asked if there were any comments from the Board at this time. There were no comments. Richard J. Kron addressed the board, on behalf of Mr. Wade. He spoke about the parcel between the "Island" and the end of East Road. He added that there is some question as to whether the trustees do, in £act, still have jurisdiction over the strip that was filled. President Stoutenburgh clarified the matter, with reassuring Mr. Kron, that the Trustees met with Attorney Robert Tasker, in regard to this matter and the Trustees were advised that this parcel is, in fact, Trustee property. Dr. Wi.lliam Hennigan~ President of the Fleet's Neck Property Owners Association addressed the Board. He is opposed to a change. He has enjoyed many years o£ using this strip of land to get to the beach. He has enjoyed the turnover of peopled coming and going. He wants this area to be kept a beach area. Mr. Nowacheck added that this strip has been used by the - - Fleet's-Neck Property Owners Association for over 15 years as access to the beach. He added that when the boundary lines were drawn up, neither parties were to breach this agreement. He added that this land belongs to the public, and requested that this agreement be respected. President Stoutenburgh added that all have the right to walk across Trustee property, because it belongs to all of the people of the Town, no one is denying anyone the right walk across that property. Mr~ Roy Haje spoke on behalf of Mr. Wade. He stated that Mr. Wade followed every procedure which was mandated by the D.E.C. with respect to the application. Ruth Oliva - N.F.E.C. added that any pollution from the cesspool would be very harmful to Eugene's Creek, and therefore, would recommend to deny the application. Trustee John Bednoski added that this has been one of the most difficult decisions that has come before the Board. After hearing both sides, the Board has come to a decision. ON MOTION made by John Bednoski seconded by Frank Kujawski it was RESOLVED to deny the application of Gustave J. Wade, for an easement at the end of East Road, Cutchogue, New York. VOTE OF BOARD: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Smith, Kujawski, Bednoski. ON MOTION made by Frank Kujawski seconded by Henry Smith it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Town Board approval of the wetland application for Annette Golden & Nicholas Carnes. VOTE OF BOARD: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh,~ Smtih, Kujawski, Bednoski. ON MOTION made by Frank Kujawski seconded by Henry Smith and carried, the special meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M., there being no further business to cQme before the Board. Resp~ect ful ly~s.ubmit t e~