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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12534 P 996NY 0tM - (~l~ilclnim Dec~ -- I~lividual or Caqx~'~ua ISin~l~ She~.tJ tNYBI'U MOOql CO,~ULT ¥OI. JR I.AWYER BF..FORE SlG~l.qO TIIl,q I N.~'I'I/IUM ILYr . TliL~ I N~TRL~.I ~'T NHOUI,D BE U~l~ BY LA WYF~%.q ONLY THIS iNDENTURE, made Ihe j~ day of C.~ ~ ~'~'~ , in ~he year 2007 BETWEEN JAMES J. DELGIO~O and PATRICIA DELOlO~O, husband and wife, r~ding at 2~ Meadow Lane, Ma~tuek, NY 11952, ~ 15027 Sterling ~ ~. ~ple8~ ~ 3~110, co~ecu~vely. party of the fi~l pan. and JAMES J. DELGIOI~NO residing at 24S Meadow Lane, Mattituck, NY 11952 party of the second pan, WITNESgETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration often Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the pony of the second pan, ~ hereby remlse, release and quitclaim unto the pony of the second Imrt, the heirs ¢x su~o..'~snes and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, ALL that cennin plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon ore.'ted, siluatc, lying and b~|ng inthe SEE SCHEDULE 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF TOGETIIER with nil right, title and interest, if nny. of I~ pony of the first pan of. in and to uny ~'ets :md reads nbattiug the above-de~crihed premises to the ceult'r lines I here~.ff: TOGETHER with thc nppunonances and all lire t'siate and ri~thu~ of the pony of the first part in and to said preudses: TO HA V E AN D TO HOLD the premises herein Sainted unto thc pony of the second pan, the heirs or successors and a.qrdgns of the party uf the ~-cond pan forever. AND the party of the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien, covonant~ that the pony of the fin~ pan will receive the consideration For this conveyance nnd will hold the tight to receive ~aeh consideration a.q a trust fund to he npplind first for Ihe purpo~: of paying the cost of the improvement nmi will apply the same first to the payment of the co.,a, of the improvement before using :my pan of the mud of thc same for uny other purpose, The word "party" shall be eon~tmed n~ i fit read "ponies" whenever the .v~n.~ of this indenture so requires. IN WITNK~ WHEREOF, the party of the first part hn.q duly execatnd Ihis &:ed the tiny and yom' first above written. IN PRE. SENCE OF: SCnEDU]-~ with thc buildings and impmvcmCntS ~emon cmccd, ALL t~a~tain'p!m, pi~c or'pa~clofln~d, of SuffOlk end State of Hew tt tuc , in one certain ~in~ k~wn and desi8natea as hot ~unme[ -~ -O~fice of c~e C~erk of the County York, particuLarlY bounded o[ ~cclcuck ~caces, Z~c."' and ~lled tn ~he SuffOlk o~ g/B/1965 un~e~ ~le ~umbeg ~53, said ~oc bei~ mo~e and described aa [ollO~S~ ~T~H~G s~ a point on the easterly side o[ ~eado~ Lane; distant cbe three coug~es ~d d~scances as measured alon~ the easterlY, northeasterly and northerly s/des o[ Neadov Lane t~om a pot~C where the most easterly c~ve ~e incegsecCS che.souchvesce~ZY s/de o~ Ca,dina1 Dcive~ ~) veaCe~lY along the arc o[ a curve baa~in~ Co the le~C havin~ a gadius o[ 50.00 ~eeC a dis~ce aZon8 said curve o~ 78.5~ Ieee; 2) ~ouch~sce~lY ~1on8 the 'a~c o[ anoche~ curve ~ea~ co the le[C having a ~adius o[ 131.98 ~eeC a distance alon~ sai~ curve o[.93.15 IEee; 3) ~C~ South 6 desgees 37 minutes 50 seconds ~esc., 57.2g ~eeC co the point or place o~ begin~in~, said pOint o[ be8innln~ also bain8 where the ~tvision line . bet~en lots 37 s~d ~8 on the above mentioned map Intersects the easterly side ~eadow ~ne; last RUN~TNG ~{~CE South 83 degrees, 22 minutes 10 seconds East alon~ said mentioned division line, 200.00 leer; THENCE'South 6 de~rees 37 minutes ~0 seconds West slon8 the easterly side of Lot 38, 100.00 ~eet to the division line between lots 3~ and 39 as shown on the above mentioned map; . ~ ~CE ~orch 83 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds West along said 1sst mentioned diviSiOn line, 200,~ feet to the easterly side o[ HeadOW T~ENCE ~orth 6 de8tees 37 minutes ~ seconds Eas~ s~on8 the easterly s~de o~ ~eadow ~ne, t~.~ [eec to the point or place o~ U.e. BACI~OP/I.~.D~F. JgTI:O&;fBleJ. OW~i~IMHNE'A'YoRRS'~ATRO, VL~ ~'tale of New York, County of Suf folk }~: Onthe 19dayof December in~heycar 200? ~fo~ mc, th~ unde~ignnd, per~ooalJy a_ppgan~d _ James J. Delg~orno aha ratrlcxa Del$to£no. pe~onnlly kflovm to me or peoved to me on th~ ba~ of nfisfanuy evidean~ to ~' the individual(s} whose name(s} is (am) sob~crihed tt) de within imwmem and anknowlnd~,nd to m~ thai he/shedh~, ,~cculcd O~ .~ur~ in hhOhm'/~ir capan~tyties~, and tluu by his/hcrAheir sisnaturels) on the isu'um~t, the individual(s), or ~.e pecan upon b~alf of which ~h~ individual(s} acmt. vtcumt Ihe in.qtmmen~. ACIO,'OWI.r. OGM/,~rI'FOItaJ FOIt f.l.~. WITHI# NEW ~0~ S~ofNew Yo~ ~umy ~ } ~: ~e ~yof ~ly ~. who. ~ng~ ~ ~y s~ ins~m~t; Iht s~d ~nS wi~q ~ ~nt ex~ ~c ~: ond ~m ~d wimps m the ~ On i~ in thc )car 2007 pc~onafly wilhin insaumcfl( and on the imtmmcnt, thc individualts) acted, l m~dc such. whose narf~c(s) is (arc) sulw.'rihed to the mc ch.'u he/~e/Ihey exccutnd anti tha~ ,~uah individual o~her plate the at~b¥~v, lledgment ~m la~n~ y or QurI'Ci,AiM DU.I) DELGIORNO TO DELGIORNO FIDEI.ITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK ~.,.~.,~. Fidelity DIS"f~ICT S ,~flON BLOCK LOT COUK'TY OR TOWN RECORDED AT REOUI'~T OF' I,'iddity Nnflonnl TItk Insurance Company of New York RETURtl BY MAIL tO OLSEN & OLSEN LLP P. O. BOX 706 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 umber of pa&es , ,TORRENS ;edal # :nrdficate fi. 'der Cfi. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument "l 'age / Filing Fee tandllng 'P-584 I Jotation ~,A-52 ]? (CounW) · :A-52 ] 7 (State) ' LP.T.$.A. ' So:nm. ot'~. Copy :)the." ;-I 05. Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES RECOR[,'E:D 200? D~: 26 10-'50;10 Judith Ir. Pascale CLER~ OF SUFFOLK C:OIJNTV L 000012534 DT# Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Aim. Sub Total /.5O GRAND TOTAL Real P.,opcrty Tax Service Agency Verification I .?.'L_ s_,.?t!o,__.l_ ._.~_!~_k. I 1,000 :].1500 OS00 003000 Stamp :)ate nitiais J Satisfactions,,.,,.a,,,a,r, ca, r,,cmases btst rroperty Owners Mailk RECORD & R.~TURJ~l TO: OL~EH & OLSEN LLY P. O. BOX 706 Clrl'CHOGUE, NY 11935 Lot I. Basic Tax 2, Additional ']'ax Sub Tolal S~c.lAssit, O~ Spec. ladd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town ,, Dual County Held for Apportionment Transfer. Tai ~-- Mansion Tax .The property covered by this morl~age is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES~orNO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # __ of this ins, rument. Cc~m.municy PrcscrvationbF,~d 'Considerat o.n Amount $ il .CPFTaxDue S '~ ImproVed Vacant Land _ TD TD Co. Name Title # Suffolk County Recording, & DEED Th/s page forms pm of the auache~I JAHES J. DELGIORIqO AIID PATRICIA DKLGIORNO TO JAHES J. DEUIIORliO Title Company Information ',ement Page (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS-D~.~rr ) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNq'Y, NEW YORK. In th,' Township of ~ :he V~LLAOE. or HA~V~ET of made by: BOXES 5 TH~U 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINrrED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE T~pe of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~,~er of Pages: 4 Reoeipt ~,-~ez : 07-0118919 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-14561 Distriot: 1000 Deed~aount: Reco=ded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Blook: 115.00 05.00 EX~tI~D AND CI'IARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo 12/26/2007 10:50:10 /M4 D00012534 996 Lot: 0O3.OO0 bcei~d ~e Following Fees For ~o~ Ins~uaent Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO H~ndling CeE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-C~ $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cert. Copies $5.00 NO P~T Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~"--.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-14561 THZS PAGE IS A PART OF Tg~- INSTRUMENT TNZS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.0o $~5.oo $o.oo $30.00 $o.oo $15~.00 Exemp' NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pasoele County Clerk, Suffolk Count~ FOR COUN'W USE ONLY C1. SWIS Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INS:I'RUCTIONS: http://www, orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 . '.q,q RP 5217 PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. pre~ertv 245 2. Buyer LDel I I Xattitack } 11952 { jane8 J. I Roi pmest~ ~n~fMt~d on the rind I I ,of Parcels ~R ~ Pan of n Porcol 6. Died s. adler { De].&toEno { James J. Name Patricia I Deism°rD° SALE INFORMATION I {only B Pad of a 4A. I~larmino 9oofd with Sulxlivb~ae Authority E~ [] 4B. ~ubcleMion Approval was Required fat Trlflsfl~ [] -0- 13. FuJI SIb Frloe [ ] t ~ , I ~ [ t , 0 , I) J ! ! · ASSESSMENT INFORMAI~ON - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll end Tax Bill j Nope ~mndmfd)r [L'I~ hU~ill~l Jr. v~fe to husband i 1000-115.00-05.00-003 · 000 J I I t I I CERTIFICATIO~ I I cefllr~ thai all oflhe itmu ~r InTofl~atkm enmwd e~ tldN rom art tree a~ ~ (to ~e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ ~ ht I~ ~k~ any.' wLqful [dqe Alamnml of melerbd ~.q bm.dh will mb,~d mt* M Ibe pn~lshu el* lie meal law rela~w lo the maldall and r,u,,z ,~ hr,, b~m,,~',~. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY O:tseo & 01sen Li.P I 631 I 734-7666 I NEW YORK STATE COPY c7 i ^ , IIV