HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12535 P 320 'fOUR LAWYER SeFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT -- THIS IN$'f"LIMENT SHOULD BE USEO BY LAW'YE.e ONLY. :~"~-*) I TH IS IND ~..N'I URE. maoe the 1 ? th~ dayof September . 2007 u,d BETWEE~ NO CONSIDER- ATION District: 1000 Section: 10300 Block: 1000 Lot: 010000 CAROLINE KUJAWSKI, residing at ! 145 Delmar Drive, Laurel, New York I 1948, as Trustee, of the CAROLINE KUJAWSKI LIVING TRUST, dated November 22, 1999 party of the tirol pan. and MICHAEL ,J. MARSCHEAN, 4-R., residing at 984 Swayzc Avenue, Washington Cross, PA 18977, as Traslee, of the CAROLINE KUJAWSKI IRREVOCABLE TRUST dated September 17, 2007 WITNESSETH, that thc puny of the first pen. in consideration of ten dollars'and olher valuable consideralion paid by [he puny of thc second pan, doe? hereby grant and release unto the puny of the second pan, [he heirs or successors end assig~ of the @any of the second pen for~ver. ALL t~.;,l'ce~ain ploL piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvement~ thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the hamlet of Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as two parcels adjoining, as follows: PARCEL FIRST, as recorded at the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk in Liber 2196 of deeds at page 595, and as described more fully on the RIDER OF DESCRIPTION nttaehed hereunto; and PARCEL SECOND, as recorded at the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk in Liber 3285 of deeds al page 43, and as described more fully on the RIDER OF DESCRIPTION attached hereunto. SUBJECT to any state of fac~s an accurate sun(.ey may show .... ,.::- SUBJEC'r to any covenants, easements and restrictions of record,.if-any. ... . ·; .. TOGETHER w,th all right, title and i.teresl, if any, of the party of the first Ourt. in and to any .,;trcet~; and roads abulling the above-de:~cribed premise~ lO the center lines Ihereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances nnd all Ihe estme and rights of the puny 6f ifil'first part in and m said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe premi~s heroin grained unto ~he party u[ the ~econd part. the heir~ or successo~ and u~igns of the party of the Recond purl forever. A ND thc putty of the fir~l pa~t covenum~ that the party of th~ flr~s p,~* hu.~ not done .r ~ufl~red anyshin~ whereby th~ ~uid premi~e~ hav~ been encumbered in any way whatever, e~ctpt a~ aforesaid. AND ~hc putty nf ihe I~r~t pure. in compliance with Section 13 o1' the Lien Law. covenum~ tha~ ~hc putty of thc firsl pall will receive Ihg confederation t~r this conveyance uno w~l hold ~he riehl In receive such cnnsider- a[iOn a~ a flus[ fund ~o be applied first for (he purpose of payin~ u~c co~[ of ~he improvement and will apply (he ~ume tirol [o [he payment of [he cos[ of Ibc improvemcm bcfo~c ~ing any par[ of [he (olal of ~he ~amc for any other purpose. The word "purly" shall be con~Jrued us il' il read "panics" whc.ever t~= ~t nf Ihis indcmurc sh require~. tN WITNESS WHEREOR the parly ne' the fir~l part hu~ duly exc ..... Ibis deed the day an~ year 5~1 ;l~vc Carol ine~.Kuj awskt ,' :as · trustee RIDER OF DESCRIPTION BEGINNING PARCEL FIRST at a stake set at the point of the intersection of floe westerly line of Stroh~on Road with the northeasterly comer ofland now or formerly of Zee Mildred W. Doran; running thence along the northerly line of land or formerly of Zee Mildred W. Doran north 84 di:grees 54' 20" west, two hundred forty feet (240'); thence north :5 degrees 05' 40" east, parallel with the westerly line of Strohson Road, one hundred feet (10ft), thence south 84 degrees :54' 20" east, two hundred forty feet (240% to the westerly line of Suohson Road; and thence along the westerly line of Strohson Road. south 5 degrees 0:5' 40" west, one hundred feet (100') to the point or place of beginning. BEGINNING PARCEL SECOND al a point on the easterly side of [.ittle Neck Road where the land now or formerly of Z. Mildred Doran adjoins the land oftbe party of the first part; running thence easterly along the dividing line between the said lands now or fomaerly of Soper and of Doran, 225.98 feet more or less, to the westerly line of land of the party of the first part in PARCEl. FIRST; thence running northerly at right angles to the last mentioned course, and along the said westerly line of land of said party of floe first pm'l, 100 feet to other lands now or formerly of Sopor; thence along other lands now or formerly of Sopor, north 84 degrees 54' 20" west, 234.40 feet more. or less, to fl0e easterly side of Little Neck Road; and thence southerly along the easterly side of Little Neck Road, 100.3:5 feet more or less to the point or place of beginning. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE same premises conveyed by deed dated November 22, 1999 recorded in Deed 12010 Page g26 on December 30, 1999 in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk. Acknowledgement taken in New York Slate Slale ol NewYork, Counly of NASSAU , ss. g , ~. on'ally, appeared C.aj .].,re i~ownt~e K awski oer~,una,y me or proved to me on Ihs basis of sahslactory ~i~e~e ~ ~ ~e ~l~J ~ ~Js) is ~ (~e~ su~scr~ed lO the within ~nstrument and a~n~ledged ~ ~ me Ihal helshel;hey execuled the same in his/her/Ihelr ~ ca~achy(ies), an~ {hal by his/he~/thair signature(s) on the / ;ns;rumant, Ihs indiv~ual(s) or the person upon behalt of which J Ina individual(s) acme. execuled the inslru~ent. Notary Public Beth ~l~ A~ Notary Pu~lc. 8~ M ~Yo~k ~allfi~ In N~ ~n~_ ~mmll~l~ Ex,rea Nov. ~ ~ ~ Acknowledgement by Subscribing Witness taken In New York State Sidle of New York, County el , .ss: ~n the day el , in the year :he undersigned, personally appeared , balers me, he subsCribing witness to Ihs Ioregoing insIrument, with whom am personally acquainled, who being by me duly sworn, did :leDose and say, Ihat ha/she/Ihey reside(s) in hat neJshe/zhey know(s) o be Ihs individual described in abd who execuled Ihs oregoing instrumenl; Ihat said subscribing wilness was )resent and saw said !xecute the same; and thai said wJmeaa al the same dine ~ubscnbed his/her/their name(s) as a wilness lhereto. ills No.:. Caroline KuJawski,as trustee of he Caroline Kujawski Living Trust ated November 22, ]999 TO Michael j. Marschean, Jr.ras trustee f the Caroline Kujawski Irrevocable rust dated September ]7, 2007 m Distributed by I Chicago Title Insurance Company Acknowledgement taken In New York State Stale of New York, County ol On Ihs day of . in the year Ihs undersigned, personally appeared · before me, personally known to me or proved lo me on Ihs basis et sa;isfaclory evidence lo be I~e in~iv~ual(s) wtmse name(e) is (m'eJ subscribed to the within instrumenl and ac~m~ged to me Ihat he/she/they execulecl Ihs same in hlsIherllheir ca!~aclly(ies), and thai by h~slhedtheir signalure(a) on the instrument, the individual(s) or Ihs pemon upon befall o! which tl~e individual(s) dried, executed the Instrument. Acknowledgement taken outside New York State · State o; , Couniy oF · (or inserl Olslncl el Columbia, Territory, Possession or Foreign Country) , SS: On the day el , in Ihs year the undersigned, personally appeared , balers me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis salisfaclory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to Ihs wilhin inslrument and acknowledged me thai he/shellhe¥ executed Ihs same in hislherlthmr capacJly(ies), that by hislheHIheir signalure($) on inslrumenl, the individual[s) or the person upon behsl~ O! which ~he individual(s) acted, execuled the instrument, and Ihal such individual mede such appearance before the unclemlgne~ in the add Ihe ciw or Oolilical subdivision and the Sidle or counlry or olher place Ihs acknOwledgemenl was laken). SECTION 103,00 BLOCK 1 LOT 010~000 COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAIL TO.* Beth Polner Abrahams,Esq. 300 Garden City Plaza Suite 404 Garden City,New York11530 Zip No. Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Cenificate # Prior Ct£ # Deed I Mon~aae Instrument "1 Page I Filing Fee I-landliag TP-58a .'700 Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Notation r'A-~2 17 (County) -EA-.52 I? (State) FL P.T.S.A. Comm. or Ed. Affidavit Cenilled Copy Reg. Copy Other 5 O0 sub,., 7S oo ____~ ~__~ Sub Total ~ O NOTOTAL OO Lot Real P,,,p~iy Tax Service Agency Verification Dis,. ! Section I Block I Stamp 07037228 looo zoaoo zooo oloooo . Oate ~ -- Initials ions/Dischar~s/Rel~asea List ProperS, Owner's Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Law Office of Beth Polner Abrahams 300'Garden City Plaza, Suite 404 Garden City, NY 11530 RECOP, I~.D 2007 Dec 28 09:~2:38 PJ4 J'udit, h A. Pascale CLERK ~ SUFFO[X COL~ITy L 0000125,%5 P 320 RecordinB I Filin[l Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Addhiona! Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. Or Spec. 1Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Apporlianment Transfer Tax O Mansion Tax The property covered by this mort§age is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If'NO. sec appropriate tax clause on page # O~r chis instrument c/17-2oo7 Community ?reservmion Fund Consideration Amount S 0 CPF Tax Due $ Improved Yacallt Land To /6 TD ID Suffolk page fozms part offl~ attacl~l Title Company Information Co. Name Title # & Endorsement Deed nlade by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Caroline Ru'}awski, as Truste~ of The premises herein is situated in the Caroline Kujawski Livlna Trust a/t/dSUFFOLKCOUNTY, NEWYORK '1'~/22/lg99 TO In the Tovmship of $outhold Mtchaal .?. Ma'r'seh~_an. .Ir.. as Tru~.e IntheVILLAOE of the Caroline l(u~a~skt. Irrevocable Cutchogue Trurt or HAMLET of d/t/d g/l?/200? BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FIL~IG. SUFFOLK COUNTY CT-~-~K RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD N"m~r of Pages: 4 RooeiptNumbor : 07-0119591 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-14803 Dis~rict: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 103.00 10.00 EXAMINED AI~ CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Abov~ Instrument Exempt .~.A.'~o/Filing $12. O0 NO Hand/ing c. oE, $5. O0 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO HA- STATE TP;584 $5.00 NO Notation Cert. Copies $ 0.00 NO RPT Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~-- . Pres TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-14803 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE ZNSTRU~&qT THIS IS NOT A HILL Judi~/1A. Pascals County Clerk, Suffolk County 12/28/2007 09:32:38 ~ D00012535 320 Lot: 010.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $30.00 NO $0.00 NO $152.00 - PLEAS~ TYP~ OR'PRES~ FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUC'ilONS: h~tp:/! www.orps.$tate.ny.us or PHONE (518} 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY . ~'7 I / , ,DAOi RP - 5217 PROPt~RT¥ INeORMATION I · ¢:~ I it af Pnrce~ QR I~l Pan ~f n Pnr~l ~ Dlecl P-P,~y L lxl Io, 1 . .I .0.~1 L s~ I Ku~aw~kt. an ~u~tn~ I ~n~olln~ i9 / 17 /07 I Ched~ the M-~ IMow is tlmy aFel~. estate planninq-transfer to trust ./-/iD..~ .(')1_ I nin~? lnnn I I Section: 103,,00 I BUYER Avenue Washington CroSS~l PA f18977 SELER BUYER~ ATI'ORNEY Polner~Abrahsms I Beth (516) I 741-9175 JJ~A EOM i NEW YORK STATE COPY