HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-03/01/1983BOARD OP TOWN TRUSTEES MINUTES The regular meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees was held at 7:30 PoMo~ Tuesday, March 1~ 1983, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold0 New York° Present were: President Paul Stoutenburgh Vice-Pres° Frank Kujawski Trustee Henry Smith Trustee John DiVello Trustee John Bednoski Clerk I!ene Pfifferling Kerry Klipp Carol Wade Gustave Jo Wade Priscilla Zimmer Ruth Oliva, NoFoEoCo John Slater Edith Ao Vanderbeck Anthony Nowachek Dro William Hennigan President Stoutenburgh called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. On motion made by John Bednoski, seconded by Henry Smith and carried~ the minutes of the February l0 1983 meeting were approved° On motion made by Frank Kujawski, seconded by John Bednoski and carried~ the minutes of the special meeting of February 18, 1983 were approved° On motion made by Henry Smith, seconded by Frank Kujawski and carried~ the mooring renewal permits for the month of Aprii were approved° On motion made by Frank Kujawski, seconded by John Bednoski~ it.was RESOLVED to approve the application of John Billman to place a mooring in Hallocks Bay, Orient, with the provision that it does not interfere with_ other boats moored and it will not swing out into the channel. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso StoUt~nburgh, Smith, Kujawski0 Bednoski, DiVelloo The Board agreed that a letter be sent to Mr° Henry Raynor, and the Planning Board members, in reference to a launching ramp giving access to the sound in the MattituCk Creek area° A location for a ramp in the Orient area to give access to the bay is suggested also. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Smith~ Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Bednoski~ DiVello. -2- On motion made by John Bednoski~ seconded by John DiVello~ it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Fritz Kohn to construct a bulkhead 60" long, in SChoolhouse Creek~ Cutchogueo Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh~ Smith~ Kujawski, DiVello, Bednosk~ On motion made by John Bednoski~ seconded by John DiVello, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the wetland application ~121, of Fritz Kohn~ to construct a bulkhead 60' long~ in Schoolhouse Creek~ Cutchogueo Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs~ Stoutenburgh~ Kujawski~ Smith, DiVello, Bednoski On motion made by John Bednoski, seconded by John DiVello~ it was RESOLVED that in the future any construction commencing or finishing without approval will be subject to a minimum fine of $100o A discussion was held in reference to the Trustees having jurisdiction to set fines° Mro Stoutenburgh'reported that he would check with Attorney Tasker in regard to the matter~ and report to the Boar~ at the next meeting~ April 5~ 1983. On motion made by John Bednoski, seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to rescind the motion in reference to setting fines. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh, Ku3awski, Smith, Bednoski~ DiVello On motion made by John DiVello~ seconded by Henry Smith, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Robert & Patricia Troxel to construct a 65' bulkhead in James Creek, Mattituck~ with the provision that there is a 10' return on the east end° Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh~ Smith, Kujawski~ DiVello, Bednoski On motion made by John DiVello~ seconded by Henry Smith~ it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the wetland application $122~ of Robert & Patricia Troxel to construct a 65' bulkhead in James Creek~ Mattituck, with the provision that there is a 10' return on the east end° Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh~ Smith, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoski On motion made by Frank Kujawski, seconded by John Bednoski, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of John Bubany to maintenance dredge approximately 25'x 50' to depth 4+ below MLW within exhisting boat slip~ in Eugene's Creek~ Cutchogue~ with the provision that this is a one time maintenance dredging and not ten years~ as per application° Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh, Smith Bednoski, Kujawski, DiVello -3- On motion made by Frank Kujawski, seconded by John Bednoski~ it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of wetland application $123~ of John Bubany to maintenance dredge approximately 25' x 50' to depth 4+' below MLW within existing boat slip, in Eugene's Creek~ Cutchogue, with the provision that this is a one time maintenance dredging and not ten years, as per application. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh, Smith~ Kujawski~ DiVello, Bednoski On motion made by Henry Smith, seconded by Frank Kujawski it was RESOLVED tO approve the application of Chester Koloski to maintenance dredge an area approximately 25' x 50~ to depth 4+' below MLW within existing boat slip~ in Eugene's Creek, Cutchogue~ with the provision that this is a one time mainte- nance dredging and not ten years~ as per application° Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Smith~ Kujawski~ DiVello, Bednoski On motion made by Henry Smith~ seconded by Frank Kujawski ~ it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the wetland application~ $124, of Chester Koloski to mainte- nance dredge an area approximately 25' x 50' to depth 4~' below MLW within existing boat slip~ in Eugene's Creek~ Cutchogue~ with the provision that this is a one time mainte~ nance dredging and not ten years~ as per application° Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh~ Smith Kujawski~ DiVello~ Bednoski Mr. Gustave Jo Wade appeared before the board to petition the Trustees for an easement from the end of East Road to his property~ on which he would like to construct his home° Mr° Anthony Nowachek appeared in behalf of the Fleet's Neck Property Owners Association° Also~ present was Dr° William Hennigan, President of the Fleet's Neck Property Owners Association° On motion made by Frank Kujawski, seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to table the application of Gustave Jo Wade for an easement at the end of East Road~ Cutohogue~ until the next meeting on April 5~ 1983~ unless more time is needed for the- Fleet's Neck Property Owners Association ahd Mr° Wade to get together and discuss the situation° Vote of Board: Ay~s~ Messrso Kujawski, Bednoski~ Opposed: Stoutenburgh Abstained: Smith~-Di~eliO~otion Defeated -4- On motion made by Henry Smith, seconded by John DiVello it was RESOLVED to table the application of Gustave Jo Wade ~ntil the April 5~ 1983 meeting, Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs~ Smith, Stoutenburgh, DiVello, Kujawski, Bednoski On motion made by John Bednoski, seconded by Frank Kujawski it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Grace Bernhardt to place a mooring in Corey Creek, Southold, with the provision that it not swing out into the Channel. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, DiVello~ Bednoski, Smith On motion made by Frank Kujawski~ seconded by John Bednoski it was RESOLVED to deny the application of Constantine Po Georgiopoul0s~ to fill and raise grade of lot off Great Pond, Southoldo Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh~ Smith, Kujawski, DiVello~ Bednoski On motion made by Frank Kujawski, seconded by John Bednoski~ it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Town Board denial of the wetland application $~20 of Constantine Po Georgiopoulos to fill and raise grade of lot off Great Pond~ Southold. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Smith~ Stoutenburgh, Kujawski~ DiVello, Bednoski On motion made by Henry Smith, seconded by John DiVello, and carried it was RESOLVED that after the Trustees receive a copy of the DoEoCo permit that was issued to the Goose Bay Association, the Trustees will use this permit as a guideline to determine the amount of spoil that may be-dredged and the fee to be charged. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh~ Smith, DiVello, Kujawski, Bednoski In reference to the application of Walter Silbernagel to construct a dock in Broad~aters Cove~ Cutchogue, it was decided that a bill in the amount of $113.00 will be sent to Rambo Construction° In reference to the application of Robert & Patricia Fairlie~ to replace a bulkhead and~backfill in Jockey Creek,.Southold, it was decided that a letter be sent tb Roy Haje in reference to the fee for the bulkhead° Vote of Board: Ayes: M~ssrso Smith, Stoutenburgh~ Kujawski~ Bednoski, DiVello -5- A letter is to be directed to the Town Board to clear up the issue of how many clams can be taken by an individual with a permit, and accompained by a guest° The Trustees would like it to be an accumulative total of 100 clams per permit° On motion made by Mro Smiths seconded by Mro DiVello and carried~ the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PoMo, there being no further business to come before the board° The next meeting will be on April 5, 1983 at 7:30 PoMo Respectfully submitted, Clerk