HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-02/01/1983514 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees was held at 7:30 PM, Tuesday, February 1, 1983 at the Town Hall, M~i~ Road, Southold, New York° Present were: ~Presiden~ Paul St~utenburgh Vice-President Frank Kujawski 'Trustee Henry Smith Trustee John Bednoski Trustee John DiVello Bay Constable Tom Czelatka Clerk Ilene Pfifferling Marian Goubeaud Priscilla Zimmer Clinton Whitney Ruth Oiiva~ NoFoEoCo Gall Wickham Jarvis Verity Chester Begley President Stoutenburgh called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. On motion made by.Mr. Kujawski~ seconded by Mr° Smith and carried, the minutes of the January 11, ~t983 meeting were approved° President~Stoutenburgh introduced the new clerk, Ilene Pfifferling, and thanked Marian Goubeaud for all the fine work done in the past° President Stoutenburgh requested a copy of-the ,minutes be sent to -the Conservation Advisory Council.- A discussion was held On the possibility that the C°AoC. o could join the Trustees, on their monthly inspections. President-'StoutenbUrgh advised a letter be sent to them stating 'it would be mutually beneficial to both Boards. On motion made by Mro DiVello, s~conded by Mr. Bednoski, and carried,-the date for the next Trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday~ March la 1983 at 7:30 On motion made by Mr° Smith, seconded by Mr~ DiVello~ and carried, the mooring renewal permits for ~he, mon%h of March were approved. -On motion made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mro Kujawski, it was Resolved to~recommenR to the SoUthold Town Board to table the Wetland Application %118 of Virginia Jones to construct a ramp and floating dock and to dredge in Budd's Pond, Southoldo A site inspection was made, and Mr. Smith reported that the 515 ' information was conflicting, and requested that the applicant erect sticks with flags to show exactly where the structure will be. Clinton Whitney appeared as an interested party, requesting more information on this application° Vote of Board~ Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski, DiVelloo ~n motion made by Mr..K~jawski,. secgnded by ,Mr~ Smith, it RESOLVED to recommend to the Squthold Town Board approval of the Wetland Application %1t9 of Port of Egypt Marina to rearrange the existing docks with no net gain in slips. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski, DiVello. Discussion was held'in regard to a sign Port of Egypt Marina has erected in the channel in Budd's Pond° On their next field trip, the Trustees will 's~top and speak to Fir° Lieblein about it. Mr. Stoutenburgh ~reported that after a search of the files, no permit could be found for a dock that Helen Reiter has constructed in Mill Creek. The Board requested a letter be sent to Mrs° Reiter, stating she must submit an application for same° On motion made by Fir° Smith, 'secQnded by Fir° Bednoski, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Town Board to table the Wetland Application ~120 of Constantine Pc Georgiopoulos to fill lot with approximately 1000 cubic feet of off-site fillo The Board has to determine whether they have the same jurisdiction over Freshwater Wetlands as over T~.dal Wetlands° Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, ,Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski, DiVgllo~ A letter was,received from C0stigan, iHyman & Hyman, attorneys for Herbert Mandelo They r.equested that the~application of George Sabino and Frederick Gagen for moorings in Gull Pond be tabled° Also, they would like a conference scheduled to see if all issues-in regard to Gull Pond could be resolved amicably° Mr. Stou%enburgh excused himself ~rqm.the meeting to confer with Town Attorney Tasker to see ~f the Trustges should issue permits in Gull Pond. His answer was affirmative° On motion made by Mr. Smith~ seconded by Mr. Kujawski~ it was RESOLVED to approve the application of~r. George Sabino, to have an outboard boat on Pile %2 on the bulkhead, wi~ a stake in the creek, in Gull Pond~ Vote of Board~, Ayes: ~Messrso Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, smith~ Bednoski, DiVelloo On motion made by Mr° Smith, seconded b~ Mr. Kujawski, it was RESOLVED to approve the aPPlication of Mr° Frederick Gagen to place a mooring in Gull Pond. Vgte of Beard: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski~ DiVetlo° 516 As Mr. Gagen stated in his application that he intended to moor a 22 Ft~ inboard boat~ Bay Constable Cze!atka r~ised a question about the use of a boat that size in Gull Pond° As the Trustees had previously passed a resolution that outboard boats up to 20 Fro length only..~could be moored in Gull Pond~ therefore, ]the following resolution was offered: On motion made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mro Kujawski, it was RESOLVED to rescind the approval of Frederick Gagen's application. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrso Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski, DiVello. On motion made by Mr° Smith, seconded by Mro Bednoski, it was RESOLVED to table the application of Frederick Gagen until he sends a letter stating the type and length of another boat he will moor in Gull Pond° Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith, Stouterfourgh, Kujawski, DiVello, Bednoskio The Board requested a letter be sent to the Town Board requesting a sign be placed in Mattituck Inlet stating that all non-resident boats must tie up at commercial marinas or piers or anchor in the Federal Anchorage area, one mile to the south. They also would like to request four standard anchorage buoys to be placed at each corner of the Federal Anchoraqe area to eliminate any confusion with regard to its location. Representatives of the Southold Town Baymen's Association were present and a discussion was held on the success of the Seed Clam Program and the feasibility of starting & Chowder Clam Program. The Board requested an amended letter be sent to the Town Board in regard to the terms of office for the Trustees° The Trustees discussed the dredging projects of the town waters that were reviewed previously with Mr. Guldi. In regard to Robert and Patricia Troxel constructing a bulkhead off James Creek, the Board requested Mro Troxel fill out the necessary application and pay a $5°00 filing fee~ so that all structures in the Town are registered° In discussing Eel Grass transplanting, Mr. Stoutenburgh stated Jerry Churchill of Adelphi University will be out to inspect possible sites with the Trustees° Mro Stoutenburgh requested a letter be sent to John Wickham, inviting him to join them° A tentative date of March 5, 1983, has been set. On motion made by Mr~ Kuj~wski, :seconded by Mr~ DiVello and carried, the me~i~g'~S '~djourned at 9:00 PMo 517 Respectfully submitted .... Ilene Pfifferling, Clerk Southold Town Trustees