HomeMy WebLinkAbout6058 ;\t () tf eJ LL'fJ f.vUGA ""t /T .oDE s:r .~..l.JGh!HQlX;,E.-K~~_~~CJI)'r1,DL1.~ ~~r~ :fF~_ /Is AUlo- C!/)~ a..--PiER- dell10 t;bhnB!.. ho06C JDSu!fiC-/f36/ --fRONt 6ETI3AcI:.s c2.?~-Ic:2if (fDO-J'Ilf) SEE ,6fJ~~'fs1- PId- (jJ/d-'i?/07 -111M 7/13/07 / . 'APPEALS BOARD MEMBER~ James Dinizio, Jr., Chairman Gerard P. Goehringer Ruth D. Oliva Michael A. Simon Leslie Kanes Weisman http://southoldtown.northfork.net . Mailing Address: Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Office Location: Town Annex /First Floor, North Fork Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809' Fax (631) 765.9064 RECEIVED "tM-u! 3:~5p.m, JU( 1 7 ?J1J7 ~;;'~tl~ FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION -~ Town Clerk MEETING OF JULY 12, 2007 ZB File No. 6058 - Hugh and Anne O'Reilly Property Location: 25 Lighthouse Road and North Road, South old CTM 55-1-3.2 SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicants' property contains 37,375 square feet in an R40 Low-Density Residential Zone District with frontage along two roads: 53.68 feet along Lighthouse Road and 306.67 feet along Old North Road. The setbacks of the dwelling are shown on the August 7, 2006 survey prepared by Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for a Variance under Section 280-124 (100-244), based on the Building Inspector's June 4, 2007 Notice of Disapproval concerning an as-built demolition of an existing dwelling, with new construction at less than the code-required 40 feet on this 37,375 square foot lot. The new construction activities commenced under Building Permit #32434-Z concerning applicants' original request for additions to a dwelling, and the work exceeded the scope of the plans when the dwelling was demolished and a new dwelling was constructed. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application has been referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning reply dated June 11, 2007 states that the application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP EXEMPT: This application is not subject to the provisions of Chapter 268. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on June 28, 2007, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: . Page 2 - July 12, 2007 - ZB File No. 6058 - Hugh and Anne.eilly elM No. 55-1-3.2 . AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: Owner applicant requests a variance for a front yard setback from North Road at 17.3' for an as-built single family dwelling that was demolished and reconstructed in place and in kind, beyond the scope of building permit #32434 which was originally issued for additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling. BUILDING ACTIVITIES/BACKGROUND: The owner-applicant obtained a building permit for additions and alterations to an existing two-story, single-family house. When the owner, who is a carpenter, jacked up the house to begin renovation, he discovered that the house, which was about 150 years old, had been built at grade on a foundation made of boulders and the sill plate had rotted out. A new foundation had to be built and the owner obtained permission from the Building Department and an inspection was called for and made for the newly built foundation. The owner then discovered that the old post and beam wood structure was in irreparably poor condition, infested with termites and water rot. Efforts were made to salvage the original house but proved unfeasible. Inspections by the Building Department were called for and made through the construction process. On May 10, 2007 the Building Department made a framing and strapping inspection and, realizing that the work was all new construction, issued a Stop Work Order because the applicant had gone beyond the scope of the original building permit. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Grant of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The original 150-year-old house, which was reconstructed exactly in place (and in kind), had existed on this property before North Road was created. The requested front yard setback variance is exactly where the original house was sited. The subject property has two front yards. The elevation that faces North Road is the architectural side elevation. The front or entry elevation faces Lighthouse Road and has a substantial and conforming front yard setback. The boundary of the property along Old North Road is vegetated with high hedges and the few houses nearby are some distance away. 2. The benefit sought by the applicants cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicants to pursue, other than an area variance, because the owner/applicant went beyond the scope of the building permit due to damage and demolished and reconstructed the existing dwelling, thereby necessitating a front yard setback variance. 3. The variance granted herein is substantial. Although the front yard setback of the as-built dwelling at 17.3' would not have required a variance had the original house not been demolished, the current code requires a 40' front yard setback for new construction. 4. The difficulty has been self-created because the owner-applicants decided to demolish the existing dwelling. 5. No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. 6. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of a single-family dwelling, while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. . Page 3 - July 12, 2007 .. ZB File No. 6058 - Hugh and Ann~eilly CTM No. . RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Weisman, seconded by Member Oliva, and duly carried, to GRANT the variance as applied for, as shown on the survey prepared August 7, 2006 by Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. and Plans OREILL-06-01 through OREILL-06-12 prepared by Luis Pascarella, Engineer dated with ZBA date stamp of June 13, 2007. That these ZBA conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Any deviation from the variance given such as extensions, or demolitions which are not shown on the applicant's diagrams or survey site maps, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Resolution was duly adopted (5-0). inizio, Oliva, Goehringer, Simon, and Weisman. This O. RECEIVED 4- ~ 3'.~SF'Ih' . JUl (j 2l1JJ . ~~dT~!! . S 58'09'10"W Z- ~ -n '-" ?O "{; c '-" 'Z o -1 r-- \ \ .,e' \ \ \ \ roo" \ \ J l--- GUARANTEED TO: HUGH O'REILLY ANNE O'REILLY WASHINGTON MUTUAL HOME LOAN SAFE HARBOR TITLE AGENCY, L TD . N/F BOUNATSOS c <;.1 ~~ O~ Z~~ -::00 u\. ,-i 0l~ '---' o-.CP_ r r-.. CPN U.l. -0: ~ ~ 322,09' MON rOUND <0 N CONCRFJE / WITH SINK" 8RICK a~cUE ~~tl ~ iJ~\\ ~o\." ~o ~\) JUN 1 3 2007 4'F tPD6?> ov\) SURVEY OF DESCRIBED PROPERlY ) ~r) <:M- d-//~ SITUATE SOUTHOLD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. SURVEYED FOR: HUGH O'REILLY ANNE O'REILLY J. ~'. " '" " '-:J ~L .... "",,,-\i TAX MAP#1000-055-01-003.2 GUARANTEES INDlCATaJ HERE ON SHALL RUN ONL Y TO THE PERSON FOR KoHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED. AND ON HIS BEHt4LF TO THE 71TZ..E CCJle4PANY. GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. LENDING INSTTTUTION, IF LISTCD HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTfTUTION. GUARA.N1ESARE NOT TRANSFERABLE 10 ADOfT1ONI4L INS11TlRlONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. UNAlflHORtZEDAL7ERATION ORADDmON TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW COPIES OF THIS SURVEYMAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEI"ORS EMBOSSED SEAL SHAJ..1. NOT BE CONS1OERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. FINAL MAP REVIEWED oY ZBA SEE DECISiON. ~D<)r DATED~/~I ~()()l_ . 368, THIS LOT IS REFERED TO AS LOT #2 OF THE MINOR SUB-DIVISION OF LAND OF FRONIMAKIS AND OTHERS. SURVEYED: 7 AUGUST 2006 SCALE 1"= 40' AREA = 37,305 ST. OR 0.856 ACRES SURVEYED BY STANLEY J. ISAKSEN, JR. P.O. BOX 294 NEW SUF.FOLK. N.Y. 631-7 -5 35 ,..... I- W W :c en lLC\J 0,... ~i L4 " ~h lJi~~ IQ~~ ~ B'Z ' - ~"~ !il 2'" ~ ,3~ !l1 , !\ ~ a: ~ ~q a: U- 14i ~;~ ~ l~ ffi I~ m ~ Cl lO!:! Q 1~ :t:t I [" .-t ~ ,~~O 81.jl-~ UJ; ~ ~ "[' Ill" Cl ~- ~ i ~ <> , ' i'~"~n d :ij". ". l)l.l: W -r-,.j- !~ ~I ~ I 1t,B' ;~ 301;n I~~<\I ~ ~ ~g 1 ,,~L I ~ ~E' "'I ~[ .'G .~~. P h,~1 ~ I: !} .II." !i.li.1l ~ $I <1 ft . 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" ., -l/l-"NI!>T_..ot $~lil:AC>K I I I I I I ________1., , ------------------------------- .JUN 1 3 2007 ~~~ , ~:' , ~ ~ ,"" /..1- :_,,' . -~ .ft;:;/ _ ::.-=--' ~ -:.::, I'~::. --=--::r~' , ,," , " ' :_~--;~~=-- ~r ~~~~~>-:-:::~ r-- ___::~:::~_ = C:IIJ DJ5 ,'- C:IIJ OJ51 --'.' 'II' " I' '1'1,1 ,i , " . ' I i I II - ; I, ~ ! i i ; ! i ~ ~<:lo~AC. I I ----------------~ FINAl' MAP REVIEWED BY ZBA seE DECtSION.,. 1ol)~__ DATEDJ 1,.J3.1 ..~~O:1 SHEET 3 OF 12 DESIGN CRITERIA USE: Rellldenlll CLASSIFICATION: R-3 lYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: WlIOd Frams DESlGNCRlTERlA: p~~ .Arnerk:arlFcnrlC&Pllp8r~ ANSUAFIPA WFCM-1995 "Wood FraIM eormruClllln Manual tor One and Twa FamIly Dwellnga" SEAL PROJECT: Q'REILl Y RESIDENCE 25 LIGHTHOUSE RD SOUTHOLDNY.11971 REVISIONS: j\ ~, D D D D D D D 1\ {.,,"- DATE: SCALE: !'I!A'.~I!II_~:____ 9-'"ECK!=:D BY: DRAWlNGTrTLE: ELEVATIONS DRAWING NUMBER: OREILL-06-03 . //~ "",,-, ,~ " ./~/" ~ E/:::/~.~>.;:,r //~ r:rn ~/~,_ ' ITfj , .~. /<./' //- II G~.o.c:I!:"; I '----- "IN ~ ;0'" ~l.~ ~ ".'\I.o.."l.ll!.... ~oo~ C---- .. '=I--c'j . ~ ! , 1 < : < ~ . I' I . ':JlI. ffiE.'J=:; , 'e-I .. I -/::.....~- '& ......olo~ :.:::: - 4&--~. 5I-l1~ C-O TYP ~ .,-~-- HIE" HfF C" '----' eL/~//- / / , "/~- 12__ ~:ie / / ~s.~ :::::. c.~~'~ / L.. '~~-=---- - '= r-- ( lilli, E3::EE I 'I 'j --;1 ~ ,~.,-~ ~ Or ~ REAR eH..EvAiION ;,c~!!,I;,..":I'.O" ~/ ../ / .. [tt- i '~ ' ..- m-' "II[ , 'I> YaAIO! "-:::> -.:.eAO:",.s...~- c. _yp ----.-' <~ ~'_.. --~--==-~~-- ~-~ IJ~ DUe:: I I I I ----e--------- I I I I --1_______ I I I I ---1, ,- -1- ,.. := _-'A -'O~ ""'.. "'-- r",-_ =CA..!!o I'",,' = I-C' " ~& --~: 1:1 ~ C'~ Gl.6 N:;> "I.Q +"',..,\&~ ii'-'NCLG Ie.-"_R ~ . -- 0=N 'ioT"Ui 1-GQ....t:1O "'~ " // ~ .1,," C14 NO IOl.ili ~ .. +.I,,""""~ili """INCl-li ,S'l'!'Llli! ~ .. +.IN IS'l'=U;: - -- .<\IGRAO. I I I " ~ -r'- .JUN 1 3 2007 --r:F !oo5? ! ~~.- FINAL MAP REVIEWED BY ZSA SEE DeCISION # h D,c;~ DATEO--2I--.U I -,)-M1 -....~- SHEET 4 OF 12 DESIGN CRITERIA USE: Relid8rdld FlCATlON: R-3 CLASSI cnON: Wood Frams TYPE OF CONSTRU . ~ DESIGN CRITERIA: Pr~ .Arnencan Forest & Paper ABsoddon ANSIJAF&PAWFCM-1995 Manualtor "WolXl Frama Constructlon one and TIIIO Family Dwellnglf SEAL PROJECT; O'REIU Y RESIDENCE 25 LIGHTHOUSE RD SOUTHOLD NY, 11971 REVtSIONS; ~~ L 7\ L., 6 6 ,^~ ^. 1'.' ^ I. \ DATE: SCALE DRAWN~Y; ~~-~~~~'-- DRAWING TITI.E: ELEVATIONS DRAWING NUMBER; OREILL-06-04 i J ~I ~ 0 oZ' "~I ~~I i <- " "..t(- i.<J} ":' ~ t . 3"6 l!><1e.I'.O< t-::>I"'~~ co..c....-,. 3'~="li"''''ltl-l ...><......,t.~ F'CJl\TTCl~ ..~ [I"~ "-'@ i ' i 1 I": i~1 x I Q h , 1 ++$ : 1 , :,,1 ~ ;Q: x I I q i 1 '" ' ,I r ~.l.L. ~C"OQ TO ~OvE' ~ll.t\ ~E .l.__ 1!:><I~m\d ":...oOI'ii! ..ole"'& ,I I W ;;!IiMOAi.x'e'T'I-..6"o...NDo>.TIO!-." ,I I ~ Q~ ....e.~,"'IKl i I :.; 1"1 ~ .~,~,. n_n_ ;'~~:~:~___I~:_ ~. _ POIJQED CONe '\ ,I a. ~,_4 eAItS-I~" o_e_.w . :::+ \II 1-. '~'-~' ..- ,,~ ~: x 'O'I"J c 'e' OC ...;:---------11>- iAeO''''; ~ 6,'e"'"'OI.o~ CO\,t::,.._"", Z x~' x IZ :=0....- I"O.R!!C CeNC. ..~ .j, "4 6ARe.IZ'- OC_1l1.. r--~ ~/ ~ n . " ,. . "-' . " ...~ ~_'__XlO"~C 'eo (~o'... O,C ~ :'>r1O ",..,. O{;_ . . '.>.eo'''' __B.:.".'~ ~- 61_= ""'" -~-~.!::_- ,'>(11:"0,;' t' OC 4----- >- ~"'; 'e>' ~ Ie'- COt..C<:>11I[O;; I ",..ue ;'1;:: ~ FI: "'EQ MF6 _ ___ _ _ ~-=-.'CA""O'\l~; 1.4' LW ~ _ ; ~ .i ~.l\ "': Il I x: .., I, ~"'Il-&A Cl" ;;><1IOH,tio ;,! -! ~; ,1 ~,ol,G5~Toe;: _II: ~i _~. : ~o'"" _ _ -"I ~ - - - ---0' ~UQli:> cCt>.c_ ec~ co",,. m l ." 101\;1/:>...1.. OOl..Y\;RE"!'H.:.I\,& I i I "''''~e.l.Q''''~---... ~ lb"x'b"POI.iRED I ________ '-.;. ~PliiQCN ~ "~'/ I ,'- t' ><2' xt2' CiAi:~ I I ~~CON.C~_ , , . 115 UJ;~BTa"'O'C_LI ~ .. ;1 ~ ~i ;?,X/~"xf,I'J" ". OC_ )~ I \1 iP' (~/~--~.o.So'~J > ! ! t 1 r x S" '"" i> I:' oc_ "~L-;' . ~ , . · 'Iso > i ~<>/:J~/-< , ." 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II ,I : II~ 1::1 II 1:1 1'1 I, I 1'1 II : I~I --.I ~t I .......,. e.o' L- . . :. !.~..~ -' .- I I I I 1,1 I I 1:1 II II II II ~ 1'1 nl ~ I I ^H J I I ., 1'1 .- I-I I~LL__ ."'-:,:-:- - ':'.f>' F'j;!OCOPEC G;Aq~ " .1 ;"1 ~ . ~ ~ ~f>': e_)"M_O_ e-o' "'OWNOA i i 01\. ecA..E: li.ol. = ~'-"'" " E><'e.TI"lt.i:l'O!::;.::"O...-.D..T:O\l-C;eE~" ""WOCli;~~oiJ"'...e" ,'-"'~ ON'ob'><e'eo.- ~DC~C_I=OI.iNC'",rIO/o.. ...-,C=_~do.JJ/2.!;~ . uj ~-o~__ ___,:..'~ --1I ::1A1"'C\.IQEC c"'"c_ .J',,~""lORl>r-.. "''''''''''.r=:?c =c!>T"e~T Q;"!CI!lO! b'-9' ......,. FI..AI\. FINAL MAP REVIEWED BYZBA SEE DECISION # 6 () S'1 DATED~'~' JbO"l :...."'" Z5'.O'_ ...., ~ I I ~ffi....~~ . o . EBU. - ' , , 1 . . Z'-'il' ..' J T' SHEET 5 OF 12 ~:-.."'. .,.~~-----'I< -, 'II 1 II I I!I i 1.'1 1 --1-1 1:1 I: I 1:1 I I 1:1 1'1 1:1 1'1 I: I II /~~:~~ , """"""'Od I: I --J. .J' DESIGN CRITERIA USE:ReIId8nIaI ClASSlFICATJOrt. R-3 TYPE OF CONSTFlJCTION: Wood Frame DESIGNCRlTERlA: Pr~l:lllfV1. .American Forest & Paper AlIIDdatcn ANSIfAFIPA WFCM-199S 'Woad FI1lIT8 CorlSlrudbn Manual tor One arid 1'11IO FamIy DM:I11rV ~ .J.II2""'II"ECOWl'1N 7xZ-><12'~ "'cu~c eol\lC ~G T'r"F' WI.4~'1"OCIiI/J SEAL 1 ~I ;!! 50" CCNC_ 6L.ola III b")("":=::> Wl" x WI.. IWN OYER (0. M'l.. CV~~R.;- PROJECT: O'REILL V RESIDENCE 25 LIGHTHOUSE RD SOUTHOlD NY, 11971 .... ~: ~ "\ OJ l 1 h REVISIONS: I', l\ L. D D [, D 1 1 1 _I' ~'-t>' -J D D DATE: SCALE; Q~WN BY: CI-ECKED BY: F1 r;_~ {': JIJN I 3 2007 ~6[)# DRAWING TITLE; FOUNDATION PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: OREILL-06-05 ~ i '! i: . ~ ;, jl 'i ~ Ix p q "'-- -- i , ~I . I i ~' . ~~ji ~ " K t , P ~ ~~=l ~I D 1 " 'I i ~i ;, I i I ~-I - .' - X" ~ q 1"', I--- ;, . .~'....' w.o. ..-.. 1')(" i //\, 16'~" ~1 _IL...~ --~jl TO_~ \, 'Jr ~'- """'" , 1lP'~' "-r a -n ""'- n . L=.,. I >-~~ ~~ l-e m. in, ~ ~ ~Alo.'IW__:i: ....;:.. ----I . ~' tr':/t --~~. ")'-" :TIII~ClH , "4" ...... II C1.IZ'xllr ~1I2'x~""'~~ III ~~~~-, :~ ,....,....~/J..\I~ / A .~~/ ~..v, .~ ...~/ 4J. .+/ ,y, c-,;-t/ ',~~. A IN6'r ~, ,~. ~~J!t~/-- JOI~ J-1" "",\..~-t"~ >1' -:/ ~/ ", "A'" i~ /." ;> I ~ '" ~,'/' ('~ 8'/ I II .N.. \ ~ ~r ~~.A . 'f; !:!! '<.. :_~...I~i~ f ~ ~I/ 147.12' 'I .....J"\oIoX ....xL ,Sr..' _ _ o::~~ _ _,,_~'~6' "I'.f'_~~-- , m . ~ , q !--m . it " fl~ , ~ . ~ : jy; m +- TII....CIM-= / f II , " II g ;, Jq h " " , . " ii .'-.' Tlf-~ I . II , ~ . ""'- -, 2"x .....11. oa. ) <-2'xrCJ.~i' " " ....- L....(:III-. ...- "'"'"""--- 2"_X!-=-lilAlIl' O~ Z'x"Q,/II' aD. II ~ '~ i- Ii:! ~. ~ " s...... (211'x" LQ.P! I "4" ..~. ~-LJ "'-41" {''''X."1llOOO I~""" g g ;, - . . I a it.. , x .--". x.' u.oc:o .....,.". ~ 1- l -I K_j '~i- 1't!:(l=-j; \_ - - - - --- , I I ~I ...1 jQ it! - , , I , i 4,.... I 1'2)2"",0"1 " N. "'* ,[~- ! I ~ ~ Ja. ~/ i 4'.... T 4'-6. I 4'-"'" I...AlN:lIl'Y 1 \t'-" :2'T-U' "~"-___"L_ ~-~ , , "....... 1112'1(1%' r-4'x.'~ . ..,.,,.,,. :2'T-2' ."",.. ;'4'1("1l1OOO ..,.,- "'-2' ..'.... 1112.1(0" r212'1(JGII' ~2' '\ ... . ::. I" I;;' , .' ., ri . ~ DNI<.6~ w.'~' (2ji'~ 12J2'xNP' ""'J"" , ~, )/2'-.. "'T"" z ; .. .. , . . ! '" ;., -" ... ~ ... ~ . . ~I ;;;: ~ . a--- . ~, .. BI-- 2"X"."'OJ:. Y"'.;e.i..~~~Z "'-~. m ,l r -- TL ........ :1:g ~I. .1" . ,3 !IIi. x! x ;."'" "'-6' g GJ I-- .. ~ - I I J ~I ~I i . n , '.... I ~: ) ~/ In. ..'" ; c::: T.;lnr 12'2.", ,......"" , 6'.... (2)_2.~~_m .'.. ..'~~. 'I . '-6' . . __.JJ.!')~ _ - ---- 1112 X.e;.- - . . . I I ~i ; .1 · H{ -"" ,,---' ..... WALL LEGEND r----------1 , , , - , 1 : 1( ..Coi.... O.c. I , .... , , , I , __ 2&"'" I 1 , ; Ut'~. ,,'_no ....."" . ~ I I I ill . '. q .X i ~ ~ -~ . ~ .... \, ill ~----------l ! : ]""'..Col....OJ:, I I <---- ..;..-----> 1 , , I -, ~CJ.IIo.t).t:. ~. ;-"'X6'UJOOO ....,.". ]"", ..Col.... OJ:. """" (212'xU" .."x..wocc----' """",.". .'..." .'-r ..... Ut'.... !=IR&T !=I..OOR FI..AN ecAJ....E, 114" al'-c:!')" I to.u2.x....M\C.16.0.c.. ~~ 2'1(". 6'nC lI.IAI.J...6 TO _ ~OVC) oAND~~6Il"8 '. SHEET 6 .'-;1' OF 12 , " ...."" (2)2'1('- DESIGN CRITERIA USE:RHld8nlIaI ClASSIACATION: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTlON: Wood Hame DESIGN CRITERIA: f"re8c1::lIWI 0BlIlgt" 2"", "Col." ot:.. . ~._----o .Ameriean For. & Paper Aamddan ANSIIAF&PA WFCM-1!lll5 "Wood Frarrs ConslnJdtln r..tan..Ilor One and Two Famlly 0wII11ng!f ~A'_'A_ SEAL rx ..CJ.... o.c. """" '! ~ , ~ PROJECT: O'REILLY RESIDENCE 25 L1GHlHOUSE RD SOUTHOLD NY, 11971 (2)2. X I:" REVISIONS: D. D. ..... -" D. FIN~ ,L MAP ...lJi REVIEWED BY Z~~ SEE DECISION # L D DATED ~ I.Jl. I .J6Ir .'... DATE: ~.,.. DRAWN BY: CI-ECKED BY" i-H , --1 I DRAWING TITLE: JUN 1 3 2007 .$- tdfi"P FIRST FLOOR PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: OREILL-06-06 . it r-- l' i-; l,o n 2 q g 1 ~! 1 1 ,"I .' -, ~! 0 i -l.~ I ~'~ I .. . ~ . . '" ~I , ... ! ' , ___ Ie'>:: ~ ' 1l ;. .:.: ~ i " i: L . r- .I'-ct" ,- -~:~-- ,,-'" "'-,6" ......., , iii .. . ~ ~ .~... .. ... ... WT_If" ~ .8'MAx.-,~ " '4' o ""'... )1'1' 21'-'" "' 0, ~ i .. (;,~ '~ -------- . -. "'" ",::> c ..... ~...- :M'.n' ..-n" T. . '-10' )'-~ )'-1' C I <:~eaDlIl:;' l ~ 0 t ' I ~ ""'... (VZ'xtr 11'-.4' .'-%" ,,-'" (2):1"11'- ~..' . L! 'i t: ~1102'1 "' o ,I ~!i d '"""""" , . ... .. " . f;f)~ / ....."'::> c ..... _____~~J. T-l' ~ f I . f 1 ~ ~i ~ ~I I i2J2'xlr ..-... 22'~' .'-2. c..... - .:;::"" ::> """ 2')( Irt::.l.1V o.t:. - ' // '.10"/ , I I I I , , I I , , , I I I I I I , I , I , , I I I , J .......- --- .."'... TOI\l'r'&~ TO .......u . IUI. .At&> NII'T& ~C4U~~O'TtoI.- .AL,.....,,,:A/lIl&.4NO~ -[ .:;-x" '""'" """''''''''''' C . f'l II 'V .'.... , l , , ... ~'_).i.. i , l! &5COND 1=1.. &c4UI, It.. OOFO! ... .1'.0" WALL LEGEND ....,. X.4".-ng ''''OJ:;. U'-,4' SHEET 7 OF 12 -2~~ ~;S..~RITERIA CLASStFICATION:R-3 TYPE OF CON DESIGN CRIT~CTION: Wood Frame ..:Pr~ , '-'" Anwt:an Furest & ANSIfAF&PA PaplIr Aaodatcn WFCM-'995 "Wood Frame Co Ona and T rmlrudbn ManJaI for wo FamRy OMIllngg" SEAl , ~ PROJECT; ~=ill~:~EOUSIDENCE SOUTHOL SE RD D NY. 11971 FiNA.L MAP k\::\ \EWED BY ZBA SEE DEClS\ON . _bD <;~ DA1ED-+,~RP 61_ REVISIONS' D ' D D D D D D D D F'I..AN DATE; SCAlE, DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY. \ ri':;;-~"-- \ JUN 1 3 20\)7 \ -*'b/)5'~ \Z.':~;:- DRAWING TrTLE: SECOND FLOOR PLAN ~:.X"'.&'IUC> ~u..m-f::;;:TO"'1IB"IC:M!D DRAWING NUMBER: OREILL-06-07 co I- W W I C/) . LLC\J 0,... hi. ~ ~ . s h h ffi Q~ .~~~ ~ :l~. hh 5 ~~~ I!!H zlh~ ~~n Cl ~ 0 1.'>- Cii~~~~ ~J~~ W~~~ffi ~ ~ C:JoF=c.e 0 ~ "' ___~ ___u ! "O.tlt ~ I "#Q .<<. <------->. <-------> .,')C,:)( ."le,' ~ ti ~ ~ LLJot:: !:1",~ ~~~. u;C5~ ~F!:" ~:I:1l = !!IF!: w-'~ "'''' 0'" ~ ~ ~ <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l ~ ~ 0 w w~-!~ ~ a: x Q Q" z ~ u. ~ ~ >- !:1 ;;: 11 Q , :~,4II'.")(" I I I I I I I g~ :1 <1-------- ) 'aQ .....oCII ,I(.t , ) ~ ,4II'''ofII.IC" o o ~ . .(~d ~~~ >- -- ~cg~3 ;C \LI !l " s~gc ..1~CW .ct .;- w ~ 'ZuJwC:( u:"cnC 'i- j-- ~~ - G::\ ~" ~, ~..r_ L_____ I I,", I, ,,- ~ w m 2 => z !:1 ~ Q to o I CD o I ....J ....J W a: o ~ n it! ~l ! ) VO,tI.___ xll vo .t1'lIlllI,GIII x,', ~~ .-" /" ~ :1' :1 " bl ~. gT ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.<"- ; .'~' ,gj " .+..J.~. ..' . , I b . (------ -~ \ ... VQ,t1..."",x,; ~, , '. > 7, + ....")0.... G . VO 091'.'" X" & b . .- gj ~o- ~o- ~' ~ ~ i i i lQ' :. :. . . . ---~~--------~----------, I I gt ~ i . I ., . ;.,... g g ~ ~ z . . <[ & I . . i? . . IL ~ .- . . lL~ -. ()-: "W.l.\l1 X,I'IfIW ~~ g- " 0 . . . . I I . . . . 1ICIII,....,,Crl,llC.tltl ~j n b . ....;.. I I I I I I I I I I I L__________ ~ I n . ~ , . ~.f1._...I)(,t ~ ! ~ I . ~ O^ 0, ~, ~1 . . l''loGto"NeeIoil. eo.4IIIC __ ~~ 01'. ~W"""~~ ~~~~~~--= ~vN'r1.. e.c-T \IStll' TYP.- ~~......., 0\eI Y1t.rr1. eo.lT'''''''. ~ 1")(6'1I.A&eI"'~~~0IIt ~\UI'THAol.l.I"IINM~ ~~~~ ~'Ioo'II\l'r'Leo.TYl!!N1'TT'P_. r---lloII.P'.A.LLI"INI"I ~ YN'r'L 6aIIIlT T'r1". SHEET 9 1~"":OCll'I8"~\"U.. ~~ OF lItOOII~o.L, QlHaDJ-~I"I~~~ N '--=-::Al.ll:2Iln'HN'l'GCCClllfIlZe..2.'TJ 2")(1IP"1IICJClP~.'O.c. 1''><10' NoIClA ~,.,. ""rwg 011. ~W""'~~ ~"='=~~~~ ~~==~ 2'xllD'Il.I_12'O.c. 3""~T\ID.euel'Ull.. . ~i" r- i I i I ~I 2&.......ASf!lII.W-TI!IIoI~ Ic:a et+&C '1'0 204' ....e=..,..,..IOlIlWolol.J.. IN.IoC!:O'~~'''JClllIoI1'IoINT'&~!IIIG~''J :Z'Xlr~~I&'OQ. ~lInIoI~~~~~", ~~~~~ CONT'INUCll.>> VN"rI. ""IT ......". T'r1". - 1l&t.P'~~""""",""""'lTT'Tl'IO. 12 ."lUx."W ....-~- lUI(1)...~OONT~ ... """"""" 2'x.-""'..' O.c:. ~/""IOL.'I'ILD.eue .-1INlll.11..Ar.TlON ~~. "X.'CU. "'O.c:.. (2)2'xll3l'~ "H5~'neO.oIrN~ LOoAD NtalNlIo courN %'X"'~H:30 2'l'C$''''.16"O/;. (2) 2" x.' c)I'" ~ '! (2)t3"")(11~' U.11L.5~ 'T'I1I' .....-r':::'WAU..CON&nllJCTlON. YNrL 6C1NlIo ON . "1IIl..CG. f'W"M ON f:~~.~~.~.c. (2J2'x""~~'11I 2.x.....~........,. Ji.~T.AI"CI t66NCC) DESIGN CRITERIA USE:Re!lidllnlal CLASSIFICATION: R-3 "TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Wood Frame DESIGN CAlTERIA: Pr~ ~ ""'-I"r1.&lCNJ,ON..~~ON Ji' ~TIIO. .......""'1NlI ON Z")(,,'lIC.em.c6. ".OA (2)'.)(.....TOP~'11I 2"1I(..~~'I1I IIlIlI-ae.a.TTN6Ul...oil>TlC:lN ~ClIITIUAL.L.TUDIICot~ &"'0L6..xl.'~ ~~.:r.AT.Io2'o.c. '^'" \IIITH.'~T " .'l"'OI.IllIIC>~ """""'''''''' .......~ ......."." -,-~ TI'P-- uJ.IJ..L~"""'aJ, - ,----..... OCINC.L6aIll.-x." 'I .I6W"1O-...r;1.MlL. """""_.. I -4.......... 'AmerIcan Forest & Paper Assodaton ANSIfAF&PA WFCM-1995 "Wotd Frams Conlllructlon MafI.JBl for Onean:llMlFamllyOMlIIngg" 2. RIGO rNll.l."l.TlCN ;:]~--- ~"ClI,I,,~ - .'~-- ....x....".T.ll/QCCI -"'- - """"'~ SEAL -4. GAA\I& 2'~COoA.T. -.II4'X'i!lr..' .......- -".... ''-1&'" I&"PClUAI!!C) CGNC .... ON 2'x2'xl2'=-- ""--' CONe. ""~. WI "4 a.t.R6 12. Oc. au '-"'''I.'~ CONe F~ CN 2'x2'xl2'=-- -= -_. \IJf "4 a.ua \2' OJ:. au ~CiION !=-!= .'WX.'H -~- 111/(2). ....CCNT'INU:UIo SECilON D-D eeALE: 11"'" . 1'-"" PROJECT; ec::.A.L.&. V"'. .1'-"- lIiIOOI~lGIN. 1=-....Ia.P4"~~"'= IN': "~lIIlTHNT-.ccc:....2_'.1 2"l<ICt"IIOf::*I~JIo.OJ:. 1"X6-~1k:WII:),.,.~0lIIl: ~u.nw.6O.U'1lt..u1TllR:lllCtfIOlIT ROl*~ Q'RElLL Y RESIDENCE 25 LIGHTHOUSE RD THOLD NY, 11971 1 3/.' X .,....L.rou..lltlCCMl ~~~w~~ ~~'=.~"WP: :ze'TSIrAA8P'!oW.TIloII~ lei: ....laI.Cl 'TO:U' '*=- a.<IMI~ lUAU. IN JrCIC:wC'.ANI:* IIItnoI N'r'6 cc::c. ....%:1.1 2"l<1Ct"1IOf::*I~1.'OA 1"X6'tll.lo&:I.6.!IOUIC"" -....,.:=- \lllUPFllClUlTH.t.UI"lN.l'1~ =-=-~~~~ CClN1"lNJC:Il>v~"""'......".T"r1'"__ ,- IIoIWP oAL..lIl'1Il\II OYM \I'N"r1.. ea..T TYP. -~, FINAL MAP REVIEWED BY Z SEE DECISION # DATED--+ 1..l:L I (2)13/..XI4.L.~ 2&~.to8FW.W..T~ QewaJ:)1'C2oIo.lNIolCll~1IWJ,. N 'e':"CIll!C"}.Il2WITHN't"6eCC11M/&.2."IJ 2'X.'JIICOII~16'OJ:. 1"X6'~4~FB~CIR ~WITHAi.U"'lNl"'lTl""'-'1'T """"""" .......... lIOaI~. .'I'SAA.............T~ 112Ii-1IB.DT02..INBIC:lII~\lI.IIoU. lNACC~.lCaWlTl-ltorT-.c:c:c.....".'lJ :n<.'lIIQClII~"'O&" l")(to' MeClA 1Kl.6AP..... FRlJ"CI OR ~ WI"" .......... -.... caNTNM:lU6A1.l1'1N.1"'~..J'6J.~.....= ~vN'r1oecl'fllT~"""..~ 4l.LI"'llN.rIo-..- ~~,..,.,... ......... .......".",,6IDlNcIoGNe.eL.tQ.~CIN JS.~T\IO."""THN:i ON 2.x...1II).6'lUCI6....O.c. (2)'. x..-TQII'......... :2.)(4'eoT'TCt1~,. IV.... eAT? ~TION ~-~ToIoI"El.e.ANCKl """" ~....~ VIN"r'1..6lONCIION..BU:IG.~CN Jl," ~"r'\ID. ...."..tt.do ON ,. x ....1&0. eTIC6. \to. o.t;. (2):2.x"'"~"IA,. 2" x... ec:m'OM.-u,,. 1IV~.DoIoTT""""Tlew Jr' ~ T~ .6ANCIKl ~~~~~ c:c:lN1'NlCIIao VNYI. IQIIIIT -....n' TTP. . ....,.""'l.l,I"INI"'IO'..wI:VNY1.~,.,..... 6. 6. r 6. (2)2.xlC'....,.I6'' OA---- )/""~'I'\I.P_tl..-I:l.A----: .-:tIINlLll..A.T1C1N--. ; . D DD DD DO DO DO DO DO DO ~. 2'x."CJ...OJ::. (2)" x.. lClA ICt"He4'T\oleO.ANI"CIllOHCOL.I.I'N ~. )(.... ca:xNCIo '.X......T....,.... c::o.c. (1:):t'XIl.~ ~: DATE; SCA'E DRAWN BY; CHECKED BV' 'f'nII "--llWl~lOhJ. ,- DRAWING TmE; -~ .--- -~ e 1/""X.r..'~ tSMJ,..$1ICIIlll: ," FC\IREl QONQ. ~"""" ON."" .....- """""......... =r--- BUILDING SECTIONS SECilON a.-a. EC.ALJ!: 1/..... = 1'."" .'tlI,ot,~ - )'~~1III1M "'. x...' ";T.lIlQIOl';l "'"' "'......, - JUNl -*~ DRAWING NUMB R; I 2oo? i OR~kL-06-9 \,/ .~.". I ~...- '. '." SECTION A-A SC4L.B, 1/"'. . 1'.Q" . ae.EfU,L. NOTE6 AND ePECrfllc.A.TlQr"I6 -, 1. ~ ~'TRACTQR TO.....~ eCIlL. e&A1lI:1NG: ~ 0III2Hl2' ...&~_ 2. AU.. COl\leR11T8 TO ea.AR: aN FI!l2H. NA'1"URA.l. UNl:)16~ 6011... ; D 3. CGlNCfUnW TO HAYS A MINII"U"l 6TFO!ENG'TH OP !~ P.6J. (V1~TIIC) AT 2& OA,'T"$ WrT!o+ A A/%IlUA.Tel2. C2MENT fUl.TIO. fOi!I!Il"-FORC1NQ.. L AU. _~!N::) &AU ~ TO 9 TH. Ol~ eHO\I.N. =~ I~ r~IA~ GIIt.A.OB BILJ..m'!lT&.. foI.A.YI\Ia A ~1Gf\r.l ~TH c:.- 2c2).c2)c2)~ "..,. 2. AU. RBI~INCi BARe AIOi!I! TO e. IIPOxY COATE;). 3. T"r"'Ilc.AL. co....- IIOIIt. AU.. 1lI:1~1~ 6HAl..l.. IS .,....... (,)) 1NCt4& UNl...II6& OTHllftWIM ~ .. ~ SAlI2& 4Il2B TO eE CONTlNJOU& IJN1.E6& EPECII=IC J..ENGTH& Ail2E e..+ou..t.l AL..L.. ePLlcae .o.q TO ee IIOlIlaTY (-40) BAR. Ol~ MINlf"'U'1. eo. .AU. Ili!:IIIJrt.11<.?11teIN(l. 16 TO H ec:URL"l'" lIAe.~ 'TO ~16T MO~ Cl\.IIIII\,k3I ~ Fl.AeIMiNT. ViEW B-B ~1/04".I'-"" Lf'ARTIAl.. El..EVATION l=RONT ENTRANCE) T.Aal.E f1!.4cZ122 MIN.IMlI'1 6F'!!CIPlEt) c:.v, 1r-~vE 6'TREN:31'iH ~ C~ II ~I .' I.l.E4oTHI!R PO'T'I!NTIAL. ,..."".,..."" .......... TYF'E OR LOCATION 011 ~ CONi'TAJCTION ~ VJ,6.LJ,,&, ~TI0N6.4l\1Cl OTl-IER CONc:RE'TE f'\.IOT ExPoeeo TO IWATHIIJIl ~ eL.Aa6, ~ INT&II!tOR 6l...486 ON~, SXCIiPT C3r4RAGII ~0IIt eu.B6 IIA6IiMiNT UWr.L../..&, FOI.NC),A.TION u.IAU..6 ~IOR lU.A.I.J..6 ,41.,10 0'1''''''' YSRTtCAL. ~ WOA!tC:.~ TO li&A.THER !\2GL.ll$lBU! ,...... '...... ,- '...... '...... '......0 ,...... ........d 3,~d PORCH_, CARPORT 6L.AB6 .Al'lI~ e.'TJiF16 IiXPOIIICl TO T'" u&A.~ .AND ~ IiILOOR ~e. I'IC'*I: &I, I PO\.NCl .... f4IlJAIItI: INCioI_ 6.8WkPa ..,/I"T 2eD.6."!"aP6I. b. _ T.AeIA 1It>>tj(1) 110ft 1l&4'n-!11l11! ~ c.~ 1N~L..C)C:,.1lr,T10N6T104ATMA.YM~TO~NDTl-l.AWlNl3oClUlllIN3o~ON&H.A.u..MAlIIl--.mu.''''IIC> ~ IN AC-:~l-l'~IUI'f1.IIIOO'TNOTIIc:t. d.. CCINCAIiiTE s.u.u.. BIi AIA-liNTR.AINED. TOTAl. AIR CC'N'T5NT (~ BY VOI.I.I1ii: CONCRETE) 6I-WJ.. NOT BE l...Ee6 TI-WN 5 P&RCENT OIlItMOlltllTlooUN"~. IlL _ ~ ~.21"OR. MNlM.l'1 cr...rr CONTINT '...... .-.. ,)"SOd.- 3' J' ~eNr:,~,",..wnrr-. OI6lol~TO~IoI4"""'2."""" PRESUMPTIVE LOAD.BEARING VALUES DF FOUNDATION MATERIALS C:J...Ae6OFM.A.'T'IRIAI.. L.O.AD-1!SAfi211\1G F'RIiHU~ (~ p.- 6GjYar. root) ",(%:IN ." ." ." 3" .I' c::l..aAN0UT1/J~~ &al'ldl:f gra.....altll'ld/Or era.....l (GU,I and (j,F'J &al'ld, 611ty ~nd, ~lal:fS\;l aar'ld, alltij era....1 and ela~ Sra~1 (E!IW, eP, SM, ec, Gl'1 and GC) Cia.,. NI'Idy Cla~ all1.y cia!:!, cla~!:l al1\, al1\ ar'lo::l a.1r'1o::1Wall\ (01. ~. ~ af'ld 001) b.6M table ~L2(!) ror 1.IU\Iw''"S F'oterrl.laL '....... TO!l>dImNl)>""'tc:""""'" RI&ER DIAa.RAM I........ NOT to ec.AI..I! FINAL MAP REVIEWED BY SEE DECISION \DATED-4' )"";) , I L I I I , I i I I , I tZ0i'0.~:"'_, """- f" '-' f JUN 1 3 2007 ~~ SHEET 10 OF 12 DESIGN CRITERIA USE:R8!ldlInIal ClASSIFlCATKlN: R-3 lYPt: OFCONSTRJCTION:Wood Frams DESIGN CRITERIA: p~ 0elVf *Amerlcarl Forlllll: & Paper As1KJddon ANSIfAFIPA WFCM-1996 "Woo::I Frame CorlSlRlcllDn MaruaI for One ard Two FamlIy DwBIIngs" SEAL PRO.ECT: O'REillY RESIDENCE 25 LIGHTHOUSE RD SOUTHOLD NY,11971 REVlSI DATE: SCALE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DRAWlNGTm.E: :'~ NOTES & DETAILS DRAWING NUMBER: _ ',~ l -_.~, -,.,;, OREILL-06-10 . L""""---i hf'8O" 6vcne-T1a '" 6''''()c...~ ueII(:VIlkl)dII2'~""-.c ~ICGI"-IG ceTAII.e. """"'...... l'lICClII~....F'l!!!R c:v..- 0...- ..""T ~ QYWiIIt,l:" ~ ......,.........'""N:IoN,t,~ IN JoCt::,:na::-'1.1C811llTW SPECS. ~..'O.c. .,.... TO ~ PLAN& ....~.. IIl-N....TT'INIl.&..b.TlCN~_ ~lCI:ewl&C>T(:I2". I~~~N 'C'C'ClC"":'"""",, ".2."tl ,........., CONT_oloLlrI.~IU/IirP'ITCH ,.. I'OOT Cf"IN.) PITCH "'00lN"",,", ~'l'OJ.CC,A" lM"'FeONC62~COll.MIIUrI" Tlft.&A.CH~T'l'P'. ~'IUOOC M\C& .."O.c. 112'~1"."--'1lIlC' l"io(.'~II66Cl'" ~."""'ll/{"""" 'M'............. eG'M'.vlN'I"l.eo.rt'-....:r ,.,.,..~.ItUI'\CJ'I4llIt ~~TTP. ax1'1IJ;2lOR 810N10........~ "1tlGC INelUtlCN 8O.UIlCI(l1l-,J) Tr-Ak' HOUN lIRAP ()'..oD. l4'II)(t.~"""I"lolOeO eRtClrGl1\Il:l CiIIT AIL$ NCn'T08C.l.l.a ceN-~, '. F06T e.a.ee COI\NBCTfON CETAIl. """"'...... 2""""lUOCI:) ~~,.,.,... j""lI,Qo 8OL.T OR TtoI~~T .....,""""" ........ r--~:Z"*' 6lL.L i ~TIi 6/MP'='eON~,..,..w.. +-+Cl..C)-1XlY.N QA -UPLIl"T .ANCHOR ~~. ~ "f . . 'OC' teCC> 'l'WlIItc:lUdlH .......".~"'" """""" ""'-T INTO IOOl.NC).4.TION ~1e:..w....6.U. =--, MEi.4r.L. HOt.r:l-OOUNl ~IFT ,/Ir,/'\,ICHOR """"'...... ~1IOa''.-t'fIIoW.J._''IlI:IM:...........IH.....r.A6 ~.,......'wtM"NC..(...CMT~c;oJ-QlIi ~-.w...."*'.6LLNM:CORQMQu.mt~ tf'II::I'IC.t.TJOII& COLDR TO MoI.TC:H II.-r AOClI' ............ --- l-M....l&. I V4' ~.......,. ____ NoIoL.E) wm+ .eo ~~~M:III'" JJCCClfIIC'M.IC8\IITH T.....,J.....1lI'CI'I 1tOOlI6H.... A6 ~ ~OO"-.......T ~~It,l:.CCl)C PLwt:IClC6I-IY.fWN/I I<W~N~.1C8 lUI'TW~ICAT~ ~~TTIC~~ ~ L~DN:1/IC""'TIIIC'CCleH&6.THNI \i2'MN.TOoi\l..l..OIIlI'CllltAllllK..t:Ul R1CGG V1iJ'tlT CIiT AIL """"'...... ~I.....,"'E l..\o'tder 6ld1rle arld Over Or ..ck of' c.dI. Ill,., ..101M. 2"X6'~1IQ 2" x ."CC.A c.dl. ,,101M 16"0.0. &mpeon ~ T1. ~ -ua.. ex ~v.'-\ Narllllf\l'l .~ ~l...."'-d or %In= ..lotted Nail. 11%' C>la X ""43. ug ecr- lI.fth fIIat waiINr &l1vMI1J*d or %l1"C~ 0tI12" 6uIQE1...a Cant..-. 2.")(6"cc:..A.l.ec:laerl!oard 11''"C506P~ioIoueI:lJJ..Ij~~ 6T.Ir.CIC. M\LT~ l-A....- ClII CWL.v~ ~ %NC FlL.AT'IIO III....A.T ~ A& 6P.AC::M6 T"'I"PIeAL. ~Ill c.TAr~ .&AR &TF& """"'''''''' T'T'P1C4l. F'O&T c./Ir.P .. e.A.eE COI'\I\ECTION CETAI~ NOT TO ~ b~ -..... - .JC>IM~~ JOlfiT~ NOT TO ~ \IVZ"""PPUo'll6 ----------~~ -- <____ TO~) JIIICIIl~~~24'_IP" ~-""'" u.ll::>C:IC-TO-wooD ~10Ne FQIllloUQOCl~o6NC>,.IQI.~ ',--~Ce.2~ corL. 6'nUP. ~rc.A.ll.& &TRAP """"'...... ~H2~. ClOLla.a~ ...~TOwnc~ 1"I.A'T2 -----__\IC:H(M.~.w.~) \ ""........... tt'IUCIII-l."OA ~ONMe/eIT""""'~~INCi ~CN.IIl:II6I6T.ANT~N::t 2"xe"l.JIClC5IIR: I!!lO.6AO 8Ol.'T'El.6661-101N ~"."".IOt6TJ.I.itNlSIR~.,... ~l...I.I1eIIIIt~OIIt6MOCa.NO~ 09t~a:IlJlv.A.L..alt 112" x.) 112" l.A4 eoL.T6 . 3%" O~. eT.ACICIIIItE> wrrwll2."~~ WILt:lINCl PAFWA 1I%.1DL'l"WOC::O.~'nolt.ll:il 2')(6"~~.16"O.e.. /~==~:='-=-I~ CIoW..".2es.a..CClL~~~c::II ~~'TII.tu.L ~. ............."'.... ClN'l'O"",JOteI'''''''Cl ~~I"IN"U. ATIICl!.II.I:l4TICIN<a.a 8I'ClII'r'J ,OIl! CINTO ATllIAU.lIMLOIIl<'TlllO -, ~~"" ~""Q.c. 2) 2" )( 0" W&A.CM 2" x.. C2lLNCI. .I0leTe . ... Or:.. CWr.L".6TL.JOl6T~~e..,. ~~~".eo.~Leeu2tZl6 OR~-"v~ /'~TO"ll14'\lL , :MI~CIlAI.".c::ou..-roac...AU. ~TO"'ArwN. hWolUNill..",.,;T.....~ -- +-IaAOIiIl2 6"I"A.6PPNG CSTAlL. """"'...... -...,..,.. ~8Ol.'T1lt>TCc::.ARfltL6GIILll1W~ _____________~'TM.A1E>~ON ~LAe T"'r1't1c:AL. ~ 6,.. ~AJL. """"'...... em~AF'F'INa: DEiAILS NOT TO ~ ~ 1lt00ll AI &",.- --~~ .."""""""" ......c:ol.I.I"N --___CN.lICGUPLJIlIttollt Ii/;S'~-I ~--_l ""'.1""1 i ~,..,.. ~-'i. "I , , ! ! JUN ~ 1-<# t:0 SHEET 11 OF 12 DESIGN CRITERIA USE:AeIld8n1l11 ClASSIFICATION: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Wood Frarnt DESIGN CRITERIA: p~ 0Mgn" "ArnerIcon For_ & PapBl AI8IOdDn ANSIIAF&PA WFCU-1995 "Woad Frama Con9lrudian .....rual for Ore and Two FamIly DlINllInga" SEAl PROJECT; O'REILLY RESIDENCE 25 LIGHTHOUSE RD SOUTHOLDNY,11971 REVISIONS: D D D D D D D D D DATE: SCALE; DRAWN BY: CI-ECKED BY: DRAWING TITt.E; STRAPPING DETAILS -, ORAWlNGNUM A; 2007 . i OREILL-06-11 , C\J or- h ffi H I::: ~ ~ ~ a: z 'In It ~Ihlii ~ J! ~ 15 ~ ~~~~i J I~ - ~ < ~ h1t HB: ~~ H I~~i ,U~ ~ '" ...... LU LU I C/) LLC\J 0,... ~: ~ ~ ! ~n I 'i~~ hi " ~!I ~i _ !i II Hi l i~ !t N ~=!: h~ t!J . ..10: n.. ~ l ~ ~ if" :J! ~ ~ Ii If ; ~~ I i;t fl ~ I h f ~ i f~ i 12 h.s ~2' i'~j! .,3 I. .. 1P Hh U fjf ~l;; h~ ~ i ~ .~ n~: ill- i'!4 ~ F."f. .... ~~I: ~ii ~i!" 1 l ;10 ~~II~ ~~ ..~9 ;! 1 l . ~_ :ljfi "'! :l,:{ ~ ! j I jl i ! I; Ihl h In ~ f ~ !~ *j8~ ~f .... ~ I 3> L ~ f~ ~ il _) ~~i~U~~~]~'i~ ~ ...I"I~ B5[_;;lgi.!jl ~ W!!!.H I~il:; h~ij~ t . ~i..i.1 19~;~:iJ!:tiLi ~ xl hh~9: .!l:....r~..2::=jl;; ~l! ij~fint. aJiU!;j!=iib" ~ f' ! ~b'"~ -"i~!.iliH}"~i ~ if !~II:!i UHHn~nh ~ H i~~ ~I: liP~P!~~!h f ~ l! HuH, H~i~tjHHt!ig r ClJl...=~~.l1I ~"". '2~".2.~.. ~g z ~, :< ~ 2\ ~ ~~ r, H\ f.! U ..- ~ U H~itB nhtl~!HH! U ~ I! ~ ) . J :\:\r,::i:! fI'IcC'l'" .... ... e.!J! :iiji iii ~i! ....t-t- .. . ~ ~ ....Ji 11 11 eo."!."!.." ~ ~ 1iii 111iti (t[u:n ji ~ ~ ~H ..i5 Il iid)~ .. ~1i~Ill'" ~ ~i:()(j l'~ ~ li~:C <<c..<< l .!l .~ tU ., .. s . . .8- ~ - . W .-J :J o W I o CJ) ~ Z - .-J - <( Z ;; ~ ~ ~ ! ~HH H D I ...... 10 lO. ftlN. ~ t\ 2 ~ ~ ~"" """ i- ~:!l:!l" :!l:!l:!l .e. IS! . I' ,"''''' <<...... N ~ ~ ~ - !e f i , ~ ! ~ b ~ ~ :] ~ I ~ ~i ~- .- ~~f i' 3 =3: ~f:-~ ~ ~ ,~~~ ~~"~~1j~ !~~~.j!! .....eet'. !!~0'3.~ o-..o!:. ,-tL- t-..... !..~ - ~ ~ OO()OOfl .e io-o. .."". SS.'I~~O: !;;;~9: Saao. ... 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"8" . ~ b.::.l! ~I I.~V' ::J ~ No:O E itl ~ - g , 0-8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ . ~ ~ ~2 ~.. ~ ~ 1..11 l' b.: ~ · ~..'" ] i~ ~ J l!f !....~~~11 ~ .. a a 1!' :l 'U Ii ....~.I.g '~l' _ .Il 9'1 Ji. m D- ~ :I - <I ._ . .. >0..01 ! X~ f ~. ;f.~ III =" a CiiJ- J ~~ ~ 2' -,~ !}- ! l ~ 'ij r;;, di H ~ .B- ~H .ri d 'ti G ..: "lP. .... lP... ...'" ...~ ...... .. .. ,. iil :0:0 :OJ) i!i! i!i! ~i! }~ ~~! }j H H _~ ~~;; _~ _~ ll-ll- , ..., , 11 d ffii d O'f U :(1 :':'j- :(-4 -4<1 ".. UH ~i }} if u ~. ;; "'G G; ~ ~~ ~~I ~~ ~~ ~~ i ..0 0: 000 oOtI ...<Il oD ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ - ;j!~ ~~ N" ~ ~! r . . ~, ! ~ f!~ "i,Ei,~~~ "~II~ ;; ~II,,!II~.~ l.oD.a ~B io~loQ.O~ ~np~;i.ln:~ji~~ ~ ~ ~ i: lJ' i ii: ~ r. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T ;..~ '- <,' ~ 1'ilih H~l~,b ~_o ~il;~ )~ ,~~ J i w :5 D W 15 (I) ~ ~ i ~ !O i! o ~ w ~ 2 => z !i !O i! o C\J ~ , CD o I ...J ...J UJ c: o II w l- I- ::l I d) o () () :3 }- --I II }- Il <I- ll! () ," lli: lii. I-:d . - c::> '" i,. . ~~ I , l_.. ._.. ......... Ii :1 if n ,'0'. ,~~. . .i/CTlfTili. II[ T J[ T Jill. IL ][ JL ][ J I .I~ 1. .Jk:: l_.J I". <t- o[!; -;- -.-,-- .. ~. II = II ~ 2~ I ,5 o ;/ , . ~ I h ~~ id~ ~ u !~ i' ! ~! ! ~I ~ '" h ,~ ~ t Ii .~~ ~i,~1 j~11 ~!~ h . !lUIG 51 I !" I'~id il~ ~~ . . ~II~H II ~~, !~~t=~ U ,I ,I h~l;f If ~~ ~~ !m~1 ~ ~ , I i ~ al! I_ is M : f ~i ~u ;I~~ 121 I~ II ~..2; Bli J~ I t I~!f ~!3 h I Ii I II~i It I ~I ~;I~ ,- , #8416 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Dina Mac Donald of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successively, commencing on the 215t day of June, 2007. C~~iuc0'loxnjt,rG 0& Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this 2007 , " A L" , day of/' ~ C\.. LEGAL NOTIC":- - SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS rnURSDAY, JUNE 28,2007 PUBLJC HEARING NOTICE 1,5 HEREBY GIVEN.pur_ suant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 280 (Zoning), Code of the ~OW~ of S?uthold, the following public eaTing wI/I be held by the SOUTH OLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF AP~EALS at the Town Hall, 53095 MalO Road, p.Q. Box 1179 Southold New York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY' JUNF 28 2007: 11:20 a.m. HUGH AND ANNE O'REILLY #6058. Request for a Vari- ance under Section 280-124 (100-244) based on t~e BUilding Inspector's June' ~, 2007 Notl~e of Disapproval concern_ mg a~ as-b~I1t demolition of an existing dweJhng, wIth new construction at less than the code-required 40 feet on this 37,375 square foot Jot Th st ( . e new con- r~c .]on activities commenced under ~UJldmg Permit. #32434-Z, at 25 Lighl- ouse Road (at mtersection with North Road), Southold; CTM 55-1-3.2. The Board of Appeals will hear all ~ersons, or their representatives, desir- ~ng .t~) be heard at each hearing, and/or esmng to submit written statements ?efore the conclusion of each hea ~ mg Eachh'" ,r h' . eanng will not start earlier t an deSignated above. Files arc avail- abl.e for review during regular busi- ness hour~ <Jnd prior to tIle day of tbe heanng It h " d . ~ou aye questions. please o not heSitate to contact our office at (~3 I) . 7?~_1 H09. or by cmaiJ: Linda. KOWdlsk,fu;lown.Southold.llv.us. Dated: June] 4, 2007. . ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JAMES DINIZIO.JR. CHAIRMAN . By Linda Kowalski .:'54375 Mi~m Road (Offiee Location) ;,3(J95 Mam Road (Mailing Address) p.o. Box 1179 Southold. NY 1] 971-0959 84Io-I.l.':6/21 C 1 i )~; r-)Lii l d L'-r {{I CHRISTINA VOllNSKI NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No Ol-V06105050 Qual\tied In Suffolk County '~""n"""'I~~ion ~~pir8~ February 28, 2008 ..," I.,."" . , FORM NO.3 TO: Anne O'Reilly 25 Lighthouse Road Southold, NY 11971 NOTICE.Q.ED~AL \~.""'J""'"'''''' \ F;+~ <,,;,;,!.-"';: "-"', ,'-.;" , \ ,. ," , 2007 'I DATE: June 4, 2007 \ JUN 1 3 U \ \ ~~rf!''''~:'i:S_\ , Please take notice that amended plans. received Mav 29. 2007. certified by Luigi Pascarella. PE. For building permit #32434. originally issued for additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling at Location of property 25 Lighthouse Road. Southold. NY County Tax Map No.1 000 - Section 55 Block~ Lot 3.2 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The amended plans. reflecting "as built" construction. on this non-conforming 37.375 square foot parcel in the Residential R-40 District. is not permitted pursuant to Article XXVI. Section 100-244. which states that non-conforming lots. measuring between 20.000 and 39.999 sauare feet in total side. reauire a minimum front yard setback of 40 feet. Following the "as built" reconstruction. the single family dwelling is maintaining its existing 17.3 foot setback. Following an inspection by the Southold Town Building Department. it was discovered that the applicant had gone beyond the scope ofthe building permit issued and the dwelling had been reconstructed. in place. in kind. ***Please note that followinl! a Zoninl! Board of Appeals decision. the buildinl! department will require a certification of the existinl! sanitary system from a NYS licensed architect or enl!ineer. Q~ Authorized Signature CC: file, Z.B.A. Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require additional review from the South old Town Building Department. ,.r' I 0 V"'" - I ~ LIt- - I J ~'_I @ ~COUNTY OF SUFFOL~ ~l ~~ ~ STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING THOMAS ISlES, AICP DIRECTOR OF PLANNING June II, 2007 Town of Southold ZBA 53085 Main Rd., P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 I 8 i(\\YI lilt-< t . Dear Sir: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following app!ication(s) submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision oflocal determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Aoo!icantCs) Municioal File NumberCs) Sachman Reeve Mazur Gross Oak Iavarone Ragusa Retus Melnick Brewer Yacht Yard 6040 6041 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 Very truly yours, Thomas Isles, AICP Director of Planning S/sTheodore R. Klein Senior Planner TRK:cc LOCATION H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY . MAILING ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6100 HAUPPAUGE. NY 11788-0099 1631) 853-5190 TELECOPIER 1631) 853-4044 . . FORM NO. 3 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 32434 Z Date OCTOBER 18, 2006 permission is hereby granted to: EVANGELOS & WF BOUNATSOS 58-33 44TH AVE WOODSIDE,NY 11377 for : ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING & CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR. 2 COS REQUIRED at premises located at 25 LIGHT HOUSE RD SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 055 Block 0001 Lot No. 003.002 pursuant to application dated OCTOBER 13, 2006 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on APRIL 18, 2008. d1UCk~":.c,~ -.,.... Fee $ 695.50 ~. .~ -'" t}o 16 ~'I-Ob'\ ~ ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 . '\ '-!fl .~ ~ APPLICATION .HE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD O.PE ------~ For Office Use Only Date Assigned! Assignment No. I~m7 i I 7,0"'"'' 0"".',-"'" ')F A", 0 j' ,_/'i..,,,, '-"""'::..:.---...::~:.::-.~:~ -- House No.'2 ~ Street L l'9l-1Tl-ll"}( l~~ t2 0 Hamlet 'Sotfn.! O/-I'::) ~o I SCTM 1000 Section~Block"Lot(s) ?l.1.. Lot Size ~ .~S Zone I (WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED Ju,.J~ 4 '20.." BASEDONMAPDATED Auq""1 2()a~ Applicant(s)/Owner(s): ~ 119 ~ ~ A,..J !-JoE. 0' 12.€.ll 1 :T" MailingAddress:jk,"1 L1Le.v&12 A\JTc. io"""'t.e.12~ AJ.~ 0104 Telephone:':\ /4. C2lD~. "'hi Fax #:(Sa.n.p) EmaiI: NOTE: In addition to the above. please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney, agent, architect, builder, contract vendee, etc. and name of penon who agent represents: Name of Representative: \A"",e.~ t""; Coil.....,,,..,AR..r7,,for~) Owner, or ( ) Other: Agent's Address:_P. a. ~ 0 X. ?>~4-1\.t.W\ PT'c....J &,4y So ,.....J''( I ,Cj ~ Telephone!;;l&, .4ifS~.~Z+ Fax#:"~1.17@ .O~O EmaiI: Please check box to soeci~ who you wish correspondence to be mailed to, from the above names: ~Applicantlowner sj or 0 Authorized Representative, or 0 Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED MAP DATED AN APPLICATION DATED FOR: o Bnilding Permit o Certificate of Occupancy 0 Pre-Certificate of Occupancy D Change of Use ~Permit for As-Built Construction DOther: and DENIED Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article, Section, Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code.) Article')(ll\l.:]:.Section 280- 100. "Z.~ Subsection Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: \(A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. o A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. -I 0 Interpretation of the Town Code, Article Section o Reversa0 Other ~~~ A :;2oriZPeal ~~?'fRas not been made at auv time with respect to this propertv. UNDER Appeal "\.,,~. N D Year~ (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our office for /V'- assistance.) Name of Owner: . ZBA.# REASONS FOR APPEAL (additional sheets mav be used with oreoarer's silmature): AREA VARIANCE REASONS: (1) An nndesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: IT J2epL..AlGe.!:o A ~ou~e ~~o.Ei APPE,/IoI2.A...u..e I.,)AC;, De'"l"eeIOCU'T"i.D e.~"(o>-l.c lC?,€PAI2. (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: Bu 11-0 IlI..J Cj , ....., c; P C;,-'"I"o.e 6.~:.( .J. F'IS~ ALl.ol.leo T~€ I='cU,,-/CA..,",o,..,J, 1='2A""''E,D I Gl..O~P ~ ..,J..Ie. UeA1"J.lee '1"0 OGc..ue e.E.roQE <::'1"opp,~ ~oQ~. 4, "" ~OJ-Ae' .;'~E O'-.Jt.:l' \...JA1 "T"o lZ,~L."e '1"1-1,:;. l.,Jov/..O ~E. "1"0 2.eIvlDIIE T 'E. (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: I" I S U J..I.(T e.)( \? 1"6.0 OJ2'L:J'NA~L"J' (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions . I in the neighborhood or district because: -r+l~ ~ouc..l! ,...., "T"i-Je; e )(1"S1"I"-I4 <::.o",Q jT'"01\I 1..}..4~ !><J'l..;r DN A 4- c.ouet':oe e.2IGt, Fcv~.p"on",'O'-I AtoJP OA""'A"~t)~'/'D""".o 12liPAI:!2. 1""12......., 1.,/4'T"'t.e ~ "'-ee......, I1C D4'-'\~",t: all'STIN, f'Qo",,", '(-e.. &!;. 0'" "'Ec::.Le.a. IV€IJ C.ON~'l1eIlc:.Tlo-' ,-:. &A~D O"'-J 1!.1..OC1 Goc::>~. lo.,)el,J \~NrrA~"" ~ Oe.41~4t.e""o I!>€ I/o.J~T""LLe.IO. (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( )Yes, or ~o. Are there Covenants and Restrictions concerning this land: ~ No. 0 Yes (olease furnish coov). This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. oJo Check this box ('}() IF A USE VARIANCE IS BEING REQUESTED, AND PLEASE COMPLETE THE A TTACHED USE VARIANCE SHEET: (Please be sure to consult yo/([ orneyl. M 0 -A\M<--o2 ~4 Sign ure of Appellan or Authorized AgenLY (Agent must submit written Authorization from Owner) ,,;n~\i\JnY ". <.:rtAMOURIAH "Ollry Public, Stall .. ttIW YtII No. 0613875 Ql!I/ttIId In westchestlr ~ TIrIll E:xpI,.. July 31'&lltir . ~ :. . . ! Page 3 of 3 . Appeal Applicaflon Part B: REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE (If reauested): For Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zoning Regulations tor the Particular District Where the Project Is Located (please consult your attorney betore completing): 1. Applicant cannot realize a reasonable return tor each and every permitted use under the zoning regulations tor the particular district where the property is located, demonstrated by competent financial evidence. The applicant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: (describe on a separate sheet). 2. The alleged hardship relating to the property Is unique because: rr Io-1A'( Be POS"'/~Le- "-J..l AI' hJtrn:..2 eu,."Jo FF ...,A'( ~AvE. co...s-r.e\&Ift'e.D -rD j"'~c DAMA~.. -ro "-~e. E.)(I ::n-/~ I-b"""'e. 3. The allesea hardship dOes not apply to a substantial portion ot the district or neighborhood because: 4. The request will not alter the essential character ot the neighborhood because: -n-le t-J.e,..; be~I<1,.,j I:, S'''''I'I...Ae. ""0 'T'I-le ~1';T'o21~ ~O~.... e,,,II..'- IN "1"l4E. PA!:>1"" 5. The alleged hardship has not been self-created because: T 1-1 e 012 1 c:; /r.J 4 L. Ht>QC,~ VA~ p':>1.l1L,'I" .0"'; c..12A Oc IOO~ '(€A2S 4'10. 6. This Is the minimum rellet necessary, while at the same time preserving and protecting the character ot the neighborhood, and the health, satety and welfare ot the community. (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.) ~ e. EX' ...T' N '1 \Jt:.......-e ~ u> ~ li.~ L r12o....... "T"L.l6 fZoAP ~1'"T"J.l ~o A'c::'VE.e.~€ ,4 F'Fec::T1"O,-,.l6 CO/ll'lNUIoJ,-ry 7. The spirit ot the ordinance will be observed, public satety and welfare will be secured, and substantial Justice will be done because: (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.) N~I.J SA,vITae:.y/pTZ.o.'N4G,c t~S-rALl.~lO Uoo,,"UI"'''-o r'-la&.1Co I.JA1"~2 IV€"-l CO~'5>Trr:uc:r/bN e~PUl'c.e~&-JT I~ 1/0..1 ~ ''''D ( ) Check this box and complete PART A, Questions on previous page to apply AREA VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise, please proceed to the slanature and notary area below. --\-"\ <...-.. \ ) . 1)" Q di2 4--. Signa ure of Appellant or uthorlzed Age!}f-t (Agent must submit Authorization from O~r) GREGORY G. CHAMQURWI ,ottry Public. State ef ... _ No. 0613875 lua,lfttcj In Westchester ~~ Term E'xlIItW July 81,' ~_/ ZDA App 9/30/02 . . QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? )(Yes DNo B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? .~o DYes, please explain on attached sheet. C. I) Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? .,.1 0 2) Are these areas shown on the map submitted with this application? 3) Is the property bulkheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4) If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: and if issued, please attach copies of permit with conditions and approved map. D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? "'1 0 E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? No (Please show area of these structures on a diagram if any exist. Or state "none" on the above line, if applicable.) F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? Yec" If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department and describe: G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? ~O the proximity of your lands on your map with this application. If yes, please label ----..............."- H. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel_17~ I 0 F..,....,,,, e and proposed use c., "" M 1;. xample : exis ing: single-family; proposed: same with garage or pool, or other description.) . A~ O. -€~<f (;-r;- 0 {. nd Date -.J 2/05: 1/07 '. ". . . I . 'I PROJEcT I.D. NUMB'R . SEQR 617.2i Appendix C State Envir~nmental Quality Review SHORT ENViRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLiSTED ACTiONS Only PART I - Project Wormation (To be complete by Applicant or Project sporular) 1. Applicant / Sponsor 2. Project Name I S~~H~,~~''-LY 3. Project location: Municipality rJI ''''''''<.>1 /I' County ] ';OV.J.! OL..O 4. Precise location (Street [ -z..~ L-/qH-r14 OOSE. 5. Is proposed action: 120 1 ( )NEW ( ) EXPANSION ( ) MODIFICATION / ALTERATION 6. Describe project briefly: I 7. Amount of land affected: Initially: acres: Ultimately: acres 8. Wilt proposed action comply '.'lith existing or other existing land use restrictlons:( ) YES NO If No, describe briefly: I 9. What Is present land use in vicinity of project: (describe): Residential () Industrial ( ) Commercial ) Agricultural ( ) ParklForestlOpen Space ( ) Other 10. Does action Involve a permit approval or funding, now or ultimately from any other Governmental agency,(Federat, State or Local)? ( ) YES l'j(J NO If Yes, list agency(s) and permiUapprovals: 11. Does any aspect of the action have a currently valid permit or approval? (')4 YES ( ) NO tfYes,list agency(s) and penniUapprovais: 12. As a result of proposed action, will existing permit/approval require modification? ( ) YES ( ) NO If Yes, 1151 agency(s) and penniUapprovals: I certIfy that the information provided above Is true to the best of my knowledge .... ' Date: -\::; Applicant J Sponsor Name: Signature: If the action Is In the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment . .. LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2007 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 280 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY. JUNE 28. 2007: 11:20 a.m. HUGH AND ANNE O'REILLY #6058. Request for a Variance under Section 280-124 (100-244), based on the Building Inspector's June 4, 2007 Notice of Disapproval concerning an as-built demolition of an existing dwelling, with new construction at less than the code- required 40 feet on this 37,375 square foot lot. The new construction activities commenced under Building Permit #32434-Z, at 25 Lighthouse Road (at intersection with North Road), Southold; CTM 55-1-3.2. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular business hours and prior to the day of the hearing. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (631) 765-1809, or by email: Linda.Kowalskl@Town.Southold.ny.us. Dated: June 14, 2007. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JAMES DINIZIO, JR., CHAIRMAN By Linda Kowalski 54375 Main Road (Office Location) 53095 Main Road (Mailing Address) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 . , . ./- . ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK -----------------------------------------------------){ In the Mat7;(~IiCation of 0AMt;5 :\ C-AL 1V1./\ l2..A'T A. (Name of Applicants) Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000- S S - I - ~. (, -----------------------------------------------------J<: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) ei< I,J.A""€S~ CA"7fv/L>p,,'11:<. residing at 4-~B Du::> sqU\/Ge:s i2.0 IJ".M()T'?N 5A1':, ,New York, being duty sworn, depose and say that: On the 1"'1 dayof.-lll r-.JE ,01, I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and nature of my application noted thereon, securely upon my property, located ten (10) feet or closer from the street or right-of-way (driveway entrance)- facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance;' and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for seven daYSjlrior to th't date of the subject hearing date, which hearing date was shown to be J u N-C z.e.:nJ -z: 001 Sw~ to before me this \5 dayof~ ,200'+- ~a;-;C? (Notary Public) ------- --~-----_._,~-_.._~-~~.~-'",--, ~ (Signature) BARBARA ANN RUDDER Notary Public, State of New Yorfc No. 4655605 Qualilied in Suffolk County..:lo'\/ b Commission Expires April 14, ~ .. ~ ~ == --. ~=--="~"','-..,-~...,.""''''=---="'---=:'07-=''-=__=-.....-_________:-_''=__;_=__=o=_=::;.==O=~-==-:::-:_ 'near the entrance or driveway entrance of my property, as the area most visible to passersby , , ~ i Uf\- w j11- ~~Q~.~ 1-- -'--.,~'-' , - ~ '(I - ! . ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK -----------------------------------------------------J{ In the Matter ofth~pplication of 'QI~ il6k1 ~M~~ ~t' C"::AIV11'A4e4t:l.) ~O(/ b (Name 0 Applicants) CTM Parcel #1000- S S - I - ~. 2 -----------------------------------------------------){ ./UN 1 5 2007 i , 7N.'''.,c ,..". "AlrfITnA krrr ~'~~..:::..::...:.::.:..:...:..:.:. ' OF '" MAILINGS -::i:J;.ffJo"!'- a COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, j AMeS J.:!AMI"T"e>t--J e:.t..'( S L.1c....,....."iittsidingat 435 DCb 'SQule€.s 12Q , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the I S day of~ L.lto-JE. ,011, r personally mailed at tbe United States Post Office in So LJT J.lo L 0 , New York, by CER TIFfED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file witb tbe M Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office S DU-rt-lo '- C> , for every property which abuts and is across a public or priv~~e street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrolUlding the applicant's property. ' , 20or- (Notary Public) BARBARA AHH RUDDER HotllY Public, Stile of Hlw York No. 4855805 QUill/led In Suffolk County CommiSSion EXPlree April 14,~ PLEASE list, on the back of tillS Affidavit or on a sheet of paper the lot numbers next to the owner-names-and-addressesiUrwhictnmtices were rnail~:Jiia!l1C you.--"--'.,~~-'~~-'-"=" ,._c.'" . CD . AI--lTJ-ioiNY CAeAe:,~L1 J E ~33 E -4 ~ E= -::rr N-E \-.) Yo sz.)(... N Y 100 \ I (1:) ,:::- fZ~L S I ell G'-lYr-JD -Z"'l~S OL.D NDe-TW eo SDUTJ--IDl.--O IVy 1/"'11/ HAl2elf.1" OoNOpeJA '21 "1L; DLD ND~-rW eD <S 0 uJ )-\ oLD r---J I I \ q ') I (1) E VAN~c(...bS B:>ol.)/-...JA-r~oS S 6 - '3 ':> 4""1 -r J--l A \Ie ~oo~ ,OE rV -, I I ~ il & @ l\rJ'/o Nt y.e I 'SON) S, S41D "OL.Jr--J '1'::> Av't, 'ScYl/-lOL-r.:::> N --r. 1 \ 111 '{'~.. .;;; ,-i'" ';>.". ....'l '," . ~ ...... ,- . . - M\SS)N~ ~s 6G- 6 (njcq "'110":.1"'7 .I.ls oC 6/~l/0l m <0 IJ'" 3" , U.S. Postal Service," ~;'~s~~~~;~/~~~;:~'a~c;fo;e~~.vided) 3" <0 .-'l .-'l NE()lRP'FOf7C I $0.41 Postage $ 3" o Certffied Fee $2.65 o o Return Receipt Fee $2 1< (Endorsement Required) . oJ I:] Restricted Delivery Fee $0 00 [I"'" (Endorsement Required) . . m ~ TOlelPostage&Fees $ $5.21 OS", _ ol-w e ::: &men~t:,.iI".I:l.Q.N.:fnCAe.aR?e.An-d______.....___.. ~~~:;~~~?2.nE.n1:2.~.~.n:?-:r___A.P.!:..~.!J CiIy.~~~ -rocz.k:.. N'( J /"Ill . , :II -" o IJ'" m IJ'" o o 3" m U.S Postal Service", CERTIFIED MAIL", RECEIPT-. (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverag~vided) Wl$rF HfhJ7C I A L _ $ $0.41 $2.65 $2.15 $0.00 $5.21 USE 0971 m o o o Retum Reclept Fee (EndorsementRecjuked) o RestrIcted Dellv8ry Fee Ul (Endorsement ReqUIred) r0- O Oertffted Fee ThmI Postage &.... $ 3" o o ro- ..D r0- m IJ'" o o 3" m U.S. Postal Service"" CERTIFIED MAIL" RECEIPla (Domestic Mall Only; No Insurance Coverag"videdj 9l0rnFNfhJ7C I A L USE _ $ $0.41 m o o o Retum Reclept Fee (Endorsement Requloed) D Restrlcted Delivery Fee Lt') (Endorsement Requlnlcl) r0- O Co..... ... ThmI_& Fees $ 3" ~ lliiiit;~~~.~.t,.nn.2.!gA1.f;Q.?-~.C>l.O...___ ~S::;~'Z:'~~-~'~~"'*~'T-~'" ..-. - .. 1 i i ..D ro- IJ'" 3" 3" <0 .-'l .-'l U.S.. Postal Service".. CERTIFIED MAILM RECEIP.. (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverag~vided) Postage $ S~Nplrc I A $0.41 us 3" o C] Return Receipt Fee Cl (Endorsement Required) o RestrlcIed Delivery Fee [J"" (Endorsement Required) m o Certified Fee $2.65 $2.15 $0.00 $5.21 Total Postage & Fees $ 1.1') C ent 0 ::: 'f:~~~J~~;;~~!.~J).~'~3e....---n----------- '1- I ....___.s,___........______....___........___ CiFit;;;;~PJ(;-;..;;.=.-;;...~ -f \ \ "t "1 I PS Form 3800 June 2002 See Reverse for Instructions m <0 m IJ'" o o .::r m m o o o o 1.1') r0- O U.S. Postal Service", CERTIFIED MAIL" RECEIP. (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverag vided) . .. S~N'F1f7C " A l _ $ $0.41 Certi1lecIFee $2.65 ~ecleplFee $2.15 Required) =""'Dellveoy... $0.00 ment Required) ThmI Poe1age & Fees $ $5.21 O~ 3" 00- ::: lliiiit;.W12.!E:T......QQ.~.Q__eg.LlL__....n.__~ ~';.";..~-z.~.~S...~!::Q__.bJ.Q.eI.H__.g.Qn o J.10l-0 t--J t' I I "I, , . . . . Complete ~ems 1, 2, end 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ANTUONY GA12ABBA..I12. ~:O'3 ~ 4~ gO ~-r Ap-r '011 ~~hl YDe~1 o...}-( 2. ArUcle Number (Ttansfer trom service fabe1) PS Form 3811, February 2004 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. Signature X\" o Agent o Addressee D. Is delivery address diffet'ent from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. ~Ice Type aGertlfied Mall 0 Expfess Mail D Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise .0 Insul'8d Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted DelIve1y'1 (Extnl Fee) 0 Yes DomestIc Return Receipt · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete ~enn 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front jf space permits. 1. ArtIcle Addressed to: WAI2J2"E1 PDNDPI2.IA L./~5 OLD Noenl 120 So0T+lD-C> N-r '1<>11/ 2. Article Number (1twIsfor from On . PS Form 3811 3. ~Ice Jype ~ed Mail 0 Express Mail D Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandlee o InsulOP Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes .I __~"'T 7004 0750 0003 3400 9383 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M.1640 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · Comp'ete ~ems 1, 2, and 3. Also complete ~enn 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: t="12Ar-/t. SleAL<.JS4 L q ~ I? D 1-0 r--J oE:1J-1 ?DtJTlJo<--O....J-( II ~II 2. ArtIcle Number (TIanster from $(fnIirYIIlRIv:>II PS Form 3811, 7004 0750 0003 3400 9376 ,.. 102595-02-M-1540 B. Received by (PrInted Name) Agent o Add....... C. Date of Delivery Yes r 3. Type rtlfiedMail 0 Exp o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. _ed Delivery? (Extnl Fee) 0 Yes TRaACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM . APPLICABLE~ OWNER, CONTRACT VENDEE AND AGENT: The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and employees. The purpose of this fonn is to provide infonnation, which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. ~ ' .Il.-....J"'E: Ol?e.ILL"I' (Last n me, rsi name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Variance Special Exception * Other Approval or Exemption from plat or official map Change of Zone Tax Grievance 'If "Other" name the activity: ~ Do you personally (or through your company, Spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood. marria(!e, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, includin(! a artnershi in which the Town officer or em 10 ee has even a artial ownershi of or em 10 ent b oration in which the Town officer or em 10 ee owns more than 5o/c Sh3rp.~ YES NO x lfyou answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant, agent or contract vendee) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her, Spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted th' Signature: Print Name: ~<~~ . . Office Location: Mailing Address: Town Annex IFirst Floor, North Fork Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 July 17, 2007 Bv Recular Mail and Fax Transmission Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Reilly 167 Glover Avenue Yonkers, NY 10704 Re: ZBA #6058 - Variance Application Dear Mr. and Mrs. O'Reilly: Please find enclosed a copy of the variance determination with condition, rendered by the Board of Appeals at its July 12, 2007 Meeting. Please be sure to contact the Building Department before proceeding. A copy of the enclosed variance determination was also furnished today to the building department representative for their file update and permanent record keeping. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~daiclw~Q - Linda Kowalski Enc!. . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTH OLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville DATED: June 14, 2007 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 6058 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 6058 of HUl!h & Anne O'Reillv- the Application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals. Also enclosed is the Applicant's Project Description, Questionnaire for Filing with the Z.B.A. Application, Transactional Disclosure Form, LWRP Consistency Assessment Form, Short Environmental Assessment Form, Town of Southold Property Record Card, Notice of Disapproval, (5) black & white photographs of the residence, Survey, Plot Plan, Septic/Drainage Plan, Elevations, Foundation Plan, First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan, Roof Plan, Building Sections, Notes & Details, Strapping Details and Nailing Schedule. .-/ FIELD INSPECTION REPORT I DATE ()-'I;).~O' . . -- COMMENTS Ur /I . id- Of\. AlIlLI R, ;, /""",' .7 ~;g .;. .v -~gA .R". ..h1. ~ j A. 11'..... A,J... 'jJ2'l FOUNDATIOl' (1ST) ~ == IA.. ....../~r JAn"II.J?-lltM-. "'. AI~. 0'. a.M-tJ(C 1;;; _____.....__.______~~_____~______ "-1-0-, arR. Or-. k ' .-J-. ~A a...~ ~..= II AI', LA /~Jjdl /fl. .. ./ d-/c- .i7x~/J LL4 ,t . f." ~ k..'":t> f / ~, ./-{~'ll--ttPrr-.~,'Y.I<!:' ~~ FOUNDATION (2ND) 4-,~ I /S.I.kJ/~ Mi · L '. ~ T.c;, ~~'IhA.,..;:...\.J ,,,lJ 'fWLsir vV' I { lMMJ &~ ../I...... >......,J. ~J"/: . el/t Mt Ar~ 2: '/lL~ .t'()..~}. rAlrL~ J/,....._ { A..cA, A./~ ~ II v!rl..', t, IJ" ~ '-- J:. I. '/J. .- t:w.l '~J.' ~J &? I f./i,( ~"7" A~/}/'>y / /I ! rf; ... .., :2}.. I ? Il. ":r'l=])!"': [ /4. J "" tJ~ # .,Lj.{' ~. .... t ~ "{ ~C/ .I (V.;'/ p.. "/J .~\;. .., ItfrlJ-t:11 ,,1 -1i ..\.....;A" {.(~. ....~ 0, -:.s.;-- i , n ~ 1 ) (JU... ''OK . ~I /, (j 1::. Jpo..lo 7 rrU r=__ I. L.. " An JJr (: -I.: ~;~A. .. .. ..I.1..k /,. ~ I A A-- ";""-L. ,'. .1, - ~",,,,,,"_' '" +J" X: CHL.. A-Ir-f I.L.^ . ^" ~-H;';r. L.." .1., n .. I / m ('lo-'} ~. ) ('. ':'l I-V:-.I7 \/ ~~ '/ ?" ~ / .., . . ROUGH FRAMING & PLUMBING INSULATION PER N. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE ~ ~ --.---- ~ FINAL -- - - - --- ---- - __ _. - - m___ ____. .- --. 11. - 'q-()b r L/~h J()/i~ I ., ADDITIONAL COMMENTS .II,~," ~~t.~. ..~ J,~- f'prn.....J) V /<s.. .-1) Ji2/ ,:0.0 () ~ -- -- - .-- :-?' 0 ::E z ~!ll -.::> .:::, (t:> 1---- f--- -- f-- ~~ \ ";j ~~ o .., 0,.,6 2: --- == t<l 2-~ ~ t~ ";j :-'l I-- . . APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION (For ZBA Reference) Applicant: ~, .,.., l-+ ~ ~ J-JNE , o s:?~_ I LL -( DatePrepared:~ I. For Demolition of Existing Bnilding Areas Please describe areas being removed: -EX '~THV "t I C.~C2 ~A2A'le ~ I.~ <;,~ F-r Qe.M.,\/1' ~ l2.'iOPL.ll.l.i5: 6I<\~"",""'i 1. ~Toe.'" c..,. \ @.Ac.~ ""''''0&''( p.."",.,,,e \ eept.4c.e I ~1'"oe -{ ~., I 5.~. rl II. New Construction Areas (New Dwellinp or New AdditionslExtensions): Dimensions of first floor extensiong". ,I' It "Z.~'. II" I' Dimensions of new second floor: .'-" It. '2.4'.'0" ~ '1.1'.'1 '20'-'" Dimensions of floor above second level: Height (from finished ground to top of ridge): Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed? If yes, please provide height (above ground) measured from natural existing grade to first floor: I I "J. tJ6>-''1J,\2.A~c"2.'.4 r III. Proposed Construction Description (Alterations or Structural Changes) (attach extra sheet if necessary) - Please describe building areas: Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: ? Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: '2 N. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage (from surveyor): Existing square footage of buildings on your 'property: I c:.Bo Proposed increase of building coverage: lq.~., e.l..IO., PlZoPo.. Eo<=:> l'oe..lJ..c. 411,.l.. Square footage of your lot: ~"7, ~nc;,. Percentage of coverage of your lot by building area: q . '2. ~ v. Purpose of New Construction: ]2'f..pLAc:..e. EX 1<:>1"'~" DAM./\.':; C VI. Please describe the land contours (flat, slope %, heavily wooded, marsh area, etc.) on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): -n.I~ L--"<'r' -rJ.lkr 'T"J.lE' 6X'-:"'-I,,",<; I-I..,.......~ C;17'~ O"'-J 1$ leeaquL..Ae I ~ .:::,.j../APE.. rr....'OULO BfI'_ I:> 110'"":' ''''-l. <..T '1'"0 Go",", PI..""' I'" "T"'/ole ~~€ ,. l..A.N1C, II 1'"J'-IZ1V~f2. \J.Il.... '2. 'P"12...-.J"'" Yc.2.~ ....erh, /I 7' Please submit seven (7) photos, labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction), and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 7/2002; 2/2005; 1/2007 . ". TOWN 6 -SS-/-.j'.'2...: OWNER STREET . OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD . Z.t:=) - """/ ',f1;^i... --',C'" _.... " "",~',.J. VILLAGE '/0- j"'" / " DIST. SUB. LOT mJt!?GUr/t/[}: f't70!:"L cO' ,(., .10 SEAS. VL. S Y ~.r. i 1- -, i,' ". '__ f~_. /".j 9/" / ~--</( "~-<""/' w/ , . / ' Jr. /V('-l ((r 4/11 COMM. CB. MICS. :5- i c' jj A~~.sf, ~ TYPE OF BUILDING )' ,/, y..,,,.~._ ", " , , '. iJ f-4',n_..... - "'-r-,!.:. Mkt. Vq!l.Ie A1 ,'~/ FARM LAND 4tJ-() (J() .2/,(;)0. ~i" 0 1/6 ()O /400 "tH IMP. TOTAL d2;V6 '7)-5'2>0 DATE REMARKS /..--' w,.~--. 6"" J9HJ/ AGE NEW FARM BUILDING CONDITION NORMAL BELOW ABOVE Acre Value Per Acre Value Meqdawland Hause "1'fat- -- FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD / Tillable Woodlqnd ' Total DOCK COLOR GREey TRIMIAJ J-f /'"/ C-' - . . . I. " " , ;:'- " ,I. " .. -- , --, . , .' ,~. .",- '!"~ " .;;;: . .l'ft;,. " ,.,~. , I',' , .' f \~~' . \\ ",""" :-..-....;. , " " , II " " If- ~ [<,4 16- .~ d 21"Z. , I., I. .( t f ~ \, , , .- . ,- .... , i' f <-.-- r I , ^ , , -i , ')~ 1 " M; Bldg. j L/ y a" ''i : ~"-r/ 'r , , --- (p7fg ~() .jl.. <10 . . - '/"-17 Ii ;;l. :l -" .' -- '" ,,' ~ -.- . --, Extension 137(1 ~ OJ, y <><,,r - $$0 .2 '::'-0 .. ., Extension / , I (~ .. "r Extension , , , Foundation 13R.J Ck: Both I Dinette -Pcm:h ~t;~. 'II ,K .J(, J/d I . Floors K. :;; ..J 9~ /IJ Basement !>,4.l?'!' f> /N r _." - PM" . r €' It P Ext. Walls 1158- Interior Finish ., -1... /~t> lR. I - Breezeway Fire Place ;\/0 Heot iii 0 DR. . " /~ 3lja/ . Garage /.3Y 2- V.:. 3/L TypeRaaf RoomS lst Floor' , 13R. Patio - - ' ,-- Recreation, Room ROOmS 2n!:! Floor FIN, S , " .. - '" ",. - . , . . , O. B. ". Dormer Driveway - . Total - lor ~16_ , . ~*'?c;,i~".I' -- , . ~ .' If;)" . <,'" +- -:jr9f . . ~ r O'~ 00-/ - 3.01- ,\ '~~1o:~/-~.3 \50'\ '" AD. 25.~ -, 5.3 2.0,4 1.2.\((:) '.1 " ,- " , ... UAlc) .0'5"- '3 - J/ s6'-3- 3,~ 5T -3 - d-., 20.0Alel ... 3.0' .. 2.0.\ ... ,.... , 1.10 221 e @ 10.1 25.3Mcl ,<> 1....,(e\ " \.'~ @ 17 'I.U "'TC~-~~----r---- - SEE SEC. NO. 063 Pr_""III llno lob"','."",.,.. 6>><'U'" \cr>ooilll,"I<'l'''' ;C" 1I)<I-"".'o4<'L'". o..tI..ESS 0Il.1t! OTHERWISE, ^" PROI'ERTlES -+~ (21) @ --~-- __R__ ." WITHIN '"' FOLLOWING DISTRICTS, -...-- ><I>dl.].'",,!Io,klildo." ~.. ~"oo.'rl,' L..... IIol"",0;,'rk1U.... ,,- . ..~ _t!ll- ~".""l"llnt ~---_. _.-..,.. '01" OI.tr~T llno --1-- "'","l<dlllIol""l'" _H~T -- '" " HYDIUIH_ 1","'_. --~ Co.n.ll..... --- l'lftlIllo'''''L''''' --L-~ _.llI'lrk'l"",--l-- I~' " UT[II OW 1Q REFUSE ""..,.... " -~.. 12.1'ldl ,c lW 1_'''' ---- """-010""'\1... --p-- l..........or.lrk.ll'" -'1-- -~, US,EUTER -......... 12.tAld _In ----- !.nIrllotrktll". --5-- Date: 06/13/07 Transaction(s): 1 1 Cash . Application Fees Name: O'reilly, Hugh & Anne 167 Glover Ave Yonkers, NY 10704 Clerk ID: MICHELLE Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 . * * * RECEIPT * * * Reference 6058 Total Paid: Subtotal $400.00 $400.00 Internal 10: 6058 ~~~'~ ~\~' -- ~ ~ ~- . - r _ ~\I~; ~ --- ~~ ./ ~' ./. /~ :;;:::~ ,/,,: ~~...-&IJ; ".t',' ,.\ ~, ~' ';~ ~ I. ~ r . . --- --~ - ~~'-T~':;:~ ~ ~~ ;-- .... . !--.~ " , tq I ., " .' !i:. ~ " I-~ ,-:........ :-.:* ...., ~~,"','~,'" ....,. ...,.;,., f":'_. ........ ' ::<.:,.~: .. J?~..:.~ ..:;~... . 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PRO!>!i:RTII:S NOTICE E '" "TIlIN ,~ FOLLO.,Ne; DISTRICTS, Real Property Tox Service E ......,..~- --jZ-- s..w,lamllloc'/BIdo;."', 121l _. 0 FOwlJotri<'llno --F__ _O;"'''='L.... --R-- ~~. , ~.~ ..n IolUffENAt<<':E,ALTERATIOH,lOALEOR Agency y ". m m """. 055 G ~V;'"",l"L"" -----. -- ""..tlsn1e.line --1-- IIot"lc~lJotr"t U.... _~T__ ,., '" HYllRANT ~STRIBlJTION OF.\In PORTION of THE COUltyCenter Riverheor:\NY IIlOl E ,~, ., U1l:R Sl.Htu COUNTY TAx lolAI' IS PRCIIltlIT(D 0 N s..._,........ -- Cou1ty'.... --- UIIJrtllla...t.u". --l__ -.:.......,,',...--.-- .- 70 lIEf USE SULEtlFEET: , ---- -,~ USTEUfER IITHOUT.RlTTENPERIISSIONOFTHE ~ , - . .. ., ,. .st"".. 1000 D pg.-,.."" " -". 12.ll.ldlo.-12.1I. 1_'... Pl>i<!b,,,,,,... --p-- '...........(Iio"~tL...-..-- RUlPRO'ERH TUSERVlCE AGENCY. P PROPERTY OAf -........ 12.1"'1<;) _c. ----- ..-lbtr1ttl.... --~-- C(JIi'UlSllNOATE: __.Ol,,,g7