HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 163 " I, q~,; - Lj~S L 124')1 PI&3 THIS INDENTURE, made the 20th day of July, 2005 BETWEEN SHARON G. BURKE, having her address at 220 John Street, Oradell, New Jersey 07649, as executrix of the Estale of GENEVIEVE T. CHUDZINSKI UIIder the last will and testament of GENEVIEVE T. CHUDZINSKI, bde of 5755 Depot Lane, CutclJogue, New York 11935, deceelCd. party of the first part, and SHARON G. BURKE AND JOSEPH M. BURKE, bualnmd IUld wife, residing at 220 John Street, Oradell, New Jersey 07649, party of the second part, WITNESSETH. that the party of the first pan. by virtue of the poWIll' 8Dd authority given in and by said last will and testament, and in consider of Ten do11aJs ($10.00) paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant 8Dd release until the party of the second pan. the heirs of successors and assigns of the party of the second part f~, ALL that catain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings 8Dd improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of CutclJogue, Town of Southald, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York, bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the North by Middle Road, OD the East by Depot Lane, OD the South by land of Joseph ZuJlnUi, and OD the West by land lale of John HaUJus. Being the same premises conveyed to Genevieve Chudzinski by deed dated August 23, 1969 from Joseph Matwieczyk, recorded in the Office oflbe Suffolk County Clerk in Deed Book 6611, Page 231 OD August 26, 1969. The tire TeJIlIDC)' of Joseph Matwieczyk, established by the aforesaid deed, expiRlCl by virtue of the death of said Joseph Matwieczyk in Brookhaven, Suffolk County, New York on April 26, 1983. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above.described premises to the cenIer lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurteruIDees and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second pan. the heirs or S1'CCeSS01'S and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid AND the party of the first pan. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lieo Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such considera1ioD as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose ", .... ., TO BE USED ONLY WHEN 1HIl ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK On lhc _ day of April in the year 200S before me, the undersigned, personally ~ penonally known 10 me or proved 10 m. 011 the basis of 581isfildory evidence 10 be the individual wbo!lO oame is subscribed 10 the within insIrumenlllld KkDowIedged 10 mc dull she execured the same, in her ClIJIIU'iIy, and dull by her lhcit sijplll\lll'e on \he instrumem, \he individual. or the person upon behalf of which Ibe individual aoIId, execUlOd \he in5lnunen1. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK On the _ day of April In lhc ycor 200S befole me, \he undersigned, penonally appean=d pmonaIly known 10 me or pIOVed 10 me 011 Ihe basis of salisf'aclOly evidence 10 be the iDdlvidual whose oame is subsaibed 10 lhc wilhill insInunem and IICknowledpllO me IIl8I oIIe execuled !he same, in her C8plU:iIy, IIld dull by her Ibelr signalure on !he instrumenl, !be illdivlduaL or the penon upon behalf of which \he indivlduolllCled. eXllC\lled !he insInunonL I....... ofindlYlduollll:iDa_1odJpaoaIl (lip8RofiDdi.ldu.l1ati.._ . 'i ') TO BE USED ONLY WHEN mE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE OF NEW YORl( STATE STATE OF NEW JERSEY , COUNTY OF BEIlGEN SS: 00 IlIe ~ day of ~~ the )'ft, 2005. beron me, lhe oodemloed peno.ally appeared SHARON G. BURKE,EXECUTRIX, bavlDe be. add.... al no Joll. Street, OndeH, NJ 07649,.. e_olo. of tile Estoto of GENEVIEVE T. CHUDZINSKI, pe....JJy kHwlllO _ or pnmd 10 IlllIUIIbe buls of..dsf'adOly nIdeHe to be tile bulivldul ....ose _10 oallocrlbed 10 tile "lib" Jutru_1 aod ~ 10 _ tIaIt.... eunled lhe .._ J. lie. ClIp1eity, aod tIaIl by lie. ......I.n OD \be IUCrumeal, IIIe bullvldual, or \be penoa upoa beIuIlf of whlcll tile IIIdlvlduallded, .uculed tile InItruIlllDI, .ad tlIallllell bullv1dul ...de oaeb .ppearo_ befon IIIe ..denJped III tIle Boftllllll of CIooter, Couaty of IIerpa, State ofN_.leney. ~"f.J~~ JEANLGUATTA ''':y Public 01 New..... . :JsJon E>pfte ~ 1"1!lllIt Executor's Deed Tille No. SHARON G. BURKE having ill address at 220 John S1reeI, Oradell. NJ 07849 88 ExIlculDr of the E8lal8 of GENEVIEVE T. CHUDZINSKI under the l.asl WIll and T88lamenlof GENEVlEVET.CHUDZlNSKI TO SHARON G. BURKE AND JOSEPH M. BURKE,IIIw residing at 220 John Street, Oracle". NJ 07649 SECTION: 98 BLOCK 4 TAX MAP NO. 473889 98.-4-5 LOT: 5 COUNTY OR TOWN: Town of SouthoId County 01 SuIfaIk STREET ADDRESS: IJIIII!POT LAIIII! CIITCHClGUE, II. Y. 11131 RETURN BY IIAIL 10: T1M011IY ~ DIJNN, 1\ D\JNN. BROWNE, LLC m CI.OSTER DOCK \lOAD CLOIlTU,NEW.IUSEY _ " of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same fust to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the to1lII ofthc same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be coDStrued 88 if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly excx:uted this deed the day and year first above written. IN THE PRESENCE OF: ~~uj ). -~ ~..4 6/...11., ~ SHARON G. BURKE, EXECUTRIX 01' THE ESTATE OF GENEVIEVE T. CHUDZINSKI . Number of pages TORRENS v( RECORDED 2005 Sep 23 03: 19: 33 PIl Edll<lrd P. ROlla 1ne CLEJ<I( OF SUFFOLK CWlTV L D00012411 P 163 DTI 05-08178 Serial # Certificate # Prior Clf. # Deed I Mortgage InsllUmenl Deed I Mortgage Tax SIlUIIP FEES Recording I Filing SIlUIIp" 3 Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 .v , - S. 00 <= EA-S2 17 (County) -4i-. ", " EA-S217 (SllIte) ~ / ~ ..' Sub Tolal .1.1 Mongage Amt. I. na.~ic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Total SpecJAs.~il. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Coum Held for Appointment , Transfer Tax MlIDsion Tax NOllllion Comm. of Bel. S. ..!!!L R.P.T.S.A. AlT1davit Grand 1l1lal IS"Y cAd The pmpeny covered by this mortgage is or will he improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YHS or NO If NO, see appropriate IlIX clause on page # of this insllUmenl. Certified Copy NYS SurehaJge Other IS. ...Q!L Sub Total I~( 4 Dist. Section Block Lot CPF Tax D4e Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificalion 09600 0400 005000 Improved Vacant Land 6 Satisfaction.vDischaJgeslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address ~ 5ali_~UsI"-"o-nMoi RECORD '" JUmJRN TO: TIMOTHY J. DUNN,II DUNN & BROWNE, LLC 222 Closter Dock Road Closter, NJ 07624 . . TD \" 7 TO m Title Com an Information Co. Name 11tle# 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e '11is page forms part of the allached mode by: tJi];:1 jhl."b.~:.. J-I -f:~m ~ ,rl~JJ ~ TO In the Township of ..11 ~ 4 A.JMJ., ~ In the VILLAGE i: . J JIJ-t "71? ~ 1..... iJ...s. W or HAMLET ur B ES 6~HRU 8 M~ST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. S'l) tI U.LJ d . \ II11I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111I11111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0100424 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-08178 Recorded: Atl 09/23/2005 03.19133 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012411 163 District. 1000 Section. Block. 096.00 04.00 BXAMINBD AND CHARGED AS l'OLLOIIIS $10.00 Lot. 005.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 05-08178 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BIU Edward P.Rcmaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ONfoRM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:1I www.orps.siate.n\l.Us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY . . 1.'1, l.E..tf, ( q I / C2. !)m. DHd Roco'- I a / DI.3, ().s. I m IloV "1':.,::> C3. Book ~ C4. .....'1 t: ,fP\,.:l , Cl. SWlS eo. ,it REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE ~~;SERVUS N~17"'" JW1 PROPERTY INFORMATION "~I 5755 __I I1Il[[TNUMIEI DEPOT lANE llIlUTNoUII SOU'IHOLD ClJl'ClI(X;(JE 11935 QJ'II'OIITOWH v..... ,..- 2. Bur- - BURKE lAS' NotoMI/COMI'Nft' SHARON G. -- ~COMI'MY 3. Tax hi-=- whlre fulure Tax BiI. are 10 be 1In. BUllng if oth1l1'" buyer add.- r.. batram of form) I -- FFPH M. ,- :AlT NAIll/COW",", FlIGI~ I...., NUlllltftNlOSTN:!T NAME arvDltIOillll 1T~1t ..""" .'=:-... I &1m ....ONT.I!I!T Ixl ..... 10RI 'AClEI 1.9.8 I 10000......".___lhorllpllly: 4A._.____Eldm 0 ..___IIoo....II..T...... 0 Ie. ....... AppnMd for SubdMolon""", Moo Provldod 0 ... In"', the nUrnMr of AlMumlnt: RaD ...... ........red on the d.... . 1 I . of ',relll OR 0 Pen of . Percel ..- Him. EXEWIRlX OF GEmVIEVE T. CHUDZINSKI LMT_,alMIWIV ESTATE SHARON G. BURKE ....rNAC LAir NAIIE1UJ/IIINI."4" """- Mo,," / .., , Y..' _1JIo__.....1IpIlIy: .. 0wn0r0IWp Typo 10 Condominium I ~ Community SlMCt t. New ConItrucIion on V...." Land J InduIlrIIl 1IA. Proponv LOCIIId wIIbIn 11'I AgrfcuIIUI'aI Dlltrk:l K Publ~ _' ,.........-. _.. _ RIi:oIlng L Forlll IhIt the propMy Is In In Agricullurll D.IIrla 1&. ChIcII: QU.... ..... Gf __ COIIdiIiaM .1ippIcabII to.....-..: A Solollel__..__ R Silo Between Rellled Comp8n_ or Plrtnvnlln Business C O...a1Il1eB......Io_.SoIIor D Buyar 01 Saller Ia Go~a.."mehl Agency Dr Lenclng ~ H Oood Typo ... W....nIy or ...... and _ ISpocIfy BoIowI I' _ .. Fr_ or Loll .... Fa ....... (Spoclly Balow) (j Slgnlftclm: ChMgIln Proportv 8etMen T.lLIbIe SIIItuI.nd SaID 0a0I H &lie of..... is IndudId In SlIe PrIco I OIl1er U....... F_ A11ocri"ll_ PrIco ISpoc:iIy BoIowI J None DIS'I1UBl1l'ION OR cmvEYANCE 10 BENEFICIARY UNDER WILL D D D o J. ct-* thlt boll below' which mOlt ........., ducrlbn the UN 01'''' prapeny .t thl tl.... at ulr. ^ ~ 0", F.mily R.mdontial 8 2 or 3 F.mlly Residential C R.sIc*ItiII VICIni Land D Non-Rni..... VK.nI LlIIld I SALE INFORMATION I 11. Sat. Canl_ 0010 N/A Ii~AgrM:uIlur" F CammorCIII (j Apll'lmOnt H Enlerl.inmenll AmUHmonl 12. Dale of s... I Tr...... 7 -- , 20,20051 ... - 11 ... Solo"... . ,1. 0.0.0 I , , . lFu11 s.II Price is th. ICUI .mount paid for the proplfty Including PGl'IOnel properly. This Pl';'mtnI m.y 1M in th. forrp of ClSh. other proPlMy or Good.. or Ihe aaumpclOn of rnorag.... or other obHgIttona.) ",... rrxmd to Me ,."r. who'- doIIM ImCXIIIt. '..lndi_........a1_, I . 0.0.0 I _.....-In........ . ASSESSMENT INFORMA1l0N . Oota should reflect th. I.t.., Fin.1 Asses.m.nt Roll .nd Tn Bill ,..::....~.:=Irorn I O. 4 I 17. TOUIAlHlHdV.lal..puulelntrMlf....1 , ; 5.9 Q 0 , ,..,,-CIou 12.1 .Ol-U "._010__1 MA'T'rn'l'CK Sr;KlQl 10. T...Mo..._loI IRaII_1 I. """"_faw._......____1 473889 96.-4-'; I I CERllACATION I I n:nlIJ ..... 01. " "'" ...... "'Ie........... ......... ... w. rorm .~ Iruo .... ........ ,.. tho .... "'.Y _...... ... bolId) .... I __ ..... .... ......... "'..y,,1IlId __al_,......... wlII "'*"....."'" __or.... -.. Ie. _e.."'" 1IIOIdnIl.... .....aI,...._ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY SHARON G. BURKE ~ .11. a"d#_ IU'l'UlGNAllJIlI. I ..r,l;~!05 DUNN,II LMT_ TDmlIY J. ....- 220 JOON STREET 201 IPW:I.'NUlilllEfI: ITMIIIMI<<. WTDI MI!1 -""" 767-6500 ~- ORADEI.L NJ 07649 CRY 011. 'OWN ..." "''''''' .-.JJ.....7t.JI.~, ~ S~BURKE, oo:amux 9j,~0!) ""It NEW YORK STATE COPY HWB