HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12376 P 281 q fa - 2>-'f. 0 11&I' T8S1'-~"Y.'T.U.FarllIOO! .............. ............................,...--.... fIIO"':.......II.~ ---.rrm.,,~elslor.Ine.. NYc:tOOl:l CONSULT YOUIt LAWYER IIFOItE SlGIIItIG 1HIS 'N5T1lUMENT -THIS INSTItUMENT SIIOUl.I) IE USID IY LAWYEIlS ONLY (1):>1 ~ f 2fl THIS INDEN11.IRE, made on BETWEEN /J1QlI'Jt,'/o/ ~t)~Q- A? ~ ~ Ib Go .pp..e1g-12 ! fL r#AO I}A /) /JItI n'.p &()Fr2t.~(2... J Q.f.liJI/Aj. r;J 9- '12 j LM.J..07V. pO ~ <' ')( I-V, ( C/ ~ "J' 1/ ~ . h Y //9?J,J"-Oor)...- party of !be fa.. pari, and . _ IJ. 1'111 /f}tprl-e G70..p(l/"'-P"R.. /2:eV'oc t1' J;/(J ~/r///lS / r(/.f1, 12 ~~~. Gr ~-efl (,.-PfL ..{ 12 o>rrl/l k j2,( s: fCA. {VI C, ett ~ ~~r &h< A ~" //-(J e (J)(.12- C!.- u--r-t/) 6,r-v~/ /Jr Y / /1 a r -~ o/"'l-- party of .he oecund par~ U r WITNESSETH, th.. lhe party of the firsl jlIIrI, inQlideralion of Ten DoIl.rs .Dd other uluhle COIIIidonIion paid by .he party of the _d part, does her"'~' 'ud rele_ unlo .he party of the oeconcI part, the heirs n. . f the It.~1~ \ or oueceuors ..... IN.I'" of the party 0 -"~C7.LO""'. AU. .hl! ""...in plot. piece or pia of I.n J wiill oJ. buildinp .nd imprcwemenll lhereon erec:ted, .iiu.1e. Iyin~ .nd bei.." in the C tDV Vl f.. ~ ~V't.; 0 It"" 10 IJ/n f:. . h h tn & \~ ~ ~~. / 0''7 /J.I It );;1108 /v- ~ AVJ- /(0 ~b TllCl::THElt wilh .n ri~h', lill. .lId inl....I. if allY, ..I .1.. ,..rl\' ../ Ih. Ii..... plrl ill and '0 an!, "'r.... and r...d. ohulling .he ....we d....rihcd "r.mi.... 10 .he cen"'r lin.. ihoreo/: TOClTHER wilh lhe op"urtonlUlCtlO ond on Ih. 00101. ond riFhll of Ih. pori!, "/Ihe iii'll p.rI in and III Nid I'remil<..: TO HA VI:: ANI> TO nOLO the' prcn.ises herein !rallled untn the INlrI~' fir the !lC."t'OPtJ Il4Irt. 'h, heir.. ...r "u"...eHlI"' and aui@nJ ul lhe part)' p{ Ih, III!tlnnll par' fOI~"'L"'. AND the party of the Iir$l.Nlrt cllven.nh. thai the ItMrt)" ,.r the fir.. van II.. nol donr IIr .ulcrf'd aD).hins. ,,'bercb~ the- ..id p.....nil'eS have betn r.nl:umbered in an~' way whale\'rr, rsa.-pI 8$ .rurefr8id. AND .ho pari!, of.he lil'ol pari. in ,,,",,,Iion.. wilh 5ectinn 1:1 vi .h. I.ion l.ow. ...,..n.nlo thalli", party nf ..... 6... pDrt will rec:eive the L"OnllidrraliuR fnr ,hi.. Il:Iln\"e)o'lInc:e and will huld lhe righl hi rec.-eive .uch COI15idPratwn as a 'r..1 I.ncll.. be ow/ied lir.. /..r lhe pur....... of ...yin~ the .,,11 IIf Ih. imprv..melll ontl w~1 opply lhe flnte lir'" .u lhe paymontlll the .","t nl the i1np""'Omenl hefore u5in~ .nl' I,ar' lOf Ihe 1,~a1 nf 1M ..me for ony utl",r I'.r,,_. The wprd .'partyn ,hall hr cllnltruM &lIo if it read Mparlietoa wh...n~"er the lien.. of Ihis intlr.nture 110 requira. /N WITNESS WHEREOF, Ih. party ..I Iho liff' part h.- tllIll' .....,Ulotl Ihi. ....d th. d.y ond l"Oor Ii.... .ho". wriuen. IN P8ESE~CE n.': . ~ ?..."j,J #i ~ . '"" ~ ;;r /-F'" 'x ~ r:-rn "&-e~ q. '-" A 1/,., l11aJ1., <.. o..pn 2-112. ACMOWLEIICIIIIIN'I IN NEW YllIIII ITATI __ Sl81e 0' New York, Counly o,~ ".: On 3 -Il- OS"" ~rOl\! me.,~ U~'wd. JIC''l"".IIy appeared .... ~ 'it!. ~Q -6 . On . rt1"VVi~.. m. 'O~~ ZIf ()2."l c.e... personally appeared --.~.- ._M.....~l '0.1......." IOIy evitlonce 10 hr rho indiv~ ~ dlo: ""bacriblna wilnelSl.lllo III. f....JOins i..lN...nl. wllh mbsaibed 10 lhe wilhin imlUulllClll allf-~ 10 whom I am personally ocquainled. who. ~in& by me duly ~~lImIIed .~~. hiWI....:e CIpIlCi " sworn. did d<pDlle and JaY Ih.. hel5heldlo:y ,...;dell) in ,lj''''' IIIId dIid hl~1 ) Ibe InstnunI:nt. the... ""..,... ,'/ NIItIntt~ ;~ ill CI l'Ul. ;rtrlWJCO rllr "urn IIItd MrHI IIIMIIw. villuoJ ~ rho pdi( upon be , or which !he individual€) If _ '_of/; 1I<lrd. led lhe insbu COLWllA G 1'llb1k:-~ofNewYark -~ No. 01005048553 U1ed=~82005 III.. ht/5helthey know(ll My s_or -YClIIIClIr.m!tRPL-., Counly of lIlI.: On ....-..IIy lIJlpeIIN her.... me. lhe undeBi""". perionally known 10 me or pnn'ed 10 me on !he bail or 5IIIis- flClOly evidence 10 ~ !he indiYidu.I(.) whose nam.1Il is (:W) lOIbscribed 10 !he willlin insuumenl and aclcnowJed&ed 10 me 1Il., helsheldley .xeculrll!he...... in hWhelfdleir Clpat'ily(ie5). ancllhal by hlolhedtheir Si&1III\Ue(5' on die illSllUlDenl.!he indi- v!duaI('I. or !he person upon behalf or whi.h !he individuaJ(sl oeIrII. execuled !he insuumenL and dla sueh indiYiduul made sudI appeaIlU1ee beflft !he undeBigned in (,."", rlf1 tw ,.,rIItitvI AIllWAUltwt .,,1Ifnp ", ......" urlflllrr pIacy ......,. .......-./ IM1(JWWPfIIfII.tI,n ,tjiltdhidaJIJ 1IIlUwcrinm.~, "rpin anll 6IIt IktIl 'I'ITII CUYIN'AIn Aca':I1T GuIlTOa'. Acu TITLE 11'0. TO _8Y_~) 5181. 0' Counly 0' I...: bef.... .... !he unllersigned. 10 ~ !he individual(.) deseribed in aruI who .....,ted !he fore- aom, inslNmenl; 1Iw saW subseribin. willlellli(.s) was (werel ,"som and .... said ........ !he same; and lllal saKI witness(es' .. lhe """.. Ii"", IUbseribed hilllherllheir name(11 as . witness lea) !hen:IO. (0 IJIPIH fllllJilhN,.., rnrt.~ ""r'nn"flr /"f1lilinl1...,......IIItJJIfb I"."...".'......,.,.,:r.....~. l:l"" And IhalIiIIid suhirri.. wibas(esl ""* """" appc..u boron: the unllendgned in '~fItr~""nJ/irrIlIW'-u...I~IIt'bt,*-w.",..",J SECTION BIDCIC LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAIL TO: Zip No. i o f ~ "lI I .2 . .1 .. ~ i .. III : -' Number of.p88cs TORRENS 3 ! i RECORDED 2005 liar II 04137:57 "" Edward P.Rouine Cl.ERKtF SUFFCLK COl.tITY L 000012376 P 291 Drl 04-32403 Serial # Cenifical&:lI Prior Clf. # Deed , Mortgage Instrument Deed , Mortgage 1iJt Stamp I-CES Recording I Filing Stamps J Grand TOlal 15L? m. b Monguge Amt. \. Busic Tax 2. Additional TWI Sub TolD! Spec:JA5sil. or SJII!C. IAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX DWlI Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoin~ Tlunsfer TWI L../. _ Man~illn Tux The property covcn:d by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. $Ce appropriate IlIX dausc on page II af this instrument. Page I Piling Fee Handling TP-S84 s. ()() Notation EA-S2 11 (County) Sub Total EA-S211 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. ~ <J::l Camm. of Ed. S. 00 IS. 00 Sub Total Other 4 DisJf1Jo 5 CommUDity PreHrvatioD I'uDd Consideration Amount $ d (JJ s Real Property Tax Scrvic:e Agency Verification CPF Tax Due Improved V' Vacant Land 6 SatisfactionslDisc:luuJ!eslReleascs List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD" WURN TO; f) n V) /h a R., ~ f# "(JQ.L>t12 1(~V"o c. ct},,(Q A r V,,~ Ti'V.JI PO /l;fX(')- t(ff~oru.f(llry II YI~j.....O()( '1-- TO TO TD 7 Title Com D InformatioD Cn. Name TItle # < IJ1A alP A J- ~n n YM.Y'I:.e I;; () .Q () L 1:;- r2.- Recordin & Endorsement Pa e -pr;:E'"D (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: Suffolk Count This page forms pan of the 8t1ached In \be Township of ~o~ t- en.. In the VILLAGE I' rroJr or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO ~~:c~:h ~ The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ~v -H1.o I!J . (over) 1I11I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of ID.trument. DEEDS/COD NUmber of Page.. 3 Receipt Number I 05-0026273 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 04-32403 Recorded. At. 03/11/2005 04137157 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012376 281 Di.trict. 1000 Deed AmouDtl SectioDI 096.00 RYI\XINBD AND $0.00 Blockl 03.00 CHARGBD AS Loti 004.006 I'OLLOWS Received the l1'ollowing l1'ee. l1'or Above ID.trument Exempt Exempt page/l1'iling $9.00 NO BlU1cUing $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- C'l'Y $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $0.00 NO COIIIII.Pre. $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $154.00 TRANSFER TAX NCHBBRI 04-32403 THIS PAGZ IS A PART 01' THE INSTROJIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:J1 www.orputate.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY use ONLY r . cuwis Cado I,t.{, 1, 0, 8., ~ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT lIl'ATE Of _ YOM ~ II/)...(;" lIl'ATE IOARII Of REAL .........._ CZ. DdII _ nm_ I . \OJ ,. , C/. I ...... u.y y~ 1:3._ I 1.4...3, ~tOIC""...I.?, K", (, * RP - 5217 1U'411'.... .., PROpeRlY INFORMAnON 1'=1 .i.,'fAr ('~!,( ~ ItJ R a1Y..~br~",A;1 ~ Sovfhf)/J A. {IJJ./JJ IJ p, d2 b,cH!JL,n fa n -r:-~n.....IIl"'" S( I r1~"';:: {c-l ~~ ~ brf.,/1 <>-6 J ~ ...IZ.-. I I {I&{-~/'- I 2...,.. - ~ -fn.l.~o -' I. To ~ wbert fulufl T.. Bi..... 10 bI... I ....... .__......_.._0I1omtI. - LMTNMIII~ -- tmQ;T~""S1IIIl!T"" ClIYGIlITUIIIII . RATI. Zll'caaI! ..- -., I Ixl 10111 . ..: I ~~~,:~~~ run. ~__'CDIIII'M'r 'Nxi . lOdIy.P8Itol.__._.....,. ... P&Irnng 80Mt willi "'tfrlWan AuchortIy EadIII 0 .. .,L1F'*Ion ApptavII_....... tar r,....,., 0 Co - ApjnoIod......~-- Mop - 0 .. ........ .... ....... at ATrn r ....... Roll ..... trM4...... an..... .... I , of P.... OR 0 Palt of . Paral ",NAIll LoW1''''''~ -- A~"mlly_ B 2arl'__ C _'_Lind o Non Allid.nIiII VKMI Lind I &AU: INFORMATION l 11.....__ F.~ AgrialllU'" I ~ CGmmunlly__ r ~ J ~wW (j ___ K__ H E_I_L ,.... -.........-....., .....,. & __lp TyPo 10 Condomlnlum .. New ConItruction on V...t L..nd IlIA. ",-",..- _.. AQrlo:uIIunl_ _""_I__-.g ........-10 In..AgrIouIIurol DIoIrk:t o o o o 7. ca.k dw baa .......... mDIt IICCUrItaIr....... till UN ...... Pf'DI*IY _ 1M limit at ..Ie: 12._0I_/T_ ~ ' I.P 'i!2o-r ~ I ~ ,~M\'I MDnlh. YNr .. ChIGk... .... of... _"Ib- _ ...... to trenIfIr: A ___ar__ B __ _Camponillar_ln"""'" c: llnI 011110 ""'10 1100 1 _ o ..... ar _10 _Agency ar Llnd1ns__ E Dood T VPlI ... WorTInIy ar IIIIgo/n Ind Solo lSpacIly BoIowI F 8110 01_ ar loll.... Foe _lSpooIly_, (j SIgniIIconI Cho... In ~ _ T_llIIIw lIId_lloIOI II _ 01 Bull... 111_ In _ Prioo I 0Ih0r UnuIuII "-" AIIIlUIg 8110 Prioo ISpoo:IIy Solow' J N... 11. ....... ...... . ., l!), C, 0 . 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price II the toCIII...... ~1d for dla properly including perlOftll proptI1y. Thil ~ mar be In thllorm 01 CIIh. o1hIr property or gaodI. or thIl11W1lpdOfl of mor1IIIIII Dr Gahir abllgldonI.l ...... round ro till,.,..... daIIM III'IOUIIt 1.._.....-01_ I 0 0 I --......- . ' ASSeSSMeNT INFORMATION. Dolo Ihould .._th. _ Fln.i_m.nl Rall.nd l.. Bill 1&~oI..=""::fram I 1 11.T___Io/.........._1 , ; , "''''-'''CIuo ~-U I&_D__ I 119 <90 ~ 2ll. T..Mop_IRoII_IoIC11.....__.____....-.I..' ~.fl.ot:..... (!)9h a/tJc.k '3 .(~ Cf. SOil I I aRnFICATlON I I artI)' .... d flIlbt IInDI ~ LA. ;.... mIlnd .. dill .... ..... InIe ... cernd .to ... bill fA Illy knDwWIIt ... bIIIII) .... 11b.4.. _oI....1be IIIIIIda& 0111I)' .___01_.... ................._...... __01"'''''' __ ........... ...."__ 1m!! BUYER'S ATTOIlNEY 2~ oJJ! /J). G'O~~l."1'L ~ ..~ ~ -~ 74-3/;ohaC 1UftII.....,~ DM'I!" .. IMT-. ......... ::? ~l 4(!)}C J. QhJ/.. Po ,f; Ox. I"'Y" SIllEr..... ITMtl''''''''W'IIIIMIoII AMAc:aaI.~_ C',rf- c...IJ 'f[1/'.f I 11ft I //f~--(X)I ,!!D-!)~ v 11. . . .," ...- ~.gg ~ ,f'/L a,.".,~~Q- I~. #l.a ~......~ MTI .... NEW YORK STATE COpy .'~ - --