HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12399 P 120 "f\~. L (J--311 r ILD . . .. . q c-. ~ c?-./ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GWIOR'S ACJ'S THIS INDENTURE, mode the 27th day of May :ZOOS. bel....... <leo'll" H. Slnrkie. III. residi"l 1Il 49 Doud SIrect, Formingdale. New York, and John W. SIIrkit. residin8 III 81 Gem Lane. Massapequa, New York, Parly of lilt FinA POrI, .... 0turJc H. SWkit.III. residin8 al49 Doud _. Forminsdale. New VOlt. Pony of"" SccoIId Part. 1113Z;- - 3'-{ 03- WITNESSETH, Ihal .... Party of lilt Pilll I'1vt. in coosid.iot,... or TtIl Doll... oiid other good and \'a1uubl. t:llIIlIidonuion. lawfbl money of.... Unilod SlIItS, paid by lht Purty of the Second POrI, ...... hOldly 8/111II oncI ..I.... unlO the Puly or lhe Second PIn, .... hei.. or...........1lId Uliano of the Farly of"" Second Port f.......... L.., ALL TlIAT CERTAIN PLOT. p;... or......1 ofland, Ii........ lying oncI being 81 CulChogue in lht Town ofSouthuld, Connlyof SuITolk and S....ofNew York. bei"l known IlId dcoignal<d.. and by Loll ... a cerl8in subdivision mop eolilled "Map of Set Oft" for <leorge and John SllIrki." filed in lilt om"" of the Clerlc of the CounlY ofSulTolIr. OIl SI28I03 under Filed Number 10952- Aa~ LMZ AU TlIAT CBRTAIN PLOT, pie<e or ......1 of land, lilUllC. lying and being Dl Culdlo&ue in the Town of Southhold, Counly of Sullillk and S_ of New York, beinl known and dcsignal<d .. and by Lo~ . ceJlain subdivision mop entilled "Mup of Set OITror Gecqc and John SlIIkie" parlicularly.....nded und described .. follo..'I: BEGINNING or I point in lilt cenlOr line of. right of way where the lOIIIherly lin. of Lot 2 II shown on the afo.....id 01.., bei"l in the northerly line of Lol I os shown on a mop ontilled "S.H. Frieman Oth....... filed In the Off"", of th< CounlY of SulTolk County Clerk II Map Number 9436. illnll:nccled by the omlOr line or aid ri8h1 of way. aid polnl oncI place of beginning being north 43 dcaroa 24 minul.. 10 seconds _ . di_ of 1176.00 !tel II II10lIIUred olonlllhe center line of said rilJhI of way fium the inlmCClion formed by lhe oonherIy line oellloin Rood (:IIYS RouIC 25) with the omter line uhuid righl of....y; RUN"ING 11fE/l:CE fium said point and pIaoe of begioni"il aIoIIJ aid ....... line of aid rialll of....y and the easterly line or Janda now or formerly of Janda of Soott and the Town of SouthoJd. north 43 de..... 24 millUlel 10 seconds WOII 0 distBncc of 609.20 feot ID a poInI and lht lOutherly line of Loll shown on mop enlilled "SeIo1T ror Geaq:e a John SlIIkie"; 11fENCE North 46 dopes 35 minu... so IOCOIIda .... . dillOllCt of211.0 r... 10 a poin~ 11fI!NCE North 43 de_ 24 minUICS 10 IOCOIIda .."OSlo dillaru:e of 4lIO.00 1m 10 0 poInl; 11fENCE South 46 degrees 35 minu... SO 1eCOIIdI...... . distanoc onll.O tI:ct 10 a point; 11fENCE Nonh 43 dcaroa 24 miOUle. 10 1eCOIIdI...... . dil!lUl<C of 403.49 feel 10 a POUlI and lands no.. or formerly of Goerl..- unci tho Town of Southold; 11fENCE North 52 degrocs 50 minuleS 30 ....,nds.... a dislance or63 1.36 reel hi u puJnl; TIIENCE South 44 degrocs 50 minUICS 20 occonda .... a dllilUnce or 695.93 feet ID n poinl :IIId land no.. or formerly or Imbrianai l)i~t I DoD S"QC Oqlo.OO bJoct 03.00 11fENCE Soulh 47 degreea 07 min.... 10 seconds...... 104.29 reOl; I () t THENCE SoLllh 43 dcgn:es 44 minUICISO scconds.... 653.87 fed; ~.06' 11fEl\CE South 47 degm:s 04 minu... 50 1eCOIIdI...... 544.72 feet 10 the ccn.... lllle of the rJabI of way and the point or pIaoe O~ .00;)- of BEGINNING. o TOGE1lIER ..i,h . righl or..ay II reel in wid,h runnin. bOlwccn lilt norlherly line oflhe Main Road. and tho IOlIIherly line of the LoIIJ Illand Railroad. 10 the .......Iy line or whICh is the _Iy line Dr.... obo''C described plIIIIisa and direct prolonplion thereof nonhcrIy and IOlIIherly. Subj"'!AI' rq;hl of way II feel in width runni"l bel....... the nonherly line of.... Moin Road and the IUUlhtrly line of the Lonl IIIand Railroad, the weslerIy line of which II the WClterly line or the abo.. dcsoribed premises and direct pn>!oIIJDlion thorcof northerly ODd lOulherly. Soid lWO riJlbIS of ....y IOgelhtr COOIIilUlC . 12 fOOl wide piYDle road _illlOll ealled "Swli"l Lone". TOG~"'HER with 011 ri8h~ lille and illle.... if any, of the Party of the Finl Part, in and !AI any 1\10OII and rooda abouing the obov...xscribed prsmi... (Lots I and 2) ID th< eonler lines thelIof: TOGEnIER with lhe appuncn..... IlId alllhe 0IIlllC and riahII of the Parly of the Filii PulIn and 10 said pmnisn (LoIs 1 and 2); TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the plImbcs helIin _ad (Lots I and 2) unlD the Pony of the Sec:ond PIn, the hoirs or _ and Ulip or the Pony of the Second PlIIt forever. AND the Pony of the FinA Part co....... Ihal th< Farly of the Finl Port has no! dooe or suffered onyIhi"l whereby th. said premises..... been encumbered in any way whalever. 0XC0pI II oforesaid. AND the PUlly oflhe Filii PIn, in compliance with S..ri... 13 of tho I.ion Law. """"11 IhIII the Pony of the Filii Part will lICCi.'C the _ion ror thil conveyance and will hold Ihe righllo ....i... lOCh t:llIIlIidcrorion .. . IruS\ rund 10 be applied first for the JHIIpoR of poyi"l the COlI of i~"""l oncI will apply the same fil1l !AI the pot.....1 of the COlI of impro........, bef... llling :lilY pan of lIle toIaI of ,he ..... for :lilY oth<r purpoae. The WOld "pony" Ihall be conslrucd II ir illlOd "part..... whcnn"el" the ICIlIC of thiS indenwrr 10 requira. IN PRESENCE OF: ~G-.~ 944418.1 ,", . . " i '. , , ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IN NEW YORK STATE (RPL 309-10) State~'-_YortI,COIIatyor tJAJ~ u,: . ~~~~_,,!,;.Ihe undtniAncd, penona11yappeared IIS~'U11'i~ i/l.Ji" t/ personally .. 'Ile or JlRl- W ow: un UJC~'S'OI'S.~(~ ",;clcncc to lbe be ilKli,;dual(s) whose IIIII11O(s) is (;wI subscribed to Iht within illl1l1lmtDl unci ICknowlcdacd to me lIIII belJbclthcy exccured Iht ..". in hislherllhcir _ily(ies). IIId lIIII by his/herfthoir lipawJ<(s) on the illllrWnCll~ Ihe ilKlividual(s), or Ihe penon on bclWf of wh' . ividual(s) lOIed, ......red the illllrWnCllL k-- ~fiidJl..... t.~ QuoIIiad In N_ /I eo.,_ ExpirU Fe 11, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK STATE Steloof . Coonty or u" On IflpeIrCd before me.1ht undcnigncd. pcncnally pcnonally known to me or JlRlvcd to me on lb. bais of IIIlslilclOr)' evidence 10 Iht be ilKlividual(l) wIlose name{l) is (uelsubscribed to Iht wilbin instrumenl and IeImowIedaed to me lIIII he/lholthey exeeured Ihe ...... in hislherflheir _il)'lies). IIId hi by hislherlthcir liplll1ln(ll on \he InslrwnenI, \he ilKlividll:llll" or \he penon em behoIf of wIlich lb. ilKlividual(sl lIClI:d, executed \he illllnnnen~ .... dw such individual mode such oppcorInce before Ihe undcnigncd in linsen .ily or politi...) subdivision snd ow. or ....nly or other pla<c IClcnowledllClDOlll tokenl (r........fllllloJII<o.,~_roII.~J Bargain and Sale Deed Wml COVENA/IoT ACAINSTGAA.vrOR'S Acrs TII..Nn tnLm.S" '~3(POS- GEORGE STARKIE and JOHN STARK.IE TO GEORGE H. STARKlE, W , M.K.M. ABSTRACT SERVICES INC. 238 MINEOLA BOULEVARD P,O. BOX 427 MINEOLA. N,Y, 11501 (516) 742-4700 Reserve This SlUIce 'or Use or Recordl." Ofllee. '- A.kDow1edlemeol by SlIbscr1....1I Wllaess(es) Slate of ) ) ) ss., COllaI)' of On appeared beron: me, lb. undcnisncd. pe.......lly Ihe subseribillll witncss(cs) to lhe l'orqoillll inSlrumcn~ wilh whom I am personally acquainred, who, being by me duly swom. did deposesnd say thaI heIsheIIhey reside(l) in (/I*p/ANl/I-.b I. a no', III_*.ItrtI"" _......" /I..y, tMrroj); that h"'lholthey k_.) 10 be du: ilKli,;duoI(11 dercribed in and who execuled Ihe foresoi"ll illSlrUmcnl: I.... ..id subseribinl wilneaIOI' wu (were) pnrsenl and saw soid ....ute lhe some; and dull ..id wilnell(es) III Ih. ...... time subscribed hisIherIthelr name IherelO. ([] 1/- - NN l\ri _,__ r/I>' 01' pa/IIltfJ,.IIbdMr"", IlIIII "." 01' ......,. 01' ""'" ,... ......." -. _ And Iho, IIlid ill_ilia ""-'1..1 modo ...... ___ belon: Ihc IlIlllnipod In 1 (lip...... fIIIII "If.. "'IIIilMiI.. roll. .......,.,......" SECTION BLOCK LOT 096.00 3.00 loIS 002.00 I and 002.002 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk County Retura Bv M.n To: Riyaz G. Bhilll8ni, Esq. clo Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz., Edclman & Dicker LLP 3 G.nndt Dri yc White Plains. New YOtic 10604 !l44418.1 .' . , 3 . 3 RECORDED 2005 Jul 21 02109.53 "" Edward p, RlDaine a.ERK OF stf'FOU: COUIITY L ??oo12399 PI20 OTll 04-50177 Number ofpqos TORRENS Seri8J II Ccrlifbre II PriClr Of. II Deed 1 Monpp IDsIrumeat Deed I....... Till SlImp fEES Recordina 1 Fi1iD& Slamp 4 .....1 Filina Fee s <w.- Monaa&e AmI. 1. 1luic Till 2. Additional TIx Sub Total SpecJAHiL Or Spec./Add. """;"1 1l'-514 Notation EA.52 17 (County) EA-5217 (SIIle) _ Sub Total R.P. T.S.A. Canm of Ed. ~t). IE. OCher SubTota1 TOT. Mro. TAX Dual Town_Dual Coullly_ Held for Apponionm,~ 'TIanofer Till _ Mmlioa TIx Tbe propeny covencl by lIIis mOllpp is or will be Improv.d by a one or IWO famil)' dwtWaa only. YES orHO_ If NO, ... appropriMe lax clauN on JllI&e 1/ ....:..- of Ibis IasaumeaL Affidavit Catified Copy Rea. Copy ORAND TOTAL / III oJIV'- RaI Property Tax Serville Apw:y Veriftc:atiCII Dist. SectIClll B lock Lot _. _ , 05027782 1000 011&00 0300 002001 ~T S 1000 09&00 0300 002002 ReMC A UL IIIitieIs 7 Satisticti~eslRel_ List I'IOperty owaer. Mailini RECORD 01: RETURN TO: Ri ()'2. G. Bh'-mo..fli, CS~. e/~ /JJdsCJ1, else/' mo~k.o~I', e d e.lmCLI\,.l-.. 'hI ~I()"", L '3 ~(,LnllC?+f /)nv€ . I. 'h J.e. Plo..,/H {V4 JOlooY ~ I , Q n~. Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement P s , CODUDun' Preservation Fund . Consideration Amount $ () ,IJ(; CPF Tax Due S f~.rrC> Slsql c. Improved . -acanl Land 10 8 Title Company Information Co. NSlDe f1I c:: This pBgll fonns paIt ortbe ~ 9 modo by: e. S .kul'/d t. (SPECFY TYPE OF 1NS'DWMfNr) The peuisas hrftin is ~Plted in SlH'OLKCOUNIY, NEW YORK. lD tbeTCM1ISbip of S OLJ... Mol rA- Iu tbe VILLAGE orlfAMIEI'of TO ~f'DrjL n. s-.fnyk.,t: III OOXES 5 1HRU 9 MUST BE TYPED ORPRINIIlD IN Ill.A<XINK <IlLY flUOR. TO REmRDlNGOR.FU.ING. 11111111 1111 11m IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111 SOPFOLlt COmrrY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of :IustZ'1lm8Dt. DBBDS/DDD Humber of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0075910 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-50177 Recorded. At. 07/21/2005 02:09:53 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012399 120 District: See tioru Block: Lot: 1000 096.00 03.00 002.001 1ZYWINBD AND ('II'''llGBD AS I'OLLOWS Deed Amount: $195.000.00 Received the l'ollowiDg I'ees Por Above :Iustr:umeut ....""Ipt B."-.pt page/I'iliug $9.00 NO Haud1iDg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO IIYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-C'l"Y $5.00 NO BA-STA'l'B $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $50.00 HO SCTM $0.00 NO Trausfer tax $780.00 NO Cama.Pres $900.00 HO I'ees Paid $1.849.00 TRAlIISI'BR TAX mlMBBJh 04-50177 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB D1'STROMJDIT THIS :IS HOT A B:ILL Bel"ar:d P.RoIIIaiue County Clerk, Suffolk County . . C2. o.t. DMd RecDrded Ifl,? "f,e,9./1 "'-"7, ~I , 0 rr ~ Sy Yar Ct. ......1 I I. :2. t!). CI._ PROPERlY INFORMATION "'-"'1 /7(0 I LoGItIon 511WT--. SO.I/.IJ ClI" ell TOWN S!--.rk.,( S*r/,~. - .....rNMIL 2. ..... - 1E LAIII"""CIJIIII'AN'I it. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~A1E CIf N&W ~ ~A1E IOARD OF IlEAL ..........._ RP - 5217 1lN.217... J/'t7 L4. .c. ....... 6.eor,~ .NT .... ..- fI. -- LMT IIMo'I/COIINNY :a. Ta hSicIII whirl fubn Tax... nto IIIIII'It I ..... ;'__IIuyor_fII_arbml. -- I ...., ...... AIID IIRKI ..... I.AI" ~,toM'A'tY ....,- "1ndIcII... ...... at! a----""1eIIt RoI ,...., "'.........aI on ... ... an OR IGIllIN R..II "aD ..- Nome Ixl ~T ..rr DfPFM Sf~J.\i. 71T':.. """INMII'/CXlIP'Nft' >;tJ~/..,C. LAST..... ,COWlMY loal -. IlInIyl,.,...____oppIr- 4A.PIonnI"II_wiIII__~E"" 0 J 9 U .....~___lIoquirod"'T'_ 0 _"_ .z I c._.....-",__...,._ 0 &"f<. .~ "",rwI JO.( " .'1-1 ..1 P_I OR D Port.l. Po...1 &.::::.... I - .... which molt ....NIv ....... at. 1M 01 tMlIIIGPII1Y .. the 0... aI ....: _now E~ Aa,!wl_ I ~ Cammuntty_ F Com_ J _riol o ",,"nmom K ......._ H EraMlnrnIN I AII'IUIIIMm L ~ . I :" ,~o,o,o. D, 0 I , . Ifull s.I, Pril:e 15 lhelDtlllmoum pairl for the property Including CIOlWOnll pulPll'lY. lbl, payment tMy be In.... farm allCUh. other propllrty or good.. Of'm. -.mtIllon of _ar_obIlp1;ons.l _rDIIIIdlGrIw___....... 14.............._..- I ,0 ,01 __In...._ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dol. ....uld roflaot tho Iotal Fin.IAue.....ant Rail .nd Tox Bill On, Family RoIldentill 2 or 3 hmiIf' .....dlndII C _ntlol ylCllll....nd D Non-Raidtnlill VICIIIf LInd I SALE INFORMATION I n. .... ContNat: Ill.. s , ,;.. '7 , Or 1 IIllrIII a., .,... 12. Dn. of ...., Tr........ J , J. 1 'DJ- I ...... DIr v_ ".FuII__ _tho__ __oppIr- a OwnIr"lp Type ill ~Ium .. N.w CcnIrruc:don on VIICIN LInd --..,~_..........- ......... - ._-1-.oJng thol...._1o Io.n Aa"""'''_ o o o o 1&. ChIck OM 011 mor."'" ~....._ ....... tII ....-.: A ___or__ B .... ....... RllII.t CarnpMIoa or '-'-'I in 8ullneu <: 011o .1 tIlo 8uyaro II _ . Sailor JJ Buvw or SeUer. Ca1..8Ioo... AQIItt:v or I.MICIng IftIdIutIan H Ilood Typo _Worronty or IIorgoin and Sola __ F Solo 01 F_1anI1 or ......Ihon Foo 1_ _ Balowl G ~ 0I0ng0 In "-'Y _ T_bIo __ and Solo DIho " SoIoul_lllnoI_in__ I 0Ih00 Un.....1 _ -.u Solo _ ISpooIIy BoIawI J None c"A.uf!Y,,,lL." . so;a /~..y i 7. J , t"=,,~':'=_1 o.r 1'7.T__V_laI.............._1 00 , i ,.. '-'" -- I J..,I ,Ol-U ...___1 so";~.Jr/ 2lI. T..Mop_'__II.....__._....___1 ~ l' .3 ~...4. 10-1 J.OO) L.I-. ';.00).. I I CERTIFICATION l I ~ Ihol. "'lilt _ tllotanodiun._... .....ll>rm.... _ __ 110.... _ II "" ~ _ hoIloIl.... I .............. _ doe-", .._.......-_ 01_..... _ .1I11UbJe<t _...... .................. _..... _................ ....oIll111o_ !!!!n!! BUYEJrS A~Y ~ ~~1l()~1 osl).,/o~ IIGNAI~ 1M1I "'12.1 #'Kelt.., strlbr ITIIIIt ...... I'!MI..... W.IEII MW FR,..,..,,',J.:le ""'.. - NY "aiL 11?3.~ "COllI SELLS! -..~ .--d!l ~tr/ Wit) lit ; .....- f<i ya 7- -- - .... cnf 3J.3- '7tJOO ...- --- J /" NEW YORK STATE COpy