HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/10/2003
Southold Transportatio~ Commission 0 nc.
March 10 Meetmg APR 2 L 2u
Soulhold Town ele,l(
Members present: Chairman Neb Brashich, Marty Flatley, Pete Harris, Frank
Fields, Tom Fox, Victor L'eplattenier, Michelle, Margaret Brown absent because
of funeral attendance.
Meeting called to order by Neb at 1000 hrs.
o Neb reports that Jamie Richter has been appointed to the Southold
Transportation Commission.
SEEDS Update
o Neb presented a SEEDS update and referred to the handout presented at
the meeting, which gave schedule summary review and time- line for
actions. Neb read the comments and vision of Southold Town residents
concerning SEEDS developments. Neb requests that members attend one
of the upcoming workshops conducted by Chairman John Rooney, a
Southold Town Resident.
Seaview Trails Update
o Margaret was unable to attend and has the latest maps of the Seaview
o Neb thanked Pete for his staffs replacement of the Seaview Trail signs and
suggested they meet to discuss the placement of new signs at the LIRR
stations and Orient.
o Neb reported that NYS has contacted him reference adding the Seaview
Trails to the NYS system of trails.
o Neb asked Frank, Tom, and Jamie to meet to discuss the concerns of
ridership of residents on LIRR and to come up with a list of their requests
(ex. use of railroad for moving of freight and cut the truck traffic.)
LIPA Under-Grounding Review
o Victor presented an update on his progress with LIPA reference the
Cutchogue underground service issue. Victor presented members with the
cost analysis of LIPA's project on a handout and stated that he did a
walkthrough with LIP A officials in Cutchogue.
o Victor discussed the technical concerns of LIPA with such a project and
the cost factor involved and how to come up with the dollar amount.
Victor also warned that the Cutchogue business community has not been
consulted yet.
o Neb and Victor are to meet with the Supervisor reference to the next step
in this process after the Verizon estimates are received.
Southold Transportation Commission
Proposed Tree Protocol
a Victor gave report on progress of tree protocol with NYS and states that
the committee has received cooperation from NYS and has been
contacting the Town before they take action on tree work. Pete reiterated
that the cooperation between all offices has been good and also stated that
he is concerned with the amount of tree work that needs to be done Town
wide and the shortage of manpower he has to complete same.
a Tom suggested we contact the Town of Floral Park and inquire about their
tree program, which is a model program for tree preservation.
Rt.25 Gateway Bridge
a Neb discussed the handout, which was a letter from NYSDOT suggesting a
Task Force be formed with a list of agencies/civic groups involved. Neb
requested Victor to contact the NYSDOT and inquire why so many groups
are needed on this proposed Task Force and for them to present us with
any preliminary designs for the bridge project and possibly present them
at our next meeting.
Southold Town Crosswalk- Methodist Church/Pharmacy
a Neb states that the Supervisor requested we discuss crosswalk safety in
town and then read a letter/response from the NYSDOT on crosswalk
requests. A discussion ensued.
a Marty advised what the Police Department's approach would be as far as
enforcement and public awareness of crosswalk violations.
a Neb requested that Marty and Pete submit, in writing, a plan to insure
safer crosswalks during the upcoming summer.
Suffolk County Bench Placement at Bus Stops
a Neb reports that Suffolk County funded the placement of benchesjbus
shelters for several East End towns and requested that the County include
Southold in future plans for shelters. Suffolk County advises our Town
would be addressed in the next budget.
a Neb also suggested that the Town may want to discuss 'dressing up' the
shelter as some other town have done to fit in with their landscape.
Old Business
Southold Transportation Commission
New Business
o Victor addressed the members and presented a Preliminary Site Plan for
the Southold IGA grounds. Victor suggested we try to have a plan in place
when NYSDOT conducts their upcoming work on site so they can make
some of the improvements. Victor stated that he would continue to work
with IGA and Jamie on project. Pete stated that his office would also work
with the project as much as possible.
o Pete advised the members that he has been in contact with the NYSDOT
with reference to the flooding problem on Maratooka and Rt.25, Mattituck
and its magnitude. Pete will be meeting on 4/13 with NYSDOT.
Next Meeting called for April 21, 2003 at 1000 hrs.
Submitted by: Lt. Martin
As Southold Transportation Commission Member