HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Quality Monitoring Program to Detect Pesticide Contamination in Groundwaters of Nassau & Suffolk Counties, NY June 1999 . pe ST7'FP .. AUG 1 I) hSj Southold Town Planning Board WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM TO DETECT PESTICIDE CONTAMINATION IN GROUNDWATERS OF NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES, NY Final Report for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Water Quality Monitoring Program June 1999 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Clare B. Bradley, M.D., M.P.H. Commissioner DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Joseph H. Baier, P.E., Director BUREAU OF GROUNDWATER RESOURCES Martin Trent, Project Manager . ... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This document was prepared by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services pursuant to the requirements of Section 33-0714 of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL), which requires a water quality monitoring program to detect and assess pesticide contamination of ground and surface waters on Long Island and throughout the state. This project was funded in part by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation under contract #C003695. The department wishes to acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals and agencies to the project. Nassau County Department of Public Works Water Management Unit James F Mulligan, P.E. Tim Maloney Loretta Dionisio Peter Maniscalco Jr. Nassau County Health Department Patrick Barragan Suffolk County Department of Health Services Bureau of Drinking Water Paul Ponturo, P.E. Mary LaFlair Thomas Martin Dan Morris Susan Dodson Kathleen Newcomer Jerry Felice Jeffrey Veryzer Robert Hessner Carol Lee Igoe Bureau of Groundwater Resources Ron Paulsen Geralynn Fitzpatrick Andrew Rapiejko Sy Robbins Ralph Milito Frank Iannazzo Frank Basile Brian Boogertman Gus Karoutsos Brian Robinson Public and Environmental Health Laboratory Kenneth M Hill Robin Carpenter Richard Hollowell JoAnn Laager George Matthews Barbara Veryzer Kim Duggan-McFall Theresa Ryther Paul Ames Lynne Revellese Carl Hauss Anthony Condos Suzanne McConnell New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Larry Rosenmann . ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction .................................................................. I Study Objective ............................................................... I Study Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Well Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Analytical Methods ......................................................... 3 Sample Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Results & Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Results by Well Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Nassau County Results ...................................................... 8 Suffolk County Results ...................................................... 9 Results by Township ....................................................... 10 Pesticides and Metabolites Detected .............................................. 11 Pesticides Exceeding MCLs ................................................. 13 Pesticides Most Frequently Detected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Study Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Private Well Surveys ... . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Golf Course Well Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Surface Water Monitoring .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Agricultural Well Monitoring ................................................21 Metals Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Nitrate Results in Suffolk County ............................................. 22 Special Projects .............................................................. 23 Conclusions ..................................;.............................. 24 Recommendations ............................................................ 25 rev. 070799 ~ .. TABLE I TABLE II TABLE III TABLE IV TABLE V TABLE VI TABLE VII TABLE VIII TABLE IX TABLE X TABLE XI TABLE XII TABLE XIII TABLE XIV TABLE XV Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H TABLES & APPENDICES Analytical Methods ........................................... . 3 Method 525.2 Additions .........................................4 Type of Samples ...............................................6 Pesticide Results by Well Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Depths of Nassau County Wells Containing Pesticides .................8 Depths of Suffolk County CSWs Containing Pesticides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Pesticides Detected by Township ................................. 10 Pesticides Detec~ed by Region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Pesticide Chemicals Detected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pesticides Exceeding MCLs ..................................... 13 Communities and # Wells Exceeding Pesticide MCLs . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Leaching Potentials of Pesticides Most Frequently Detected ...... . . . . . . 17 Private Well Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Golf Course Monitoring ........................................ 20 Pesticides Detected in Active Agricultural Wells .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Analytical Methods & Minimum Detection Levels Water Quality Standards Nassau County Wells Containing Pesticides Summary Suffolk County Wells Containing Pesticides Summary Golf Course Well Data Summary Surface Water Monitoring Summary Agricultural Monitoring Well Summary Map of Sample Locations . " EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) has conducted an eighteen-month study (October 1997 through March 1999) in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials, to provide a comprehensive examination of pesticide impacts on Long Island groundwaters. The study was authorized by the New York State Pesticide Reporting Law, Chapter 279, Laws of! 996 in response to issues regarding potential environmental causes of breast cancer, and funded in part by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. A goal of the study was to obtain water quality information across the full geographic area of both counties. The main objective of the sampling program was to identify pesticides and metabolites that leach to groundwater and to help define where these pesticide impacts have occurred. The sampling program was not randomly conducted. In addition to obtaining the geographic coverage needed, specific areas thought to be vulnerable to pesticide impacts were targeted by the testing program. The results of the testing are representative only of the specific locales tested, and should not be considered representative of groundwater quality in all areas. The sampling program was conducted by collecting groundwater samples from monitoring wells, private domestic wells, and public supply wells in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, and analyzing them for a wide range of pesticide and metabolite compounds. In cases where a public or private well contained water treatment, only the raw water was sampled for this project. The state Sanitary Code (Chapter I, Subpart 5-1) defines contaminant as any physical, chemical, microbiological or radiological substance or matter in water. The term pesticide as used herein refers to any compound or element utilized as an insecticide, herbicide, nematicide or fungicide, and any metabolite of these chemicals. Eight analytical methods, including two which were developed by the Suffolk County laboratory, were employed for the study. The eight methods provide information on up to 168 chemicals, including 80 pesticide-related compounds. All sample analyses were conducted in-house at Suffolk's lab, which is certified by the New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program. A total of2,306 samples were collected and analyzed for the project, about IS percent more than specified in the contract, with 405 samples from Nassau County groundwaters and 1,901 from Suffolk. Sampling was conducted across all geographic areas and major political subdivisions of the two counties and 13 townships. Fifty percent of the samples were collected in Suffolk's five eastern towns to help determine pesticide impacts to private wells and because the region contains the bulk of Long Island's agricultural acreage. Pesticides were found in every type of well tested and in surface waters, and were detected at levels . .. exceeding drinking water Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) in all well types, but not in surface waters. The percent of wells in which pesticides were detected ranged from a low of 6.4% in community supply wells (CSWs) to a high of 38.5% in private wells (located in Suffolk only). Similarly, the percentage ofCSWs which exceeded a drinking water MCL was 1.6%, whereas 12.9% of the private wells tested exceeded one or more MCLs. All of the community supply wells found to exceed MCLs are either removed from active service or fitted with granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration for contaminant reduction. The data show only 1.5 and 2.0% of wells tested in Nassau and the five towns in western Suffolk, respectively, exceeded a pesticide-related drinking water MCL, but that 15.4% of wells tested in eastern Suffolk County exceeded an MCL. The results indicate that 89% of the wells exceeding pesticide-related MCLs are located in Suffolk's five eastern towns. Private wells in agricultural areas of Suffolk's five eastern towns are at highest risk of pesticide contamination, with 50.5% (324 of 642 wells tested) containing detections of pesticides. The data show that 32 pesticides or metabolites were detected in Long Island groundwaters. Fifteen different pesticides (including metabolites) were detected in Nassau wells, and 30 pesticides in Suffolk. Ten pesticides were found to exceed drinking water MCLs: alachlor, aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone, bis 2-ethylhexylphthalate (DEHP), chlordane, 1,2-dichloropropane, dinoseb, ethylene dibromide (EDB), simazine, tetrachloroterephthalic acid (dacthal metabolite TCPA), and 1,2,3-trichloropropane. Six of the ten pesticides exceeding MCLs are now banned from use on Long Island due to concerns of potential adverse health effects and ability to leach to groundwater. Banned or discontinued pesticides accounted for 88% of the wells that exceeded MCLs. The stability and persistence of pesticide residues in Long Island groundwater is clearly demonstrated by the fact that six of the 10 chemicals found to exceed drinking water MCLs have been banned from sale or use for 10 to 20 years. There were 191 wells found to exceed pesticide MCLs, some of which exceeded standards for more than one pesticide. A total of 174 wells were impacte;d by agricultural chemicals; seven were impacted by pesticides applied at utility facilities; two resulted from golf course applications; and, eight were either unknown or mixed land uses where a specific source could not reliably be determined. Homeowner use or residential applications of pesticides may be implicated in the three wells exceeding the chlordane MCL. The United States Department of Agriculture pesticide properties database was found to be a valuable tool for assessing the leaching potential of many pesticides. Utilizing the USDA rating, 10 of the 12 most frequently detected pesticides in the study (which are rated in the database) have medium to high leaching potentials. A total of 887 private wells were tested in Suffolk County, 342 of which contained detectable concentrations of pesticides or metabolites, and lIS that exceeded a pesticide related MCL. Many 11 . ~ of these wells had shown traces of the pesticide aldicarb in prior monitoring. In five instances during the project, new or unusual pesticide results prompted private well surveys in residential areas adjacent to agricultural fields. Due to the movement of groundwater, and the migration of contaminants with it, private wells located hundreds to thousands offeet downgradient of the points oflikely chemical applications were found impacted by pesticides. There are broad areas of eastern Long Island served by private wells that lie downgradient of existing or former agricultural lands where monitoring still needs to be conducted because there is a significant potential for groundwater impacts. Five monitoring wells installed downgradient of active agricultural fields were monitored monthly. Pesticides were detected in four of the five wells, but no pesticide-related MCLs were exceeded. However, three of five chemicals detected do not have specific drinking water MCLs established, therefore, the Unspecified Organic Contaminant standard of 50 J.lgIL was utilized. Although limited in scope, this portion of the study suggests that some agricultural pesticides currently in use may have less potential to impact grou,ndwater in concentrations considered harmful to health. The average nitrate concentration in five agricultural wells sampled monthly for this study was 11.7 mgIL, while the drinking water MCL for nitrate is 10 mgIL. Groundwater impacts resulting from pesticide and fertilizer use at golf courses were examined by testing 3 I wells located at 18 Long Island golf courses. Only the dacthal metabolite TCP A was found above the MCL in the golf course monitoring, in one well in each county. Nitrate concentrations for the wells averaged 4.3 milligrams per liter (mgIL), and the median nitrate concentration was 2.6 mgIL. The monitoring results indicate that turf management practices can effectively control impacts to groundwater at golf courses. Additional studies of potential groundwater impacts from golf courses are planned. Groundwater provides the base flow for Long Island's lakes, streams and rivers. Thirty-four samples were collected from 26 surface water bodies in Suffolk County. Pesticides were detected at three (I 1%) locations, all in agricultural areas. Of the 1,539 Suffolk County wells (of all types) tested during the project for nitrate, 166 (10.8%) exceeded the drinking water MCL. For the private wells in Suffolk tested for the project, 12.7% exceeded the nitrate MCL (74 of 583). In the agricultural areas of Suffolk, nitrate remains a significant groundwater contaminant. Concurrent with this study, SCDHS was participating in three complementary projects investigating groundwater impacts due to pesticide use. The cooperative projects facilitated limited testing of additional pesticide and metabolite compounds not currently done in-house. The presence of at least seven additional pesticide and metabolite compounds were discovered in these cooperative programs, indicating a need to continue wider sampling programs for a greater number of chemicals. iii . .. WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM TO DETECT PESTICIDE CONTAMINATION IN GROUNDWATERS OF NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES, NY INTRODUCTION The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) has conducted an eighteen-month study (October 1997 through March 1999) in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials, to provide a comprehensive examination of pesticide impacts on Long Island groundwaters. The study was authorized, in part, by the New York State Pesticide Reporting Law, Chapter 279, Laws of1996 in response to issues regarding potential environmental causes of breast cancer. Concerns about pesticide contamination of groundwater are particularly acute on Long Island, where groundwater is the sole source of drinking . water for Nassau and Suffolk County residents. The SCDHS was selected by the state to conduct the project based on its response to a Request for Proposals. One interim and two progress reports were issued during the course of the project. Suffolk County has two decades of experience in water quality issues related to pesticides. The results of previous investigations have been issued by the department in numerous reports over the years: Report on Water Supply Priorities (Andreoli, 1984), Report on the Occurrence and Movement of Agricultural Chemicals: North Fork of Suffolk County and South Fork of Suffolk County (Baier and Robbins, 1982), Suffolk County Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan (Baier, Dvirka and Bartilucci, 1987), Status Pesticide Sampling Programs 1980-1988 (Moran, 1989) and Nitrate and Pesticide Impacts of Agriculture on Groundwater Quality, Suffolk County, NY (Trent and Robbins, 1996). The current study builds upon the knowledge accumulated from these past inquiries into pesticide impacts to groundwaters. Even those Long Island residents with only a casual interest in drinking water quality are familiar with the contamination of much of the aquifer in eastern Suffolk County in the late 1970s by the potato pesticide aldicarb (trade name Temik). Potato growers relied on the chemical for insect control and its ability to enhance yields, but the pesticide's metabolites, aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone, have contaminated more than 3,500 wells at levels exceeding drinking water standards as they migrated in the aquifer. Although aldicarb was banned from use on Long Island 20 years ago, to what extent do its residues still persist in groundwater? The study was designed to answer questions of this type. Suffolk County submits this report to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to provide information for the protection of Long Island's groundwater resources for their consideration as an important aspect of their role in seeking a balance in the need for application of pesticides in agricultural, commercial and residential settings. STUDY OBJECTIVE The main objective of the sampling program is to identify pesticides and their metabolites that leach to groundwater, and to help define where these pesticide impacts have occurred by examining groundwater -1- .. quality for a wide range of chemicals from wells located across the full geographic area of both counties. The sampling program was not randomly conducted, specific areas thought to be vulnerable to pesticide impacts were targeted by the testing program, in addition to obtaining the geographic coverage needed. The state Sanitary Code (Chapter I, Subpart 5-1) defines contaminant as any physical, chemical, microbiological or radiological substance or matter in water. The term pesticide as used herein refers to any compound or element utilized as an insecticide, nematicide, herbicide, or fungicide, and any metabolite of these chemicals. This report also distinguishes between concentrations of pesticides that can be detected and those that exceed drinking water standards. A goal of the study is to determine whether the occurrence of pesticides in groundwater is a significant environmental and public health concern. This issue has remained controversial, pitting environmental activists against the pesticide industry and others who rely on chemical applications, from the homeowner with a manicured lawn and the farmer protecting his crops, to utilities and golf course operators who want to control the undesirable growth of weeds. Although testing for pesticides has continued in Suffolk County for the two decades since the discovery of aldicarb in East End wells, efforts have been limited by the availability of resources. An objective of this project was to provide water quality data for a large number of chemicals from several thousand wells within a short period oftime. The project represents the first comprehensive study providing an overview of groundwater impacts from pesticide applications on Long Island. STUDY METHODS Well Selection The sampling program was conducted by collecting groundwater samples from monitoring wells, private domestic wells, and public supply wells in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, and analyzing them for a wide range of pesticide and metabolite compounds. In order to determine pesticide impacts to groundwater, many ofthe wells sampled for this study were in areas of known or suspected pesticide contamination. In cases where a public or private well contained water treatment, only the raw water was sampled for this project. Wells were chosen for testing based upon a variety of cons'iderations. The SCDHS and Nassau County Department of Public Works (NCDPW) utilized existing groundwater quality databases to specifically select wells that had previously shown detectable traces of pesticides. It was suspected that if a well was known to contain a pesticide, e.g., aldicarb, then testing for the expanded list of chemicals in this study may show that other pesticides were present. The strategy was appropriate, as many wells were found with multiple pesticide compounds, including one private well in Baiting Hollow (Calverton), which was found to contain traces of seven different pesticide compounds. Sampling for the project was also targeted towards areas where prior pesticide testing had shown a high vulnerability to pesticide impacts. Areas targeted included sites suspected of pesticide applications by the nature of the land use, such as agricultural operations, utility rights-of-way, and golf courses. Some wells were included to obtain geographic coverage, such as those at Jones Beach and Montauk, and others were randomly selected. Well depth, and depth to water, were also used as a criteria for well -2- . selection, but the vast majority of wells sampled are screened in the upper glacial aquifer. Water quality data from the Magothy aquifer were also desired, however, and many monitoring and community supply wells were chosen to represent these deeper portions of the groundwater resource. The type of well also played a role in well selection, because the state required that the most heavily impacted private water supplies be identified. The study does not identifY all contaminated private water supplies, primarily due to the fact that over 60,000 individual private wells exist in Suffolk County. Several site-specific private well investigations were initiated based upon early findings. Surveys of private wells were conducted in areas of: Baiting Hollow for ethylene dibromide (EDB), Water Mill for dinoseb, Miller Place for alachlor, and two locations in Orient for alachlor and EDB. Because groundwater discharges to surface water bodies such as streams, ponds and lakes, these surface waters were also selected for testing throughout Suffolk County. Surface water data were not included in the well statistics reported. Sample collection was performed by staff of the SCDHS in Suffolk County, and by NCDPW or Nassau County Health Department staff in Nassau County. Suffolk County samples were transported directly to the SCDHS Public and Environmental Health Laboratory (PEHL) for analysis. Nassau County samples were refrigerated and delivered to the PEHL twice weekly to insure analysis within the time required by each analytical method. Analytical Methods Eight analytical methods, including two which were developed by the PEHL, were employed for the study. Methyl carbamate analysis was pioneered in the early 1980s by the SCDHS, and the procedure developed was eventually adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as Method 531.1. The PEHL also developed a methodology for detecting metabolites of the herbicide dacthal, which was peer reviewed and published in the trade journal Analytical Chemistry. One of these metabolites, tetrachloroterephthalic acid (TCPA), was the most frequently detected compound in the USEPA's National Pesticide Survey (1990). Table I lists the analytical methods utilized, and the number of analytes reported. . TABLE 1- Analytical Methods I Parameters I USEPA Method I No. Analytes I Metals 200.8 20 Volatile organic compounds 524.2 73 Microextractables 504 2 Chlorinated pesticides 505 19 Methyl carbamate pesticides 531.1 11 Semi-volatile pesticides 525.2 12 to 25 Chlorinated acids 555 16 Oacthal metabolites PEHL method 2 -3- ". . The eight methods provide information on up to 168 chemicals, including 80 pesticide-related compounds. All sample analyses were conducted in-house at the PEHL, which is certified by the New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP). The SCDHS laboratory continuously reviews and updates procedures to incorporate chemicals of concern. In its response to the RFP, the SCDHS proposed twelve initial analytes to be reported using method 525.2. Prior to the start of sampling for the project in October 1997, additional method development research allowed three pesticide compounds -- propachlor, diazinon and bromacil -- to be added, bringing the number of analytes reported to 15 with the method. Later, while the testing program was on-going in April 1998, further research led to two new chemicals, metalaxyl and prometon, being added to the list of method 525.2 analytes. Both of these pesticides have been applied on Long Island and have a high potential to leach to groundwater, and both were detected during the project. In late 1998, SCDHS proposed a further expansion of method 525.2 to test for seven additional pesticide compounds (for planned future sampling projects). Most of the additional chemicals were known to have been applied on Long Island, e.g., chlorpyrifos was reported by NYSDEC to be the most widely used insecticide by commercial applicators. Based on chemical characteristics such as water solubility and soil sorption coefficients, five of the proposed new compounds have a medium to high potential to leach to groundwater, as listed in Table II. TABLE II Method 525.2 Additions Pesticide Trade Name Use Manufacturer Leaching Potential chlorpyrifos Dursban, Lorsban insecticide, termiticide Dow Elanco Low disulfoton Disyston, Disystox vegetable insecticide Bayer Medium ethofumesate Prograss, N ortron turf herbicide Agrevo USA High isofenphos Oftanol, Amaze turf & veg. insecticide Bayer Medium malathion Malathion, Celthion insecticide Drexel Chemical Low tebuthiuron Spike, Graslan non-crop herbicide Dow Agroscience High acetochlor Acenit, Guardian herbicide Monsanto Medium An additional compound, pentachlorobenzene, was also included in the expanded method development, bringing the number of compounds reported by method 525.2 to 25. Initially, a trial run of about 50 samples using the revised method was proposed, but method development of the additional compounds proceeded smoothly, allowing the expanded parameter list under 525.2 to be instituted earlier than expected. The new analysis was implemented for all samples collected after mid-November for the project, totaling more than 140 samples. Two of the newly added compounds were detected in the trial (ethofumesate and tebuthiuron). The compounds disulfoton, ethofumesate, chlorpyrifos and isofenphos are known to have been applied to Long Island golf courses, and their incorporation into the analytical -4- . protocol will enhance the future investigation of other potential golf course chemicals which may leach to groundwater, proposed for 1999. The fact that a pesticide is in common use does not in-and-ofitselfwarrant the extensive effort required to develop an analytical method and a monitoring program. In addition to the application rate, method of application, and number of applications per year, a pesticide's ability to leach is an important factor to be used in formulating future monitoring programs. If chemicals have low potentials to leach to groundwater based upon their chemical characteristics, including solubility and soil sorption values, then accordingly, these compounds may be oflower priority for obtaining analytical capability. Many compounds have metabolites and they are as important as testing for the parent pesticide. For example, the parent compounds aldicarb and dacthal are rarely detected in groundwater, yet their metabolites -- aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone, and tetrachloroterephthalic acid (TCP A) -- readily leach to groundwater. More information concerning the importance of metabolites is contained in the Special Projects section. Appendix A contains a listing of the compounds analyzed by each method and the minimum detection level (MDL) for each parameter. In all cases, the MDLs are less than the drinking water Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs). The SCDHS Public and Environmental Health Laboratory submitted a Quality Assurance Program Plan to the NYSDEC for the project. SAMPLE DISTRIBUTION A target of2,000 total samples was established for the project, with approximately 500 samples to be collected in Nassau County and 1,500 from Suffolk. The actual number of samples collected and analyzed for the project was 2,306, about 15 percent more than specified in the contract, with 405 samples from Nassau County groundwaters and 1,901 from Suffolk. A map of the sample locations is attached as Appendix H. Sampling was conducted across all ge<;>graphic areas and major political subdivisions of the two counties and 13 townships. The fewest number of wells were tested on Shelter Island (33), and the greatest number within the Town of South old (445). Townships in Nassau County averaged 135 wells sampled, while Suffolk's townships averaged 185 wells each. A breakdown of the number of wells sampled by township is included in Table VII (page 10). Surface water monitoring and monthly monitoring carried out at five wells downgradient of agricultural fields are not included in the township totals. A depiction of the number of sites sampled by well type, Le., private, monitoring, community and non- community wells, and surface water, is contained in Table III. The initial proposal to the state estimated collection at 500 public water supply wells, 500 monitoring wells, and 1,000 private wells. The sample distribution accomplished was 498 community-type public water supply wells, 720 monitoring wells, and 1,054 private and non-community wells. Generally, private wells usually serve individual residential homes or small commercial properties, and community supply wells are of large capacity and may supply a distribution system with thousands of service connections. A non-community supply is defined as a water system with at least five service -5- . connections, or that regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out ofthe year. Non-community wells are on-site domestic supply wells, generally of small capacity, and often screened at shallow depths. Examples of non-community supplies are schools, hotels, motels, and restaurants with individual on-site wells. lypeo amples Origin Monitoring Private Community Non-Comm Surface Nassau 315 0 90 0 0 Suffolk 405 887 408 167 34 Totals 720 887 498 167 34 TABLE III T fS I Nassau County contains few private domestic wells, whereas the 1990 U.S. Census estimated that 63,000 private wells existed in Suffolk County. Private water supplies are generally more vulnerable to contamination because they are usually shallow in depth (screened in the upper glacial aquifer), and located in the more rural or agricultural areas where the likelihood of pesticide applications are greater. There is no mandated monitoring of private wells for pesticide compounds, as is required of public water supplies. A total of887 private wells in Suffolk County were sampled, representing 38 percent of the project total. The state's RFP required that a large number of private wells be tested in order to gain a more accurate representation of the water quality issues faced by private well owners, especially in agricultural areas. Because the main objective of this study was to determine the occurrence of pesticides in groundwater and not necessarily an individual's exposure through drinking water, and due to the limitation of the number of samples that could be taken, only the raw water tests at private wells where treatment existed were reported for the study. However, treated water samples were collected wherever possible for certain common contaminants, such as aldicarb and EDB, and the results were reported to the individual well owners. It is again emphasized that in many cases, the private wells sampled were targeted based upon historical testing conducted by the department, or as part of a new suivey of private wells where testing for this project indicated significant pesticide contamination. Private wells in non-agricultural areas, e.g., Smithtown, were tested to gain information on predominately residential land uses, although potato farms persisted until the early 1960s in some areas of Smithtown. A total of 498 community water supply wells (22% of all samples) were tested, with 90 of the wells located in Nassau County and 408 in Suffolk County. Well depths ranged from 50 feet in a small satellite supply located in eastern Suffolk County, to 1,005 feet in Nassau. About one-half of the community supply wells tested are screened in the upper glacial aquifer, although their well depths also varied greatly. Many of the shallowest community wells sampled in eastern Suffolk County had a history of pesticide detections. Monitoring wells accounted for 720 (31 %) of the locations tested. Many of these wells were sampled -6- . based upon their hydrogeologic setting, including screen depth, aquifer, proximity to potential pollution sources, and predominant land use. In many cases, new vertical profile wells were installed and sampled to gather water quality data in specific areas. Vertical profile wells are temporary wells drilled to a desired depth, sampled, then retracted, typically in intervals of 10 or 20 feet, and resampled at the new aquifer setting. The process is repeated until the top of the water table is reached. Vertical profile monitoring wells were utilized to quickly characterize aquifer conditions at several notable locations during this study, including the distribution ofEDB contamination in Baiting Hollow, and elevated concentrations of dinoseb in Water Mill. The method was also employed adjacent to golf courses, and near present and former agricultural fields in western Suffolk. RESULTS & DATA Results bv Well Tvoe There are many ways in which the water quality data collected can be analyzed and interpreted. One of the more straightforward is to list the results by the type of well from which the samples were collected, as shown in Table IV. With the exception of the surface water monitoring, the number of wells tested is identical to the number of samples 'analyzed. Individual wells which were resampled (or if filtered water samples were collected) were not included in the count for the purpose of the statistics presented, Pesticides were found in every type of well tested and in surface waters, and were detected at levels exceeding drinking water MCLs in all well types, but not in surface waters. The percent of wells in which pesticides were detected ranged from a low of6.4% in community supply wells (CSWs) to a high of38.5% in private wells (located in Suffolk only). Similarly, the percentage ofCSWs which exceeded a drinking water MCL was 1.6%, whereas 12.9% of the private wells tested exceeded one or more MCLs, All of the public supply wells found to exceed MCLs are either removed from active service or fitted with granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration for contaminant reduction. Well or # Sam les Anal ,zed # Pesticide Detections Sample Type Suffolk Nassau Total Suffolk Nassau Suffolk Monitoring Well 405 315 125 33 53 Private Well 887 0 342 0 115 Community Well 408 90 27 5 7 Non-Community 167 0 32 0 10 Surface Water 34 0 34 3 0 0 Totals 1,901 405 2,3Q<i 529 38 567 185 The differences in water quality between public and private wells can generally be attributed to the greater depth of most community wells, which provides a measure of protection from potential contamination introduced at the surface. In addition, the locations of most CSWs are removed from potential pesticide contamination sources. -7- . Pumping rates and screen length can also affect contaminant concentrations. Longer screen lengths and higher pumping rates tend to dilute contaminant concentrations. The highest concentrations contained in a contaminant plume are usually detected using low flow pumps and a short well screen, Community supply wells may pump from 300 to 1,200 gallons per minute (gpm) and well screens can exceed thirty feet in length. The monitoring wells in this study generally had screens. of 10 feet and were purged utilizing low flow pumps producing 2 to 9 gpm. Most private wells in Suffolk County contain screens 3 to 5 feet in length and generally produce from 5 to 10 gpm, Although a large number of wells were tested for the project, the statistics presented regarding the percentage of pesticide detections cannot be considered representative of all wells in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. This is due to the fact that a large portion of the test sites were targeted for sampling due to their increased vulnerability to pesticide impacts. This was not a random sampling program. However, the presence of pesticides in more than 9 percent of wells in Nassau and 27 percent of wells in Suffolk indicates that pesticide contamination on Long Island is a significant environmental concern, particularly in agricultural areas. Some wells tested in agricultural regions exceeded MCLs for more than one pesticide. Nassau County Results A total of 405 wells were tested for the project in Nassau County, comprising 315 monitoring wells and 90 public water supply wells. Pesticides compounds or their metabolites were detected in 33 monitoring wells, and 5 community supply wells. Five of the monitoring wells tested contained more than one pesticide compound. Drinking water MCLs were exceeded in six Nassau County wells: 3 contained chlordane, 1 each containing DEHP (bis 2-ethylhexyl-phthalate), EDB (ethylene dibromide), and dacthal metabolite TCP A (tetrachloroterephthalic acid). The only community supply well in Nassau County found to exceed a standard contained 0.29 f.J.glL EDB. This well has granular activated carbon treatment installed for contaminant reduction before water is delivered to consumers. In addition to its pesticide use as a soil fumigant, EDB was also utilized as a gasoline additive for several years. The dacthal metabolite TCPA was the single most frequently detected pesticide compound in Nassau County, with detections in 10 wells. These were generally'associated with mixed land uses, including parkland, school yards, golf courses, and residential development. There were 15 detections of the chlorinated pesticide compounds: chlordane (6 detections) and dieldrin (9). These chemicals were commonly used as termiticides, and were detected in areas of predominately residential and mixed commercial land use. The triazine herbicides, atrazine (5) and simazine (3), were detected in seven Nassau wells, including one well which contained traces of both compounds. These herbicides were usually detected in areas with a mix of land uses: utilities, commercial, and residential. TABLE V Depths of Nassau County Wells Containing Pesticides Well Depth I <50' I 50-100' I 101-200' I 201-300' I 301-355' >355' # Detects I 13 I 9 I II I 3 I 2 0 -8- . Table V shows the number of wells with detectable pesticide concentrations in Nassau County by well depth. The majority of pesticide detections in Nassau County occurred in relatively shallow wells: 33 of the 38 pesticide detections (86.8%) were found in wells less than 200 feet in total depth. It follows from the well depths at which pesticides were found that the majority of detections occurred in the upper glacial aquifer. A breakdown of detections by aquifer in Nassau County shows: 26 wells screened in the upper glacial aquifer, 4 wells were screened in the Magothy water table aquifer (where the glacial zone is unsaturated), 7 wells screened in the deeper Magothy aquifer, and one well screened in the Lloyd aquifer. A summary of the analyses of pesticides detected in Nassau County is contained in Appendix C. Suffolk County Results A total 1,901 locations were tested in Suffolk County comprising 405 monitoring wells, 887 private wells, 408 community wells, 167 non-community wells, and 34 surface water bodies. Drinking water MCLs were exceeded in 185 wells, 62 percent (115) of which were private wells. Aldicarb metabolites were the most frequently detected pesticide chemical (284 detections) in Suffolk County, followed by TCP A (92), I ,2-dichloropropane (72), metalaxyl (61), and metolachlor (43). These are all agricultural chemicals, with the exception ofTCP A, whose parent compound is also used on turf and residential lawns. Generally, TCP A was detected in higher concentrations in agricultural areas of Suffolk. Depending on intended use (e.g., home and garden, or agricultural and nursery crops), the percent of active ingredient in different formulations of dacthal ranges from 1.15% to 90%. TCP A detections near golf courses (turf use) were similar in both counties. A major difference in pesticide impacts between the two counties was the detection of the chlorinated pesticides, chlordane and dieldrin, in IS Nassau County wells, and only one detection (of dieldrin) in Suffolk. The more frequent occurrence of these termiticides in Nassau County may be attributable to the greater density of development in Nassau. Well depths in Suffolk are not available for most private wells. SCDHS standards require private wells to be screened a minimum of 40 feet below the water table, although in some shoreline areas this is not possible due to the proximity of the fresh/salt water interface. Most of the test wells in Suffolk's monitoring network are also glacial wells. Depths of the co'mmunity supply wells (CSWs) are known, and the range of depths in which pesticides were detected are shown in Table VI. TABLE VI Deoths of Suffolk County CSWs Containinl! Pesticides Well Denth <50' 50-100' 101-200' 201-300' 301-400' >400' # Detects 1 II 4 2 2 7 Pesticides were detected in the raw water at 27 CSWs in Suffolk County -- 24 screened in the glacial aquifer, and 3 screened in the Magothy formation (all 3 located in Huntington township). There are some differences between the well depths at which pesticides were detected in the two counties. Seven CSWs with pesticide detections in Suffolk were more than 400 feet deep, whereas in Nassau there were no detections in wells greater than 355 feet deep. All seven of these detections appear in old agricultural -9- . areas that are now developed. Many years of pumping these high capacity public supply wells may have drawn the pesticide residues deeper than it would have otherwise migrated. Fourteen CSWs impacted by pesticides in Suffolk are located in areas of active agricultural operations, and three wells are located adjacent to current electric utility facilities. The seven Suffolk community supply wells where raw water exceeded drinking water MCLs are all screened in the upper glacial aquifer. Six of these wells contained TCP A greater than the 50 microgram per liter MCL, and one well exceeded the alachlor MCL of2 {lglL. All seven wells had previously either been removed from active service or had treatment provided for contaminant reduction before the water is delivered to consumers. A summary of analyses for pesticides detected in Suffolk County is contained in Appendix D. Results bv Townshio Pesticide residues were found in the groundwaters of all 13 of Long Island's townships, as detailed in Table VII. The towns found to have the greatest percentage of pesticide-impacted wells are Southold (51 %), Riverhead (38.7%), and Southampton (34.5%), which not coincidentally contain the bulk of Long Island's remaining agricuituralland. The townships found to have the lowest percentage of pesticide- impacted wells are Islip (5.8%), Babylon (6.6%), and North Hempstead (6.9%), all located in more heavily developed western Long Island. TABLE VII - Pesticides Detected bv Township Suffolk Townships # Sam Dies # Detects # > MCL Babylon 76 5 1 Brookhaven 287 31 8 East Hampton 138 30 6 Huntington 138 18 1 Islip 103 6 2 Riverhead 217 94 57 Shelter [sland 33 4 1 Smithtown 144 12 3 Southampton 272 94 18 Southold 445 227 88 Totals r,853 521 185 Nassau Townships # Samnles # Detects # > MCL Hempstead 197 21 3 North Hempstead [01 7 2 Oyster Bay 107 10 I Totals 405 38 6 -10- , Fifty percent of all wells tested for the project were located either in Nassau County or Suffolk's five western towns. A comparison of the percentages of wells with pesticide detections within these regions and Suffolk's five eastern townships is show in Table VIII. The percentage of wells containing pesticides in Nassau County and Suffolk's suburbanized five western townships are nearly identical. The percentage of impacted wells on Suffolk's East End is four times as great as the rest of Long Island, and 89% of the wells exceeding MCLs are located in Suffolk's five eastern towns. Private wells in agricultural areas of Suffolk's five eastern towns are at highest risk of pesticide contamination, with 50.5% (324 of642 wells) containing detections of pesticides. TABLE VIII Pesticides Detected bv Re2:ion I Re~ion I # Samples I # Detects I % Detects I # > MCL I % > MCL I Nassau (all) 405 38 9.4 6 1.5 Western Suffolk 748 72 9.6 15 2.0 Eastern Suffolk 1,105 449 40.6 170 15.4 The data also show only 1.5 and 2.0% of wells tested in Nassau and western Suffolk, respectively, exceeded a pesticide-related drinking water MCL, but that 15.4% of wells tested in eastern Suffolk County exceeded an MCL. The land use in western Suffolk and Nassau County contains the lion's share of the Island's industry and population, while agriculture and lower density residential land uses still dominate the landscape on Suffolk's East End. PESTICIDES & METABOLITES DETECTED Table IX alphabetically lists pesticides detected together with: I) chemical name; 2) Minimum Detection Level (MOL) normally reported for the compound, also known as the lower limit of detection; 3) Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) i.e., drinking water standard for that compound; 4) # Detects - the number of wells in which that compound was detected in an amount above the MOL in Nassau (N), Suffolk (S) and the total island-wide; 5) # >MCL - the number of pesticide detections exceeding the MCL broken down as in item four; and 6) Highest Cone. - the greatest single detection for that compound in units of Jlg/L - micrograms per liter. The data show that 32 pesticides or metabolites were detected in Long Island groundwaters. The frequency of pesticide detections ranged from findings of six separate pesticides in only one well, to 284 wells with detections of aldicarb residues. Fifteen different pesticides or metabolites were detected in Nassau wells, and 30 pesticides in Suffolk. Other studies have found additional pesticides and metabolites in Long Island groundwater as seen in the Special Projects section. Table IX includes results from all well types: community, non-community, private, and monitoring wells. A comparison is made only to the drinking water MCL to have a consistent single standard, and because theoretically all fresh Long Island groundwater has the potential to be used as a source of drinking water. State and federal water quality standards exist for groundwater and surface water, as -11- , TABLE IX . Pesticide Chemicals Detected # DETECTS ## > MCL Highest CHEMICAL MOL MCL Cone. ~g/L ~g/L I. N S Total N S Total ~2IL alachlor 0.2 2 0 21 21 0 10 10 8.3 aldicarb sulfoxide+sulfone I 7 0 284 284 0 101 LOI .. 41.0 arsenic 2 50 14 42 56 0 0 0 34.4 atrazine 0.2 3 5 II 16 0 0 0 1.5 bis 2-ethylhexyl phthalate 2 6 4 16 20 I 4 5 14.0 cadmiuml I 5 19 69 88 3 0 3 ..... 47. carbofuran I 40 0 10 10 0 0 0 4.7 chlordane I 2 6 0 6 3 0 3\> 6.1 2.4-0 0.5 50 I 7 8 0 0 ..A 1.08 dicamba 0.5 50 0 2 :2 0 0 Aii 6.0 1,2 dichloroethane 0.5 5 0 4 4 0 0 >......~...... 1.0 1,2 dichloropropane 0.5 5 1 72 .... 73 0 8 ...~<i 20.0 1,3 dichloropropane 0.5 5 0 1 1 0 0 ...~i 1.0 dieldrin 0.2 5 9 1 10 0 0 0> 0.98 dinoseb 0.5 7 I 17 18 0 3 .. .)f 566, ethylene dibromide (EDB) 0.02 0.05 1 40 41 1 34 .....}" 91.9 endosulfan sulfate 0.2 50 0 4 4 0 0 \0. \\ 1.99 cthofumesate1 0.2 50 0 1 I 0 0 .<Wi 18.5 MCPP 0.5 50 0 3 e. 0 0 \q\......... 4.6 metalaxyl 0.2 50 2 61 63 0 0 >i9\ 6.2 methomyl 1 50 0 I 1 0 0 \(V\ 1.7 metolachlor 0.2 50 0 43 '43 0 0 Iii 11.4 metribuzin 0.2 50 0 6 6 0 0 ..<q.ii 0.31 4.nitrophenol 0.5 50 0 4 4 0 0 Ilii 2.41 oxamyl 1 50 0 18 18 0 0 6 < 11.0 prometon 0.5 50 1 4 5 0 0 >0 ....... 3.8 propachlor 0.2 50 0 1 I 0 0 Jt .......... 0.5 propoxur 1 50 I 0 1 0 0 ........9.i 1.1 simazine 0.2 4 3 21 24 0 7 ........<1\\ 14.0 tebuthiuron1 0.5 50 0 I 1 0 0 6< ...... 0.9 tetrachlorotcrephlhalic acid LO 50 10 92 102 I 46 . ..47 766. 1.2.3-trichloroorooane 0.5 5 0 32 32 0 2 ,- 6.0 .12. . I - Cadmium concentrations greater than MCLs are not pesticide derived, see Metals Monitoring section 2- Ethofumesate and tebuthiuron were analyzed in the last 175 samples collected, see Table II well as drinking water. A Comparison of water quality standards for the chemicals detected in this study is contained in Appendix B. Appendix H contains a map showing locations of wells where pesticides were detected and a separate map of only those wells found exceeding MCLs. Pesticides Exceedinl!: MCLs Specific drinking water MCLs have not been established for many of the pesticide compounds in this study, including some frequently detected chemicals such as TCPA, metalaxyl and metolachlor. Part 5 of the NYS Sanitary Code provides a generic MCL of 50 f..lg/L for Unspecified Organic Compounds (DOCs). The UOC standard is applicable to the compounds found for which a specific MCL has not been established. An MCL may be established higher or lower than the UOC standard based upon a risk assessment of the compound, and accordingly may increase or decrease the number of wells exceeding the MCL. The ten pesticides found to exceed drinking water MCLs (and the number of wells found greater than [>] the MCL contained in parentheses) are listed in Table X. Although cadmium was detected in three wells in concentrations exceeding the MCL, none are believed to be derived from a pesticide source (see Metals Monitoring section). - estlcl es xcee mg s I Pesticide I Pesticide I alachlor (10) dinoseb (3) aldicarb sulfoxide & sulfone (10 I) EDB (35) DEHP (5) simazine (7) chlordane (3) TePA (47) 1,2-dichloropropane (8) 1 ,2,3-trichloropropane ( 2) TABLEX P "d E d' MCL Six of the ten pesticides exceeding MCLs are now barmed from use on Long Island due to concerns of potential adverse health effects and ability to leach to groundwater. Barmed or discontinued pesticides accounted for 88% of the wells exceeding MCLs. With the exception of TCP (pesticide status unknown), the remaining three compounds -- simazine, alachlor and DEHP -- were still in use in 199.8, and accounted for less than 12% of the MCL exceedances. A brief description of each pesticide chemical in Table X follows. . Alachlor (trade name Lasso) is an aniline herbicide that acts systemically (i.e., chemical uptake is through the root system) to control grasses and broadleafweeds. It is a restricted-use herbicide that must be applied only by certified applicators, and has been detected in Long Island groundwaters primarily near nurseries. Alachlor is classified by the USEP A as a probable human carcinogen, and has the potential to cause damage to the kidney, liver, spleen, nasal mucosa and eye from long-term exposure at levels above the MCL. The MCL for alachlor is 2 f..lg/L. The chemical has two -13- , . metabolites that may leach to groundwater (see Special Projects section), but these were not analyzed as part of this project. Aldicarb (trade name Temik), a systemic carbamate insecticide applied primarily to potato crops from 1975 through 1979, was voluntarily withdrawn from the Long Island market in late 1979. The parent compound is rarely found, but metabolites aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone readily leach to groundwater. Aldicarb is an extremely toxic cholinesterase inhibitor. The drinking water standard for total aldicarb residues is 7 .uglL in New York State. The federal MCL has been stayed and is not presently in effect. USEP A has established a Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) of I .ug/L for aldicarb and each of its metabolites because this is the level at which no potential human health problems are expected. The maximum permissible residue of aldicarb in potatoes is one part per million. Banned nationwide in 1990, reintroduction of aldicarb on potatoes in some western states was approved by USEPA in 1995. . DEHP (di[2-ethylhexyl]phthalate or bis[2-ethylhexyl]phthalate) is utilized as a plasticizer for polyvinyl chloride, rubber, and styrene. It is also widely used as an insect repellant and pesticide carrier. Disposal of PVC materials may be responsible for some of the findings of DEHP in groundwater. Because of its use in plastics, it is not was possible to ascertain whether the source of the chemical in groundwater is from plastics or pesticides. DEHP is classified as a potential carcinogen, and USEP A has established a drinking water MCL of 6 .uglL. . Chlordane, a chlorinated pesticide (trade name Octachlor), was used from 1948 until 1988 as a termiticide, and was applied to crops, residential lawns, and gardens. From 1983 through 1988, the only approved use for chlordane was as a ground applied termiticide. All uses of chlordane were banned by New York State in 1985 and by USEP A in 1988. The chemical is known to persist in soils for decades. According to the ATSDR, chlordane affects the nervous and digestive systems, and the liver. The drinking water MCL for chlordane is 2 .uglL. The Food and Drug Administration limits the amount of chlordane to 300 .uglL in most fruits and vegetables. . 1,2-Dichloropropane (DCP) applications were required by the u.S. Department of Agriculture on nematode-infested potato farms from the 1950s to 1982. Application as a soil fumigant for nematode control was made at very high rates. Use of the chemical was discontinued in the early 1980s. Trace amounts ofDCP were detected in relatively deep wells in former agricultural areas of western Suffolk County during this project. Long-term exposure to DCP at levels above the MCL of 5 .ugIL can affect the liver, kidneys, bladder and respiratory tract, and it is considered a potential carcinogen. A TSDR has reported that long term exposure has produced evidence ofliver cancer in mice, and breast cancer in female rats. . Dinoseb is a pre-emergent herbicide used on Long Island crops such as potatoes, strawberries, and corn. The use of dinoseb was canceled by the USEP A in 1986 due to the risk of birth defects, and other health effects to pesticide applicators. Long term exposure at levels above the MCL of7 .ugIL can affect the thyroid, testes and intestines, according to USEP A. . EDB (ethylene dibromide, I ,2-dibromoethane), a suspected human carcinogen, was suspended from use by the USEP A as a soil fumigant in 1983 due to concerns over groundwater contamination. It -14- . has also been detected in Long Island groundwater as a result of its past use as a gasoline additive. The USEP A reports that in long term animal studies, EDB caused cancer in many organs. The drinking water MCL for EDB is 0.05 ,ug/L. . Simazine is a triazine herbicide used for weed control on vegetables, berries, turf, and vineyards. It has been detected primarily near electric utility facilities and rights-of-way due to higher allowable industrial use rates. These high application rates were suspended by the NYSDEC as a result of simazine detections in Long Island groundwater in 1998. USEP A considers all triazine herbicides possible human carcinogens based upon an increase in mammary gland tumors in female rats. The drinking water MCL for simazine is 4 ,ugIL. Two metabolites of simazine, not analyzed as part of this project, have also been detected in Long Island groundwater (see Special Projects section). . TCP A (tetrachloroterephthalic acid) is a metabolite of the general use pre-emergent herbicide dacthal. Dacthal was used on residential lawns and gardens, turf, and vegetable crops. TCP A does not have a specific MCL; therefore, the UOC standard of 50 ,ug/L is utilized. A label change was requested by the manufacturer in'1988 after it was detected in Suffolk County groundwaters in excess of 50 ,ug/L. The label amendment stated, "DO NOT APPLY IN SUFFOLK COUNTY, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK," under directions for use. However, the restriction was not included on labels of their technical product sold to other formulators, and it is assumed the herbicide remained available for use in Nassau County. . 1,2,3- Trichloropropane (TCP) may have been a contaminant in soil fumigant formulations with DCP (as they are often detected in the same water samples), although it is not listed as a pesticide ingredient. ATSDR also reports that very little information is available on the amounts ofTCP manufactured and the specific uses. TCP has been added to the list of "anticipated" carcinogens by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). The drinking water MCL for this compound is 5 ,ugIL. The manufacturers of the chemicals alachlor (Monsanto) and aldicarb (Rhone Poulenc) have programs to assist private well owners whose waier supplies exceed MCLs. GAC filtration is provided or, where public water exists, help with the costs of connection is offered. The stability and persistence of pesticide residues in Long Island groundwater is clearly demonstrated by the fact that six of the 10 chemicals found to exceed drinking water MCLs have been banned from sale or use for 10 to 20 years, i.e., Dacthal (TCP A) 1988, dinoseb 1986, EDB and chlordane 1983, DCP 1982, and aldicarb 1979. There were 191 wells found to exceed pesticide MCLs, some of which exceeded standards for more than one pesticide. A total of 174 wells were impacted by agricultural chemicals; seven were impacted by pesticides appliea at utility facilities; two resulted from golf course applications; and, eight were either unknown or mixed land uses where a specific source could not reliably be determined. Homeowner use or residential applications of pesticides may be implicated in the three wells exceeding the chlordane MCL. Pesticides exceeding MCLs, and the total number of wells impacted (including public, private and -15- . monitoring wells) in each community, are listed in Table XI. Communities located within the five easternmost townships of Suffolk County accounted for 89% of the wells that exceeded a pesticide- related standard. The frequent occurrence of MCL exceedences in agricultural areas indicates that pesticide contamination is a significant public health concern in these regions, particularly from older pesticides that are now banned. omrnum les an e s xcee mg es ICI e s Aldicarb (Total TCPA Alachlor . DCP Simazine Amagansett I Calverton 5 CUlchogue I Bridgehamplon I Aquebogue 3 Bridgehamplon 4 Cutchogue 13 E. Moriches I Cutchogue 2 Commack 1 Calverton 24 E. Marion 6 Miller Place 3 Head of Harbor I Great Ri ver 2 Cutchogue 18 Jamesport 1 Orient 3 Melville I Shirley I East Hampton I Orient 9 Shelter Is. I Wainscott I Jamesport 7 Peconic 2 Water Mill I Water Mill 2 ..~,<,~i ....... ....... Laurel 5 Riverhead 6 Garden City (N) 2 Mattituck 18 Sands Point (N) I Rockville Ctr(N) I Orient 4 Shoreham 2 ...EDfl i< < ..... ..... .... Tori Peconic 3 Southold I I ..< .~. ........ ....... Riverhead 3 Stony Brook I Calverton 29 Babylon I Cutchogue I Sagaponack 4 Water Mill 2 Cutchogue I Commack I Water Mill I Southold 4 Mattituck I Jericho (N) 1 Wainscott 3 Orient 3 Peconic I ...................- <, ..... ...... << Water Mill 2 Roslyn (N) I Water Mill I Water Mill 3 C 'f TABLE XI d # WilE d' P f 'd MCL Pesticides Most Freauentlv Detected Table XII lists the 15 pesticides most frequently detected in the study, and the leaching potential ofthe chemical. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service has created a pesticide properties database which uses 16 chemical properties that affect pesticide degradation and transport. Properties such as soil half-life, soil sorption, and water solubility are used to calculate the theoretical leaching potential of many pesticides. The data base does not address most pesticide metabolites. Twelve of the 15 most frequently detected pesticides in the study were rated by the USDA, and 10 of these have medium to high leaching potentials. Other compounds that were detected during the project also have high leaching potentials. The herbicides tebuthiuron and ethofumesate were detected in only a single well each, but the herbicides were added to method 525.2 analyses only shortly before the end -16- of the sampling program. Because of their high leaching potentials, a wider range of sampling may increase their frequency of detection. The leaching potential of chemicals frequently applied on Long Island can be utilized as a guide to target future pesticide sampling programs. In addition to the chemical properties of the pesticides, Long Island's hydrogeology has characteristics which contribute to chemicals' ability to leach, including coarse sandy soils, high water table, and low pH (acidic) groundwaters. The method of chemical application may playa significant role in a pesticide's ability to leach to groundwater. The terms soil fumigant and pre-emergent herbicide are often found in the chemical descriptions, indicating that the pesticides can be applied directly to the soil. eac mg otentJa s 0 es lCI es os requen :JY e ecte Pesticide # Detects % Samoles USDA Leaching Potential aldicarb sulfoxide & sulfone 284 12.3 High TCPA 102 4.4 (I) 1,2-dichloropropane 73 3.2 High metalaxy I 63 2.7 High metolachlor 43 1.9 High EDB 41 1.8 High 1,2,3-trichloropropane 32 1.4 (2) simazine 24 1.0 High alachlor 21 0.9 Medium DEHP 20 0.9 (2) dinoseb 18 0.8 High oxamyl 18 0.8 Low atrazine 16 0.7 High carbofuran 10 0.4 High dieldrin 10 0.4 Low L h' P TABLE XII 'I fP f 'd M t F tl D t d (I) Leaching potential of parent compound dacthal is low, metabolite TCPA is not rated. (2) Not rated. USEPA's Phase II and V Rules established public water supply monitoring requirements for all Table XII chemicals with the exceptions ofTCP A and metalaxyl. The draft federal Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule proposes monitoring requirements for TCP A between 200 I and 2003 in public water supplies, The SCDHS has monitored all public water supplies in Suffolk for TCPA, and tested community supply wells in agricultural areas for metalaxyl. -17- . Although classified as having a low leaching potential, findings of dieldrin are notable as a result of recent research published by NIEHSIEPA Superfund Basic Research Program (Organo-chlorine Exposure and Breast Cancer Risk, 1998, A.P. Hoyer and others). This study found a strong relationship of breast cancer risk with past exposure to dieldrin. Dieldrin was utilized as a broad spectrum insecticide until 197 4, when EP A restricted its use to termite control only. In 1987, EP A banned all uses of dieldrin. There were no detections of dieldrin in public or private drinking water wells in the study. All 10 detections of dieldrin in the project were in shallow monitoring wells, ranging from 15 to 77 feet deep, and all wells were located in suburban communities of Nassau and western Suffolk Counties. This indicates that the dieldrin detections are likely from its use as a termiticide and not from past agricultural applications. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (A TSDR), human exposure to dieldrin occurs mostly from eating contaminated food, such as root crops grown in dieldrin contaminated soil. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allowed dieldrin residues up to 0.1 parts per million in food. STUDY FINDINGS Private Well Survevs Many of the private wells tested in eastern Suffolk County were selected for sampling because they had shown traces of the pesticide aldicarb in prior monitoring, or because oftheir proximity to farm land. In general, aldicarb concentrations in private wells have declined since the mid 1980s, and much potato acreage has been replaced by other crops and development. However, there remain broad areas of eastern Long Island served by private wells that lie downgradient of existing or former agricultural lands where additional monitoring is needed because there is a significant potential for groundwater impacts. For the project, 887 private wells were tested, 342 contained detectable concentrations of pesticides or metabolites, and 115 exceeded a pesticide related MCL. In five instances during the project, new or unusual pesticide results prompted private well surveys in residential areas adjacent to agricultural fields. Due to the movement of groundwater, and the migration of contaminants with it, private wells lpcated hundreds to thousands offeet downgradient of the points of likely chemical applications were found impacted by pesticides. All known private wells that were available for testing were sampled in these survey areas, and. each resident was advised of their analysis results. Results from neighboring private wells often varied widely due to site specific conditions including, groundwater flow direction, subsurface soils, and well screen depths. Table XIII lists five private well survey areas by community, the pesticide found, the number of detections of that pesticide, and the number of samples that exceeded the MCL. Due to the limitations ofthis study, only these newly discovered areas of pesticide contamination were intensively sampled. Eighteen homeowners were advised not to consume their well water as a result of the five new private well surveys initiated during testing for the project. The statistics from these surveys are included in the overall totals shown in Table V. One of the surveys resulted in testing of all known private wells in the vicinity of Twomey Avenue, Sound A venue and Youngs Road in Baiting Hollow. Nine private wells were found to exceed the MCL for EDB, with a maximum concentration of29.8 f..I.g/L (EDB MCL is 0.05 f..I.g/L). Three of the nine wells -18- also exceeded the MCL for aldicarb, and two of these also contained the dacthal metabolite TCPA in excess of its MCL. Six of the private wel1s have GAC filters that were either owner instal1ed or furnished for aldicarb removal by Rhone Poulenc. EDB was detected in the finished water at five filter locations, highlighting the need for public water in this area. nvate e urveys Community . Pesticide # Samples # Detects # > MCL Water Mill dinoseb 17 I I Orient alachlor 34 4 3 Mil1er Place alachlor 7 5 3 Baiting Hol1ow EDB 50 10 9 Orient EDB 8 3 2 TABLE XIII p. Wl1S An investigation to determine the extent ofEDB contamination in Baiting Hol1ow was initiated due to the unusual1y high concentrations found in private wel1 testing. Groundwater flow direction was determined to be northerly towards Long Island Sound, and 13 monitoring wel1s were installed. The monitoring wel1 testing indicated that the EDB contamination did not result from a single point source. The area of contaminated groundwater is approximately 2,000 feet wide at Sound A venue, and extends from the vicinity of Riley and Youngs A venues north to Long Island Sound. EDB concentrations up to 91.9 ,..gIL were detected. Twenty-nine of the 41 detections ofEDB during the project were found in this area of Baiting Hol1ow, including 19 detections at vertical profile and monitoring wel1s. The department routinely notifies al1 residents of their private wel1 testing results, supplying the actual results of the analysis and a cover letter explaining any parameters that may exceed drinking water MCLs. Alternatives such as the connection to public water, dril1ing a deeper wel1, use of bottled water, or instal1ation of water treatment are presented, as appropriate, depending on the type(s) of water quality problem found, and the availability of an alternate supply. In some cases, agricultural chemical manufacturers have provided point-of-use treatment devices to affected residents, or in the case of petroleum contamination, assistance may be available from the NYS Oil Spill Fund. In cases of severe contamination by volatile organic chemicals, the USEP A has extended water mains to the affected area under the Superfund program. Any costs for alternative water supplies, e.g., deepening the wel1 if possible, or installation of water treatment, are currently the homeowner's responsibility. In the absence of public water, residential development offormer agricultural lands creates the potential for the construction of new private wel1s subject to pesticide contamination. Golf Course Well Monitorine The groundwater impacts of pesticide and fertilizer use were examined by testing wel1s located at 18 Long Island golf courses. Thirteen golf course clubhouse wel1s, one irrigation well, and 17 monitoring wells were tested. The monitoring wel1s included: 13 new shal10w wel1s instal1ed for the study at -19- Suffolk County operated golf courses at Timber Point, West Sayville and Indian Island; two vertical profile wells drilled off-site and downgradient of two privately owned courses; and two existing monitoring wells at one public and one private course. A total of 4 I samples were collected from 3 I wells at thel8 golf courses. The results of the testing, summarized in Table XIV, must be viewed with the realization that not all chemicals registered for golf course applications were analyzed. Pesticides were detected in 7 wells and two sites exceeded a drinking water MCL. Only the dacthal metabolite TCP A was found above the MCL in the golf course monitoring, in one well in each county. TCPA was detected in a total of five wells, and two other chemicals, DEHP and metalaxyl, were detected at levels less than the MCLs in one and two wells, respectively. 0 ourse omtonng I Well Type I # Wells I # Detects I # > MCL I Clubhouse & Irrigation Wells 14 4 0 Vertical Profile & Mon.Wells. 17 3 2 T Olals 31 7 2 TABLE XIV G Ife M. The 13 monitoring wells installed at Suffolk County owned courses were screened near the top of the water table, immediately downgradient of greens, tees and fairways. The depth to the water table for these wells ranged from 7 to 13 feet. Pesticide analyses conducted included many chemicals known to have been applied to the courses. The results indicate that, with the exception ofDEHP (which may be related to the use ofPVC wells and not pesticide use), no pesticides were detected. In addition to pesticides, each ofthe 30 golf course wells sampled in Suffolk County were analyzed for nitrate. Nitrate concentrations for the wells averaged 4.3 milligrams per liter (mg/L), and the median nitrate concentration for the wells was 2.6 mg/L. These values are within the federal and state MCL for nitrate in drinking water of 10 mg/L. In view of the level of public concern directed at chemical applications by golf courses, the monitoring results are an encouraging indication that turf management practices can effectively control impacts to groundwater. Additional studies of potential groundwater impacts from golf courses are planned. A summary of the 4 I water analyses at golf course wells, listing all locations and chemicals detected by analytical method, are contained in Appendix E. Surface Water Monitorinl!: Groundwater provides the base flow for Long Island's streams and rivers. Thirty-four samples were collected from 26 surface water bodies in Suffolk County. Pesticides were detected at three (11 %) locations, all in agricultural areas. Aldicarb metabolites and metaIaxyl were detected in two streams in South Jamesport (East Creek and an unnamed creek) at levels of up to 3.9 and 0.25 /-lg/L, respectively. Dinoseb (0.6 mg/L), metolachlor (0.28 /-lg/L), and TCP A (4 /-lg/L) were detected in the eastern tributary of Hayground Cove, Water Mill. VOCs were detected in eleven of the surface water bodies sampled (42%), with concentrations as high -20- as 550 j..lgfL trichloroethene and 14 j..lgfL tetrachloroethene. The gasoline additive MTBE, with 9 detections, was the most frequently detected compound in the surface waters sampled. Nitrate concentrations averaged 2.3 mgfL in the surface waters tested. A summary of the surface water monitoring is contained in Appendix F. A!!ricultural Well Monitorin!! Agricultural chemicals were found in 9 I % of the wells tested that exceeded an MCL during the project. However, pesticides that are no longer in use accounted for 88% of all wells exceeding an MCL. The statistics appear to indicate that pesticides currently applied by agriculture may have less potential to impact groundwater in concentrations considered harmful to health, although specific MCLs have not been established for some chemicals frequently detected. The results of the agricultural monitoring well testing must be viewed with the realization that not all pesticides registered for crop applications were analyzed. Groundwater impacts from pesticide and fertilizer use were investigated at five active agricultural fields located in Aquebogue, Jamesport, Orient, Sagaponack, and Water Mill. A single monitoring well, screened in the top 10 feet below the water table, was installed at each site and monitored on a monthly basis from April 1998 through January 1999. Pesticides were detected in 4 of the 5 wells over the course of the monitoring, but no pesticide-related MCLs were exceeded, as shown in Table XV. estlcl es e ec e In c lve \gncu ur e s Pesticide # Wells with Detects Highest Cone. /l/!/L aldicarb (total) 1 3.7 metalaxyl 3 4.9 metolachlor 1 0.3 TCPA 2 10.0 endosulfan sulfate I 0.4 TABLE XV P .'d D t t d' A fA' It al W II It is interesting to note that metabolites oftwo banned pesticides -- aldicarb and dacthal (TCP A) -- were detected in wells screened at the water table, implying continued leaching from the soil, or unauthorized pesticide use. Metalaxyl, metolachlor and endosulfan are pesticides that are still in use, but do not have specific MCLs (UOC standard is 50 j..lgfL). A summary of the monthly monitoring data for the five agricultural wells is contained in Appendix G. The systemic fungicide metalaxyl was the most frequently detected pesticide in the active agricultural wells. Metalaxyl, produced since 1980, is sold under the trade name Ridomil by Ciba Crop Protection. Its EP A registration was voluntarily canceled in 1996, but metalaxyl products can be sold by Ciba until supplies are exhausted. Metalaxyl can be used on many crops including grapes, turf and vegetables. Average nitrate concentrations over the ten months of monitoring ranged from 9.7 mgfL in the Orient well, to 14.0 mgfL in the Aquebogue well. Only one of the five agricultural wells monitored averaged less than 10 mgfL nitrate. The average nitrate concentration in all samples over the course of the -21- monitoring was 11.7 mg/L. This figure is consistent with those the department reported in Nitrate and Pesticide Impacts on Groundwater Quality, Suffolk County (1996) for 10 agricultural wells, which had an average nitrate concentration of 11.7 mg/L for the year 1995, and a 20-year average of 11.3 mg/L. Metals Monitorinl! Water samples were analyzed for 23 metals during the project, including arsenic and cadmium, which have been used in pesticide formulations in the past. Arsenic compounds were commonly used in insecticides and herbicides until 1978. Most uses of arsenic, except as a wood preservative, were banned by USEPA in 1988. Sodium arsenite was used as an herbicide, and lead arsenate as an insecticide, on Long Island potatoes decades ago. Low levels of arsenic are naturally occurring in some soils, and arsenic compounds applied as pesticides tend to sorb to agricultural soils containing clay and loam. Soils planted with potatoes during the decades these arsenical pesticides were in use have been reported to contain elevated arsenic levels by Cornell Cooperative Extension. Arsenic can be found in low concentrations in ground and surface waters. Cadmium was registered by USEP A as a fungicide for lawn and turf uses from 1959 to 1986. Some of the trade names for cadmium based pesticides included Caddy, Cadmium Lawn Fungicide, and Grass-Aid. Some cadmium compounds are soluble, and their adsorption to soils decreases in acidic environments (such as those present on Long Island). Cadmium in groundwater may originate from more prominent industrial sources, e.g., metal plating, or be leached from galvanized piping. Cadmium is also used as a stabilizer for polyvinyl chloride (PVC), making low level detections from wells cased with either PVC or galvanized materials suspect. Arsenic and cadmium were detected in 56 and 88 samples, respectively. However, it is difficult to connect any of these findings with pesticide applications due to other potential sources of these metals in the environment. Arsenic was not detected above the current drinking water MCL of 50 j.1.g/L. The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences has recommended that USEP A lower the standard due to risks of skin, lung, and bladder cancer from drinking water containing inorganic arsenic. A new MCL has not been proposed as of this writing. According to USEP A reports, concentrations of cadmium above the MCL in drinking water can cause kidney, liver, bone and blood damage, and there is inadequate evidence on potential carcinogenic effects. All detections of cadmium in the study were within the drinking water MCL of 5 j.1.g/L, with the exception of three monitoring wells located in Nassau County. None of the wells appear to be impacted by pesticides containing cadmium: two wells have galvanized well casings and elevated zinc concentrations, indicating galvanized metal sources; and, the third well is screened below the fresh/salt water interface, making pesticide impacts less likely. Based upon well locations, well construction, depth, and land use, very few of the low level detections of arsenic and cadmium found during the project can be attributed to pesticide leaching. Nitrate Results in Suffolk County Nitrate analyses were conducted, where possible, for wells sampled in Suffolk County. Wells in Nassau could not be tested for nitrate due to the analytical method holding time. Excess nitrate in drinking water is of public health importance due to the potential occurrence of methemoglobinemia (blue baby -22- syndrome), and more recently, an association reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention between high levels of nitrate and first trimester miscarriages. Of the 1,539 Suffolk County wells (of all types) tested during the project for nitrate, 166 (10.8%) exceeded the drinking water MCL of 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The highest concentration of nitrate found was 31.3 mg/I in a Manorville private well located downgradient of a large nursery operation. A 1996 SCDHS study of 45,000 private wells tested in Suffolk (during 1972 to 1994) showed that 7.4% of the wells exceeded the nitrate MCL. For the private wells in Suffolk tested for this project, 12.7% (74 of 583) exceeded the nitrate MCL. The greater percentage in the current project may be attributable to the concentrated testing in agricultural areas where fertilization practices contribute to elevated nitrate levels in groundwater. As noted in previous sections, the average nitrate concentration in the 30 golf course wells sampled in Suffolk County was 4.3 mg/L, but monthly monitoring of five agricultural wells for this study showed an average nitrate concentration of 11.7 mg/L. In the agricultural areas of Suffolk, nitrate remains a significant groundwater contaminant. SPECIAL PROJECTS Concurrent with this study, SCDHS was participating in three complementary projects investigating groundwater impacts due to pesticide use. The cooperative projects facilitated limited testing of additional pesticide and metabolite compounds not currep.tly done in-house. One program is being conducted with Bayer Corporation, manufacturer of the insecticide imidacIoprid (trade names Admire, Merit, Provado, Grubex) that is labeled for application on potatoes, vegetables, turf, and residential , lawns. The chemical characteristics of imidacIoprid indicate that it has the potential to leach to groundwater on Long Island. Monitoring wells that were installed near agricultural fields by SCDHS are being analyzed by Bayer for imidacIoprid and three metabolites. Preliminary results of this investigation show low level detections of imidacIoprid in two agricultural wells. A second project is being conducted with Novartis for the herbicide simazine. Wells near 101 electric utility substations throughout the county were sampled by SCDHS for analysis of simazine, atrazine, and several of their metabolites. Simazine was applied for weed control from 1979 through 1992 at these substations by the Long Island Lighting Company. The testing has shown that simazine and metabolites deisopropylatrazine and desethylatrazine are present in 22 of205 wells tested. The third project is a cooperative effort with the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Samples collected from 50 Suffolk County wells, selected due to their high vulnerability to pesticide contamination, are being analyzed by two USGS laboratories for 60 pesticide and metabolite compounds. Pesticides were detected in 88% of these wells, partly due to the USGS analytical methodology where pesticide detection limits reported are in the parts per trillion range for many compounds. The initial results of this study have confirmed the findings of herbicide metabolites by Novartis, identified tebuthiuron as an additional herbicide at utility sites, and found that metabolites of metolachlor (metolachlor OA and ESA) and alachlor (alachlor OA and ESA) are present in significant concentrations in several wells. The discovery of at least seven additional pesticides and metabolites in these cooperative programs indicates a need to continue wider sampling programs for a greater number of chemicals. -23- CONCLUSIONS . Many of the 2,306 samples collected in this study were collected in areas of known or suspected pesticide contamination. Therefore, the results are representative only of the specific locales tested, and should not be considered necessarily representative of groundwater quality in other areas of Long Island. . Pesticides and metabolite compounds, analyzed as part of this study, were found in the groundwaters of both Nassau and Suffolk Counties, and in all 13 townships across Long Island. Fifteen different pesticides were detected in Nassau County wells, and 30 pesticides were found in Suffolk County. . Pesticides were detected in concentrations exceeding drinking water MCLs in every type of well sampled, including monitoring wells, private domestic wells, non-community wells, and community supply wells. . Much of the sampling for the project was targeted towards areas where prior pesticide testing had shown a high vulnerability to pesticide impacts. Areas targeted included sites where pesticides are routinely applied due to the nature of the land use, such as agricultural fields, utility rights-of-way, and golf courses. In the targeted sampling conducted for this project, pesticides were found in 9% of the 405 wells tested in Nassau County, and in 27% of the 1,901 locations sampled in Suffolk. . Community supply wells on Long Island were shown to be the least impacted by pesticides, with only 6.4% of the 498 wells tested having pesticide detections, and only eight wells (1.6%) exceeded an MCL. All community supply wells found to exceed a pesticide MCL are either removed from active service or have GAC filtration. . Private wells in Suffolk County, with 38.5% of887 wells tested, had the greatest percentage of wells containing pesticides. Private wells in agricultural areas of Suffolk's five eastern towns are at highest risk of pesticide contamination, with 50.5% (324 of 642 wells) containing detections of pesticides. . The vast majority of pesticide impacted wells were shallow, i.e., screened in the upper glacial aquifer. A few deep wells were found to contain pesticide traces, primarily in the older agricultural areas of western Suffolk County. . . Thirty-two pesticide and metabolite compounds were detected in Long Island groundwaters, and 10 of these chemicals were found in concentrations exceeding drinking water MCLs. The compounds most frequently detected have a high potential to leach to groundwater based upon chemical characteristics such as soil half-life, soil sorption, and water solubility. . Six ofthe 10 pesticides exceeding MCLs were removed from the market between 10 and 20 years ago, indicating the persistence of these chemicals in groundwater. Banned or discontinued pesticides accounted for 88% of the wells exceeding MCLs. . Factors evident from a review of the project's data from wells containing pesticides exceeding drinking water MCLs: 89% were located in the five townships comprising eastern Suffolk County, 91% of all wells exceeding MCLs contained agricultural chemicals, 3.7% were impacted by -24- industrial (utility) herbicide use, 4.2% by pesticides of uncertain ongm (mixed residential, commercial and other land use), and 1.0% were impacted by a golf course herbicide. . Industrial application rates for the herbicide simazine, which prior to state restriction in 1998 were allowed to be as much as 10 times the agricultural use rate, have resulted in impacts to both public and private wells near electric utility substations. . Pesticide use at some golf courses has impacted local groundwater quality, but a detailed investi- gation of Suffolk County owned courses shows that good management practices can dramatically reduce pesticide impacts to groundwater. . The monitoring program found that the average nitrate concentration at golf course wells was 4.3 milligrams per liter (mg/L) with a median concentration of2.6 mg/L, well within the federal and state MCL for nitrate in drinking water of 10 mg/L. . Pesticides were detected in groundwater fed surface water bodies in agricultural areas only. Volatile organic compounds were found in significant concentrations in surface waters in developed (suburban) areas. . In agricultural areas, nitrate continues to be a significant groundwater contaminant. Of the private wells tested in Suffolk 12.7% exceeded the nitrate MCL, and monthly monitoring of five wells in agricultural areas showed an average nitrate concentration of 11.7 mg/L. Long-tenn water quality monitoring in Suffolk County (over 25 years) show no lessening of nitrate impacts in agricultural areas. . Few detections of the metals arsenic and cadmium, which were used in pesticide fonnulations in the past, and none that exceeded MCLs, can be attributed to pesticide leaching. . The USDA pesticide properties data base is a valuable tool for predicting the leaching potential of many pesticides. Utilizing the USDA rating, 10 of the 12 most frequently detected pesticides are rated have medium to high leaching potentials. . Additional research during the project by SCDHS laboratory provided increased monitoring capabilities for 13 pesticide compounds, and six of these pesticides were detected. Limited testing perfonned for several special projects have indicated that the herbicide tebuthiuron, the insecticide imidacloprid, and pesticide metabolites of alachlor, atrazine, metolachlor and simazine, that were not analyzed as part of this project, are potential groundwater contaminants. RECOMMENDATIONS The data developed for this study clearly indicate that groundwater contamination by pesticides is a significant environmental and public health concern. In order to address the issues raised by the infonnation developed for the project, the following recommendations are made: . Groundwater monitoring for pesticides should continue and analytical capabilities expanded. -25- The leaching potential of chemicals frequently applied on Long Island can be utilized as a guide to target future pesticide sampling programs. Special attention should be given to those chemicals in use that have a high potential to leach to groundwater, and to pesticide metabolites identified in special projects as chemicals of concern. . Only five newly discovered areas of pesticide contamination in private wells were intensively sampled for this study. There are broad areas of eastern Long Island served by private wells that lie downgradient of existing or former agricultural lands where additional monitoring is needed. A systematic program to monitor all private wells in agricultural areas for pesticides should be developed. . Reliance on private drinking water wells in agricultural areas should be discouraged. An increased effort to extend public water supplies to areas containing the most heavily contaminated private wells is needed. Programs for this purpose already exist for well contaminations by VOCs (Superfund) and petroleum compounds (NYS Oil Spill Fund), yet funding assistance is not available to residents whose wells are affected by pesticide pollution. . In making decisions concerning chemical use, pesticide applicators may significantly affect groundwater impacts by the choice of chemicals they apply. Education programs should be provided to encourage pesticide applicators and farmers to consider the leaching potential of a chemical, as well as the frequency, method, and rate of application. Alternate pesticides that do not leach to groundwaters, and can accomplish the desired result, can help reduce potential groundwater contamination. The use of integrated pest management programs and best management practices should be promoted. . The state should continue efforts to restrict or ban pesticides whose residues are frequently detected at levels of environmental or public health concern in Long Island groundwater. . Pesticides whose chemical characteristics indicate a high potential to leach to groundwater, based on USDA or similar criteria, should require appropriate field trials prior to permanent registration for use on Long Island. . . The UOC standard of 50 /.Jg!L is utilized for many of the chemicals detected in this study. Although considered to be protective of public health, it is non-specific and MCLs should be established for all frequently detected pesticides and metabolites. . Among the 15 most frequently detected pesticides in this study, only TCPA and metalaxyl are not required to be monitored by public water suppliers. Monitoring for these chemicals should be required in vulnerable areas. . Funding for continuing pesticide monitoring and public water main extension programs in impacted areas served by private wells are needed. -26- METAL ANALYSES EPA Method 200.8 Analvte Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Thorium Titanium Vanadium Zinc MDL ugfL 5 I 2 5 I I I I I I I 0.4 I I 2 5 I I I I 50 VOLATILE ORGANIC ANALYSIS EPA Method 524.2/624 Analvte 1,2-Dichlorobenzene( 0) 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene I, I ,1,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,2,3- Trichloropropane I,2-Dichloropropane 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene I, I ,2- Trichloroethane I, I -Dichloroethane I, I, I -Trichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene I, I -Dichloroethene 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene MDL ugfL 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 APPENDIX A VOLATILE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (Continued) l,l,-Dichloropropene 0.5 1,4-Dichlorobutane 0.5 l,l-Dichloroethene 0.5 1,I,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.5 l-Bromo-2-chloropropane 0.5 I-Methylethylbenzene 0.5 2,3-Dichloropropene 0.5 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.5 2-Bromo-I-chloropropane 0.5 2-Butanone(MEK) 20. 2-Chlorotoluene 0.5 3-Chlorotoluene 0.5 4-Chlorotoluene 0.5 Benzene 0.5 Bromobenzene 0.5 Bromochloromethane 0.5 Bromodichloromethane 0.5 Bromoform 0.5 Bromomethane 0.5 Carbon tetrachloride 0.5 Chlorodifluoromethane 0.5 Chloroethane 0.5 Chloroform 0.5 Chloromethane 0.5 Chlorobenzene 0.5 cis-I,2-Dichloroethene 0.5 cis-I,3-Dichloropropene 0.5 Dibromomethane 0.5 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.5 Di!TIethyldisulfide 0.5 Ethenylbenzene (Styrene) 0.5 Ethylbenzene 0.5 Freon 113 0.5 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.5 Isopropyltoluene(p-cymene) 0.5 m,p-Dichlorobenzene 0.5 m-Xylene 0.5 Methy-tert-butyl-ether 0.5 Methyl sulfide 0.5 Methylene chloride 0.5 n-Butylbenzene 0.5 -27- APPENDIX A (page 2) VOLA TILE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (Continued) n-Propylbenzene 0.5 Naphthalene 0.5 o-Xylene 0.5 p-Diethylbenzene 0.5 p-Xylene 0.5 sec-Butylbenzene 0.5 T.Chlorotoluene 0.5 TXylene 0.5 tert-Butylbenzene 0.5 Tetrachloroethene 0.5 Tetrahydrofuran 20. Toluene 0.5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.5 trans-I,2-Dichloroethene 0.5 Trichloroethene 0.5 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.5 Vinyl chloride 0.5 CHLORINATED PESTICIDE ANALYSIS EPA Method 505 MDL ug/L 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 I. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 Analvte 4,4-DDE 4,4-DDD 4,4-DDT Alachlor Aldrin alpha-BHC beta-BHC Chlordane Dacthal delta-BHC Dieldrin Endosulfan I Endosulfan II Endrin Endrin aldehyde gamma-BHC (Lindane) Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Methoxychlor MICROEXTRACT ABLE ANALYSIS EPA Method 504 Analvte l,2-dibromoethane 1,2-dibromo- 3-dichloropropane MOL ug/L 0.02 0.02 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC ANALYSIS EPA Method 525.2 Analvte Alachlor Atrazine Benzo( a)pyrene B is(2-eth y Ihex y I)adi pate B is(2-eth ylhexy I )phthalate Bromacil Butachlor Dacthal Diazinon Hexachlorobenzene Hexach lorocyclopentadiene Metolachlor Metribuzin Prometon Propachlor Simazine Metalaxyl Pentachlorobenzene MOL w!IL 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 2. 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 CARBAMATE PESTICIDE ANALYSIS EPA Method 531.l Analvte I-Naphthol 3-Hydroxycarbofuran Aldicarb sulfone Aldicarb sulfoxide Aldicarb Carbary I Carbofuran Methiocarb Methomyl Oxamyl Propoxur -28- MOL ug/L I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 APPENDIX A (page 3) CHLORINATED ACIDS EPA Method 555 Analvte 2,4-DB 2,4,5- T 2,4-0 3,5-Dichlorobenzoic Acid 4-Nitrophenol Acifluorfen Bentazon Chloramben Dicamba Dichloroprop Dinoseb MCPA MCPP Pentachlorophenol Picloram Silvex (2,4,5-TP) MOL ug/L 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 DACTHAL METABOLITE ANALYSIS Analvte MOL ug/L Monomethyltetrachloroterephthalate 10 Tetrachloroterephthalic acid (TCPA) 10 -29- APPENDIX B - Water Qualitv Standards (1'l!!L)* Chemical NYS Groundwater NYS Surface Water NYS Orinkin2': Water USEPA Drinking Wa,lcr wachlor 0.5 0.5 2 2 aldicacb sulfoxide 2(g) 2(g) 2 7(d) aldicacb sulfone 4(g) 4(g) 4 7(d) arsenic 25 50 50 50 atrazine 7.5 3(g) 3 3 bis 2.ethylhexyl phlhalate 5 5 6 6 cadmium 5 5 5 5 carbofuran 15(g) 15 40 40 chlordane 0.05 0.05 2 2 2,4-0 50 50 50 70 dicamba 0.44 - 50 1.2 dichloroerhane 0.6 0.6 5 5 1,2 dichloropropane I I 5 5 1.3 dichloropropane 5 5 5 dieldrin 0.004 0.004 5 - dinoseb t I 7 7 ethylene dibromide 0.0006 0.0006 0.05 0.05 endosulfan sulfate - 50 elhofumesale - 50 - MCPP - 50 mc:talaxyl 50 - methomyl 0.35 50 - metolachlor - - 50 - metribuzin 50 50(g) 50 - 4-nitrophenol I I 50 - oxamyl 50 50(g) 50 200 promc[Qn 50 50(g) 50 - propachlor 35 - 50 propoxur - - 50 simllZine 0.5 0.5 4 4 tebuthiuron 50 50(g) 50 - tetrachlorolerephthalic acid 50 50 1.2.3.trichloronrooane 0.04 0.04 5 - -30- APPENDIX B Waler Quality Standards (J1.gIL) *Appendix B was prepared by the New York State Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health Assessment, Nancy K. Kim, Ph.D., Director. NYS Groundwater - Ambient water quality standards and guidance values and groundwater effluent limitations. June 1998. Division of Water, Technical and operational guidance series (1.1.1). New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. . NYS Surface Water - Water Quality Regulations. Surface water and groundwater classifications and standards. New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR), Title 6 Chapter X, parts 700-706 (through March 1998). New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. NYS Drinking Water - 10 NYCRR. Public Water Systems: Title 10 NYCRR, Chapter I, State Sanitary Code, Subparts 5-1. New York State Department of Health. Effective date May 27,1998. (d) = draft (g) = guidance -31- ABBREVIA TraNS IN APPENDICES C, D, F & G N03 Ala Aid Atr C Cd Chi Dehp Dcp Die Din Edb M Metlx Metol N Oxa P Prm Prp Sim Tcpa Tcp nitrate (mgIL) alachlor aldicarb atrazine community supply well cadmium chlordane di -ethy Ihex yl phthalate 1,2 dichloropropane dieldrin dinoseb ethylene dibromide monitoring well metalaxyl metolachlor non-community well oxamyl private well prometon propoxur slmazme tetrachloroterephthalic acid 1,2,3 trichloropropane -32- APPENDIX C - NASSAU COUNTY WELLS CONTAINING PESTICIDES SUMMARY TYPE DEPTH DATE NAME LOCATION COMMUNITY Cd Atr Chi 2,4-D Dcp Dehp Die Din Edb Met Prm Prp Sim Tepa C 355 071798 n-3732 IU Willets Path Albertson 10 C 159 091198 n-3704 Birch St W Hempstead 1.5 C 220 100998 n-8010 Mineola Ave Rosl)'n 0.29 C 209 100298 n-9211 Duck Pond Rd Glen Cove 13 C 261 122398 n-4390 Union Tpk N New Hyde Pk 13 M 31 072798 n-9653 Central Pwy Merrick 0.3 0.2 M 158 021098 n-9712 Albertson Ave Albertson 33 M 158 062598 n-9712 Albertson Ave Albertson 36 M 34 103097 n-looOI Broadway Valley Stream 10 M 175 091498 n-9059 Cedar Swamp Rd Brookville 0.28 M 45 120897 n-9930 CIi [ford Dr Parmingdale 0.2 M 44 090998 n-12250 Emerald La Levittown 0.58 0.23 (7) M 122 012698 n-11670 Glen Cove Rd Old Brookville 0.97 M 37 102197 n-II779 Hempstead Ave Lakeview 0.78 M 50 052698 n-9663 DeMon Ave Rockville Center 0.6 2.5 0.5 15 M 50 061998 n-12252 Linden SI Hempstead Gard 0.5 M 101 110498 n-5250 Dosoris La Glen Cove 21. 3.4 M 170 061098 n-11375 Main Ave Garden City 1.1 M 52 062598 n-11782 Manor Rd Westbury 1.9 M 31 112697 n-10008 Doughty Bd Lawrence 0.2 M 144 102198 n-8430 MUl!onlown Pres East Norwich 2.6 M 160 122398 n-11736 Newmarket Rd Garden City 6.1 M 53 120988 n-11957 Newmarke! Rd Garden City 3.6 M 68 091098 n-1616 Post Ave Old Westbury 2.3 5.9 M 15 060598 n-9408 Primrose La Roosevelt 0.7 M 92 091498 n-11673 Roosevelt Ave Glenwood Lndng - 0.41 M 165 111798 n-7478 Route 106 Jericho 12. M 104 010598 n-9356 Sands Point Park Sands Point 78 M 104 020498 n-9356 Sands Point Park Sands Point 89 M 114 121498 n-10245 School St Glen Head 2 34 M 24 060598 n-1147 Seaman Dr Rockvillc Center 0.98 M 118 081098 n-12755 Sewanaka Rd Centre Ishmd 8.3 M 61 122398 n-11958 Somerset Ave Garden City 0.37 M 29 110698 n-1439 Sunrise Hwy Rockvillc Center 47. 14 M 15 100397 n-1685 Sunrise Hwy Freepon 0.4 M 260 011498 n-12076 Sunset Rd Kings Point 0.59 M 64 060998 n-8940 W Hempstd Tpk East Meadow 0.2 10 M 44 070998 n-10202 Wetherill Rd Garden City 0.5 M 55 lJ72498 n-9667 White La Lcviuown lJ.2H M 45 072498 n-9924 White La Levittown 0.24 M 42 102897 n-10005 WhittierSt Lynbrook 0.2 APPENDIX D - SUFFOLK WELLS IN WHICH PESTICIDES OR METABOLITES WERE DETECTED, OR NITRATE >MCL Type Dep.h Date Name Location Communit)' N03 Ala Aid Air Car 2,4.D Dehp Dcp Din Edb Metlx Metal 0., Sim Tepa Tep Other C 314-g 111098 5-22362 Schuyler Dr I Cammack 4'.1 0.6 O.9lebuthiuron C 562-g 071598 ,-29962 Caledonia Rd 1-3 Dix Hills 53 I C 490-g 071498 ,-34022 Ryder Ave 8 DixHiIIs 1.8 3 C 070298 ,-83707 Bridghmpln Rd 2A East Hampton 2.0 1.1 C 111698 5-83707 Bridghmpln Rd 2A East Hampton 2.1 1.2 C 033 198 5-83707 Bridghmp~n Rd 2A East Hnmplon 1.6 3.0 C 111698 s-73332 Bridgehmpln Rd 5 East HumploR 6.0 5.3 C 161 121798 ,-53593 Spinney Rd 2 East Quogue 7.4 5.2 4 perchlorate C 110597 ,-71783 Long Way 8 East Marion 11.8 17. C 79 110597 ,-03698 Priv Rd 4-7 East Marion 13.7 144. C 82 110597 ,-03697 Priv Rd 4-6 Easl Marion 14.3 168. C 80 110597 ,-15795 Priv Rd 4-8 East Marion 8.8 59. C 547-m 072998 ,-21134 Burr Rd 8 Greenlawn 3.6 4 0.8 C 298-g 072298 ,-13876 W Rogues Plh 6 Huntington 5.0 2 C 445-m 072898 ,-12079 New York Ave 4 Melville 5.1 0.5 C 6oo-g 110998 ,-68230 MI Sinai Coram I Mount Sinai 13.0 0.7 C 50 021098 ,-90426 Browns Hills Orient 11.5 3.5 75.0 C 50 120198 S-90426 Browns Hill Rd Orient 12.0 2.5 52 C 415-g 031298 S-70459 DareRd Selden 5.5 2.0 C 456-g 031298 S-40331 DareRd SeMen 3.8 0.8 C 193-g 070898 s.71715 Knight SI 6 Shoreham 8.3 120 C 276-g 11099B ,-93519 Knight SI 7 Shoreham 4.1 69 C 070898 5-17241 Tower Hill Rd 3 Shorehnm 1.2 1.0 C 3J5-m 080498 s-26071 E Mall Dr 16 S Huntington 2 C 111397 51 Chalets Manwaring Rd Shelter Island 2.3 C 072798 S.I. Chalets Manwaring Rd- Sheller Island 6.J 1.96 C 062398 Two Trees Hayground RrJ Water Mill 7.4 2.0 C 90 110597 5-33775 Ackerly Pond 7-1 Southold 6.9 2.7 2.61 0.74 C 90 052198 ,-33775 Ackerly Pond Rd Soulhold '8.4 4.2 1.8 C 85 110597 ,-93794 Ackerly Pond 7-2 Southold 8.8 1.3 C 85 120298 ,-93794 Ackerly Pond Rd 2 Southold 7.8 0.43 2.6 1.45 0.26 0.54 3 perr.:hlorate C 97 110597 s-24850 Old Nonh Rd 6-1 SOUl hold 13.6 3.4 0.3 C 97 052198 ,-24850 Old Nonh Rd # I Southold 12.6 1.2 C 97 120298 ,-24850 Old Nonh Rd I Southold 12.0 3.1 0.63 0.2 C 85 110597 s-83472 Old Nonh Rd 6-3 Southold 7.2 3.7 0.32 C 85 120298 ,-83475 Old Nonh Rd 3 Southold 6.8 1.0 Page I of 14 APPENDIX D - SUFFDLK WELLS IN WHICH PESTICIDES OR METABOLITES WERE DETECTED. OR NITRATE >MCL Type Depth Dale Name Loclllion Community N03 Ala Aid Air Car 2.4-D Dehp Ocp Din Edb Metlx Melal Oxa Sim Tepa Tcp Other M 051498 TM6 Twomey Ave Baiting Hollow 9.7 23.9 48.2 1.8 21 M 200 051298 TM8 Sound Ave Baiting Hollow 12.4 M 180 051298 TM8 Sound Ave Baiting Hollow 12.4 7.7 15 M 160 051298 TM8 Sound Ave Baiting Hollow 12.9 0.48 M 140 051398 TM8 Sound Ave Bailing Hollow 12.3 0.5 0.72 12 1.1 Cd M 180 051498 TM9 Wylave Bailing hollow 5.8 2.7 0.06 M 190 050698 TM7 Sound Ave Bailing Hollow 7.0 8.4 M 140 051498 TM9 Wyl aye Bailing hollow 13.8 2.9 M 051998 ,-65602 WillshireDr Commuck 16.4 1.5 Cd M 66 040198 4D Tuthill La Aquebogue 4.4 0.45 0.39 1.4 endas sulf M 120898 AP5 Tuthill L:l Aquebogue 6.8 M 100 081298 BN2 Bennetts Rd Stony Brook 1.5 0.2 42 M ]20 081298 BN2 Bennells Rd Stony Brook 2.5 116 M 160 081298 BN2 Bennells Rei Stony Brook 9.2 14 M 061798 subdiv I Richmond C~k Peconic 1.3 0.45 M 35 121698 CFI Yaphank Ave Y3phank 0.6 3.8 M 47 121698 CFI Yaphank Ave Ynphank 0.8 3.4 M 75 042998 s-60107 I{)'" Ave Babylon 0.3 7.3 M 48 042998 ,-60107 lO"' Ave Babylon 0.3 4.0 M 60 081398 BN2 Bennells Rd Stony Brook 2.0 0.4 16 M 082098 ,-68916 Route 48 CUlchogue 12 4.6As M 080498 s-45722 Roule III Islip 10.3 1.1 Cd M 190 041698 TM4 Oakleigh Ave Calverton 11.8 18. 0.16 1.16 Cd M 072898 subdiv 2 Gabriella Ct Mattituck 11.6 6.8 M 130 041698 TM4 Oakleigh Ave Calvcrton 7.8 17.2 23.8 1.2 M 110 041698 TM4 Oakleigh Ave Calverton 9.5 II.I 69.3 1.8 M 072998 ,-69761 Roule 48 Cutchogue 7.2 0.6 2 7.6 As M 80 072898 JPI Joseph SI Jamcspon 14.4 1.0 3.8 M 100 072898 JPI Joseph SI Jumesport 9.3 9.9 2.3 M 061898 03 Rensselaer Dr Commack 3.8 1.3 M 170 041698 TM4 Oaldeigh Ave Calverton 13.3 13.2 n.l? 2.2 As 1.2 Cd M 110 050598 TM3 Sound Ave Bailing Hollow 22.1 1.0 Cd M 100 070998 s-112554 Baiting Dr Bailing Hollow 9.1 3.6 M 123 042098 TMI Twomey Ave Calvcnon IlL5 ]9. 91.9 1.2 24 M J2 060198 arboretum Montauk Hwy Great River 1.0 2.9 M 90 060298 DPI Duck Pond Rd CUlchogue 4.2 1.2 2 2 1.0 Hg M 70 060298 DPt Duck Pond Rd CUlchogue 6.9 5.6 I M 50 060298 DPI Duck Pond Rd Cutchogue 6.8 0.5 M 060398 ,-45210 Haupp:mge Rd Commack 3.3 2.5 M 060498 ,-48441 I-Iamplon SI Soulhmnpton 18.1 M 100 06()99H HGI Hayground Rd WalerMiII 12.2 M 40 061098 HGI Hayground Rd WalerMiII 14.4 0.42 M 20 061098 HGI Hayground RtJ WalerMiII 5.0 1.64 0.55 Page 2 of 14 M 061098 ,-51571 Doctors Path R i verhead 8.4 0.67 688 M 061098 ,-51566 Reeves Ave R i verhead 6.1 3.9 0.8 M 061898 01 Rensselaer Dr Cammack 15.1 1.4 M 40 062998 EMI Montauk Hwy Easl Moriches 17.9 M 92 042098 TM6 Twomey Ave Calverton 9.4 23.6 47.5 1.8 19 M 80 070998 5-112554 Bailing Dr Bailing Hollow 7.5 2.8 M 200 041598 TM2 Riley Ave Calvcrton 5.8 1.0 M 061798 5ubdiv 3 Richmond Creek Peconic 10.5 6.4 M 062598 NCCI Monches Ave Saini James 25.3 M 90 062998 EMI MOnlnuk Iiwy East Moriches 8.2 3.8 M 70 062998 EMI Montauk Hwy East Moriches 10.1 M 50 062998 EMI Montauk Hwy East Moriches 19.7 M ISO 072098 TMII Osborn Ave Baiting Hollow 10.5 13.3 1.7 M 120 072898 lPI Joseph SI Jamcsport 10.0 13.4 M 140 072798 lPI Joseph SI JUlllcsport 12.6 18.6 M 130 072098 TMII Osborn Ave Bailing Hollow 13.6 9.7 2.0 0.2 melribuzin M I70 072098 TMII Osborn Ave Baiting Hollow 9.7 18.9 1.2 M ISO 071698 TMIO Warner Dr Bailing Hollow 9.1 8.5 M 170 071698 TMIO Warner Dr Bailing Hollow 8.7 20.0 1.0 M 170 071498 5-112523 Youngs Ave Riverhead 3.2 4.6 MCPP M 140 050598 TM3 Sound Ave Bailing Hollow 8.7 13.5 0.6 M 130 050498 TM2 Riley Ave Baiting Hollow 8.3 3.7 0.3 M 150 041698 TM4 Oakleigh Ave Calverton 4.6 2.3 2 0.5 2.2 As I I Cd M 110 050498 TM2 Riley Ave Baiting Hollow 8.0 2.7 M 120898 L1LCO-4S Tuthill La Aquebogue 8.7 M ISO 050498 TM2 Riley Ave Baiting hollow 7.7 0.04 M 80 081398 BN2 Bennells Rd Slony Brook 1.7 0.28 31 M 30 111698 Rogers-no Montauk Hwy WalcrMill 7.4 11.2 M 97 111298 Rogers-so Montauk Hwy Water Mill 5.4 2.0 M 50 040198 4S Tuthill La Aquebogue 3.4 14.0 M 062398 s~63825 Montauk Hwy Great River 0.7 4.4 M 061898 02 Rensselaer Dr Cammack 3.0 0.58 ).9 M SO 111298 Rogers-so Monlauk Hwy Water Mill 10.3 0.46 M 92 022598 TW-I Twomey Ave Baiting Hollow 0.4 0.2 M 50 111698 Rogers-no Montauk Hwy WalerMiII 8.8 0.24 M 090198 LF2 Menanlic Rd Sheller Island 0.6 3.2 MCPP M 70 111298 Rogers-so Montauk Hwy WnterMill 5.9 4.8 M 80 111698 Rogers-no Montauk Hwy Water Mill 4.8 5.1 I 2 M 160 010698 CL2 Colonial Springs Melville 8.8 2. M 180 010698 CL2 Colonial Springs Melville 14.1 5. 0.7 M 40 011298 CL2 Colonial Springs Melville 10.6 M 180 012198 NCCI Finy Aere Rd Snint Jmnes 10.7 M 122297 II-I Indian Isl GC Riverhcad 19.5 5.69 As M 140 012198 NCCI Finy Acre Rd Saini James 13.6 M 120 012798 ELI Buclls La Ext East Hampton 16.4 35.0 4.7 1.0 M 83 012798 EL2 Hardscrabble Ct East Hampton 17.9 M 50 012998 YLI Ballfield Yaphank 19.4 Page 3 of 14 M 30 012998 YLI Ballfield Yaphank 20.1 0.48 M 011498 Bayer.4 Daniels La Sngaponnck 13.7 M 200 123097 CL-2 Colonial Spr Rd Melville 10.3 0.9 M 100 011298 CL2 Colonial Springs Melville 10.4 M 120 011298 CL2 Colonial Springs Melville 13.2 M 77 120197 MP-2 N Service Rd Melville 6.6 7.3 0.45 M 020298 ,-71569 Peconic Bay Blvd Jamesport 8.3 0.22 M 90 111797 MP-I Service Rd Melville 12.6 M 021098 60108-10 Illh Ave W Babylon 2.9 DEHA M 021098 60108-20 111h Ave W Babylon 4.4 DEHA M 021098 6()108.25 11th Ave W Hllbylon S.U DEHA M 021098 64850-43 17th St W Babylon 4.6 3.02 As M 021198 ,-63825 Montauk Hwy Greal River 2.9 4.8 M 021798 ,-47223 W Sayville GC W Sayville 2.2 2.4\ 4nilrophen M 120 111797 MP-I Service Rd Melville 9.0 1.0 M 021798 ,-64535 Everdell Ave Wlslip 1.4 2.9 M 021798 ,-64556 Railroad Ave Lindenhurst 0.5 3.9 M 121897 Bayer-3 Main Rd Orient 20.3 16.0 M 121897 Bayer-I Hamed Rd Aquebogue 1.7 melhomyl M 140 121797 CS Colonial Spring Rd Melville 6.5 J3.0 M 121697 NAP-I Appoto Dr Aquebogue 5.9 12.3 M 166 021898 PF-3 Three Sislers Rd Hd of Harbor 10.6 M 021898 ,-43812 Wellwood Ave Undenhursl 0.544nilrophen M 021898 ,-43813 Wellwood Ave Lindenhurst 3.5 0.33 dieldrin M 222 021998 TW-I Twomey Ave Bailing Hollow 0.5 0.27 M 202 022398 TW-I Twomey Ave Bailing Hollow 8.7 3.0 1.0 0.11 96.0 M 182 022398 TW-I Twomey Ave Bailing Hollow 4.5 8.0 0.14 25.0 M 162 022398 TW-I Twomey Ave Bailing Hollow 9.8 21.8 2.08 ]00.0 - M 77 120297 MP-3 N Service Rd Melville 2.5 19.0 MTBE M 142 022398 TW-I Twomey Ave Bailing Hollow 9.3 27.0 4.65 90.0 M 122 022598 TW-I Twomey Ave Bailing Hollow 10.3 20.6 77.8 0.53 1.3 O.964nilrophen M 102 022598 TW-] Twomey Ave Bailing Hollow 2.1 0.64 3.99 2.2 M 140 102997 CLlI Schuyler Dr Cammack 7.3 2.6 M 121897 Bayer-2 Peconic Bay Blvd Jamespon 2.4 0.68 1.22 Cd M 140 011298 CL2 Colonial Springs Melville 13.5 3.6 M 107 120197 MP-2 N Service Rd Melville 5.2 2.0 M 022698 0-1 Oakwood Ave Hunlington 15.1 M ]50 032498 NC-5 Tillolson Ave SI Jmncs 10.1 M 032598 WS-ID W Sayville GC W Sayville 10.7 2.8 M 100197 s-71286 Duck Pond Rd CUlchoguc 6.5 249. M 100197 5-71287 Duck Pond Rd CUlchoguc 6.1 ]5.3 0.6 3. M 100297 ,-71283 Duck pond Rd Culchoguc 7.4 3.3 2. 33. M 100297 ,-71285 Duck Pond Rd Culchogue 2.6 234. M 100797 ,-71282 Depol La CUlchogue 7.0 O.Q7 M 100897 ,-71275 NorthSI CUlchogue 11.2 1.5 <leha M 101497 ,-71277 Wickham CUlcogue 7.3 41.0 M 60 111997 HHR-I Half Hollow Rd Dix Hills 5.5 0.46 Page 4 of 14 M 101497 ,-71276 Wickham CUlcogue 13.4 M 101597 5-53330 Gillelle Ave East Marion 12.9 M 140 111797 MP-I Service Rd Melville 8,2 0.9 M 101597 5-53335 Lower Rd Southold 10.9 M 101597 ,-53327 Alvahs La CUlchogue 11.3 358. M 101697 ,-51568 Pennys Rd Riverheud 5.4 1.99 cndos sulf M 180 111897 HMP-I Pulaski Rd Huntington 17.3 3.0 M 101697 ,-51571 Doctors Path Rivcrhcad 8.9 365. M 090998 Mecox-02 Mecox. Rd WalerMiII 15.1 1.6 0.6 M 032598 WS-2 W Sayvilk GC W Suyville 15.7 M 100197 ,-71284 Duck Pond Rd CUlchogue 4.8 0.8 4. M 157 032598 PF-I Route 25A 51 James 10.8 45.0 PCE M 178 032598 PF-I Roule 25A 51 James 10.7 M 040198 AP5 N Apollo Dr Aqueboguc 13.2 6.7 M 100 111698 Rogers-no Montauk Hwy WalcrMiII 5.8 2.7 1.0 M 30 111298 Rogers-so Montauk Hwy Water Mill 11.1 200 M 090998 Mecox-Ol Mecox Rd Water Mill 8.3 3.0 4 APPENDIX D - SUFFDLK WELLS IN WHICH PESTICIDES OR METABOLITES WERE DETECTED, OR NITRATE >MCL Type Depth Date Nnme LocDlion Community N03 AI. Aid Air C.r 2,4-0 Dehp Ocp Din Edb Mctlx Melal Ox. SilO Tepa Tcp Olher N 123098 Laurel LkV Main Rd Laurel 11.0 1.8 Cd 13 perch N 081298 305 Old Country Rd Easlpon 6.0 dicumba N 052698 Atlanlic-ch Scuulehole Rd Bridgehamplon 0.2 N 120998 Sisters Mey Rosehill Ave WalerMiIJ 5.5 0.77 N 101498 Gardnrs By Dinah Rock Rd Dering Harbor 3.7 0.2 N 040798 32400 Roule 48 Peeonie 1.8 O.ll3 N 052898 LI Game I Chapman Bd Manorville 12.3 N 052698 Atlntc-hwh Scuulehole Rd Bridgehnmplon 10.2 7 3 N 052898 LI Game 2 Chnpman Bd Manorville 12.2 N 052898 L1WC Old Country Rd Easlport 1.3 5.0 dicarnba N 042898 Peeonie Du - Peconic 14.5 9.8 N 081898 Noyc ce-I Wildwuod Rd Silg II"rhm 0.5 38 N 092WK Spring Lkc Uartlcll Rd Middle Isluml 7.1 1'1 N 081898 Noyc eC-2 Wildwood Rd Sag I-turhor I.J Jl) N 061598 Pindur Main Rd Peconic 16.7 19.1 N 033198 Cross Snd Main Rd-A Orient 8.8 0.2 N 031198 3147 Route 112 Medford 11.7 N 031898 MonlUkel I Firestone Rd Montauk 12.0 N 022598 863 North Hwy Southampton 11.0 M 033198 PO-I Peconie Dunes Southald 9,4 29.0 N 030498 Pacific SI Mallitllck 6.9 J.O 1.87 2.0 MTBE Page 5 of 14 N 030398 14 Ferry Rd Sheller Island 11.9 N 030398 Montauk Hwy Shirley 0.3 1.4 promclon N 030598 155 Buckley Rd Holtsville 3.0 1.08 N 012898 29 Old Slone Hwy Springs 6.9 0.72 M 033198 PO.2 Pecook River Soul hold 15.6 14.6 M 033198 PD-3 Peconic Dunes Southold 14.8 3.3 N 031998 Route 25A MillcrPlucc 6.2 0,2 N 031898 Monlakel2 Firestone Rd Montauk 11.7 N 031898 1665 Roule 25 Ccnlercach 5.7 23. N 033198 Cross Sod Main Rd-R Orient 4.1 0.3 N 112497 Mauituck HS( I) Maltituck 3.2 N 112497 MHS Matlick Ind Arts(2) Mallituck 9.2 N 010698 Fishermans Main Rd CUlchogue 10.5 N 122297 King Kulln Main Rd CUlchogue 9.4 N 122297 Roule 114 Shelter Island 5.3 0.7 N 010598 Bmun Oysl Main Rd CUlchogue 6.1 P 112597 Wainscoll School Wainscoll 11.0 14.3 N 032398 T&W N Phillips Ave Speonk 10.8 0.8 MTBE P 112597 Sagg School Sagaponack 7.7 3.1 P 111997 New Suffolk Ave Cutchogue 6.4 20.1 5.0 N 111997 Lnurel School Ulurel 2.2 2.0 N 111997 Depot La (W) Schl CUlchoguc 4.8 20.4 N 111997 No Fork Cuth Schl CUlchogue 1.3 0.5 12dca Page 6 of 14 APPENDIX D - SUFFOLK WELLS IN WHICH PESTICIDES OR METABOLITES WERE DETECTED. OR NITRATE >MCL Type Depth Dale Name Location Community N03 Ala Aid At, Car 2,4-D Dchp Ocr Din Edb Metlx Mew! Oxa Sim Tepa Tcp Other p 090898 Dclmnr Dr Laurel 4.2 P 090898 Ddmurl)r Laurel 2.8 P 090898 DclmurDr Laurel 0.28 p 042198 -- Westwood Rd Wuinscoll 1.4 12 P 090898 Delmar Dr Laurel 2.9 0.27 P 090998 Townlinc Rd Wuinscoll 5.7 26 P 090998 Main 51 Wainscoll 11.4 3.4 2 P 090998 Olivers Cove La Water mill 6.9 1.1 P 090998 Edwards Ave Calverton 6.7 2.5 P 090998 Edwards Ave Culvcrton 9.3 10.5 P 091598 Harbor La CUlchogue 1.1 P 091598 Harbor La CUlchogue 11.1 P 091598 Harbor La CUlchogue 4.8 P 091598 4Lh 5t New Suffolk 14.6 P 092198 Laurel Way Muniluck 14.4 15.8 P 092198 Wildwood Rd Noyac 0.6 47 P 092298 Townline Rd Sagaponack 8.8 3.4 2 0.7 P 092298 -- Narrow River Rd Oneill 1.1 2.4 P 092298 Narrow River Rd Orient 1.1 0.64 P 092298 Orchard 51 Orient 8.2 9.0 1.6 0.01 II P 092898 Village La Orient 6.9 8.1 24 P 092898 -- Birch La Wading River 0.5 P 092998 Village La Maniluck 10.8 p 092998 Village La Mauiluck 7.6 p 092998 Village La Muuiluck 5.5 P 092998 Village La Malliluck 6.1 P 081198 Schoolhouse Rd Cutchogue 0.28 p 091098 Btank La WalerMill 2.9 1.1 P 093098 Roanoke Ave R i vcrhcad 8.7 p 100698 Navy 5t Orient 11.4 100 P 100698 Fletcher 5t Orient 5.0 8.1 P 100698 Oregon Rd Cutchoguc 5.6 32 P 101498 Indian Neck La Peconic 9.6 0.02 P 10 1598 -- Oakwood Ave Miller Plncc 9.6 5.!! P 101598 -- Oakwood Ave Miller Place 9.9 4.1 P 101598 -- Oakwood Ave MillcrPlnce 9.7 5.3 P 1111598 Birch La CUlchogllc 9.8 186 P 101598 GlenCt CUtchOgllC 15.6 1.0 0.29 -146 P 101598 Birch La Cutchoguc 14.0 2.8 2.4 0.85 29 P 102198 Olivers Cove La Water Mill 10.3 1.1 P 102298 Oakwood Ave Miller Place 8.7 1.3 P J02698 Brnckenwood Path Head of Harbor 4.9 20 4 P 102698 Vincent 5t Orient JO.I 2.8 . Page 7 of 14 P 102698 Old Orchard La East Marion 13.1 p 102798 Colonial Rd Southold 14.5 P 081898 Victoria Dr Southold 4.3 p 042098 Cases La Ext Cutchogue 9.3 p 042098 Peconic Bay Bd Jamesport 0.8 p 042098 Peconic Bay Bd Jamesport 0.6 p 042098 Sound Ave Riverhead 2.5 18 P 041798 PheaslUlt Cross Sagaponack. 0.6 p 041698 -- Fleets Cove- Rd Huntington 6.3 16 1.0 Cd P 041698 Old Fnnn La Bridgehamplon 14.0 1.3 0.6 P 041598 TerryCt Southold 7.8 0.35 P 041598 Delmar Dr Laurel 7.8 9.9 P 041498 -- Beach La Wainscott 8.3 7.4 P 110498 Echo Ave MillerPl11ce 5.5 1.1 P 081298 Lands End Rd Orient 3.0 0.8 dicamba p 110498 Navy SI Orient 18.4 0.24 P 081298 u Manor La East Hampton 7.5 0.28 P 110598 Oregon Rd Cutchogue 13.9 6.7 P 111098 Village In Orient 7.8 053 p 111298 Indian Neck In Peconic 3.3 0.57 prometon p 111298 Leslies Rd Cutchogue 26.1 3.5 P 111298 Manor Hill La Cutchogue 9.4 7.2 P 111798 Cases La Ext Cutchogue 7.6 4.5 P 041498 Y Dungs Rd Calverton 2.2 0.02 P 041798 Butter La Bridgehampton 16.6 p 041798 Butter La Bridgehampton 11.5 12.0 P 040798 Oregon Rd CUlchogue 10.9 0.7 1.0 Cd P 040798 u Fairfield Pond Sllgaponack 3.0 p 040798 Mastic Bd Shirley 3.4 p 120898 Tuthill La Aquebogue 0.81 0.2 P 040698 Twomey Ave Calverton 5.5 1.0 Cd P 040198 Sebastian Cove MllUituck 16.9 P 040198 Saltaire Way Mauituck 7.3 p 120798 MI Sinai Coram Rd Coram 1.7 2.0 P 120898 Sound Ave Calverton 0.2 p 120898 Oregon Rd Cutchogue 19.0 0.2 P 120898 Village La Orienl 10.0 9 P 120898 KingSI Orienl 1.0 1.4 P 120898 Main Rd Orient 17.0 24 P 071398 Birch La Cutchogue 2 2 P 122298 Deerfield Rd WnterMill 7.1 3.1 P 122398 Long Island Ave Y nphank 11.0 p 090898 Delmar Dr Laurel 11.3 p 042198 Main Rd Laurel 1.2 p 081298 Beach La Wainscott 8.9 1.6 0.6 P 071498 TeresnDr Mattituck 4.2 p 081198 Indian Neck La Peconic 13.1 66 Page 8 of 14 P 081198 Indian Neck La Peconic 11.2 0.3 60 P 081198 Indian Neck La Peconic 7.5 0.46 17 P 081198 Indian Neck La Peconic 6.8 0.26 10.6 17 P 081198 Soundview Ave Mattituck 3.1 10 P 081198 Schoolhouse Rd Cutchogue 0.4 p 052698 Hayground Rd Water Mill 8.3 3.6 P 081098 Old Farm Rd Orient 16.1 3.2 0.36 74 P 081098 EdsRd Southold 7.6 4.4 P 080598 Sound Ave Riverhead 8.7 3.1 0.8 P 080598 Reeve Ave Mattiluck 7.9 1.0 P 080598 Saltaire Way Mattituck 9.8 14.1 P 080498 Rosewood Dr Mattituck 14.1 p 080498 Rosewood Dr Mattituck 8.9 p 080498 Oregon Rd Mattituck 3.2 p 070798 Reeve Ave Mattituck 4.6 p 042798 Highland Rd Cutchogue 37 p 042798 Main Rd Sourthold 10 p 042798 Demarest Rd Orient 5.5 12 P 042998 Dcerfield Rd WalerMiII 7.9 5.0 2 P 050498 Bridge La Cuthogue 3.7 2.9 P 050598 Erieas La Sagaponack 7.0 5.9 2 P 050698 Orchard SI Orient 12.2 6.3 1.5 0.05 108 P 050698 Orchard 51 Orient 3.4 13 P 073098 irrigation Hampton Bays HS Hamplon Bays 3.8 0.57 promclon p 052698 Hayground Rd Water Mill 12.0 3.8 P 050798 Oakleigh Ave Calverton 14.0 p 050798 Sound Ave Calverton 3.2 2.4 P 051198 Union Ave Aquebogue 6.3 2.0 P 051198 Hortons La Southold 4.9 297 P 061598 Cases La EXI Cutchogue 8.5 p 051498 Parsonage La Sagaponack 7.4 3.6 2 P 052698 Fairway Dr CUlchpgue 2.4 2.9 P 072898 Alvahs La Cutchogue 3.8 0.37 P 072898 Bayer Rd Mauituck 19.7 0.67 0.32 0.31 metribuzin p 072098 Head of Pond Rd Water Mill 9.8 3.6 p 071598 Manorage La Manorville 5.3 1.4 1.0 Cd P 071498 Cox Neck Rd Mauituck 0.6 0.85 0.3 melribuzin p 071498 Cardinal Dr Muuiluck 14.4 P 071498 Village La Mauiluck 16.3 p 061298 Montauk Hwy Water Mill 3.1 p 061(~)8 lX-cpholc RcJ Rivcrhcad 0.6 cndos suII' p 071398 Birch La CUlchogue 1.9 1.4 0.21 259 P 052698 Slrong La WalerMiII 8.5 0.5 propachlor p 061598 Oak St Cutchogue 2.2 p 070998 Orchard SI Orient 8.6 7.4 1.9 7 P 060198 Soundview Ave Mauiluck 4.0 p 061298 Scuttlehole Rd Walermill 6.4 0.8 Page 9 of 14 P 061598 Leslies Rd Cuchogue 15.7 1.1 P 070798 Wavecrest Ln Mauituck 11.5 p 070298 -- Strongs La Water Mill 16.2 3.2 0.82 P 070198 Richmond Rd Southold 11.6 P 061598 Harbor La Cutchogue 6.6 p 052698 -m.bam Montauk Hwy Water Mill 14.4 p 060898 Old Farm Rd Orient 16.3 2.1 P 052698 Montauk Hwy WnterMiII 7.5 0.44 P 062598 Erieas La Sagaponack 2.4 ., 4.0 As P 062498 Manorage Rd Manorville 53 2.9 P 060198 Roanoke Ave Riverhead 3.7 0.73 1.2 P 060398 n Hayground Rd Water Mill 17.7 6.7 P 060398 Mecox Rd Water Mill 2.4 16 5 P 060398 n Lawrence Ct Water Mill 11.6 63 P 060398 Hayground Rd Water Mill 13.8 p 060898 Mainrd East Marion 7.8 170 P 060898 poquatuck La Orient 11.0 4.9 1.2 73 P 061698 -----new Montauk Hw)' WalerMiII 0.9 p 060898 Old Farm Rd Orient 9.1 3.6 1.2 34 P 060998 Hildreth Ave Bridgehampton 7.7 1.2 P 062398 Cox La CUlchogue 8.5 0.7 0.26 P 061098 Dignans Rd Cutchogue 15.1 10.1 0.9 2.5 3 0.3 mClribuzin p 061698 Main Rd Cutchohue 1.0 0.25 p 062498 Manoroge Rd Manorville 7.9 3.0 P 062398 Oregon Rd Cutchogue 2.4 II P 062398 -- Azaela rd MaUituck 123 3.1 037 P 061098 Reeve Ace MaUiluck 11.0 p 062398 n Wildwood Rd Sag Harbor 1.8 1.7 II ] 8.5 elhofumcs p 062398 Soundview Ave Mattituck 12.0 29.0 0.6 2 P 062398 Hayground cd Water Mill 7.4 2.0 P 062398 Dogwood Ave Sag Harbor 2.4 13 P 070998 Halyoake La Orient 8.0 9.4 1.2 P 061098 TeresuDr Mattituck 16.6 0.3 0.6 Hg P 050698 Old Fann Rd Orient 12.1 6.3 2.9 203 P 051398 Roanoke Ave Riverhead 4.9 1.1 P 050698 Old Fann Rd Orient 8.9 3.9 0.09 31 P 060198 Soundview Ave Mauituck 6.8 p 090398 Sth LF Route 48 Cutchogue 7.5 2 2 P 090198 Highland Rd Cutchogue 3.3 p 081298 Main Rd Orient 10.5 12 P 090198 Private Rd 3 Southold 26.1 p 042298 Farm Rd Sagaponack 11.5 14.1 P 042298 Montauk Hwy Water Mill 12.9 566 0.4 P 052698 Montauk Hwy Water Mill 514 p 042298 Montauk Hwy Water Mill 2.1 16 P 082598 Main Rd Mattiluck 1.1 0.29 P 082598 I.)cnkel La Cutchoguc 7.4 2.5 Page 10 of 14 P 082598 Delmar Dr Laurel 15.6 1.7 P 082598 Delmar Dr Laurel 9.0 5.5 P 082598 Delmar Dr Laurel 18.9 2.7 P 082598 Hartons La Southold 2.0 p 082598 Hortons La Southold 1.0 P 082498 Montauk Hwy East Moriches 1.8 p 081898 Deerfield Rd Water Mill 5.0 6.2 P 061098 Village La Orient 0.8 p 081898 Bllyhaven Ln Southold 7.8 P 081898 Deep Hole Rd Mattituck 0.44 p 042798 -- Jacobs Way Sagaponack 9.6 . 2.9 p 071498 Rosewood Dr Mattituck 20.8 p 081898 -- Eileen Circle Jamesport 12.2 3.5 P 081898 Deertield Rd Water Mill 10.4 2.5 P 070798 Wavecresl La Mattituck 0.27 p 070998 Stars Rd East Marion 12.5 4.9 214 P 090198 InJetview East Mattituck 6.8 2.8 P 090198 Schoolhouse Rd CUlchogue 13.0 p 081898 hartoR La Soulhold 2.6 P 081998 Herricks La Jamesport 11.6 p 110498 ViSlaPl Cutchogue 13.3 5.2 P 122697 Holden Cl Sagaponack 5.6 p 011298 Church La Aquebogue 0.03 p 011298 Manor La Jamesport 53 p 122997 Cases La CUlchouge 3.8 promelon p 122997 -- Harbor L:i Nissequogue 9.5 13.0 P 011298 Manor La Jamesport 10.0 1.11 Cd P 122397 Hedges La Sagaponack 15.0 p 012098 Manor La Jamesport 4.3 p 012098 Twomey Ave Baiting Hollow 0.77 p 012698 Highland Rd Cutchogue 4.8 p 012298 Butter La Bridgehampton 16.9 p 012698 Indian Neck La Peconic 2.9 0.77 P 012698 Crownland La Cutchogue 5.1 p 012698 Seven Ponds Rd Water Mill 4.2 p 122397 Rosehill Rd Water Mill 1.2 p 012698 Crown land La Cutchogue 1.0 p 011398 Faifield Pond La Sagnponack 5.3 p 010598 Crown Land La CUlchogue 87. p 122997 Bridge La Cutchogue 12.9 p 011398 Blank La Water Mill 3.4 p 122297 Narrow River Rd Orient 21.0 p 011398 Blank La WalerMill 1.0 14.0 P 122297 Oregon Rd CUlchogue 83 0.7 131.0 - P 120897 Dodge 51 Southampton 4.5 p 012298 Henry La Ronkonkoma 17.5 p 012798 Windmill La Amagansett 1.8 Page 11 of 14 P 121597 Edwards Ave Calverton 15.8 P 120897 Narod Rd WnterMiII 3.3 P 120897 Blank La Water Mill 6.66 P 121797 Landfill-EPA Cutchogue 22.5 P 121797 Landfill-fire well CUlchogue 2.7 3. 6 P 121597 Twomey Ave Calverton 8.9 0.5 0.6 149.0 - P 121597 Twomey Ave Calverton 7.9 0.4 53.0 P 120997 Paquatuck Ave Easl Moriches 14.1 P 120897 Twomey Ave Calverton 17.8 1.8 29.8 4.8 1.3 14. 0.2 metribuzin P 120897 Sound Ave Calverton 2.9 5.8 P 120897 Sound Ave Calverton 4.3 2.0 10.5 P 012798 Windmill La Amaganseu 1.9 P 120197 Sound Ave R i vcrhead 15.4 1.0 11.0 P 120197 Cox La CUlchogue 17.2 4.0 2 P 010598 -- Mill La Mattituck 0.24 P 010698 -- Manorage Rd ManolVille 3.0 P 120397 Montauk Hwy Amagnnsett 6.7 0.21 2.0 25.0 1.59028279 P 010598 Aldrich La Laurel 11.5 P 020398 Twomey Ave Calverton 0.16 0.26 1.02 Cd P 020398 Twomey Ave Calverton 4.3 18.01 2.3 P 122297 Sound Ave R i vcrheatl 2.3 6.0 p 122297 PiaU Rd Orient 9.4 p 021098 WillinmsSI E Quogue 11.0 1.81 Cd P 122297 Duck Pond Rd CUlchogue 15.0 2.0 211.0 - P 111797 Sound Ave R i verhend 766. p 111297 Peconic Bay Blvd Laurel 12.8 P 021098 Old Farm Rd Orient 12.4 4.3 1.0 69 P 021098 Main Rd Peconic 5.5 5.6 p 121897 Blank La WalerMilI 6.9 161.0 - P 021798 Circle Dr Jamesport 5.9 1.0 P 021798 Oregon Rd Cutchogue 3.1 441.0 - 2.25 Cd P 021898 Donna Dr Mauiluck 3.9 P 010698 Route 48 Peconic 2.2 P 121697 Old Farm Rd Orient 4.6 1.0 0.06 117.0 - P 021898 Bridge La Cutchogue 6.5 P 120397 Claymore Rd Ft Salonga 3.6 14.0 HgO.49 P 022498 Village La Mattituck 2.6 p 022498 Deep Hole Rd Mattituck 12.9 p 022498 Main Rd Cutchogue 0.23 P 022598 Manorage Rd MllI10rville 1.6 P 020298 Beach La Wainscott 2.3 P 020298 Georgica Assoc Wainscott 4.4 P 010598 -- Long La East Hampton 4.1 P 020998 Halsey La WatcrMiII 0.5 P 020998 Pauls La Bridgchampton . 2.0 19.0 1.012dca P 020998 Pauls La Bridgehampton . 6.3 4.0 P 021998 Elliston Way Bridgehampton . 0.74nitrophen Page 12 of 14 P 111297 Sound Ave Riverhend 439. p 022098 Blank La Water Mill 3.4 p 022098 Head of Pond WalerMiII 7.1 p 022398 -- Annnnd Ct Head of Harbor 2.0 p 022498 Parsonage La Sagaponack 15.3 p 022498 Parsonage La Sagaponack 1.1 p 022498 Hollow Rd Wainscott 5.3 8.0 P 022498 Hollow Rd Wainscott 6.4 p 022598 Deerfield Rd WalerMill 5.5 1.0 P 022598 .. Blank La WalerMill 7.2 11.0 0.2 P 022498 Hd of Hebe Rd Water Mill 2.2 p 022598 Blank La WllterMill 5.7 p 010598 Union Ave Aquebogue 3.9 0.32 p 110597 Highland Terr Bridgehampton 3.9 2.8 P 111097 Corey Creek La Southold 5.6 II. P 111297 Sound Ave Mauituck 11.2 p 111297 Delmar Dr Laurel 11.5 p 111297 Cross River Dr Riverhead . 249. P 111297 Cardinal Dr Mallituck 14.4 p 120197 Country Club La Cutchogue 13.9 1.0 P 120197 Arrowhead La Peconic 20.1 2.1 P 111797 Rosewood La MaUituck 33. p 030298 Arrowhead La Peconic 11.2 6.9 0.6 10.0 P 030298 Saltaire Way Mattituck 6.3 0.45 P 030398 Cox Lane Cutchogue 4.7 0.28 3.0 1.8 Mepp p 030398 Cox Lane CUlchogue 2.7 1.0 p 030498 2nd 51 New Suffolk 21.0 p 020398 Twomey Ave Calverton 0.86 p 031398 Schoolhouse La Cutchogue 1.1 p 031298 Donna Dr Mattiluck 17.6 1.2 0.4 P 031398 Depot La Cutchogue 3.1 1.0 0.3 128.0 . P 031398 Depot La Cutchogue 2.8 1.0 0.39 115.0 . P 031698 Lgthouse Rd Southold 11.0 12.8 P 020998 New Suffk Av Mattituck 1.5 p 111797 Rosewood Dr Mauituck 5.2 p 030398 Fairfield Pond Rd Water Mill 12.8 3.7 P 030498 Moriches Ave SI James 8.3 0.26 1.2 0.8 ten p 030498 n Old Barn La Sngnponack 6.1 26.0 2.0 P 030498 Montauk Hwy Anmganscll 0.24 p 02179K Junc RlI J:UllcspOrl 0.62 p 030998 Hc:dgcs La Saguponack 7.7 11.1 P 031098 Alvahs La Cutchogue 9.7 1.0 P 031098 Elijahs La Cutchogue 13.1 2.2 P 031098 Elijahs La Cutchogue 17.1 2.5 9.0 P 031098 Elijah, La Cutchogue 15.3 11.0 P 031098 Elijahs La Cutchogue 14.5 p 031098 Hayground Rd Bridgehampton 0.7 11.4 Page 13 of 14 P 031098 Sandune Ct Sagaponack 1.J 0.6 0.8 P 010598 Long La East Hampton 6.2 p 031198 Mill La Peconic 2.9 0.55 P 031198 Bacon Rd Hd of Harbor 3.7 3.0 P 111097 Corey Creek La Southold 4.1 16. P 111097 Corey Creek La Southald 11.2 p 031798 Leslie Rd CUlchogue 22.5 56.0 P 031798 Aldrich La Laurel lOA p 031798 Henicks La Jamesport 5.1 7.5 P 031798 Brookhvn Ave Aanders 11.0 35.0 MTBE P 031798 Easterly Ct Manorville 31.J p 010598 n Beach La Wainscott 7.4 p 021898 Main Rd Mattituck 0.36 p 021898 WellsRd Peconic 0.98 p 022498 Cardinal Dr Mallituck 2.7 p 032398 Mastic Blvd Shirley 4.6 p 032398 Route 25 Culverton 1.2 p 032498 n Hollow Rd Wainscott 7.7 4.0 - P 032498 Wells Ave Southold 6.9 3.5 p 020298 MainSt Wainscott 3.9 3.0 0.7 P 032698 n Butter Ln Bridgehampton 13.5 5.0 0.9 1.0 P 032698 Haksey La Bridgehampton 5.5 5.6 P 032698 Old Barn La Sagnponack 3.7 2.6 0.8 P 032698 n Moriches Rd Nissequogue 1.0 p 032698 Whiskey Rd Ridge 3.1 0.6 P 032698 Whiskey Rd Ridge 2.2 0.2 P 032698 Bellport Ave Beilport 16.7 p 032698 Hd of Neck Rd Beilport 17.0 p 033198 Main Rd Easl Marion JJ4.0 - P 033 198 Splish Splash Calverton 0.4 2.51 Cd P 033198 Deep Hole Dr Calverton 2.3 1.07 Cd P 102397 irrigation Route 105 Riverhend 4.7 7.2 93. P 012698 Seven ponds Rd Water Mill 4.7 p 012698 Townline Rd Amagansett 704 p 110598 Village La Mattituck 6.9 5.5 P 021998 Hollow Rd Wainscott 0.21 melribuzin Page 14 of 14 APPENDIX E GOLF COURSE MONITORING DATA SUMMARY GOLF COURSE VERTICAL PROFILE WELLS - NYSDEC PESTICIDE MONITORING PROGRAM Well Sample Well AS,Cd, Chlor EDB Semi-Vol Chlor Name Date DTW Screen Gol r Course N03 Hg VOCs Pest DBCP Pest Carb Pest Acids TCPA S-112559 081298 24 150-160 St. George 9.2 ND 3 dca, 7 tca, ND ND ND ND ND 14 CC I dce 081298 130-140 5.5 ND 2 tca ND ND ND ND ND ND 081298 110-120 2.5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 116 081298 90-100 1.5 ND ND ND ND 0.2 ND ND 42 metalaxyl 081398 70-80 1.7 ND ND ND ND 0.28 ND ND 31 metalaxyl 081398 50-60 2.0 ND ND ND ND 0.4 ND ND 16 metalaxyl 081398 30-40 8.8 ND 0.5 mtbe ND ND ND ND ND ND ML-I 070698 7 30-40 North Fork 7.9 - ND ND ND ND ND ND ND CC 070698 10-20 3.7 As 2.53 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND = No Detection of any chemicals contained in the analytical method (see Appendix A for full chemical lis!) Concentration noted in micrograms per liter (/JgIL), except nitrate (N03) which is milligrams per liter (mgIL) DTW = Depth to Waler (in feet) -33- APPENDIX E GOLF COURSE MONITORING DATA SUMMARY GOLF COURSE MONITORING WELLS - NYSDEC PESTICIDE MONITORING PROGRAM Well Sample Well AS,Cd, Chlor EDB Semi-Vol Chlor Name Date DTW Screen Golf Course N03 Hg VOCs Pest DBCP Pest Carb Pest Acids TCPA S-75456 042998 154 195- Dix Hills Park 2.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 200 & Golf Course 072695 157 1.6 ND ND ND ND ND 033194 155 2.5 062393 154 2.2 N-9356 010598 81 94-104 Sands Point GC ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 78 020498 81 ND ND ND ND ND ND 89 -34- APPENDIX E - GOLF COURSE MONITORING DATA SUMMARY Sample Well AS,Cd, Chlor EDB Semi-Vol Chlor Golf Course Location Date Denth N03 H~ VOCs Pest DBCP Pest Carb Pest Acids TCPA Poxabogue B ridgehampton 020598 98 1.1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Rock Hill Manorville 031798 196 1.9 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Swan Lake Manorville 031798 150 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Calverton Links Cal verton 031798 - 7.7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Nissequogue Nissequogue 030498 - 0.4 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Hampton Hills Riverside 052698 130 2.6 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Sag Harhor CC Sag Harbor 102798 - 7.1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Noyac CC #1 Noyac 081898 - 0.5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 38 Noyac CC #2 Noyac 081898 - 1.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 39 Spring Lake GC Middle Island 092998 - 7.1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 14 Gardiners Bay-I Shelter Island 101498 - 3.7 ND ND ND ND O.2melulaxyl ND ND ND Gardiners Bay -2 Shelter Island 101498 - 3.3 ND ND ND .ND ND ND ND ND Gardiners Bay -3 Shelter Island 101498 - 2.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Windwalch CC Haunnau~e 111098 - 1.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Atlantie Golf Club data below not utilized in reDort calculations - pesticides detected are arlifacts of Drior land use, Le., Dotato and corn crons. Maintcnancc Bid Bridgchamplon 052698 - 5.5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Halfway Housc Bridgchampton 052698 - 0.6 I. Hg 7 ocp, 3 lcp ND ND ND 10.2 ah.licarh ND ND Club House Bridgehamoton 052698 114 4.4 ND ND ND ND 0.2 ulrozine ND ND ND -35- APPENDIX E GOLF COURSE MONITORING DATA SUMMARY GOLF COURSE MONITORING WELLS - NYSDEC PESTICIDE MONITORING PROGRAM Well Sample Well AS,Cd, Chlor EDB Semi-Vol Chlor Name Date DTW Screen Golf Course N03 Hg VOCs Pest DBCP Pest Carb Pest Acids TCPA GS-I 122297 13 15-20 Indian Island 19.5 As 5.69 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND GS-2 122297 10 15-20 Indian Island 5.1 Cd 1.85 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND GS-3 030598 10 15-20 Indian Island 4.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND GS-4 030598 10 35-40 Indian Island ND na ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TP-IS 032498 7 5-10 Timber Point 4.9 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TP-ID 032498 7 25-30 Timber Point 2.8 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TP-2 032498 7 10-15 Timber Point ND As 6.69 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TP-3 032498 7 5-10 Timber Point 2.7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TP-4S 062398 7 10-15 Timber Point 2.1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND WS-IS 032598 9 10-15 West Sayville 2.4 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND resampled 062398 9 10-15 West Sayville 2.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND WS-ID 032598 9 35-40 West Sayville 10.7 NO NO NO NO 2.8 OEHP ND ND NO WS-2 032598 7 10-15 West Sayville 15.7 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO WS-3 032598 10 20-25 West Savville 9.6 ND ND NO NO ND NO NO NO -36- APPENDIX F SUFFOLK COUNTY SURFACE WATER SAMPLES Type DATE WCA TION WATER BODY COMMUNITY N03 Ala Aldic Air Cur 2,4-D Dehp Ocp Dinos EDB Metlx Metal Tepa OTHER S 033098 Sampawams Creek Westlslip 1.9 10 pee 0.5 Imbe S 033098 Champlins Creek Islip 3.4 0.8 tea 5 mtbe S 033098 Penantaquil Creek Bay Shore 3.2 14 pee I mtbe S 033098 Carlls River Babylon 2.8 0.6 pee 0.7 mlbe S 033098 Santapogue Creek Lindenhurst 0.5 4 pee 6 mtbe S 033098 Nissequogue River Smithtown 2.1 S 033198 Peconic River R i verhead S 033198 Carmans River Yaphank 1.3 S 033198 Swan River East Pntchogue 2.6 S 033198 Palchogue River Palchogue :n S 033198 Connelquol Brook Bohemia 2.5 0.8 tce S 033198 Connetquot River Oakdale .2.3 0.6 lee S 042098 Hatchery Connetquol River Connetquol 2.6 2 tee 0.6 mtbe S 042098 Bunees Bridge Connelquot River Connetquol 2.5 2 tee 0.6 mtbe S 042098 Gaging Sla Connelquot River Connetquot 1.6 S 042098 Belmont Lake N Babylon 1.7 1 mtbe S 042798 Big Fresh Pond North Sea 0.4 S 042798 Long Pond . Bridgehamplon 7.7 As S 042798 East Hayground Cove Water Mill 7.9 0.6 (4) S 052698 Easl Hayground Cove Water Mill 8.4 0.6 0.28 S 042998 Lake Ronkonkoma Lake Ronkonkoma 0.3 S 042998 Laurel Lake Laurel S 042998 East Creek Jamesporl 4.5 0.2 2.0 As ) mlbe S 070198 Pee Bay Bd Easl Creek Jnmesporl 3.5 0.25 7.1 As) mtbe S 080598 Lebanon-N unnamed creek S Jamesport 2.7 3.9 S 080598 Lebanon.S unnamed creek S Jamesport 2.4 2.7 2.7 As S 070198 Pee Bay Bd Reeves Creek Aquebogue 3.8 0.7 mtbe 4 rns S 042298 Artist Lake Middle Island 2.3 As S 042298 Lake Panamoka Ridge 0.3 S 071498 Barnum Av Port Jeff Creek Port Jefferson 8.6 )IOlee+ S 071498 Brook Rd Port Jeff Creek Port Jefferson 0.4 550 Ice + S 083198 Mill Crk outll Trout Pond Noyae S 083198 Pond Noyac GC Noyne S 120198 Marion Lake East Marion 0.2 . APPENDIX G MONTHLY MONITORlNG@ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL SITES Type Depth Date Name LOCA nON Community NOJ Aldic Air Car 2,4-0 Oehp DCP Din EOB Metlx Metal Ox. Sim Tepa Tcp Other M 26 041798 BI Hubbard Ave Aquebogue 12.6 051598 15.2 062698 14.3 071798 11.6 082198 15.5 10 1.0 Cd 091198 15.6 101698 15.4 111398 14.3 121198 13.0 010899 12.8. 1.6 Cd M 26 041798 B2 Peconic Bay Bd Jamesport 16.4 3.9 0.3 0.4 codas sulf 051598 13.1 1.0 062698 11.9 2.3 3.8 0.3 1.4 Cd 071798 10.9 2.2 4.9 0.28 1.4 Cd 082198 11.8 2.8 4.7 0.23 2.1 Cd 091198 9.9 3.7 4.5 0.2 1.2 Cd 101698 12.3 2.3 2.7 1.5 Cd 111398 14.3 3.0 1.9 Cd 121198 17.0 1.2 3.3 0.2 1.8 Cd 010899 15.8 0.22 cndas sulf M 20 041798 B3 Main Rd Orient 14.7 051598 11.3 062698 II.! 071798 9.0 0.21 082198 8.4 0.3 1.6 Cd 091198 8.3 101698 8.5 10 111398 8.3 121198 8.6 010899 8.5 Page 1 of 2 . APPENDIX G MONTHLY MONITORING @ ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL SITES Type Depth Date Name LOCA nON Community N03 Aldic Atr Car 2,4-D Dehp DCP Din EDB Metlx Metal Oxo Sim Tepa Tcp Other M 25 042498 B4 Daniels La Sagaponack 14.4 0.6 052998 13.2 0.96 0.58Hg 062798 14.4 0.96 072498 13.1 082898 9.6 1.1 091898 9.4 1.1 103098 9.0 1.0 112098 8.8 0.99 121898 10.0 . 0.97 011599 10.7 M 26 042498 B5 Pauls La Water Mill 8.8 052998 11.2 062798 11.3 072498 11.1 082898 12.7 091898 11.6 103098 9.2 112098 10.0 121898 9.6 011599 7.8 Page 2 of 2 Appendix H Map 1 Nassau and Suffolk County Pesticide Study Sample Locations . , W+E S o 5 10 Miles Legend . Community Public Supply Wells . Non-Community Public Supply Wells o Private Wells . Monitoring Wells Appendix H Map 2 Location of Sites With Detectable Pesticides .... ). . , W+E S o 5 10 Miles Legend . Community Public Supply Wells . Non-Community Public Supply Wells o Private Wells . Monitoring Wells Appendix H Map 3 Location of Sites With Pesticides Levels Above MCLs . .J .. .. , q' W+E S o 5 10 Miles Legend . Community Public Supply Wells . Non-Community Public Supply Wells o Private Wells . Monitoring Wells