HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12419 P 754 , L!241q P 754-' DisIricI 1000 - 096.00 Block 01.00 Lol(., 015.000 (1' 1&-}-15 NY 02.5 - Execurao'o Deed - Iodividual or c."""".... IS. 5lINl) (NYBllJ 1005) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNL"IG TillS JNS11IU~IE."IT - THIS I:'IS11IU~IEl'oT SHOULD BE 1:5ED BY LAWYERS o.'\iL' TIUS INDENTURE, made the 27th day of Dc tober BETWEEN Cornel1us Fulford 458 Sag Harbor Turnpike P.O. Box 118 BridgehaMpto, New York 11932 as executor (executnx ) of Helen B. Brown 635 Church Lane, Cutchogue, New York 11935 party of the first pari. and Jeanette Steward 52B Old Country Road Weethampton. New York 11977 , in the year 2005 the last will and testament I ,late . dec:eas party of the seeoncl pari. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first pari. by vinue oflhe power and authority given in and by said last willi testament, and in eonsideration of 00111 paid by the pany of the seeond pari. does hereby gn and release unto the party ofthe second part. the heirs or sucecssors and assigns oflhe party of the seeond part fore~ ALL that certain plot, piec:e or pareel ofland, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying I being in the - See Schedule A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. - Source of title: Title aequired by the Last Will and Testament of Helen B. Brown dated 12-1-03 recorded 12-30-03 in Index 12324 P. 2003 to Corneliue Fulford as Executor of and as Trustee under the Last Will and Testament of Helen B. Brown. for the benefit of Ebony Brown, Yolanda Aviles. Domonique Aviles, Yasmin Carrasquillo. Evelyn Carrasqu: and Elena Carrasquillo. TOGETHER with all right, tide Bnd interest, if any. of the party of the first pari in and to any streets and roa, abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also I the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premise&. and also Ihe estate then:i which the pany of the first part has or has power to con\'cy or dispose of. whether individually, or by vinuc ofsa will or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany of the second pan, II heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever. AND the pany ofthc first pari covenants that the pany ofthe first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby II said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. Ai'lD the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the pany of the fil pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive sueh consideration as a tru fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the: improvement and will apply the same first to tI payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "pany" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN PRL~NCE OF: Writtcl IN WITN'ESS WHEREOF, the panyofthc first part has duly executed Schedule A Description . Title Number ML 358 S 05 Page 1 ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land situate lying and being at Cutchogue. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeasterly comer of the premises described herein. said point being 214 feet. more or less, from the comer formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Middle Road (also known as North Road) and the northerly side of certain right of way; , RUNNING THENCE along said northerly side of said right of way, North 55 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds West, 157.07 feet to land now or formerly of Wilson; THENCE along said land. North 30 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds East, 128.48 feet to land of the Town of Southold; THENCE South 56 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds East, 157.;46 feet to land now or formerly of Merritt: THENCE along said land, South 30 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds West, 131.36 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a right of way approximately 28 feet over lands now or formerly of the First Baptist Church of Cutchogue to Middle Road along the southwesterly side of premises herein. lie of New \'ork, County of I""c.........~ I'UIW _. "'THIN ,,_ lUlU( .)TAlE U/W,r. USlrAarM1If~T-'V /IBI.OW"TllflNfltlSW r_')TAlElA\l.l': 151. 1 n.: Scale of New York, CouDtyof thc.)1 dayof Ot.\obt'r . in1he)_ .,to':> iR me, 1he \IIIlIonigned. p:I'lICIIIIIIy AilJ-.d ('oc""\:....~ .(""....,{"atrt !he~. 0("':--:. iOIllIIly mm-n 10 me or J1lV'ftlO me on ...... ......'-~~ ienIr 10 be Ibc individua1(s) whose IIlIIlIC(s) is (are) subsaibed 10 1he bin insInanent IIIlI ~b1ged 10 me...... ~ """"......1he Ie in hisIhcn'Ibeir C8plEily(ies), and Ihat by hisl1...ld.... signatuR(s) on insavmenl, 1he indiviIkIII(s), or the pcISOII upon behalf of which dIl: ividuaI(s) acted. .,.-..... rhe insaument. J STEPHANlI!P.PAULETTE . -'~8IIIo"bY"" " ...11_147>> ~. GaIIIoda.aM~_ Q..... --..~ rNOWUfI1GlttB.T FOIIM FOIIlIsB WDJIIN NEIf' YORK STAlEo.UI': {Nr><' York Sribrrrlblng Wlm.... Adm1wIcr/gm.., CtrfiJlr:att} Ie of New York, CuDDly of 1 55.: the day of in the year ore me, !he undersigned. pcmmally appealed . subscribing wi11less to lbe: foregoing inSlTUmenl, "ith whom I am sonally acquainted, who. being by me duly sworn. did depose and tIw helsheflhey reside(s) in /w piau qfrailltMt Is "1(' ell,.. I.clodnlw sll"ftt and 1/,., .umlwt. if .11wtoj); dlat he/sheI!hey mO"is) lC the: individual described in and who cxcc:uled lbe foregoing mmcnt; thaI said subscribing wi11le5S was presenl and IIBW lIBid cute die same; and dlat said wi11Iess atlhe same lime subscribed 'her/lheir name(s) as a wimess thereto. EXECUTOR'S DEED """''/DUAL 01 COII'OM7/0.' ENO. l'C'\L .351l S o~ Cor r.e. lius ~u\'o~c\ TO "S(iol'le{\~ ~~E'uXll"d ~IDELln' NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE A CO~PA.'iY OF NEW YORK . IAv:DUOlIArm "1' 'b!fii.. .':'" ..FiJleI/ty .Jl'~. ..../' __Yonl_"""'_~ in the year Onlhe dayof before me, 1he undcnigned. per10IIllIIy 6jlllC8o.d po:rsanaUy knov." 10 me or JlIO'1ld 10 me on 1he basis of ~ c:vidcnoe 10 be lhe indMduaI(sl whose namc(s) is (II'C) subscribed 10 Ihc: ..irbin inslrumcnt IIIlI acIcnowIedged 10 me dJ8I h&Isho'Ihey nea,""" Ihc: same in IIisIherMeir ClpIICiI)iies). and Ihal by hist1IcddIeir sVmme(s) 011 lhe ins1nanalL 1he individuaI(s), or 1he pcISOII upon behalf of wIIich 1he individuaI(s) lICled. executIlCIlhc insaumenL AQlN}IIU'IlaWIlM' FOIIM FOIIl.IliIiOUlSlDE NEw Ji'MA'SWEOILr: (Oul nlSra/~ or Fan/g. G...ftll.4cboow1cr/gmcn1 CmIj/alMj . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . ... 1 51.: IC""""'" v...,. ..itll SI.,.. C....".. Prooi_ Dr MIIIIk:/pGIUy/ ~~ -~ ~~~ befOlC me. the undersigned, personally app....d , personally known to me or proved 10 me on die basil of satisfactory evideneeto be die individual(l) whose name(1) is (are) subscribed 10 the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hellheIlhey execuled Ihe: same in hislherltheir capacily(ic:sl. tIw by hislher/lheir signature(s) on lbe in~trumenl, die individual(s). or die person upon behalf ofwhieh lhc individual(s) ac:ted. exeeuled die instrument, and thai such individual made luch appearance before the und&:rsigned in the (Inser/lhe t"il)' or 0I1wt pDlIllC/l1 .u/tdl,ision aNI IIw mil. or COIUllf}' or 0lIwr place Ih.1ICinmo1~ -.I.k.n). DISTRICT \000 SECTION c;,CllJ).cO BLOCK O\.CO loTOIS .~ COUNTY OR TOWN RECORDED AT RE(1lJIiSTOF FJdeIIl)' Nadonallll1e losuranee Company or New York RETURN BY MAIL TO ('I\~-kDfOlt.~ lO<\~ ~rui:.f'.s l 'Ol.oO rn~o......t.. ~c.u..( ~ (l-,)'{ llCJSO . J Number of pag~~ TORRENS Serial # C~nificate # Prior Clf. # Deed . Mongag~ Instrument 0I.'Cd I Mortgage Tax SlllJl1p FEI!S 3 P-olJC I Filing Fcc Handling 5 .nIL TP-S84 Notation EA-S217 (County) Sub Total EA-5217 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. 30 ill Comm. of Ed. S..JllL Affillavil Cenilied Cllpy R~ll. Copy Sub Total Grand Total It; k ~ Olher Section 096.00 Blnck 01.00 Lol 015.000 5 Real Propcny Thx Service Agent)' Verification ~ 1000 09600 ~ 0100 015000 6 SalisfactionlDisc:harge.<lRele~ List propeny OWDtIS Mailing Address RECORD & R.:TUKN TO: Metropolis Land Seoices.lnc. 1360 Montauk hwy Mastic, NY 11950 RECORDED 2005 No<.> 15 09:31:32 At1 Edward P. Rotaain9 CLERK OF Sl.FFOlJ( COOlTY L ??oo12419 P 754 DTI 05-14928 Recording I Filing Stamp.' Mongage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Suh Total Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Count)' _ Held f,'r APPOint~jq!' ./ Transfer Tax _ Mansion Tax Tht prt>peny eovered by this mlltgage is or will be improved by a one or t\\'O family dwelling only. YF.5 or NO If NO. see appropriale lax clause on page # of this ins\IUmc~ 'j ( Communi Consi~ralion Amount CPF Tax Du~ Improved Vacant Land TO TO TO 7 ntle Company InronDlltion Co. Name Y1etro oUs Land Serviees Tille # ML 358 S 05 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fORIL~ pan of the annched Deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Compllul Fulford The premisis herein is sitwllcd in SUFFOLK COUl\'TY. NHW YORK. In lbe Town..hip of Southo\d~,. In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 TIfROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RF.cORDlNG OR FILING !lIVer) TO J..n~tt. !i;t.ward . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111I111111111111111111 SUPFOLK COtJHTY CLERIC RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of XDstrument. DBBDS/DDD Humber of Pages: 4 Receipt Humber . 05-0118864 TRANS PER TAX HUMBER: 05-14928 Recorded. At: 11/15/2005 09.31.32 All LIBER: PAGE: D00012419 754 Deed Amount: SectioD' 096.00 BXAJIl:NBD AND $61.800.00 Block: 01.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 015.000 District. 1000 I'OLLOWS Received the I'ollowing Pees I'or Above XDstrument Exempt Exe: Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTr $5.00 NO BA-STATB $15.00 NO TP-S84 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $248.00 NO CODa. Pres $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $400.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBBR: 05-14928 THIS PAGB XS A PART 01' TBB INSTRVMDl'l' THXS XS NOT A BXLL Edward P.RomaiDe County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stete.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONL V J.t{. -1,,,,, <f. <of. ~ 1:2. ou. Deed R__ I II I (~ tPJ:": ~ ... .- ca. I.... I (~'-I. I . C4. 1'1118 I 7. s: if PROPERlY INFORMATION CI. SWIS ~ ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE Of NEW YllRK STAlE BOARD Of _ ..-..,. IIEIlVICU RP - 5217 JlP.A17 1ft JIfI7 ""-'1 Loco~... ~9.- Cutchngue, mY"'_ Steward, LAIr __/CGIIPANr Qw.&!l I.ane 2. lluyor Nome ...- Jeannette ....11MIIIii ZPlXIIII LAIT ....w I COII1HMf P1RF-'IlrrIAMI 3. T.. IndaItI where fut\n TI1I Bill 11'1 to be tint I 8l1li.. W Olhor "'-' buyor _Ial_ "'Ionnl . -- LMr NoIIIIi ,ea.ANY ..., ..... ITmT..,..". AND '1"'(~ an' 01 TOW" 1T.i.ll _CDII ... 1ndIcIt.lhe n......... 01 AaMI....... -...-..-.......- l.J I of Po..... OR D Po" of. Porcol ..~_I .... I'IIOhTru:' Ixl IIEP1H IORI ~!:- r . 100Iy. P.. GI. _ _.. _ oppIy: 4A. -..ng ___AuIhorilyExlolo 0 os."_ _ _1IIIquhd IDrTo._ 0 C.Porcol__""__MapPr_ 0 L_ N.mo Executor Cornelius Fulford ,AIT......,WIiII"ANY ...rrMMIi LAlI NMlt/CCllllWrY fIB'....... '. ChIeIlIhe bo. below ....... 11lOIII ecanally cIIICdJft the .... 01 th8 praperly .. 1M ... at ..IE x~ One F.mlly __I B 2 or I FomiIy __ C Roo_ V_",L1nd D Non ft .....aWI VICInIIM1d I SALE INFORMATION ~ 11. 8010 Cantroot Dolo . I: ~ Agncullurol 1 ~ Cornmunll,80_ F Con1ll1OltW J Ind...riol Ci A,loo1rNnI "Public _ H Entorbllnmanl: I ArN.I-.ntnr L FOlUt -...--.-- L llwno..,,;p Typo II ~Ium .. NIW ConMrucuon on V8CllnI Land 1CIA. P_FIy L-.cI_in.n Aa__ ,.. Buwor naIwd . dIIcIoIan noI'IClI indic:cing thollho_II...._roI1lI_ o o o o 11. OllIe 01 .... I Tr........ 10 I 27 - 0., I 05 .., I., a..: .. .. mere 01--. _..ad _ _ -ppP LO to-...r.r. SoIo__orF__ Solo 10_ _~... _in BuoIno. lln..,.... IIuyad 10_.""" au.,.. Dl" s.r it Gcwtrnmenl Agency or LendIng lnIIiIutIoI'l Dood TW>o ... _to.., or IloqjoIn .nd _1SpocI1y _ SaID of FrIlCllorW or ~ thBn F.. 1__ fSpadfy IDIuwI S..nillcont Chonoe In Pnlporty _n r._ SII.... ond Solo 0... Sola.' Bu"_1o I_In Solo_ 0..... Unuouol F_II Affootl"ll_ PrIcIl8pocIly _I Nano Q - I a7 IO~ I DIr 'We.- '3. Full Solo PrIao , ,~/, 51 ,0.'/ ,0. 0 I I , . (FuU SlIto Prico illM totalllmOUm plkllor dtt property Including J*MM'II proporty. nil PlyJnInI mer be In the Ionn of cah. DIher praplnv or gooda. or lht IIIumption at mortgIgeI or ather OIIIigIdonLJ I'fHIe IDIIIId ro rhe ft8IIIII wfIOIII do&r amount I.. -.... ... 01"'-" I 0 0 I _"'_in"'_' ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dell should ..fllCllh"llISI Flnal_arnont Rolland Tax Bill 'L =:~=- 10, '51 '7. TOIoI_VoI..IGloa,-In_..1 ; ; .) 000, , r l Ar hCCSll (I 2lI. r.. Mop_loJ 1__1Il....__.__......_..._11 'L "'-' CIooo I:J, I, q-LJ IL__Nomo I Dist 1000 Section 096.000 I I CERTIFICATION I J l'l'ftI)' _d uttlw _ut~ -.... ...,.... r.... ....,.................. '10Il1o _ utili)"'" I.......... boIIdIIIIIII1_........1lIIIIdarI utIIII)' '-111 ...... ......... 01 n.InW ,.. ..... .11 MIlUa1 OIl! 10 the aruriNu.. 01... _.1 law MldI'1 10 lilt ....... ... ... III.... bIstnunlraIA. !lam IUYER'S AnORNEV Block 01.00 loOt 015.000 -'.- -t..,,,,- 1<A.J.J, TLIlE DAn I'_TNUIW'IIUI "NUl ..-.CAFI[II.......