HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12394 P 511 '. ~, . H.Y.S. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX $900.00 Li ;:rSCl Lf ~ 5\ \ q ~-I ~l.q Form MOO:! (919\11 . 20M - llupiollld _ Dcool. wilh C...-..... 0........ ___._or CaporIIioo. (MqIc......1 aD.MlLT YOUII a.awna............ TIII8 ...,.,...,-.,..........-Y ..aULD -.......... ._ -.Y. THIS INDENTURE. made lho 8th day of June 2005 and B~r~EEN TIDE GROUP INC., a domestic corporation having its principal place of business at 320 Love Lane, Mattituck, New York 11952 plInyofthefirst pan..nd ANGELO STEPNOSKI, residing at 375 Kenneys Road, Southold, New York 11971 pany oftlle second pan. WITNF.s8ETH. Ih.llhe p.ny of lhe first pan. in con.,ideration of len dollars and other wluable con.idonllion paid by lhe pliny oflho """"nd pan. doe. hcleby granl.nd ",lease unlO lho pany oflhe _ond pan. tho bei.. or .ucxe........ and ...ip. of lhe pany uf lhe !IOCOIId pan forever. ALL Ihol .:cn.in plot. pi_ or """",lllf I.nd. wilh the buildings and im"""",mcnl< Ihen:po cllleled. .buat.. Iyina and heingin'tlr at CUtchogue, Town of Southold, County of Su:ttOlk and StllCEI" of .}New York known and designated all Lot 12 as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of North Fork Industrial Park" and filed in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on 1/27/05 as Map No. 11215. This conveyance is made in the regular course of b~siness of the party ot the firet part and does not constitute all or substantially all of the assets of the corporation. TOGIITHER wilh .11 right. lille and illlereM. if .ny. of Ihe pany Ilf Ihe first p.n. in .nd lu any .I....el. and road. abulling lhe .b....-d..eribed pr.mise. 10 lhe .enter lin.. Ihe..uf: TOGETIIER wilh Ih. appun.n.n... and allthe .<t.le and righl' "1"lhe pany of Ihe firsl pan in .nd Iu .aid pr.m"." TO HAVE AND TO HOl.D Ihe prrmi.e. h.",in graRIc:tJ unlO the rurty or Ihe ~cond pari. lilt.' heini or .~U(,C:CSM1h and aSJii!:R!Il of.he piny urlh~ fiecnnd ran forever, ,\NO Ihe pari)' 'If the fin..1 pari cuvenan." Ihallhe: pany or Ihe fir",1 pun ha.... nUllIonc ur "uITcn.-lI1mylhing wh"~n:'hy lh. said pr.mises have been encumbered in any w.y whalev.r. ","'pl 0.' afo....id. AND the pari)" uf Ihe lir,.,. pari. in cnmpli:mcr ",'ull Set'lion I J or lhe Lien Law, cn"enanl~ Ih.lllhe purl)' flf Ihe nrM I'art will rec:ei,,'c Ihe consideralion f\'r Ihis cunveyance and will h4)ld the righl In receive sueh con..ider.. 01 ion .. a Ira.' fund IU be applied first for th. purpo.. of paying .he ..... uf Ih. impruv.menl and will apply Ih. .ame fir.llu Ihe p.ymenl of Ihe COM of Ihe improvemenl bef.... u.ing any p.rl of lh. InIal of lhe .am. fClr uny uEher purpC'tse, The WClrd '.~arly" ~hf.lll he cnn",lrued 0I!l. if it read "pOlrtiC's" whenever the: s~n~ l..f thi!l. indenlure 5U requin.." IN ~ITNESS WHEREOF. Ihe party of the firsl pan has duly esceul.d Ihis deed Ihe day and year firsl "h.... wriuen, IN PNmU-!M'I! I W: TIDE GROUP INC. J'1> ~yvf#Y Henry E. ynor, J~~~Siden Page 2 of 3 Aclm~nl"""ln N8wYarlc.- 51ale of New York, County of Suffolk On.... 8th dey of June . In .... year 200~ belonl me, IIle undersigned. pereonelly appeered HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. . personally known 10 me or proved 10 ma on Iha bala of aatlsfaclory evldanca 10 be Iha Indlvldual(1Ij whoaa neme(1Ij18 (are) aubecrIbed 10 ilia wlIhtn Inlllrulllanl and acknowladged 10 me that he'lhltJtheJ executed the I.m. In hlsn..rMlilllr capacllyflesl, and Ihal by hlan,.,nl..I. algnalure(l) on Iha 1na\r\mBn1. ilia indlvldua~al or Ih8 person upon behaII 01 wIlich tha Indlvidua~lIjacl8d, 8X8CUllId lha InsIrumenL ./2LI~ " Notary Publ c IICIWIlP.lNllC ::NIQ,_.._- fID. V_.......... ~I. . .EJpnIllIIg.at,..6 "'*'-Iedgament by Subacrlblng Wftnaaa""" In Maw YarIc .- AcIu_IadIl8_nt taken In NawYorll StaIa , as: SI8I8 01 New York. County 01 I ..~ On lha dey 01 . In Iha year the undersigned. personally appeared parsonally known to ma or proved 10 ma on tha baala 01 "'laIactory lVIdanca 10 be lha Indlvtdual(a) wIIoaa nama(l) III (a..) IUblcrlbad 10 lha wllhln In_ and ada-*lgad 10 ma thaI he'lheMay axeculed Iha aama In hlafharflhelr Clpaclly(lel), and thaI by hllfhlrflhalr algnaluraCI) on the 1naIrumanI. lha 1ndIviduaI(1) or lha parson upon behaII 01 which the 1nd1vkUJ(1) acIecI. lIllIICUI8cIlh8lns1rumenL , beIonI me. Aclmow1adgementtllcan ouIakle NawYork .- 51ala 01 New York. County 01 . SI: . 51a.. 01 . County of . as: . (or Insarl Dlatriel 01 Columbia, Tarritory, Passalslon or Fo..lgn Country) On Iha day 01 , In the year the undersigned. parsonally appeared . befora me. lha IUblIcrlblng wiInIn 10 the Iol8flOlng Instrument. with whom I am personally acquainted. who being by me duly sworn, did deposa and say, lhal hefaheflhey ..stde(a) In thaI heIIhaIlhay know(a) 10 be lite Individull deacrIbed In and who 8X8CUllId lhe foregoing inatnJrnenI; IhaI safd subllcrlbing witness waa p..sanl and saw said exacuta Iha lama; and Ihal laid wllnasl al Iha aaml lima IUbsCI ibed hIlfherllhair name(s) aa a wftneeS thlll8lO. llUe No.: TIDE GROUP INC. TO ANGELO STEPNOSKI Distributed by O1Ieago ntle Insurance Company On Iha day 01 . in the year Iha undarsigned. personally appea..d . before me, personally known 10 ma or proved 10 ma on "Iha baall 01 aalialaclory evidence 10 be the IndhlldualCs) whoae name(a) is (a..) subscribed 10 Iha within InlIrumanl and 1ICkJ-*Igad 10 me Ihal he'aheflhey axeculed Iha aama In hllllharflhelr capacity(lea), Ihal by hlafharl1halr slgnaluraCsl on Ihe InstrurnanI, lha Indlvtdual(s) or lha parson upon behaK 01 which tha Indlvldual(s) adad. lIXlICUIIId tha Inslrumanl, and that auch IndIVIdual mede such appearance baIoI8 lI1a undelllignad In Iha (add lha ctty or poIiIlcaI sWdIvtsfon and the Ilata or country or DIller place lha acknowtedgemenl was Iaken). SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAIL 10: WILLIAM H PRICE JR ESQ PO BOX 2065 GREl!NPORT NY 11944 ZlpNo. Palle 3 of 3 i I l!I I ~ I ~ I , " '. . \ RECORDED 2005 Jun 24 02.02.14 PI'! Edward P.ROlIaine CLERk OF SUFFO\J( COUIfTV L D00012394 P 511 Dr. 04-46445 Number of pages TORRENS -3 Serial II Certificllle II Prior Ctf. II Deed I Murtgage Insuwnent 3 Deed I Mongage Till Stamp FEES ReconIing I Filing Stamps Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-51l4 '~ll Martgage Amt. I. B.asic Tux 2. Additional Tax Sub Tolal SpccJAssil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlment Troll1.~fer qdO. . M on Tax 5. 00 Nowion . EA-52 17 (County) EA-52 17 ISwe) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total Comm.ofEd. 5. 00 ~=- Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Grand Total '1.~ . ~. property covered by Ibis mongage is or will be impn,vo:d by a one or two family dwelling only. YES 01' NO IS...QQ... Sub TOlal OIher 4 Section 096. 00 Block 01. 00 Lat001.009 5 ty PreMrvatioa had Real Property Tux Servk:e Ageney Verification 05023169 1000 09600 0100 001009 ~TS' RDTY A) 7.JU~ -- CPF Tax Due unt $ 225,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Improved Vacant Land X 6 SatisflK.1ionslDischllrgcsIReleascs List Pnlperty Owners Mailing Addres.~ RECORD &: RETURN TO: TO 10 WILLIAM H PRICE JR ESQ PO BOX 2065 GREENPORT NY 11944 TO / TO/ ./ 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name Chiea 0 Title Insurance Co an TIlle II 3804-00952 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page form.. part of the attached Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: TIDE GROUP INC. TIle premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO ANGELO STEPNOSKI In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Cutchogue BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BB TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Southold Page 1 of 3 lover) . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SO'I'I'OLIt COtJll1'l"!' CLBU RECORDS OI'l'ICE RB:CORDIHG PAGE Type of ID8t~tl DBBDS/DDD RUabe~ of page.1 3 Receipt RUmbar I 05-0066947 'l'RAIISI'BR TAX HtJDBRI 04.-464.4.5 RecoZ'ded I Atl 06/24/2005 02102114 l'II LIBBRI PAGE: D00012394. 511 Di.t~ictl 1000 Sectiocl Block I 096.00 01.00 'II!"'~ ARD CHDGI!:D AS FOLLOWS $225.000.00 Loti 001.009 Deed AIIouZlt I Received the Following Fee. For Above :rnat~t '""-rpt ....-.,pt Page/Filing $9.00 110 IlaDdling $5.00 110 COB $5.00 110 HYS 8BCIIO $15.00 110 BA-C'l'Y $5.00 IlIO BA-S'1'ATB $75.00 110 '1'P-584 $5.00 Il1O Cert.Copie. $0.00 Il1O RP'1' $30.00 Il1O SC'1'JI $0.00 110 '1'~aDllf_ tax $900.00 Il1O COIIIII. Pre. $3,000.00 110 Fee. I'aid $4,049.00 '1'RAIISI'D '1'AX IlIUIIBBRI 04-46445 '!'HIS PAGB IS A PAR'1' 01' '1'l1li: INS'1'RUIIDI'1' 'l'BIS IS IlIO'1' A BILL BdwaZ'd p.Ralllai_ COWlty Cl_k, Suffolk COWlty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (6181 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY . . I."tt: 1...5,. g,.R. ~ C2.DotllDHdR__ I..!. 1{'1/~!1 ca_1 /,;?,.3,1,t..(1C4."-1..5.~,1 PROPERlY INFORMATION C1. SWIS Code. .." I _ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STA1li OF NEW YOIlII STA1li IOARD OF RiAL -..rt_s RP - 5217 aNZl'''' JIf'I "~I -- STaBT NUIIMII Commerce Drive ........... z. ...,.. -- ~~~~ld ~~?~ ~hORUe 111935 ZI'_ EO LAIr __, COWNft' ,.,.,.,.. I. Tu: 1ndIcI1I.........T.....lDbDlGnl I IIIIUng K__buyorodd_Iod-.al_. - ~~l 7?~ "'T_'-:~J::.~1/ FIIIIiT..... I ~yl /1!1 I.=.., I SID HIOfIIU' Ixl IlU'IH IORI 41.888 sq. ft. ACIIla . . 1lInIY.,.,"".__._0FlIIv: 4A._Iog___AWlllfItyE>llll 0 &Su_ApprowoI_lIoqukodIarT_ 0 c.p_~""Su__Mlp_ 0 .. .....1tI tt......... "A --111 RoII_._..........._ .1 I 'oIP....1o OR D p.nol.Po.... ...... NomoI Tide Group Inc. LMINMII./~ l11li,...... ~AIT NMII' lCOWNJN ...., NAME 7. CIwaIl 1M baa t.Iaw which ..............., ......... .... 01 the ......., at tlw 11m. aI....: I 9 ..... I 23 "" 104 .,. -....--.-........ .. o..-w.IpTypo Io~ I ~ Cammundy_ t. _~... V.....lond J __ _"'-'YlAIcoIOd_.. Agrlcu"'rol_ K __ _Iuior_.d__-.u I. ..... lhoIlho..- II In.. AgricuIOnIllloOtol ,1.__.........""__._.._ ^ ___..._RoIIl'- B &eI. ....... AeIIt8d Companlel or ParInIII in Bull,.. (' Ono 011110 ~ II _. SoUor I) Iluyor Of -. II -Aoonov Of Lending 1-...., Il Dood ..... _ w....... or Bo'llOin ond _ lSpocIIy Balowl I' _ al Fr_lor _ _foe _ISpocI1y_ G S/gnIlIco.. ChI.., In "'-'" _ T_ 5.... ond Solo DoIoo II _"'_Iolncl.-.._Prico I ClIhor u_ F-.. AIIOCIlng _ Prlco lSpocIIy _I J _ o o o o A~ OnoF.mlly _"101 B Zor'FomIv_tioI C _I V... ~nd D _ntlol v..... ~nd I SAlE INFORMATION I ,,. _ ConIrollt _ E~ "g"c.\"".1 F eorn..rcIol G ......... H Entertllnmtnt I Amu.-nenl 1Z.DolO"'_/Tr_ 6' I 8 """ 105 v,. - 13.F\III__ .2.2.5, O. 0, 0.0.01 , , . I'" 5.10 !'rico ~......... _nt poId lor.... _Including........ ..-nY. 1bis..,.... may .. In dM form of c.h, othtr prgpeqy or;oodl. ar tM ~ 01 morIpgII or olhtr obIIpIIonL) ,.,..,. round to Ihe nMlMlil4IGIt dGJIM IIrJDUnt ,..-...-.......... I N/A I __In...._ . ,. .0.0 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dot. .hould refloct1110 lotesl Final Ao....m.nt Rolland T.. Bill 1L V.. oIAn n ._4 RaIl hm I 0 . 4 I 17. fOUl....... V............... In trMIfarIl _ L..........._ , , 2. 3 5 I , ,t.-.CIsos I 1. 2.0 I-LJ 1I.School__ I Hattituck - Cutchogue UFSD :Ill. T.._-1oI I RoII_oI 11......__._____, -Vlit J~ I - 96 - 1 - 1.9 I I I I CERTIFICATION I 1.....-,.......01.... _ cllafonaotIoa -...I... ....I'ann ... ..... oad _ I" .... .. 01 my _II' ond hdicIl.... I ....... ...... ..... .... ........ 01..., _I11III_ _.._ fact....... wtII ""*"..............-.................. -....... -...... ............_ !!!!i!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~~~ 16/8/05 ""'" ... ge 0 epnos 1 .." 57~ ......- ~ ""'..- Price "'T"""" Williem H. Jr. -,- 631 -- 477-1016 ""-- I \on\ arAn. .- .... 6/8/05 NEW YORK STATE COpy ~ ....