HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12392 P 898 . " L 123q) T~IND~URE,madethe 3P' clay of June '1..1 . 2005 P M g A(Jf ~~ t..-1SIt1 .BETWEEN ALEXANDER B. DOROSKVand PRISCILLA D. DOROSKI, his wife, residing at 430 Bailie Beach Road, Mattituck, New York, ~~.......... V\ ~ ~ DAVID R. LOZIPONE and JENNIFER A. LOZ I PONE , his wife, P. ~ . residing at 105 Ocean Avenu,l, Apt. A, Massapequa, New York, petty olllle -m pIIIt, . 1I7 ~- WlTNE88E1'J:1, that lhe petty 01 the DI'II pert, In conaldsrBllon 01 TEN ($10 . 00) Do lla rs __ _::l :i5.). --------------------------------------------------------------- ~~ peld ~ lIIe petty oIlhe -m pert. doIa hsnIby gIMt IIId reIeaIe unto the petty olllle -.I pert. lhe hsIrI or luocmon IIId 8IIIgnI oIlIIe party oIlIIe lIICCIIld pert '-r, :"'(1 .~ ';: ~o ~.QIl ()~,. ~Q 0"" ~\~ oo~. ~ ALL lh8t oert8ln plot, p~ or percel 01 land, with lIIe bullc1nlll and inplO'.llllMrlllthSI'8Ol"l tlIlICI8d. 1ItueIe, Iylngllldbslnll"'x at Mattituck,' in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 14 as shown on a certain ~p entitled '~p of Honeysuckle Hi~ls at Mattituck", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 10/16/1981 as Map No, 7019, said lot being bounded and described as follows: ' . . BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Bailey Road, also known as Reeve Avenue, distant Southwesterly 336.28 feet from the corner formed by tHeiint~rsection of the westerly side of Sound View Avenue and said Northwesterly side of Bailey Road, also known as Reeve Avenue; RUNNING THENCE South 68 d~grees 18 minutea 30 seconds West along the NorthwesterLy side of Balley Road; also known as Reeve Avenue, 125.00 feet;' THENCE North 21 degrees 41 minutes THENCE North 68 degrees 18 minutes THENCE South 21 degrees 41 minutes Northwesterly side of Bailey Roao, point or place of BEGINNING.~ 30 secohds West, 200.00 feet; 30 seconds East, 125.00 feet; 30 seconds East, 200.00 feet to also known as Reeve Avenue, the the The grantors are the same persons as the grantees in deed recorded in Liber 11646 page 355. Premises herein described are-the same and intended to be the same as those described in deed in Liber 11646 page 355../ TOGETHER with all right, IIIIe and inllnst, If any, 01 the petty 01 the Ill'll pan n IIIId to any atreeta and I08dI abulllng the abcIve dllsr:rIled prwnIseI to lhe cenl8r IInaIlh8reol, TOGETHER with lhe appurtensnce8 and d the .... IIId rights 01 the petty oIlhe IIIIt pert In and to uId prerniMI; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prernisa her8In grantsd unto the petty 01 the lIICCIIld pert, lhe I1eIrs or II _SOla and U81gn1 01 the perty 01 thslllCCllld pert ror-. AND lIIe petty oIlhe DI'II part COV8IIIIlIS that lIIe party 01"" III'Il pert hu not dona or IUllersd anything whereby the uId pl'lllllllu have been encumbetlld In any way whaIev8r, 8llOIIPlu a1orua1d. AND the party oIlIIe fll1ll pert, In compliance with SectIon 13 oItha LIIn Law, CCMIIIlIIIIlI that the party oIlIIe llrat pert will rK8Ive the conaIdlIralIon lor lhIa cornIIIyaIICl8 and wi! hold lhe right to _1V8 euah OOIIIldsratlon 81 a truIt Ilnl to be applied IIr8t lor the purpoIlI 01 payWlg the COlt olllle /rnprlMment InI wit apply the _ Ill'll to the payment 01 the COlt oIlIIe ImpnMl'l*lt b8lont lIIlnllany pert oItha tol8I 01"" llI/Ila lor any other purpou. The word "party" IhaII be construed 81 II . I'8Bd "pIrlIss" when _ lhe 181181 ollhlllnd8nlunl so requiru. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party oIlhe RI'II pert hu duly 8llSOIIt8d lhIa deed the de wrIIIen. . - IN PRESENCE OF: I'; 7= .~.L ! / '. . l'RIsen.u. B. B6R6SKI V TO BI! USED ONLY WHEN TN!! ACItUI'RIfI CIVIII!NT I.II~ IN tmW YGRK STATI! ___ N.Y.8.T.U. fOmI_' ..... and 8IIe DIId,'" c-.nt..,.. Gm--. _ - UnllDrlllIO. . . ~ ....- Farm SIlO SIalufNewYOllc,Counlyol Suffolk _ 8lateolNewYorIl.CounIyof II: en... 3 dayol June In"',.., 2005 0111111 day of InIlleJ8llr beIant me.lhe ~~ lIppNred ",,ell ~_.. me, ... underIlgnlld, pereoneIIy eppellnld AlexlUlder Jr.'T~riscil1a D. Dorb~ . petIOMIJy lei-. lD me or pnMcI lD me on lie .... of PllflCl"lIIIy lei-. lD me or pnMd lD me on the bIIIl 01 "'lflIalDry tMdellDlllD be lie 1ncIvIduef(1) whOM MlllII(I) Ie .....Illalory evIdllIlDIIlD.be ... 1nd1vfd1llll(1) whOM _(.111 (118) MlIcrIbIcIlD lie wIIhtn JnIlIumInlIllCl "oll..IldQld lD (ale) IUbIllIIled lD the w1lhln ~ and lIdcnaw'l~1JId lD me thaI hMhaIIIIay -.tad lie lima In hIIIharIIhaIr ma ..... hIrfIhaIIhay __ lie _ In IIfaII1erIlhalr aapacIIy(Iaal. IIICI that by hllllllIIIIIaIr 1IgnaIuII(.) an III capacIy(III). IIICI that by' hlaIharIIIlIIr 1IgnIIln(.) an ... InIIrumant. llelndlvldual(.), or III pman upon bahaIf of whlah 1n1lMn1Rl. llelnclVldual(.), or Iha pa..... upon bIhalf of which the ~(.) ~ tha7ff:1l:: Ii:; Iha 1ndvId1ll1(~1 acIed. _1Iad thalnlbumenl. (1/gnIIulI ~........nI) (.1gnaIura IIICI ofIIce 0I1ndIvIduII1IIcIng ICIaIO.JII4.....II) ~- O"....b.J..~-~JiL TO B. U.ED ONLY WHeN TIll! ACICNOWl.BXI"~ ""AD!! auTSlDI! NI!W YORK lITATE SlIla (or lllIIrIcI 01 CoIumIllll. TlrrftaIy. or Foralgn Country) of II: On 1111 IppIIRId pallORlly lei-. 10 me or pnMcIlo ma on Iha IIaIlII of IIIIIIfaaIory HdallCIlD be Iha 1ndIvfd1lll(.) whOM 1IlUIIt(.) Ie (1181 IlIlbIoIIlad lD the wIIIIIn InalruIIIInIIIICI ackna.A.dglld lD me that,.,.,.,..., -.tad... _In hlalhaltIIIIr ~), IIllI that by hlalhlll1halr aIgnabn(.) an ... InIIMMnI. the 1ndIvlduaI(.). or ... pIIIOII upon bahalf of which lie 1ndIvIdulII(.) acIad, __ lie _mant, and Ihlllllllh IndMduII mada IUClIl app_ IIIfolell11 uncllll'llgnlld In lIla dlyol In \hi ,aar beIoIe ml, the uncIlllIIgnad, .--or In (and ~ ilia SlIII or CounIry or _ p..1IIa _lDnll J. .llhd _1UIn) l'-' ilia Q\y or _ paIlIcaI auIldMIIon) (1II1n.twund cIlIca allndM...Il.llk'll....IOWlI~.1MI) " i \: I , BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WIllI COVENANT MAINSI' GRANTOR" ACTS 47:>~S 1m. No. ALEXANDER B. .DOROSKI at.ld PRISCILLA D. D0ft9SKI, his wife DAVID R. LOZIPmfE and JENNIFER A. LOZIPONE, his wife sr_IlllIIIIClI'___ClI'mU:l.no.nw....M6 ~- "-I'" .. .~.!_- SECTION 099 BLOCK 03.00 uor 004014 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS ReconIecIIII R.... aI COMMONWEALTH LAND TfT1.E INSURANCE CO'NIPN<< COMaIOIIWIM1IIIMD 'ftn.a 1NII1lIt-1IQI COWANr Dennis M. Reiss, Esq. 67 Randall Road POBox 567 Wading ~ive~.. NY 11792 . .. . __.__l1li ClI' R__ . . I. " . . Numher ,w""sa j .' TORRENS RECORDED 2005 JIIII 16 11131129 III ~rd P.RouiM ClERK OF SUFFlI.I( COlMV L ??oo12392 P~ Dr. 04-451n Serial' CenilicalC II Priur Ctf. II Deed I Mo:rtgagc Il15lrUment 3 Deed I MClItgogc Tu Stamp FEE.'; Recanlin, I Pilinl Stomp5 C..mm. of !:d. Affidavit ~. ..Q!L MotIaogc AmL J. BosicTu 2. Additional Tu SubTllllIl SpceJAlIlliL or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dwd Tuwn _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appointment Tran.'lfcrTu ~,'fo.... -=- Mlm5iun Tbc propcn clJYcllld by this mottaogc is or will be mpnJVCd by a one or two family dwc ling only. YES or NO Page: I Hling Fcc Handling ~. ..Q!L TP.~84 NOIOtion EA-5:! .7 ,County) EA-5217 CSIaIe, R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total ~ Ccnincd Copy NYS Surc:hlllJC OIbcr 15. 00 Sub Tow , GrondTotaI~ rvatloa I'aDd Rt,U.l1 Prupcn) Thx Service Agency Verification IfNO.1IC1l page , prialC lIIX ClllUliC on (If this insllUmcnt. OggOO 0300 004014 Consideration Am CPF Tax Due ... Improved ./ 6 SlIIisfuctiooslDischllJelllRelellllCs I.m Prupcny Owncnl Mailing AcIdnlss RECORD'" RETURN TO: DENNIS M. REISS, ESQ. 67 Randall Road POBox 567 Wading River. NY 11792 Y.lCWltLand In TO TO TO 7 Co. Name 1idcll 470NS Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e Infonnation This page form5 pan of the allllched DEED ,SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTI mode by: Alexander B. Doroski and Priscilla D. Doroski, his wife The prcmiSCli herein is 5ilualcd in SUFFOJ.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Townahip of South6ld In the VILLAGR orHAMLETur M~""""n,.1r BOXr~ 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OK FILING. lover) David R. Je=nn!tBL TO Lozipone and A. LozJ.pc;me, hxs w1fe 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUI'I'OLIt COuw.n; CLBRK RBCOBDS OI'I':J:CB RBCOlmDIG ltAGS Type of naatr-t: I DJIIID8/mm ..-~ of .age.1 3 aeaelpt Rambe~ I 05-0063967 'I'lWISJ'D 'lAX JIII1IIIlBJta 04.-45172 Ileclode4I At. 06/16/2005 11.31129 All LIBERa ltA.CDa D00012392 898 Dht~1ct I 1000 Secltiozll 091.00 B10clu 03.00 Loti 006.016 a..Jt.-.,..... AMI) ,...~ItI:I... AI I'OLLOW8 Deed AmcNDt I $110,000.00 bc:eive4 tU l'o11owiDg he. ~ ~ XJult:r.-t 'J!~ ILt Kx \l't .age/l'i1iDg $1.00 110 1lu41iDg '5.00 110 COB $5.00 110 IIY8 _t"Wft $15.00 80 !IA-C'l'Y $5.00 110 D-8'I'.I.'I'II $75.00 80 '1'1'-58' $5.00 110 CU't:.COpie. '0.00 80 RP'1' $30.00 110 SC'I'II $0.00 80 'IT....f~ t_ $2,660.00 80 c:o-..h'e. $10,200.00 80 I'M. .dc1 $12,989.00 'rIl!\IIlIr_ '1'U 1IOIfIP'-1 0'-65172 'l'llJ:8 .AGII %8 A .AR'1' 01' 'I'D I~ '1'11%8 %8 110'1' .I. .:ELL Uwaz'4 .............'11. CoImty Cl~k, ~fo1k CoImty .. PLEASE TYPE 'OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM /. . . . INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orp..Rlite.ny.UlorPHONE(518)1.73-7222/IIU.../lotIJ5 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Ct. lIWlS Code 1 'I-? ?g.S'.?1 lit ITAlE OF _ YClIIIl ITAlE_OFMAL..........._ CZ.__.. ",clod I (It I/t, ~i:-' CI. _ 1 /...J. 3' . '? ,j 1 C4.I'_' , f/?'''' 9'1 PROPERlY INFORMAllON RP - 5217 ....un .. IIJI 1.=, .(W?o-. Mattituck. alYOII,..... ~8 i-irA 19aQ New York VlIAGI' lJ-JJ2 1.- - _~/~~e ll..AX!i R. & Jennifer A. ....T_'~ -- 3. Tu 1ndIaIIt.......... Ta'" _ to bI_ , ..... .__ ....._..._ 01_ ' - I .._, -.-.,.. .''''1 .... UlIIT""~ -- ClrlOI'RMN IT;" ..- of............ .......... If ._-~ Illl... RoI P'f'WIIIt ...........41........... .01 O 1OoIw._0I.___......... I ,00P_ 011 Ponol._ 0 4A.......... _wIIII"~_Aulharily_ ....__......-_lIoqYrodlar1_ 0 10111 . ,0. 57 I c._.-Iar..u__....._ 0 -- 1U(A.41e..~e. ~~nder B~ & Priscilla D. I ..=.., I /),t:) Ixl ... .-...,. dOO ..... ..- ~/UJ.., - , LAm' .... 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"Oq, 0.0 I .......,........ ...... I , I ASSESSMENlINFORMAllON . 11m ohould roflool the 10_ FInal _m.... RaI end T.. B1t11 l..::....~~. .:~":-D4l0SI1U___IaI......-.._1 , . Ann JAnnQ ; .r 11. ",-_ I 21 n I-LJ 1I.1choaI~_ I Mllttil!t1l.k GatiQA9+t14! ~~ .. T..IIIp........../IDI.~ '-...W II men........... .................I,dk........I... 11000-099-03.00-004014 .r I CERllflCA1ION I ,--,-.."'..._"'..... ....._..__.........._1........."'.,_......._...,_. ._...-.. "'..,___"'_..._........_..... __I..... "'.... ......_.................."'....._ IllDB SUY!ll'tl AlTORNEY d1/ ~1 . L~: I'. . 11 ~-gli..rul-OS LOziP-mr~avid.~ 4~O Bailie BAACh Road mar....... ..-r..........UU11 Reis':- 631 -- I ....,- Dennis M. 929-4711 -- Hattituck NY I 11952 I NEW YORK STATE COPY