HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12223 P 156 . trQf"l5 -11 ,wog- lW~ 'a5~- 'l)'!:o\- - /000 !;c:!t.- - oqq.oo &- - 03.00 LOl- - 04.0/3 L /222. 3 f { ':>1, 91 ~ 3-lf. (3 'il(;O,;l ;;14 q'lI .,. <XIN8l" :rVOlRLAWYER 1IEI'ORI!-_1lt8_.1lt8_1HOULD _u.DlIYlAWYERIICllLY THIS INDENTURE, made lIle 7th day of November 2002 BElWEEN DIANA SKERRITT. _Ing .12 NIght Heron Drive. SIony Brook. N_ York 11790, party of the IInIl pert, and WILLIAM GLADITSCH end CATHERINE GLADITSCH. _nd and wife, _Idlng 1113684 CoIIecmr ........ Beth_. N_York 11714. party of the second part, WITNESSETH. thllt the perly of the 'ral pert. In considerellon of . TEN and 001100 1$10.00) dol... paid by the party Of the __ part, doe8 henlby grill'll .nd reI_ unto the party of the second part, the haira Dr..."" IIllDIS and lI88igna of the party of the aecond part fontver, ALL theI ClIrteln plot, piece or pan:el of lend. wfth the buldlng. .nd improvements IhenIon ._. aitu.... lying end being In the SEE SCHEDULE ",." ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE,. PART HEREOF. BEING THE SAME PREMISES con...yed to the party 0I1he nlS' part by Deed _ 2117/92 .nd .__In the SuIfoIk County a.1<'a ~ on 3IlI/lI2 In LIbar 11430 P_ 328. SAID PREMISES elso known .. S50 BelUe Beach Road. MIIImuck, _ York 11952. TOGETHER wtIh ell rtghl, UIIe end Inlereal, If .ny, of the party of the liral part In .nd to eny _ end road. abul1lng the ebove deacrtbecl pnam_ 10 the ClInl8r lnee thereof; TOGETHER with the .ppurtenances end .11 the __ and rights of the party of the llral part in end to Mid prem_; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the preml_ h_n granted unlo the party 01 the HCDnd part, the heilS Dr ltUCC8lI8Dra end ...Ign. of the perly of the aecond part forever. AND the party of the llrat part ""...nants IhlII the party of the nrat part hea not done or sufl'ered enythlng -by the said pram.... ~ _n encumbered in any ~ ~lever, except aa eforaaaJd. AND the party of the lirat part, In c:ompi.nce with Seclion 13 of the Lien Law, """,,nents thet the party of the llrat part will receive the DOnaid_lIon for thla COI1WIyIlnCll and wiD hold the rtght 10 receive _ ""naIde_n .. a bu.. fund to be appled rnl for the pu_ of paying the coat of the improvement and wll apply the same - to the payment of the coat of the Im_menl before LIlIIng .ny pert of tha tolal of the same for eny _ p~. The _ "partY' ahaII be conabuad a. If n read "parties" when _ the -.... of lhla Intlenlura eo requires. . . IN WlTNE8S WHEREOF. the party of the Orat part hea duly axaculad thia dead the day and yaer lirat .bove _n. IN PRESENCE OF: (]J l._' ~ . DIANA SKERRITT .~..~.Y.B.T.U. F..... 8002 - 9lonloln _ Sloho o....t. with eov...n -"",lOnontor'. AcI.- UnH'ann kknaw4odornont .... m III! I MU:ft OM....YVYl4&N TNI!;.a.~ I:n'-!!.-:...... ".&N: IN Nl!WYOAK RTATI! ss: ..~ SIBle of New York, Count)' of Suffolk)) II: On the 7\h day of November In lhe)'IBr 2002 belore me,lhe undwolgneel. peroonBl.)' 8_red DIANA SKERRITT. personell)' known b m8 or prov8d 10 me on the belli of 1.liolBClOr)' evtdence to be the IndMdu81(1) who.. n8....(.) II (8ra) .ubocrtbed to IhB wilhin Inllrumenl8ndllCknowiedged 10 mB IhBI hB/8hellh8)' 8X8CUl8d the ..me In hlslh8l'/lhelr CBp8c1ly(1_). end lh8l by hl8/herllh8lr IIgnetura(8) on Ihe l"'lrumBn~ thelndlvlclUBI(e). or _ person upon behBl/ of which lhe 1ndI~1(1) 8cl~~ the 1"'~Nmanl. ~~.ufMJI.- . (IIgnetura .nd oIlIc8 of IndMdUBllBklng _.nowiedgmenl) PATRICK 0. ICIl.UAN .....1"ublIc, ... at_ ~ s:....~~':'h~~ SIBI8 of New York, County 01 On lhe dB)' 01 in Ih8 )'881' b8f0r8 me. Ih8 und......lgneel. p8rson811)' 8ppeered _n811)' known 10 me or proveel to I1l8 Oil lhe bu" 01 uU0f8ctory evkI81lO1 10 be the IndMduel(8) WhOl8 nema(l) II (8ra) lubecrlbeel to IhB wilhln inllNmenl8nd .ctcnowl8dgeel to me th81 h8l8hellhe)' _ \he ..me In hlelhBrIlhBlr cepeclty(l8Il. 8nd 1h8l by hlolh_h81. Ilgnetuno(l) on IhB InolNmenl.lhe IndMdu81(.), or the pereon upon _1101_ lhe Indlvldu81(1) _. &XBCUleel Ihe 1",INmant. --i8is!netur. 8nd oflIce 01lndlvldu8l18klng IIcllnowiedgmanl) SlBI8 (0. ctltrict 01 CoIumbil. Tem"'ry, or Foraign Counby) 01 1'0 BE I.J!IRJ ONLV-..;N THI! &I'WNt'l&M ~UT IS MADE ~ ~YOAIC RTATI!; ..: Onlhe de)'ol InlhB)'IBr belore me, the undBrBlgned. peroonBll)' 8p_red _II)' known 10 I1l8 or proved 10 me on lhe bell. 01 ..UoIBClory evlclence to be th8 IndlvlduBl(.) _. neme(l) iI (.ra) . lubeorIbed to lhe within InolN....18nd _edged to me lh8l_eIIh8y _ _ ......In h1_hBlrcepedly(Iee). 8nd 1h81 by ~r Ilgn8tura(l) on the inllNmenl. lhe Indlvldu8l(1), or th. person upon beh8lf 01 which the indlvlclU8l(I) ected, .X8CUled thelnolNmenl. 8ndlh.1 IUch indMdu'l m8de luch 8ppe8rance belore IhB underolgneel In the In (end 1Nert..,. S.... or Country or ou.r pIace.....CJl 1 J__,-nt.......,,) ----------------------------- 1_'" Cllyar_poIIUcoI_1 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINSTGRANTOR'SACIS TIlle No. RHSO022494 DIANA SKERRITT TO WILLIAM GLADITSCH 8nd CATHERINE GLADITSCH, hll8b8nd and wil. STANDARD POIIUI OF NIIW YOIIK IIDAIID OP nTLE UN....._..... DIIoI>I_b)' tHE JUDICIAL 1I1U! IN8lRANCIi AGENCY LLC __AVENUE W_Jlllctl,.NY1~ 814-:111_. _1-T1TLE 1..-__ClIInd1vk1uo1...-_.. . "'''*''1 DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK 1000 099.00 03.00 LOT 004.013 COUNTY OR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STREET ADDRESS 550 Bailie Beach Road. Mattltuck, New York Reoorded 81 Requnt d THE JUDICIAL Tm.E INSURANCE AGENCY LLC RETURN BY MAIL TO: DEBORAH DOTY. ESQ. 670 WEST CREEK AVENUE P.O. BOX 1181 CUTCHOGUE. NEW YORK 11935-0876 .. 51 ii " I o " lI! ~ o .. .. " .. 2 .. !;l 1II il E .. II! fI Fl!. .J.: RH800224M .' .- ,.. . .~ SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as lot Number 13 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Honeysuckle Hills at Mattituck", and filed In the Suffolk County Oerk's Office on October 16, 1981 as Map No. 7019, said lot being more partlaJlarly bounded and descrlbed according to said map as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Bailey Road (Reeve Avenue) distant 461.28 feet westerly from the comer formed by the Intersectton of the northerly side of Bailey Road (Reeve Avenue) and the westerly side of Sound View Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Bailey Road (Reeve Avenue) south 68 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds west, 125.00 feet; RUNNING THENCE north 21 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds west, 200.00 feet; RUNNING THENCE north 68 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds east, 125.00 feet; RUNNING THENCE south 21 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds east, 200.00 feet to the northerly side of Bailey Road (Reeve Avenue) the point or place of BEGINNING. " Title Report -'-- - .-= 3 NumboroC_ TORRENS (J RECORIlEI> 2llO2 Dee 03 11.20.51 AH Edward P.Roe.in. CLERK OF 5IFF1ll.Y. COIIfTY L ??oo12223 P 156 1>11 02-17667 SerIal 1/ Certilk:ale II Prior Of. 1/ DetId / MoIf&a&e IDmwneaI Deed/ Martpp Tu SUmp PI!ES ReconIIna / Pili... _po 4 ..../I'i1in. Pee Monpp AmI. I. BuicTu I_liRa 'll'-SB4 2. Addilional Tax NoIJdiCRl Sub T_I EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S2l7 (_) RP.T.5.A. Camm. of I!d. AlThIaYiI _ SUb TOIal S_~ Spec:JIIIIIL Or Spec./Md. .30'- SIIunp 0IbI RclIII\......1y Tu Service Apw.:y VerirK:Jdion' DilL ~lftII R Inr+ .. - . Lot ODDOO 0300 004013 TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ lIeld for Apportionm.n1 TnnIICr Tu ~r-. .... MIInoIon Tax The property by lhll mOIl..... II or will b. Improv by a on. or two family chwllina CRlly. YES IfNO._ _oflhil or NO I.. _ clou.. CRl _" Cenlrled Copy Rea- Copy 01..... ~ ~ SUbTolal ORAND TOTAL ~ 0 2 .- , 6 Communi ., .... lnil_ 1 SalisfacllcmslDllCharpaIRe..... L"'~y Ownen Mom... A . ',R~~" RETUR/Il 'to: .' CPF Tax Due s 'flt:.I.iO...... Improved Vacanl Land L_ 7)CbelW#' 7Xr1~ &,. ' fD7t:J lIA':rT Clf4~ }.We ~(). 8r'/. 18'1 C"T(;'~~~ .uHJJ ,,,S- m :r- ,not') . Title Company I.formation Co. Name Cc 9 Title II U Suffolk Coun Recordin .& Endorsement Pa This peae forms plIrt of the II118dIcd ~,-oI (SPECIFY TYPE OF IN81R.UMENI') made by: 15'~'TT The pIaOlIelI hcR:In is situated in . SUFF<LK. CXXJNIY, NEW YORK. In the TCMnShip of So~.J41oJJ In !be V1LLAGB or HAMLET of Jllliih'n1'tlck.. BOXES S THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRlNICD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR I'IUNG. 'OVERI TO <:i 1,bO I 'Oc.h . .. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 I; SUFFOLK COUH'1'! CLERK RECORDS ORICE RECORDING PAGE I I I. I Type of Inatrument: DUDS/DDD Humbe~ of Page.: 4 '1'lWISJi'ER '1'AX NUMBER: 02-1'766'7 Di.tdct: 1000 Section: Block: 099.00 03.00 IDNIHID AND CIWlGID AS fOLLOWS $202,000.00 Reoo~ded : At: LIBER: PAGE: Lot: 004.013 12/03/2002 11:20:51 AM D00012223 156 Deed. Amount: Received the FollowinljJ Fee. I'or Above Instrument Exempt NO Handling' NO NYS SURCHG NO lA-STAB NO Ce~t.Copies NO SC'1'M NO CClIIIIII.P~es Fee. Paid Page/Filing COB IA-cn TP-584 IU"1' Transfe~ tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $808.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,540.00 $3,450.00 IJrllllllpt NO HO HO HO HO HO 'l'IAHSIi'ER TAX NONBIR: 02-17667 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INS'l'RUMBlft' Ed.aM P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . FOR COUNTY USE QNL Y C1. SWIS Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 15. Check one or more or thne conditions as appllceble to tranlfer: A Sale Between Relatives or Formar Relatives B Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business C One of the Buyers is also a Seller o Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution E Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below] F Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) G Significant Change in Property Between Tallable Status and Sale Dates H Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price I Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) J None c;,? {,(j,!j'fl ML~ ~t <I C4. Page I * C2. Date Deed Recorded {OJ I Yu, C3. Book I j,;l.. d., ;;t, PROPERTY INFORMATION /,~hl 1. PrOJHI,rtv I LoctlttOn 550 Bailie Beach Road STAEETI>L4ME S"ffiEET ~UMB~FI Ma.ttit:n~k CITY OFl TOWN VilLAGE 2. Buyer Nam. GT J\llTT;;CCH LASTNAMEfCOMPANY WTT.r .T~M FIRST NAME GLADITSCH LAST NAME I COMPANY CATHERINE FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indica1e where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other thlln lJuver address lat bottom of form] Address ~T.:nnT'T'~ t.A5T'fAMEIC ANY I 3664 Collector Lane STREET NUMBEFI AND STREET NAME Beth~ae CINOAl ill 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels tran.fftred on the deed 11 # of Pareals OR 0 Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property SIll:. Ixl lOR I ACRES' .5 .701 FRONT FEET ,,~ 6. Sener Name SKERRITr DIANA FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY LAST NAME/COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurate.Jy describes the use of the property at the time of sale: ~oneFamilYRlISidential B 2 or 3 Family RMiderltial C Residential Vacant Land Non-Residential Vacant land E~Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment I Amusement J~commun;tyservice J Industrial K PublicSllrvice L Forest SALE INFORMATION 11. S,le Contrlct Dllte 7 MOI'Ith 02 Day Vear 12. Date of Sale / Transfer 11 7 { 02 Month 0., Y.~ 13. Full Sale Price 2 . 0 ,2 O. 0 , 0 ,0 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price ;'thetotal amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amounr. 14. Indicate the value of person,1 I ,,0 ,0 0 I property included in the sale, , . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill I 16, Year of Au_ment RoU from 1('\1 1n.'1 I Total AUH$8d Value lof all parcels in tTansfet"] I which lnfwmlltion tabn ~ H. 18. PrQperty Clan 13 1 ll-LJ 19. SchoQI District Name I School District #12 20. Tax Map IdantifierisJ I Rollldentifiet"(sl (If more than four. attach sheet with additlQnal identifier(sU District 1000 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERViceS RP - 5217 RP.S~17 Rtv3197 11952 llF'CODE M"T'<,,lJllL, Cl\:rnIi:lUNE IN Y 111714 $TATE Zlf'OODE IOnly if Part of a Parcell Check 8! they apply: 4A. Planning Board with SlJbdivision AlJthority b,ists 0 -4B. Subdivision Approv~1 was Required for Transfer D .c. Parcal ApproWld for Subdivision with Map Provided 0 Cheek the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is CQndominium 9. New Construction on Vacarrl Land 10A. Propeny Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that tne property is in an Agricuitural District D D D D , S',uT H. L() 700 , Section 099.00 Block 03.00 CERTiFICATION I I certify thai 11I1 of the itemli uf infonnatlon ent~red on thL'l form are true and l:orrecl (to th~ best of my knowledge and he1tef) aud I understand th8t the making or any wiIlfW false litatement or materiaJ fad herein wDl subject me to the provisions of the oenallaw relative to the makinc IIDd flUng of fal5e itwtrumcnts. IDt 004 01 ~ ~!~~~n CATHE:RINE: GLADITSCH 3664 Collector Lane = LAST NAME 631 ARJ;ACOOl: STAEETNUM3~R STAEETNAME(AFTElIS.o\,UOI Bethpage CrrvORT(JWN NY 11714 mn lIPCOOE SELLER Q~A>--- ~ "Ujj~'sKERRITr tthw{). om BUYER'S ATTORNEY DEBORAH FlllSTNAME 734-6648 THEPHONoNl,iMaER NEW YORK STATE COpy