HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 156 , o Ul!+/C[ f \ 60 mm: 1000 :~ mE 03,00 1m 004.007 0Q-3-4.7 . . ... lII<PIAond_Ilood,__~O_,__1"'" Glllt..~ .- (....,.._> THIS INDBNTUBE, made the 27'" da,y ofOotobe1', two tbousaDd and llw BJn'WJlJlN' AB:I.'.tJ.U.lfo G. .t'.L'.L"J:8 and JAD .,. BBODEBICK-PITTS; rvlll"tn, at 105 L10yds Lane, VAt.t1t.uck., New York party of the 1lrst part. and J.AJlEB D. XOLBEl>>.tLISuB and ]U1U1A'RlI!T T. XOLBEbu:LI5lt:J!lB, h1a W1fe, both r-t"t'l1' at 1015lPaatCl1',y Avenue, Kattltuck., New York pe.rW of the lIlICIODI1 p&1't, W.l:J."J.IlB881f1l'H. t,IJU the part;y of the 1IM.P&it,m lIOJl8IdmU1an ofTen Dollare and alib81'valuable ClClI181C!e1'U1 pa1d. b,y the part;y of~:;800nd"p&1't,~ h8!1eb,y,1ftW and rei-. umo the pe.rW aI the lIlICIODI1 part. the b8l1'lI 01' lIUOCl81101'1 and B''''''. of.the ~..of the.~" part tore.et, . ',",w.l..,l: '" ALL that oerta1n plot, p1eoe or P&l~{~n~d~ 'W1in the lJIltl"tnr and 1mprowmentll t.hereon erected, Idtuate, ~ and b81.D11n the Town of Southold, at IIattltuak, CouDt.J 01 Suffolk and State of New York, being known as Lot No.7 on a ClI1'ta1n map ....t:tt:1ed. -Map ofHone.yBU.Ckl8 H1lls-1Ued In the om.oe of the Clerk of the Coun\V of 8uff'o1k on October 15, 1981 as Map No. 7019, II&1d Lot being boIlI'''ed and descr1bed as1bllowll: B1I(JI1VJ!iD!l(J at a polnt on the South81'J,y Blde of L10yds Lane, II&1d po1nt be1nS the WeeterJ,y end of a CUl'V8 connect1nS the WeeterJ,y Blde of Sound V1ew Avenue and t.he 8outherJ,y s1de of L10yds r.ne; BU1fN1N'(J '1'.HJlN'(JJl~ II&1d po1nt of~nntn', along the arc fhollt abcmI......t:tmuld. bear1ng to the r1gb.t, having a 1'8d1U8 of 88.00 filet, . distance of 33.61 tB8t, to. point on the WeeterJ,y B1d8 of Sound Vtew Avenue; BUNNIN(J 2'l11INOJI along the WeIIte1'J,y B1d8 of Sound Vtew Avmue, South 13 degree8 34 minutes 50 II8ClOJ1ds East, 170.01 feet to. foundatton IItake and lands shown as Park fI Beonatton Area on II&1d 1Ued map; BII1iJ.V.u.trJ THJlNC1I along II&1d lands South 67 degrees 23 minutes 30 1800"'''. West, 119.79 feet to a polnt; BUJ.VJ.V.LlII(J '1'.HJlN'(JJlNorth 14 degrees 14 minutes 50 eecon~. Welt, 236.59 feet to the 8outherJ,y B1d8 of LloJds Lane; BuJ.VJ.V.u.trJ !'1!I1lNC1I along the 8outherJ,y B1d8 of Lloyd's Lane, North 89 desr-B 23 minutes 00 seoonds East, 104.33 feet to the po1nt or plaoe of 1JJl(J.LlIIJ.V.u.f'G. !1.'1111 (JBAJV2t)B h8re1D.1s the same person as the grantee in a ClI1'ta1n deed recorded In Liber 11796 op 660 f'O(J.IS".l".1:1.1U5 with aU right, tltle and Intlll'llfi, 1! &1I,Y, of the p&1'l;,V of ths fIrBS p&1't In and to ~ IIt.1'eetII and roadlIlIb\IttIllI ths II!xmt de8ar1becl ]11"""'1... to the ClIIDt8L' lDIeII thereof; f'O(JJ!f".l:a.dw1th the appu.:rteD&11all and aU the 8IItU8 and rl8h'8 ofths pe.rW of the fIrBS part In and to II&1d prlIDI1888; m llA V1lAND m B"O.LDthe ]I1"""'t- herein pmed unto the part;y ofthellllClODl1 part, the heIrlI 01' lI1'oClUSn01'l and B"l"'. of the part;y ofthellllClODl1 part for....... AND the party of the f!:rR pare 009"""Rnta tlJg She party of the fIrBS part hall not dODIl 01' su1rered ~wb.81'eb,ythell&1d JlNIIIlAB have beenllDllWllbereclln&1l,Y1I1Q'wJIaWIer, ~ as &for -101, ANDthe pe.rW of the fIrBS p&1't In oompllanlle w1th Ileolton 13 of the L18n LaW,llOV'""anta tlJg the parr.y of the fIl'IIt part w:Ul -mve the ClOIl8Id.erlIt1 far th18 ..........,_ and w:Ul bald tlIII right to -mve IIUOh CClI18Id81'lI&I as a \1'\lfi t\ln4 to be appJ1ecl fIrBS far the PU1'JlCII8 of PQInI the acfi of the 1m~ and w:Ulappl,ythe 8&DIIlfll'llt to the pe.yment of the ClOIIt of the ~ ber01'eU8lnS e;rry part of the total or the ll&D1II far &1I,Y ather pu1'JlOB8. The word. "part,J" Bha1l be CllIl8UU8d as 1! l' 1'8114 'part1es" whtmlIvvr the II8DII8 of th18 1ndenwre BO requI.1'88. IN W1TN1l88 W H .d21l0F, the parr.y of the fIrBS part has duJ, IlDlOUWd th18 deed the da,y and 18&1' f!:rR IIbcmI Wl"1ttIm. ID. P.r8BBn06 of: I<ENNE1'H 8. R '"""1lfY Public, Stat. New York Suffolk County. No. 0 ZM51701. Term El&P1"'. Fell 28. fl1J07 ll'lATB OP NEW YORK, COtm'l'Y' OF lSurn./LJ[ 88.: On \he a"'" d8,y at Oat.obe1', 8006, bero1'e me, the u:nd8rIIIlIn8d, a NClta'L7 Pub110 In and for sa1d aue, pll1'IIOD&I];y appe&1'8d ABTKOB G. PI'l"1'8 and JANB P. BBODDICIt-PI'l"1'8, pel'IIClIl8JJ;ykDawn to me or ,^,,,,...cl to me on the buIa at .....-.ol'71lV1d1mDB to be the 1nd1v1d.ual(e)WhD8eD&lll8~~~~..?~bedtoth8 wWIID 1DItl"W:lIem and to me thS hellIheIth8:J ....""Uted the eame in ~ oapealt,y(1eII), and. that by h1IIher/thIIIr ldgaatUre(a) on the 1DItl"W:lIem, the1nd1v1dua1(a), 01' the pel'IIOD. upon beba11'atwhlah the lnd1V1dual(a) aated,llX8ClUted the 1Dat1'Um8I1t. '2~ S'l'ATI!l OP NEW YORK, COtm'l'Y' OF 88.: On the d8,y at , before me ~ came to me known, who beln8 by me duJ,y sworn, cUd dIIp08ll and.1IlIiJ thS he rea1d88 al; No. ; that he ta the of the CXlI'pOlal;1On deaor1bed In and whlllh ezaauted the fbl'egOlnS 1natruDI8Dt; that he ItnawII the 88&1. at sa1d oorpol'8t1On; that the 88&1. ..fI'I-" to sa1d Ulatr\JJIIIIJlt Ie IIUllh oorpll1"IIte 88&1.; thS It WBII eo afl'l-" by arde1' at the boII.1'd. at cU1'eClt01'lI at 8&ld oorpol'Bt1on, and. that he II1Snlld h D&DI8 thsL'eto by llke arde1'. IlOli&r.Y llA'AAATV.AJID BALlI DBBD AGl-o!; -5- IZJ2... ABTKOB G. PI'l"l'8 and. JANB P. BBODEBICIt-PI'ET8, TO JAMES D. KOLBl!iJlllU!lli:.15B and. KABGABl!l'l' '1'. KOLmliJll.nJ5XI58, hta wUe ." , ll'lATB OP NEW YORK, COtm'l'Y' OP lSurzOLJ[ 88.: On the _ at , 8006, beItlze me, the underIdgDsd, a Noary PubUllIn and for sa1d aate, peraoJl&1I;y appeal'll4 , peraonaI];J ImowD to me 01 ptu.ed to me on thebula at.....-.ol'7llV1dmae to be th81Dd1v1dua1(a) whoII8 name(a) Ie(are) aubllclr!bed tc Ule w1tb1n lnaV\1JII8III; and. ao'II:DoWJedged to me tbal hellIheIth8:J ezaauted Ule eame In h!Ir/hll1'MIdI oapealt,y(1eII), and that by h1II/b8L'Ithe11 a1gnature(a] on thelnat1'um8nt, the lDd1v1dual(a), 01' Ule peraml upon beba11'atwhlllh the lDd1v1dual.(a) aated, ~ Ule 1natrWIlIlnt. IlOli&r.Y ll'lATB OF NEW YORK, COtm'l'Y' OF 88.: On the day at , before DlI ~came the III1baar1bIDI ~ to the ~ ~, with wbom I am pe1'IO"..l~ llIlll"......t-' who be1PlI by me duJ,y lIW01'D, cUd d8poae and IIlIiJ tbal b81'll1ddea al; No. : that he Ja10wII to be the tnd1v1d.ual c!eaorIb8d In and. wtu IlX8ClUted the foreW""1 InIItrUm8Ilt; that he,aa1C aub8aL'lblDg w1tD8U, WBII pt."" and. eaw -me the eame: and that he, aa1C w1tD8aII, al; the eame time aubaal'lbed h D&DI8 at w1tDatIa UuINto. IlOli&r.Y acmo. 099.00 03.00 004.007 IILlICl1I: LOT 001/llft OB 'lVWII IIOU'.rHOLD BBTOU BY MAIL '.00: HABVBY A. AmlOD, EBQumE 206 ROANOKE AVEBUE BIVEmmAD. NY 11901 ... -., " Number of pages "3 TORRENS' Scrial' Ccnificatc . Prior Ctf. It Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgagc Tax Stamp FEES ~lO 3 Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 s. J!Q.... Notation EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. ~onuu. of Ed. Am Sub Total ~- s. J!Q.... ~ N c IS. J!Q.... Sub Total Q,L Other ))71 Grand Total 4 01000 1St. 5099.00 ecllon Bl&l'OO LoP04.007 .....- .....-- Real Propc:ny Tall Service Agency Vcrificalion I I i I . ...---...... '- -- --'- -.- 6 SatisfactionsIDillCluuJcslRclellSCS List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD &: RETURN TO: HARVEY A. ARNO". ESQUIRE 206 Roanoke Avenue Riverbead. NY 11901' 7 REWlOED 2005 Hov 02 02: 0i':58 "" Edward P. Rom;iiM CLERK IF 5lFFOlK COLtIlY L ??oo12418 P 156 1)1# 05-13664 Recording / Filing Stamps Mortlage Amt. I. Basic'Illx 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpccJAssiL or Spc:c./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual'IbwD _ Dual County _ Held for Appointm)f ~ TmnsfcrTax. ~_ Mansion Tax The property covcn:d by this l11OI'l8age or will be improved by a one or t, family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax c111W1C on page It 1:t!s . . 5 CommuDitJ Preaervatloa ll'uD Due S 12.000.00 Improved XX Vacant Land _ TOJD TD TO Title Com an Infonnation Co. Name Aquebogue Abstract COrp. nile. AQ-oS-S-1212 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa 8 'Ibis page forms part of the attnl'he<\ Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made bl Artbur G. Pitts and Jane " Broderick-Pitts The pnlIIIiscs herein is situalCd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO James D. Kolbenbeyer and Margaret T. Kolbenbeyer. bis vife In the Township of Soutbold In tbc VlLLAGB or HAMLET of Mattituck BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BB TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111 ST1i'POLIC COUNTY. CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instr1D8Dtl DBBDS/DJ:lIl Number of Pages: 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0115451 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-13664 Recorded: At: 11/02/2005 02 I 07:58 PI! LIBBR: PAGB: D00012418 156 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 099.00 03.00 004.007 1I!YII,MXNBD AlII) CHARQBD AS 11OLL000S Deed JImount: $750,000.00 Received the Following I'ees I'or Above In8t1"Ulll8nt --.?t Exe Page/Filing $9.00 NO lI,,"dling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHQ $15.00 NO EA.-CTY $5.00 NO EA.-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $3,000.00 NO COmm.Pres $12,000.00 NO :rees Paid $15,154.00 TRANSFER TAX HtJIIBER: 05-13664 THIS PACm IS A PART 01' TBB INSTR1JIIBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL Edward p.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk COunty PLEASE tvpnlR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY c,. IWIS CcldlI C2. Date Deed ft. J: arded 1.tf..1 df,g, ~I ./' ~ I i IO~ I y- /.. Ic..,,-I 1:..5: t. CUo.... I }. c? ~. PROPERTY INFORMATION "~I 105 - IlftttT~ Lloyds Lane .,IU,I UIII'I: Southold - ......- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORl STA11iOf__ STA11i _ 01' MAL rnwrsn.._ RP - 5217 111'012.17 ... JIn Mattituck 1 11952 _am Juse D. ""NIIIII z. ..... - Kolben';2.: LAST__I Kolbenheyer I.MI ..../~ Margaret T. ...- I.T.. ___T.._....bo_ I -.. ___....._111_.._. - LMI...../~ -- ....,......-....... ,.... ......- 1 1 . 01 ""...10 011 0 ""rt 010.......1 ..-...-...- .- III ..... 110_.......4 _ tM ... L=:- I - 10111 .~. .5 .8 I Ixl ............ -- . .rA" .1:mlI lOnIr' """... - - -.... oppIr: 4A.~__&u_-..layE.- 0 411.w-",_AppnMI___rar- . 0 c._~rar"...,......_~_ 0 .. .... - Pitte LMT""c;QIlIIIlUIV' Arthur G. -- Jene r. Broderick- Pitts UlIIT ....,CDMPMY ,...- 7. a.- the .... .... which ... ~ ...... . ........ ... of tile ........, lit IhI tImII ", .. A~OnoF.mil't_ II 2 or 3 FomIIy__ C _ntioIV_und D Nan..."... -"-I Vam UncI I SALE INFORMATION I "._-- E ~ A;ri..-oI I ~ Communby_ F eon-c.aI J InduIlrIII (j.- K Publlo_ H E_IlIIlII1I/Am_ I. - - ..-- -.... oppIr. L~lp~lo~illlll .. _ CanIuuoIIon an V.....und -~~_..AgI\I:uIIIuII- _Buvw_'__-" ....l1li_.1010......-_ o o o o I 2005 y- 1I.CIIIIIk_............-~.- ..- .. .~ 1 9 - I 9 ""' A II C D R F G H I J 1I._"_/~ 110 - / 27 ""' /2005 - .,0.01 I I . · IFull_ Prir:o IIW lIllIl_ poId far.hI -"" InoIudllIII........._. lbll ~ ItIIY III in Iho farm....... _ _ or..... or"" _mpdan d n_.~ a or DIhIIIl'b~a IL-.I ..... roundro.......wItoIIIdoIIIIamaunI. 11.""'__ __n_or__ Soll_ _Campon/olor""_1n 1IuII_ 0nI0I...8_1I_.- ....... or _ io -....-,.."..., or Londing 1nIli_ Dood ~ not __ or IIorgoIn .nd -1SpooIIy - _ d _ or l.Ia _.... _1llpooiIy_ Slgnltlconl Challlllln "'-" _ T_ SlII.._ So _0I8u_III_In_- 0IIw u........ _ -... _ _1SpKIIy IIoIowl NoM ,.._...-.....- I ..0.0 I -'I_III..... · ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Il8Ia "'ould roIIllCltho 1II1II Fln.l_m.nl RoIl.nd T.. Bill 'L_'" ._0I--104.051,'.T__v_IoI.....-In_1 900/8.000 . . ..... .....~.""'..... ..... .. '" 112 ~ctL --GVTl.Ib.G vf: 1L "-tv 1;I0oI 12,l.01-U \L__":"I . T....... "'_111/_ ..........11111.....- _. _ _ with ,.- III ~I 1000: 099.00: 03.00: 004.007 I CERTlRCATION I ....,." IW 01..... _.. bA. .. ".. ....... an 1biI_ ............ _ ... .... -.. "" ......,.. ........,............ . - ...-- ... _ "'1IIbjocI d to.... ....... . .. "'" . .... __ to... ........... ......- ....n- BUYBn ATTORNEY uee D. Kolbenhey ~ m/J T. Kolbenheyer Arnoff LM'_ 105 -- Lloyde Lane ,'Mlr..,..W1IIIAI" 631 -- . Matt1tuck I NY 1 11952 ~.......: "'.....- ~~~G"4!~ I~.t /Db71c Hervey A. -- 727-3904 m___ NEW YORK STATE COPY