HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12366 P 691 . ~ .. R.Y.S. Ileal Eatate Transfer Ta $1,160.00 L IA){,0 R ~~/ q1 -:2. -I P. J Fonn 8002 1'1/991 . ;!OM - 1Imp1ll'" Sole Dftd. _ CavenInlI.'" C..-'.Aa.....lnoIivicllllll or 0I0piInIi0a. I............' 11111 1Y:r....~.......... ~_. . ,...-. m 1 TIIIDL.....-n. - .....__w. THIS INDENTURE. IIIllde \he 11th dlyor January . BETW.EEN WILLIAM F. DeIAlCA and VIOLA L. Green Avenue, Madison, New Jersey, 07940 one! . 2005 nAlnr~, his wife, residing at 53 Plllyoflhe lint ran, and AN'l'HONY RBPOSITO, residing at 42 Whitman Place, West Orange, New Jersey, 07052 and VIOLA R. DeLUCA residing at 53. Green Avenue, Madison, New Jersey, 07940 and as tenants in common paIIy or the second pari. WITNESSETH,lhll\he PIIIY of the rllSl pili, iD considcnlliOll of len dollars lIIId Olher vaJulb1e consideralion paid by lhe pIft)' or \he ___ PIlI. docs hereby anml one! release \lIIIO \he PIIIY of the IIConcI pili, \he heirs or _I0I'l one! usiJII. of \he pony of the _d pall ron:ver. ALL Ihul cenain plOl. pion: or pam:! or land. with \he buildilllllnd improvemenll\hereon em:IaI, .ilullle. lyina lIIId heiD. in lbo: at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold , County of Suffolk and . State of New York, bounded and described as follows: r~d BRGINNING at a monument on the westerly side of Luther's Road 485.26 feet northerly from the ",orner formed by the i~tersection of the westerly side of Luther's Road and the northerly side of"Rast Road; which monQllllll1t is the southeasterly corner of the premi.es about tq be described; running thence from said point of beginning al0n9 'land now or, formerly of DeLuca North 790 17' 50. West 358.21 feet to a monument; . rUnning thence along Lot 98 on the "Map of Captain Kidd Estates", Suffolk County Map No. 1672, North 60 20' West 104.88 feet to land of Mattieuck Park District; running thence along land of Mattituck Park District North 830 40' Bast 340.00 feet to the westerly side of Luther's Road; running thence along the westerly side of Luther'S Road the following two courses ai1d distances: (1) South 90 36 ' 30' East 60.34 feet and thence (2) South 5. 58' 00" East 149.60 f!'et to.the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE part of the premises conveyed by deed dated February 25, 1985 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk'. Office on 'March 6, 1985 in Liber 9747 Page 152 and also knows as Lot 1 on subdivision map of William F. and viola L. DeLuca filed in the Suffolk county Clerk's Office on March 16, 1994 as Map No. 9i77. I .1 RESERVING, however, to the party of the first part tbe exclusive possession and the use' and occupancy of the above-described premises for and during the natural lifetime of the party of the first part. TOOETHHR wilh all .iShl. lillt und inleml. if lIIIY. or Ihe party Clr Ihe lin! plll1. in .nd 10 uy "Inleb and nwl. abullins Ibe ulK>ve.dellCribed premi":olo Ihe e~nler lines Ihereor; TOGETIIER wilh lhe IppullenanelS .nd allllle eolale and .iahl" orlhe rlll1y or Ihe lirsl ~n~1:::~~":~~TO HAVE AND TO HOl.D!he premise. herein gran led unlO the pliny or the ~cond!.url. ..rlliJRL ..(01111. PIny ....Iu .lIfRtl lIMA fit.. IIF. ANTHONY ESPOSITO an undiv ded one (1%' percent inter..t; VIOLA E. DeLUCA an undtvide~ n~~et~ne (~9%) percent intsrest; theiT heirs and assigna forever, "'kuf6'ea~.ify M'th~ ,~l!lIfM.a" fIII~I~~fBffiIjh pan h.. nOllk.n. D' ".ffered In)'lhinll whereby lbo: auid prcmi"". huve been .neumbercd in any way wholever. ....rl u. urorcaaid. ANI) Ih. pUIlY nr Ihc Ii... ru". in .nmrlian.e wilh S.clioo 13 or Ih. l.i~n l.uw. cov"naOI> Ihullh" rarly or Ih" fi"l pull ,,'i11 receive lh" con.id.ralion ror Ibi. eODveyance Ind will hold Ihe .iilhlln receive ouch eonsider- ulion as u 1r051 rund 10 he applied fir"1 rD. lhe purpose or payinglhe cnsl or Ihe improvemenland will upply Ih. ..me fir.llo Ihe puymenl DOlle L'OSl Clhhe Improvement before usin.any pili or Ihe 10lul ohhe same ror any "Iher purpO!IC. The ward "puny' .hull hc cOl\Slrued UlI ir il read "pallie." whenever Ihe ..noe or Ihi. indenlun: "'l'CIIuircs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ih. puny or the lint pall hUll duly e,cc:ulcd 1 i. deed Ihe day and year Ii.... ulx,ve wrillen. I' do i2~... 'L. 01.. b:MU:.'lIo:\;I"IiCN-: 4'".,. :r M ,,~ William F. DeLuca ~~ De~~'- ~ Pase 2 of 3 Ack.____- .....In NewYark ~ Adatallf1adg-.~1ler4 taI&en In....Yark.... BlatD 01 N_ York. County '" , 88: Btale 01 New York. County '" . u: On the day 01 , In lhe year the underslgnecl. pe_11y eppeerecl . beIorlI me. On Ihe day 01 . in the year the undersigned, personelly appeered . bafore me. pereonally ~nown 10 me or proved to me on the ba.. 01 eall.lacIory evidenCe to be the Indlvldu8lCa) whole name(e) III (are) .ubaaibed 10 lI1e w1lh1n Instnnenl and ac:Icllllwl.dgad to me thaI he/.helthey executed the eame In hllllharllhelr capaclty(la.), and that by hllllher/lhelr .lgnature!l) on the lnatrument. the Indlvldual!s) or II1s person upon behalf 01 which Ihe indivic*lal(.) ectad, ~ the lnatlument AcIa~.dlllment by SubecllblngWl..... tabn In New Yark ~ SIaIa 01 New York, County 01 , belore me. On the day 01 . In the year Ihe undef8lgned, personally appeanld the aubecriblng wltnoaa 10 II1e loIegoi1lG lnatrumenl. with whom I am personally acqualntecl. who being by me duly sworn. did depoSe and aey. lI1at ltelslllf'lhey I88IdeCS) In that IteIsheIIhey ~s) 10 be lI1e IndvIcIuaI lIellCllbeclln and who lIlIICUIad the foregoing lnatrument Ihal said aubscrtblng wttr-. was ~and _ said execute the .ame; and that eald wltne88 al Ihe .ame lime. subecribed hlllhel1lhelr name(s).. a wItneu,lI1l181o. Tille No.: WILLIAM F. DeLUCA and VIOLA L. DeLUCA 10 ANTHONY ESPOSITO and VIOLA E. DeLUCA I'" Distributed bY-" I Chil'8gontle Insunmce ~ pase 3 or 3 II i II iii .. " !l ~ 2. I .I personelly Mown to me or proved to ma on the beSls 01 satllIIIlctory lIVkIence to be the IndIvlduel(e) whoee neme(S) Ie Ca..) UIscrIbed to lite within lnatrument and ac:klllllWldgad to me that hallhelthey executed the orne In hllllher/lhelr capeclty(le.), and thai by h1l11her/lhelr .Ignature(a) on the inalrument. the 1ndIvIduaI(.) or the person upon behaJI 01 which lhelndlvldu8l(s) ectad, lIlIICUIad Iha Ir1strurTIe!1t. AcIa.o..ledQement taken -* NewYark ~ t sa: . Slala 01 Hew Jersey .Countyol t\~ . (or Insert District 01 Columbia. ~rrltory, Poaae..ion or FONlgn Country) On the II ~ 01 January ,In lhe year 200~ before me. the undll'ligned. personelly appeared VIOLA L. DeLUCA aDd IIIU.lAM F. DeLUCA personally known to me or proved 10 me on Ihe ba.l. 01 eatiltlactory evidence to be the IndlvlclualC.) whoaa neme(.)1t- (a..) eublcribed to lI1e within Instrument and ac:Icnllwildged to me that -MllMAhey execuled the ..me In _lIIalberlthelr capaclty(le.). Ihat by .ftitIIltePithelr lignature(.) on the lnatrument. lite individual(a) or lite person upon behaB 01 which the 1nd1vldu8l(.) ectad. eacutad lhe Instrument, and Ihat IIlICh Indlvtdual !'PIlle auch JIIIIlllIII8IIO beIore lite underslllneclln the . "'. o..~\ s.""" ,Hev Jersey (add the clly !If poIillcal aubdlvillion and the:etata.or country or r place the 8cknOwledgement was taken).., ':. . . ,8.: - r ." " .,' '. '- . - .. ry PU~;C. : .~KY NolaIJ PubIIO 01 New .,., ID tlf2101584 .- My eo....iII.1an ~ .....,., rJJl1t SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAIL 10: LARK 6 FOLTS, ESQS. P.O. BOX 973 CUTCBOGUE, NY llU5 Zip No. . - ~ Number of poses . TORRENS 3 RECQROEl) 2'J')5 Jan 19 12.26.43 PI1 Edward P.Raoaln. CLERl( ;r; SUfFOLK COUHTY L ??oo12366 P 691 Drll 04-:aJ07 Scrialll Certificate /I Prior Of" /I Deed I Mortgage Instrument 3 Deed I Mortgage Tax Slamp t"EtiS Recordillll JTdilll Stamps Notation I( 1-('_ 2ftL 5. 00 Sub Total d-4 Mortgage AmL I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tu Sub Total SpeclAssit. or Spec. IMAl TOT. MTG. TAX Dulll Town _ Dual County _ Held far AppoillllllCDt Transfer Tu / I ,() _ . Mansion Tu The property c:tlVt:red by lI1is morIJqc is or will be improved by a one or two family dwellilll only. YES or NO If NO. see approprilllc laX clause on L paae /I of this iosUument. \" Page , Fililll Fee Handling S. ..m.... 1j- TP-S84 EA-52 17 (County) EA-S217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit CcrtirlCd Copy NYS Sun:1uqc Other IS. J!!L Sub Tlltal I ~5 cP Gnmd TOIlII ~ -~ Block 02.00 Lot 018.001 5 CommlUlltJ PreIerntIoD I'IUuI 05002601 1000 OggOO 0200 018001 ~~ nsideration Amount $ 290,000.00 Rcal Property Tax Sl!I'Vice Agency Verificlllilm Tax Due $ 2,800.00 Improved X Vacwu Land TO 10 6 SatisfactionslDischargesfRclcases List Property OwIllllS Mailing Address RECORD" REl'URN TO: LARK 6 FOLTS, ESQS. P.O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE, BY 11935 TO TO 7 Title Com n Information o.N RIA Tide /I Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of Ihe anached deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPI! OF INSTRUMENT) WlLLlAK F. DeLUCA and VIOLA I.;. DeLUCA The premises herein is sim~ in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. Southold TO In the Township of A!iTIIOBY ESPOS1TO and In Ihe VILLAGE VIOLA E. DeLUCA or HAMLET of Mattltuck BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTBD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRiOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) PaiD 1 of 3 Ilnllllllllll~ II~IIIIII ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111 SUJ'FOLJ: comn:~ CLBRlt RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDDlG PAGE Type of Inet:nml8nt: DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pagesl 3 Receipt Number : 05~0006502 TRANSFBR TAX HUMBER: 04-25007 Recorded: Atl 01/19/2005 12126143 PM LIBER: PAGE I D00012366 691 District: 1000 Section: Blockl 099.00 02.00 lIVllJIIHBD ARD CllARcmD AS WOLLOWS $290,000.00 Loti 018.001 Deed AmoWltl Received the ~ollowing ~ees ~or Above Il&8trument :b'-.pt NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/~l1ing COB D-C'l'Y TP-5B4 RPT TrllDsfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,160.00 HaI&dling NfS SRCHG BA-STATB Cert.Copi.s SCTII Camm. Pres ~ees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,800.00 $4,109.00 --.pt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRARS~BR TAX HUKBBR: 04-25007 TIllS PMB IS A PART O~ TBB IRSTRmmH'l' THIS IS NO'1' A BILL Bdward P .llaIIIai_ couty Clerk, Suffolk CoIUI.ty . PlEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRfTlNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;J/www.orpa.Bt8t8.nv.ul or PHONE 1&181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY I '1:1. J .g, & '91 C2.__R _ I I, I q ,t'S'; - ... Vji CI. _ I J. r;f. ~. h , ~ I C4...... b .'1' IrAlIllI'_YlllIII: IrA1ElOAIIllll'_-.n_ . PROPERTY INFORMAll0N t.=," 4845 ..-. ..-.: Southold * REAL PROPERTY tRANSFER REPORT . Ct.'__ RP R 5217 -.al'" .. Breakwater Road a/k/a Luther's Roed ..-.- Mattituck 111952 -- arllI:III QMII L~ - Esposito ..... Anthony ..., .... , _J't ..,- DeLuca Viola E. ...,...,~ ....r..... LT.' ___T.........IIo_ I .... '__IIuIIO_.._oI_. - DeLuca 'NII'IIMIIICQWflUft' Viola E. -- 53 Grein AVlnUl Madison I K . J I 07940 DAn .__ .._II'.IIUIIIIII....._. ,... CllY0IlI1UlIlIIlI ..::.., I - -.... Ixl ""'" IORI . . .... 1 . 2. 41 lOoIr,_",___",,,,,, ~""""_"""'.~IoIol,___ 0 .....~",_AppoMI_IIoqoiood""T_ 0 c._~""..-~__IIop_ 0 .. ...... ... ........ ., . .... .... ....... .. . ......... 1 1,01_ OR 0 Portol........ ..- - DILuca WUliam F. ...,....,~ ....- DeLuca Viola L. !.Mr_h. 1ft' ..r..... 1. a.- 1M.... .............. _ - "'Mt........ die .. at.........., .-: ....... III gill: A~_FomIIy_ B Z or:l PImUy .....dlnIIII C n.1J 4W v..t Land D Non R..M ..... v.am lind I SALE IN'llRMA11ON I "._-- E~ ...-,., F _ o Aportmo.. H &_..../Am_ I~_nhy- J -.. K PuIIIo"_ L _ -..---........ I. o.w-....1Woo 10 a............. "__OIlV_LInd -~-_.....-- ,....,.-.----. "'Iho _10 In _.......-_ o o o o KIA - , ..., I - 01 I 11 105 - ... - . CIIeIIr: _. __.._ _ -. _................,. ^ ---_.._- I ___~"_In_ c: 0n0.......,..1o_._ I) ,,-.._Ioaa......._I"-..Wdng_ I! Dood Tw>o .._........ _ _1......_ F -.._..~..........-I8IIooIV'_ o ~Chongo In "-_T_........__ H Iolool_Io_In__ I OII.-llIMIIoI_-"_ -llIPoOIIY_ J _ tL_.._/T_ ,2.9, O. 0, 0, 0.0,01 , . 1FId1..IoPrtoo....._....... poId""" _'III...... __. _ _..." be 'n Iho fonn 01-' _ _.. gaoofo.........mpIIon 01 4._ _...Dr.....~ doIlIJ ,..,.IDUIIIIID....................... ,..-........-- I . KIA, , 0 , 0 I ........ ............... .... I I . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dolo .hould ...... tIIo .... F1nolAoM......... RoM .1Id TOll iii ~ 11.=~;.,.. :-;':-10.41 t7.T___....._In_1 11....__ '1. "'-'Y-- 2 1 0 I, .IRU,..___I ; , Kattltuck-CutcholUl U.F.S.D. 7 6 0 0 , .. T..........._.W'........_.WIl___._____1 1000-99-2-18.1 I , CERTIFICATION I I ....,. .... .. .. ao _...... . _ _ .... _ .. .... ... __ ,..... boll ...., ...... ~ -' _... I' . .... 1M........ ....,........._.. _... .. dlllldod _ Ie'" __' . .. ao . low _ Ie ao............._ __... mlDB IIUYER'8 A1'IDIIIlID ~!!!r:1~:;;! ,01/r/o'F DlUIIW . Lark Richard F. ....- -- 53 Grsen Avenue 631 -- ......,......... .... -.... 734-6807 --- ~ ~ ~.i.~ O~: !Ml...1f5;t,.Io~ William F. DeLuca NEW YORK STATE COPY