HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12427 P 861 qq~ /- 5~ L 12 411 P ~~.\ Sl8nclanl N. Y.8.T.U. Form 8002 .llIJgIIn and S111ll Deed, willi Covenant againll GranlOfl AcII- Unllonn AcIuIclwII dgrMnI Fonn 3280 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING lHISINlTRUMern.THI8INSTRUIIENT SHOULD IE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 15th clay of November, 2005 BETWEEN MARGARET L. PERREnA, residing at 250 Farmvue Road. Matlituck, New York 11952 party of the first part. and DONNA M. FALLON, residing at 2886 Kingsley Road,Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122. party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that lI1e party of the first part, in consideration of Ten and 00I1l1O-(S10.00)-doUars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of lI1e second pert, does hereby grant and release unto lI1e party of lI1e second part. the heirs or SucceBllOl1l and assigns of lI1e party of lI1e second part forever. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being known and designated as Lot lJ24, (twenty- four) as shown in Block 1 on a certain map entitled "Captain K1dd Estates" filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 19, 1949 as Map No. 1672 PREMISES being known as 1455 Inlet Drive, Mattituck, New York 11952 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the parties of the first and second part by deed dated MaV 12, 2000 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 20,2000 in L1ber 12050 Page 047. TOGETHER willi all right, title and interest, if any. of the party of the finIt part in and to any streets and roads abutting the aboYe described premi_ to lI1e center lil18tl thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of lI1e party of the flllIt part In end to seid premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the preml_ hereln grented unto II1a party of lI1e second part, lI1e heirs or IUcoessors and aAigns of the party of lI1e second part forever. AND the party of the first part covensnts that the party of the finIt part hes not done or suffered anything whereby the seid premilles have been encumbered in any way whetever. except .. aforeIaId. AND the party of the f1ret part, In complience willi SBclion 13 of lI1e U.n Law, covenants th8t 111. party of the first part will receive the consideration for lI1is conveyance and will hold 111. right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be apPlied first lor the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and wi apply th. semI first to 1118 paymen.t.of lI1e cost of the improvement before uling eny part of the lolal of 111. semI for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it reed "parties" when _r the ..nse of lI1is indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly ellBCUted lI1is deed 1118 clay and year IirBl aboYe written. IN PRESENCE OF: ?J1~/ ~ MAR I\RET L. P..:RR..:TfA r JrrJI"""'"111 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE IN NEW YORK STATE 'Stale of New Vorll. COUnty of Suffolk. II: On the 15th day of November. In the year 2005. before me. \he unclelllgned. penonllly llIP88ll1d MARGARETL.PERRETTA penon8lly known 10 me or proved 10 me on the belli of utill8clDry evidenc:e 10 be the lndividu8I(I) whose _(I) il (Ire) sublc:ribecllO the within i/lllJument Ind 8Clcnowledged 10 me Ih8I hellhlillhey .-cul8d the ume In hlsIh8rIIheir CBpeciIy(iH), Ind Ih8I by hlllhllrllhelr 1ignlIIunl(1) on the illltrumenl, the Ind . uel(l), or the person upon beh8lf of which the IndlvIduel the m SI8IlI of New York, County of SulIaIk a: On the dB)' of , In the yeer , before me, the undersigned. peI8OIIlIl1y IppeerecI pel8OlI8lly known 10 me or proved 10 me on the belil of IlIlJII8cIlIrt evidence 10 be the 1nd1vklU8l(1) whOM Mm8(I) ill (Ire) lublc:ribecl 10 the within InIIIumenl 8IICI 8dcnowledged 10 me Ih8I hel8hellhey ...cuIed lhe ..me In h1l1her1lh8ir ceP8dlYlIeI). Ind Ih8I by hlll/llmllelr 1IIgneIunI(1) on the Inlbumenl, the IndIvldU81(a). or the person upon behBIf of which lhe Indlvlduel(l) 1CIed, 88CUI8d the Instrument. (lIigneture and ofIice of individual taking 8Cknowl8cIgnIen NoI8ry Public ABlGAILA. WICDlAM .....,NIlIc..... of"''ilIIII No.I2-4&Q871 QIIIIIilId in SuffaIk ~ JIo,N) Cammlasioll &Ilirea Sept. 3O.}Iflll...... 0_ ..,.. III: UltIiD QNI:N 'I1I~Ii" ......1:: A"W'''~ EDGIlENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE SI8I8 (or Dillricl of Columbia. T8friIory, or Foreign Country) of County of a: On the .dB)' of . in the yeer 2005. before me, the undersigned. peI8OIIlIl1y lIPP88ll1d penonlU, known 10 me or proved 10 me on the belli of lI8lilIf8cIory evidIlnce 10 be the individU8l(a) whOM nlme(l) II (-) IUblc:ribed 10 the wIIhIn InlIInImenl end IcW1OW1ldged III me thel IIefaIIeIIhey 88CUI8d the umeln hiaIherIlhelr cepecily(IeIl. Ind th81 by hil/ll8rllheir lign81ure(l) on the insbumenl. the Indlvldual(I), or the penon upon beh81f of which the IndIvldU81(I) 1ICt8d, 88CUI8d lhelnlllUment. end IhelllUCh individual mlde luch IpplIIIrence before lhe underaignecl In the in_New Je~ . (Ind ill8lllt th8 SI8IlI or CaunIIy or_Ill_the 8Ck~ _18k8n) (llIIIIIthe City or _ poIitic8ll1l11ldM1ion) (Iig_.. Ind oIIioI of individulll8king ec:Icncw'.~ Notary Public BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. SECTION BlOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS MARGARETL. PERRETTA TO DONNA M. FALLON ReclllIIled at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ~1Iy . Commom'~~~~!~~.",....\ WICkham. B_ler, Gordon & Geasa. P.C. P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 (. '~I~"~"IAI.IIII."n"'m.l; I~'IL\SI'E f.. 'I''\IP',\,''I;Y I II I l!l I ~ i II i5 i 3 Number of JII&elI TORRENS 3" REClRlED 2005 Dee 28 031~136 PH Edward P. RoIlai.. a.ERK OF Slml.x COlJIlV l DOOO12427 P 861 OTlI 05-21115 Serial t# CcIliflc8le t# PriorQf. t# Deed / Mortpae Inslrumenl PIae / Filing Fee Hlndling TP-S84 Deed / MlIItp&e Tax Slimp FEES ~/ FlIIIII SWnpI 4 .' EA-S2 17 (Counly) EA.S:lI7 (Slale) R.P.T.5.A. Ccmm. of Ed. ./ < _ SubToIII ~ MoItpge AmL I. Buic Tax 2. Addidollll Tu llub 10lil1 <- NOIatioa s QQ.- SpecJAssiL 01 Spec./MtJ. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ =-~ppordonment -&-- ?{)-=- AlTldavlt ..,.k- Cenllled Copy U " Rea- Copy <-- Manaion Tax _ Tbe prapeIt)' ccmr.s by dill monpp II or 4..7\ will bl Improved by a onl or two ramily L5~.SubTalIII --.J~ . dwellln&~. or NO ORAND TOTAL I. <t( 43>, :!. If NO, -IIppIOJII. tax cl.... 011 page t# ~ oftbll . ~O-f 61 Preservation Fund COnsideration Amount S ..er- . 1 nt , OIhar 5 Real Property Tax Servico AgID;y Verificalion DIsI.. Section. B Iadr ~ 1000 oeeoo 0100 036000 ~ CPF Tax Due . s Slamp lnilisls Improved Dstc acsnt Laud 7 SstisfactionslDiscIwga/RlIlcasa Lilt Pro - ~ Mair--- RECORD .. RETU1:: l1li If) , Wickham, Bressler, Gordon' Geasa. p.e. P.O. Bcx 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 TO TO TO 9 . Tide Company Information Co. Nama Tide # ': Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsenient P e This peae fom1s part oftbr: JItt~ Bargain & Sale Deed msde by: TO (SPECFYTYPEOFINS1RUMENT) . The premises herein is silllldlld in SllFFOIJ(, OOUNlY, NEW YORK. In tbr: Township of Southold In the VILLAGE orHAMlEl'of Mattituck Margaret L. Perretta Donna M. Fallon BOXES S 1HRU 9 MUSTOE TYPED oil PRINIED IN 8I..AQ{ INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR Fn..ING. ~. 111111111111 am Imll 1111111111 1111111111 11111 1111 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ S17FPOLIC COUNTY CLBRIC RBCORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of InstZ'\Dll8ll.tl DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Page.: 3 Receipt NUmber : 05-0133964 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-21115 Recorded: At: 12/28/2005 03:32:36 PH LIBBR: PAGB: D00012427 861 District: 1000 Section: Block: Lot: 099.00 01.00 i 036.000 BXAIIINBD AND CBARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 ~ Deed Amount I Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument '" " Bx'""'lpt ,....-.pt Page/Filing $9.00 NO R."dling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCIlG $15.00 NO EA.- C'1'Y $5.00 NO EA.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Coan.Pres $0.00 NO r88S Paid $154.00 TRANSrBR TAX NtlKBBR. 05-21115 THIS PACD: IS A PART 01' THB IHSTRUJIBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRM[VWHEN WRmNG ON .FORM - - - - . - - -. - INSTRUCT-IONS: http:// www.orpl.state.ny.ul or PHONE (6181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT - .!... ~ .' FOR COUNtY USE ONLY . Cl, SWI8 ~ I~. 1:3. g,t,';1 C2.DIM_R1..._ I /iI, d'tf,t9~ MDIlIn ~ n. 1:3. _ I I,. 0/. .../. QJ. 711:4. .....1 t. i. I.. PROPERTY INFORMAll0N 1455 "=1 Inlet Drive ~ 511l1l11_111 .'.-rI ..... .. IITAlEOF _ YOM STAlE _OF-.rNWOn..__ RP - 5217 JUIl.IJ"..JIft I. ..... - Fallon I.AIT..../~ Donna M. IMY... Mattit:uck - Southold en.. OIICMW l.AIT NMII' ,rowMlt .....r'UM. I.T.. __.......1..110III......_ 1 .... '_"'n buyor _.. _ "'!arml . - I ......., .......AND .t1Kl1 fIMIt 1.AI,....'Cf(1IIrINrMt . . . - .. ........ ClTtCllt 'OWJI .. ........ .. ........ .....-~ 'I... RaII........_...lIIe_ , 11 .oIP._ 011 D hrtol._ L=::.., I .... 1,0111 ",..,.' .2.21 Ixl ,_IIUI ..... I I ..hl: IlI'CODI: 10olI1 _... _ _....., oppIy: IA.PIonnIna_wItIl.....II\__~ 0 ..._.......... _...... _T.._ 0 c.___""...~_....Mop_ 0 ..- - ..I. ,"Sa,~~,~, I. ,..... I p~tl! -aMI"" .'1' " .... _/CDIMINr 7. a-II" bOIl............ ....... ".............. 11M .............., .. 1M...... ",--= A~ Dno'.mlly_oI B Z..,hmlly_iIl C n'~ ndII V..nt lind D N...-...... _ Lond l SALE INFORMATION I 11,___ Il ~ ......-.. F ,. ....rcIII G ~ "_,- I ~ Communl.._ J Indullrl.. K Public ....... L F.... , . a........ _ _...... oppIy: & 0wnlnIlIp Typo. tandam....... .. Nwf' Cell. II . on YKlnI Lind 1M.......... __............._ ,..IIuyIr'-.__1-.g ....1lII_loln..Ag__ o o o o , ... , - 'll.CIIIIII_............n .-. 4_ .. - LO .......r.r. 11._01_,""_ .L1 - 15, 05 ... ,- A X R C D R ',,' I II H I J - I , ~ ,-,0,0.01 " . 1'0111010 PriII;o ....1aIII....... pold 1......_ -.... po.- _.... Thll_ m...In.... _ of..... collar _... ar.-...... _mpllan" IltOoll... fit CIIhIr DblpdDnLI "... tDIIIId 10 rite............"" IIftOUnI, II.FuI__ ....__01_110I_ ___~loIar-In.....- Ono of IIWIuyn 10 _._ Buyer or ..... II Go.l....'lllhll /9IftI:t or '--'dInG lnIIItuIIon IlDId Typo___arllllgoln_ _ \IlIIOIIw_ _"'_........... FoII_I......_ 81g_ Chongo In ~_T__.nd....1IIII _ol._lolnot_In__ 0Ih0r U...... _ AI!-.g _ -llIJIaIIV- NonI 14._~~In""'- I. ,,() ~ 0 . 0 I ......., 11- .. ...." . I ASSESSMENT INfORMAllON . 0.. IIIa.1d nO'" ... 1_ FlntI All ,..m RoI .nd T.. 8m I 'LV_..a ._d_--'O d'17.T...._V_I....,.-In_1 .............~..... ~ . .' '''. ~. 0.0 I " " , " 'L~!*- 12,1, 9-t!.J 1&___1 .. . o. 1.... . . I, ". 3B2 Mattituck School .... .' .. Ta MIp..........., RaI' a -_111I" -.. _................. wid. ~.. ....tA.W 1000-099.00-01.00-036.000 I' 1 I CERTIFICATION l IllIIItir) .......,...._orl_..._....___..._IIoIhr.....rllIQ'k-w.r_........... . . ................... .,..,___.,_Ilort _.11I................ _w" .,... -' low _.....-..._.....,__ IY!IB BUYER" ATTORN&Y WiclUlUID. Bres.1or. Gordon" GIIasa. Ii'.C. _Af,~ Do "'Ir."'Jallon I 11/.;0/0:5' DUll .. . '. Wickham. ....- Abigail A. -- 2886 ....,- , . ' ,631 . ....., ..::.... ~c:qIlI Kingslooy Road ...,... W'llll1IILIt , ,. , Shalcoor Heights Ohio 44122 an.._ .,.... ....... H!.YlI (~'~~lt:t A.#A.J~ llargl! t L. 2orr(.tt:~: . . 298-8353 . ' .'to .~l""'~ r NEW YORK STATE COpy