HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12432 P 471 . , l /2431,.. . . P 4-7/ qq-J-3/ " ',W . ., DEED THIS INDENTtJllE, made thisA'day of September, Two 'Ibousand Five BETWEEN 42S Miriam Realty, LLC, a NY Limited Liability Company bavingan address at c/o William Mavrelis, 30.0s 30'" Avenue, Astoria, NY 11102 party of the lint part, Theodoros Toumazou o ./~~ c) baving an address at 42S Miriam Road, Mattituck, NY 11952 's . 0"'. QIJ () I"~ party of the scc:oa4 put, 11'().... ~ . 03/. (I4Id'WlTNESBTll, that the party of the first part, in consideration ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the secood part, does hereby gram and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SU"""""OI$ and assisns of the party of the second part forever, AU. that certain plot or para:1 onand, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE ATTAl :HI':II Sc.:HI':IIULEA . Being the same premises desaibecI in deed &om Steve Ioannou and Mary 10lUID0U to 425 Miriam Realty, LLC by deed dated 03/13/2000 and recorded on 03/23/2000 in Ree112029 pqe 779 in the SuJfo1k County Oerk's Office. SAID PllBMISES being known as 42S Miriam Road, Mattituck, NY. TOG~u1d. with all right, title and interest. ifany, of the party of the lint part in and to any street and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER. with the appurlenances and aD the estate and rights of the party oftbc first part in and to said premises; TO BA VE AND TO BOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the beiJs or Sl.'ccesSOB and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the pany of the first part bas not done or sulMred anythins whaeby the said premises have been euc:umbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. -~ --. " '. ' . AND the party of the lint pan, in compliance wilb section 13 of the Lien Law, COveoanl5lbat the party of the ftnt pan will receive the consideration lbr this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same ftnt to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total ofdle same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as ifit read "paJties" whenever the sense ofdUs indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WRF.Rp,oF, the party oftbe first part has duly executed Ibis deed die day and year first above wriaen. IN PRESENCE OF: 4Z5 MIBIAM REALTY. u.c. ~~ ~~/~ By: TbeocIoros Ton....,o". ~lJ~:; I 11&.k " ... 1" A.K.S. ABSTRACT, LTD. J S~.. (11227) SCHEDULE A ALL Ihal cenain pial. piece or parcel of 1aDd, silUatc, Iyiq llIId beiDa in rile Town of Soulhold. al ManilUCk. County of Suffolk aud State of New York, known IIId designated as and by LoI 129 on B1ock: I on a certain map emitIcd, "Map of Captain Xidd Estates. al ManilUCk Inlet. Town of Southold, Suffolk Coumy. New York, owned and developed by Da~.Es_. I~" Smi~, L.I., ~ .J~ 31. 1!?47 by Ono Van fuyl. Greenpul1; New Yolk". iDd ftlild In die Office of die C1etk of rile Couiny of Suffolk on January 19. 1949 as Map No. 1672, which said plOl.is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEClINNING al a poinl on dte aonhetly liae of Miriam Road distalll westerly 243.2S feel from tbe corner formed by dte intersection of die westerly line of Inlet Drive llIId lhe northerly line of Miriam Road; RUNNING TIlENCE soudl 52 degrees 00 minutes west, along die northerly liae of Miriam Road a distance of SO feet; . . THENCE north 38 degrees 00 minutes west along rile division line betWCe.l1lot 30 llIId . lot 29 a dislance of210 feet; . THENCE north 52 degrees 00 minutes east, along the division line between lot 18 llIId 101 29 a distance of SO feet; . THENCE south 38 degrees 00 minUtes east. ~ rile division line between 101 28 llIId lot 29 a distance of 210 feet to lite northetly \iDe of Miriam Road, die point or pIKe of BEGINNING. , . . . . STATEOFNEWYOIlK ) )II.: COUNTY OF QUEENS ) On the ~J of September in the year, 2005, before me. the undersigned, a Noauy Public in and for the Slate orNew York, personally appeared I,beodol'Ol TOIIm-.u. manaminl! member of 4Z5 MlrI..m P-I~. LLC oenonally known to me or proved to me on the bBsis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subscribed 10 the within instrument ad acknowledged 10 me that helsbe1they cxec:ulcd the same in hislhcrltheir capacily(icsl and that by hislber/their signatun:(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the penon upon behalf of which the individualls) acted, executed the instrumcnl. JP Tllkingadmowlcqmenl .1...IIIMN&~ll$ N...., I'UIIlIc. ..... o. _ Yor~ No. .,....... QuIIIIIlIIn a-. ClOUntr CtR.. '11" ...........,. IOD~ .,1 , ""'" -. ...~- ......- -" .......,." Number of pages TORRENS . , . " RECOROELI 2006 Jill 25 11:31:27 AH ClERK IF SUFFa.x COlIHTV L ??oo12432 P 471 DT' 05-2474~ .' Sl!rillllt CcltificaIe , Prior CIf. It Deed / MonlJllF Inswment Deed / Mong. Thx Stamp FEES RccorcIin& I Filing SIDmp.~ 3 Grand TOlDI /~ MnnpgcAmt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TUlal Sp<<JAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _I)ual County _ Held for Appoinunent _ Tr.lDsferTax ~ _ Mansion Tax The property cl.Ivl!n:d by this nKlrlKDge is or will be improvlld by a one or twel family dwellin& unly. YES or NO If NO. see appropriale llIX clause on lll1IIe , f lhi inst nt. Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-Sll4 S. J!L Nl1Wtinn EA-S2 17 (Coumy) EA-S:!17 CSWlI:) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TotDI Comm. of Ed. AlTillavit ~rtilied Copy NYS SUfChargl! Other S. 00 071- 15. J!L SubTotal 4/~ _^h "".ftM. _<<)/_""_ _..1J31._~" O~14 1000 oegoo 0100 031000 ~~ j1r/ob 5 CommUDlty Pnurvatioa FuDd 6 Satisflll:tiunslDiseluuJeslRelcases List Pro!*lY Owners Mlliling Address RECORD" RETURN 1'0: Wi Ilfl1}H;t: >>fA life !ts/Esr; 3o-fj; 30 ,//ve j... .f e. / /lJ d' ///()dJ.. 7 CPF Tax Due S Real Property Tax Service Ageney Verification /f) TO TO n Information 8 & Endorsement Pa e SutTolk Count Recordin This page forms part of the attached DP Q d /J ~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) j(.;/.J l1?iR iA1II ~~~_ LL C The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. mwie by: -11 eado eDS TO ~lL."JHA ;lOLt. In the Town~ip of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU B MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINCi OR RLlNCi. (over) $;;u.. ~ /) . I ~Imllllllllllnlllll ~IIIIIIII 1111 11m I lUll mill 11111 11111111 surroLK COUjll.....;a; CLERK RBCORDS OI'l':tCB RBCOlU)IJIG PAGB Type of :tD8t~t I ..-mIl/DUD IIUIIJ:MIr of pag.. I 6 Receipt ~r I 06-0008199 'l'RABSlI'BR. TAX IllUJlBBR.I 05-247'3 Recorded. 01/25/2006 At. 11.31.27 AX LXBBR: DO0012432 PMB: '71 Deed AlmuDt: I SeatiODI Block I 099.00 01.00 BXNll:l:IIBD AlII) CIIAllGBD AS I'OLLOWS $155.000.00 Loti 031.000 Di.trictl 1000 Rec.ived t:Iae rol1owiug Fee. For Above :l:D.t~t :IJ[ ~ t 110 110 110 110 110 110 Page/FiliDo COlI D-C'l'l!' TP-58fo 1U"1' 'l'r_.fer tax $18.00 $5 . 00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 -."<<liDo IIYS SRCIIG D-S'l'AD C__t.COpi.. 8C'l'II C-..I're. ..e.. I'.id $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $258.00 .,....~t 110 110 110 110 110 110 '1'RAIISI'BR 'l'AX IImlBBlh 05-2"403 TR:l:S I'AGB :l:S A I'ART 01' TBI!I DlSTava.urJ: TR:l:S :l:S IIOT A BJ:LL . .. - , , , PLEASE~PE OR PRESS,FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.Grps:.&tlIte.nv.u8 or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I'L.{, "7,..3,. g; g: 71 cz. ... IMcIIL__ I.-t. I~ $; P'.f 1 Q. _ I /. ..f. Yo ...'3. ..fI C4. "-I 'I, "'7, I , PROPERTY INFORMAl1ON "~I 4:l5" I ~~W1 ..-. -/1..If,-I.n f cnv OIIT'" -r;;",,,,.. :row I.MTIIM'E/~ Cl. 8WIS Code ~a/ w._ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT III'A...OI'__ III'A1I_0I'_.-....._ RP - 5217 INQ"... "" I. ...,. No_ -r At.cet..,.. FR' NMI 1/19$'.:/ I ...- I LASrNlllll,CCIIIWC" -- 1 Ta ~...fuluMTIIt.".IIIIDIIa'" -. W_...o...,.,_IoI_oI....'I - '7;f,A..,"ZtJw IAIT ..... I CQIIIIMY /t..1I. '1M' J- an 01 TCIMI .".~~ /!,;.;...., IV I 1I'W1'...... ....8 ........... IIMIf "_"_II' _.1 ..... ........ ._~......4 on .. ..... LJ .ot_ OR D.....oI....n:oI ..- I 5'"0 Ixl .llfj IORI ""- . . - - ~....,. ...... - ..- 4~~ If"r I;'" ~Ij LLC - lAIr t.WIl acIIIMW -- 7" A ~,..(,.ar -- I tV. YI /1'/$.2 1I"A1I _CDDI 1IINr._II.__...,......" 4IA. 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