HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12373 P 943 - Ll2-~ 13 fqL4:3 ~q- 1'-)0 CONSUI:r YOUR LAWYER IIEfORE SIGNING 1ll1S INS11IUMENT -1llIS INSIRU!lENT IIHllUUl BE USED BY LAWVERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, maclle Ihe 6th day of January 2005 BElWEEN . Peler Phillips having an add...... a136-18 Broadway. A&Ioria, NY I I lOa party of the firsl pari, and Peler Phillips and Joanne Phillips. as husband and wife with nght of survivorship and l1lSiding al6 Nor1h !lnve, Melba, NY 11'~5l' party 01 the second part, WITNESSETH, thaI the party of the firsl part, in consideraUon of ten dollars and ..ther valuable consideration paid by the party of Ihe second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim 'Hlto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL thaI certain plot. I~ece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon llrected. situate, lying and being in the Maltituck, Town of Soulhold. County at Suffolk and Sla'" of New York. known as lat No. 20, on "Map of Captain Kidd Eslalas- flied in the o""ce of lhe Cieri< of the County ofSulfolk on January 18, 1948. as Map NO.I672. Being the same premises as was conveyed to Boulevard Trading Corp. bydaed dated May 13. 1981. recorded June 4, 1881, if! liber 8012 Page 32. TOGETHER with all right, UUe and interest, If any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abulting the above described premises to the canter lines thereof; TOGETHER wlh the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part In and to seld pl1lmlaas; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pl1lmisas here"n granted unto the party of the second part. the heirs or SUCC8lISors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party d the first pert, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party 01 the IN PRESENCE OF: first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold t as a tnJSI fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of t first to the paymant of the cost of the improvement before u ng any purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as W ~ III rties" reQuires. right 1<. I1lcelve such considaraUon provemenl and will apply the same he total of the same for any other r th" sense of this indanlul1l so IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has du writtel1l, S_"'" N.Y.a.T.lI. Form BOO4 - QuI\t:Iam Oood - Unilonn Adtnowlodgmenl (01"4118 sh08l) Fonn 2218 TO BE uu::n ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS ..an: IN NEWYO~ Slate of New York. County 01 Queens IS: State 01 Now York. County of On the '41, day 0/ J.......,.~ in the year '2.-~.:I On the day 01 in the year before me, the undersigned, personalty appeared before mil. the undersigned, personally appeared Peter Phillips personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of saUsledory evidence to be the Indlvldual(s) whose nsmo(s) is (are) subaaibed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelthey executed the same In hlllherlthelr capacity(io,), and that by his/herllhelr slgnalure(s) on Iho instrument. the Indlvidual(s), or the pa""'" upon bahall 01 which the indlvidual(lS) 8ct~, executed the instrument. P..;.1. SJ..~_~ (signature and office of Individual taldng acknowledgment) 55: personally known '10 me or pn)ved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(l) whola name(a) is (are) subaaibad 10 the within in,trumant and acknowladgad to me that he/SMithey executed the same in hlslher/their cepaclly(lae). and thet by hls/harllheir s1gnature(s) on "'e Instrument, the IlllflvldualCs), or tha person upon bahelf olwhich the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. (signature ond office or individual taking acknowledgment) PAW. STAMATEIAI'OS Noay...... _" Now Yadl No. alST5Cl29G78 QuaMW"-~l <:"......10. &po..: 'f'~ If)' TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNnWI AV:MENTIS lIan= OUTSIDE NEWVORK STAlE Slale (or District or Columbia, Tanitory, or Foreign Country) of 59: On the day 01 in the year before me. I~he undersigned, personally appeared personally known 10 me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 10 be the individual(8) whoae name(s) is (are) sub.cribed to Iha within Instrumant and ocknowledged 10 ma thot helshallhey oxacuted the sema In hIslharllhelr capacity(Ias), and that by hislher/lhelr slgnature(s) on tha inslrument, tho indlvidua~'). or the person upon behaR of which the indivldual(.) actad. executed the Instmment, and that such Individual made such appearance before the undersigned .in the In __________________________.__________________ ___- (lnd 1n.&It tho SIoIe or Counlty or _ place Iho acknowledgment wo. token) (insert the City or oIher political subdivision) (Ilgnature ond _ 01 individual taking ._&dgmln') OtSTRICT SECTION _99 QUITCLAIM DEED BLOCK LOT I 20 COUNlY OR TOWN Sulffelk Tllla No...___._ _________________ STREET ADDRESS TO Recorded at Raquael 01 THE JUDICIAL TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY LLC STANDARD FORM 0," NEW YOIUC. BOARD OF TITLE UNDERWRJTERB OIolrtbuted by THE JUDICIAL TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY LLC 550 MAMARONECK A\ll!NUE HARRIlION, NY 10521 94...381-t700. _2111. TITLE RETURNI BY MAIL TO: Peter Phillips 6 North Drive Malba. N Y w u ~ ~ o c z is .. o u w .. ,~ -0 w .. :> .. o ~ w u ~ M ~ 0- W m M ~ .. [!] 2 . Nl1lllbcr of pag~. J..,) ----' RECORDED 2005 Feb 28 10:33.02 RM Edward P.Ro~aine CLERK OF :SUFFOLK COVl'ITV L DoooI2:373 P 943 DTi 04-305BB TORRENS Serial # ____.___.__ Ccrtifiloale # Prior C'tf. # Deed I Mortgage Instl1lmcDl K -.,--- Deed I Mortgagc 1'"" Stamp FEES Recording I Filing Smmps Pag~ / Pi ling Fee Handling 5. 00 -'---'_.~-'-- -- Mortgage AmI. 1. Basic lfax 2. Additional Tax -..----- TP.584 --.-....,.----. -- Sub Total Sped Assi!. or --.--- Notation -.---.-.----. -- EA-52 17 (CouDly) __.____. __ Sub Total EA-52l7 (State) R.PT.S.A. ~ ... ()- tJ:2 Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointmc:nI Transfer Tax .n- --...., - Mansion Tax --.--- - -.---.---- -- Conun. of Ed. _"____~?: 00. Affidavit _._--,--~ -. Grnnd TOlal 02g9 /fJ The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a One or two family dwc:lling only. YES__ or NO Certified Copy NYS Surcbarge Otber -'-"""'--.-- _. .__.__.~-' 00 . Sub TOlal _._~---- --- ~1. Real Property r Tax Service . Agency Verification .~~.~ [BlOCk Lot If NO, see :appropriate tax clause on page ; Ilim? this insll1lllleDl. . 5 ComlnuiJty Preservation Fund _ .-::e:r 05005396 g;'~) .p7-FEB~~ 6 Satisfactions/Discharge.'lIRcleascs List Property Owners Mai.ling Address RECORD & RETURN TO: P~I./L S,o'll-/fl'E.i...I'/-raS I E. ~ 36 -1<1 B~A~,^,,q:j 2Nb F-LOClt'< Consideration Amount $ 1000 09900 0100 020000 CPF' Tax Due: S _ / mpnwed / Vacant Land ./ ~ TO. /tJ TO TO AS"o,z,A, ~\J!~ 'I/Of, 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name Title # ::J Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pm of the attached ~ ''Ta.AI''''- 'bE 10.1:> (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ._ made by: 7'E 'fElt PIIIU,Pf The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. 10 In the Township of SO ~7"1+-ot...D ." In the VILLAGE .h-rUJ.. fIII,LUPS.ovl 'JOAtVNA' "HU-tfS or HAMLET of MItT""'''''~Ic.1<= BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ((wer) ----- 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type, of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number. : 05-0021444 TRANSFER TAX ,NUMBER: 04-30588 Reco%'ded: At: 02/28/:2005 10:33:02 AM LIBER: PAGE: 000012373 943 District: 1000 Section: 099.00 EXAMINED AND $0.00 Block: 01.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 020.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the 1"01 lowing Fees Page/Filing COE EA- CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 For Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTM Comm.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $239.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX N'OMBER: 04..30588 THHI PAGE J:S A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THJ:S J:S NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONlY Cl SWIS Codo PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRML V WHI:NWRITIIIIG UN FORM INSTRUCTIONS, http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (51BI 41'3-7222 REAL PROPERTY mANSFER REPORT 7< ?,~,~, <:%, rl ,~ .~t STATE OF NEW YORJ( STATE Bt)ARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES C2. DOl. Deed Rocordedl I t/.;L / ;;:l. If ,0 S--f IMnmb o.v V..r C3. Book I /,"....2.;;;,?J 11:4..0uol , ,,"!fa PROPERlY INFORMATION RP - 5217 RP-5~17 I," JWI "_"'1 405 __I Sound Beach Drive LDClItlon STRi-U NUMGC1'1 lJ'n;FFT HAM! LSouthold OTVORTowN-'-~- PHHLIPS Hllttituc:k ~....... 111952 Z1I'COI)[ 2. Bu~r Nama PElter L .L.ASTfoIAMf/C:=O,,~- LAST NAN[ I COMI'ANV PH I LI.IPS "1IIS11iIM/lE JOftnna nRl1U"W: 3. T.. tndj~tI wncro future TIJI Billl are to be sent 811ling if othttr thin buyer addrcu lit bottom of forml I Add,... LAST MAW I CO...PAN'" ~IIIST Hal.... lfTMET-'\JWI!lEJI"i"t"DlOTN-fl "lI"'~ CITY OR TOWN STAll Z1PtODI; 4. Indie... th. number of ~mam Roll parqls tt.n...... on the ....d LL~ /I of Parcels OR 0 Plrt o.f. Parcel 5. Deed '- Size L_ 5"O._JxL FMNTF'EH I~(} [11....1..1 10.1 'ACl'I!5 . COnly if Part at . Pln:eO Otedt .. they IIppIy: CA. Planning BOlrd 1Hith 5ubdMIKlo AlJthnriry Elliltl 0 d. Subdivision Approql WH Requintd for TransfcK 0 4C, Partll ApprOved for Subdivision IlWith Map Pravidld 0 e. SetI.... "'11'1. L UlsrN.UlE/co;..P"m-- PHILLiPS Peter f'IIlITItAMI lAST NAMl!' IroW;u;;;---- tlRlllIIAM[ 1 Chec:. Ih. box below which moll KCur.t.ty deleri.... the u.. of the pro,.ny .t Ih. time 01 ....: ^ ~ One F.mily Rnidenttlll R 2 or 3 FDmlly Residel1ti.a1 C X Resldenti.! VllII:WIllLIlncl () Non-Resideontial VllcanlUlnd I SALE INFORMATION r ". Sal. CDntI'M:! Dtn. E ~ .",;,.11.(11 F Commercill (j Apa1\ment H EnI....nmllnt, Amu.llmonl I ~ CommLJnity Service J InduaII'r.1 K PublicS.-"ic. L Fore.. [:11_ the box.. bIlIDW _ th., epplJ; I. Ownership TYlpe is Condominium I, New Construction on V.cant Land 111A. Property I.DcIud wil.hin an Agriadtural Cilb'k:t 1oa. Buyer r1lC8ived iI diKlOIiollro nota indicaUf'IIl IMr 1M pmpol1,V i. in an AgticWtur.1 Diatia o o o o Day v.", 11. a.ak an. CIII' m~ aI u... cond'rtions . IIPPk-ble to tIWwfw: Sere BetwMn Relnv-l Dr Form8r Relutivos Salo Bctwaon ReLlted Com~ni. or Partners in Bulinau One of the 8uy8n I, alao II SaDer Buyer elr SelSor m GOY~lfnmonl Agenc:v Or LendIng InstiMion Deed T'p'pe not Warranty or Bargain end Sale (Specify Below) Salo of Fraction.1 or leN then Fee II1I:....a (Specify B81aw) SigniflCllnt Changa in F'roportv Betweon T.xable smw. end S.le Dltes Slle of eulinou i. Indudocl in SeIO Price Other Unu.ual Flldora: Affocting Salo Price ISpecify Belowl None L I / M,'" 6 / 05 DiIy YOlIr 12. Did. at 5." I Tr.n.fIIr L 1 , M.... 6 ,OS 13. full S.le Pnc. L."_.L~--'----'----" ,() , 0 , 0 I , , . . (full S.lo Price ilUle total amount paid for the property including porsonsl property. Thil p.eyment ma", be in Ihe form of iCUh. othor propOl'l.v or goocll. Of me luumpllon 01 mol't(Jages or other obli"acionl.l PIearJ round 10 Ihe noa,..1I whole dol'" amount, 1"" Indlcllb the v.lue of ~l'1M;InaI I , I (J. I) , 0 I property includild in tbe ..tit , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 0818 should rufloct the I,tellt Final Au.oment Rolland T.x Bill 16, v.... at AMeun.nt Roll horn I 0 tL I 17. Tat.eI AsMsud Velue lof .U perul. In tnlnelerll whk:h information tllken ~ ; '-' ; , 4-. b ; 9 l<- .0 1.. Properly CIe. L3.."L~-LJ 19........ C_ Nom. I SouthoId zo. Tax Map "nt"I_11 Ron 1dMnif'-ns' UI man then taur. .eudl1Iheet wtth acldhloul Id......C.J1 Slection 99 L____.._____"___ 1l10<:k 1 I Lo t 20 I CERTIACATION I n'rtiry dull .u 01 Ulr lIm15 of' i....onnatinn entered on Ih1I torm arc true ..... cnnwt no liar bat ur DI)' kIMJWW" IIIId ....,., and I ~ thallIw ~ of 811)' ,,11M riiR !'Ilattmml of ID8IrrlaI ract hen..ln will mbjI!d .. to tilt Drun\"im5 I'" IhI Denal Jew ftIIlh-r to thr makIn. and fill... of fIIIw! ihlll.........~ ~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY . eltSIG I 1/6/05 .." St"matehltos Pau 1 LAST NAMIi '11lST!luWe North DrIve 718 9~;6-H144 I[LtPlO\ll:NUMItIl 8TN'FrN~WI[R$itoL[1 . MeACtlDI ---- ____---.L!! Y IoT""E 11351_ ...ce,,,, SELLER NEW YOJ~K STATE COpy 1/6/05 DAfl. -. ----- j