HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12389 P 299 . . qq~/-/1 110~ -~ \y\ . .. L-l13~ p q1 ;': ,Ii. ...._ -......._llo..Ilocd,_C__an..-....-I....._.Caopnriaol5lllllo_ CDUlUL'Z' YOUR LAna IIFORI 81G1Um TlUI ZMI"rJllMDI-TIfIIi lUT'lUDllln' IJUaULD BB USED BY IMYDII GIlLY. . TillS INDE/liTURE,11Ulde the II th day of MDY, in the y...... 2005 BETWEEN F. Paul DiMan:o. nosidiq al 355 Sowtd Bneh Drive :l(anituc:t, NY 11952 pany of the fllSt part, IIlcI vt\~ ",,,.l h...~t).1\1 Barbara Thermos Dod Kil1lOll ~lidiDg II 5 Jl:iekerbocker Road Manhauet, NY 11030 parly of the second pan, WITNESSETH. thaI the parly of the firsl pan. in COIIIideration of 11;),,- dollars paid by the party of the second pari. dues b..'I\:by IlIBDI and telease unlO the party of the second pan, the hoirs or S\ltceSlOII and assigns of the party of the _d part forever, \l', \0Il0 See: 99 Blk: 1 Lot 19 ALL thaI Cftfllin plor, pi= or parcel of land, ..ith the buildinp III\d imprDvelllCll\s thenoon erecred, situate, lyiDa and belnllln the See Schedule "A" DlIlIChed hereto "DeiDlllbe IIIII\C ptemises conveyl'd to IJIUlOI' by deed: Dated 1/22/98 m:onIod 3/11/98 in Liber 11882 ep 841" TOGETHER with aU rilllU. title and inlcn:sl, ifDDY, of the party of the filii pan in and to DaY _ and hI8ds Dbulliq the above described premises to the CftIeI' lines lhen:of; TOGETHER ,,'ilb the IpJl\IrIeIIIIXC and aU the elm'" and ripll of the party oflbe filii pan in and to said ptemisn; TO HA VI! AND TO HOLD the ptemisn betein granIed UIIIO the party of the second pari, the heirs or successoll and _p of the party of the ICCClnd pari forever. AND the party oflbe fusl part covenants thDl the party of the fusl part has nor done or suffered DDythin& whereby the Slid promises ha\'C beea eacumbered In any way wbate\'Cr. CltCepI u af_id. AND Ibe party of Ibe filiI part, iD eomplianc:e with Section 13 of the lieD Law, CO\'CIW\1S thaI the party of the fusl pari will rteelvc the consideration for this conveyance and wiD hold the rillhllO teeeivc -" c:oasideratioa II a lrUIl fund to be applied filiI for the JlUI1lOIC ofpaYina Ibe cost of the impJovement and willlJlllly the IIIIIe filSl 10 the paymenl oflbe cost oflbe impravemcrn befote usin8 any part of the tolaI of Ihe IIIII\C for any othor parpose. The word "party" shaU be construed DlI if II read "parties" whenever the sense of this indealllre 10 tequires. IN WITNESS W1IEREOF, \be party of the filiI part has duly executed this deed the dDy and yeDr firsl above wnlteo. ~.0j F. Paul DL\4D":o ~. , ' -", ~ f )' "",^.L ~<4.~ Iif'. lV\ ~ ~ ~ ,f\J.o.i ~ .. , .. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY TIlle No.: 3805-00137 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~4.c~,Oo (t ALL THAT CBRTAIR PLOT, PISCS, OR PARCBL or LARD, SI'l'tIATB, LYDlG, AIID BIING AT MATTITUCK, 'I'OIIN or SOOTHOLD. COllIl'I'Y or surFOLK AIID STA'l'B or IIEW YORK, XIWIIJI AIID DSSCRIBBD AS LOT 21 BLOCK 1 011 A CBRTAIII MAP EllTITLID, "MAP or CAPTADI JCIDD SSTATBS" AIID PILBD III THB OPPICS or '1'IIB CLIlIlJC or THS COUIITY 01' SOI'FOLK ON JAIIlJARY 19, 1949 AS MAP /11&72 lIHICIl SAID LOT ACCORDING TO SAID MAP IS BOUIIDBD AIID DBSCRIBBD AS FOLLOlfS; BBGDOlING AT A POIRT 011' '1'IIB SOUTHBI\STDLY SIDS or IIOUIID BBACH DRIVB DISTAIIT 101.22 FBBT sotl'l'HlIBSTDLY FROM THB IX'1'RIMB ll........'Ly BIID or CllRVB CXlIIIlBCTDIG THB SOUTIIllB8TBRLY sms or IIlLBT DRIVB AIID THS SOUTHBASTERLY sms or SOllIID BBACH DRIVB; RUJIJIING THKIICB SOUTH 38 DBGRBSS Bl\ST 150 I'BBT; 'l'IIBNCB SOUTH 52 DEGRBSS WBST 50 I'BBT; THBRCS NORTH 38 DBGRBBS IIBST 150 I'BBT TO THB SOlITHBI\STlRLY SIDS or SOUIID 8BACH DRIVB I TIIBIICI IlOR'rII 52 DBGRBIS BI\S'1' ALOIIG THB SOIl'l'IlBlISTBRY SIDS or SOlDlD BBACH DRIVI 50 1'11'1' TO '1'IIB POIRT OR PLlleB 01' BBGIIlIIING. FOR INFO~TIOII ONLY DIST. 1000 SSC. 099.00 BLK. 01.00 LOT 019.000 ......,. -LSQAL DBSCRIPTION- .. . . STAT! OF NElf YORK, COUllTY OF Queena ." :011.... U- cloy of May in Ihe yar 1005. before me. the undcniancd, penonaJly appeared F. Paul DIM.,... . .........lIy known to lilt or pnlvcd III lilt .n the bull or IIlisrl<lory evidence 10 be lIle indi,icIU1I(I' whose 11IIIIIO(1) il (lIIC) ..bacrihcd 10 Iho wilbin iNuumcnllllld ocknowledacd III lilt .....1Ic/sheIIIley ueculcd lhe IllIIIO in lrillllerlthcir _ily(iaj, and Ihat by hillhorlthclr IlpudUIll\I) on IIlc .IIIInImenI,1IIe illdiviclualllj, or IIIe per-. on bclWr orwhieh lIle ,ndiviclulll(s, lltIed, eUCllled IIIe illllnm1Clll. ~. NOlDry PublIC CRAIG HARTE NOTARY PUBLIC. ... III NIw YClIk No~O'tl"". QuIIIIId In .....:::\m Cv...IJ 11m ExphaJ&N 7. STA'I'B OF . COUNTY OF On IIlc cloy of in Ibe year bora.. lilt, .... undmigncd, . NoIIUy Publi. in Ind for..id Stale, panonaJly appeared .Ihc subscribina wi_ III the r.....i"l laSlrllmen', wilb whom I om porsonaJly lICqIIllialed, who. beina by lilt duly lwam. did depoac and ay dull belshellhcy rniIIe(l) in (ir. plan or..... ill iI.a.,. _ladIdII......... -.....,.,.IIIY. _11I11 hallhotlhey knowIl) III be IIlc indMdual cID.,;bed la llIId who ....1IICd Ibe fbrc&oina lallrumenl;..... said subKribi"ll wiln'" w.. preseat and ..., soid exctllle IIlc 1llIIIO; and dull soid wiln... II ,he same lilllt subacrihcd hillllcrllhdr nlllllO(l'" 0 wilnClll.herelO [add lhe roIlowin1 iflhe ""knowl"",-",_ ,",..ill< SY -J and mill uid subacribina witness IIIIlIIe ...... oppcarlIIIC:C before .... undeni&ned la lhc (inMn.... city or_ poliliW IIIbdiYilian IIIllIIhr 5... or_or_p1_1hr .....r...._~ Bargain and Sale Deed wml COVENANT AGAINST GRAr-rroK'S ACTS TI1l.~No. F. PAUL DIMAIlCO TO DAHBAKA THERMOS AND KIMON T1IE1lMOS Dllbibuted By Chicago Title Insurance Company STATE OF New York On 1he cloy or in .... year , before me. thc undftsianed. JlCIIOIIO!ly lIppOlIIOd . penonaJly known 10 me or pnI\'tld 10 me on IIlc buis .f ..,lll'ocIory evicIcnc:e 10 be thc individual(.) whose nomc(l) is (ore) IUbacrihcd Ill"" wilbla insmnncm and acknowlcdpd 10 me ..... hcIshdIhey CIllCII1N Ihc some in hilihallbeir capudI,(ial. and dill by hililledlheir lipIlun(l) on Iho inmumcnI.1Ilc Individuoklj, orlhcpcnon on beIwlr.rwh.... IIIe indivldual(l) lICIed, lJlCCulld thc ins\rumcnl (add Ibo ....lowInIlflho..knowledpml&.. __ NY 5_1 and dull soid individual mode such oppcIIIlIICO bel'orc IIlc oncleni&ncd ia!he (lnscn.... c1or"'_poI_ _1IIoI1ho _...~..._pIocelbo_" V--....l STA'I'B OF On Ihc cloy or bcf'o.. me pcrIOIIIlly"":" COUNTY OF la the year III me known. who, bei"ll by me duly swom, did depoac and ..y dw he ...ides III ..... he luhe or thc COIJIOI'8lion dcscn"bcd in Ind which excculCd lhc .......ina insIrumcnI; Ibll he knows rbc ICIl of sold corpoIlIllon: IboIIIlc scaI urn.cd lO.id iNuumenl is such ......... ...1:..... ;1_ 10 urnJlCd by older orlhe boonl or di_ or IOid corponuion. Ind Iblll he sIjpIcd h IIlIIIIIIhcnIo by like .nIcr. "'"nON .. BI.Qt.1C. I LOT .. rclUNTY OR TOWN ....... J!S Sal.lDlIuaI DaIvI MA1nLa. ~"Y 151D RETURN BY I\lAlL TO: CADWAI.ADEK, WICIWR.~IIAM" TAJoT, LLP MIOIAFJ.O. KAVOURIA.~. E.W. OSEWOKLDF~ANCIAL~K NI!W YORK, NY 10281 . .' . . ~ Number of pages TORReNS Scrial# Certificate # Prior Of. # De.:d. Mongasc Instrument Defd / ~iongage Twt Stamp FEf~ 3 Page / Filing focc Ilandling 5 .!IlL TP-S84 NOlalion EA-52 I 7 (County) Sub TOIlII EA-S217 (Stolle) 2() CD R.P.T.S.A. Cumm. (If F.d. 5.JllL Al1illa\'il Certified Copy Rolg.Cory Other Sub TOIllI Grund TOIlII-' sa - ,t 4 Distri'11000 S~lion Real Property TD.~ Servic.: Agency Verification 099.00 Block 01.00 LoI 019.000 5 09900 0100 019DOO 6 SalisrllCtionIDiliChwJleslRelease List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD &: RETURN TO: Michael G. Ka\'ourlas, Esq. Cadwalader Wlekonham &: Taft LLP One World 101nanelal Center New York, NY 10181 ~1) 2005 Kau 26 11141145 All Edward p. Rilu1ne a.ERI( IF SIi-'"FOLK COOIITY l OODOIZ589 pm DTt 04-42408 Reeonling / Filing Stamps Mongage AmL I. Bwdc Tux 2. Additional Tux Sub Total Spec./ A5SiL or Spee./ Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for ^ppoinlll~e~Oir Trunsferl'oIx ~ _ Mansion Tax The propeny covered hy Ihis motgage is or will be improved by a one IN' two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, _ appropriwe IIIX clause on page # of Ibis inslrumcnl. Communlt Presenation Fund Consillerollion Amount S~ CPF Tax DO:; S :-:\9 ~ Improved lC. Vacant Land TD_IO TO TO 7 Tille Company Information Cu. Name Chi 0 Title Insurance Com an TItle # 380s.e0137 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Pa e ~ This JXlge rorms pun or Ihe aUlIChed Deed F. 1'.111 Di'\19rrn The prcmisis herein is situalell in (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) mllllehy: SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of Soulhold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET or Maltltuek BOXES 6 THROUGH B MUST 1m TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK ISK Ol\LY PRIOR TO RECOROI:\G OR FILING. Inv..r' TO Klmon Thl'rllU1l.JlJJd Barhara Thermos .. 1111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111 1111 1I111I1 111111111111111 StJPPOLK COtJN'l'Y CLBRK RBCORDS OPPlCB RBCORDlNG PAGB Type of Inetrument. DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Page.. 4 Receipt Humber . 05-0056932 TRANSPBR TAX HUMBBR: 04-42408 Recorded. At. OS/26/2005 11.41.45 AM LlBBR: PAGB: D00012389 299 Di.trict:. 1000 Sect:ion. Block. 099.00 01.00 EXAMINBD AHD CHARGED AS POLLONS $346.000.00 Lot. 019.000 Deed AmoUII.t:. Received the Following Fee. For Above :Instrument: B7roMllpt NO NO NO NO 110 NO Page/Piling' COB EA.-Cn TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,384.00 Handling IIYS SRCHG EA.-STATB Cert.Copies SCTM CODIIII.Pres 1'... Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,920.00 $5,456.00 Ib::llIIIIjlt 110 NO NO NO NO NO TRAJ/SPER TAX J/UMBBR. 04-42408 THIS PAGII IS A PART OJ' '1'HB IJ/STR1lIIIDlT THIS IS ROT A BILL Edward P. Romain. COUII.ty Clerk, Suffolk COUII.ty , " PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.nv.ul or PHONE (618) ~73-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY CI,_~ it REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I ~?, ?,~.!/,rl ca." Deod R .... ~ -if I c;::.Ji ca. _ 1 / ,).,..> ~ ,9 I C4. ..... PROPERlY INFORMATION 355 arAlE Of _ YOIIl arAB IOARD Of IIEAL___.. __ RP - 5217 1IN:17 ...."., 1'=1 Sound Beach Drive ~,-- T,bT&u.+h..ld V1LUlIiI 1111~ f48,tti..tUl!k art 01 TQMII I.~ - Thermos ...-r_'_._n Berbera ...,. .... Thermoe IoMT .... ,..A......, KillOn -- J,T.. ___TIlc"'_lDbo_ -. w__...,...._1II_oI_1 - I .._,_I11III......._ UlIJfNMII'~ .......... an' 01..... ITAII .aa 4..................", Ii .__1 ReI.... ._................... . W '01_ OR D _01._ L:::,- I - -...., Ixl _,n lOR I , . -- . l:JJ 1lIoIy._0I.__....,...... 4A.""'-__..~,._Aahldl\r_ 0 ....ilI....____IloqIftdIar_ 0 C._~Iar..~-___ 0 L_ 110_ D1lIarco F. Paul I.MT...., ClQIIII'I1Wf ....... ...r.....'_ In' ~..... .~--- ti~~~. R 2 or a Family RlIIA.4IiII P CcImoNmoI C _V_lAnd (i ....._ D NonIl.lIl11ndll V_ .... H E_I_ I SALE INFORMAllON I 2 15 I 05 "._-- I - .., - 5 11 05 11._0I_/~ I I - Dor - - ...-- ...,...... ___T_"~IIIII J~Cammonlly_ ___...V_LInd J __ _-...-_..~_ K __ III....._.__~ L F_ ...1IIo_101n.....-._ 1&____01_ '" ....,-111_ ....--..-- ___~Ioo..--In_ _oI..~II_._ ""," lei... II Get _...._4 AgIncy or ~ InIIIIudon Dood T_... __ ..1I/gIIII'" -...-v_ _oI_......_rw_...-v._ ...-a.ngoln~___Illd_~ _01_10_111__ 0IIw__-.__1Spodfr_ - o o o o 'I. a..a:: .... ... ............... _ - _~...... ilia.. .............., ........... aI .. '301," n I 0 ,0.01 , J . IFoll1III """ II... --1lIid lor... _1noIudIng ........_. Thlo _ _boln 1110_ 01_ __.............__ 01 m.. _ .._..... "'._1 __ID...____ ,..==~= I I . . ~ ' ,0 ~O,OI I ASSESSMENT INFORMA1IOH. IlIIIIlhauld _Il1o _ FInIII Au._ Roll .1Id llX Bin ~ o 5 ILY_oI. . .lioii_1 117.TOIII__IoI"_II~1 ......""'-............ -, 2 6 0 Matt/Cutch/Leurel "'__ I . . I-LJ ____I II.FuII__ ; ; 2 5 ; o 0, ..Too....... 'R 1rI111011....ar...''''.___.____~ 1 ~ ,E)IO 1 CERllFICA J ...., "''''''' i 099.QO jl 01.00 ~ 019 .Qoo - - _ ... _III'" .... ""'" L-l . ~ "'lIIIWlad I . ~ .... liar.... ......._... "'..._...._111...-.......,__ ... 8UYER'II A1'ItIIIIIf.Y ~ --- Kavourias Michael G. lAIr.... ........ s ......- ~::"t'. ~~+ I ~j x1p_a'Z I Lt(\,Jt.,.,.bo~ 1UJ I .......... ....IUlIMII 212 504-6000 ..COllI 1~_ I J I 03 'i) .- ,sJI0S- NEW YORK STATE COPY '"