HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12441 P 496 10" .' ..~. .' .~ DISDICr 1000 SIfCrlW 099.00 IILIICI: 01.00 LOr 001.000 7 tj -1- / hY OIlS. .......... s..Ie IJftoI_Nll'uovtftd ...ar..r....ilI Nb Wi'..... ...t."....___IS.~ "lIwII IfI,"YBTU IMCI L'ON.lICUL T YUURU"YKllJIIoJltHlEHlt;NlSU DlIK L'liRR13II'N1'. TillS l:'Ilsrlll:)lKS1'SlIOL"LD IE gt;o BY ..Awn...,.; U."U.Y nlllI L"Dt:Nl1;KIl, """" ,o. '7Ho. Bt:TWEI!N dayuf ~cc:.~- I,llr .indle)WI' 2005 .1 STEI.LA KIERNAN. residing 811200 Sound Beach Drive, P.O. Box 927, M8Ilituck, New Vorl< 11952 ad PATRICIA BRF.8I.AUEH, residing 81 60 Old Town lmIe. Huntington New Vorl< 11743, II Traslftl of the STEJ.J.A K1KRNAN REVOCABLE TRUST dlted JIDDI.,. 29'",1997 I ,"1M'J . t .:1,>.. 'p. ;lain. patly'tlflbtfinotP!.lrl.und .. .;.t'r . ::IJ"""."J:f)t oI"""...."rl..~'f,. ..........,-1.. ... .....:::t.. . ~. ....,.. I. . STELLA KlERN'\N;residi~g8l12ooSound BelCh Drive, P.O. Box 927, Mauiluck. New York 11952 .....y.~............. pan. WID&SHY.J1I,ltuu 1M pari)" ll'IN finll pun. ia alll'lklrmim niT cn 001111$ nlwr \'atuab~ a.mWdrr.J.tion puid by the pari)' IlrlhcloC\.-..d put. dl.'lnl ba'eby,..... and n:leuc UnllllM parly l,raM "n:nnd pa....lhC' heh.or liiUC\."."S5ur.cund IlGsipu uf me purl)" ttflhe semad ran rLln~ver. ALL dDI m1IUn plor. ~... rarwll"'lIlnd. 'AiIh lhC' huikl..u..... im~"m'lCftb, 1hcn.'OfI en.'II:lL'LI. JiI....lfiaI and -. in Ihc at MattilUCk, in Ihc: Town of Southold, County of SutliJlk and State of New V oil<, known and designated II Lot 1141 and plllls of I.ols 40 and 42, Block 2. on . eertain map entitled "Map of Caplain Kidd Eslates: and filed in thc Officeofthe ClerIt ofSufTolkC'ounlyon JunlllllY 19,1949, as Map 1672, whieh slid lot and pari of 101S when token IogClher.... mote particularly bounded and described II follows: BF.GINNING 81 a stakc on lhe northerly side of Sound Bcoch Drive distant 949.82 feet southwcsterly along the nonherly side of Sound Beaeh Drive from. monument at the point oftangcnl of lhe Itt of a carve having. radius of2S feet connecting the northerly side of Sound Beach Drive with the wcsterly side oflnlct Drive and from said point of beginning tunning Ihence southwesterly along the northerly side of Sound Beach, South 57 degrees 30 minutes West a dillanCc of! 00.345 feet to a point; Ihc:ncc northweoterly through Lot 40, North 38 degrees West Ii distanee of 171.76 feet 10 a stake at the High Wm.er mart of Long Island Sound; thence northeasterly along said High Waler mart, North S2 degrees East I distance uf 100 feet 10 a stake; thence lOutheasterly through Lot 42, South 38 dcgrees East a dislancc of 181.395 feet 10 a IIDke on the northerly side of Sound Beach Drive, 10 lhe point or place of beginning. SAID pn:milNl 00" kno.,-.,.. 1200 Sound Dnc:h Drh-r. Malllluck. riC\\.' York 11"2. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE1.IIE..""'.......... _vey<d 10.... party oflhc r... pan by"" _ l.n..1}' 29. 1997. recorded in Lihl!r 11111$ Po__ 173 on febnwry 7.199'. in Ihe ()ffjec-oflhc Clerk oriM County .,rSuR"oIk. TOGK'rHKR wirhull ript. till!!:.nd iD1&.'f\.'M. ir unY.lIrlbt purtyurlbr finot purl ur.in 1I.....1"..n)' Sh1.'\.1.IIIMl roud5ubuuin, lbI: .we-deM:ribcd Jl"II1~ tu the 4.'!:,*, 1ilk.'1Ihm:vf: TOGt:rHIUt ....ith Ih: IPPUI'ICIIWlC'C" and 1LI11bC' clolld~;md. rithI'5 ordte part). urulll' fif'll JIIU1. in In&! hi said pn."IIIillC'lo: TO IIA. VE AND TO now d.e premises hm:'ia 1r:ulk.'CI unlO lbe run)' l,rlhC' ImJIId ('Wt. tJIc ~ir.c nr~.'a.'lu.urll .....Ullipl 11rlhr plUIy ,tI'thc *""ad plrI r\ft\"Cr. AND Ihr party uf Ibt rll1l parI..:nYC'llIU1l~ Ihlll ...... pilrly or 1M fir'll pIill1 has. not dune nr Mlrrl!rcd aIIy1bins whc:rdly the lIlIid pmni..., 11m: bc!c.'on iDC'umhL'ftld in olin)' wa)' whlalnw. nceptel .furewaid. AND 1M putynrlhr rlDl pilr1. ill ....unpli...... wilb Sc\.1UI1) ,.flb&" UCD Uw'.l.'flVl"lllUlth .hattbc p;arty of.he fi~ p.vt will n.'\."C'ivc IIw~u..kll.'t:II.lun furlhlllC\lnW).m.... .ill IInJd 1M ri.blllll'e'\:C'i,.~ .u~h....JnSidenuinn CIIl:r.lrulII fuad Iu ~Ilppliftl fUWf for Ibc: purpcIC of pllIyi.., II~ COJII' l.If the: impt\lY\:111CnI and will ;qIfII)'1he IoiUIIC' fifllllu h: paynwDlllf lilt ",'(1lI1 elf Ihi: impn1YC'1nent ~r,ft wlln, Iny pari ur.1It "l1li1,,1' Ibt NUDe fur IIDY ulher puI'JMoC, "l'hr W\IRI "pan)". sIlaJl be' ..:elftlllrwd u if d rncJ '"JUliet... whntc\Tr the loCnloe ur .hill ilklcnlUR' IU R:Iplin.'1l. IN' WroIl-:'1i8 Wnl-:JtlEo.'. tht party 11f 1M liB' pw1 tau duly tll.",,'u~d Illis deed the.....y and)'elf fillil.bovc- wriucn. 1N,Itt:li1:JltO:1lF: 1:/.1~ I11r~ "1lB.D'_ ~.~_.._- Iml_.... "-ll!!!!IIr - .-..~. qq-I-J L 1 ;). 44/ 'p 4'110 '. VSBACD'tIfIUD6MIIATFDllJlUlPWwmll."INIIW 1"Un'S7'Arr.D.W.1': S......._Vorlc,COUIll)'... Saffoll, I..' o.....~y~tnJxr. 1....._ 2005 .......... dlI:. . _Iy--'" ftILJA~ . . peI50nIIty known w:J me ur ., me on dw basis oIl111Ufac101y nidcna:tobrlhl:id\i" .)wtncn;am:(J)ilfnlsabSlcribl!dlt1lhl: wbhin insburnmI....IE~ 10 ~ dull ~ ftNJIN dleAllleinhirJbrdlhlrirClJXll:'II)'{in)'IIIlJ'.dli"b)'h~ ~) liD Ihe iftllill'llmc:nt. the individwl(ll). I" thI= pmIM upID bl:baIr of'lt'bich Ihe individual(s) aud. cxmaed Ibc illllUUrllml. ~lJ1rHop,- ~~-- ~._" .==..a:-~ At'KM)WI.IiIJ('"Q&\TFO#UI FtMlJsB Wmu,y(tlIlW)"IMKSI'AlE(lKLr.. 'Nn'rtd~w.w"AttIwII""""'Cr+-J _ofNew\'orIc,CuuaIy'" I.... On.... doyol in...._ bol'..........lIIIlloonipod. pmonoIly__ Ibc ..bIK.'ribiI'l .itncss 10 the rurq;nJna imtrummll, wilh w.'htm I ~ pmua;illy atqUlIinIed. .'bo. bem, by mr duly '.'C!fI1. did dcpot.e and "'Y....IIdiho>lh<y...a<.)in lif..p/JJUtf-'U...<i'1,IIttI...dw___-,. if wry. '*-fr. .... JaIIbrhhcy know(ll 10 be ~ indivict.W .Jca-ritNd in :and ..."ho cxecured the fllR'p1ina illlU'1lmall; 1_ IlIid l\Ib5cribilli .ilJu:g..."3Io pn=wnIlInd 1lIW.-aid amlll: Iht Amf: and Chat IUd wiulas 31 lhit 5WDC time !lUbt.cribtd hislhallheir IWJW(S) u. wilaas Ibemo, BAIlCAIN. SAI.<<DUD wnuN\"lDllAlfllIoOo\MrGU.'lRII"IM.'1I TmJ<Ml. TO FIDELITY NATIONAl. TmJ! INsL.....l<CK _ CO'IPAN" OF NL'W YORII W ~nnlt." b~"'FiMIi,,~. ..............,.,......-- "-". '.' "1....--:.. ","-."C~.'. ,. '. VSHACX1X1WIRl1f'.vIINl'".,IIEUJ,nrmu.vNllwI"OII'STA7F.UW.r: SIo..ofNewV....c-ty... SUffolk ,.., On....GlIll..yol IXcCn10tt'" in....>"'" 2005 -"".ii>:~C-=~~ . pcnoully krmwnlO me (W' prowd 10 me on Ihe buis ur 5lIliIfadlX)' nidencc ro be the iodi\-idu:d(5) WtKlIIC IllIIIIOls) is (iftt iMlbsa'ibcd 10 1bc widrin illShUmcnl and at'bnw"~ kJ me IhaI hc:IshdIhl:1 CII."CUIW Ihc WUIIC' in hiJbaflhcoir "....'il)'(.."Ilo). .... lbul by biJrIhmlIhcir IipolW'l:l!i) 00 h- insarummt. Ihe inllividaal(s). cw Ihr pcn.na u~... behalf' IJf whidllhc individaalb,) 8l:DIld. deCUIlld &he iltcrumcaL ~ R" f'/h,j):.u.... ~ ~:~-- ... WI ~_... ~ ,.~f ACDV.l.1l1JCi.V1!.\TFrmrFOaUSEOf/rSIIIliNn'}'tJI<<~'rATEU"'1.f: lo.r cis..... M F",.. rIMMllA,......-w,... r,rri/bltJ ... ,..", ....." ...... ......., ...",."", ........1..' IC..".",.VMltlwift~~""",*~",,~1 Onlhe lIiIyur inlhc)':lW belore mc.1ho uno!on;pd. pman:IIly uppcIII<d ~ tao....m me' ur pnnYd 11I1n8 OD tilt baD or -W...~ cvidencclobcobo 1odI_)....... _,;,(In:l...........10.... wilhini~aad~lolnC'lhaIhcl5hcllhcyexc.:ute.l Iho.....lnhl__~ ...~....byhillhed_..-oo(I) 0II1bc iRvmml.l~ i CIo), ClI' Ibc penon upun bch;dr or wticb 1he iadiviclla(5) EIlld, euc:uted lilt insaumcd,lmd Ibar sod. individual made such ~ W..lhtundenipc:d i.1hc (/nsur*dlYurOlN'a~~~ J!IhJi1.ul&.ul_Ilw.lfdlrt1rQ'JUIUrycw tHlwr play IIw _*""" "1&1' luim). . DImlICT S1!C1Q< RI.oc."K Lor COUKn' OR 1'0'0\," aJ:nMlJElJATMEQUI-:srrH' ......, NutI......11t1e I..-.aft' Compall1 of'Ncw Yurk REIIIIUIarllAlL TO Davidow Davidow Siegel'" Stl>rn, LLP Oae Suffolk Square - Sulle 330 1601 Veteraa. Memorial J1lRbway Islandla, New York 11749 ... I I .. .. o . ~ i I I .. . :.. ~ "'::' .", ...~. ,.~ ..,'" .. .'J I,:.' t '~: to I PLEASE"'tYPE6i'ilIJmasl'd'l~'i' WHEN WRmlillJ"O"N FORM INSTRUcnONS; htlp~/ www.orpo._.ny.ul 0' PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR roUNTY USE ONLY I!l{, .1 .1. 8': f;fl .. ~--- 1~/i(/41 a._ll;?4..C{,IJcc..... . PROPERTY INFORMATION ~ ~.1t REAL PROPERTY TllANSFER REPORT C1. _... ITAUOF NIW~ ITATlIOARD OF IlEAL ......,., IIJMeIa RP . 5217 ~17"JWI "::'=1 12l1l1 ....~ ....... -.. Drt... a~_ Bautllol.d Ilatt.l.bIclt ..... 1 11952 PaIIlI. anlDll_ ~- - UerDIIl Stella ........ LM'MII"~ "1_, po_ --- I.,.. ................,........kl...... I .... ........___c.llaIIDmallDrml. - I 1P'IIIU__IIJI1IUT_ LMI_,-.y ...,- UI.UII_ I I .tiN ..,gg .. ...... .... ....... II A -4 ....,.............. -...... II,ol..... 011 D .....,...... - tDnIr............GIIIl._......-r. ..........---.......,... 0 ...........ApprOWII_....."'T'.... 0 ...--..--............ 0 ..:;.., I - -'''I Ixl _H 1001 .0 41 ..- - ~ mat.. IM'I-" SC.lla -.... Brea1auer. Truat.. UlIR'_I_ PltneiAI .....- 7. a.III.................... ...........,............................, d___ "11III: 11. DIe. ...... , ,.,..,. 12 / - 9 ... /2lIlI5 I - .... ...............,... .. 0Wnenh1p,.. CandomInUn ~ CclIllr-*r..... .. ..r.on.tr........ on v.....1.Md J In...... ..........,.............AIIrIa*urII~ PIIIIII:.... _ a".,............ nadce illdIoIdng I. ..... .......~"In..........~ .... 011II__...... _...... _.........--...:: A ..~..........formw~ B rw............... ~ 01'''''''' In .... (' O"oIlhoa...,........... D Iuwar... SeIIr" Gowmmn AoInqo Clf LendIng IIwIIuIIon I: IJMd T,.. _ WInaner or.....1n and Wllap.ly .... f' .. fJI ,....... Dr a.- IMn ,.. ....... .,.., IIIowI (; ..........a.ng.In.......,........T.............nd..... H .... 01-""- II Indudld In .... ,... I 0IMr U,..., FCa.. ~.... PrIcI....,..... J _ CGIIYII,.... fn. truat o o o o "~o..__ B 2orSF.mIIy.....dIntiIt C ..........v...&.nd D ....-.. "'v..n~ ISALEINFORMA1ION I n, .. c.......... H~_ F CalnIl*Nl (i ,...-- H ~/Am......... - / .,. / IlIIJ nr . jll/,. .0.11 , . 1FuI..,.... II lilt lllIIIIIamaunt _... dill prapadr............... prapIrIy, ,.. """"" ....., bD In ... tonn or ....11I_ pnIpMJ or (IDCIdI. or'" ......... or __orllltl....~ "'--tDUIIII................,...... M.~................. I. . D1.. 0 . . I ,..,..,.............. I , I I ASSESSUENT INFORMAllON - Dlt.1hou1d NfIIct Ill. .... Fig --..em Roll ...d Tu Bill I ,..=.....=-=.... ~ 1'. r....--...v-......,.............. I u............. 1 51500 "'__ ,%!i q I-U .L___' IletC1tuck .1'.:_........... J RDlIlIIIIIIIIrIIIII_................................. ~J 1000 099.00 01.00 001.000 I I CEJlTlFlCATION I I ....... "........~.........,..... _.... ....... ........... It...... "" ~w.. ad a.e.n... I ............ 11II.... ~..,............ fl.-.w 1iIIIs........... _..... ..w-.l...... _...... .............."... ~ .B!!I!I IIUY!R'8 ATTOfN!Y k,~ ,.,.,.......~ Stella tieraaa . 12l1l1 ....... _ Orl". P.O. _ 927 .......... al'....WW......UID I 121 Ii 12lIlI5 "",I~ Deridaw I~ Er1c .....,- ....... 631 234-3030 .....IXIIIP =H......~ 1Ie"ltuck -..- In' ."". IIOIli' ..- ~ ~ .:;,~.. ,~i~.u"--- 1121 17005 --,- "'-_.. "__._.._ __.1 NBW YORK STATE COPY ..._-_.'~ .... ... ...J Nu.......of...... TORRENS SerIal . ~ Ccninale . Prior or. , Deed . Mortp&e IIIIInImOIII 0..",\\, MlXI8llI" Tax SIOIIIp FEP.s 3 .....' Fill.. Pee HancJ\llIJl TP.'84 , .!IlL <' Nouulon SubTOIaI~ $' ~ EA-'217 (Counly) EA-m7 (Silk) . R.P.T.S.A. Comm. oC Ed. s ..!!lL AIT'K1.vi. ConiIiedCup)' IlI:s. COp)' Olbl:r Sub ThIll IS Gn...T.... s.eroitOO BIol:~I.OO LotOOI.OlIO -~ -;;;" ~- ,,~'''~, : pT s Q- A . '",MA , Accaq \mf_ 6 S.IisClIClioIIIDIsc:lwJcoIRe..... l.iot Property Owne.. Mailins Addms RECORD" RETURN TO: Davldo" DlvIdow Siegel &: Stern, LLP One Sutrolk Squue - Suite 330 1601 VeIenI.. Memorlll Hlah,,", 'dilUllo, New York 11749 ~-.. , . . ~ RE!:lllDfl) 2006 liar 21 02:35:26.Pf1 . Judt \h A. pascai. CLERl( OF SlI'FOlJ( '=OOHTY L D00012441 P 4% ~TI 05-J179J M....... Ami. J.BuicTu 2. Additlonal Tu. Sub ThIll Spc<.' Aui.. or S.....' Add. ror. MTG. TAX DuaI'lbwn _ DuaJ Coun,y_ IIeId Cor Appuintmenl_ TnuIIC.rTu Mansion Tu The propen,y c....... bylbill DIG..... i. or will be i_d by . OlIO or lwo Camlly dwelli,. ooly. YIlS _orNO _ IC NO. ICe .ppn>priote InK clause on paac 41 or tbil i.-trulDelll. -' , '0 'f)-> 5 CPFTuDuc . . Impvved VlM:OIIl Land _ TD TD TD 7 nile Company InfDrllllllon Co. N.me nile' SufTolk County Recordin - (SPECIFY TYPE Of INSTRUMIlNO SleU. IiI... - '.teleb ....- The pn:mlsla ....1. ill ..,_ In .. rru..... of tile lITILLA n_ OV_ TIIIIllT hod .I........... 29. 1997 SUPI'OLKCOUNTY. NEW YORK. In ,hc_ipoC _tbold Thill _ Corms put uf Ihc:_bed & Endorsement Pa 8 TO StlUa n_ In Ihc: VIU.AGB mlldeby: or HAMLET of IIIttit:w:1t BOXes d THROUGH' MUST BB TYPED OR PRINTED IN BlACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RBCORDINO OR FlUNG (oyer) IIIIIIIIU 1111111111111I 1II1I11 mil 11111 1111 1111 IIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFJ:CB RECORDJ:HG PAGB Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD RUDber of Pages: 3 Receipt Humber : 0&-0028278 TRARSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-31791 Recorded. At. 03/21/200& 02.35.2& PH LJ:BER : ' PAGE: D00012441 496 District. 1000 SectiOD: Block: 099.00 01.00 BXAMINBD AlIID CHARGED AS roLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 001.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following ..es Por Above'Instrument ll"'-.pt .....-.pl Page/Piling $9.00 NO HlIDd1ing $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 110 BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RP'l' $30.00 NO SC'l"M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 110 COIIIIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Fe.s Paid $149.00 'l'RARSPBR TAX RtlIIBBR: 05-31791 'l"BIB PAG. IS A PART 01' THE IIISTRUMBNT 'l"BIS IS ROT A BILL JUdith A. Pascal. County Clerk, Suffolk County