HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12441 P 497 DISTIlLCT 1000 SECTION 099.00 BLIlCl: 01.00 LOT 001.110O '--, ; ! ","y M - lil:ugain:lnd .$:lIe 00l.:.J with C''''l:'mhI ~J;:UIKI ('"If'lnlo,r', lu..llIlnJi..J<Ju;d.... r,orpoor-.w'IJII~in&k ~b..'ftl tr.;YBIT IlUU!J LlJNSUI.lI" YOIIR loA WYEIl: BEHIR.; SlliNINC; TilL.. LIlIi~7RIJ)IF."". THIS lK..,.aU:\11::r...T SIIOliLl) Bt: us.UI B'll' 1,.\ Wn:KS ONI. V TillS IND~TURI::.. m;Jdc= the 9'+1. Rfo:-nYn.:N duy"f :tJ ~ c.:. e ,... iHl.'- . in Ihc yc.-ar 2005 STELLA KIERNAN, residing al1200 Sound Beach Drive, P.O Box 927, Muttituck. New York 1]952 ;UA~~No 'fJJJJ"' .....J.~~IQIMGJC!~~.I.a.:OJl .'\:Th':J\:'no:::. .,....--4 .1 . PATRICIA BRESLAUER., .residing at 60 Old Town Lanc. '11< Huntington, New York and PAUL KIERNAN, residing at 288 Boulevard DC's Pins, St. Augustine. Florida 32080 pan)' of Ih~ firM part. and p;n1y of ,he ~L'llnd part. WITNt-;s.";t.TII.lrutllh~ pany of the fin.\ part, in L:uosideroltion ofT!."n Pullan;. and Ofh('T \'all~able conliidl:ralion paid t;.y the: party 11rthe ~....,Ild pan. Llorli hcon.'~' ":l1lnland rele:J!I;~ unllJ the' part:o."rlht' SC"Cund part. the tu:.ir.o; ur SUCCt'S~iUrs and a~loi1:ns of the par!y of the scl.'vnd pan forever. ALL lholt r.:enain plui. pte..:e or pan:t'1 (If land, wilh the building.-; :uxJ impn)Vnncnt~ there(ln ela:11~. ~il.uille. I)'ing arnIlxing in lhe at Manituck, in the Town of South old. County orSulTolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot #41 amI parts of Lots 40 and 42, Block 2, on a certain map cntillcd "Map of Captain Kidd ESlat',.: and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on January 19. 1949. as Map 1672, which said lot and part of lots when taken together arc mOIre particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the northerly side of Sound Beach Drivo distant 949.82 fcelt southwesterly along the northerly side of Sound Beach Drive from a monument at the point of tangent oflhe I:lrc ofa curve having a radius of25 feet connecting the northerly side of Sound Beach Drive with the westerly side oflnlet Drivc~ and from said poinl of beginning running thence southwesterly along the northerly side of Sound Bcac:h. South 57 degrees 30 minutes West a distance of 100.345 feel 10 a point; thence nOlthwesterly through Lot 40, North 38 degre<os Wesl a distance of 171.76 fcelto a stake at the High Water mark of Long Island Sound; thence northeasterly along said High Water mark, North 52 degrees East a distance of 100 feet to a stal:e; thoneo southeasterly through Lot 42. South 38 degrees East a dislance of 181.395 fcct to a stake on the northerly side of Sound Beach Drive, to the point or place of beginning. TillS DEED IS SUDJI~(''"T TO thep:lrty oflhe fil1il p:lrt nt.lala& a lire edate. SAID premiscs bciny known 3S I:WOSound Beach Drive, Mattituck. New York I 1952. BEISG A~O INTENDED TO BE Till-: samc premIses conveyed II> the p:my Oflhc first part by deed dated I~/~ ,2005. 3Ild intcmkd 10 be reeurded in the Office oflhe Clerk ofilie CounlyofSuffolk snnultuncously herewith TOGETIIER wilh:lll ril!:hl.lille :lnd intere$.(, if:my, ofihL' party of the first p:lJ1 of, in and t(I :IllY Streets:mll roads abul[ing lhe uboV('-dt:scribed [In:'mi.t>e:i to Ihe ccnler lines lhereof: TOC....,.HER with the appurtcnances and alltlK estate and rights "f Ilk pany uflhe fin;.1 pan in:uld In ~aid premises; TO IIA VE A"'D TO IIOLD the premi~s hc~'in gl'".lJlled umu the pany l)f i.ht' ~Cf'ond pan, the hl:ini or~;UCl:o.~ors and as~igns df the pany uflhe ~a:nnLl pan fore\'i:r" ASD Iht: party nf1hc fin>1 pan CO\'t."IIallls Ihallik pou1y of ~ firsl pan h:as no.>l. dune (II suffc~red lUIylhin(: ~..hcrchy lhe saitl premise'S have ~cn inc:umbc:raJ in any way whalL'vet. ex.cepl as aforesaid. AND dlt, p.:uly Oflhe' fin;:1 part. in compli;mcc wilh Se~1ion I) orchl: Lien Law, cu\'eniIDl~ lbilllhe pan)' (If tht" firs! pan l.l.'iH receive Ill\: consitlero1liun for tbi~ ~.(mvt'yani:C: und will hold tilt' right lei ret.'1:i\.c such cunsidc-raltion as a 11\151 fund 10 be: applied finor for ~tl\: pU1pO~e uf puying the l.""(lloll,f the imprln.C'menl and will apply the: ~mc firs! 10 the payment (If the "C01>! of the impn'\"l:menl bcfure u~in& uny [1:.111. of the 1111.:11 of the: !.ame fl,r :.my other purpoSCl.. The wurd ""paIl.y- shall be: c()ns[l\I~d a... if' iT read "panic:lIo" whell('~'er lhe sen.-.c: of thilo indentilr"C 5(1 requin::s, IN WIT~F..s.1\j WHHH.EOF. lhe p:ln? oflhl: firsl pan has duly ext:CIJIN thi...dt'ed lhe day anLl year first ;d'lO\"(' WTiuen 1:'10 PME....,i'i(.'E OF: ~p- ft~'--- rLLA J:IERIWI y~~ m~~ ICEW'~ ___Gl__ ... 0UIClI13Z117 -..-- Q..-, -....~. USF.ACIi.'>O'KLF.JJC.MF.ATI'OIWBIiUJWMrn'IINNEM")"QRl'STAUO;'t;U:- StulcufNewYort.Coulllyof" Suffolk Iss.: Onth,qtlj,'YOf Drcc'rnlx, inth,,:':: 2005 bcfon: me. the UDdtn>FEi.UC.'iam-uml p:rsorulIly kno\lm 10 me Ill' pnlVrd Il) rJ1( (In the: bobi... \If sati!>fUl.1ory c:vttk.'Ik."I: tu be: the imJivK!uaI(50) whllSf' n::unc:!s) is (:In:'J :'"\Ib5cri~ 10 the v.ithin il\'itnJl1\C'l'I1 amJ aclmuwlNp:d Iu lUle thai tu=hhdlhc)' cxcculO.l Uz liilIIr in hi~ir C"oipolCily(iC1il. ...w thai. 11)' hislhc:rltheir 5i~S) llf1 the in~l. lhe individwalls), Of 1M pmon upon !i5'~Dj);~ l;~i:~ ac1Jiz:~OO ~ inwumc:~. 1Iot::; ~1.c .ICII.W..... ---"'-- Nla.0tII:81an17 -..---- a.._. .~Aug.~ A(.1(/t.mn.J:"IKillrt:,,\7 FQI(M HHt V.v: U'mfl'" NEll' }"OMA'Sr."n.:O.vu: INr... r,m. .o;,dllaiM,,~ "'j'M.U ",bw~.lrJ("~1I1 c...,ljktu~1 Shllc'ufScw\'llrk.CoUIII)"IJl' }!iIL.: On lhc tla)" (.f in !he: YQr "'=forc me. the u.nden;11lJ1j~ penM1flally appe:ued the IiUlNribing wime5.s 1'" the fon.-going imtrumcnl. willi ......hom I am ~I~ ~ainlrd. who. being by me duly SW(lOl. did deptlSe :mtI saYlh:1lllet'shc=/thltYh,..~-("Jin fifl~ plUt.:!' ,1{rt'wrlK",. i.t itl a cit).~ jnduJ~'Iiu:.J',"1 and sln:~{ fUlnlMr, ifun.\'. tkmif): mil he/~ knowfSI 10 be th.: individulLl ~TibetI in and who e.\.l'\:utaJ llr run.l-ooing ilL'ilnIment; Ihat said subscriNng wimn;s was pn:~lf aDd saw said execute the SiUIl('; urnl dial suid wil.Jrss ;:11 ~ salIll: lifllC' Slb;cril'tet.l hilJherltheirn:uTle(s)Il'iawillltS.'ilhcrcto. IIAKeoA L'Il Ie SA"": U.XlJ "'mIU}VD:.,-~r5 "'lAl~TllItA".Il.'S ,r,c", T"LCN{I. TO FIDKI.rn' NATlnSAL Trn.t: 1r,"URANCt: A CO\IPANl' Ot" NEW YORK .. L\'('\,W'llltIIn71/0~~ GW-"'''' Fidelity .9#:......,./. __1loo1_a.wJw.A.-_.... ~ ~ ~ ,~ a: ~ w !'l a: o ~ w ~ Ili " ~ ~ w 13 a: U.f;EA(;XSO....l:ElJG.WE...TFlJIf..llBE.UJ1'i M'"IIl.vM:.'I~ ylJoU:ST....reO,YI.I; SrateolJ'licwVork, Count). of Iss.: On the dav of il~ the \'C'".!f before me. u..; urnleniiglk'd. pcr3ol~lI~ appeared . fIl.'I"SI)nally known III me ur proved 101M' on Ihe b:L'iis llf s.ouhr....hlf)" C'\'idcnce 10 be !he irdividual{lIl WOOl;t' Iwmc(5) L'i (lln:J sutN.'riht.-d 1<.1 the ....ilhin inslnnm:nt and OlCkllowletlgcl tlI IJIC' Ihat ~y executed Iht' same in hisArr/tht-i,. l:ilp;iTy(ieln. and thai. hy hi~rlthrir sigllOltun:b) \In the inlmlment, the individual(s}, tlf 1M prniOn upun bch31f of lo1:hich the iJIIJh'Wu:tllsI1k..1l:d. ClI:eaJted 1hr instruml."llI. ACK....OW.lfJKi.U,.;}..r POIlU I:(}/f USF.OUr.illJF. NEW fOIl}.' Snn::o.w.r (0", "fSJ.u" ,," f"''''iI'' GrN.'rul ,khwto-ItJJ:_'" l"rr1ifiaJ'~) I ItS.: IC~" n'_ lAm ~""r" c....."try. P".....Ift'r,,,.MlUrio1"l!ir:.1 On the l.Iav ur il~ the \'car before me, u.a; undrrsigned. pc:rson:l.llly appeared " pm;onally kncN.'n to mC' or (lI1)\~ 1(1 me on the bas~ of satisfaclOf')' cvidcDa: 10 bI= the inWviJu;lI(s) wholle n;unc{:o) is (an:) ~hed to lht: ..ithin in.wumtnl wxJ adrnowkdged to me thai t.:Ishcllt)C'}. ClI:a.:u~ the same in hislhcr1theirl."Up:u.:i*iiesl.lh:u. by hislhcr/lheir liignawm..) un the insuunM:'nt, the individuuJ("I. ur the penon Il1pun hc-haIf (If which lhC' indhiduai{slllC'll:d. ell:~ Ihe insaumcm.:mII IhalliUCh inJividual moxtc 8tlCh ~IIL"(, bcli.m= rhe undl::n;igned in the (Ins~n rh~ cil.v lJr ol/u.'r rnliriroJ subt.ln'uiQR LInd 11'0' .nu/I' or c"UUII/'" (JT (J1htr plQc~ 1lre (u:knOt1.-I..JgfMnI hUl11u1w1J. 1)1~11l1C"l SEt'TIUS BLOCK LoT COUl'."TY OK TOWJI; RfTOIU.H.DAl" REQUaror t1dcli~ f'oOawlDlll nul' InlAlnmct' Compwl.Y or "rw Yl.lf"k RJmIIW BY MA.IL TO Davidow Davidow Siegel & Stern.. LU) ---I One Suffolk Squllrt' ~ Suite 330 1601 VcteraDsl\1emorial Highwa~' Island la, New York 11749 j.J' I ___ ____._..J ---I I i .; I I I ___J , " ","r". PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORII/I INSTRUcnONS: http://www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I. Lf. 1. ~~ 8.' g ~ ,lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT IU/C~ ManIh ., y C3..... I lA, 4" 1./, II C4. ."".1 t/, .7 ' STATE OF NEW YORK STATE IOARD OF REAlI"ROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 U4117.....lI'n PROPERTY INFORMATION "=1 1200 ___~ Scnmd Beach Ddve ar"U_1Dl 5T1lHT_ SoutbolA. I:lT'rl;llllOWll Kat.t.ltut.1r. -- 11952 ,.- z. ..... - N_ Bre.laoer l.AST_!/CO_ Patr.lcu __I ....5'_ lU.enum Paul -- _...-J I.AIr_ElaJMI';UIY J.T_ .......wheI.tutur.T_BiII....IDt...n I111I1ng ifolherth.,buy..-~~bonomoflormll -- lU.ernau .ASJ_'C~ StellJl .~- P.O.. lBox 921 II..k...UIIIl[lIoUC)STJlI[[T_ Kattf.tuC& CfTYOIITtIIlIIN I R Y ST..lt 11952 J "- . .... - ... -. 1OnIr.""''''. ....=-aa.dt_tlwy"""" 4A.~8oerdwll;hSWclivillonh"homvExia:l D &I.SUbdlvlloanAppOi/lll_F'-qunltlorT...... 0 c. ~ ,I,ppn:Jwd kor SubdIvWon wth M8p PI'O\Iided 0 ...lncIutellw..........~nI AlII ...............,.. on u.. ~ ~~ lIofP8.c.~ OR D P."of....~ I'IIOIIIT'ffl ..Jxl ----.lORI M~ .0 . . .... Nom. Deman lAIl_'~ Stella -- _J 1J\Io,_,COM',..... ...-J --. ^~OneF.mily"-ldtntial B 201'3FamilyReliclenllal C RftId.,Io"V_nllanli I) NoMleIidInlill VItal'll L.nc;l I SALE INFORMATION I 11.... c-trIcI 0... E ~ .......~I F Commlll'CiaJ G Ap.rtment H Enlert.nmen!'~1'll I ~ Community SeMoI J Inllinrlltl K PublieS.rviaI L Fen. a.cl ... _.. hIow..1hey qIpty: ... Ownerwhip TYplIr. Condominillm .. ,.,... Con.uuaic.,.. ar'I V_nt Lind IlIA. PrDpMty lOCM8d within .n AQrieuhul'lIl QillricI lllB..Ituywrm:aived.chcIaIu.._inckabnQ IhItt/le~lIin..AgriculhnlDil1licl o o o o J. CIIlIcl the bcNI MI_ wtlictI muse e_..evdillCribel the _ of 'he..........,. IttM 'iii.- 01....: . '---00... n/a I '"' ,- Ui. a.... _ or-. 01... _____ _........... tD~ A Sale~RclMiYoII)fFofIT1fll'Relln.1vM R Sale IIIt.weerl AeIIbd Ownpllni_ or PwlI1ll1l in BlainDII e er. at tIM BuywlII ...., . Sol.... o Bvpr or s.ler Ie GcJwl11mMt AQancy or Lending ~nsl.iMion E DeldTypeNlWlrr'lrq,or.....in.,dSalafSpecdyBeiow'I F s.. or Frldjgnal or leu lhan feD ImrelllSplcily a"owl (i S91ific8l'l1 OWlge in p~ ~I Tu.bIe SlIwa.1Id S.h. Doll II SIIll of Bus6n.. is Indudld In SR PneI J 0IhJr Unu... FIICtOn ,t,fflCbng S11e Pr.c. (Specify Bilow) J N_ lZ.~oISIII/T~ LJ.2 ~... ., "" /2005 1 ,- 1:1. full SllePrb a/a . 0 , 0 I , ; , II lfuIl s-. Prico is thllol.l_un! p111d lor the pwperty including penonIIl prvplIrty. ThlIlWlvmenl mey be in.... 101m 01 ~ oIhor P1~rty or gondI, or lhe lIIlII'l'IlCIon 01 mOdlJl(ltl or othIf' obijgallOl\!l.1 PINw round to tlllI....... wtIoM dDIIM Mlounl. L.. ,...........th.nJueol.--... I. . n/.a. ,(I. (11 propertylncludMllnttl....., , II I ASSI:SSMENT INfORMATION - Dele should ,efI.a the latest Final Assessment Roll .nd T.x WII I retaining a life e..utf!! ,., y- 01 "---r1 Roa hom I 2095 J n. To'" A-.d v....lof.. ~ In,,.,.,. 1 "",*"lnf~onlllUn , 5 5 0 0 , tI.PropertyCl_ L!AJL~-LJ 1,. Bdloof DiuNI NMne I MatU.tuck zo. Tax M... ~II Roll l...ntJfI.l.. I' mare u.n four. ettedI "-' with 8ddItIonal WenlIIIrIaII 1000 099.00 1!1.00 001.000 I CJ:RnFICATION I ~y Ibrd. all or thl' l&cmtIuf "'-"-tll.. mtrml ClII thb form 8ft bW arid C'III'1"<<1 (110 die IIeoI ol my ~.ad bd~ W1d I ~ th:Il dIt Il'I:IkInR ~any wIIfJd r_~ ~(fJlall'rialrlltt l1l'i. ...m .uhJK:t mr 1eII!IC' ~oltht ...RlIIIlnr 1'l'IlIlI.'1! tu tIR lDIkIDalllld fllnJur"'ImI~, BUVDrS ATTORNEY '4 I 12/ .-q /2005 r:Mlt T Davidow 1--- Lawrence Eric ,-.- I~- 60 al.d Town Lanl! ST1ll!I[T_I/lfTtIlIMl) 631 -.- 234- 30lll ~-- S11llilf_ b~ #-U~,,-, _112/ -Cf 12005 r NEW YORK STAT~ COPY ~ I L J BuntiDgtOD ____L MY r;rr'W"0II'00MI a,.."" 11743 ~,~ SEUER i Number uf pages TORRENS ?I / ,/ Serial # Certificate#- PriorClf. # Dttd . MOng3,1l,C Instrumenl Deed I Mongage Tax Slump FEES II _:~-- .!~ - - POlge I F'L1ing Fee Handling TP-S84 N'Olation SUbTulalA- --7L - ___-----2/_ --:&7- = EA-52 17 (Cuunty) EA-5217 (Slate) RP.T.S.A. Camm. of Ed. __~ 00 Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy SubTotal I~s I'll -"----:7L - - -+i Grn:nd.Total Other 01.00 Block 001.000 Lol 1000 09900 0100 001000 ~ Sati~r3ctionIDjsc:hnrgcsIRc1casc: Lisl Prupcrty Owners Mailing Ad~5S RECORU & RJo..'TURN TO: Da,'ldow Da\l~dow Siegel 1St Stem, LLP ODe Suffolk Square - Suite: 330 1601 Veterans MemoriallUgh,,'OY blandio, New York 11749 7 RECOROED 2006 Har 21 02:35:26 PM Judi t.h R~ Pa~;cai.;> CLERk OF SUFFOLK COlijITY l 000012+11 P 497 [)fM 05-317'l2 Recording I Filing 5romps ~~ Mortgage A,ml. I. Basic Talt 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. I Assir. or Spec.! Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dua.l Town _ Dual County ____ Held for Appointment_ Trml5ferT:u Mansion Thx The propr.rty cove~d by this mOl.8age is 01" will be improved by a one or two family tlweUing only. YES If NO. see ;l,ppropri page # 5 CPFTlu s -0- S~__ Improved ______ VaclffiL Land TO TO TO .nUe Company Inrormation Co. Name Title' ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the al'laChcd _ Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) _ made by" Stella Kleman . The prcmisis haein L~ "ituatcd in TO In Lhc Township of SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Sou<ho1c1 P.~ricia Brealauer and P~~l KiernaD In the VILLAGE 01" HAMLET of 1Ia~~iCUc:k ROXIl.~ 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111I11111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CI,ERK RECORDS OFFICE: RECORDING PAGE: Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 015-0028278 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-31792 Recorded: At: 0:1/21/2006 0.t:35:26 PM LIBER: PAGE: DCl0012441 4517 District: 1000 Section: 099.00 EXAMINED AND $0.00 Block: 01. 00 CHARGED AS Lot: 001. 000 POLLOWS Deed Amount" Received th.. Pol101"ing Pees Por page/Pilin!J COE EA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Hand1~_ng NYS SRCHG BA-STATE Cert. C:opies SCTH COJlIIIl.I'res Pees :Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.1l0 $149. 110 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-31792 THIS PAGE IS A PART OP THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BIL,L Judith A. Pas,cale County Clerk. Suffolk Countl'