HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12433 P 26 '. L I 2 L1- 33 f2lt gLf-4-1 .......... u....r._.......Gr-... """. ..........r...... CONlI'lfl.l yot;a 1.AYt'vF.K 1II-:tlJItF. SIl..iIliINf..i 111I$ INsncU~~. TillS 1~'STRlJ).\f.:'" $)JOUIJ) Ht! US.m) BY I..\WYERS U.'1. Y DEED OF R~IA!,'iD[K 1:lin:Rt:sr _ _ 1'.:1li!!i!J~ 7>tJ JIIQIf PrfQ.I?~ THISINDF.:'oITVRF..madethe Jl.f'tda)'of NO/J~eyear 2005. BETWEEN Dr. PEARL L F. /IF.RDERT, also kDo".... "EARL IIERBERT, ll5iding al23 Irene Lane Easl, 1'lainvk.'W, New York 11803, pany of the first pan. and MICHAEL Z. HERBF.RT,ll5idingal79S Pike Slred.1:lox II~O. ManilUCk. NY 11952 as 10 a 112 inten:sl as Tenant in Common party of the second pan. WITNESSETH, Ihutthe pany ofthe first pan. in mlsidenllion OfTL'Il Dollars and other valuable c:unsideralion paid by the par1y of the second pan. does hereby granland release unto the pany of the second pan. the Ileirs or 5UCCcssars and assigns ofllle pany of IlK: se..'OIKI pan fOn:vLT, a RrmalDdrr InlerrsllD oDr-half(ll1) ALL thaI cenain plol. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements lhereon erected, silUAle, Iyina and bringal CUlehogue, Town ofSlllIlhold. Counl)' of Suffolk and Stale of New York, bounck:d and described as follows: DIST, OEGINNING ata poinl on lhe soulhwcsterly side of Cox's Lane allhe southeaslerly end oftlle cune connec:linglhe 1000 soulhL'85terly side of Middle Road (CR 27) with Ihe soulhwesterly side of Cox'. Lane: runnina thence southcastLTly along the southwesterly side orcox's Lalli! South 48 degrees 00 seconds Hut, 101.48 feel 10 land now or fonnerly ofPietrewiC"J. SECT. Ihc:ncr alonll said land (I) South 41 ckogrees 20 minutes West. 85 feel; (2) Ncuth 64 desrccs 14 minul., West 184.56 reel to 011.1.00 Ihe southL'Uslerl)' side or Middle Road (CR 27) on a cune ......ri"lll..the right. ha,'ing a llIdius of 1849.86 reel iI dislance of 66.114 f..,11O the southwesterly end oflhc cune lirslabove mentioned: thc.'Ill:C along said eune bearing lotlK: righI, havinl! OLio:. a radius of 73 fL'Cla distance or IIIAO fed 10 the poinl or plac~ or OF.GINNING. ().I,OO 1QI REING A.ND INTENDED TO BE IlK: 5<l'~ interesl as Tenant in Common in premises con''Cy\.'IIlo Grantor herein by 002.000 D..'C:d dated Apri14, 1984. recorded April 17, 1984 atUber 9546. p. 455. R_noloelO tllr part)' orehr nrsl part an loteresr for IIrr Jirrlimr. TO(;ETHER with all right, title and interest. if an)', ofthe pany of Ihe first pan in and 10 any Sln:..'Is and roads abuning Ihe abow-described premises to lhe cenler lines Ihereof; TOGETHER with the appunL'IWIL'L" and all the estate and rights ..ftlK: pany "rthe lirst pan in and to said premises; TO IIA VE AND TO HOLD IIle premises herein graDIL'II unlothe pany oflhe second pan,the heirs or successors and .....igns "rrhe party of tile sc:c:ond pan forever. AND the pan)' orlhe lirst pan L'OvL'Ilunls lhalthe pany oflhe first pan has nOl done Ilr suffen'llanylhinll whereby the said prcmiSl1S have been encumbered in any WI)' whate,'er. except as .fon'S8id. AND the party of the lill;! pan. in compliance with Sec:lion 13 ofthe Lien Law, COYL'nants thar the pany orthe firsl pan will receive the consideration for this conYe)'lIIICr and will hold Ihe righlto receive such consideration as D lrust fund to be applied firsl for the pulJlllSC or pD)'ing th. L"C\5t or the improvement and will apply Ihe same first to the pD)'I1lenl of the L'OSI oflhe impm''C111l!lI1 before usinl! ao)' part or the 101D1 orth. same for any olh.'I' purpose. The word "pany" shall be construed as if itrcad .'partiL.... wheDL'Wr lhe sense oflhis indenlure 50 rL"Iuircs. IN WITNESS WIU:at:Ot',the pari)' orlhe Jim pan has duly execuIL'IIlhi. dL'L'IIlhe do)' and year first above wriIlL'll, INI?~ ]2 Dr. Pc.:AKL L '-'.'t/:' AI '1.'.\lIN71.I1ti"'''~7 R,IIUJ lfI:'U.J'" "lnll,\' ,"h'ff'Jl/1lK ..iI.HI:' (1,\'1.)", Sial. or NIIW \.0.....(.0....,. .r I...: On""'~'nf Iv~ in ""')'ear2/ll1' befon: me. .he ulI<k,..i~. 1."......11). lljlp<........ Dr. PEARL I. F. "ERBERT pmonall)' knoI>n 10 menr JlI'O\'.'llIl' JIll! on "'" """is afsalisl..:II")' ,",'Id""..., In llI:.ho: Indi'.I.....II.) whose .......1.) is (an:) suhs.:rillod II' Ihc wilhin inslnU""1Il and :u:kllllWledgcd 10 JIll! thai ""'.Iu:I1he)' ....,U1.-d lhe same in hislhcrhheir """""il)1I..). and lludl')' hisllu:rltheir slgn:ll""", ~..,_.....~_...,~-,. indi,'iduaICs) acted. e.....'Uted lhe ): I. . / A. . WII.lJAM F. 1M -. r II , FublIa, SIIIIII ....YtIIl No. 02IlA4871 0udIIed In SutIaIk Com"'.... Elcphe 3 'JtJ{)6 lISA' AI .K....T.'ff7J:..'.,j,tli.\.THJHJ' m:ulw Hlnl'.\' ."1:11' r(JItJ,.' ~7""J. ,1.\', r N,,.,\.,hI'!:tIF:.f7r..\'rRIRM RIB 1I$,lImt1l>>: .\'EM'YtIlU.' .""I;.tn'IJ.\".Y' 1."'-'" ru"~TNw"_\I""''''''d.,'''''''Wlr'''''III&''1 1f1t1l".\Yc'f"Y,,",,,,fIMllNlM~..,.~tfljlnwl Slate or Newl'ol1l, CO..1y of lss.: On 'he day of in the )...... beron: 1III:.1hI: undo.'I'SilJM.'ll. pcl1Ol1oll) .ppcan:d lit\: 5uhscribing wilnl."S.'I w the J~Kt'luin~ inslruml....l. with whtllll I am personaIl)' acquainted. wh... heing b)' me dul)' ."urn. did de..,.., and ""y thai ~.n:.i...1s) in '".pI.Dor1lml....'I'''lIfll\~. ~,.,.IlIM'l.-lIrwf~. "....,. 1It&w.tfi. that helshcl1h.')' klXl\\c'J In he Ihc indi,'ldual d...ribcd in and who ....'\.'U1<d "'" f""'lll'JIIj,! insWll'lall; thai said sub:.ccrihing witnes.\ "'lIS pn.-a'lll and III\\" !Wid C'M:culc ahe !iW11C': undilla. mid "UI'M."S.lf. aI the same lime xuhscrih..-d hWIK..,/!heir _s).... wilnl....lIu:mo. BARGAIN &: SALE DEED of RelD.iadft' Inlensl wilh Covea..1 Aplnsl Gl'llalor'. A~1s Tille No. Dr. PEARL L. F. IIERBERT TO MICHAEL Z. HERBERT IJSI:.' '" I:A"'UUIKi...,,.;,\7 H#N lII-3Jla' 11171',\' ....ER. now.: ."TAn-: f ',Y/.r: Slal..r New )'0"" (;O..ly of Iss., On Ihe do)' uf in .hI: ).... beli"" me. Ibo: und.~il!Jll.-d. 1'0........11). "I'I""'ml pcfSllllllll)' k",,"u IP me or pn""I....I" JIll! OIIlhe hasis ..fllll1i.foelllf)' o:vldenco: II. be !he indivldual.sl"........ n"/lIelsl iI (ore, subserillod 10 !he wilhin inslrumrnt and ..knowl.-.Jaed 10 me thai ""'shcfthey exceU1ed lhe lilIIIIe in hislherltheir ""f'OCi')1"'~ and lhal h)' hiolherltheir Sill/llllure5 .",Ihc i..lrumelll.1hc individu.l(s~ or I'" pel1Ol1 UJ'Oll behalf ufwhieh !he indi,'iduolcsl ""Lcd. executed the inslrumenL )u.: fL',..,.", J~"'Saft. ,.,....,..I.,.,..".".Io~ (In"'" daynf inlhe)_ hefiwe me. lbe undenill""'i. p.'I'SOIIlIl1)'Ilppl.'II'Cd per.ounally I<ncm'll '" JIll! ,.. proved 10 me 01\ 1hI: ho..is of S8lisliK:IOr)' .'.ideno....1I1 be .he indi'.idual(.'"....... nomoi.) is (on:) .ubseribcd II. "'" wilhln inslrUmmllllkl ....knoI>.ledGed III me ..... hd5hel1hc)' ....uled lhe sume In hislhcrltheir ClII'Ik'il) I io:sl. lhall')' hislhc..,ltheir sianalurel.' 0111'" iM,ru,,,,,n\' Ihc indh'iduoUsl. ...1'" jlmOI1 upm behDll'urwhi.h Ihc individual('lllell:ll. exeeul,'ll1he ins.rumcm. and lhat """h individ..1 made ....h app.-......... befon: lhe und....isned in lhe ''''WI....., ",,''''''r ,.i1... '" ...u-r.IlrM 1IItJ... \WI' ,ra_? "'..,,,,......- .--~............., SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAIL TO: William F. Dales, Esq. 120 Coun Slreel Rivcrhend, NY 11901 j-;- 2 l '. .... 3 REor<.lEU !'~QGE ;ilI", 27 02: 10: 22 ;>/1 Number of pages TORRENS Serial' I L .. CL~ OF ~JJFFOlX roJlT\' ~ 00':0124:;3 P 1.26 (ljlj 0:5-~166 Certificate . Prior Of. . '- Deed, Monpge IlISlJ'\Imenl Deed, MortPle TlIX Slimp FEES Recording' Filing Slamps 4 Page' Filing Fee ~ C MlIrtgage Ami. Handling TP.584 I. Hasic TIIX 2. Addilional Tax !:A-52 17 (ClIunly) 1iA-52 17 (Slale) "- _ _~_ SubTotal ~~ ;;.r Sub Tolal Notation C.nilied CClp>' Reg. Copy ~ SubTol8l GRAND TOTAL 5~ SrecJAssil. Or Sp.'C. ,Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual TClwn Dual ClIunly_ Held fur ^pronionmenl ~ Tnmsfer Tax ~ Mansion Tax _ '111e pn.peny covered by Ihis morlll8lle is ur will be improved by a one or two famil)' dWl:llinll onl)'. n:s or NO If NO, 50:. appropriate lax .Iause on page u( _._Clfthisinstrummt, //-/tf-O' Community Preservation Fund idcratioll Amount S R.I'.T,SA Conun. of Ed. ArrKlay;t Other l Stamp s J OllIe Initials 7 SatisfaclillnslDischargcsIReleases List Pmperl)' Owners Mailing Add RRCORO" RETURN TO: Vacant Land /0 TO TIJ TO W1WAM F. BATES. ESQ. 120 Court Street Riverhead. NY 11901 8 Title Company Information 9 Co. Name Tillett Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 'Ibis page fOl1Tl; part ofllr atlached Deed of Remainder Intereat made hy: (SPECIFY 'IYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Pearl L.F. Herbert aka 'Ihc premises herein is sitwlcd in SUFFOLK COlJN"IY. NEW YORK. Pearl Herbert TO In IIr ToWl1llhip of : Southold Michael Z. Herbert. as to a 1/2 interestlnllrVILLAGI:: As TIC or HAMLET of Cutchogue BOXES 5 'IHRU 9 MUST DE TYPED OR PRINI'ED IN DlACK INK ONLY I'RIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING, (OVER) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORD:ING PAGE Type of ID8trullU!lDt: DBlmS/DDD NUmber of Page8: 3 Receipt HUmber : 06-0009361 TRANSFER TAX RuaaER: 05-25166 Recorded: At: 01/27/2006 02:10:22 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012433 026 District: 1000 SectioD: Block: 084.00 04.00 BDMINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 loot: 002.000 Deed Amount: Received the 1'011o.iDg Pees For Ahove IDstrumeDt Exempt Exempt Page/PiliDg $9.00 NO HaIldliDg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Trall.fer tax $0.00 NO CODIIII.Pres $0.00 NO I'ee. Paid $149.00 TRANSPBR TAX NOMBIR: 05-25166 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' TO INSTRmmNT THIS IS NOT A BIloL " , PLEASE TYPE OR PRESSFiFiMLY WHEN WamNG bN"FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/, www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS eo.- S<7. ?,$, fl,'?, I C2. ~ Deed Rilla"" I O/,:j,?,~ I ..... ... =w;.:- e&. hll8l ,eJ,;;l. , hi C3._ PROPERTY INFORMATION ""-1 "-lIon 5655 l...u..-u Cutchogue CI'VWllCMN COX LANE ...... -- 2."'- - HERBERT. LAlTUII"I/~ LAIr "/1XIMWft' 1 T.. ___T..IIIIII...lDbo_ I III1ng -____111_"_. - I P.O. Box 177 I'''' _I MID mI!l!T"" .. IndIaIe the ,........ at A_ - -III ReI ...... _..r_.... 0Il...._ .I{~:", LU'.....'~'Y REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE OF _ YlIIIK STAlE BOARD OF REAL ..........._ RP - 5217 II'GI'7 ... 1M w,... 111935 .. <OW MICHAEL Z. ..., -- . 1- NIIT_ " h}, e# lua ::\:-. .....,fMIIII Cutchogue CITY OR RMN NY irA!, I 11935 .. .... II .00Po...... OR D Ponol.P..... I.=.,. I - Ixl 101.1 "II:1/I'I. """_1 ..... ..- - HERBER~ LAST _, .~ 10nIy._...___....,......" 4A. PllIIlIna __Sooblt__UiIIa 0 ....."<I'"_ApprvooI_Roq_IorTlII_ 0 C.___IorS<ilIdMlionwilll Mop- 0 PEARL'L.F. aka PEARL ~Iu.. LAIr """/COMMtft' .....- 7.~""IloIl_wh"" __-.toIy_...._ ......_ ......_01..... A~ OnoF.mJIy_ II Zor3F.mlly_1 C __01 V.....1.Ind D Non nl.Uantill VlClm LInd I SALE INFORMATION l 11....._ _ E ~ AgricuIIurol F c:amn.dol c; Apo_ II e_I"-l! ""'......m -....----- .. 0wnInhIp '!',po it CondornHum "__...V_uncI -",-",~_....-- -Buyor_._.._indicoling ...Iho _ it -'.n AgrIcoIluroJ DioIoIo o o o o J~~SaMco J _ K ...- 5oMco I. _ ,..-..........- I 0 0 0 I ---......- . , . . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DtaI tIIoIIld ,_,lie _ Final ......mtnl Rolland Ta. Bill n/a,' IICllWl _ , ... '2._"_'~ I" - 8!l I 't , 05 llor _ . , Q 0 .01 , , . tF..SoIo_itlho...._poidlar...._~__. 11110 _, .... be In .... Ionn "cah. _ _ or...... or"" _1njItion 01 marI,g1gll Of oU_ ob.......... ,..,., I'DCItId to .......... ... doIIM MICJIIIIt. '3.FuII_...... 11. G-* _. moN of.... _....... .... a. to.....r.: . __or__ . .. .- EW. ....... ReIMOd ea,np.n_ or PInnIrI in Bu__ Onooliho~Io....._ ~or_Io_Agoncyor LendIng_ Dood T_ ... Worr_ or......1n and _ISpocllv _ _ 01 F_I or Loa thon Fto _ (Spodly_l SIgnmc.. ClIo_In "'-'" -. T_ _.ncI __ 501o.'_III_ln__ 0Ih00- U...... F-. ~ _ PrlatlSpoclly_ Nono s (\fJ~Ioek''''.?4 A B C D E F c; " r J ,..v_... .-,IReI-105/06117.T__V_lofol_In_1 ....... ~""'..~.......... :. 5'..0.0 I . , Cv..-k.~~ ,.. ......,., aooo 1l.3tJ I-LJ ,..___1 ; ; Mo;f:t-;..rIALIl . .. To. MIp_ 1_""11 ..........__. ---............_111 1000-084-04-002 I I CERTIFICATION I I artII1- 011 vi.......... vl_ ......... 11IiI_ III ......... _ .to lilt bo!II or.., ........... ....1IoIIIIl.... I __ _ .... -... allIIQ' .. _ _ aI_ ... _ wII...... IlIt 10.... .....wa... vi.... ..... .... _.. 10.... -...... ..... vI""_ irJ '''''. -- ':... ,. ....,...... .....,~ .......-. evr*fDuJ:: CIIY"_ / 1t7">{" AI '1 ..... ",COIlI 631 727-0050 -- -.... " NEW YORK STATE COpy \,.