HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12403 P 560 .. .: q ~5- Lf~/3 , " , SlInd.reI N. Y.8.T.U. Farm 8002 - 81_1nd SIIe Deed, _ CcMnInt ogoinll GrlIIllll'I Ads - UniIann Adl~ r'" Form 3210 CONIULT YOUR LAWYER SEFORE ~N1~ lHlS ~7-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE U8ED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 2f! day of 1" , 2005 BETWEEN L\1L+03 'q 5CoO THOMAS J. IlATRICK, residing 171 Csrter Strest, Manchester, Connecticut 06040, the perty of the first part, and MATTITUCK FARM HOLDINGS, LLC, a New York limited liability company with offices at 2299 North Sea Road, Southampton, New York 11968, the perty of the IMlCOnd part, WITNESSeTH, that the party of the first part, in oonsideretion of TEN and 00/100 (510.00) dollars, snd other good and valuable oonsiderelion paid by the party of the II8COIId part, doelI hereby grant and release unto the perty of the saoond part, the heirs or IUCCllSSOIlI and _igns of the party of the ucond part forever, All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situata, lying and being in the Town of Southold, at Cutchogue, County of Suffolk and State of New Yoik, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Middle Road (C.R. 48) at the southeest comer of land now or fonnerly of Machinchick; said point also being distant easterly 381.51 feel as meesured along same from the intersec:lion of the easterly side of Horseshoe Drive with the northerly side of Middle Road; RUNNING THENCE along said land the following two courses and distances: 1. North 38 degrees 52 minutes 30 IMlCOnds West, 179.49 feel; 2. South 58 degrees 23 minutes 30 IMlCOndS West, 100 feel; RUNNING THENCE North 38 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds West, 1813.04 feel; RUNNING THENCE North 47 degrees 48 minutes 50 IMlCOnds East, 142.14 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 39 degrees 14 minutes 10 IMlCOndS East. 2015.49 feel to the northerly Hne of Middle Road (Roule 48); RUNNING THENCE along said line in a westerly direc:lion on an arc: to the right having a radius of 5869.58 feet, a distance of 55.40 feet 10 the point or place of BEGINNING. ..." Being and Intended 10 be the same premises conveyed 10 the perty of the first pert by deed dated 3121196, recorded 6I3Ill6 in Uber 11778 pege 527, the grantor herein being the same person as the grantee in deed recorded in L1ber 11778 page 527. TOGETHER with all1igh~ We and inlel1lll~ if any, of the party of the first part In and to any slresls and roads abulllng the above cle&c:ribed PflImise& to the center lines theI8of; TOGETHER with the appurtenance. and all the 881s1e and righls of the party of the first part in and to said PflIml888; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the p18mlB88 heAlin granted unto the perty of the II8COIId part, the heirs or succ..sors and _igns d the party of the IIClOOnd palt forever. AND the Pilrty of the first palt covenanls that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premi888 have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenanls that the party of the first Pilrt will receive the oonsideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to recelve such oonslderation 88 a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the 0081 of the impravement and wUI apply the lMIe first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before lISing any part of the total d the same for any other pulpOll8. The word "party" shall be oonstrued 88 if it resd "parties" when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part h written. IN PRESENCE o.~~ jIJftd9 executed this deed the day and year first above , . . : . .~ .S..... of New York, County or ..: TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE .1: On !he d8y or ,In ilia r-r before me. lIIe undersigned. pellOIl8Uy eppeared pel8OI1lIIIy Icoown III me or proIftId III me on !he bes. or utisfaclOly evidence III be !he Indhriduel(s) wtae neme(s) Ia (ere) sublcribed III !he willlin inslrumenI end ecknowtadged III me thlIl he/IheIIIl8y 8IIlIClUI8d IIIe ...... in htsIherllheir ClIp8dIy(Ies), end thlIl by hislherllheir signlllul8(s) on lIIe InslIurnent. Ihe IndhIIdUll(s). or !he peIIOII upon behlIIf or which Ihe indivicluel(s) 1ICIed. llll8CUIed Ihe insIrument. (signlllure end oflIce or indivldUlll laking ecknowledgmenl) SIeIlI or New York, County of SuIfoIk On Ihe dey or . in IIIe yeer before me, lIIe undenlgned, persllIllIIIy eppeared penIOIllIIty Icoown III ma or proved 10 me 01\ Ihe bee. or ulIsf8cloly evidence III be !he lndMdual(l) whole neme(1) . (ere) subeaibed 10 Ihe _ inIIrumenl end lICIcnclwIedged III me lIIel heIaheIlIIey 8IIlIClUI8d Ihe ...... in IriIIherIIIlIIr CBpec:Ity(In), end that by hislhen'lhelr slgnlllul8(l) on Ihe inIlIumenl, Ihe lndlvlduel(l), or !he peIIOII upon beheIf or which lIIe individUlll(l) 8ded, U8CUI8d !he Instrument. (signature end olllce or individulll18king eckllowtedgJl*lt) Slate (or Dislrict of Cofumbla. TerrIIory, or Foreign Counlry) or CONNECTICUT II: On Ihe 29th d8y or Ju 1 Y , In lIIe r-r 2005 before me, !he undersigned. peraoneDyappeared THOMAS J.. MAlRlCK paraonally Icoown III me or proved III me on !he be.. or aatilfactory 8Vid8nc:e ID be 11I8 individual(l) whole neme(1) . (ere) IUbec:rIbed 10 Ihe wIlIIln Instrument and ac:knwJtldged III me Ihal heIsheIlhey 8IIlIClUI8d Ihe ...... in hIaIheIJlheIr CBpecity(I8I), end 11I81 by hillherllhelr slgnature(l) on Ihe 1nsbumenI, ilia indIvIdual(s). or !he peIIOII upon behalf or which !he Individualel) 1ICIed. 8IIlIClUI8d !he Instrument. entIlhal suc:h Individual mede such ~nc:e before the InIenIgned In ilia Manchester in Connecticut . (l_lIIe City or _r poIilic8Isu_1 ~and inlll! lIIe SIelo or "(f:f!r~'1e:l:8/;".'''II- - -) (signature and oIb of Individual teIII"II acknowlecIgItnal . NoItIry PublIC . Robert F. DeMarchi ~ commission expires 10/31/2009 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. THOMAS J. MATRICK TO MATTlTUCK FARM HOLDINGS, LLC STMIMIm fORIIOF NEW YORK BOARD OF TI1UE UNUInUUlUI DiIIrIIluI8dby o Common~~~!t.~"_,,y C."~IMC.""'EALTlII..v;D T1TLE 1~RA.''CIH;CI\t'''''''''Y , SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY I I i! P.i ~ ! g Ii . I I ~Ifb ,. IlECORDtO 2005 Aug 1507;58;48 A'I Edward P.RoIIIalne ClERK IF SUFFW< 0J00v L 000012403 P560 DT' 05-02115 Number'of I"'aa J TORRENS Serial /I CeIlirlClllc II Prior clr. II Deed . Mortp&e Instrumenl Deed I MOfI&IIIe Tu. Stamp I'IiUS . ReconIilll I l'ilin& Slamps 3 Page I Fiiillll Pee Hamllillll Colnm. of Ed. 5. .!IlL MOIIpp AmL I. Basic: Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub TOIaI Spec:. I AssiL or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ . Held for Appoiam,p!-,hr- TllInsrerTu. .IL~. DO Mansinn Tax 5 .QlL TP-S84 NOI~lion EA-S217 (Counly) EA-S217 (Stille) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TOIaI ~. 4 Real Propcny Tax Service Agency Verificalion Sub TOIaI OrandTu1aI~ J The propeny covered by lhiI IIIOI3DJIC ill or will be improved by . one or lwo runily dwellilll only. YES or NO If NO. I"" appropriate 1alt clause on POJe . or Ibis iDSU\lmenL Affidavil Cenificd Copy Reg. Copy Other Preservation Fund ~ 1000 0&500 ~ 0400 013000 Improved VlK:anl Land >< 6 Sali5fllClionlDiachlUJCSlReleasc UII Propcny Owners Mailing AcJdn:ss O:k/~~;~/t.L/' /JH.':it: Ja- 4;ji' Ifj. , /i,v/,O. . III/, 1 Suffolk County Recor 11'is page ronnJ.s ~ of ~he 7 (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~ /h~lYIft.j . m4.h~;' /) The premisis hcn:in is silUaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE~ORK.. / /lI~r.L.. / JI/,,-. L~' InlhcTownshipof ,.~ fn~UV ~_----1J.~ In Ihc VILLAOe" . J or HAMLL'T of BOXES 6THROUOH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR PILING. (0_) TO 10 TO TO l1t1e Company Inronnadon COMMONWEALTH Endorsement Pa e made by: 111111111111111 ml III 1111 1111 11111 Ilml 1111 1111 1111111111111111111111 ltu....oLlt COtJJft'Y CLBIl1t UCORDS ODJ:CB RIlCOlUJDIG PAGE '!'ype of I_t:zoum8Dt: 1 DBBDS/mm 1IWDbe:r of Page. 1 3 Rece1pt: Rambe:r 1 05-0084585 '1'RAIISI'BR TAX IIIUIIBBR: 05-02115 R.eC0:r4e41 At: 1 08/15/2005 07158148 All LJ:BBR: PACD: DO0012403 560 Di.t::rictl 1000 Sectical Block 1 095.00 04.00 .......".1Imft AlII) CllARGBD AS FOLLOWS $415,120.00 Lot: I 013.000 Deed AIaDwl.t: 1 Recelftld the Fallowlag I'ee. Fa:r Ahcwe ID.t:zoum8Dt: ~ 1I.t:. page/l'lllDg COB U-CTY '1'P-S84 Rft 'l'Z'lUUIfe:r t:ax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,862.00 110 110 110 110 110 110 1I."'''1.iDg $!5 . 00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,802.40 $9,813.40 B1r-wt: 110 110 RO 110 110 110 IIYS ..,..... U-STA'1'B Ce:rt:.Cople. 8C'I'II CClIIIID.P:re. ..... Pale! '1'RAIfSJ'BR '!'AX 1IUJI1lII!., 05-02115 '!'BIS :PAD IS A PAR'!' 01' '1'ID DlS'l'atlIClooIT '!'BIS IS RO'1' A BILL Bdwa:r4 l' .llamaiDe Cowlt:" Cle:rk, SUffolk COUDt" PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS-FiIiMiYWHEN WR~ ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stBts.ny.ul or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY .' 1'-/, 7. .j g,"!. ql cz. _ _ Rmnlod I & ,IS" ,&.:f' I MorlI'l IJIIw' Y..- 1:3._1 I...J:{~ d, ~U"-I.5. b.D. RP - 5217 C1. SWII CadlI ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT . ITATE 1If NEW YORK ITATE IIIIARD Of REAl-.nY IIEIlVICEI 1lP-m7 ... .VrJ PROPERTY INFORMATION 1.=1 19m I cou~2.~ad 48 ....".--. Soutbold CIIV OIIIUMf CutchollUS - 111935 ..""" z. ...,.. - Mettituck Fsrm Holdings. LLC lAP ..../Cl:IWAN\l' .-- LMIUIlIl'~ ,........ 3. T.. ~..... tuIurI T. ..... tobl_ ..... .-............_,.._"'_,1 - I alMiI ...... AND an".1 ~ LMT NMII/~ -- L~I - FIII*IFU:l Ixl "'"" IORI .6 .1 .3 I ...... I I ITill P'1XIIIlI' ~._",.__.""oppIy: 4A.1'IIInnIIw_"""_llolIID:IIyba 0 "Sl1ld'_~__IarT_ 0 c....... AI:tInMd far c.....~.. .. PrcMdId 0 CII'l'QllfOMl 4-1rIdIc-............... fila Cion.' Roll...... ,_oA....4 OIl... .... 1 I ,"'Po...,. OR 0 Portot.Po.... L_ - Metrick ~"""'CIDIINN'I' ThOlll8B J. ..... .... I.MT..../~ ........ 7._........____lIIy_...._"'..._..""'-"'- A~ Ono F.mlly II1II_" B 2""'__' C _IV_LInd D Nano_1io1 V_loIId I SALe INFORMATION I 11.___ r:;~ Ag,,,""...1 ~ CammuniIy_ F Com......, . J _riol o Ape_ .__ H E_I_I. _ -....--.-oppIy: & 0wl00n0hIp T_ 10__ .. Naw CanItru:IIon on V... Land _ "'-'" LocIIod wilhln on ......- _ ,..~_._--.. """_.10..'-_ o o o o 5 - , 31 ... , 05 - 11. CIIlIIl_.. .... .. _ ...IL.... .........._ IIaIIIIIr. A ___",,",-__ B ___eom..,...",_In__ C Ono "'.... IIuyoto 10 _. Sol.. o Buyer or s...... II Ger..J,...... Agency or I..Dnding InIIitudon F. Ooad Typo.. W....noy '" Bolllllln ond -1IIIoc:iI't_ I' ...."',-"'.........,.-ISt>IOIlV_ (; Sla_a.ngoln",- _T___S.lollob II _"'_10_..__ I 0Ih0r Un_,__ -... _ Preo 1IpocIlv_ J _ 11._"'_/T_ 8 - , 5 ... , 05 - 11.___ ,4. 6, 5 ~ 1, 2. 0 ~ 0 . 0 I IF.. _ Prlco 10 "" _ __ pokI 10. "" _Including por-..J_. ThiI PIYfNd: rnIy blln lht 10m aI caM. 001" PfCIDIftY or aoc*. Dr 1M .....mpilon of I'I'lOI1gIOII or aIhIr obliptionlJ ,.... round 10 lINt...... ..... dQIW ......,. 14._1110_"'_ I t:\ 0 0 I pnpII'ly.......... .......... . I Il~ _ . _ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DItI lhould ....... Ih. _ F1n.i_m.nl Rail ond Till Bill 1"=""'~':'::-1l4/1l5 I 17.T__V_IGl.........._1 , , 1 7 0 0 ; . 1&"-rc:loH I 1.2 .0 I-LJ 11.___ I Mettituck 2O.T.......__I__III___.____...._I'" 1000-95-4-13 I I CERTIFICATION I I ftI1IrJI. 011"'''''''''' "'...... ,.- _..1I1loi __ _...__ ,.......... "'11\1............... __... . . .............. "'III) ..IIIIUI...... - rrI.......IiIc1_.... 0IIbJ0d _... III ....woo.. III.... ..... .... _................ _ .... "'10M........... !l!m BUYER'S ATTORNEY Kattituck Parm Holdings. LLC B Bruyn 1M'''''''' Wayne D. ...: IlM"A 631 -- 283-7007 -- ~reW NEW YORK STATE COPY