HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12368 P 416 . " I N.Y.S. .Real Estate Tral18fer'T $1.980.00 L, IJ.. ~('f" f '-f/fo ft 1f / S'S--- L- L z.. Fonn KIIlI~ 1W991 . 20M - 1IIrpi..... 501< Il<N. willi ecw.u., ...i... 0......" AcU-lodivlduol... CarponIian. 1......_1 aaIJ....TYOUaLA1lRll_____TIIIII.... J ...-...-..... _.....IDULD..-.,......--.y. THIS INDENTURE, made lhe: 6th day of January 2005 BETWEEN THOMAS THOMPSON and ELIZABETH A. THOMPSON, at 2890'Bridge Lane, cutchogue, New York 11935 .nd his wife, residing party nflh. firsl pllrt. .nd Mattituck, New 7. flnd k evin /I. (',/:1~, "// , IfJ Ju.rb.-l/l'Pf' NOREEN MCKlilIlNA, residing at 490 Manor Hill Lane, w,1 f' York 11952 parly of the second pan. WITNFA'i.'iETH.lhatlhe pony nf lhe: first plIII. in .'OMicletalion nf lOll doll.... anel OIhe:r Vlluabl. c:oasicIerllion paiel by the party of lhe: ....'DnlI pari. el0C5 hereby cmnl ancl releR unlo d1e parlY of lhe lIeI:OIId put. lhe heirs llI' suec:eSSOl'llllllCl assigns of d1e party of lhe second part flltever, AU. Ihal c.nain plnl. piece llI' po",el of land. with lhe builclil!l5 and im~mcnl5 lhereon erec:ted. siluale. Iyillll ancI bein in-the- at CUtchogue, in the Town o~ Southold, county of Suffolk and ~tate of New York, known and designated on a ceratin Map entitled, .Subdivieion Map of Ismar Acres", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 3/13/73 as Map No. 5872, being shown on said Map as Lot No. 10, said Lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: ~tl BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Bridge Lane, said po1nt being the division line between Lots 10 and 11 on aforementioned Map; thence from said point of beginning, along said division line, North 370 19' 00. East, 327.60 feet to lands now or formerly of FOster; thence along said lands of Foster, South 540 14' 00. East, 120.00 feet to the other lands of Foster; thence along said lands, South 340 41' 20. West, 325.00 feet to the northerly side of Bridge Lane; thence along said northerly side of Bridge Lane, North 550 18' 40. West, 135.00 feet to the point of place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated september 16, 1981 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on september 18, 1981 in Liber 9071 Page 363. TI)GETHER wilh .11 riShl, Iii I. und ;mere... if un)', nf lhe pony "f th. fir~l pon, in ond "' any ~Irccl. :ind Nad. ubulling lhe ubn..-d.",ribed pre mi... 10 Ihe cenler line. lherenf: TOGETIIF.R with lhe appunenance. .nd ulllh. e.lol. and riShl' "flhe p.ny nf lhe Ii.... pon in .nd lu ..id ptemi...: TO HAV" AND TO 1I0l.D Ih. premi... h.rein grunl.d unullh. p.n)' ..r lh. ",:."nd purl. lhe hei... or .ucee,,,,.. ond u..ign. of Ihe p.rly nf lh. secnnd purl f"..ver, ANI> Ihe pany ..flh. fi",l p.rl eo,'.nunl.lhullh. part)' of Ih. fi.... pnn h... nlll d"ne nr ourr.red .n)'lhlftll ,,'herehy ,hI: said premises huvc been c:m:~mbcred in un)' wuy ","hnlever. c:"'''"Cf'I u:r. ..fun:"."aid. ANI> lhe purl)' "I'lh. Iir'l pun. in ."mpli.lI.e ,,"h Seelinn I) ..flh. I.i.n I..w. en,en.n"lhal Ih. purl)'..f Ih. fint flur, ",om rrccoiy". Ihi: cun!loiderOllictn for .hi" cunvcyun.:e and will hold the right 'n rcc.'C'ivl: Much cl\nllidera alion a. . Iru" fund 10 h. applied 1'...1 fnr lh. purpo.. of puying Ihe ....tof lhe improvem.nl .nd will .pply Ih. sum. fi...IIO Ih. puym.nl of Ih. enOl of Ih. improv.m.nl before uoing uny parI of Ih. InIal of lh. ..m. for any nlh.r purpn... The w..rd "purly" .h.1I be e"niMued u, if il ..ad ..p.ni.... when.,..,r Ih. ...:n.. nf Ihi. indenlu",,, .....ui.... IN WITNESS WHEREOF.lh. puny "f lh. Ii",1 p.n hUH duly.x uled Ihi, de.d lhe duy und ye.r fi...1 nhe,v. ",rilltn. I~P.I'~"s"'!"~f I T ~~ B iz~th .dw.II....on Page 2 of 3 AcIaIou.~ Jr.. ..a.1I taken In NNYorII: .... State of Nft 'IbrIc. Counly of Suffolk on lhlI 6th dIly 01 January ,In the yaar2005 . _ ma, the undallllllned, palllanally appear8d THOMAS THOMPSON and ELIZABETH A. 'l'llOMPSON pellloneUy known to me or proved to me on the balll 01 ..IIaIllclory ..!din.... to be IhlI lndMcluallll whoaa namell)-la 1118111Ubacrlbacl to 1M within lnalrumant and aclu-'11Iged 10 me that of!aIttheIlhay e.leuted the ..me In 1l1elher/thelr capaellyl.I), end thet by klaAIef/lhelr IllInltul8(l) on the lnatrumant, IhlIlndIvIduaIlll or the pnon upon behalI of which the Indlvldull(l) acted, e.cuIlId IhlIInaInlmenl. ,,~ ~-//J Motaty PUbl~ 1ICIWID'.lNIl ~~=.. Q)... . . .l'JdII Aag.1l~ AcllnDWIldgan_1 by SUbacrtblng W111_e ...... In Nft YorlI state _1ecIaen-d tabn In NftYorlc state , II: Stele of Naw Yorlc, Counly 01 .": On IhlI dIly of , In IhlI yaar the undallllgned, pelllOnally appaarad I before me. palllonally known 10 me or proved to me on Ihe ba.l. 01 IIIIIaIIIcIory IMdaIIClI to be "'" Indlvlduallll whoaa name(.) I. I-I ....Ibad to IhlI wllhln Inatl\lllllllll and 1Idu-'edged to me thet helahelthay executed the ..me In hfalherllhelr capaclty(lel), and Ihat by hlalharllhelr .",naIll18(1) on the I~ 1hlI1ndIvIduaJ(.) or the pnon upon behalI of which 1hlI1ndIvIduaI(.) acIlId, -.red IhlIInatrurnanL AcIlnawIecl...-tean ~ NftYorll state Sla,e 01 New Yorlc, Counly of , .: . Slate of , Counly 01 , II: . lor In..rt DlatriCl of Columbia, Territory, """"'aaton or foreign Country) On the day of , In Ihe year lhe unde..Igned, personllly appHred . before me, IhlI aubllcrlblng wI1n_ to "'" IorlIgoIng 'Mllumenl, wlIlI whom I em personally acquainted, who balnll by me duly IIWOrn, dld dapoaa and Illy, Ihat heIlIheIIhay I8lldalllln lhall1lllahelllHlr 1mw(1) to be IhlIIndlvlduaI dUcrtblId In and who -.dlha IoragoIng lnatrumant lhal aaIcI aubacrlblng __ wel praaent and_lIlIId e.ecule the same; ancl Ihat laid wllna.. at Ihe ..me lima 8IAle..1bad hllllh8tllhelt name(1)" a wftnaaa IhentIo. TIIleNo.: THOMAS THOMPSON and ELIZABETH A. THOMPSON TO 1I0REEII McKENNA Distributed by Chlrago Title Insuranc:e Company P 3 f 3 On the day of , In the yor the unda..lgned, personally apPa8l8d . balorll me, palllonally known to me or provad to me on 'the baai. 01 ""aIactofy avldance to be the Indfvlclu8l(1) whoaa nama(a) Ia (are) SUbllcrlbed to IhlI wlthln lnatrument and acknDWledged to me thai halahe/they e..eUled the ..me In hlalher/thalr capacltyl"II, Ihal by hlalher/thalr lillnalurelll on the lnatrumanl, the lndivtdual(l) or the person upon bahaII 01 which ilia indlvldu8l111 acted, IIlllICIIl8d the lnalrumanl, and that lIUCh 1ncIvtdu1' made auc:h app8arenca baIont IhlI undarIignlId In 1M ladd thl clty or politic8llUbdiVllion Ind the IIeIe or country or Dlhe. pIaca the aclu-*'llemant waa lakenl. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR lOWN RE'I\IRN IIY _L 10: MELINDA 1wBIN, ESQ. 186 W. MONTAUK HWY. - SUITE D-4 l/AMPTON ATRIllM HAMPTON BAYS, NY 11946 Zip No. aRe 0 I I l!I I ! I, ! " , . . I of I, NIIIMcr of paacs 3 TORRENS .' RECOR[IED 2005 Jan 27 02:25:38 PIt Ea"ard P. i!oMai~ CLERK (f' SlFF(lJ( CIUlTY' ,.. L DOOOI2:68 P 416. ' '" ,-" '.:: DTi 04-26356... . ... '.. Serialt# CcrtifICllle t# ... Prior Ctf. t# Deed / Monaaae Iosuumcnt . I..:. . 3 Deed / MOI'lp&C Tax Stamp fEllS Rec:onIing / FIIintI SlIIIDJl5 :.:-.1 S. 00 MOI'lp&C Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additioaa1 Tax Sub Total . ;1, SpecJAasit. ..... ,", Page / Filing Fcc Handling TP-SI4 .- ....... , , , . ,.to. NOlaIion . or- ," ,I. . 'II"'~' ~ S. 00 . " .', ...' Spec./Add. TOT. MTG.l'AX Dual1bwn _ Dual County _ Held for AppoiDlmcnt '. Transfer TU _' Cj fb Maosion Tax The property covaed by this'D1llItgqe is 01' will be illlplOved!by' a:one or two family dwelling only. i I . .1 YES or NO ", . If NO, see appropriate t.U clau5e OD page /I of this lnswmcnt. EA-S217 (County) EA-S217 (SIaIe)' R.P.T.SA. Comm. of Ed. Sub Total Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Sun:barge Other IS. J!!L Sub Total GrandTota1~ if 4 085.00 Section 02.00 Block 2.000 Lot 5 CollUllaalty PruerYatloa J'aDd Consideration Amount $/ ..',' ,':' Real Propert,--- ..- --- --. .-. . -.-.. .. - - - ""' Tax Service i 05003502 1000 08500 0200 022000 i ~:~ -. .. . 6 Satisfactionsll)ischalcascs List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD 81 RETURN TO: KELlimA ~~II, EsQ. - 186 W. HOtlTAUI. HIlY. - SUITE D-4 IWIPTOII ATKIUM 1lAMP1'01I BAYS, IIY 11946 ". 'I CPF Tax Due. .~ $' 6.900.00 Improved X Vacant Land TD 10 TD TD Title Com Information Suffolk. Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This ~orms part of the attached Deed (SPECIFY TYPE Of INSTRUMENT) . The premises beRin is silWllcd in SUffOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. made by: TIIOIlAS THOKPSOII and ELlZAlIETH A. TIIOHPSOII In the 1bwn&hip of Southold In the VIU.AGE \-{r.u,-,., A____CIJ"..LI.. odlAMLETof Cutcbolue BOXES'THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) TO 1I0DEII KcKEllllA Pale 1 of 3 111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111 111111111111 111111111101 SOFPOLK COO:NTY CLBRK RBCORDS O....ICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DUD NUmber of Page.. 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0009887 TRANS"BR TAX NOMBBR: 04-26356 Record.d. At: 01/27/2005 02.25.38 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012368 416 District: Section. Block. Lot: 1000 085.00 02.00 022.000 BDMINED AJID CKAllGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed .AIIIount. $495,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above In.trument .....""'lpt ......-.pt Page/Piling $9.00 NO KaDdling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHO $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTJI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,980.00 NO CCIIlIIl1.Pre. $6,900.00 NO Pee. Paid $9,029.00 TRANSFER TAX HUllBBR. 04-26356 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THB INSTR1JJIBllIT THIS IS HOT A BILL Ed..rd P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:// www.orps.stste.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Fq\, "coUNTY US.E ONLY ci. .- eo. ,. REAL PROPERTY lltANSFER REPORT I y; 7, '-f.~,t'r I C2.om_R",,,1od I Oil <i,?/~)1 - , CI._ I /:.l..J.6 ~1C4.P_1 'Y./-6 PROPERTY INFORMAnON "=1 2890 .'-'- STAn OF NEW YOIII[ STAn_OF_____ RP . 5217 IN.:n.. "" Bridge Lane -- ~=I~'V. ....... Southold Cutcholue - I ~,l.~ z. ...,.. - McKenna .....'IJM.-/~ Noreen ......... CPo h', \.. L LMJ __,Cl;IWMY I. Ta I...... wNrI fulul'l Ta .11 a,. 10 be 1M I ..... _____"_lIIIbml. -- J:i.GJ I J ~ .....r~'~ ,..,.,.,... .'--" ....... ""'1'11I&1'" an OIl nMII . IfAlll .. Lllm 4. ....... .... ....... .. a __t Hal ..... .._......4 oadle .... Ii. ::::.... I - -.... Ixl ...... . IllR I 'M:IlIS' .9 ,5 I 1DnIr.-IIII.__........... 4A. PIInn/ng _ _ "~1'_. AUlIoriIy EIdoII 0 ....___IIoquhd....T_ 0 c.. PMII AppnMd" ......1u11kM, willi" PnMdId 0 1 1'01"''- llR D "'~o/._ ..- - ThOlllp80D UIIIT__'~ Th0lllll8 ""'NM"l! I.AIT....,~ rJIII'1IM'E 7. a.- .... .... ...... whIah __ ....., -.-the .... of..........., at IhII ...... aI ... Thompson Elizabeth A. A~ lJno Fon01y -~~~~ E ~ Ag~ku<ll B Z0I3F..IIy_1II F _ C _"_nILIIId G ....._ D NDn....J1J ...... Vlam lind H E__'....u_ l SALE INFORMAllON I "._-- 11 I it I 04 .... - , ",_"_,''- 1 I 6 I 05 .... ..... - -...--........... .. _p lyPo 10-..... . ~ c:or.nuNay SIrvb .. New Con& ...... - on v.... I.Md J -.. _ "'-'r--"AgrIdInI_ K _ SIMco '''Iujor_._.--... L F_ 1hIIU._IoIn..AgrtcuIIwoI_ 'II.a.Ir.__............ -. Ill. - .. .....-.:: o o o o It. H C I) Ii I' G H I J 801o__ar__ 101o__Campo_ar_lnllull_ Ono...... ...,...10 _ . _ 8uyor ar SoIIar 10 _..........., ar LoncIinlI_ Iload lyPo _ Wwronoy ar _1IId -1-'0_ Solo 11II_ OIl-. _ FoI_lSpocIfy_ __~ln~_T_SIoIuoIlld_llIIoo _"8__1_10__ 0lIlw U_ _ "'11-*'II1010 PlloolSpoclfy_ Nono .4,9,5,0,0,0,0,01 , , . IFull_ _10......... .moum poId lor.... _1_11II"'-_. Thlo _ _ bo In t/Io Iorm III -. _ _ rw...... or IIlo ....mpUon 01 __ rwolhorollllpUoa.l __.. ...___........ ...-...-..- I NIl. , 0 , 0 I __Inllll_ . . . .-.-. ASSESSMENT INFORMAlION - OlIO ......Id relIlllt the 1_ Flnol _mom RoIl.nc1 Tu Bill .3,N1__ ,..y_..' '-&--1 0,4 I 17.T....__IoI.._In_1 ...... .................... , , ,7 .4 .0 .0 , 1.........._ 12.1, Ol-LJ 11.___1 Kattituck-Cutchogue U.F.S.D. 2D. T_ MIlt ........w I ... . . .- w t'men .... .....1iIIIIh .......... ......... ........Wt 085-2-22 I I CERTlFlCAlION l .....,_..",11Io_",...... .......-.............._...._'..11Io.......11II111.. I '-_~...I-<L. '-1IIo1lllldoa ...., -.... - .._lOcI...... ..III.......... 11Io _............. . "'_11I11Io -.._ -.",_ ___... BUYER"8 ATnREY ~,~~ ,1/6/05 1IlMJI_,.... Noreen McKenna DAtt I~~- JIll"""" Rubin .-...... Melinda A. -- .teflI' ....r_ 631 --- 723-0800 -- ~....~MoL 1193 S I~ BY.II! 1~ ~r; ~ ,1/6/05 .....TUII: Tb . Ta.emPSOD Dm Rlb.ll....th A. ThDmDlOOn ..- NEW YORK STATE COPY '"